Software update 15-Dec-2015 (fast boot!)

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Dec 15, 2015, 7:18:05 PM12/15/15

I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.


First, this SD card image will boot up your PiDP in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi.
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!
<NEW 20160313 - bootable SD card image with pidp8 already installed>
Login with user pdp, password pdp.
All you need to do is enter your Wifi SSID and password using "sudo nano /etc/networks/interfaces"

An alternative SD image contains the pidp8 sources, but not yet compiled and installed. Mostly useful if you have done the Serial Mod:
<bootable SD card image v20151215>


Secondly, here is the updated pidp8 code itself as a tarball:
<tarball v20151215>
Use this if you are happy with your current full-featured Raspbian distribution, rather than starting afresh with the fast-booting SD card image above.
Just recompile the sources from this tarball.

How-to #1: update. This assumes you're already running the old version of pidp8:
- remove the old version: "cd /opt/pidp8"; "sudo rm -r *"; "cd /opt"; "sudo tar -xvf <name&location of tarball>"
  note: this is the simple option, but if you've saved things on the disk images in pidp8/imagefiles you'll lose them!
- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- reboot

How-to #2: fresh install on a new Raspbian SD card:
- Same as above, but after compiling, install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.

Changes: I integrated the work of Dylan McNamee and Mike Barnes (thank you!), so this:
(1) runs on simh 4.0, not 3.9
(2) uses the Pi's internal pullups to eliminate the faint ghosting of leds
(3) includes the bug fix for the SR register properly reading the front panel
(4) includes ETOPS as boot option 6


More on the fast-booting SD card image:

I discovered a distribution for the Pi called pipaOS. It is mean and lean, I did not find any other Pi distribution which gets you going in less than 10 seconds with full functionality. I adjusted a few things on its release 4.1, and that's the first download link above.

Log in as user pdp, password pdp.

How to:
- use dd (linux) or Win32diskimager (windows) to copy the image onto an SD card. It's only 2GB.
- edit /etc/networks/ interfaces to enter your Wifi's SSID and password.
  (either by mounting the SD card on a Linux machine to edit it, or by using the Pi's own console)
- reboot

Only for the uninstalled second disk image:
- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.

NOTE 20160217 - See this post if you have problems connecting over Wifi or Ethernet.

If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.

Kind regards,


Jeremy Radwan

Dec 16, 2015, 6:27:10 PM12/16/15
to PiDP-8
Nice! I'll hopefully have a chance to upgrade after the holidays (travel and all).


Dec 19, 2015, 1:31:33 AM12/19/15
to PiDP-8
Hi there,

this is my first post to this group.

I'm trying to get familiar with PiDP-8 before the kit arrives. It is my first installation of PiDP-8 software on RaspberryPi. There were no problems with getting image to SD memory and bootup as I'm doing this for other SBCs on Linux for years.

First thing I try to do is get network connection so that the rest of the work can be done from my workstation over ssh. Not sure why the default eth0 was renamed to eth2 during boot time so I had to edit /etc/network/interfaces. When I tried to edit the file I found that _vi_ was missing; drove me nuts until I installed vim ;-)

If I remember correctly, somebody mentioned screen. _screen_ is one of the most important utilities I use all the time. I usually run two levels of screen, the second one as root. I adapted .screenrc for pdp and root to make it look like this:

# Prepend/append register [/] to the paste if ^a^] is pressed.
# This lets me have autoindent modes in vi(m).
register [ "\033:se paste\015a"
register ] "\033:se nopaste\015a"
bind ^] paste [.]

#kill startup message
startup_message off

# define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines
defscrollback 1024

# on Debian backspace should send char `177':
# bindkey -k kb stuff "177"
bindkey -k kb stuff ^H

# Status line at the bottom of the terminal which shows what window
# you're in and a list of the other windows.

hardstatus alwayslastline "%{-b gk}%-w%{+b kg}%50>%n %t%{-b gk}%+w%<"

#default windows
screen -t root 0
screen -t sh-1 1
screen -t sh-2 2
screen -t INFO 3
screen -t pdp8-1 4
screen -t pdp8-2 5
screen -t log 6

activity "%C -> %n%f %t activity!"
bell "%C -> %n%f %t bell!~"

More comments bellow ...

