Suppose Kathy Had A Figure Of Trumpy Nailed To A Cross?

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Jun 2, 2017, 5:05:59 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
Would it make any difference whether he looked alive or dead?

She could say she was deifying him, like the Trumpsuckers do.


Jun 2, 2017, 5:08:30 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
Kathy might want to hire you to write for her.


Jun 2, 2017, 5:25:38 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
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Minister Rebel

Jun 2, 2017, 6:24:20 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
The so called christians would be up in arms...But it would be nice in reality with Spicer and Bannon as accomplices.


Jun 2, 2017, 10:04:42 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
The bigger question is whether she would apologize, and then blubber about how trump was being mean to her the following day.....


Jun 2, 2017, 10:19:30 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
Hypocrisy and selective outrage, your names are trump and Republicans....

...But amid the firestorm, many liberals are accusing Trump and conservatives of selective outrage. Their reason: rocker Ted Nugent's caustic criticism of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

"Remember that time you sought and accepted the endorsement of violently racist pederast Ted Nugent for your presidential bid? Good times," author Joy Reid tweeted in response to Mitt Romney's condemnation of Griffin.

"It's reprehensible what Kathy Griffin did, & the left has denounced it. Ted Nugent did it to Obama, & your dad invited him to the WH," a Twitter user tweeted in response to Donald Trump Jr.'s criticism of Griffin.

And in response to a tweet by conservative commentator Tomi Lahren, one Twitter user wrote, "Ted Nugent said he wanted to lynch Obama and Trump brought him to the WH so take your self righteous BS somewhere else."

Nugent, who backed Trump in 2016 and was invited to the White House to dine with the President in April, threatened to kill then-Democratic presidential candidates Obama and Clinton while holding two machine guns in a 2007 onstage appearance.

"Obama, he's a piece of s---. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," Nugent said. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b----."

And again, in 2012, Nugent recommended decapitating Democrats, saying, "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," while speaking at the NRA convention in April.

In that speech, he made another controversial remark that suggested violence toward Obama: "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

While many understood each of Nugent's comments as figurative and not literal threats of assassination, his threats sparked widespread outrage -- but not from Trump, who was peddling conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate at the time.

"Ted Nugent was obviously using a figure of speech, unfortunate as it was. It just shows the anger people have towards @BarackObama," Trump tweeted in April 2012.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer dodged a question from Politico's Matthew Nussbaum during Wednesday's off-camera press briefing after he was asked if he thinks is "appropriate" that Trump invited Nugent to the White House.

"I wanted to ask about Ted Nugent who joked multiple times about assassinating President Barack Obama, who said Hillary Clinton should be hanged. He was invited to the White House for dinner by President Trump," Nussbaun asked. "Do you believe that was appropriate and if Trump is offended by this incident why was he not bothered by all of Mr. Nugent's comments?"

 Matthew Nussbaum ✔ @MatthewNussbaum
And he didn't have an answer. Said he couldn't recall what the reaction was at the time.
3:02 PM - 31 May 2017
  50 50 Retweets   87 87 likes

Spicer initially avoided the Nugent question and said that both Trump and first lady Melania Trump released statements on Griffin, but Nussbaun pressed, asking, "Why was it OK for Mr. Nugent to make these comments?"
"I'd have to look back and see what those statements were and what the reaction was at the time," Spicer said.


Jun 2, 2017, 10:54:37 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
Nugent, who backed Trump in 2016 and was invited to the White House to dine with the President in April, threatened to kill then-Democratic presidential candidates Obama and Clinton while holding two machine guns in a 2007 onstage appearance.

"Obama, he's a piece of s---. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," Nugent said. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b----."

And again, in 2012, Nugent recommended decapitating Democrats, saying, "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," while speaking at the NRA convention in April.

In that speech, he made another controversial remark that suggested violence toward Obama: "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."


I wonder how Obama's children felt when they heard nugent's comments....


Jun 2, 2017, 11:07:13 PM6/2/17
<<The bigger question is whether she would apologize, and then blubber about how trump was being mean to her the following day.....>>

If the word "mean" is sufficient to describe someone, much less a president of the United States, setting out to destroy a comedian's career over a satirical photograph, even after she's apologized. Donald Trump has a lot of very unattractive character defects, but three of the worst are his inability to deal with mocking or satire in an adult manner (never mind a presidential manner), his bullying of people he perceives as weaker than himself, and his extreme vindictiveness. If his life history is any guide, he won't let this go until he's ruined her.

