Rose City Rebel Dharma week of 12.12.16-With an eye on the weather

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Portland Rose City Rebel Dharma

Dec 14, 2016, 12:23:33 AM12/14/16
WEDNESDAYS:  7:00pm-9:00pm
Yoga Shala North - 3808 North Williams Room B! (a block north of Fremont)

Group Information
We have a 35-45 minute meditation - guided or silent depending on the pulse of the group each week. We then have a Dharma talk or reading and discussion. There is also time to share/discuss practice stuff or other desired topics.
We sit Wednesday nights at Yoga 
Shala- 3808 North Williams (a block north of Fremont). The 44 bus line stops right in front. We meet from 7-9 PM. When you get to the Shala, just stop by the front counter and let them know that you are there for D-Punx (as always we are on a strict donation only system-never a cost to sit with us-but, because generosity is a part of the practice....) and come on back. They do have some cushions and chairs for us to use, but feel free to bring your own. If the front door is locked upon your arrival come in Suite A from the back hallway.
A big thank you to Jody and the good folks of Yoga Shala for their generosity of allowing us to sit in their beautiful space on a donation basis. We ask for a minimum donation of $2 or more, but no one ever turned away because of lack of funds! We start at 7 and end right at 9.

Tomorrow we will discuss the five precepts in preparation for out intention setting ceremony at the end of December (see below). We recently covered the precepts while studying the 8-fold path, but they are 1) refraining from causing harm or killing living beings, 2) refraining from taking that which is not given (stealing), 3) refraining from sexual misconduct (not causing harm with our sexuality), 4) refraining from false and harmful speech, and 5) refraining from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness. We will discuss what these are, and what they are not tomorrow :) Hope to see all of you lovely people tomorrow! Keep an eye on your email and facebook, in the case of winter weather we will have to cancel!

Also, just a "save the date". We will be doing our Annual Our New Year's Intention SettingCeremony 
This will be held during our regular Wednesday night-December 28th-there will be an opportunity to take the refuges and precepts. We will start at 7 PM with a short meditation. After that there will be an opportunity to take the 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts (all completely optional). We will finish the evening by setting intentions. There will be a small altar that folks may go up to, light a candle and set an intention (or so) either silently or out loud. There will be cords available that you may "power up" with determinations/intentions and/or commitments. These can be a supportive to wear as a reminder if you choose. Again, everything is optional, it can be quite a lovely ceremony to just observe if you choose. We will wrap up by 9 PM. 

Here is a lovely talk by Ajahn Amaro about the 5 Precepts. Truly inspiring to think of them as gifts. 

Here is last week's reading, another take on the refuges. Also, here is the article on sangha I brought up during the discussion.

Local Special Events:

Meditation Group for Queer Folks and Allies on the 1st Tuesday of every Month
Welcome! We are a meditation group for queer folks and allies that meets in Portland on the first Tuesday of every month in the evening. The group will be peer led and facilitated, although we occasionally have queer dharma teachers from the community come facilitate.

Our group is inclusive and welcoming to anyone who is interested in meditating with a community, whether you have a long-term meditation practice or whether you are new to sitting. The monthly sittings are free and open to all with an opportunity for dana (generosity) if you are interested.  

Our meetings are held from 7pm-8:30pm at TaborSpace in SE Portland. The address is: 5441 SE Belmont St, at the corner of 55th and Belmont.

We want the sitting to be as accessible as possible, so please reach out if you need a ride or would like to carpool.

Any questions? please contact Julee at
For more info join our FB group! "Queer Meditation Sangha Portland" 

Opportunities to sit with Kate Dresher

Kate Dresher has been practicing meditation since 1998 and was authorized to teach by her root teacher, Michele McDonald, in 2010. She has studied with both Asian and Western meditation masters, most notably Venerables Chanmyay Myaing Sayadaw and Sayadaw U Vivekananda, and practiced for a time as a nun in Burma.  She has also trained to offer spiritual care, as a Buddhist chaplain, for those facing difficulty or loss. Kate is involved in teaching metta and vipassana retreats primarily in the Northwest U.S. and British Columbia, where she resides. She emphasizes practicing right where we are as a doorway to the natural unfolding of wisdom and love.

December’s Weekly Thursday Gatherings will continue with the 3 Pillars of Dhamma Series. Dates are: 12/15, 12/22 (no meeting on the 29th).

Weekly Thursday Gatherings will continue in the new year. Winter/Spring schedule will come out soon. Stay tuned! For more info, contact

See updated calendar of community practice opportunities & activities:

Sangha activities

View Kate Dresher's current retreat teaching schedule:

Kate’s teaching schedule

Sign up to receive info on opportunities to help out, get involved and practice generosity through service:

Service opportunities

Sign up for listserv to receive event and retreat announcements:

Listserv sign up

New Year’s Eve:

An Evening of Practice and Fellowship

w/ Kate Dresher

When: Saturday, December 31, 2016, 7:00pm to midnight (option to leave early at 9:30pm)

Where: Cedarwood Waldorf School (3030 SW 2nd Ave, Portland, OR, 97201)

Registration: please click here for registration.