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 4:18:05 PM UTC-8, Obsolescence wrote:

Long overdue, but I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.
WARNING: only tested by myself as of 15-Dec-2015, so please do this on a spare SD card.


First, this SD card image will boot your PiDP up in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi:
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!


Secondly, here is the updated pidp8 code itself as a tarball:
<tarball v20151215>
Use this if you are happy with your current full-featured Raspbian distribution, rather than starting afresh with the fast-booting SD card image above.
Just recompile the sources from this tarball.

This worked out fine. I compiled, installed, and tested as root. Will try to do it as user pdp and sudo later.
How-to #1: update. This assumes you're already running the old version of pidp8:
- remove the old version: "cd /opt/pidp8"; "sudo rm -r *"; "cd /opt"; "sudo tar -xvf <name&location of tarball>"
  note: this is the simple option, but if you've saved things on the disk images in pidp8/imagefiles you'll lose them!
- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- reboot

Comment on How-to#1:

I suggest to replace that with the following:
sudo su -
cd /opt
mv pidp8 pidp8.old
tar xvf $tar_file
cd /opt/pidp8/src
cd scanswitch
make install <--- [1]
reboot First we save the previous version for roll back. The rest makes it possible to cut/paste on the command line or create a little script if commands need to be repeated a number of times.
[1] this is not in instructions currently but the binary should install under /usr/local/bin which is under default PATH anyway. For now I fixed .bashrc with
export PATH

so that running pidp8 works. It responded with familiar prompt

Need more time to test PDP-8 programs.

<rant>I wonder why most linux distributions come out with broken PATH lately.
How-to #2: fresh install on a new Raspbian SD card:
- Same as above, but after compiling, install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.

Changes: I integrated the work of Dylan McNamee and Mike Barnes (thank you!), so this:
(1) runs on simh 4.0, not 3.9
(2) uses the Pi's internal pullups to eliminate the faint ghosting of leds
(3) includes the bug fix for the SR register properly reading the front panel
(4) includes ETOPS as boot option 6


More on the fast-booting SD card image:

I discovered a distribution for the Pi called pipaOS. It is mean and lean, I did not find any other Pi distribution which gets you going in less than 10 seconds with full functionality. I adjusted a few things on its release 4.1, and that's the first download link above.

Log in as user pdp, password pdp.

How to:
- use dd (linux) or Win32diskimager (windows) to copy the image onto an SD card. It's only 2GB.
- edit /etc/networks/ interfaces to enter your Wifi's SSID and password.
  (either by mounting the SD card on a Linux machine to edit it, or by using the Pi's own console)
- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.


If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.

Please let me know of any feedback or improvements?

So far, I tested on a serially modded Model A+ and on a Pi 2. Regarding the Wifi, it works out of the box with my standard Edup wifi dongle, but I have not tried any other brands.

Kind regards,


Ed Fox

Dec 22, 2015, 9:41:42 PM12/22/15
to PiDP-8
Thanks for the updated software.  I successfully created a JESSIE version and tested it on both the A+ as well as the Pi Zero.  Both work OK.  However some notes for folks to follow:

The SRC and SCANSWITCH "makes" work fine.  However prior to doing the INSTALL, you need to make sure you're connected to the Internet.  In JESSIE this can be done from GUI but I have yet to discover how to make the SSID password persistent. (In WHEEZY, the WPA-GUI capability exists at the GUI, it doesn't appear to be included in JESSIE).  Also, in WHEEZY the USB stick containing the tarball is in the /MEDIA subdirectory; however in JESSIE that USB stick is under the /MEDIA/Pi subdirectory, Pi being the default user id.  Best to use the GUI File Manager to precisely locate the tarball.

I also tried PIPAOS and it successfully boots on the Pi Zero (which requires JESSIE) but I have not tried to install the tarball on this OS as its GUI is not as robust as JESSIE/WHEEZY and my Linux CLI experience is very limited.  Something for Oscar to check...the new Install shell script may rely on the /Home/Pi subdirectory, but in PipaOS it is "pdp" - I don't know if that makes a difference.

I successfully installed the Pi Zero on my PiDP8 and ran the new software, and SIMH -- all OK.  The Pi Zero provides more box clearance for the cables which is a tight squeeze with my A+ - although different cables are required for USB and HDMI. 

