Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 35 - August 30, 2013

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Chris Lundin

Aug 30, 2013, 10:45:32 AM8/30/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 35 - August 30, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Faith Formation Classes Underway!
2. Weekly Stewardship Report
3. Clergy Corner: Keeping Track Of Men In Black
4. Labor in the Pulpit: A Just Wage
5. Sunday, September 8: Information Session on Refugee Foster Care Program
6. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
7. Life Teen and Edge News
8. Thanks To Music Ministers Covering for Vacations
9. Save These Dates
10. Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic
11. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic
12. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign
13. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Leaders Needed

14. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human Trafficking –Modern Day Slavery

15. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion
16. Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7: St. William Rummage Sale
17. Vallombrosa Center Events
18. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Young Adult Circle
21. Readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Fr. Matt at Our Lady of Knock


1. Faith Formation Classes Underway!

Classes are in progress. But it's not too late to register! Go on-line to register your children for our STA Kids Faith Formation. All children ages 4 through 10 (Pre-K through 5th Grade) are welcome. Faith formation is a life-long journey for all of us. It’s not just preparing for the Sacraments. It’s preparing our children to live Christian lives. Questions? Contact Susan in the Faith Formation Office (650-494-2496, ext. 25) or at

2. Weekly Stewardship Report

Our summer comings and goings do not lessen our parish's dependence upon you all for our ability to cover our expenses. So far this summer, you have been quite generous. But in case you've been out of town and haven't thought about covering your weekly or monthly offering to the parish for that time, would you give it consideration today?  We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

August 4: Actual: $10,500 (Goal: $11,000)
August 11: Actual: $9,500 (Goal: $11,000) plus Missionary Co-Op: $12,000
August 18: Actual: $10,800 (Goal: $11,000) plus Church in Africa collection: $3,132 and Assumption: $1,772
August 25: Actual: $9,072 (Goal: $11,000)

3. Clergy Corner: Keeping Track Of Men In Black

Fr. Matt is leading a pilgrimage to Ireland from August 19 - September 1.

Fr. Dat will be away on vacation from August 29-September 5.

4. Labor in the Pulpit: A Just Wage
Over the past thirty years, the average income of the wealthiest one percent of Americans has increased 275 percent, while the income of the poorest 20 percent has increased by less that 20 percent.  This disparity has grown even more extreme in the last ten years.

Economist Robert Reich says that the cause of the weak economic recovery is that American consumers don’t have the money to buy enough to boost the economy – and they can no longer borrow as they could prior to the crash of 2008.  Incomes and net worth of the middle class have dropped dramatically. Officers of major corporations are in the habit of enlarging their own incomes to extreme levels while keeping incomes of the lowest members of their companies at the lowest possible level.  This practice is legal, but it is morally indefensible.

Many representatives in government think this situation is acceptable, and that it is not the government's job to assure that the ordinary workers receive a just wage.  However, setting a just minimum wage is one way that the government has historically acted to protect the dignity of the worker and assure that children are not mired in poverty. Nevertheless, many representatives refuse to vote in favor of an increase in the minimum wage, which today corresponds to an annual salary of just over $15,000.  This amount is insufficient for a family, especially one that includes even one child.

The encyclical Rerum Novarum stated that a worker’s wages, to be just and consistent with human dignity, must be sufficient to support a family in comfort and even leave some for savings (p 46).  Pope Benedict XVI, in Caritas in Veritate, says (p 32): "The dignity of the individual and the demands of justice require, particularly today, that economic choices do not cause disparities in wealth to increase in an excessive and morally unacceptable manner, and that we continue to prioritize the goal of access to steady employment for everyone."

Tomorrow is Labor Day, and this year is the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established a minimum wage, among other reforms.  So let us renew our commitment to the teachings of the Church regarding the rights of workers, which include a just wage.  As the U.S. Bishops said: "As people of faith, we are called to stand with those left behind, offer our solidarity, and join forces with 'the least of these' to help meet their basic needs. We seek national economic renewal that places working people and their families at the center of economic life."

Paul Chestnut, Chair of the Human Concerns Committee

5. Sunday, September 8: Information Session on Refugee Foster Care Program
Please mark your calendar for next Sunday, Sept 8. Catholic Charities will introduce our parish to their refugee foster care program. Becoming a foster parent is easier than you think. You can be of any religious faith, any race, or any age over 21. You can be married or single, have a big family or no children at all. They'll be with you every step of the way. Foster Parents receive training, monthly financial stipends, and lots of support. The information meeting will be next Sunday from 2 to 3:30 at the OLR Hall.

6. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

Presently, only three women are washing and ironing the altar linen at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

We need more volunteers to help with this activity. The more, the merrier! And note that this ministry is not limited to women!

If we have five or six volunteers, the less often we have we have to take our turns.

For information and/or sign up, please contact: Charlotte Gross
H: (650) 321-3129 Email:

7. Life Teen and Edge News

As many of you know I have been on medical leave for the past 3 months with undiagnosed abdominal pain. The doctors are looking to do an exploratory surgery in the coming month or so.  We have, however, figured out the right medicine that is allowing me to function.  I am so blessed to be able to work  from home until I can return to work.  Manuel and I thank you for your continued support and prayers during this time.  As summer is coming to a close and the school year is starting up, we wanted to make sure and touch base with everyone about our upcoming St. Thomas Aquinas Youth (STAY) Groups.

1. An evite will be sent out soon regarding our Kick Off Potluck on Sunday September 8th following our 6pm Mass.

2. Both the EDGE (middle school youth) and Life Teen (high school youth) will start regular youth group sessions on September 15th.
    a.     The EDGE will meet from 4:30pm – 5:55pm
            (just enough time to get to 6pm Mass)

    b.     Life Teen will meet from 7pm-9pm
            (please sign up to help us with dinners)

3. one8 (our confirmation program) will kick off on Sunday September 15th  10:30am – 2pm.  This is mandatory for all those seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation this year.  Please make sure your sponsor or parent is present as well.  If you have an questions or comments please feel free to email us at:

High School emails:
Middle School emails:
Confirmation / one8 emails:

Again, I thank you for your patience and understanding while I get caught up from being on medical leave.  God Bless!
Alley Torres, Director of Youth & Young Adults

8. Thanks To Music Ministers Covering for Vacations

We welcome several new music ministers who will providing vacation coverage for Chris Lundin on August 25 and September 1.

Patrick Feehan, the music director at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, will be accompanying the St. Albert the Great choir at the 9:00 a.m. Masse on September 1, as well as the 10:30 a.m. Choir OLR, led by Veronica Duluk.  Patrick was a music minister at St. Raymond's in Menlo Park for many years before his ministry at Vallombrosa. 

9. Save These Dates

* Sunday, September 8 - Information Session for Support of Refugee Youth (OLR, 2:00 p.m.)
* Sunday, September 8 - BBQ and 1st LifeTeen Mass of Fall
* Sunday, September 15 - Parish Picnic - OLR (11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
* Sunday, September 15 - EDGE and Life Teen sessions begin
* Tuesday, September 24 - Spirituality Tuesday starts again

10. Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic

Our parish picnic will be held Sunday, September 15, from 11:30 until 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary at 3233 Cowper St.

This is the largest social event of the year in the parish and everyone is invited. The Knights of Columbus will again be barbequing hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and vegetables; refreshments will be provided by the Community Life group. Side dishes and desserts are potluck, so that the entire St. Thomas Aquinas community may be involved in the lunch. More information will follow next week on this event that, besides great food and hospitality, includes entertainment for both children and adults.

A special feature of the event this year is the FREE-Cycle, where all are welcome to bring -- and take home free! -- small household items, books, toys, and plants and produce. This is a great chance to clean up around our homes and then to share our “stuff “with fellow parishioners. Let’s all be sure to mark our calendars for September 15.

11. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic

Back by popular demand, the Green Committee will host another Free Cycling event at this year's parish picnic on September 15 at OLR's school yard.  

We accept the following: Books, DVDs, CDs, toys, electronics, arts and crafts, small household items and (new this year) PRODUCE & PLANTS from your yards! Remember, absolutely FREE to bring and FREE to take! Items should be in nice enough condition so people would appreciate having them. They should also be easily "portable". No big, heavy or bulky items please. All leftovers will be donated to local charities.

Laura Chiu, Green Committee

12. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign

Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Daly will celebrate a special Mass to mark the start of the next local 40 Days for Life campaign, on Monday, September 16, at 7:00 PM. For the first time, this Mass will be celebrated in a parish in our area: St. Simon, 1860 Grant Road, Los Altos. Everyone is invited to stay for the reception for Bishop Daly that will follow the Mass.

40 Days for Life is a program of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach aimed at cooperating in God’s plan to end abortion. Since 2004, it's been wildly effective: 39 abortion clinics have completely shut down after 40 Days for Life campaigns; 7,536 lives have been saved.

For more details about the Mass, contact Michele Coldiron at 650-814-1995 or To learn more about 40 Days for Life in general, go to

13. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Leaders Needed

Leaders are needed for Sunday Masses (9:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great and 10:30 a.m. at OLR and St. Thomas Aquinas)

During our Children’s Liturgy Of the Word (CLOW) at our Sunday morning Masses, children ages 4 and up are sent out from the assembly right after the Collect to gather in another near-by space so that they may hear and talk about the scripture readings at their level of understanding and pray with the other children gathered. CLOW is offered most weeks from September through May. CLOW is not offered on Family Mass weekends (usually the 4th Sunday of the month) or on holidays.

In order for us to offer this meaningful experience for our children, we need adults who are willing to lead them. As a Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader, you would serve in rotation with others in the ministry. Frequency of service depends on the number of people we have willing to serve. Ideally we would have sufficient ministers to have each person (or team) serve only once a month or once every other month.

Materials to assist the leader to break open the Word for the children and lead them in prayer are provided for each week. The materials will be available in plenty of time for each leader to become familiar with them and prepare for this session. There are also materials for the children to take with them to further enrich their experience of the Liturgy of the Word.

We are in need of people to help with this ministry at all sites. Training will be provided to all who accept a role in this ministry. We would like to begin offering CLOW on September 8.

14. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human TraffickingModern Day Slavery


Guest speaker: Sister Caritas Foster


Human Trafficking or Trafficking in Persons is modern-day slavery.  Human Trafficking is defined as recruiting, harboring, transporting, buying or selling a person through force, fraud or coercion—physical or psychological—to exploit the person for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both.  By federal law any minor exploited by prostitution or pornography is considered trafficked.  It is estimated that annually 27 million persons are trafficked globally:  80% are women and children.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity throughout the world. We will look at some of the forms of human trafficking within our own country and around the globe.


Sister Caritas Foster is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family. She has served in a leadership capacity within her religious community and currently serves on the Board of Directors for MISSSEY, a local organization who serves sexually exploited youth. She currently represents the Sisters of the Holy Family as one of the partners of the Cross Bay Collaborative.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments conclude the evening.

15. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion

The OLR graduating class of 1963 (50 years!) will be having a potluck BBQ from  
10 am to 4 pm, at Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper Street, Palo Alto
Graduates are invited to bring their spouse/significant other with something to BBQ/eat and something to share.  Table service, bbq setup, and drinks will be provided.

For further information contact:
Roger Bucholtz
2883 Burnside Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 829-3845 home (707) 888-5649 cell
16. Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7: St. William Rummage Sale

611 S. El Monte, Los Altos, 9am-3pm
Books, Clothes, Art, Toys, Housewares, Jewelry, Electronics, etc.

17. Vallombrosa Center Events

Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Ave  Menlo Park, CA 94025, is offering the following events:

Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction, A Workshop led by Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D.
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9:00AM–12:00PM

Do you feel anxious? Looking for simple tools to help you manage stress? Join us to explore the power of the mind-body connection. In this hands-on workshop, Dr. McDonald will discuss some of the research around simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as: guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation. She will also teach you practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines so you can truly “take a break” anytime, anywhere. Her relaxation CD’s will be available before and after the workshop.

The cost for the morning workshop is $25 per person and includes scones and coffee/tea. To register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.
For our full calendar of events, please visit us at:, or on Facebook at: facebook/VallombrosaCenter

18. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Word of God,
Spirit-filled praise and worship, gracious presence of bishops.

Bishop Patrick McGrath, Fr. George Kumblumootil, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Bob Canton, Mark Nimo.

9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 324 Gloria Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127

For more information and registration, visit

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Crepevine, TuesSept. 17th at 7:30PM, 300 Castro St.,  Mountain View: The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at the Mountain View Crepevine location.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Sept. 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos: The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at


Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20

Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area.  For more info visit the website or directly contact

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

21. Readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

Fr. Matt is on vacation August 19 - September 1
Fr. Dat is on vacation August 29 - September 5

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter  (Music: Paul Prochaska)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Patrick Feehan and SAG Choir)
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys Mikalonis (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys Mikalonis  (Music: Veronica Duluk, Patrick Feehan and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel   (Music: Paul Prochaska and STA Choir) <-- Farewell Mass for Fr. Epie
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
Beginning again Sunday, September 8: Life Teen Mass: 6:00 p.m. OLR

Bonus Content:  Fr. Matt at Our Lady of Knock

The Story of Knock began on Thursday evening of the 21st August, 1879, Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist appeared at the south gable of the church at Knock, County Mayo, Ireland.  Beside them and a little to their left was an altar with a cross and the figure of a lamb, around which angels hovered.
There were fifteen official witnesses to the apparition – young and old – who watched and prayed for two hours in the pouring rain.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 378 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 379? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Sep 6, 2013, 8:17:50 AM9/6/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 36 - September 6, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, September 7: Night Prayer Vigil for Peace
2. Sunday, September 8: Information Session on Refugee Foster Care Program
3. Weekly Stewardship Report
4. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
5. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19
6. Life Teen and Edge News
7. Save These Dates
8. Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic
9. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic
10. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign
11. Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P Beginning Again
12. Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
13. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Leaders Needed

14. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human Trafficking –Modern Day Slavery

15. Pope Francis Rallying Support for Peace
16. Exciting New Year at St. Elizabeth Seton School!
17. Other Events at St. Elizabeth Seton School: Coffees and Tours
18. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion
19. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
20. Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7: St. William Rummage Sale
21. Wednesday, September 11: Multifaith Peace Picnic
22. Vallombrosa Center Events
23. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Young Adult Circle
26. Readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, September 7: Night Prayer Vigil for Peace

At his Angelus message last Sunday, Pope Francis called for an end to violence as a means to peace: "Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence." Then he invited the Church and the entire global community to join him in a day of fasting and prayer culminating in a vigil for peace, this Saturday, September 7, 2013, the eve of our remembrance of the Birth of Mary, the Mother of God and the Queen of Peace. At this vigil, he asks that we all "gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God's great gift of peace upon the beloved nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world."

This Saturday in Rome, Pope Francis will pray with the people at Saint Peter's Square from 7:00p to midnight, local Rome time, in an extended vigil for peace. In solidarity, Bishop McGrath invites all of us in the Diocese of San Jose to join with him in prayer as well.

Together, let us pray for peace.
Night Prayer Vigil for Peace
Diocese of San Jose
Saturday, September 7, 2013, 8:00p to 9:30p
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph
80 South Market St. San Jose, CA 95113

Led by Bishop McGrath, we will celebrate a bilingual (Spanish/English) "Night Prayer" (also known as Compline), the last liturgy of each day prayed by the Church. This is not Mass but rather one of the liturgies from the Liturgy of the Hours. It begins with an invitation to examine our conscience and ask forgiveness of God. Through psalms, canticles, readings, and reflections, we will give praise to the Father for his mercy and give thanks to Christ who is our Light in the darkness of war. Finally, with faith in the Spirit who guides us through the shadows of night, we entrust our lives into the hands of the Father and pray in the words of Simeon who saw with his own eyes the fulfillment of God's promise of peace. The last act of the Church before it sleeps each day is to sing a hymn to the Blessed Mother who watches over us on our daily journey.

After Night Prayer, to continue the vigil, we will share in meditative prayer until the close of our night watch at 9:30p. If you are only able to participate in part of the liturgy this Saturday, please feel welcomed to come when you can and leave when you need. All people of good will are invited to pray.

2. Sunday, September 8: Information Session on Refugee Foster Care Program
Please mark your calendar for this Sunday afternoon, Sept 8. Catholic Charities will introduce our parish to their refugee foster care program. Becoming a foster parent is easier than you think. You can be of any religious faith, any race, or any age over 21. You can be married or single, have a big family or no children at all. They'll be with you every step of the way. Foster Parents receive training, monthly financial stipends, and lots of support. 

The information meeting will be next Sunday from 2 to 3:30 at the OLR Hall.

3. Weekly Stewardship Report

Our summer comings and goings do not lessen our parish's dependence upon you all for our ability to cover our expenses. So far this summer, you have been quite generous. But in case you've been out of town and haven't thought about covering your weekly or monthly offering to the parish for that time, would you give it consideration today? We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

August 4: Actual: $10,500 (Goal: $11,000)
August 11: Actual: $9,500 (Goal: $11,000) plus Missionary Co-Op: $12,000
August 18: Actual: $10,800 (Goal: $11,000) plus Church in Africa collection: $3,132 and Assumption: $1,772
August 25: Actual: $9,072 (Goal: $11,000)
September 1: Actual: $11,000 (Goal: $11,000) 

4. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

Presently, only three women are washing and ironing the altar linen at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

We need more volunteers to help with this activity. The more, the merrier! And note that this ministry is not limited to women!

If we have five or six volunteers, the less often we have we have to take our turns.

For information and/or sign up, please contact: Charlotte Gross
H: (650) 321-3129 Email:

5. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19

We are in great need of volunteers in two areas of Spiritual Care:

1. Office Clerks
On Mondays and Fridays, two hours per week, 
8 a.m. – 10 a.m., to prepare the patient lists for visitation.