Which would be bad enough without the jaw-dropping hypocrisy (from Herman's post):

>"It's reprehensible what Kathy Griffin did, & the left has denounced it. Ted Nugent did it to Obama, & your dad invited him to the WH," a Twitter user tweeted in response to Donald Trump Jr.'s criticism of Griffin.

And in response to a tweet by conservative commentator Tomi Lahren, one Twitter user wrote, "Ted Nugent said he wanted to lynch Obama and Trump brought him to the WH so take your self righteous BS somewhere else."

Nugent, who backed Trump in 2016 and was invited to the White House to dine with the President in April, threatened to kill then-Democratic presidential candidates Obama and Clinton while holding two machine guns in a 2007 onstage appearance.

"Obama, he's a piece of s---. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," Nugent said. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b----."

And again, in 2012, Nugent recommended decapitating Democrats, saying, "We need to ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," while speaking at the NRA convention in April.

In that speech, he made another controversial remark that suggested violence toward Obama: "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."<

And, of course, unlike Griffith Ted Nugent never apologized. Far from it, he's only doubled and tripled down on it over and over, only to be "honored" by the creature in the White House. 

And president Obama took it the way any decent, emotionally mature person would, never mind a president of the United States. He ignored it and took it in stride, as part of the job.


Jun 2, 2017, 11:29:52 PM6/2/17
to Political Euwetopia
Trump didn't condemn Nugent's comments.  Trump didn't call for Nugent to be punished.  

On the contrary, trump REWARDED him.

However, now that the shoe is on the other foot and trump's on the receiving end, he's outraged and out for blood.

And his cultists - the Republican Party - are just as hypocritical.


Jun 3, 2017, 12:00:37 AM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
It's too late now, but here's a short primer on Trump's vindictiveness:

A neuroscientist explains why Trump’s obsession with revenge would make him a dangerous president


While he’s dropped clues throughout his entire presidential campaign, the full extent of Donald Trump’s vindictive nature has only been revealed recently. Not only does his obsession with revenge provide more evidence for the widely held belief that he is a narcissist, it further suggests that Trump has a psychological profile that could make him a very dangerous world leader. In fact, research has shown that people who score high on measures of vengeance—the intense desire to inflict harm on another person in order to ‘get even’ after a perceived injury or insult—typically lack empathy, possess uncontrollable anger, and are emotionally unstable.

To describe Trump as a man who holds grudges would be a vast understatement.  Last month in a blog post, the British billionaire and founder of the Virgin group, Richard Branson, briefly described his first encounter with Donald, something he called extraordinarily bizarre. At a one-on-one business lunch that occurred sometime in the distant past, rather than discussing entrepreneurship or ways to help the world, Trump spent the entire time explaining how he intended to dedicate the rest of his life to ruining the lives of five people who refused to help him after his company filed for bankruptcy.

Also last month, during a public appearance, Trump vowed to sue all 12 women who have recently accused him of sexual misconduct as soon as the election is over—which might seem not so unreasonable had he not explicitly bragged about such behavior in 2005. But Trump didn’t stop there. He threatened to sue The New York Times for publishing the women’s stories, and if his lawsuit history tells us anything, it’s that these are unlikely to be just empty promises. And these examples are just the tip of the iceberg.

USA Today found that Trump has been involved in over 3,500 legal actions in the last 30 years, many of which were cases filed by him. As reported by The Atlantic in the article, “The Lawsuits of Donald Trump,” over the last decade the billionaire has sued “a book author, a MISS USA contestant, a comedian, and global financial institutions.” That comedian was actually HBO talk show host Bill Maher, who promised to give Trump $5 million if he could provide proof that his father was not an orangutan. Luckily for Maher, the case was ultimately dismissed. Regardless, if you think that Donald’s vindictiveness is superficial, with lawsuit threats being simply how he ‘lets off steam,’ his track record clearly shows otherwise.

Given the anecdotal and objective evidence, there’s just no doubt that Donald is an extremely vengeful person, and it is unlikely that even the most loyal Trump supporter would deny that. In fact, given the intense hatred toward the Obama administration and the U.S. government felt by your average Trump enthusiast, Donald’s ambition to tear down the establishment that has continuously mocked him is likely a main reason why they love him.

Psychology research shows that vindictiveness is strongly correlated with narcissism, a personality trait that countless psychologists say Trump shows all the signs of having. Studies have also found that those who seek revenge are often very energetic and have dominant personalities. Further, vengeful people often seek powerful positions that allow them to inflict what they see as well-deserved hurt on their enemies. That pretty much describes Trump to a T.