As previously noted, the A+ is known to have issues with some USB hubs.  It appears that the Pi Zero has the same issues...and hubs that work with the A+ also appear to work with the Pi Zero; hubs that do not work with the A+ do not work with the Pi Zero.

p.s. Greetings of the Season to everyone and a Happy (PiDP8 and PiDP11) New Year.  Thank You Oscar for all your good and hard work.

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 7:18:05 PM UTC-5, Obsolescence wrote:

Long overdue, but I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.
WARNING: only tested by myself as of 15-Dec-2015, so please do this on a spare SD card.


First, this SD card image will boot your PiDP up in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi:
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!

- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.


If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.


Paul Heller

Jan 4, 2016, 11:36:43 AM1/4/16
to PiDP-8
This is my first post. I have the kit nearly finished. The board is soldered and complete, the case is not yet finished. I've set up a Raspberry Pi B+.

Ed reports he got things working with JESSIE. I was not successfully with JESSIE, neither with pidp8_20150618.tar nor with pidp8-20151215.tar

I get these errors:
  • cp: cannot stat ‘/etc/inittab’: No such file or directory
  • sed: can't read /etc/inittab: No such file or directory
  • sed: can't read /tmp/foo: No such file or directory
The problem with inittab is significant because after install simh does not start automatically. Both .tar files work fine for me with WHEEZY, so I am going to use WHEEZY.

I could not use the PIPAOS image because it does not seem to support a wired network connection and I do not (yet) have a wireless dongle.

Next step is to mount the PI on the board and get things working together.


On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 5:18:05 PM UTC-7, Obsolescence wrote:

Long overdue, but I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.
WARNING: only tested by myself as of 15-Dec-2015, so please do this on a spare SD card.


First, this SD card image will boot your PiDP up in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi:
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!

- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.


If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.


Mark Matlock

Jan 4, 2016, 11:17:56 PM1/4/16
to PiDP-8

   I just finished my PiDP-8 kit over the holidays also and had some similar problems with the Jessie Pipaos from the link above. There were several issues to getting the wired ethernet installed. The first one is that the path was not set to pick up some normal linux commands like ifconfig or to let one see some of the configuration files. Also the pdp-8 account is really set up to do the login scripts so making a second account to work from is best. Then if you:
 sudo su -

then the normal system adminstration commands work. The - after the su sets the path like root would see it and is required to run utilities like ifconfig or dhclient.

   The second problem was the debian uses udev which remembers every usb or or ethernet device the distribution has ever seen and some of the old ones need to be deleted from the file which can be done with the editor nano:

nano /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

It seems like some additional tinkering was needed for my particular network situation, but those two things were the key to getting the networking operational.  I must add I didn't figure this out myself but with a little help from my son who is a Red Hat Certified Engineer we (he) got it working.

Good Luck,


Jan 6, 2016, 11:26:57 AM1/6/16
to PiDP-8
Mark, Paul, Rafael,

Thanks for the feedback!

So the pipaOS SD card image has issues with wired Ethernet; I will try and fix it for an updated version. Let me know if you have a how-to?

I noticed the path issue pipaOS has as well. It didn't bother me too much but it was like that on the original distribution image. I mean, I didn't break it, honestly:)

Kind regards,


Norman Davie

Jan 27, 2016, 9:21:08 PM1/27/16
to PiDP-8
Where can I get the latest image?  The links in the first post don't work anymore.

Chris Smith

Jan 27, 2016, 9:38:12 PM1/27/16
to PiDP-8
Odd. I just downloaded both of them after reading your post - not two minutes ago.

Both came down just fine.

... Chris

Jeremy Radwan

Jan 27, 2016, 9:46:17 PM1/27/16
to PiDP-8
Links are working for me too. Do you have something blocking Google Drive?

Norman Davie

Jan 28, 2016, 6:16:12 PM1/28/16
to PiDP-8
The links are working now -- weird.


Feb 15, 2016, 8:46:17 AM2/15/16
to PiDP-8
A few people had problems with wifi on the pipaOS fast-booting image. Today, I had as well. A fix that worked for me is in this thread.

Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 3:08:51 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
I found that the install script from the /opt/pidp8/src directory does not work properly on pipaos.  

pipaos does not use /etc/inittab to control the serial port console on ttyAMA0.
Here's the link to stackoverflow about inittab on pipaos:

So, it seems like there is a fix, but I haven't made it work yet.  The proposed fix is this: if /etc/inittab does not exist, then the script needs to use systemd instead of inittab to make the change.