2. Eucharistic Ministers:
Any day: Sunday through Friday
Any Time: 11 a.m. – 7 pm
Time required: two hours

To fulfill these roles, you must complete a one-day training. Our next training is Saturday, October 19, 2013, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Stanford Hospital. You do not need to already be a Eucharistic Minister; we will train you.

We urgently need volunteers in both categories. If you feel you can help, please call Father John Hester at 650-725-3746 or email

6. Life Teen and Edge News

1. Life Teen Mass begins again this Sunday! Kick Off Potluck on Sunday September 8th following our 6pm Mass.

2. Both the EDGE (middle school youth) and Life Teen (high school youth) will start regular youth group sessions on September 15th.
    a.     The EDGE will meet from 4:30pm – 5:55pm
            (just enough time to get to 6pm Mass)

    b.     Life Teen will meet from 7pm-9pm
            (please sign up to help us with dinners)

3. one8 (our confirmation program) will kick off on Sunday September 15th  10:30am – 2pm.  This is mandatory for all those seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation this year.  Please make sure your sponsor or parent is present as well.  If you have an questions or comments please feel free to email us at:

High School emails:
Middle School emails:
Confirmation / one8 emails:
Alley Torres, Director of Youth & Young Adults

7. Save These Dates

* Sunday, September 8 - Information Session for Support of Refugee Youth (OLR, 2:00 p.m.)
* Sunday, September 8 - BBQ and 1st LifeTeen Mass of Fall - OLR 6:00 p.m.
* Sunday, September 15 - Parish Picnic - OLR (11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.)
* Sunday, September 15 - EDGE and Life Teen sessions begin (Dermody Center)
* Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P begins - OLR Hall 6:00 p.m.
* Tuesday, September 24 - Spirituality Tuesday starts again 7:00-8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality

8. Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic

Our parish picnic will be held Sunday, September 15, from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary at 3233 Cowper St.

This is the largest social event of the year in the parish and everyone is invited. The Knights of Columbus will again be barbequing hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and vegetables; refreshments will be provided by the Community Life group. Side dishes and desserts are potluck, so that the entire St. Thomas Aquinas community may be involved in the lunch. More information will follow next week on this event that, besides great food and hospitality, includes entertainment for both children and adults.

A special feature of the event this year is the FREE-Cycle, where all are welcome to bring -- and take home free! -- small household items, books, toys, and plants and produce. This is a great chance to clean up around our homes and then to share our “stuff “with fellow parishioners. Let’s all be sure to mark our calendars for September 15.

9. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic

Back by popular demand, the Green Committee will host another Free Cycling event at this year's parish picnic on September 15 at OLR's school yard.  

We accept the following: Books, DVDs, CDs, toys, electronics, arts and crafts, small household items and (new this year) PRODUCE & PLANTS from your yards! Remember, absolutely FREE to bring and FREE to take! Items should be in nice enough condition so people would appreciate having them. They should also be easily "portable". No big, heavy or bulky items please. All leftovers will be donated to local charities.

Laura Chiu, Green Committee

10. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign

Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Daly will celebrate a special Mass to mark the start of the next local 40 Days for Life campaign, on Monday, September 16, at 7:00 PM. For the first time, this Mass will be celebrated in a parish in our area: St. Simon, 1860 Grant Road, Los Altos. Everyone is invited to stay for the reception for Bishop Daly that will follow the Mass.

40 Days for Life is a program of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach aimed at cooperating in God’s plan to end abortion. Since 2004, it's been wildly effective: 39 abortion clinics have completely shut down after 40 Days for Life campaigns; 7,536 lives have been saved.

For more details about the Mass, contact Michele Coldiron at 650-814-1995 or To learn more about 40 Days for Life in general, go to

11. Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P Beginning Again

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) is beginning again. On the third Wednesday of September (September 18)  and then the 1st and 3rd Wednedays thereafter. 

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up tables.)

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted.

12. Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or an adult you know, has an inclination to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. Contact Father Seimas at the Pastoral Center, by calling 650-494-2496 x36 or by emailing him at

13. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Leaders Needed

Leaders are needed for Sunday Masses (9:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great and 10:30 a.m. at OLR and St. Thomas Aquinas)

During our Children’s Liturgy Of the Word (CLOW) at our Sunday morning Masses, children ages 4 and up are sent out from the assembly right after the Collect to gather in another near-by space so that they may hear and talk about the scripture readings at their level of understanding and pray with the other children gathered. CLOW is offered most weeks from September through May. CLOW is not offered on Family Mass weekends (usually the 4th Sunday of the month) or on holidays.

In order for us to offer this meaningful experience for our children, we need adults who are willing to lead them. As a Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) leader, you would serve in rotation with others in the ministry. Frequency of service depends on the number of people we have willing to serve. Ideally we would have sufficient ministers to have each person (or team) serve only once a month or once every other month.

Materials to assist the leader to break open the Word for the children and lead them in prayer are provided for each week. The materials will be available in plenty of time for each leader to become familiar with them and prepare for this session. There are also materials for the children to take with them to further enrich their experience of the Liturgy of the Word.

We are in need of people to help with this ministry at all sites. Training will be provided to all who accept a role in this ministry. We would like to begin offering CLOW on September 8.

14. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human TraffickingModern Day Slavery


Guest speaker: Sister Caritas Foster


Human Trafficking or Trafficking in Persons is modern-day slavery.  Human Trafficking is defined as recruiting, harboring, transporting, buying or selling a person through force, fraud or coercion—physical or psychological—to exploit the person for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both.  By federal law any minor exploited by prostitution or pornography is considered trafficked.  It is estimated that annually 27 million persons are trafficked globally:  80% are women and children.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity throughout the world. We will look at some of the forms of human trafficking within our own country and around the globe.


Sister Caritas Foster is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family. She has served in a leadership capacity within her religious community and currently serves on the Board of Directors for MISSSEY, a local organization who serves sexually exploited youth. She currently represents the Sisters of the Holy Family as one of the partners of the Cross Bay Collaborative.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments conclude the evening.

15. Pope Francis Rallying Support for Peace

In Addition to Sept. 7 Day of Fasting and Prayer, Using Twitter to Discourage War

ROME, September 02, 2013 ( - US President Barack Obama is busy trying to convince Congress and US citizens that military intervention in Syria is necessary to maintain American credibility and punish the Assad regime for reportedly using chemical weapons to attack its citizens Aug. 21. 

Pope Francis, however, is busy pleading for peace. Three tweets were sent from his @Pontifex account today, each urging peace. "How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake," says the most recent tweet. Another, three hours earlier, said, "We want a peaceful world, we want to be men and women of peace."

Some hours before that, the tweet from @Pontifex was, "War never again! Never again war!" And Sunday, he tweeted, "Let us pray for peace: peace in the world and in each of our hearts."

"Gather to pray"

Also on Sunday, the Holy Father declared a day of prayer and fasting for peace, to be held this Saturday, Sept. 7. He made the appeal in his weekly Angelus address. 

“There are so many conflicts in this world which cause me great suffering and worry, but in these days my heart is deeply wounded in particular by what is happening in Syria and anguished by the dramatic developments which are looming," the Pope said during his address in St. Peter's Square.

“I appeal strongly for peace, an appeal which arises from the deep within me. How much suffering, how much devastation, how much pain has the use of arms carried in its wake in that martyred country, especially among civilians and the unarmed! I think of many children who will not see the light of the future! With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons: I tell you that those terrible images from recent days are burned into my mind and heart. There is a judgement of God and of history upon our actions which is inescapable! Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence."

Francis announced that Saturday in St. Peter's Square, from 7 pm till midnight, "we will gather in prayer and in a spirit of penance, invoking God’s great gift of peace upon the beloved nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world. Humanity needs to see these gestures of peace and to hear words of hope and peace! I ask all the local churches, in addition to fasting, that they gather to pray for this intention."

Joining in

The Fides agency reported that the Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassou, the spiritual leader of Sunni Islam in Syria, expressed his desire to join the Pope in this prayer. 

The news agency reported that "an exploratory request to that effect was sent by the Islamic leader to the Apostolic Nuncio in Damascus, His Excellency Monsignor Mario Zenari, and in coming days the feasibility of this desire will be evaluated on both sides."

Fides also reported that several Christian leaders in the Middle East affirmed that the Pope's appeal found its way into "everyone's hearts." 

"The Christian communities in Syria, the Middle East and in the diaspora are happy and ready to join in fasting and prayer." 

16. Exciting New Year at St. Elizabeth Seton School!

A new school year has begun after an unusually busy summer at St. Elizabeth Seton School. In addition to our summer school program activities, many repairs were made to our school plant, including the installation of new exterior and interior doors, painting of the hallway walls and ceilings, installation of new atomic clocks and a bell system, as well as annual deep cleaning. New carpet is soon to be installed in the faculty room, library and offices.

Construction of the new buildings for our preschool and Kindergarten classes is finally complete, and our Kindergarten class began using their new classroom on August21st. Our Little SaintsPreschool is now licensed by the State of California

and opened to our 4-year olds on August 26th to much excitement.

Bishop McGrath will be celebrating our school mass at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27th. This is the Feast day of St. Vincent DePaul, co-founder of the Daughters of Charity, who sponsor our school. The mass will be followed by a dedication of the two new facilities and a reception. Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please pray for our school community as we begin this important, early childhood education program for our school. Thank you for your continued support and patience during these past months during construction.

In the words of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, “Be but faithful to God with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest hope.”

Ms. Evelyn M. Rosa, Principal

17. Other Events at St. Elizabeth Seton School: Coffees and Tours

We also have five other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
October 24, 2013, 
November 14, 2013
February 13, 2014,
March 13, 2014 and 
April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator
St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

18. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion

The OLR graduating class of 1963 (50 years!) will be having a potluck BBQ from  
10 am to 4 pm, at Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper Street, Palo Alto
Graduates are invited to bring their spouse/significant other with something to BBQ/eat and something to share.  Table service, bbq setup, and drinks will be provided.

For further information contact:
Roger Bucholtz
2883 Burnside Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 829-3845 home (707) 888-5649 cell

19. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 
20. Friday, September 6 - Saturday, September 7: St. William Rummage Sale

611 S. El Monte, Los Altos, 9am-3pm
Books, Clothes, Art, Toys, Housewares, Jewelry, Electronics, etc.

21. Wednesday, September 11: Multifaith Peace Picnic

Please join us for a Multifaith Peace Picnic

Wednesday September 11, 2013 from 5:00 PM to 7:00PM
Palo Alto City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto

Let us unite to transform this tragic day into one of peace & community building. The ability to make our country safe, secure, peaceful and harmonious lies in our hands.

It is an opportunity for us to know each other better in a safe and friendly environment. Let us break down barriers and erase hate born from ignorance and fear.
We urge everyone to join hands with us as we walk on the path Martin Luther King Jr. paved for us to build a beloved community.
Together we can replace the culture of despair, division and violence with a culture of hope, inclusion and peace.

You bring your family and friends and we will provide you FREE DINNER and Kids fun activities.


American Muslim Voice Foundation 
Supervisor Dave Cortese, Santa Clara County, District 3
Human Relations Commission, Palo Alto

Multifaith Voice for Peace & Justice (of which our parish is a member)  plus:  Chung Tai Zen Center, Sunnyvale, Muslim Community Association (MCA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Islamic Network Group (ING), Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Asian Law Alliance, Friends of Human Relations, Northern California Islamic Council (NCIC), Council on American–Islamic Relations, Office of Human Relations, SC County, First United Methodist Church, PA

AMV Foundation was founded in July of 2003 by Muslims to work for and with all Americans with a focus on grassroots community development. Our mission is to foster friendships among all Americans by bridging cultural and religious gaps. Through emphasis on the unity of mankind, AMV helps communities identify common goals, celebrate their diversity, and stand in solidarity with one another in times of need to protect and preserve civil liberties and constitutional rights for all.

For more information please call Samina Sundas at 650-387-1994

22. Vallombrosa Center Events

Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Ave  Menlo Park, CA 94025, is offering the following events:

Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction, A Workshop led by Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D.
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9:00AM–12:00PM

Do you feel anxious? Looking for simple tools to help you manage stress? Join us to explore the power of the mind-body connection. In this hands-on workshop, Dr. McDonald will discuss some of the research around simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as: guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation. She will also teach you practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines so you can truly “take a break” anytime, anywhere. Her relaxation CD’s will be available before and after the workshop.

The cost for the morning workshop is $25 per person and includes scones and coffee/tea. To register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.
For our full calendar of events, please visit us at:, or on Facebook at: facebook/VallombrosaCenter

23. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Word of God,
Spirit-filled praise and worship, gracious presence of bishops.

Bishop Patrick McGrath, Fr. George Kumblumootil, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Bob Canton, Mark Nimo.

9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 324 Gloria Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127

For more information and registration, visit

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Crepevine, TuesSept. 17th at 7:30PM, 300 Castro St.,  Mountain View: The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at the Mountain View Crepevine location.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Sept. 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos: The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at


Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20

Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area.  For more info visit the website or directly contact

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

26. Readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt  (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Russ Roide
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gammad (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel   (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt  (Music: Tim Donovan and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 387 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 388? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Sep 13, 2013, 8:04:46 AM9/13/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 37 - September 13, 2013

Annual Parish Picnic! This Sunday
11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.    Our Lady of the Rosary

Table of Contents

1. September 15: Catechetical Sunday 2013
2. This Weekend: Annual Catholic Education Appeal
3. This Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic!
4. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
7. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19
8. Save These Dates
9. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign
10. Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P Beginning Again
11. Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

12. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human Trafficking –Modern Day Slavery

13. Friday, September 27: Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath
14. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion
15. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary
16. Rosary Confraternity
17. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
18. Vallombrosa Center Events
19. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Young Adult Circle
22. Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. September 15: Catechetical Sunday 2013

“Open the Door of Faith” - Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of his or her Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. It is a chance for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. "A catechist is a person who facilitates the process of faith formation, first by echoing the word of God in his or her own life and second by helping others to do so." (Joe Paprocki) Every "Christian" is a catechist in some way, whether as parent, sibling, co-worker, or friend.

This week we call forward those who have accepted the role as catechists to be commissioned and blessed for their ministry. This year’s commissioning comes with a real sense of joy and excitement for the year ahead. Last year at this time, we were in desperate need of catechists. In our STA Kids program, we had only two individuals who were willing and able to serve at St. Albert’s, and we had openings at Our Lady of the Rosary as well. But God answers prayers, and people stepped forward to take on those classes. This year we have at least one catechist in every classroom, and we have aides in most of the classrooms as well. It is wonderful to see this development in the program, and it is a sign of good things to come in the year ahead for our children and catechists alike.

Catechists share their faith - share their experience of God. They will take those in their charge on a faith journey and will walk with them along the pathway to a closer relationship with God. And perhaps on that journey they may grow in their own faith. The "transformers" will be transformed. We give thanks to God for these dedicated people who have stepped forward and said, "Yes" to the call to serve our community in this special way. And may this new year of faith be for all of us a time for renewal of a relationship with Jesus, faithful participation in the sacramental life of the Church, and a reopening the "door of faith" first opened at our Baptism.

Fr. Matt, Pastor & Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

2. This Weekend: Annual Catholic Education Appeal

The Annual Catholic Education Appeal will be held THIS WEEKEND; it provides financial assistance to many of our Catholic students who want
to receive a Catholic education. This special collection supports the tuition aid program for elementary and high school students in our schools. Your partnership and support of the Annual Catholic Education Appeal are greatly appreciated as we make this a successful campaign for our students.

3. This Sunday, September 15: Annual Parish Picnic!

Our parish picnic will be held THIS  Sunday, September 15, from 11:30 until 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary at 3233 Cowper St.  This is the largest social event of the year in our parish and everyone is invited.  The Knights of Columbus will again be barbequing hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and vegetables, and refreshments will be provided by the Community Life group.  

Side dishes and desserts are potluck, so that the entire St. Thomas Aquinas community will be involved in the lunch. Potluck dishes should serve at least 8 people, and even more is better.  

If your last name begins with A – P, please bring a side dish or salad; 
if your last name starts with Q – Z, please bring a dessert.

There will again be entertainment for the adults and children, including for the latter kids crafts and games, a piñata, and a magical faerie, who will be at the picnic from 11:30 until 1:30 painting faces and twisting balloons.   

A special feature of the event this year is the FREE-Cycle, where all are welcome to bring -- and take home free! -- small household items, books, small electronics, CDs and DVDs, art supplies, toys, and plants and produce.  (Please, no large, bulky items.) This is a great chance to clean up around our homes and then to share our “stuff“ with fellow parishioners. 

Hope to see you Sunday!  If you have questions, please call Micky Martin at 494-0119.

4. Green Corner: Free Cycling @ Parish Picnic

Back by popular demand, the Green Committee will host another Free Cycling event at this year's parish picnic on September 15 at OLR's school yard.  

We accept the following: Books, DVDs, CDs, toys, electronics, arts and crafts, small household items and (new this year) PRODUCE & PLANTS from your yards! Remember, absolutely FREE to bring and FREE to take! Items should be in nice enough condition so people would appreciate having them. They should also be easily "portable". No big, heavy or bulky items please. All leftovers will be donated to local charities.

Laura Chiu, Green Committee

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

As you know, we are totally dependent upon all of our parishioners for our livelihood. We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of St. Thomas Aquinas may continue to impact the lives of so many. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of returning to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

September 1: Actual: $11,000 (Goal: $11,000) 
September 8: Actual: $11,500 (Goal: $11,000) + Seton School: $5,000

6. Altar Linen Help Needed at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

Presently, only three women are washing and ironing the altar linen at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

We need more volunteers to help with this activity. The more, the merrier! And note that this ministry is not limited to women!

If we have five or six volunteers, the less often we have we have to take our turns.

