Moving on to PSR-2, the stated goal is to "reduce cognitive friction when scanning code from different authors." I emphatically disagree with the sentiment that a PSR is necessary for this. Every IDE has the ability to reformat code and there are numerous non-IDE tools to do this.
There is an obvious benefit in having library/framework authors write code in the style that they are comfortable with, which is that they can ignore trivial issues like where they put their braces and focus on solving problems.
Some examples of code formatting tools - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/149600/php-code-formatter-beautifier-and-php-beautification-in-general
On 1/4/13 7:12 AM, Jason Judge wrote:
If you don't want to use Drupal, meh, to each his own, but the "because
it's so different" argument is growing smaller all the time.
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