What might be the most troubling aspect of a vindictive president is the severe lack of empathy. Since empathy is the ability to see events from another’s perspective, and to share their experiences and emotions, it is an essential feature for a president who cares about the people, as the overwhelming majority of them do not live a life anything like his. Minorities, as well as the poor, elderly, and disabled, would all be negatively affected by an unempathetic leader. To make matters worse, vengefulness is strongly associated with anger and aggression, which can go unchecked with empathy deficits, resulting in—for example—brutal military decisions made with no regard for civilian lives abroad.

Another serious drawback of a vengeful president is that they would spend so much time and effort getting even that they would not have time to actually do the jobs that presidents must do. Under a Trump presidency, many important duties—like working with Congress on the budget and running the armed forces—would either be neglected or allocated to others while he plots and executes his revenge.

We can be sure that if Donald Trump becomes president, he will be dedicating a substantial amount of time to figuring out some sort of way to punish the media, which he feels has treated him very unfairly during the election cycle. In an episode of The Daily Show that aired last week, Dana Bash, a journalist and CNN reporter, described to Trevor Noah the chilling way Trump already directs anger and aggression toward the media at his rallies:

“There is nothing as jarring as being in the pen—because the press has to be in a pen at these rallies, for security and for other reasons—and there are thousands of people between you and the candidate. And it’s a huge crowd. So Donald Trump will say, “Look at those people, they are horrible. They are scumbags. They are the worst people. They’re so dishonest.” And all of a sudden, in unison, every single one of the people will turn around and stare at us, and it’s very creepy and scary—it really is.”

What’s even scarier is imagining what orders he’d give people and how strongly they’d respond if he were actually President of the United States. And how could citizens be arrested and held in jail for following the president’s orders?

We can also bet that Trump would immediately devote much of his limited resources into destroying every bit of Obama’s legacy, regardless of whether or not it would hurt the country. It would serve as payback for the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, where Barack Obama roasted Trump with clever zinger after zinger. Although the jokes were light-hearted and typical of the event, Trump’s largely stone-faced reaction showed that he likely felt humiliated, and there’s absolutely nothing that infuriates The Donald more than that. Even if Trump knew for sure that fixing Obamacare would be easier and less costly than starting from scratch, he would still tear it down just out of spite. He’s already promised to do this. A leader that operates like that is dangerous for the country because they are more concerned with revenge than the welfare of citizens.

While it might seem obvious that as president Trump would put effort into getting back at the Clintons and other Democrats, it is more likely that he will have his vengeful eyes directed at his own party. With the Clintons defeated, he’d be more motivated to focus on settling old scores with Republicans like Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who went against tradition by refusing to show support or enthusiasm for the party’s nominee. This greatly embarrassed and upset Trump, who has been attacking Ryan ever since. Ryan is just one of many “establishment Republicans” who expressed disapproval of Trump and are likely to now be on his disloyal list. Because that list is one that Donald takes very seriously, many Republican politicians have as much reason to fear a Trump presidency as Democrats do. This time around they would be wise to vote blue, as their careers and future may depend on it.

But a vindictive president is the biggest liability when it comes to the world stage. It is here where a vengeful Trump has the potential to do the most damage. It is a fact that the U.S. is despised by a number of nations with formidable military force, and that is not going to change no matter who is elected president this November. If it is Trump, it is only a matter of time before the brash billionaire feels he has been deeply insulted or disrespected by another world leader. And since research shows that vengeful responses are generally greater in force than their provocation, we could easily find ourselves in a quickly escalating conflict with North Korea, Iran, China, or Russia. Sure, there may be a budding bromance between Vladimir Putin and Donald right now, but just like Trump’s friendship with Ted Cruz, a falling out is inevitable. And when that occurs, we can again expect it to get really ugly really quick.

Trump expects flattery, and that’s something he’s just not going to get a lot of as President of the United States. As a result, many of his actions and decisions will be driven by aggression and vengeance, which have the power to override logic and reason. Will he try to order the people to stand up and cause chaos if Congress or the Supreme Court makes a decision he doesn’t like? Would he get us unengaged in a nuclear war if he’s mocked and ridiculed by a foreign nation? We should all hope that these are questions that we’ll never know the answers to.

Bobby Azarian is a neuroscientist affiliated with George Mason University and a science writer. His research has been published in journals such as Cognition & Emotion and Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, and he has written for The Atlantic, The New York Times, BBC, Scientific American, Psychology Today, Slate, The Daily Beast, and The Huffington Post. He also runs the website Science Is Sexy. Follow him @BobbyAzarian.