Unfortunately, I will not yet suggest a patch yet because I have not yet gotten pidp8 running on pipaos. I can get the pi working with wifi and I can compile /opt/pidp8/src and /opt/pidp8/src/scanswitch.  And I can run the install script with the modification above. However, at the next boot after I run the modified install script, the Pi comes up and I get a console login prompt on HDMI, but the keyboard no longer works.  Additionally, after the install it no longer connects to WiFi.  So, there's something else in the pidp8-setup-default script that is incompatible with pipaos.  

Re-imaging back to original and making my local changes to WiFi settings makes it work again.  I will work to debug this more.


On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 4:18:05 PM UTC-8, Obsolescence wrote:

Long overdue, but I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.
WARNING: only tested by myself as of 15-Dec-2015, so please do this on a spare SD card.


First, this SD card image will boot your PiDP up in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi:
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!

- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.

NOTE 20160217 - See this post if you have problems connecting over Wifi or Ethernet.

If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.


Dylan McNamee

Feb 28, 2016, 3:14:25 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Weird! It's working fine here...I'm using pipaos with the serial mod, and getting a getty prompt over it. 
Oh this might be it: you need to run not the setup-default that you said you ran.


Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 4:38:21 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Thanks, Dylan!  You're ahead of me -- I haven't done the serial mod and am still getting set up.  
Before running HDMI/USB keyboard login works, and WiFi comes on and I can ssh in.
After running it: HDMI still displays login prompt, but USB keyboard doesn't work; Wifi doesn't come on (no DHCP activity) so I can't ssh in.

Currently doing a diff between the pristine image and the SD card.


Feb 28, 2016, 5:08:57 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8

I understand your explanation - pipaOS does not disable the serial terminal the way Raspbian does it. So the script does not actually disable it.
Hmm. Interesting. :(

Strangely, a lot of people run the pipaOS image with the standard PiDP (ie, not serial-modded), and it works for them. In other words, it seems a normally unlethal bug.

I suspect you might have another problem spoiling things. Quite a few people, including me after a while, noticed that if another wifi dongle is plugged in to the Pi, it sometimes becomes wlan1 instead of the properly configured wlan0. Because the Pi still fondly remembers a previous wifi dongle (mine, from when I made the disk image...) as wlan0.

Same thing I had when I unleashed the image on an RPi 2 with Ethernet - the built-in Ethernet of that particular Pi became eth1. Because the image somehow remembered the Ethernet port of a previous Pi as eth0...

This problem seems to be well known in Pi circles. Some people told me it was proper behaviour, i.e. a feature.
I kind of disagree on the featureness of this (quietly of course, never disagree with Raspberrian Gurus), but at least the solution is here.
I recommend trying that before proceeding - might give back your wifi, and potentially the keyboard is also blessed with a double entry in that file? At least establishing whether this causes your problem is useful.

Still, let me know if you have an elegant fix for the script - to deal with disabling the serial port in pipaOS properly! Much appreciated.



Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 5:45:58 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
 I'm pretty sure it's not the wifi interfaces problem because that wouldn't affect HDMI/USB keyboard.   The main problem is that the HDMI console comes up but I cannot log in with a USB keyboard, so it's impossible to diagnose anything else (wifi down etc) in realtime. 

I've diffed the original images and the sdcard and see what the changes are,.   I see 4 major changes: (1) the order of X11 things has changed in systemd, (2) pdp8 is in systemd start (3) pdp8 is also in /etc/rc*.d start and (4) pdp8 is also in /home/pdp/.profile. So maybe it's starting either too soon or too many times.

Right now I'm bisecting the script to find out what makes the pi unusable.   I am going to try rebooting after each step in the init to see what step breaks it.

Dylan McNamee

Feb 28, 2016, 6:10:50 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Another venue for investigation is power supply. I've had some interesting experiences debugging my RPi A+ wrt. power and the PipaOS image. When not quite enough current is available, either the RPi or the peripherals, or both, act funny.


Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 6:20:41 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
That's possible since it seems to fail once I tell it to start the pidp8 at boot.  However, it doesn't fail if I run simh manually, so I'm going to back up a bit on the power supply problem. 