For information and/or sign up, please contact: Charlotte Gross
H: (650) 321-3129 Email:

7. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19

We are in great need of volunteers in two areas of Spiritual Care:

1. Office Clerks
On Mondays and Fridays, two hours per week, 
8 a.m. – 10 a.m., to prepare the patient lists for visitation.

2. Eucharistic Ministers:
Any day: Sunday through Friday
Any Time: 11 a.m. – 7 pm
Time required: two hours

To fulfill these roles, you must complete a one-day training. Our next training is Saturday, October 19, 2013, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Stanford Hospital. You do not need to already be a Eucharistic Minister; we will train you.

We urgently need volunteers in both categories. If you feel you can help, please call Father John Hester at 650-725-3746 or email

8. Save These Dates

* Sunday, September 15 - Parish Picnic - OLR (11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.)
* Sunday, September 15 - EDGE and Life Teen sessions begin (Dermody Center)
* Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P begins - OLR Hall 6:00 p.m.
* Tuesday, September 24 - Spirituality Tuesday starts again 7:00-8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality
* September 29 - Anointing of the Sick (all Masses)
* September 29 - Blessing of the Animals - OLR (revised date)
* October 26 - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in-service meeting

9. Monday, September 16: 40 Days for Life Campaign

Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Daly will celebrate a special Mass to mark the start of the next local 40 Days for Life campaign, on Monday, September 16, at 7:00 PM. For the first time, this Mass will be celebrated in a parish in our area: St. Simon, 1860 Grant Road, Los Altos. Everyone is invited to stay for the reception for Bishop Daly that will follow the Mass.

40 Days for Life is a program of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach aimed at cooperating in God’s plan to end abortion. Since 2004, it's been wildly effective: 39 abortion clinics have completely shut down after 40 Days for Life campaigns; 7,536 lives have been saved.

For more details about the Mass, contact Michele Coldiron at 650-814-1995 or To learn more about 40 Days for Life in general, go to

10. Wednesday, September 18: S.O.U.P Beginning Again

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) is beginning again. On the third Wednesday of September (September 18)  and then the 1st and 3rd Wednedays thereafter. 

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up tables.)

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted.

11. Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or an adult you know, has an inclination to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. Contact Father Seimas at the Pastoral Center, by calling 650-494-2496 x36 or by emailing him at

12. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human TraffickingModern Day Slavery


Guest speaker: Sister Caritas Foster


Human Trafficking or Trafficking in Persons is modern-day slavery.  Human Trafficking is defined as recruiting, harboring, transporting, buying or selling a person through force, fraud or coercion—physical or psychological—to exploit the person for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both.  By federal law any minor exploited by prostitution or pornography is considered trafficked.  It is estimated that annually 27 million persons are trafficked globally:  80% are women and children.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity throughout the world. We will look at some of the forms of human trafficking within our own country and around the globe.


Sister Caritas Foster is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family. She has served in a leadership capacity within her religious community and currently serves on the Board of Directors for MISSSEY, a local organization who serves sexually exploited youth. She currently represents the Sisters of the Holy Family as one of the partners of the Cross Bay Collaborative.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments conclude the evening.

13. Friday, September 27: Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath

A new school year has begun after an unusually busy summer at St. Elizabeth Seton School. In addition to our summer school program activities, many repairs were made to our school plant, including the installation of new exterior and interior doors, painting of the hallway walls and ceilings, installation of new atomic clocks and a bell system, as well as annual deep cleaning. New carpet is soon to be installed in the faculty room, library and offices.

Construction of the new buildings for our preschool and Kindergarten classes is finally complete, and our Kindergarten class began using their new classroom on August21st. Our Little SaintsPreschool is now licensed by the State of California and opened to our 4-year olds on August 26th to much excitement.

Bishop McGrath will be celebrating our school mass at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27th. This is the Feast day of St. Vincent DePaul, co-founder of the Daughters of Charity, who sponsor our school. The mass will be followed by a dedication of the two new facilities and a reception. Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please pray for our school community as we begin this important, early childhood education program for our school. Thank you for your continued support and patience during these past months during construction.

In the words of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, “Be but faithful to God with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest hope.”

Ms. Evelyn M. Rosa, Principal

14. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion

The OLR graduating class of 1963 (50 years!) will be having a potluck BBQ from  
10 am to 4 pm, at Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper Street, Palo Alto
Graduates are invited to bring their spouse/significant other with something to BBQ/eat and something to share.  Table service, bbq setup, and drinks will be provided.

For further information contact:
Roger Bucholtz
2883 Burnside Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 829-3845 home (707) 888-5649 cell

15. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary

Do you believe in the message of Our Lady of Fatima, do you want to honor her for coming to us to help turn our world around, and do you want to give public witness during this Year of Faith?   Join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action.  

This four day event begins on Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00 PM at the Thomas House with a movie about the Fatima message.  

On Thursday and Friday at 7:00 PM in St. Thomas Aquinas Church there will be a talk about the history and spiritual power of the Rosary and followed by the recitation of the Rosary. 

The program will conclude with the Rosary Rally at Lytton Plaza on Saturday, October 12 at 1 PM immediately following the noon Mass.  For further information, please visit the parish website, grab a flyer at the vestibule of the church, or contact Rosa Lawley at 650-521-6350 or via email at

16. Rosary Confraternity

The Rosary Confraternity ( is a worldwide effort, administered by the Dominican Fathers, to encourage Catholics to pray the Rosary, and to pray it better. If you are already registered with the Confraternity, and would enjoy knowing others who value its insights and wisdom, please contact Rosa Lawley at

17. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

18. Vallombrosa Center Events

Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Ave  Menlo Park, CA 94025, is offering the following events:

Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction, A Workshop led by Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D.
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 9:00AM–12:00PM

Do you feel anxious? Looking for simple tools to help you manage stress? Join us to explore the power of the mind-body connection. In this hands-on workshop, Dr. McDonald will discuss some of the research around simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as: guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation. She will also teach you practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines so you can truly “take a break” anytime, anywhere. Her relaxation CD’s will be available before and after the workshop.

The cost for the morning workshop is $25 per person and includes scones and coffee/tea. To register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.
For our full calendar of events, please visit us at:, or on Facebook at: facebook/VallombrosaCenter

19. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Word of God,
Spirit-filled praise and worship, gracious presence of bishops.

Bishop Patrick McGrath, Fr. George Kumblumootil, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Bob Canton, Mark Nimo.

9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 324 Gloria Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127

For more information and registration, visit

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Crepevine, TuesSept. 17th at 7:30PM, 300 Castro St.,  Mountain View: The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at the Mountain View Crepevine location.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Sept. 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos: The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at


Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20

Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area.  For more info visit the website or directly contact

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

22. Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini

9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Peter  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat  (Music: Megan O'Neil and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 388 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 389? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Sep 20, 2013, 8:21:57 AM9/20/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 38 - September 20, 2013

Tuesday Spirituality Assembly Begins Again Tuesday Night

Table of Contents

1. From The Pastor's Desk: Two Parish Staffing Announcements
2. Next Weekend: Anointing of the Sick
3. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human Trafficking –Modern Day Slavery
4. Friday, September 27: Mass and Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Parish Picnic A Success!
7. Sunday, September 29: Woof, Meow, Cheep, Amen: Blessing of the Animals
8. Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Group Out of Funds: Can You Help?
9. The Exclusive Interview With Pope Francis
10. Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs
11. Save These Dates
12. Immediate Action Needed! Urge the Governor to Veto SB 131
13. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion
14. Thursday, October 3: Widows and Widowers Dinner
15. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary
16. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary
17. Rosary Confraternity
18. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19
19. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
20. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival
21. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Young Adult Circle
24. Readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer for Human Trafficking  Spirituality Tuesday session, St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto 50th Annivesary

1. From The Pastor's Desk: Two Parish Staffing Announcements

September 13, 2013

Today, I received a letter from Bishop McGrath which officially assigns Rev. Mr. Jaime Garcia to serve as Permanent Deacon at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish effective September 15, 2013.
I know that you join me in welcoming Deacon Jaime in his new assignment with us. He was previously assigned at St. Julie Parish since his ordination a couple of years ago.
Also,  I have re-hired Sarah Landers as of September 1st to her former position as Assistant to the Director of Youth Ministry. Sarah had continued assisting 
Alley Torres as a volunteer during the months of July anad August. We are very pleased to have Sarah back with us.

Rev. Matthew D. Stanley, V.F.
Office of the Pastor
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
3290 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306

2. Next Weekend: Anointing of the Sick

Next weekend, our parish is celebrating a communal Anointing of the Sick. 

What is the Anointing of the Sick? It is one of the seven sacraments, which are visible channels of grace flowing from Jesus Christ. The Anointing of the Sick is one of two healing sacraments (the other being Confession), and it is administered to members of the parish community who have fallen ill or are suffering from physical, emotional or other types of distress. During this sacrament, the priest anoints the recipient's head with the Oil of the Sick, which has been blessed by our Bishop at the annual Chrism Mass held prior to Holy Week. The benefits of this sacrament include an outpouring of grace, alleviation of pain, and peace of mind and body.

The Anointing of the Sick has been practiced by the Catholic Church since the beginning. St. James encourages all Christians to observe this sacrament, which is recorded in the New Testament: "Is anyone sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has any sins, they shall be forgiven him" (James 5:14-15). 

Please plan ahead and bring a relative, neighbor or friend who might join us for this special celebration.

Fr. Matt

3. Tuesday, September 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Human Trafficking –Modern Day Slavery
Guest speaker: Sister Caritas Foster
Human Trafficking or Trafficking in Persons is modern-day slavery.  Human Trafficking is defined as recruiting, harboring, transporting, buying or selling a person through force, fraud or coercion—physical or psychological—to exploit the person for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both.  By federal law any minor exploited by prostitution or pornography is considered trafficked.  It is estimated that annually 27 million persons are trafficked globally:  80% are women and children.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity throughout the world. We will look at some of the forms of human trafficking within our own country and around the globe.


Sister Caritas Foster is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family. She has served in a leadership capacity within her religious community and currently serves on the Board of Directors for MISSSEY, a local organization who serves sexually exploited youth. She currently represents the Sisters of the Holy Family as one of the partners of the Cross Bay Collaborative.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments conclude the evening. See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin.

4. Friday, September 27: Mass and Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath

A new school year has begun after an unusually busy summer at St. Elizabeth Seton School. In addition to our summer school program activities, many repairs were made to our school plant, including the installation of new exterior and interior doors, painting of the hallway walls and ceilings, installation of new atomic clocks and a bell system, as well as annual deep cleaning. New carpet is soon to be installed in the faculty room, library and offices.

Construction of the new buildings for our preschool and Kindergarten classes is finally complete, and our Kindergarten class began using their new classroom on August21st. Our Little SaintsPreschool is now licensed by the State of California and opened to our 4-year olds on August 26th to much excitement.

Bishop McGrath will be celebrating our school mass at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27th. This is the Feast day of St. Vincent DePaul, co-founder of the Daughters of Charity, who sponsor our school. The mass will be followed by a dedication of the two new facilities and a reception. Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please pray for our school community as we begin this important, early childhood education program for our school. Thank you for your continued support and patience during these past months during construction.

In the words of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, “Be but faithful to God with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest hope.”

Ms. Evelyn M. Rosa, Principal

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of August. Our average weekly collection for the 2nd month of this new fiscal year was $10,203 ($9,543 in 2012). 

Sept 15Actual $11,500 (Goal $11,000) 
Catholic Education $ 2,750

Here is a breakdown according to Mass per Sunday for July and August: 

St. Albert the Great 5 pm $758
St. Albert the Great 9 am $1,371
OLR 9 am $744
OLR 10:30 am $2,175
St. Thomas Aquinas 7:30am $1,379
St. Thomas Aquinas 8:45am $650
St. Thomas Aquinas 10:30am $543
St. Thomas Aquinas Noon $344
Online Giving $966 

If we could increase those numbers by 5-10%, we could achieve our weekly goal. Our collection budget for July-August was $88,000; our actual collections were $82,000. This represents a shortfall of $6,000. If we project this deficit out 12 months, we come up short $30,000. 

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of  of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD'S GIFTS !

6. Parish Picnic A Success!

What a wonderful Parish Picnic! We worked, played, and prayed as a faith community rejoicing and celebrating God’s many blessings. On behalf of the entire parish, as your Pastor, I extend our deepest appreciation to our Community Life team, our Knights of Columbus and the many other volunteers who joined with them. 

Fr. Matt

7. Sunday, September 29: Woof, Meow, Cheep, Amen: Blessing of the Animals

In anticipation of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, on Sunday, September 29th at 1 pm we will celebrate our traditional blessing of animals in the parking lot area outside the main doors of St. Albert the Great Church. Bring your pets, in a cage, on a leash, or in a bowl. This is a great time to reinforce to our children the gifts of their pets and the responsibility we all have in caring for God’s creatures. 

8. Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Group Out of Funds: Can You Help?

The St. Thomas Aquinas Saint Vincent de Paul bank account is overdrawn! Consequently we are greatly in need of funds. For the month of September we have established an “austerity program” in which we give food bags and Safeway gift cards, one to each person. Most of these items have been prepaid so it is not coming out of the current budget. 

Our St. Thomas Aquinas parish members have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We are urging you now to continue your good work.

On Sunday, September 29, we will have our monthly Second Collection for St. Vincent de Paul needs. Please be as generous as you can. 

In the meantime, if you can help sooner, checks can be dropped off at the Pastoral Center Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

9. The Exclusive Interview With Pope Francis

America Press Editor’s Note: This interview with Pope Francis took place over the course of three meetings during August 2013 in Rome. The interview was conducted in person by Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal. Father Spadaro conducted the interview on behalf of La Civiltà Cattolica, America and several other major Jesuit journals around the world. The editorial teams at each of the journals prepared questions and sent them to Father Spadaro, who then consolidated and organized them. The interview was conducted in Italian. After the Italian text was officially approved, America commissioned a team of five independent experts to translate it into English. America is solely responsible for the accuracy of this translation. This interview is copyrighted by America Press and cannot be used, except for brief quotations, without written permission.

10. Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs

We offer a family Mass on the fourth Sunday of every month at St. Albert the Great 9:00am Mass and OLR 10:30am Mass. 

We would like to develop a children's choir at OLR for these Masses and expand our children's choir at St. Albert the Great. If you have a child (3rd Grade and up) interested in singing, please contact Susan Olsen at or the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496.

11. Save These Dates

* Tuesday, September 24 - Spirituality Tuesday starts again 7:00-8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality
* September 29 - Anointing of the Sick (all Masses)
* September 29 - Blessing of the Animals - St. Albert the Great 
* October 6: St. Ann Choir 50th Anniversary 
* October 9: Four Days For Mary Begins
* October 26 - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in-service meeting

12. Immediate Action Needed! Urge the Governor to Veto SB 131

Current law treats victims of child sexual abuse the same, regardless of where the abuse took place and regardless of whether the abuser worked for a public school, a private school or a religious organization. A controversial bill now on the Governor's desk will change that. Under SB 131, victims who were abused by employees or volunteers of private or non-profit organizations would be able to sue those organizations even if the statute of limitations was over. Victims who may have been abused in public schools or by government workers, on the other hand, get nothing. As the bill is currently drafted, not only are they prevented from suing the school, they can't even sue the actual perpetrator who committed the abuse. 
The California Catholic Conference opposes SB 131, and opposes discrimination against victims and private employers. SB 131 is also opposed by a growing coalition of that includes private schools and universities, the California YMCA/YWCA, USA Swim, USA Gymnastics, other religious groups and the La Raza Roundtable de California. Visit for more information, and to click "ACT NOW" for an email that you can send to the Governor urging him to veto SB 131.

13. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion

The OLR graduating class of 1963 (50 years!) will be having a potluck BBQ from   10 am to 4 pm, at Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper Street, Palo Alto
Graduates are invited to bring their spouse/significant other with something to BBQ/eat and something to share.  Table service, BBQ setup, and drinks will be provided.

For further information contact:
Roger Bucholtz
2883 Burnside Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 829-3845 home (707) 888-5649 cell

14. Thursday, October 3: Widows and Widowers Dinner

Widows and widowers will meet at The Elks Club, 4249  El Camino Real,  Palo Alto  for dinner and fun.   All  are encouraged to come  and encouraged to bring new members or friends.

Dinner is at  5:30 dinner in the Bistro,  for $25.00 each,  including tax and tip. Please bring cash , as usual. We will gather at 5PM for drinks and conversation.  

 The menu includes Bistro Garden Salad and dressing plus:

Choice of Entrees: Chicken Picatta,  Herb Crusted Pan Seared Salmon w/ Chardonnay butter sauce 

Polenta  & Vegetables Napoleon w/ Roasted Pepper Coulis served with: Roasted Fingerling Potatoes or Brown Rice w/Spiced Pecans and Sauteed Seasonal  Vegetable Medley
Coffee or Tea is included in our price. Desserts and Wine are additional.

For reservations, please contact Hilary  by  phone; 650-324-3820 or by  email by the deadline  Friday September 27 .  It is  a" catered"  event so food will be ordered  especially for our event, it is not  like a regular restaurant.)

15. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

In observance of its fiftieth anniversary, the St. Ann Choir will sing William Byrd's Mass for Four Voices at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverly Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 on Sunday October 6, at the 12:00 noon Mass. A reception follows the Mass.

All are invited to join the celebration of the St. Ann Choir's unique achievement:  Fifty years of continual performance of Gregorian chant and polyphony in weekly  liturgies.

The St. Ann Choir began singing the music for the traditional cycle of the Church year at Sunday Masses in 1963, before radical changes to Roman Catholic liturgy and music occurred after the Second Vatican Council.

By its perseverance in continuing to sing this music to this very day, the choir has made a unique contribution to the preservation of what the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy called “a treasure of inestimable value.” The weekly inclusion of this music as part of the liturgy, where it belongs, has allowed people to experience it as a living form instead of as a mere academic discipline.