Jun 3, 2017, 12:36:06 PM6/3/17
A little variety in weary's beating off obsessions....Griffin 

Kathy should apologize when orange rodent slits his wrists during a press conference and bleeds out for our viewing pleasure 

Minister Rebel

Jun 3, 2017, 12:40:48 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
We need more folk to take the piss out of the oranganus, now that we know the bastard hates being the focus of ridicule, we need to feed him more.


Jun 3, 2017, 12:48:26 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
This from the boy with callouses on his palms from his furious trump whacking....
Too funny....


Jun 3, 2017, 12:59:29 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Says the maggot with the prolapsed asshole from constant CEO dicks being parked there. 


Jun 3, 2017, 1:02:24 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
See someone about your sick fantasies, little boy.  Perhaps it is not too late for an intervention.


Jun 3, 2017, 1:06:44 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
The exploding cities will do an intervention on your tacky abode....burn it to a cinder. 


Jun 3, 2017, 1:08:01 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Tacky....LOL....sure sonny.


Jun 3, 2017, 1:10:40 PM6/3/17
Those creepy velvet paintings aren't worth shit anyways ....who doesn't love gaudy and tasteless? 

On Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 12:08:01 PM UTC-5, Irie wrote:
Tacky....LOL....sure sonny.


Jun 3, 2017, 1:15:03 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
You must be peeping in the wrong window, creeper.


Jun 3, 2017, 1:24:12 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
I wouldn't get anywhere near your double wide....I don't want to have to delouse myself. 


Jun 3, 2017, 1:37:15 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Yep, clearly you are peeping in the wrong window....hell you are in the wrong zip code if you are peeping in trailers......

ImStillMags Mags

Jun 3, 2017, 2:09:28 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
you want to post a picture of your mcmansion and tell us how much you paid for it and invite us all to be jealous now?



Jun 3, 2017, 2:35:43 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
So why do think your boy biffhole is so obsessed with my house, kooky alien lady?  
My guess is an inferiority complex....what do you think?

Minister Rebel

Jun 3, 2017, 4:25:11 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Weary lives in a house???? I thought it was a bad I guess.


Jun 3, 2017, 5:30:06 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
I'm just looking forward to it being demolished with you in it....sad. 


Jun 3, 2017, 8:49:00 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
Trump didn't condemn Nugent's comments.  Trump didn't call for Nugent to be punished.  Trump didn't point out that Obama's young daughters might be distressed at the venom and death wishes directed toward their dad.

On the contrary, trump REWARDED Nugent.

However, now that the shoe is on the other foot and trump's on the receiving end, he's outraged and out for blood.

And his cultists - the Republican Party - are just as hypocritical.


GOP selective outrage strikes again.  


Jun 3, 2017, 10:42:39 PM6/3/17
to Political Euwetopia
I'll send you the address if you are man enough to come give it a try.  

I predict your premature death by lead poisoning before you can pull it off.



Jun 4, 2017, 1:57:16 AM6/4/17
Big talk from a parasite pussy 

Just look for biggest junkie dive in Cicero ...I will follow the stench. 


Jun 4, 2017, 11:19:42 AM6/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Biffhole, I never even said I live in Cook Co., let alone Cicero.  As usual, you come up with these retarded claims backed by nothing but your fantasies.  


Jun 4, 2017, 11:22:09 AM6/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Whatever.....sweat stench fat slob idiot FIB wherever you live 


Jun 4, 2017, 11:31:29 AM6/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Biffhole, the biggest little man on the forum.  

Minister Rebel

Jun 4, 2017, 1:14:00 PM6/4/17
to Political Euwetopia
Send me your address weary, I will take you up on it.


Jun 6, 2017, 12:57:07 AM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

Minister Rebel

Jun 6, 2017, 9:31:24 AM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
You notice the cowardly fuck Weary will not send his address. All mouth, no guts.


Jun 6, 2017, 9:46:27 AM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
He's fat and sweaty like his orange idol.....he would end up in the hospital just on wouldn't have to touch him. 

Minister Rebel

Jun 6, 2017, 9:48:12 AM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Oh, I would not touch him Biffy, I would like to send him something...Wink wink.


Jun 6, 2017, 10:10:58 AM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
LOL....biffhole and his salad-tossing mate reba fashion themselves as badasses.....

 Image result for 2 morons


Jun 6, 2017, 7:57:18 PM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
Jukes or Kallikaks?

ImStillMags Mags

Jun 6, 2017, 8:03:23 PM6/6/17
to Political Euwetopia
I'm sorry but LOLOLOLOL
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