I determined that this step in is causing failure is making the pidp8 start at boot:

$ ln -s /opt/pidp8/etc/rc.pidp8 /etc/init.d/pidp8
$ update-rc.d pidp8 defaults

Whether I disable the ttyAMA0 or not successfully in the previous step, this step causes the failure.  I'm going to try now the other choice; disable ttyAMA0 but don't start pidp8 at boot time, and start manually after.

Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 7:30:39 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Here's my update on disabling the serial console on ttyAMA0:

$ nano /boot/cmdline.txt # remove both entries for ttyAMA0
$ systemctl stop serial...@ttyAMA0.service
$ systemctl disable serial...@ttyAMA0.service
$ systemctl mask serial...@ttyAMA0.service

The previous instructions at the link were missing the ".service"

So, if you do these things, it will stop the ttyAMA getty and keep it from coming back.

Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 7:38:46 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
OK, two major things and one minor:

1. I am running an original Raspberry Pi B, not a B+, so maybe that's the problem?   This is all without the panel, of course, as it doesn't have all the pins needed.  But still pidp8 ought to run from the shell without the panel attached, right?

2. The Pi crash happens when I run the pidp8 binary.  It also hangs for a few seconds (no ping, no kbd response) when I run scanswitch (no ping, no kbd response).  I don't have the front panel connected yet.  

3. I switched to a 1.5A power supply from 1.0.  I should be using 2.0 but can't grab one right now.  So I'll keep this in mind and report back early next week on power supply.

So this indicates perhaps a hardware dependency.  Either it's #1 (can't run on B, requires B+) or power (need more).



Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 28, 2016, 8:09:36 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
OK, everything* works on RPi B2...but not on original RPi B!   So I'll push forward with the B2, but I need to buy one (this one is in use for my APRS project).


(*) The panel appears to work though I don't see any LEDs on the Acc or M/Q registers. But I'll work on that later.  For today, success!  

Thanks, all!

Dylan McNamee

Feb 28, 2016, 8:19:24 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Oh, that's it for sure.  From Oscar's website: "'ll need to supply your own Raspberry Pi (model A+, B+, 2, or Zero);"



Feb 28, 2016, 8:19:47 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8

Ah... that solves the problem. Now you mention it, these are indeed the symptoms of trying it on the old Pi.

As you now now, it requires a B+ or newer. Sorry you had to go through such a deep exploration. But the point about the serial port-disabling in pipaOS is valid. Apparently, it does not cause a problem but I should adapt the script nevertheless.

At any rate, you've got it working!

Kind regards,


Chris Smith

Feb 28, 2016, 10:49:09 PM2/28/16
to PiDP-8
Well, that makes at least three admitted people who have made this error!

My followup on this was that these two references ...

... likely had the needed details to work out a script line or two that could at a minimum report a Pi as non-PiDP8 capable.

But - other events intervened, and I didn't get the chance to follow up any further.

... Chris

Leigh Klotz, Jr.

Feb 29, 2016, 12:09:30 AM2/29/16
to PiDP-8
And M/Q register LEDs is also not a problem -- the test program to make the MQ register light up is described in this group here:

It suggests that you store it in /opt/pidp8/bootscripts/5.script and then boot with 5 in the IF switches (first set of white switches from the left, down=1 up=0).  However, I found that in this release it was already stored in 5.script so I just needed to set the switches and boot.

So far, everything's working and now on to the case work.

Thank you all,

Leigh Klotz

Feb 29, 2016, 7:52:51 AM2/29/16
Yes, thanks!  And one more update for your install script: every time it's run it adds to the end of ~pdp/.profile.
The other operations are safe to do if you them more than once, so the install script is otherwise idempotent.
The problem with multiple lines in .profile is that when you exit with Ctrl-A D, your .profile will start another one!

Picked up a second RPi B2 from the store just now (Silicon Valley, stores that sell Raspberry Pi are open at 6PM on a Sunday...) so all is good there.  Now I just have to troubleshoot the unlit M/Q and STEP registers.

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Steve Tockey

Jul 11, 2016, 1:42:31 PM7/11/16
to PiDP-8

For what it's worth, I never had any problems with the MQ (Multiplier Quotient) register LEDs. They worked fine from the start. On the other hand, I've never gotten the Step Counter lights to work. I looked into the simh source code and found that the EAE emulator has been commented out. It's not enabled. And even if it was enabled, the LED driver code never sets those bits on output. It looked to me like about 5-10 total lines of code change to enable the EAE and set the lights, but I haven't done it yet. Has anybody done this already?