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin for more information

16. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary

Do you believe in the message of Our Lady of Fatima, do you want to honor her for coming to us to help turn our world around, and do you want to give public witness during this Year of Faith?   Join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action.  

This four day event begins on Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00 PM at the Thomas House with a movie about the Fatima message.  

On Thursday and Friday at 7:00 PM in St. Thomas Aquinas Church there will be a talk about the history and spiritual power of the Rosary and followed by the recitation of the Rosary. 

The program will conclude with the Rosary Rally at Lytton Plaza on Saturday, October 12 at 1 PM immediately following the noon Mass.  For further information, please visit the parish website, grab a flyer at the vestibule of the church, or contact Rosa Lawley at 650-521-6350 or via email at

17. Rosary Confraternity

The Rosary Confraternity ( is a worldwide effort, administered by the Dominican Fathers, to encourage Catholics to pray the Rosary, and to pray it better. If you are already registered with the Confraternity, and would enjoy knowing others who value its insights and wisdom, please contact Rosa Lawley at

18. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19

We are in great need of volunteers in two areas of Spiritual Care:

1. Office Clerks: 
On Mondays and Fridays, two hours per week,  8 a.m. – 10 a.m., to prepare the patient lists for visitation.

2. Eucharistic Ministers:
Any day: Sunday through Friday, Any Time: 11 a.m. – 7 pm, Time required: two hours

To fulfill these roles, you must complete a one-day training. Our next training is Saturday, October 19, 2013, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Stanford Hospital. You do not need to already be a Eucharistic Minister; we will train you.

We urgently need volunteers in both categories. If you feel you can help, please call Father John Hester at 650-725-3746 or email

19. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

20. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Word of God,
Spirit-filled praise and worship, gracious presence of bishops.

Bishop Patrick McGrath, Fr. George Kumblumootil, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Bob Canton, Mark Nimo.

9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 324 Gloria Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127

For more information and registration, visit

21. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park
Our culture misleads many about love, sex, and relationships.  We seek to empower people with the truth about love and purity, to bring us lasting joy and fulfilling relationships with God and others.  Accordingly, Nativity Parish in Menlo Park is hosting their second special conference for young adults and youth called "Got Love? Love, Sex, & Relationships”.  It’s on Saturday, October 12,  2013, beginning with 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity Church, followed immediately with check-in at Sobrato Pavilion at Nativity School, where the conference will include:  engaging expert speakers, dynamic workshops, info tables, book/DVD vendors, and raffles.  Confession also will be available.  

It is a Bay Area-wide event.  Registration is $30 (open to all single adults, college, grad, and high school students (parents welcome also)) and lunch is included in the price of admission.  The conference ends at 04:45 PM.  For registration and more details see /.  Please register early. For questions, please speak to Deacon Dominick Peloso, 650-269-6279.

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Young Adult Mass, Tues. Sept. 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20
Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area.  For more info visit the website or directly contact 

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

24. Readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter  (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime (preaching) (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  - Family Mass 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Megan O'Neil and the Life Teen Band)

Facts About Human Trafficking and Slaver1.pdf

Chris Lundin

Sep 27, 2013, 7:54:46 AM9/27/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 39 - September 27, 2013

Table of Contents

1. TODAY: Friday, September 27: Mass and Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath
2. Saturday, September 28: Memorial Mass for Simona Sanchez
3. This Weekend: Anointing of the Sick
4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
5. Sunday, September 29: Woof, Meow, Cheep, Amen: Blessing of the Animals
6. Tuesday, October 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments In The Catholic Church
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. In Memoriam: Karen Ann Robinette: 1960-2013
9. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass
10. Volunteer Opportunity: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer Needed To Serve Fridays
11. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs
12. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You
13. Save These Dates
14. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion
14. Wednesday, October 2: S.O.U.P.
15. Thursday, October 3: Widows and Widowers Dinner
16. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary
17. How To Obtain A Plenary Indulgence During The Year of Faith
18. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary
19. Rosary Confraternity
20. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19
21. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
22. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival
23. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Young Adult Circle
26. Readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto 50th Anniversary flyer

1. TODAY: Friday, September 27: Mass and Dedication of New Seton School Facilities by Bishop McGrath

Bishop McGrath will be celebrating our school mass at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27th. This is the Feast day of St. Vincent DePaul, co-founder of the Daughters of Charity, who sponsor our school. 

The mass will be followed by a dedication of the two new facilities and a reception. Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please pray for our school community as we begin this important, early childhood education program for our school. Thank you for your continued support and patience during these past months during construction.

In the words of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, “Be but faithful to God with your whole heart, and never fear. He will support, direct, console, and finally crown your dearest hope.”

Ms. Evelyn M. Rosa, Principal

2. Saturday, September 28: Memorial Mass for Simona Sanchez

On August 28, 2013 Simona Sanchez, a resident of Palo Alto, passed away, with her family surrounding her bed side. At the time of her passing, Simona was a few weeks away from September 17th which would have been her 98th birthday. 

There will be a memorial Mass for Simona at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Saturday, September 28, at 10:00 a.m.

Simona was born in Mexico. At the age of 10, Simona her mother and four sisters Jessie, Eulaliea, Evangelinea, And Dora all traveled to Hollywood California to visit her uncle who was an an actor at the time. Simona, her mother and sisters went on to live and work n Tulare Ca. at the world famous Tagus Ranch on Highway 99. Eventually Simona made her way to the city of Palo Alto where she met and married her husband Pedro Sanchez who preceded her in death in 1981. Together they had four children. Three daughters Carmella, Cathy and Aurora and one son John.

In the late 1950’s Simona became a U.S. citizen. She was always very proud of her Mexican heritage and her American citizenship. She went on to have seven grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren. Simona loved the grandkids. When her oldest grandchild Gina became a grandmother, she would tell her “Your children are your life but your grandchildren are your heart.”

Simona continued living her life in Palo Alto. She had a career in the nursing field where she was loved and respected by her many clients who also became her friends. After she retired, Simona enjoyed herself. She enjoyed spending time with her family and maintaining the family traditions of making tortillas by hand and eating them with every meal, making the Christmas eve tamales with the whole family crowded into her living room. Simona enjoyed attending mass and being a member of the church community. She devoted endless hours of volunteer time to the church. She loved to crochet. She would make Christmas stockings for her family and baptism outfits for all of her great and great great grandchildren.  She played hours and hours of card games, taking care of her garden and her many birds,. She took several trips with the Palo Alto Catholic church groups, including a visit to the Holy Lands where she took a walk into the waters of the Dead Sea,  And attended a Mass given by the Pope. Simona enjoyed adventures and doing things with her family. Attending family reunions where all her sisters would sit with her and tell stories of “Back in the days”, going on RV travels, day trips to San Francisco with lunch at Neiman Marcus, or a last minute barbeque at a local park, were all memorable times for her. She loved the business of the family around her and the sounds of all her grandchildren playing. But her all-time favorite place to visit was Disneyland and she did that as often as she could. Yes, she even rode the rides. It was a place that made her feel young, and a place that she could enjoy with her adult children and all of her different ages of grandchildren. She would tell her great grandson “Remember Dylan, You’re never too old to have fun.”

For the past several years, Simona has shared her home and her daily life with her two daughters Carmella and Aurora and when the time came that she was unable to fully care for herself, they became their mother’s full time care givers which made it possible for Simona to remain independent and live in her own home.

Simona is survived by her children, Carmela Cifala from Palo Alto, Aurora Meek and her husband Raymond Meek both from Palo Alto, John Sanchez from Gilroy, and Cathy Lopez and her husband Joe Lopez from San Jose. She also has 7 grandchildren:( oldest to youngest) Gina, Steve, Deedee, Audra, Renee, Charles, Cherie. And 12 great grandchildren, and 4 great great grandchildren. And her loved dog Shaundie.

3. This Weekend: Anointing of the Sick

This weekend, our parish is celebrating a communal Anointing of the Sick. 

What is the Anointing of the Sick? It is one of the seven sacraments, which are visible channels of grace flowing from Jesus Christ. The Anointing of the Sick is one of two healing sacraments (the other being Confession), and it is administered to members of the parish community who have fallen ill or are suffering from physical, emotional or other types of distress. During this sacrament, the priest anoints the recipient's head with the Oil of the Sick, which has been blessed by our Bishop at the annual Chrism Mass held prior to Holy Week. The benefits of this sacrament include an outpouring of grace, alleviation of pain, and peace of mind and body.

The Anointing of the Sick has been practiced by the Catholic Church since the beginning. St. James encourages all Christians to observe this sacrament, which is recorded in the New Testament: "Is anyone sick among you? Let him bring in the priests of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick man, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has any sins, they shall be forgiven him" (James 5:14-15). 

Please plan ahead and bring a relative, neighbor or friend who might join us for this special celebration.

Fr. Matt

4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

The St. Thomas Aquinas Saint Vincent de Paul bank account is overdrawn! Consequently we are greatly in need of funds. For the month of September we have established an “austerity program” in which we give food bags and Safeway gift cards, one to each person. Most of these items have been prepaid so it is not coming out of the current budget. 

Our St. Thomas Aquinas parish members have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We are urging you now to continue your good work.

On Sunday, September 29, we will have our monthly Second Collection for St. Vincent de Paul needs. Please be as generous as you can. 

5. Sunday, September 29: Woof, Meow, Cheep, Amen: Blessing of the Animals

In anticipation of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, on Sunday, September 29th at 1 pm we will celebrate our traditional blessing of animals in the parking lot area outside the main doors of St. Albert the Great Church. Bring your pets, in a cage, on a leash, or in a bowl. This is a great time to reinforce to our children the gifts of their pets and the responsibility we all have in caring for God’s creatures. 

6. Tuesday, October 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments In The Catholic Church
Our host: Father Matt

The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates. It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph. One Tuesday evening each month, Father Matt will lead us on an amazing Epic journey to discover the roots of our Catholic faith.

Revolutions and Modernism

We return to our epic journey through Church history leaving behind the Catholic reforms and the Council of Trent. The Church is faced with a new challenge. “What is Truth?” asked the Roman procurator of Jesus. “You have no hope of knowing” answers the modern philosopher! The effects of this period of “Enlightenment” are still felt today. In the name of “Reason”, every last shred of Catholic heritage is torn up by its roots in France.  Join Fr. Matt for the rest of the story! 

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Room; snacks will be served.

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

September 22, 2013: Actual: $xx,x00 * Goal: $11,000
                  Catholic Education: $

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

8. In Memoriam: Karen Ann Robinette: 1960-2013

A Memorial Mass was celebrated for Karen Ann Robinette on Thursday, September 26 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

Karen passed away on September 21st after living for three years with cancer.  She is survived by her two sons Nathaniel (Nate) Coombs and Nicholas (Nick) Coombs, whom she loved and cherished more than life itself. She is also survived by her mother, Elsie Robinette, her sister, Janet Allen (Bill), her brother-in-law, Darryl Shaw, her nephew, Ryan Shaw (Nicole), her nieces Melissa Roth (Brandon) and Michaela Allen and grandnieces and nephews Gabrielle and Kian Roth and Steve and Anna Shaw. Karen was preceded in death by her father LaVern W. Robinette and her sister, Linda S. Shaw. 

Karen was born and raised in Spokane, WA.  She attended the local, public schools and graduated from Shadle Park High School in 1978.  She was a violinist, both in the school orchestra and in the Spokane Junior Symphony.  She was also active in the ASB during her high school years, serving as VP her senior year.  She earned a BA, cum laude, in both psychology and special education from Seattle Pacific University in 1982 where she was also a member of the orchestra and a women’s service group, the Falconettes.  In 2006, she earned a MA in Human Development from Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena. 

Karen was an elementary school teacher at St. Gabriel School (San Francisco) and St. Joseph School (Mountain View) during the 1980’s.  She enrolled her two sons at Bing Nursery School, Stanford University in the late 1980’s and found her calling there as a teacher shortly thereafter.  She remained at Bing Nursery School until 2013.  Early childhood education was both her livelihood and her passion and she spent many years enjoying the children and parents she saw come and go at Bing.  Karen was also active in teaching adults and held an instructorship for courses taught to Stanford students, at Bing, as well as presenting to many groups that included professional organizations for early childhood NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), CAEYC (California Association for the Education of Young Children) and CKA (California Kindergarten Association). 

Karen adored spending time with her sons, throughout their lives, and was an active volunteer in their schools, a Cub Scout leader and an avid spectator during their many years of participation in several sports.  She loved the San Jose Sharks and the San Francisco Giants and enjoyed attending games with her sons.

Karen enjoyed traveling and spent her 50th birthday in Paris, fulfilling a lifelong dream to visit there after being introduced to the “Madeline” books as a child. She also loved visiting her friend, Kelly Winkleman Prudek, at her home in Prague.  Kelly and Karen met each other in kindergarten and remained lifelong friends.  Karen often traveled with her extended family or with her closest friend, Kay Ingalls.  Her trips held some of her most treasured memories, in particular, a four-city baseball park trip (along with Cooperstown) that she took with Nathaniel following his graduation from Woodside Priory School.

Karen was a member of the Thomas Merton Community at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto for many years and found a stronghold and support within this group that she treasured.  She served on the board of the Child and Family Institute in Menlo Park, a community who shared her passion for strengthening children and families.

A memorial, in Karen’s name, may be sent to Bing Nursery School, Woodside Priory School, The Child and Family Institute or The Thomas Merton Center since all were near and dear to her heart.

9. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass

Do you appreciate the donuts and hospitality after 9am mass at St. Albert the Great?  We need a few volunteers to serve donuts once every two months.  Please consider doing this easy and fun service for our community.  Contact Rebecca Fox, or 650-566-8784.  

10. Volunteer Opportunity: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer Needed To Serve Fridays

Another volunteer is  needed between 9 AM and 11 AM each Friday at the Downtown Food Closet, 425 Hamilton Avenue on the All Saints Episcopal Church campus.

Tasks would be wrapping food items and stocking shelves  between 9 and 10 a.m., then handing out food items to clients between 10 and 11 a.m..
Managers are Sandra Dhuey and Pat Keicher, both from our St. Albert The Great site.

For those who do not know, the Food Closet gives bags of supplemental food to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless.

11. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs

We offer a family Mass on the fourth Sunday of every month at St. Albert the Great 9:00am Mass and OLR 10:30am Mass. 

We would like to develop a children's choir at OLR for these Masses and expand our children's choir at St. Albert the Great. If you have a child (3rd Grade and up) interested in singing, please contact Susan Olsen at or the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496.

12. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You

You may know someone having a particularly difficult time and feel a prayer shawl would be a welcome comfort. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is able to provide a choice of several handmade shawls which have been knitted with many prayers by ladies in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  These shawls are blessed by a priest at a parish Mass and prayers are said for the healing, love and comfort of the recipient. 

Please feel free to contact the church office 650-494-2496 ext. 22 for Mary Fong  or Pat Dietrich of the Pastoral Home Ministry for information.  We would be pleased to be of service to you and your friend. 

13. Save These Dates

* September 28-29 - Anointing of the Sick (all Masses)

* September 29 - Blessing of the Animals - St. Albert the Great 
* October 6: St. Ann Choir 50th Anniversary 
* October 9: Four Days For Mary Begins
* October 26 - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in-service meeting
13. Saturday, September 28: OLR Class of '63 Reunion

The OLR graduating class of 1963 (50 years!) will be having a potluck BBQ from   10 am to 4 pm, at Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper Street, Palo Alto
Graduates are invited to bring their spouse/significant other with something to BBQ/eat and something to share.  Table service, BBQ setup, and drinks will be provided.

For further information contact:
Roger Bucholtz
2883 Burnside Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 829-3845 home (707) 888-5649 cell

14. Wednesday, October 2: S.O.U.P.

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

15. Thursday, October 3: Widows and Widowers Dinner

Widows and widowers will meet at The Elks Club, 4249  El Camino Real,  Palo Alto  for dinner and fun.   All  are encouraged to come  and encouraged to bring new members or friends.

Dinner is at  5:30 dinner in the Bistro,  for $25.00 each,  including tax and tip. Please bring cash , as usual. We will gather at 5PM for drinks and conversation.  

 The menu includes Bistro Garden Salad and dressing plus:

Choice of Entrees: Chicken Picatta,  Herb Crusted Pan Seared Salmon w/ Chardonnay butter sauce 

Polenta  & Vegetables Napoleon w/ Roasted Pepper Coulis served with: Roasted Fingerling Potatoes or Brown Rice w/Spiced Pecans and Sauteed Seasonal  Vegetable Medley
Coffee or Tea is included in our price. Desserts and Wine are additional.

For reservations, please contact Hilary  by  phone; 650-324-3820 or by  email by the deadline  Friday September 27 .  It is  a" catered"  event so food will be ordered  especially for our event, it is not  like a regular restaurant.)

16. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

In observance of its fiftieth anniversary, the St. Ann Choir will sing William Byrd's Mass for Four Voices at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverly Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 on Sunday October 6, at the 12:00 noon Mass. A reception follows the Mass.

All are invited to join the celebration of the St. Ann Choir's unique achievement:  Fifty years of continual performance of Gregorian chant and polyphony in weekly  liturgies.

The St. Ann Choir began singing the music for the traditional cycle of the Church year at Sunday Masses in 1963, before radical changes to Roman Catholic liturgy and music occurred after the Second Vatican Council.

By its perseverance in continuing to sing this music to this very day, the choir has made a unique contribution to the preservation of what the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy called “a treasure of inestimable value.” The weekly inclusion of this music as part of the liturgy, where it belongs, has allowed people to experience it as a living form instead of as a mere academic discipline.

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin for more information

17. How To Obtain A Plenary Indulgence During The Year of Faith

Catholics who participate in events connected with the Year of Faith can receive a special indulgence, according to a decree issued by the Vatican on Sept. 14, 2012. Pope Benedict established the Year of Faith to run from October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013.

