Trump's 20 Billion Dollar, tax free gift from the Rothschild's

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Feb 19, 2017, 12:32:17 PM2/19/17

It has been hinted at by a former CIA intelligence officer by the name of Robert Davis Steele that Lyn Rothschild gave Donald Trump 20 billion dollars as he ascended to the presidency. It’s really at this point impossible to confirm or deny this. But it presents a very interesting scenario to speculate about, now doesn’t it?

Why would one of the wealthiest persons in the world gift the president of the US that much money? It is said that the Rothschild family is worth 500 trillion dollars. 20 billion dollars to them is cookie jar change.

So let’s speculate. There’s much questioning out there as to why Donald Trump wouldn’t release his tax returns. Some say it would show that he hasn’t really paid his fair share of taxes. Scratch that one. He’s already admitted during the campaign that he’s a smart business man who has made full use of the tax system to his benefit. And he insinuated that would the American People really want a president who would be that stupid not to take advantage of the tax codes. So no, he didn’t pay a proportional amount commensurate with what he personally benefits from our Commons, for instance, access to our Court Systems for contractual disagreements, protection of    investments through the SEC, etc.

Another speculation is that his tax returns would show that his wealth  isn’t really what it’s been trumped up to be. In fact several analysts have concluded that Trump is only a billionaire on paper. There are those pesky little mortgage payments owed to the banks and those partnerships sharing joint ownership.

Let’s go with the latter then and ask why would Lyn Rothshild generously bequeath 20 billion dollars to an American president. He doesn’t need the money, right, since he’s already swimming in billions? And who do you know who is more boastful about his business acumen and the bucks that follow than The Donald? But what if that boastfulness were just the hot air of a very large ego that has shown itself less than forthright when it comes to declaring this or that to be the truth.

When politicians receive large caches of money from donors asking nothing in return, many of us skeptics have shown a certain disbelief that is warranted, don’t you think, with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton fans.  Purses full of money indirectly passed along to her and Bill’s philanthropic Clinton Global Initiative get a pas because after those contributions are cleared at the bank and an appointment for a one on one with the Secretary of State ensues and hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayer monies are gifted to Bahrain for military armaments, all should not be questioned since the initial pay to play payment went to feed hungry children in Bangladesh????

So what does Lyn of the 500 trillion dollars want for her paltry sum of 20 billion dollars? An invite to the inauguration and box seats at future Washington Redskins games? Probably not, huh?

You know with that kind of money laying around I suspect the Rothschilds could hire just the right people to investigate and        conclusively find out whether Donald Trump is up to his eyeballs in debt. After all, it has been noted before that this scion of The Deal has had a small handful of bankruptcies in his celestial business dealings of past yore.

I strongly speculate that 20 billion dollars could go a long way towards making this con man quite flush when it comes to his personal assets, if indeed his pomposity exceeds his boastful billions.

Still others have speculated that his slips and slides concerning his tax returns may indeed be a cause for concern should he in fact be in deep debt. How would that affect his financial policies towards certain financial institutions? There is even speculation of some of his Russian investments, though in my judgment this entire Russian ruse is a diversionary tactic to have us look over there while we should be looking in another direction.

If the Rothschild family are really worth 500 trillion dollars and their Bank of London, sitting at the financial capital of the world, has the financial power of such obscene amounts of money, what control does that kind of power and influence exert over mere billionaires or even countries?

Donald Trump has stated when asked why he won’t release his tax returns that the American People don’t care. On one level he is correct about some Americans, for some of us have shown a completely insouciant demeanor in the face of illegal wars started on a pack of lies, the theft of our Treasury by the banksters, and the subsequent shortage of taxpayer monies towards education, health, and a safe environment.

But many other Americans, and maybe even some of the very same indifferent ones, noted above, who have had a rude awakening over these last eight years, are little wiser than to give a pass to a con man who said that he would drain the swamp when he got to Washington, only to fill that swamp with the repeated raw sewage of Goldman Sachs, a financial institution that he surely has had business dealings with in the past.

Now, doesn’t THAT give you pause?

And who exactly is controlling who?                                                            __Bob

Frank Scafani

Feb 19, 2017, 12:45:42 PM2/19/17
Bob, I need some concrete no bullshit in my face proof of The Donald getting 20 billion.

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If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.

Feb 19, 2017, 12:59:34 PM2/19/17
I understand that, dog. This piece is purely based on speculation. I was playing with it. But it does, by way of play, question the failure for this double talking con man to actually drain the swamp when he is, in actuality, filling it now with an economic team of 13 Goldman Sachs alumni, the majority Ashkenazi Khazarian Jews.
Imagine what a deeply indebted president or a petulant despotic con man could do with the kind of money. And imagine to whom such a principle-less individual might cover for or do errands for.
Pure speculation with the point being to question. Could it be possible that the release of those IRS tax returns would produce a significant piece of a puzzle leading to.......???
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Frank Scafani

Feb 19, 2017, 1:05:24 PM2/19/17
As I have said before, Americans love to be fooled, why we end up with such shit bags running the country, but the release of The Donald's tax records would just might open a new can of worms.

