difference between prestosql & prestodb

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Apr 22, 2019, 12:14:48 AM4/22/19
to Presto
I wanna known the difference between prestodb & prestosql , i have got confused. Thanks guys

Matthew Fuller

Apr 22, 2019, 10:52:57 AM4/22/19
to presto...@googlegroups.com
Hi There!
Thanks for the question. Happy to provide some context.

prestosql is the new repo for the non-profit Presto Software Foundation (PSF) and the home of Presto. prestodb was the original repo name chosen when engineers, who worked at Facebook, created and open sourced Presto initially. Earlier this year, the PSF was established with the goal of maintaining Presto for decades to come as an independent community-driven project, without any one corporate interest driving it.  It was a recognition that the center of gravity of the Presto community had shifted in recent years, with the majority of contributions now coming from developers outside of Facebook. 

prestosql is where most of the committers to Presto (including Presto's original creators) and a much of the community are doing active development. Facebook engineers continue to develop their version in the prestodb repository. Facebook's priorities are often unique, whereas the Presto Software Foundation is intended to represent Presto's diverse user base around the world.

You can find more about the Presto community here as well the link to sign up for Slack if you have not already.

Hope this helps!

- Matt

On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 12:14 AM <lastu...@gmail.com> wrote:
I wanna known the difference between prestodb & prestosql , i have got confused. Thanks guys

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Nezih Yigitbasi

Apr 22, 2019, 2:06:39 PM4/22/19
to Presto
As Facebook we continue our development efforts in the original prestodb Github repository, and we welcome everyone who wants to collaborate on the project (see https://prestodb.github.io/community.html). 
prestosql is the repo for the Presto Software Foundation (PSF) and Facebook has not joined this foundation. As Vaughn has replied in the mailing list before, from Facebook's perspective it's correct to say that we treat of PSF as a fork off the original Presto, and more objectively you can simply consider them distinct efforts. 


Alvaro Lopez Ortega

Apr 22, 2019, 2:45:09 PM4/22/19
to presto...@googlegroups.com
Hi there,

Good and somehow controversial question.

Presto was developed at Facebook by a group of its employees. A few months ago, three of them left the company and forked the project as PrestoSQL. Forking is business as usual in the open source ecosystem, so even if we find this fork unfortunate and suboptimal for the global Presto ecosystem, it isn't a big deal either.

Today, the rest the Presto team at Facebook (dozens of engineers and growing) is working and more committed than ever to the project. Facebook as a company is equally committed to making Presto a sound success.

It isn't only Facebook, though. PrestoDB, being the open source project that is, receives contributions from other similar tech companies. Please, do check PrestoDB's git log (name dropping ain't cool; but yeah, a few of the huge ones).

Last but not least, PrestoDB is also what Facebook and other similar size Internet companies run at a truly massive scale with real data for real use-cases.

I do hope these facts help to put things in perspective :)


On Apr 22, 2019, at 12:14 AM, lastu...@gmail.com wrote:

I wanna known the difference between prestodb & prestosql , i have got confused. Thanks guys

Piotr Findeisen

Apr 22, 2019, 4:57:57 PM4/22/19
to presto...@googlegroups.com

Two things become apparent:
  • people who founded the Presto Foundation are not just some former facebook employees who took part in developing the the project -- David, Dain & Martin are people who founded the project (and now founded the Presto Foundation) and wrote major part of the codebase

  • from top 10 committers, only 2 are still working on Presto at Facebook (.... positions 8th and 9th)

Facebook continues to develop `prestodb`, but majority of the contributors (wighted by # commits) is active at `prestosql`.
To me, an open source project is more about people actually working on the project than the corporations.
However, devs from Internet-scale corporations are also involved in `prestosql`, contributing & collaborating as actively as never before.

From legal, corporate perspective, `prestosql` is a fork of `prestodb`.
From open-source, human perspective, facebook's prestodb is a fork.