An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due for sins that have been forgiven. It can be granted on behalf of the individual petitioner or on behalf of departed souls. The plenary indulgence is being offered to those who visit designated churches and shrines, to those who participate in local events connected to the Year of Faith, and to those who may be too ill or otherwise prevented from physical participation.

According to the Vatican decree, conditions for the special Year of Faith indulgence include the normal requirements set by the church for all plenary indulgences: the person truly repents of their sins, goes to confession, receives the Eucharist, and prays for the intentions of the Holy Father. A member of the church who has fulfilled those conditions may acquire a plenary indulgence in any of the following ways:

• Each time they attend at least three sermons during a mission, or at least three lectures on the Second Vatican Council or on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

• Each time they visit by way of pilgrimage a papal basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral church or a holy site designated by the local bishop for the Year of Faith:

  Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Monday, October 7
St. Albert the Great Church on Friday, November 15 

and there participate in a liturgy, or at least remain for an appropriate time of prayer and pious meditation, concluding with the recitation of the Our Father, the Creed in any legitimate form, and invocations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and, depending on the circumstances, of the holy Apostles or patron saints.

Each of our churches above will be open those days for this special purpose.

Fr. Matt

18. Beginning Wednesday, October 9: Four Days for Mary

Do you believe in the message of Our Lady of Fatima, do you want to honor her for coming to us to help turn our world around, and do you want to give public witness during this Year of Faith?   Join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action.  

This four day event begins on Wednesday, October 9 at 7:00 PM at the Thomas House with a movie about the Fatima message.  

On Thursday and Friday at 7:00 PM in St. Thomas Aquinas Church there will be a talk about the history and spiritual power of the Rosary and followed by the recitation of the Rosary. 

The program will conclude with the Rosary Rally at Lytton Plaza on Saturday, October 12 at 1 PM immediately following the noon Mass.  For further information, please visit the parish website, grab a flyer at the vestibule of the church, or contact Rosa Lawley at 650-521-6350 or via email at

19. Rosary Confraternity

The Rosary Confraternity ( is a worldwide effort, administered by the Dominican Fathers, to encourage Catholics to pray the Rosary, and to pray it better. If you are already registered with the Confraternity, and would enjoy knowing others who value its insights and wisdom, please contact Rosa Lawley at

20. Volunteers Needed at Stanford Hospital: Training on Saturday, October 19

We are in great need of volunteers in two areas of Spiritual Care:

1. Office Clerks: 
On Mondays and Fridays, two hours per week,  8 a.m. – 10 a.m., to prepare the patient lists for visitation.

2. Eucharistic Ministers:
Any day: Sunday through Friday, Any Time: 11 a.m. – 7 pm, Time required: two hours

To fulfill these roles, you must complete a one-day training. Our next training is Saturday, October 19, 2013, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Stanford Hospital. You do not need to already be a Eucharistic Minister; we will train you.

We urgently need volunteers in both categories. If you feel you can help, please call Father John Hester at 650-725-3746 or email

21. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

22. Saturday, September 28: Shalom Festival

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Word of God,
Spirit-filled praise and worship, gracious presence of bishops.

Bishop Patrick McGrath, Fr. George Kumblumootil, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Bob Canton, Mark Nimo.

9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 324 Gloria Avenue, San Jose, CA 95127

For more information and registration, visit

23. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park

Our culture misleads many about love, sex, and relationships.  We seek to empower people with the truth about love and purity, to bring us lasting joy and fulfilling relationships with God and others.  Accordingly, Nativity Parish in Menlo Park is hosting their second special conference for young adults and youth called "Got Love? Love, Sex, & Relationships”.  It’s on Saturday, October 12,  2013, beginning with 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity Church, followed immediately with check-in at Sobrato Pavilion at Nativity School, where the conference will include:  engaging expert speakers, dynamic workshops, info tables, book/DVD vendors, and raffles.  Confession also will be available.  

It is a Bay Area-wide event.  Registration is $30 (open to all single adults, college, grad, and high school students (parents welcome also)) and lunch is included in the price of admission.  The conference ends at 04:45 PM.  For registration and more details see /.  Please register early. For questions, please speak to Deacon Dominick Peloso, 650-269-6279.

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20
Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area.  For more info visit the website or directly contact 

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

26. Readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Suzanne Fitzgerald*)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gamad and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Megan O'Neil and the Life Teen Band)

* Paul Prochaska and Chris Lundin are both doing weddings Saturday afternoon.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 389 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 390? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Oct 4, 2013, 8:18:39 AM10/4/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 40 - October 4, 2013

Table of Contents

1. A Message From The Pastor
2. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary
3. Monday, October 7: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
4. Tuesday, October 8: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Monsignor Boyle: A Legend in His Own Time!
5. Wednesday, October 9 to Saturday, October 12: Four Days For Mary
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Youth Ministry Activities
8. Guitar Missing From OLR
9. Fr. Dat Away At Clergy Retreat
10. Update From Fr. Thierry
11. Fr. Daniel Kiriti Visits Us From Kenya
12. Sunday, October 13:  Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp Dedication
13. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”
14. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass
15. Volunteer Opportunity: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer Needed To Serve Fridays
16. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs
17. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry
18. October is Respect Life Month: “Open Your Hearts to Life”
19. October Mass Count
20. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You
21. Save These Dates
22. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
23. Beginning Tuesday, October 8: Newman Nights at Stanford University
24. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Young Adult Circle
27. Readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto 50th Anniversary flyer, Newman Nights @ Stanford flyer. South Bay Sanctuary October 20 event flyer

1. A Message From The Pastor

Dear Parishioners:

The past year has been filled with incredible events that have affected all of us in significant ways. However, our work as the People of God has continued to flourish and grow. Today, I write to encourage you to take up with me the task of reviewing (for the first time in a long time) our level of giving in the Sunday Offertory to support the spiritual and temporal work of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.

As I promised you last June, I have been working in collaboration with the members of my advisory councils to put forth a program that will encourage every one of us to reflect on the stewardship of treasure— our planned, proportional, and sacrificial response to the goodness of God revealed in a grateful heart.

Over the next 2 Sundays, both I and members of the Finance Advisory Council will offer a reflection on the stewardship of treasure during the homily at each of our Sunday Masses.

As you know, 80% of our income is directly funded by the Sunday Offertory. I wish to thank all of you for helping us strive to reach our weekly collection goal; however, I believe that we must and can do better. I simply ask you to keep in mind how much we depend on a thoughtful and consistent level of giving from each parishioner according to his or her particular financial situation.

Finally, we are asking each family to make a prayerful and considered decision of your weekly or monthly gift to the Sunday Offertory in support of our parish. A letter from me, along with a sacrificial giving intention card will soon be sent to you in the mail. All parishioners will be invited to bring their completed cards to Mass on the weekend of October 26th and 27th. Together, let us support one another in continuing to make St. Thomas Aquinas Parish the very special parish that it is.

Fr. Matt, Pastor

2. Sunday, October 6: St. Ann Choir of Palo Alto Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

In observance of its fiftieth anniversary, the St. Ann Choir will sing William Byrd's Mass for Four Voices at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverly Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 on Sunday October 6, at the 12:00 noon Mass. A reception follows the Mass.

All are invited to join the celebration of the St. Ann Choir's unique achievement:  Fifty years of continual performance of Gregorian chant and polyphony in weekly  liturgies.

The St. Ann Choir began singing the music for the traditional cycle of the Church year at Sunday Masses in 1963, before changes to Roman Catholic liturgy and music occurred after the Second Vatican Council.

By its perseverance in continuing to sing this music to this very day, the choir has made a unique contribution to the preservation of what the Vatican II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy called “a treasure of inestimable value.” The weekly inclusion of this music as part of the liturgy, where it belongs, has allowed people to experience it as a living form instead of as a mere academic discipline.

Regina Magazine has pre-released an article from its October 8 issue titled: Miracle in Palo Alto: How the St Ann Choir Kept Chant and Polyphony Alive for 50 Years

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin for more information

3. Monday, October 7: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Catholics who participate in events connected with the Year of Faith can receive a special indulgence, according to a decree issued by the Vatican on Sept. 14, 2012. Pope Benedict established the Year of Faith to run from October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013.

An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due for sins that have been forgiven. It can be granted on behalf of the individual petitioner or on behalf of departed souls. The plenary indulgence is being offered to those who visit designated churches and shrines, to those who participate in local events connected to the Year of Faith, and to those who may be too ill or otherwise prevented from physical participation.

According to the Vatican decree, conditions for the special Year of Faith indulgence include the normal requirements set by the church for all plenary indulgences: the person truly repents of their sins, goes to confession, receives the Eucharist, and prays for the intentions of the Holy Father. A member of the church who has fulfilled those conditions may acquire a plenary indulgence in any of the following ways:

• Each time they attend at least three sermons during a mission, or at least three lectures on the Second Vatican Council or on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

• Each time they visit by way of pilgrimage a papal basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral church or a holy site designated by the local bishop for the Year of Faith:

  Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Monday, October 7
St. Albert the Great Church on Friday, November 15 

and there participate in a liturgy, or at least remain for an appropriate time of prayer and pious meditation, concluding with the recitation of the Our Father, the Creed in any legitimate form, and invocations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and, depending on the circumstances, of the holy Apostles or patron saints.

Each of our churches above will be open those days for this special purpose.

Fr. Matt

4. Tuesday, October 8: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Monsignor Boyle: A Legend in His Own Time!

Spend an evening with Monsignor Eugene Boyle.

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to spend an evening with Monsignor Eugene Boyle. Ordained 67 years ago, he has blended his life as a priest with his compassionate, and passionate, fight for human rights. He marched with Martin Luther King in Selma and Washington D.C. He supported the lettuce boycott and worked arm in arm with Cesar Chavez, flying a small plane to the heart of California’s farmland. Come and hear about the breakfast that he shared with the Black Panthers. His is an amazing life story: fairness, justice, peace, teachings founded in Jesus and papal encyclicals guided his path. He is a remarkable witness to faith in action! 

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center: 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

5. Wednesday, October 9 to Saturday, October 12: Four Days For Mary

Do you want our national leaders to seek and honor God's law?
Do you want to honor Our Lady of Fatima for coming to us to help turn our world around?
Do you want to give public witness during this year of faith?

If you do, then join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action.

Day 1: Fatima

Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: Thomas House
Description: Watch "Fatima" the perfect movie on Our Heavenly Mother's appearance in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.  Then listen to a talk about the Relevance of Fatima Today.

Day 2: History of the Rosary

Date: Thursday, October 10, 2013
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Description: Listen to a talk about the history of the Rosary, one of the most cherished prayers of our Catholic Church.

Day 3: Praying the Rosary

Date: Friday, October 11, 2013
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Description: Listen to a talk about the promises of praying the Rosary and how the Rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon.  You will also hear a personal account of the benefits and promises of Our Lady to save the world.

Day 4: Rosary Rally

Date: Saturday, October 12, 2013
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church and Lytton Plaza
Confession: 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Mass: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
March from St. Thomas Aquinas to Lytton Plaza: 12:45 PM - 1:00 PM
Rosary Rally: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Description: Give public witness and join your prayers to those of thousands of other Catholics all over our country who will thank Our Lady this way.

About Fatima
Fatima is a message of hope to a world in great need and a message for all people and for all time.
• Fatima teaches us that the cause of the loss of souls to hell and war is sin and the spiritual decay it breeds.
• Fatima teaches us the power of our corporal and spiritual acts of reparation for sin.
• Fatima teaches us that we can make reparation for the sins of others as well as for our own sins.

About Praying the Rosary
Mary gave us the Rosary as a powerful spiritual weapon to overcome sin. Meditation of the mysteries of the Rosary challenges each individual to live a grace-filled and moral life and allows one to reflect on the grace and strength Mary had in responding to her call and relationship with God.

For further details, contact Rosa Lawley, Event Coordinator, at (650) 521-6350 or via email at

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

Sept. 29 Actual $10,115 (Goal $11,000) 
St. Vincent de Paul:  $6,317

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

7. Youth Ministry Activities

This year in youth ministry we are excited to be offering a wide range of activities for our middle school and high school students. 

Besides our regularly scheduled youth group sessions on Sunday nights (EDGE & Life Teen), we are also offering a bible study each Wednesday from 4-5pm. All in Grade 6-12 are welcome to join us as we dive into the rich history of our sacred scriptures. All sessions are held at the Dermody Center at the Our Lady of the Rosary Site.

This year our EDGE-ers are learning about the Life of Christ and taking a deeper look at the Creed and what it truly means to be Catholic. In Life Teen we are taking a semester to focus on social justice and how we can affect our local and global community as brothers and sister in Christ. In our second semester we will be studying Blessed John Paul II writings on the Theology of the Body where we will study how we are all made in the image and likeness of Christ.

Lastly, our ministry is asking for your help. We are in need of young adults (especially males) to help us with our EDGE and one8 (confirmation program). 

We are also looking for talented musicians to join our 6pm Youth and Young Adult Mass. 

Please email us at lifeteen.stay@gmail. com if you are interested. 

8. Guitar Missing From OLR

A guitar has gone missing from the music storage room at Our Lady of the Rosary.

It is a Takamine acoustic electric with nylon strings; face is cedar and the back is rosewood. Model TC132SC with a light gray/blue, padded hard case.

If you borrowed it, please return it. If you know where it is, please tell Veronica Duluk <>.  Thank you.

9. Fr. Dat Away At Clergy Retreat

Fr. Dat, along with many other priests from our Diocese, will be attending the annual Clergy Retreat at El Retiro in Los Altos from October 7-11. Most Rev. Sylvester Ryan, retired bishop of the Diocese of Monterey will be the retreat master. Please keep all of our priests in your prayers this week. 

10. Update From Fr. Thierry

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 5:32 PM

Since I have received several inquiries about my health, I thought that I'd send out an update.

The side effects of my cancer medication have intensified over the last month. I've had trouble keeping food down and lost 14 lbs. My doctor told me to temporarily stop taking the medication until its side effects eased off. Then, I lost my appetite and started feeling weaker. My doctor suspected pneumonia and put me on a course of antibiotics. My appetite is now better and my energy is slowly coming back. I started taking the cancer drug again and am trying to keep its side effects in check.

I appreciate the prayers that are being offered for me. I know that I am in good hands.

Fr. Thierry

11. Fr. Daniel Kiriti Visits Us From Kenya

Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya will be visiting Palo Alto from October 10 till November 11.  

Thursday, October 17, 7:15 a.m.−8:30 a.m: The board of Kenya Help, a local non-profit organization dedicated to helping women and youth in Naivasha, Kenya, under the leadership of TMC member Margo McAuliffe, is sponsoring a benefit breakfast at which Fr. Daniel Kiriti and others will speak.  All are invited to attend on Thursday, October 17, 7:15—8:30 a.m., at the University Club, 3277 Miranda Ave., Palo Alto.  There is no charge for the breakfast, but donations to Kenya Help are gratefully accepted.  RSVP is required:, 650-322-0821.

Saturday, October 26, 6:00 p.m.−8:30 p.m.: The TMC Spiritual Education Committee is sponsoring an evening with Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya. who will speak following a potluck supper:
    Saturday, October 26, 6—8:30 pm
    St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
    6 pm:  Potluck supper (Bring salad, bread or dessert. Main dish of lasagne provided.)
    7 pm:  Fr. Kiriti speaks about his work in a remote parish in Kenya.
    All are welcome!

Fr. Kiriti will celebrate the 8:45 a.m. Mass  at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on October 27 and on November 10.  

12. Sunday, October 13:  Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp Dedication

A dedication ceremony celebrating the installation of the Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp plaque will be held on Sunday, October 13, 10:30 a.m., in the STA Memorial Garden. All are invited to join Rudy Bahr, friends of Jane, the Thomas Merton Community and the St. Thomas Aquinas Site Committee members at this celebration.

The Thomas House ramp affording handicapped access to the main floor of the building was an important part of the vision held by Jane Bahr, longtime STA parishioner and member of the Merton Center and the STA Site Committee. It was a bequest from Jane’s estate following her death late in 2009 that assured the inclusion of the ramp in the Thomas House renovation. Jane’s illness required her to use a wheelchair in her last months; she spoke and wrote eloquently to the parish planning committees about their responsibility to see that handicapped access was provided. 

In honor of Jane, and after dedication of the plaque, we will share strawberry cake in the garden. Please let Anna Jaklitsch know if you would like to make or buy a strawberry shortcake, and how many people it will serve, by Thursday, October 10. Call in the evening, 650-327-0978 or e-mail at

13. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”

“Meaningful Movie Night” at the Thomas House Theatre (basement hall) continues on Sunday, October 20, with a 4:00 p.m. showing of “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994).

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in Frank Darabont's memorably moving prison-set fable, adapted from a short story by Stephen King. This powerful, poignant, thought-provoking and finally irresistibly uplifting film is enhanced by quietly dignified performances and Darabont's own inventive direction, “The Shawshank Redemption” remains a first class example of how to approach potentially weighty issues with conviction, style, lightness and wit.

The plot has Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne, a man arriving in prison in 1946 on a double life sentence for the murder of his wife and her lover. Andy is an apparently decent man who is quietly insistent about his own innocence. He befriends Red (Morgan Freeman), a veteran of the penal system, and their growing friendship over 20 years forms the backbone of the film - and provides a narrative pay-off as satisfying as it is heart-warming.

14. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass

Do you appreciate the donuts and hospitality after 9am mass at St. Albert the Great?  We need a few volunteers to serve donuts once every two months.  Please consider doing this easy and fun service for our community.  Contact Rebecca Fox, or 650-566-8784.  

15. Volunteer Opportunity: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer Needed To Serve Fridays

Another volunteer is  needed between 9 AM and 11 AM each Friday at the Downtown Food Closet, 425 Hamilton Avenue on the All Saints Episcopal Church campus.