Registration is suggested, but is not required.  All will be welcomed at the door eve of.

Ride Share: For those who prefer to carpool or who can’t drive at night, ride share options are included in the registration link.

Bring: Please bring a light snack to share and your non-alcoholic beverage of choice.

Save the Dates!!

Save the dates. Bodhi Tree sangha is sponsoring the upcoming non residential retreats:
Kamala Masters Feb 4 & 5, 2017 at Still Meadow Conference & Retreat Center contact

Rodney Smith Mar 11 & 12, 2017 at Still Meadow Conference & Retreat Center contact

One House of Peace Events:

Mindful Parenting Workshop - December 4th1-5pm
Join teachers Anna Forsline and Stephanie Edman for this half-day workshop on mindful parenting. All welcome. $25/$35 sliding scale.

Join Caverly Morgan for a live, online class through the Center for Nondual Awareness. Caverly will lead a guided meditation, wisdom talk, and discussion, focused on the rich topic of staying centered during the flurry of the holiday season. Offered by donation. 

Awakening to the New Year 5-day Retreat - December 28th-January 2nd
Enter the New Year aware, peaceful, and from a place of love on this 5-day retreat with Caverly Morgan at Still Meadow Retreat Center in Damascus, OR. Activities include group discussion, guided exercises, journaling, visualization, and meditation. No experience required, all are welcome.

Awakening to the New Year Online Course - January 4th - January 29th
This new year, awaken to your true calling. Recognize yourself as the love and awareness that you are. Know the happiness and peace that you seek. In this four-week, online series Caverly Morgan will guide you to: create conscious intentions, drop resistance and fear, access effortless, awakened presence, and live from a place of unconditional love. 

Local Retreat Centers:
Great Vow Monastery event calendar: 

Cloud Mountain

For retreats in 2015 and 2016 at Cloud Mountain go here and here!

Other Supportive Groups/Classes:

Yoga Punx! See the up-to-date schedule by going to their website below
Donation based, all level, punk rock yoga in Portland, Oregon. Providing yoga to those who would normally not seek it out or who would not feel comfortable in a conventional yoga studio.  More  Website:

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple has held a weekly Monday evening meeting since June 30th at 7:00 p.m. We use the meeting format found at which begins, "Welcome to the Refuge Recovery weekly group. All are welcome here."

Refuge Recovery is a community of people who are using the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The path of practice that we follow is called the Four Truths of Refuge Recovery.

Please contact Gensho if you have questions.

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple
6401 NE 10th Avenue
97211 Portland

Book List-
As promised, here is a book list geared towards beginners, but way suitable for experienced practitioners. This is in no particular order! The ones that have hyperlinks are available for free distribution online.

Anything by Pema Chodron, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Thich Nhat Hanh and many other.

Yoga for those Impacted by Addiction/in Recovery:
Heartsong Yoga 3841 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton Living Recover Yoga Thursdays 7:30-8:30 PM a free recovery yoga class. This is a safe space and place to practice with others in recovery from addictions.
The People's Yoga 3016 NE Killingsworth Living Yoga Recovery Yoga - 8:30-9:30am Sundays Taught by Living Yoga volunteers, this class is specifically for individuals impacted by addiction and recovery. Donations are requested to cover the studio space, but no one is turned away.
Unfold Studios 3249 SE Division Living Yoga Recovery Yoga - 8:30-9:45am Saturdays Taught by Living Yoga volunteers, this class is specifically for individuals impacted by addiction and recovery. Donations are requested to cover the studio space, but no one is turned away. 
Check out Living Yoga, an amazing non-profit that does incredible work for many communities. Go to this link for other free and donation-based yoga opportunities.

Awesome place and community in Portland!

Portland Friends of The Dhamma: 
1404 SE 25th Ave, Portland, OR, 97214 (25th and Madison-a block off Hawthorne)

Friday is a wonderful offering called "Investigations", led by Matthew Grad. We explore Dhamma suttas and teachings and explore how they impact and inform our lives.

Sunday has an offering of "Sunday Sila", with a morning puja, followed by a period of meditation and sharing.

Please check the calendar often for schedule updates.

The Pacific Hermitage has monastics living there full time! (Go to this link to learn all about it, it is quite exciting) If you would like to offer a meal and have conversation with monks you can offer meal dana from this link If you have any questions about how any of this works talk to Heather or email the dana coordinator at: da...@pacifichermitage.or or go to this website:

Other Communities in Portland to Sit-Check out their schedules on their websites

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