Further reading:
Community (Slack; more pointers) -- https://prestosql.io/community.html

Last, but not least, for many users stability, enterprise features & enterprise support is what is really important. 
If you're looking for hardened, long-term supported, enterprise-ready Presto distribution, then look no further than


Alvaro Lopez Ortega

Apr 22, 2019, 9:17:13 PM4/22/19
to presto...@googlegroups.com

I truly wish you the best of luck selling services and support around Presto. I really do. — You see? We don't even compete.

That said, please, let's not confuse people with what's or not a fork. This is an apple and PrestoSQL is a fork, which is okay.

Peace :)



Apr 23, 2019, 3:20:20 AM4/23/19
to Presto
Thanks for your reply,

A simple question is that if we want to update presto 2.15 to a newer version in the future in production, which would be better, prestodb or prestosql  ? Or we will find it by ourselves later because from now on it seems like they are not much different. Maybe its like HADOOP and CDH HADOOP ,I think.

在 2019年4月23日星期二 UTC+8上午2:06:39,Nezih Yigitbasi写道:

Dain Sundstrom

Apr 23, 2019, 3:13:01 PM4/23/19
to Presto
I don't think that Hadoop vs Cloudera is a good analogy. The two projects are already quite divergent. You can see this by just looking at the commit count in the two projects since the split. The prestosql repository has 878 commits and the Facebook presto repository has 504 commits. Of those, I would guess something like 100 are common (e.g., the shared role based security PR from prestosql contained 61 commits). Here are some more detailed stats:

878 commits, 2149 files changed, 71176 insertions(+), 37430 deletions(-)

504 commits, 1516 files changed, 57899 insertions(+), 18717 deletions(-)

Between the two repositories there are about 140k lines that are different not including Java import statements.

You can look at a summary of the changes in each of the projects since the split by reading the release notes:



Additionally, there two projects are taking very different approaches to major changes like complex pushdown (https://github.com/prestosql/presto/issues/18 vs https://github.com/prestodb/presto/issues/12368).

I actually expect this to accelerate over the next few months, since most of the development that was in progress at the split has been checked in now.

In the end, these are two pretty different projects, and not at all like the small differences you see between Hadoop, Cloudera, and Hortonworks.


Dain Sundstrom
Co-founder @ Presto Software Foundation, Co-creator of Presto (https://prestosql.io)

Rongrong Zhong

Apr 23, 2019, 4:54:41 PM4/23/19
to Presto
As Dain mentioned, the biggest difference between the two repos in the near future will be how to enable connectors participating in planning. At this moment, there's no dramatic difference in terms of features or performance. Unfortunately you do need to decide for yourself which one fits your need better. I know this is very confusing and far from ideal, but if you ask here, you'll probably get two very biased answers. It might be easier to answer this question a year from now when the two diverges more. 

Hope this helps!

Dain Sundstrom

Apr 23, 2019, 8:16:11 PM4/23/19
to Presto
I won’t speculate why Facebook is downplaying the differences between the two projects, but I assure that there are significant differences in features, performance, security, bug fixes, and so on. For example, and I hacked on the Presto ORC reader a few weeks ago, and made it significantly faster. Here is a blog post that digs into the details of the improvements:


Of course, FB may back port this, but it is only one of the many current differences in the project.

I’d suggest, again, that you take a look at the release notes I posted above to see the difference.


Dain Sundstrom
Co-founder @ Presto Software Foundation, Co-creator of Presto (https://prestosql.io)


Sep 16, 2019, 2:41:18 PM9/16/19
to Presto
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but this same confusion bit me too. Is there any chance one of these two projects will somehow rebrand, either by changing the name entirely or by qualifying it somehow (e.g. Facebook Presto vs. Open Presto)?

prestodb vs. prestosql is just too similar and confusing for (prospective) end users. Add onto that the fact that both projects use the same logo too!

On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 9:14:48 PM UTC-7, lastu...@gmail.com wrote:
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