Tasks would be wrapping food items and stocking shelves  between 9 and 10 a.m., then handing out food items to clients between 10 and 11 a.m..
Managers are Sandra Dhuey and Pat Keicher, both from our St. Albert The Great site.

For those who do not know, the Food Closet gives bags of supplemental food to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless.

16. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs

We offer a family Mass on the fourth Sunday of every month at St. Albert the Great 9:00am Mass and OLR 10:30am Mass. 

We would like to develop a children's choir at OLR for these Masses and expand our children's choir at St. Albert the Great. If you have a child (3rd Grade and up) interested in singing, please contact Susan Olsen at or the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496.

17. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry

We are in need of young adults (especially males) to help us with our EDGE and one8 (confirmation program).  We are also looking for talented musicians to join our 6pm Youth and Young Adult Mass. 

Please email us at lifeteen.stay@gmail. com if you are interested. 

18. October is Respect Life Month: “Open Your Hearts to Life”

Pope Francis’ command to “open your hearts to life” doesn’t simply speak about the attitude we should have on the serious issues of abortion or euthanasia. Rather, to open our hearts to life is to approach every person we meet with an attitude of gratitude. Every person exists because God loves them. So, whether by simply smiling at the person walking past you on the street or stopping to spend time with a loved one who perhaps has no one to care for them, you are asked by God to see the goodness of those around us, and to love them by everything you do.

19. October Mass Count

Every October, the Diocese of San Jose asks that each parish make an accounting of the number of people who attend Sunday Eucharist. If you notice someone walking up and down the aisle during Mass with a pencil and paper in hand— that's what they're doing! We are grateful for their assistance.

20. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You

You may know someone having a particularly difficult time and feel a prayer shawl would be a welcome comfort. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is able to provide a choice of several handmade shawls which have been knitted with many prayers by ladies in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  These shawls are blessed by a priest at a parish Mass and prayers are said for the healing, love and comfort of the recipient. 

Please feel free to contact the church office 650-494-2496 ext. 22 for Mary Fong  or Pat Dietrich of the Pastoral Home Ministry for information.  We would be pleased to be of service to you and your friend. 

21. Save These Dates

* October 7 - Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary
* October 8 - Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Msgr. Eugene Boyle
* October 9-12 - Four Days for Mary - Power of the Rosary (St. Thomas Aquinas) 
* October 26 - Eucharistic Ministers in-service (OLR)
* October 27 - Saints Parade (St. Thomas Aquinas 9am & OLR 10:30am)

22. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

23. Beginning Tuesday, October 8: Newman Nights at Stanford University

Tuesdays beginning October 8, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Sanctuary of Old Union, Stanford University

Newman Nights is a program designed to form the faith of the Catholic Community. Ninety minutes long, it consists of a forty-five minute lecture followed by break-out groups for further theological reflection. It meets on Tuesday nights in the Sanctuary of the Old Union , 7:30-9:00PM, beginning October 8, 2013. Come for one! Come for a quarter! Come for any you would like! All are welcome. Follow the link for a schedule of speakers, topics and dates. All of the Newman Night lectures will be videotaped and posted on the CC@S website as they become available, together with possible readings and discussion questions. Please contact Father Nathan Castle. O.P. at, for more information.

24. Saturday, October 12: The "Got Love?" Conference Returns to Nativity Church in Menlo Park

Our culture misleads many about love, sex, and relationships.  We seek to empower people with the truth about love and purity, to bring us lasting joy and fulfilling relationships with God and others.  Accordingly, Nativity Parish in Menlo Park is hosting their second special conference for young adults and youth called "Got Love? Love, Sex, & Relationships”.  It’s on Saturday, October 12,  2013, beginning with 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity Church, followed immediately with check-in at Sobrato Pavilion at Nativity School, where the conference will include:  engaging expert speakers, dynamic workshops, info tables, book/DVD vendors, and raffles.  Confession also will be available.  

It is a Bay Area-wide event.  Registration is $30 (open to all single adults, college, grad, and high school students (parents welcome also)) and lunch is included in the price of admission.  The conference ends at 04:45 PM.  For registration and more details see /.  Please register early. For questions, please speak to Deacon Dominick Peloso, 650-269-6279.

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Oct. 15th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto. The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20
Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area. For more info visit the website or directly contact 

Young Adult Mass and Halloween Dinner Party, Tues. Oct. 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for our annual Halloween Mass followed by a Halloween themed dinner party.   This is one of our more popular annual events. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess
For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

27. Readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gamad and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas: TDB and Fr. Matt (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir) (50th Anniversary of Choir!)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Megan O'Neil and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 393? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Oct 11, 2013, 8:03:27 AM10/11/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 41 - October 11, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Two Days Remain: Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12: Four Days For Mary
2. Knights of Columbus: Outreach Week
3. Sunday, October 13:  Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp Dedication
4. Monday, October 14: Pastoral Center Closed
5. Tuesday, October 15: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Energy Demand, Climate Issues and Safe Nuclear Power 
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. October is Respect Life Month: “Open our Hearts to Life”
8. Wednesday, October 16: S.O.U.P.
9. Thursday, October 17: Benefit Breakfast for Kenya Help
10. Next Weekend: Helping People With Intellectual Disabilities
11. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for World Missions
12. Saturday, October 19: Supporting Our Seminarians
13. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”
14. Thursday, October 24: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
15. Green Corner: Save Your Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Luggage
16. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass
17. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs
18. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry
19. Volunteer SECURED!: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer To Serve Fridays
18. October is Respect Life Month: “Open Your Hearts to Life”
19. October Mass Count
20. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You
21. Save These Dates
22. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
23. Beginning Tuesday, October 8: Newman Nights at Stanford University
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Young Adult Circle

27. Readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Newman Nights @ Stanford flyer. South Bay Sanctuary October 20 event flyer

1. Two Days Remain: Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12: Four Days For Mary

Do you want our national leaders to seek and honor God's law?
Do you want to honor Our Lady of Fatima for coming to us to help turn our world around?
Do you want to give public witness during this year of faith?

If you do, then join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action.

Day 3: Praying the Rosary

Date: Friday, October 11, 2013
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Description: Listen to a talk about the promises of praying the Rosary and how the Rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon.  You will also hear a personal account of the benefits and promises of Our Lady to save the world.

Day 4: Rosary Rally

Date: Saturday, October 12, 2013
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church and Lytton Plaza
Confession: 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Mass: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
March from St. Thomas Aquinas to Lytton Plaza: 12:45 PM - 1:00 PM
Rosary Rally: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Description: Give public witness and join your prayers to those of thousands of other Catholics all over our country who will thank Our Lady this way.

About Fatima
Fatima is a message of hope to a world in great need and a message for all people and for all time.
• Fatima teaches us that the cause of the loss of souls to hell and war is sin and the spiritual decay it breeds.
• Fatima teaches us the power of our corporal and spiritual acts of reparation for sin.
• Fatima teaches us that we can make reparation for the sins of others as well as for our own sins.

About Praying the Rosary
Mary gave us the Rosary as a powerful spiritual weapon to overcome sin. Meditation of the mysteries of the Rosary challenges each individual to live a grace-filled and moral life and allows one to reflect on the grace and strength Mary had in responding to her call and relationship with God.

For further details, contact Rosa Lawley, Event Coordinator, at (650) 521-6350 or via email at

2. Knights of Columbus: Outreach Week

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut. The Order was formed to render financial aid to members and their families, and so men could work together to serve their parishes and their communities. From this modest beginning, the Order has grown into a brotherhood of more than 1.8 million members and 14,000 Councils worldwide. After more than 130 years, it is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.

Our own Palo Alto Council of the Knights was chartered over 85 years ago with the same principles. Our charitable works include:

• Raising thousands of dollars for organizations serving people with intellectual disabilities
• Conducting a Silent Auction at our annual Crab Dinner Dance to raise funds in support of Seton School
• Cooking for the Parish Picnic and at other large parish events
• Raising funds to purchase over 150 wheelchairs for the disabled
• And a number of other charitable and service activities

We are small but we do a lot. We pray together and we enjoy each other’s company and working together. Membership in the Knights is open to every practical Catholic man in the parish and we want to grow and strengthen our council in order to do even more for our community and our parish. If you are interested in joining us or learning more or contact Jerry Lucha, Grand Knight (650) 424-9660, John Uebbing, Financial Secretary (650) 455-9012 or Mario Veloro, Membership Chairman (650) 493-6807, or Fr. Matt (

Deacon Daniel Hernandez, Knight

3. Sunday, October 13:  Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp Dedication

A dedication ceremony celebrating the installation of the Jane Watkins Bahr Memorial Ramp plaque will be held on Sunday, October 13, 10:30 a.m., in the STA Memorial Garden. All are invited to join Rudy Bahr, friends of Jane, the Thomas Merton Community and the St. Thomas Aquinas Site Committee members at this celebration.

The Thomas House ramp affording handicapped access to the main floor of the building was an important part of the vision held by Jane Bahr, longtime STA parishioner and member of the Merton Center and the STA Site Committee. It was a bequest from Jane’s estate following her death late in 2009 that assured the inclusion of the ramp in the Thomas House renovation. Jane’s illness required her to use a wheelchair in her last months; she spoke and wrote eloquently to the parish planning committees about their responsibility to see that handicapped access was provided. 

In honor of Jane, and after dedication of the plaque, we will share strawberry cake in the garden. Please let Anna Jaklitsch know if you would like to make or buy a strawberry shortcake, and how many people it will serve, by Thursday, October 10. Call in the evening, 650-327-0978 or e-mail at

4. Monday, October 14: Pastoral Center Closed

The Pastoral Center will be closed on Monday, October 14th in honor of Columbus Day.

The daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

5. Tuesday, October 15: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Energy Demand, Climate Issues and Safe Nuclear Power 

Our Speaker: Dr. Alexander Cannara, PhD.

Suppose someone told you there is a way to generate heat and electric power on an industrial scale without the fossil fuel emissions and nuclear waste we now produce! If you were told that we could do this for the whole world for thousands of years with a cheap, plentiful material - what would you say? Why isn’t this “secret” energy source being utilized? Come hear Dr. Alexander Cannara’s talk to discover the answers!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center: 7:00 to 8:30 pm.  Refreshments follow for those who pay attention.

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is defined as our generous response to God for all the blessings we have received in life. All believers are asked to return a portion of their blessings to the service of the Kingdom, the service of the Church, through sharing their time, talent and treasure. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is a stewardship parish, which means we ask every member of our faith community to generously pledge to support the mission and life of the parish through their weekly offering and through a commitment to a parish ministry, organization, program or activity. Thank you for sharing God's gifts!

October 6 Actual: $12,500  (Goal $11,000) 
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $4,000

7. October is Respect Life Month: “Open our Hearts to Life”

All life is a gift from God, from its conception until natural death. Respect for life and the dignity of life for all of God’s creation is our responsibility as good stewards entrusted by God with this duty. In the Book of Genesis, God gave dominion over all living creatures to humankind. This “dominion” is not simply power to do with our planet and the life upon it as we please. It is instead the responsibility to care for, nurture, and support that life - all life - as gift from God.

Catholic Social Teaching addresses many issues under the umbrella of Respect Life. Abortion may be the first that comes to mind for some, and there is much good work being done in that area in our diocese through the 40 Days for Life Campaign (September 25 through the end of October). Other issues are of equal importance and need and deserve our attention: euthanasia, the death penalty, every person’s right to food, potable water, shelter and clothing, the right to work in safe conditions with fair wages, humane treatment of animals, and the all important and necessary responsibility to care for our planet, providing a sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.

Pope Francis’ command to “open your hearts to life” would ask us to consider these things and to take action where we can to insure these issues are addressed. But, even more, Pope Francis wants us to open our hearts to life in the way we approach every person we meet. Every person exists because of God’s love. Our encounter with others should be one of joy and gratitude. Pope Francis reminds us that we are asked by God to see the goodness in those around us, and to show our love for them in everything we do. Let us stand strong in support of the dignity of life for all of God’s creation, and let us show that support in our every action with everyone we meet.

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry 

8. Wednesday, October 16: S.O.U.P.

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

9. Thursday, October 17: Benefit Breakfast for Kenya Help

Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya will be visiting Palo Alto from October 10 till November 11.  

Thursday, October 17, 7:15 a.m.−8:30 a.m: The board of Kenya Help, a local non-profit organization dedicated to helping women and youth in Naivasha, Kenya, under the leadership of TMC member Margo McAuliffe, is sponsoring a benefit breakfast at which Fr. Daniel Kiriti and others will speak.  All are invited to attend on Thursday, October 17, 7:15—8:30 a.m., at the University Club, 3277 Miranda Ave., Palo Alto.  There is no charge for the breakfast, but donations to Kenya Help are gratefully accepted.  RSVP is required:, 650-322-0821.

Also, on Saturday, October 26, 6:00 p.m.−8:30 p.m.: The TMC Spiritual Education Committee is sponsoring an evening with Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya. who will speak following a potluck supper:

    Saturday, October 26, 6—8:30 pm
    St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
    6 pm:  Potluck supper (Bring salad, bread or dessert. Main dish of lasagne provided.)
    7 pm:  Fr. Kiriti speaks about his work in a remote parish in Kenya.
    All are welcome!

Fr. Kiriti will celebrate the 8:45 a.m. Mass  at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on October 27 and on November 10.  

10. Next Weekend: Helping People With Intellectual Disabilities

Members of our  Knights of Columbus Council will, again this year, be providing all parishioners with an  opportunity to help People With Intellectual Disabilities.  It is their major charitable activity of the year.

Contributions to next weekend's "Yellow Can" AKA "Tootsie Roll" drive directly benefit  Abilities United and Achieve Kids just down the street from the Pastoral Center! 

Checks should be made payable to Columbian Foundation Supporting People  With Intellectual Disabilities, Inc.   Please look for our Knights (in yellow aprons)
after Mass next weekend and possibly the following and please be as generous as possible in support of a very worthy cause.

11. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for World Missions

As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions — gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, we are to pray for the Church’s worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the “Good News” of our Lord’s great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer financial help through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. 

Special envelopes will be provided in the pews. Thank you for your generosity on World Mission Sunday!

12. Saturday, October 19: Supporting Our Seminarians

On Saturday, October 19 at the 5:00pm Mass at St. Albert the Great, we will be hosting the monthly gathering of our seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of San Jose. It is our opportunity to support these men in their vocational discernment, as well as for them to meet many parishioners whom they hope one day to serve as priests. All are welcome to attend the Mass and show your support.

13. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”

“Meaningful Movie Night” at the Thomas House Theatre (basement hall) continues on Sunday, October 20, with a 4:00 p.m. showing of “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994).

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in Frank Darabont's memorably moving prison-set fable, adapted from a short story by Stephen King. This powerful, poignant, thought-provoking and finally irresistibly uplifting film is enhanced by quietly dignified performances and Darabont's own inventive direction, “The Shawshank Redemption” remains a first class example of how to approach potentially weighty issues with conviction, style, lightness and wit.

The plot has Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne, a man arriving in prison in 1946 on a double life sentence for the murder of his wife and her lover. Andy is an apparently decent man who is quietly insistent about his own innocence. He befriends Red (Morgan Freeman), a veteran of the penal system, and their growing friendship over 20 years forms the backbone of the film - and provides a narrative pay-off as satisfying as it is heart-warming.

14. Thursday, October 24: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:

November 14, 2013
February 13, 2014,
March 13, 2014 and 
April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator
St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

15. Green Corner: Save Your Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Luggage

The Green Committee of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will be hosting an ADVENT Recycle Collection to benefit The Opportunity Center/Shelter Network which serves many needs of people in our greater community.  We know from their Community Outreach Coordinator that backpacks, sleeping bags and rolling luggage are always in demand.  Save your own recyclable items listed above and ask your friends if they would like to join us.  Watch for future information on how to donate.   

16. Volunteer Opportunity: Hospitality Ministers Needed After St. Albert The Great Sunday Mass

Do you appreciate the donuts and hospitality after 9am mass at St. Albert the Great?  We need a few volunteers to serve donuts once every two months.  Please consider doing this easy and fun service for our community.  Contact Rebecca Fox, or 650-566-8784.  

17. Volunteer Opportunity: Monthly Family Masses: Children's Choirs

We offer a family Mass on the fourth Sunday of every month at St. Albert the Great 9:00am Mass and OLR 10:30am Mass. 

We would like to develop a children's choir at OLR for these Masses and expand our children's choir at St. Albert the Great. If you have a child (3rd Grade and up) interested in singing, please contact Susan Olsen at or the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496.

18. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry

We are in need of young adults (especially males) to help us with our EDGE and one8 (confirmation program).  We are also looking for talented musicians to join our 6pm Youth and Young Adult Mass. 

Please email us at lifeteen.stay@gmail. com if you are interested. 

19. Volunteer SECURED!: Downtown Food Closet Volunteer To Serve Fridays

Thank you to the parish volunteer who stepped up to help 9 AM and 11 AM each Friday at the Downtown Food Closet, 425 Hamilton Avenue on the All Saints Episcopal Church campus, stocking shelves and giving out bags of supplemental food to homeless persons and persons at risk of becoming homeless.

20. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You

You may know someone having a particularly difficult time and feel a prayer shawl would be a welcome comfort. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is able to provide a choice of several handmade shawls which have been knitted with many prayers by ladies in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  These shawls are blessed by a priest at a parish Mass and prayers are said for the healing, love and comfort of the recipient. 

Please feel free to contact the church office 650-494-2496 ext. 22 for Mary Fong  or Pat Dietrich of the Pastoral Home Ministry for information.  We would be pleased to be of service to you and your friend. 