-- steve

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 4:18:05 PM UTC-8, Obsolescence wrote:

I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.


First, this SD card image will boot up your PiDP in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi.

It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!
<NEW 20160313 - bootable SD card image with pidp8 already installed>
Login with user pdp, password pdp.
All you need to do is enter your Wifi SSID and password using "sudo nano /etc/networks/interfaces"

An alternative SD image contains the pidp8 sources, but not yet compiled and installed. Mostly useful if you have done the Serial Mod:
- reboot

Only for the uninstalled second disk image:

- compile the source code: "cd /opt/pidp8/src" and "sudo make"; then "cd scanswitch" and "sudo make"
- install through "cd /opt/pidp8/install" and "sudo"
- reboot

For those who have done the "serial mod",
- before running make, append " -DSERIALSETUP" to the CFLAGS line in Makefile.
- run instead of
This is important, as your serial-modded PiDP will get confused by the default scripts.

NOTE 20160217 - See this post if you have problems connecting over Wifi or Ethernet.

If you have a ready-made PiDP, maybe it's good to describe how to physically access the SD card...

1. Unscrew the two screws on the acrylic panel
2. Unscrew the three screws on the back panel
3. Remove the acrylic, see and remember how the PCB 'sits' in the case, then lift out the PCB
4. At the back of the PCB is the Pi with its SD card.
5. Insert new SD card, boot up to see if all's OK.
6. Place PCB back in case, fix with the three screws in the back panel
7. Place back acrylic.

Is it worth the effort?
- yes, if you like the faster boot time and don't mind losing the standard Raspbian distribution.
- yes, if you want multiple serial ports.
- otherwise, no, no benefits.

Kind regards,


Dylan McNamee

Nov 4, 2016, 4:21:07 PM11/4/16
to PiDP-8
This may be just me, but I just had pipaOS fail to boot after doing an "apt-get upgrade" to update the built-in packages. I repeated this twice - after the upgrade, it boots to the color gradiant, no networking or shell.

So, be careful before you upgrade!

Fulton Martin

Nov 24, 2016, 10:27:58 PM11/24/16
I tried this on a newly built PiDP-8, using a Raspberry Pi 2 V1.2 Model B, 16 GB (Samsung) uSD card, and all I ever got was the rainbow block. I tried installing the image with both Windows and Linux, with no joy. I tried adding the "boot_delay=1" to the config.txt, and that didn't help either.

I finally put the latest Raspbian on the card and installed in that, and it's working fine. But I'd like the 10 second boot...any ideas?

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 4:18:05 PM UTC-8, Obsolescence wrote:

I just finished a new version of the PiDP software.


First, this SD card image will boot up your PiDP in less than 10 seconds - including WiFi.
It still has a Raspbian version on it, including GUI. See further down below on details!
<NEW 20160313 - bootable SD card image with pidp8 already installed>
Login with user pdp, password pdp.
All you need to do is enter your Wifi SSID and password using "sudo nano /etc/networks/interfaces"

An alternative SD image contains the pidp8 sources, but not yet compiled and installed. Mostly useful if you have done the Serial Mod:
<bootable SD card image v20151215>



Kind regards,


Oscar Vermeulen

Nov 25, 2016, 11:22:07 AM11/25/16
to Fulton Martin, PiDP-8

On 25 November 2016 at 04:27, Fulton Martin <> wrote:
[..] and that didn't help either.

The only thing I would try additionally is to reformat the card with  SDFormatter v4.0, setting the Format Size Adjustment to on.
I doubt if that helps, but other than trying with another SD card, you tried everything. Hanging so early on could indeed point to the partitioning of the SD card maybe not being OK.

It's quite mysterious. Any USB devices plugging into the Pi?

I finally put the latest Raspbian on the card and installed in that, and it's working fine. But I'd like the 10 second boot...any ideas?

At least you've got the PiDP working then! Ideas... Well, there is a new version of pipaOS. Installing the tarball on that may help. But it remains a mystery - plenty of Pi 2s prove it *should* work. Hmm. Stumped.

Kind regards,


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