On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Bob71947 via peopleofCA12 <> wrote:
I understand that, dog. This piece is purely based on speculation. I was playing with it. But it does, by way of play, question the failure for this double talking con man to actually drain the swamp when he is, in actuality, filling it now with an economic team of 13 Goldman Sachs alumni, the majority Ashkenazi Khazarian Jews.
Imagine what a deeply indebted president or a petulant despotic con man could do with the kind of money. And imagine to whom such a principle-less individual might cover for or do errands for.
Pure speculation with the point being to question. Could it be possible that the release of those IRS tax returns would produce a significant piece of a puzzle leading to.......???
In a message dated 2/19/2017 9:45:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Bob, I need some concrete no bullshit in my face proof of The Donald getting 20 billion.
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Bob71947 via peopleofCA12 <> wrote:

It has been hinted at by a former CIA intelligence officer by the name of Robert Davis Steele that Lyn Rothschild gave Donald Trump 20 billion dollars as he ascended to the presidency. It’s really at this point impossible to confirm or deny this. But it presents a very interesting scenario to speculate about, now doesn’t it?

Why would one of the wealthiest persons in the world gift the president of the US that much money? It is said that the Rothschild family is worth 500 trillion dollars. 20 billion dollars to them is cookie jar change.

So let’s speculate. There’s much questioning out there as to why Donald Trump wouldn’t release his tax returns. Some say it would show that he hasn’t really paid his fair share of taxes. Scratch that one. He’s already admitted during the campaign that he’s a smart business man who has made full use of the tax system to his benefit. And he insinuated that would the American People really want a president who would be that stupid not to take advantage of the tax codes. So no, he didn’t pay a proportional amount commensurate with what he personally benefits from our Commons, for instance, access to our Court Systems for contractual disagreements, protection of    investments through the SEC, etc.

Another speculation is that his tax returns would show that his wealth  isn’t really what it’s been trumped up to be. In fact several analysts have concluded that Trump is only a billionaire on paper. There are those pesky little mortgage payments owed to the banks and those partnerships sharing joint ownership.

Let’s go with the latter then and ask why would Lyn Rothshild generously bequeath 20 billion dollars to an American president. He doesn’t need the money, right, since he’s already swimming in billions? And who do you know who is more boastful about his business acumen and the bucks that follow than The Donald? But what if that boastfulness were just the hot air of a very large ego that has shown itself less than forthright when it comes to declaring this or that to be the truth.

When politicians receive large caches of money from donors asking nothing in return, many of us skeptics have shown a certain disbelief that is warranted, don’t you think, with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton fans.  Purses full of money indirectly passed along to her and Bill’s philanthropic Clinton Global Initiative get a pas because after those contributions are cleared at the bank and an appointment for a one on one with the Secretary of State ensues and hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayer monies are gifted to Bahrain for military armaments, all should not be questioned since the initial pay to play payment went to feed hungry children in Bangladesh????

So what does Lyn of the 500 trillion dollars want for her paltry sum of 20 billion dollars? An invite to the inauguration and box seats at future Washington Redskins games? Probably not, huh?

You know with that kind of money laying around I suspect the Rothschilds could hire just the right people to investigate and        conclusively find out whether Donald Trump is up to his eyeballs in debt. After all, it has been noted before that this scion of The Deal has had a small handful of bankruptcies in his celestial business dealings of past yore.

I strongly speculate that 20 billion dollars could go a long way towards making this con man quite flush when it comes to his personal assets, if indeed his pomposity exceeds his boastful billions.

Still others have speculated that his slips and slides concerning his tax returns may indeed be a cause for concern should he in fact be in deep debt. How would that affect his financial policies towards certain financial institutions? There is even speculation of some of his Russian investments, though in my judgment this entire Russian ruse is a diversionary tactic to have us look over there while we should be looking in another direction.

If the Rothschild family are really worth 500 trillion dollars and their Bank of London, sitting at the financial capital of the world, has the financial power of such obscene amounts of money, what control does that kind of power and influence exert over mere billionaires or even countries?

Donald Trump has stated when asked why he won’t release his tax returns that the American People don’t care. On one level he is correct about some Americans, for some of us have shown a completely insouciant demeanor in the face of illegal wars started on a pack of lies, the theft of our Treasury by the banksters, and the subsequent shortage of taxpayer monies towards education, health, and a safe environment.

But many other Americans, and maybe even some of the very same indifferent ones, noted above, who have had a rude awakening over these last eight years, are little wiser than to give a pass to a con man who said that he would drain the swamp when he got to Washington, only to fill that swamp with the repeated raw sewage of Goldman Sachs, a financial institution that he surely has had business dealings with in the past.

Now, doesn’t THAT give you pause?

And who exactly is controlling who?                                                            __Bob

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If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.

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