21. Save These Dates

* October 26 - Eucharistic Ministers in-service (OLR)
* October 27 - Saints Parade (St. Thomas Aquinas 9am & OLR 10:30am)

22. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

23. Continuing Tuesday, October 15: Newman Nights at Stanford University

Tuesdays beginning October 8, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Sanctuary of Old Union, Stanford University

"What We Learn About God from Genesis"

Newman Nights is a program designed to form the faith of the Catholic Community. Ninety minutes long, it consists of a forty-five minute lecture followed by break-out groups for further theological reflection. It meets on Tuesday nights in the Sanctuary of the Old Union , 7:30-9:00PM, beginning October 8, 2013. Come for one! Come for a quarter! Come for any you would like! All are welcome. Follow the link for a schedule of speakers, topics and dates. All of the Newman Night lectures will be videotaped and posted on the CC@S website as they become available, together with possible readings and discussion questions. Please contact Father Nathan Castle. O.P. at, for more information.

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Oct. 15th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto. The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Pure Fire Young Adult Retreat Hosted by the Diocese of San Jose Young Adult Ministry, Menlo Park Oct.18-20
Find direction on your spiritual journey at the Pure Fire Retreat, and discover a community of faithful and faith-curious young adults from all over the Bay Area. For more info visit the website or directly contact 

Young Adult Mass and Halloween Dinner Party, Tues. Oct. 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for our annual Halloween Mass followed by a Halloween themed dinner party.   This is one of our more popular annual events. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

27. Readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Fr. Matt (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime (preaching) (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:    TDB      (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 393? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

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Chris Lundin

Oct 18, 2013, 7:36:16 AM10/18/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 42 - October 18, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Friday, October 18: Memorial Mass for James Schroder
2. This Weekend: Helping People With Intellectual Disabilities
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for World Missions
4. Saturday, October 19: Supporting Our Seminarians
5. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”
6. Loving Our Liturgy/Renewing Our Lives: Engaging Children in the Mass
7. Weekly Stewardship Report: Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards
8. Tuesday, October 22 Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Church in China: Past and Present 
9. Next Saturday, October 26: Special Session for All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
10. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
11. Four Days of Mary Success!!
12. Thursday, October 24: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
13. Saturday, October 26: An Evening With Fr. Daniel Kiriti
14. Tax Volunteer Opportunity
15. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti
16. Green Corner: Save Your Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Luggage
17. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet
18. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry
19. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You
20. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Young Adult Circle

27. Readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Picture of Rosary Crusade at Lytton Plaza downtown.

1. Friday, October 18: Memorial Mass for James Schroder

Former Sunnyvale resident James Allen Schroder, 66, died Sep. 29, 2013, in Reno, NV. A memorial service will be held on Friday, Oct. 18th at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 1:00 p.m.

James was born September 16, 1947, in Palo Alto, Cal., to Royal G. and Mildred M. (Mills) Schroder. He attended St. Thomas Aquinas for primary school. He graduated from Palo Alto High School in 1965. James proudly served in the United States Marine Corps. James received a Presidential Unit Citation for the battle of Khe Sahn in Vietnam.  

He married Cheryl Perkins on July 17, 1971, in Weston Conn. James and Cheryl moved back to the bay area in 1972. James and Cheryl had two children, a son Brandon James and a daughter Kira Marie.

James was employed by HP for 25 years, then Hyatt Die Cast for 15 years. He coached Little League, basketball and soccer for both of his children. He was an avid fisherman and outdoorsman. Jim especially enjoyed the annual family summer excursions to Mexico, Canada, and the majority of the United States to peruse his passion of fishing. Jim loved the open road and appreciated the quality family time. These are the family’s fondest memories.

He had lived in Sunnyvale for 36 years when he and his wife retired to Reno, NV in 2011. Jim loved waking up to the view of Mt. Rose and the more relaxed pace of life.

He is survived by his wife Cheryl, daughter and future son-in-law, Kira Schroder and Steven House of San Jose, CA.; son and daughter-in-law, Brandon and Carolyn Schroder of Genoa, NV.; grandchildren, Cailyn, Scott, Carly, and Cathryn of Genoa, NV.; sister, Cathy Winn, of Sun City, AZ; his aunt Hazelle Mills of Redding, CA.; and various nieces, nephews, and cousins.

In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project in James’ name.

2. This Weekend: Helping People With Intellectual Disabilities

Members of our  Knights of Columbus Council will, again this year, be providing all parishioners with an  opportunity to help People With Intellectual Disabilities.  It is their major charitable activity of the year.

Contributions to this weekend's "Yellow Can" AKA "Tootsie Roll" drive directly benefit  Abilities United and Achieve Kids just down the street from the Pastoral Center! 

Checks should be made payable to Columbian Foundation Supporting People  With Intellectual Disabilities, Inc.   Please look for our Knights (in yellow aprons)
after Mass this weekend and possibly the following and please be as generous as possible in support of a very worthy cause.

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for World Missions

As Catholics around the world — here at home and in the Missions — gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord, we are to pray for the Church’s worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the “Good News” of our Lord’s great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the light of Christ. And we are to offer financial help through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. 

Special envelopes will be provided in the pews. Thank you for your generosity on World Mission Sunday!

4. Saturday, October 19: Supporting Our Seminarians

This Saturday, October 19 at the 5:00pm Mass at St. Albert the Great, we will be hosting the monthly gathering of our seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of San Jose. It is our opportunity to support these men in their vocational discernment, as well as for them to meet many parishioners whom they hope one day to serve as priests. All are welcome to attend the Mass and show your support.

5. Sunday, October 20: Meaningful Moving Night: “The Shawshank Redemption”

“Meaningful Movie Night” at the Thomas House Theatre (basement hall) continues on Sunday, October 20, with a 4:00 p.m. showing of “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994).

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in Frank Darabont's memorably moving prison-set fable, adapted from a short story by Stephen King. This powerful, poignant, thought-provoking and finally irresistibly uplifting film is enhanced by quietly dignified performances and Darabont's own inventive direction, “The Shawshank Redemption” remains a first class example of how to approach potentially weighty issues with conviction, style, lightness and wit.

The plot has Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne, a man arriving in prison in 1946 on a double life sentence for the murder of his wife and her lover. Andy is an apparently decent man who is quietly insistent about his own innocence. He befriends Red (Morgan Freeman), a veteran of the penal system, and their growing friendship over 20 years forms the backbone of the film - and provides a narrative pay-off as satisfying as it is heart-warming.

6. Loving Our Liturgy/Renewing Our Lives: Engaging Children in the Mass

On the fourth Sunday of each month at 9 a.m. (St. Albert the Great) and 10:30 a.m. (Our Lady of the Rosary) our parish offers “Family Mass.” These celebrations are prepared in accordance with the guidelines stated in the Directory for Masses with Children, which encourages the children take active roles in the Mass. We invite them to help lead us in music, to participate in proclamation of the Word, to assist in roles as greeters and with the collection, and to share prayer in movement and drama. Our goal is to offer a Mass which engages the entire family - all of us - and speaks in a special way to our children.

The active participation of the children not only engages them in and helps them understand the liturgy, but it also prepares them for future roles in ministry as adults, helping them to discern their own particular gifts and to understand the responsibility we all have as baptized members of the Body of Christ.

Our next Family Mass will take place on Sunday, October 27. On this occasion we will preview the celebration of All Saints Day with a procession of the saints by our children during the gathering rite. All children are welcome to come dressed as or to bring a symbol or picture of their favorite saint and to participate in this procession. We will gather at the entrance of the church to line up and review our procession ten minutes prior to the start of Mass.

An important aspect of the faith formation of our children is their participation in Mass, not just at Family Masses, but every Sunday. Let us help them learn to understand and appreciate what we do when we come together to worship. Let us help them to love our liturgy and with continual participation with parents, family and friends, to renew our lives of faith.

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

7. Weekly Stewardship Report: Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards

Every registered family has received in the mail a yellow Sacrificial Giving Intention Card. I am asking that each household spend some time in prayer and discernment, as you decide as a family your weekly or monthly gift in the Sunday Collection over the next 12 months. Please return your card either by bringing it with you to Mass or returning it in the mail. There are extra cards for those who did receive one in the mail in the vestibule of our churches. Thank you.

Fr. Matt

Weekly Offering:
October 13 Actual: $11,000  (Goal $11,000) 

8. Tuesday, October 22 Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Church in China: Past and Present 

Our Guest speaker: Fr. Don Allen, retired Maryknoll Missionary

Father Don Allen spent 8 years serving as a missionary teaching English at universities in Wuhan and Beijing, China. To become part of the modern business world, China invited missionaries to come into the country. Fr. Don volunteered as part of the Maryknoll mission. Maryknollers also contacted local churches and promoted continued clergy education. Fr. Allen is now retired and living at the Maryknoll Seminary in Los Altos.

The history of Christianity in China is complex. It began in the 6-7th century with Nestorian Christians traveling the Silk Road from Syria. Centuries later, the Jesuits came to spread the Word in China with some success, most notably that of Fr. Mateo Ricci. Others followed with varying results. In the modern era, the Church has gone through extensive periods of persecution. Currently there is a registered, officially-recognized-by-the-government Church but there is also an “underground” unofficial Church. Come and learn more about the Catholic Church in China. Fr. Allen will lead us from its earliest beginnings through today and hope for the future. 

Meet us in the Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Refreshments too!

9. Next Saturday, October 26: Special Session for All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

One of the promises all of our liturgical ministers made when they were commissioned was to commit themselves to a continued spiritual formation, so as to deepen their knowledge of the mysteries of Christ.

We will host a session for all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on October 26th at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall from 10:00am until Noon. Please R.S.V.P. to Nora at

10. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink? 
When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 
When did we see you ill or in prison and visit you? 
Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." 
Matthew 25:37-41.

During these very difficult economic times, St. Thomas Aquinas St Vincent de Paul is in great need of more helpers and money. If you can give some hours of your time or put more money in, when the collection plate comes around next weekend, it would be greatly appropriated.

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of
the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

11. Four Days of Mary Success!!

On behalf of the Rosary organizing group we thank Father Matt, Father Dat, Deacon Daniel, and Seminarian Michael Scott for their support and guidance. Special thanks to Mario Veloro and the Knights of Columbus for their support and participation in Four Days for Mary, and a special thanks to you, our parishioners, who generously responded to Our Lady's call to action in this annual spiritual program.

For four days we gathered to honor Our Lady of Fatima, listened to her requests, prayed the Rosary, learned more about this heavenly devotion and of its spiritual power to defeat evil; we consecrated our parish and ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and we gave a public witness of faith by rallying to Lytton Plaza to pray the Rosary.

It was a real spiritual feast! The consecration of the parish was well attended, and we had a great turn out at the Rosary Rally. Thank you for your participation to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in our parish. God bless you, Rosa Lawley, Committee Chair

(see picture at end of the eBulletin)

12. Thursday, October 24: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
November 14, 2013
February 13, 2014,
March 13, 2014 and 
April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator
St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

13. Saturday, October 26: An Evening With Fr. Daniel Kiriti

Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya will be visiting Palo Alto from October 10 till November 11.  

On Saturday, October 26, 6:00 p.m.−8:30 p.m.: The TMC Spiritual Education Committee is sponsoring an evening with Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya. who will speak following a potluck supper:

    Saturday, October 26, 6—8:30 pm
    St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
    6 pm:  Potluck supper (Bring salad, bread or dessert. Main dish of lasagne provided.)
    7 pm:  Fr. Kiriti speaks about his work in a remote parish in Kenya.
    All are welcome!

Fr. Kiriti will celebrate the 8:45 a.m. Mass  at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on October 27 and on November 10.  

14. Tax Volunteer Opportunity

A few hours of your time are worth thousands of dollars to our low-income neighbors!

Could you spend a few Saturday mornings next tax filing season (end of January – mid April) preparing tax returns for low-income families?  Can you take some time this fall to become IRS-certified through classes or on-line? Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. 

We are now organizing for the next year.  2014 will be the 5th year that the parishes in Los Altos, Palo Alto and Mountain View have collaborated to offer this program.  Each year the number of low-income clients grows.  Please join us in this remarkable effort to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

15. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti

All Widow and Widowers are invited to our  November 7th dinner at Spalti Italian Restaurant.  We will gather at 5 p.m., Dinner at 5:30.  You will have a choice of 4 or 5 entrees, plus soup or salad and coffee or tea. They have a bar.  The address is 417 California Ave. Palo Alto.   RSVP to by Nov. 3.   
Total price is only $32.00.

16. Green Corner: Save Your Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Luggage

The Green Committee of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will be hosting an ADVENT Recycle Collection to benefit The Opportunity Center/Shelter Network which serves many needs of people in our greater community.  We know from their Community Outreach Coordinator that backpacks, sleeping bags and rolling luggage are always in demand.  Save your own recyclable items listed above and ask your friends if they would like to join us.  Watch for future information on how to donate.   

17. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet

The South Palo Alto Food Closet located at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 670 East Meadow Drive is in need of volunteers.

The hours of the Food Closet are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 AM to 2 PM.  Volunteers are asked to work one 2 hour shift once a month (10:00 AM to Noon or Noon to 2:PM) If you are able to help, please call Kate Church at 494-6220.

18. Volunteer Opportunity: Parish Youth Ministry

We are in need of young adults (especially males) to help us with our EDGE and one8 (confirmation program).  We are also looking for talented musicians to join our 6pm Youth and Young Adult Mass. 

Please email us at lifeteen.stay@gmail. com if you are interested. 

19. Prayer Shawl Ministry In Service To You

You may know someone having a particularly difficult time and feel a prayer shawl would be a welcome comfort. 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is able to provide a choice of several handmade shawls which have been knitted with many prayers by ladies in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  These shawls are blessed by a priest at a parish Mass and prayers are said for the healing, love and comfort of the recipient. 

Please feel free to contact the church office 650-494-2496 ext. 22 for Mary Fong  or Pat Dietrich of the Pastoral Home Ministry for information.  We would be pleased to be of service to you and your friend. 

20. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Young Adult Mass and Halloween Dinner Party, Tues. Oct. 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for our annual Halloween Mass followed by a Halloween themed dinner party.   This is one of our more popular annual events. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess
For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

23. Readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. John Poncini, Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska) - Diocesan Seminarian Mass
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester and Fr. Matt (preaching)
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: TBD and Fr. Matt (preaching)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys Mikalonis and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:    TDB and Fr. Matt (preaching) (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 393? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Oct 25, 2013, 8:16:21 AM10/25/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 42 - October 25, 2013

Table of Contents

1. TOMORROW: Saturday, October 26: Special Session for All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
2. Saturday, October 26: An Evening With Fr. Daniel Kiriti
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
4. This Weekend: Priesthood Sunday
5. This Weekend: Please Return Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards
6. 2013 Parish Stewardship Awards
7. Tuesday, October 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Vatican II: Continuing The Dialog
8. During November: The Book Of The Names Of The Dead
9. Friday, November 1: All Saints Day, Holy Day of Obligation
10. Saturday, November 2: All Souls Day
11. Saturday, November 2: Annual Mass of Remembrance
12. Sunday, November 3: Faith Formation Session for Parents
13. Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time Ends
14. Wednesday, November 6: S.O.U.P.
15. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti
16. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases
17. Volunteer Opportunity: Tax Assistance
18. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet
19. Christmas Craft Faire
20. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
21. Tuesday, November 5:  The Gabriel Project - Helping Pregnant Mothers In Crisis
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Young Adult Circle
24. Readings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. TOMORROW: Saturday, October 26: Special Session for All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

One of the promises all of our liturgical ministers made when they were commissioned was to commit themselves to a continued spiritual formation, so as to deepen their knowledge of the mysteries of Christ.

We will host a session for all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on October 26th at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall from 10:00am until Noon. Please R.S.V.P. to Nora at

2. Saturday, October 26: An Evening With Fr. Daniel Kiriti

Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya will be visiting Palo Alto from October 10 till November 11.  

On Saturday, October 26, 6:00 p.m.−8:30 p.m.: The TMC Spiritual Education Committee is sponsoring an evening with Fr. Daniel Kiriti of Kenya. who will speak following a potluck supper:
    Saturday, October 26, 6—8:30 pm
    St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
    6 pm:  Potluck supper (Bring salad, bread or dessert. Main dish of lasagne provided.)
    7 pm:  Fr. Kiriti speaks about his work in a remote parish in Kenya.
    All are welcome!

Fr. Kiriti will celebrate the 8:45 a.m. Mass  at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on October 27 and on November 10.  

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

During these very difficult economic times, St. Thomas Aquinas St Vincent de Paul is in great need of both more helpers and money. If you can give some hours of your time or put more money in, when the collection plate comes around next weekend, it would be greatly appropriated.

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of
the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

4. This Weekend: Priesthood Sunday

Once upon a time, there was a young Jewish couple who were preparing for their son's 12th birthday. There's an ancient tradition that on the eldest son's 12th birthday, it was now the time to decide what this child was to be "when he grew up."

And so they placed a table in the middle of the living room, and on this table they placed a copy of the Torah, a $100 bill, and a bottle wine. If the child picked up the Torah, praise God, he would become a Rabbi; if the child picked up the bottle of wine, heaven forbid, he would become a "wino." And if the child picked up the $100 bill, well then, a
prosperous businessman would he become.

Finally, little Moses was called into the room, and told to choose. Little Moses, looked over the objects on the table and picked up the Torah and put it under is left arm, then he picked up the wine bottle and put it under is right arm, and finally he bent down and picked up the $100 with his teeth. Immediately, little Moses' mother was heard to scream: "O Lord, he's going to be a Catholic Priest!" 

“The purpose of Priesthood Sunday is to engage every level of the church in the United States in a national conversation about the priesthood,” said Rev. Richard Vega, President of the National Federation of Priests’ Councils. NFPC represents more than 26,000 U.S. priests. On behalf of all of the priests, and there are many who serve the people of St. Thomas Aquinas, I express my gratitude and thanksgiving to all of you for your support, your prayers, and your generosity. It is a privilege and a pleasure to serve you.

