Reproduction of the results of the 3d cylinder Re = 3900

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Anthony Larroque

Oct 13, 2020, 12:23:44 PM10/13/20
to PyFR Mailing List

Dear PyFR developers,

I would like to reproduce the results of the cylinder at Re = 3900 of your articles:
- On the utility of GPU accelerated high-order methods for unsteady flow simulations: A comparison with industry-standard tools
- Heterogeneous computing on mixed unstructured grids with PyFR

I downloaded the supplementary material of both articles. However, in the .ini, I did not see anything related to the spanwise or time average quantities, except the solver-plugin-sampler for the points. My guess was that you used the soln-plugin-tavg. But I am struggling to integrate the values along the spanwise direction with Paraview.


- could you give any tips on how to integrate the field quantities in the spanwise direction ?
- how were you able with PyFR to separate the time average wake profiles of the mode-H and mode-L ?
- regarding the probes in the solver-plugin-sampler, should not also these quantities been averaged in the span wise direction to compare it with the article of Lehmkuhl et al. ? If you did this, how did you perform it ?

Anthony Larroque

Freddie Witherden

Oct 13, 2020, 12:49:35 PM10/13/20
Hi Anthony,

On 13/10/2020 11:23, Anthony Larroque wrote:
> I downloaded the supplementary material of both articles. However, in
> the .ini, I did not see anything related to the spanwise or time average
> quantities, except the solver-plugin-sampler for the points. My guess
> was that you used the soln-plugin-tavg. But I am struggling to integrate
> the values along the spanwise direction with Paraview.

The manuscript pre-dates the time averaging and point sampling plugins
by some years. As such all post-processing was done by hand. Files
were written to disk with some frequency and then averaged together as a
post processing step.

> - could you give any tips on how to integrate the field quantities in
> the spanwise direction ?

Usually the best solution is to sample a set of points along a series of
straight lines in the spanwise direction. Each line can then be
integrated using the trapezium rule. ParaView can be used to perform
the required sampling.

> - how were you able with PyFR to separate the time average wake profiles
> of the mode-H and mode-L ?

If I recall, we perform a windowed average and so we ended up with
multiple time averages that could be inspected.

> - regarding the probes in the solver-plugin-sampler, should not also
> these quantities been averaged in the span wise direction to compare it
> with the article of Lehmkuhl et al. ? If you did this, how did you
> perform it ?

This can be accomplished by placing multiple probes along a given
spanwise coordinate and then averaging as appropriate.

Regards, Freddie.

Anthony Larroque

Oct 14, 2020, 5:24:24 AM10/14/20
to PyFR Mailing List

Hi Freddie,

Thank you very much for your answers !

Anthony Larroque
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