Fr. Matt

5. This Weekend: Please Return Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards

Every registered family has received in the mail a yellow Sacrificial Giving Intention Card. I am asking that each household spend some time in prayer and discernment, as you decide as a family your weekly or monthly gift in the Sunday Collection over the next 12 months. Please return your card either by bringing it with you to Mass or returning it in the mail. There are extra cards for those who did receive one in the mail in the vestibule of our churches. Thank you.

Fr. Matt

Weekly Offering:
October 20 Actual: $12,400  (Goal $11,000) 
World Missions: $4,250

6. 2013 Parish Stewardship Awards

In this month when we normally celebrate Time, Talent and Treasure, our recent tradition is to honor a few of our volunteers with a Stewardship award.  Our volunteers work tirelessly and many times, quietly in the background, to bring to life our liturgies, our many social events, our annual picnic, adult spirituality and more - the very life of this parish.

Last weekend at each of our church worship sites we honored and thanks very faithful and committed volunteers who serve our community:

Mary Schembri: Mary has served our parish in many ways over the years including: as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, she has volunteered to be  Sacristan for 9 am Mass for years, she has participated on the St. Albert the Great Site Committee, and volunteered as a Pastoral Home Minister taking Holy Communion to the home bound.  Her faithful presence and cheerful attitude has been very welcome.

Roland Quintero: Roland has worn many hats during his years of service to our parish. He has served as our parish photographer for 1st Communions, Confirmations, Easter Vigils, Parish Picnics, Volunteer Recognitions, Youth Activities, Pageants, and Awards. The St. Albert the Great sanctuary has been re-gilded and Mary’s altar redone thanks to Roland’s generosity.  He currently serves on the Communications Committee, the St. Albert the Great Site Committee and Archives Committee.  Roland was responsible for the concept, layout and design of our Parish Photo Directories.  He is also currently the chair of the Widow and Widowers Club.

Ed and Carole Brown: In 1989, Ed and Carole were trained and commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and both have continued to be active and involved. They have served our parish in many ways: as participants in faith formation groups, Ed is active in the Knights of Columbus, is an enthusiastic participant in the Knight’s many activities and projects - Pancake Breakfast, Cook at the Parish picnics. He is a regular usher and they both have served on all-parish committees such as Facilities, Finance and Community Life. Carole prepares the schedules for Liturgical ministers for the OLR 10:30 Sunday Masses.
Michael Veuve: Michael has served at Our Lady of the Rosary as a Lector, and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion since 1999. For the most recent five years, he has taken on the responsibilities of  Sacristan for the 10:30 Mass each Sunday morning .  He is always here and he is the one who sees that everything is ready for our liturgy. Michael also helps train the altar servers as well and has kept a steady-stream of well-trained altar servers assisting at Masses.   He is, indeed, a dedicated minister whose steady, cheerful leadership helps provide for our reverent 10:30 Mass celebrations.

George Brown: George was recognized for his many years of service as Sacristan for the Sunday 12:00 p.m. Mass community, caring for and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the priest as he readies for Mass, ensuring that lectors, Communion ministers and altar servers are present and ready, cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass, guiding the celebrant and singing the lessons.

Charlotte Gross: Charlotte was recognized for her many years of service as Sacristan for the St. Thomas Aquinas Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass community, caring for and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the priests as they ready for Mass, ensuring that lectors, Communion ministers and altar servers are present and ready, and cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass.

Marci Ariagno
Marlene Arnold
Maureen Locke
Fran McVittie
Judy Washburn and
Mary Washburn

were recognized for their many years of service as Sacristans for the Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass community, caring and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the celebrant as he readies for Mass, ensuring that Communion ministers are present and ready, and cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass.

7. Tuesday, October 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Vatican II: Continuing The Dialog

Our speaker: Susan Olsen

It has been 50 years since the Second Vatican Council was convened. Today, the Council is credited with essentially shaping the modern Catholic Church. We are continuing the dialogue on the ways that Vatican II has had an impact on the Church - and there is still much to discuss. Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry, will be our guide as we explore the effect of this creative work of the Holy Spirit on our lives today. We begin 7:00 pm at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room; snacks will be served.

8. During November: The Book Of The Names Of The Dead

During the month of November, a special book will be placed near the Easter Candle in each of our churches. You are invited to inscribe the names of your departed family members and loved ones in this book. These people will be remembered in the prayers of our parish community throughout the month. The envelopes for All Souls Day will also be placed with this Book near the Easter Candle.

9. Friday, November 1: All Saints Day, Holy Day of Obligation

In addition to our three daily masses:
7:15 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church
8:30 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary
12:15 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church 

there will be four other masses in our parish to celebrate All Saints Day:

9:00 a.m. St. Albert the Great Church (celebrate with the Seton School community)
7:00 p.m. at St. Albert the Great Church
7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)
8:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)  

The roots of the feast of All Saints as celebrated by the Western church can be traced back to May 13, 609 or 610, when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs. The feast of All Saints, on its current date, is traced to the foundation by Pope Gregory III  of a chapel in St. Peter's for the relics "of the holy apostles and of all saints, martyrs and confessors, of all the just made perfect who are at rest throughout the world".

10. Saturday, November 2: All Souls Day

Saturday, November 2nd is the day when the Church commemorates all of the faithful departed. While this has never been a day of obligation, it has always been a day of particularly fervent prayer. We will celebrate our Saturday 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas. You may bring your All Souls Day envelope to Mass then or next Sunday. These envelopes will remain near the Easter Candle throughout the month of November as we pray for all of our beloved dead throughout the month.

11. Saturday, November 2: Annual Mass of Remembrance

Our annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at the 5:00pm at St. Albert the Great Church, for all those parishioners who have died over the past year
and in loving memory of all deceased relatives and friends of our parishioners. All are welcome to attend.

12. Sunday, November 3: Faith Formation Session for Parents

All parents are invited to the second of our parent classes on Sunday, November 3rd during class time. Parents of those preparing for the sacraments should attend these classes, but all parents are welcome. This is an opportunity for us to work together to help your children grow in their faith. Questions? Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center. 650-494-2496, ext. 25. Time for 1st Communion for your child? We have already begun preparation for the 2014 class. Enroll your child in Faith Formation now to be certain he or she is included.

13. Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time Ends

Daylight Savings ends next Sunday, November 3rd. Turn your clocks back one hour or you will be an hour early for Mass. 

14. Wednesday, November 6: S.O.U.P.

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)
15. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti

All Widow and Widowers are invited to our  November 7th dinner at Spalti Italian Restaurant.  We will gather at 5 p.m., Dinner at 5:30.  You will have a choice of 4 or 5 entrees, plus soup or salad and coffee or tea. They have a bar.  The address is 417 California Ave. Palo Alto.   RSVP to by Nov. 3.   

Total price is only $32.00.

16. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases

The Green Committee and Human Concerns Committee of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will be collecting the above items to benefit The Opportunity Center/Shelter Network which serve many needs of people in our greater community.  We have been reassured that these items are in great demand.
Time: Between now and Nov 17

Mon-Thurs: 9:30am to 4pm, drop off at Pastoral Center
Sundays: OLR Hall, 9 am and 10:30am Mass
               St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at church steps, 7:30 am & 8:45 am Mass
       St. Albert the Great: in vestibule after Saturday and Sunday Masses
Please make sure all items (zippers, handles, wheels etc) are functioning and in fairly good condition. 

Questions? Laura @ 650-283-6343 or emai:

17. Volunteer Opportunity: Tax Assistance

A few hours of your time are worth thousands of dollars to our low-income neighbors!

Could you spend a few Saturday mornings next tax filing season (end of January – mid April) preparing tax returns for low-income families?  Can you take some time this fall to become IRS-certified through classes or on-line? Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. 

We are now organizing for the next year.  2014 will be the 5th year that the parishes in Los Altos, Palo Alto and Mountain View have collaborated to offer this program.  Each year the number of low-income clients grows.  Please join us in this remarkable effort to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

18. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet

The South Palo Alto Food Closet located at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 670 East Meadow Drive is in need of volunteers.

The hours of the Food Closet are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 AM to 2 PM.  Volunteers are asked to work one 2 hour shift once a month (10:00 AM to Noon or Noon to 2:PM) If you are able to help, please call Kate Church at 494-6220.

19. Christmas Craft Faire

Help us prepare for our first Christmas Craft Faire on Saturday, December 14 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm. We are currently collecting homemade Christmas crafts, upscale Christmas decor, vintage/costume jewelry, gift baskets, and individual items for a dollar table. Contact Natalie Lucha with questions,, 650- 494-1178 or Mickey Martin to submit your donations

20. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion

The Our Lady of the Rosary graduating class of 1972 is having a reunion!!  We are searching for classmates and reaching out to their families in order to spread the word.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday Nov 2, 2013 at Michael's at Shoreline  11:00 - 3:00. 

Please email Joe Teresi (  with your contact information so a spot may be reserved at Michael's. Spouse or significant others are welcome. 

21. Tuesday, November 5:  The Gabriel Project - Helping Pregnant Mothers In Crisis

Through the Gabriel Project, a new program of the Diocese of San Jose, pregnant mothers who feel alone or afraid are embraced as a daughter, sister, and friend. Volunteer mentors are trained by this Diocesan program to walk a mother through her pregnancy, and local community resources are enlisted to help empower the mother to care for her unborn baby. No mother should feel alone at such a critical time in her life. Through this personal contact and care, our Catholic community is able to bring the hope and love of Christ to any pregnant mother experiencing a crisis situation.

If the Gabriel Project speaks to your heart, come learn how you can be a part of this life affirming Diocesan program.

The Gabriel Project Info Night
Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00pm
Childcare provided.

For more information, Contact: Aimee Plata at or  (408)429-0386

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass and Halloween Dinner Party, Tues. Oct. 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for our annual Halloween Mass followed by a Halloween themed dinner party.   This is one of our more popular annual events. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

ESTEEM needs you!!!  ESTEEM is an acronym for Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission. ESTEEM is alive and well at Stanford University Catholic Community.  ESTEEM at Stanford aims at harnessing the skills and talents of Catholic students , to empower them with tools and depth of perspective to be of service in traditional and nontraditional ways to the church upon graduation. Each student member of ESTEEM has a mentor to be an additional support system during their year long participation in the ESTEEM program. The commitment on your part will be to meet with the student once a month to share ways of integrating his/her faith in their busy lives. The program runs from October through the first week of May next year. If you are interesting in learning more about ESTEEM or becoming an ESTEEM mentor, contact Susan Marquess

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

24. Readings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. John Poncini, Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester and Fr. Matt (preaching)
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Daniel Kiriti
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gammad and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:    TDB and Fr. Matt (preaching) (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Oct 26, 2013, 11:17:10 AM10/26/13
2013 Parish Stewardship Awards

(Friday's eBulletin had an incomplete listing of this year's Stewardship Awards. Here is the complete listing.)

In this month when we normally celebrate Time, Talent and Treasure, our recent tradition is to honor a few of our volunteers with a Stewardship award.  Our volunteers work tirelessly and many times, quietly in the background, to bring to life our liturgies, our many social events, our annual picnic, adult spirituality and more - the very life of this parish.

Last weekend at each of our church worship sites we honored and thanks very faithful and committed volunteers who serve our community:

Rich Scholz: Rich has followed in his father’s footsteps in his many years of service to our parish.  He assisted at St. Albert the Great School.  He wrote the St. Albert the Great Church history for the 50th anniversary of St. Albert the Great. He also helped to write the history Booklet for the 100th Anniversary of St. Thomas Aquinas Church.  He has served as a member of many committees over the years and is an active lector at St. Albert the Great.

Charles Guenzer: Chuck has helped in a number of ways, for instance:  he sang in the SAG Choir, taught Religious Education, he has been an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for many years, a member of, and current secretary to the parish Building & Maintenance Committee, served as a hospitality volunteer, offering coffee & donuts.  He has assisted on various Community Life activities including selling tickets for St. Patrick’s dinner, and the recent St. Thomas Aquinas spaghetti dinner.

Mary Schembri: Mary has served our parish in many ways over the years including: as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, she has volunteered to be  Sacristan for 9 am Mass for years, she has participated on the St. Albert the Great Site Committee, and volunteered as a Pastoral Home Minister taking Holy Communion to the home bound.  Her faithful presence and cheerful attitude has been very welcome.

Roland Quintero: Roland has worn many hats during his years of service to our parish. He has served as our parish photographer for 1st Communions, Confirmations, Easter Vigils, Parish Picnics, Volunteer Recognitions, Youth Activities, Pageants, and Awards. The St. Albert the Great sanctuary has been re-gilded and Mary’s altar redone thanks to Roland’s generosity.  He currently serves on the Communications Committee, the St. Albert the Great Site Committee and Archives Committee.  Roland was responsible for the concept, layout and design of our Parish Photo Directories.  He is also currently in charge of communications for the Widow and Widowers Club.

Ed and Carole Brown: In 1989, Ed and Carole were trained and commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and both have continued to be active and involved. They have served our parish in many ways: as participants in faith formation groups, Ed is active in the Knights of Columbus, is an enthusiastic participant in the Knight’s many activities and projects - Pancake Breakfast, Cook at the Parish picnics. He is a regular usher and they both have served on all-parish committees such as Facilities, Finance and Community Life. Carole prepares the schedules for Liturgical ministers for the OLR 10:30 Sunday Masses.
Michael Veuve: Michael has served at Our Lady of the Rosary as a Lector, and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion since 1999. For the most recent five years, he has taken on the responsibilities of  Sacristan for the 10:30 Mass each Sunday morning .  He is always here and he is the one who sees that everything is ready for our liturgy. Michael also helps train the altar servers as well and has kept a steady-stream of well-trained altar servers assisting at Masses.   He is, indeed, a dedicated minister whose steady, cheerful leadership helps provide for our reverent 10:30 Mass celebrations.

George Brown: George was recognized for his many years of service as Sacristan for the Sunday 12:00 p.m. Mass community, caring for and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the priest as he readies for Mass, ensuring that lectors, Communion ministers and altar servers are present and ready, cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass, guiding the celebrant and singing the lessons.

Charlotte Gross: Charlotte was recognized for her many years of service as Sacristan for the St. Thomas Aquinas Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass community, caring for and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the priests as they ready for Mass, ensuring that lectors, Communion ministers and altar servers are present and ready, and cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass.

Marci Ariagno
Marlene Arnold
Maureen Locke
Fran McVittie
Judy Washburn
Mary Washburn

were recognized for their many years of service as Sacristans for the Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass community, caring and maintaining the sacristy, preparing the gifts of bread and wine, assisting the celebrant as he readies for Mass, ensuring that Communion ministers are present and ready, and cleaning the liturgical vessels and securing the sacristy after Mass.

Awards, web 2013.jpg

Chris Lundin

Nov 1, 2013, 7:55:23 AM11/1/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 44 - November 1, 2013

Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, November 3 at 2:00 a.m.

Table of Contents

1. Friday, November 1: All Saints Day, Holy Day of Obligation
2. Saturday, November 2: All Souls Day
3. Saturday, November 2: Annual Mass of Remembrance
4. During November: The Book Of The Names Of The Dead
5. Weekly Stewardship Report: Please Return Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards
6. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 1
7. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Kicks Off
8. Sunday, November 3: Faith Formation Session for Parents
9. Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time Ends
10. Parish Annual Report Now Available Online
11. Tuesday, November 5:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Stem Cell Research: Finding Common Ground 
12. Wednesday, November 6: S.O.U.P.
13. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti
14. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases
15. Saturday, November 9: Learn How Santa Barbara Supports Car Dwellers
16. Sunday, November 10: Rite of Acceptance and Welcome
17. Volunteer Opportunity: Tax Assistance
18. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet
19. Christmas Craft Faire
20. Saturday, November 2: OLR Class of '72 Reunion
21. Tuesday, November 5:  The Gabriel Project - Helping Pregnant Mothers In Crisis
22. Tuesday November 5, 2013: Newman Night: From Jesus to Church
23. Sunday, November 10: Concert of Ancient Irish Sacred Song
24. Order of Malta Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Nominations by November 15
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Young Adult Circle
27. Readings for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: flyer for meeting about Santa Barbara Process to Support Car Dwellers

1. Friday, November 1: All Saints Day, Holy Day of Obligation

In addition to our three daily Masses:

7:15 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church
8:30 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary
12:15 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church 

there will be four other masses in our parish to celebrate All Saints Day:

9:00 a.m. St. Albert the Great Church (celebrate with the Seton School community)
7:00 p.m. at St. Albert the Great Church
7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)
8:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)  

The roots of the feast of All Saints as celebrated by the Western church can be traced back to May 13, 609 or 610, when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs. The feast of All Saints, on its current date, is traced to the foundation by Pope Gregory III  of a chapel in St. Peter's for the relics "of the holy apostles and of all saints, martyrs and confessors, of all the just made perfect who are at rest throughout the world".

2. Saturday, November 2: All Souls Day

Saturday, November 2nd is the day when the Church commemorates all of the faithful departed. While this has never been a day of obligation, it has always been a day of particularly fervent prayer. 

The 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church will begin at 12 noon on All Souls Day. The St. Ann Gregorian Choir will be singing the Mass in Latin.

You may bring your All Souls Day envelope to Mass then or on Sunday. These envelopes will remain near the Easter Candle throughout the month of November as we pray for all of our beloved dead throughout the month.

3. Saturday, November 2: Annual Mass of Remembrance

Our annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at the 5:00 pm Mass at St. Albert the Great Church, for all those parishioners who have died over the past year
and in loving memory of all deceased relatives and friends of our parishioners. All are welcome to attend.

4. During November: The Book Of The Names Of The Dead

During the month of November, a special book will be placed near the Easter Candle in each of our churches. You are invited to inscribe the names of your departed family members and loved ones in this book. These people will be remembered in the prayers of our parish community throughout the month. The envelopes for All Souls Day will also be placed with this Book near the Easter Candle.

5. Weekly Stewardship Report: Please Return Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards

The word "stewardship" refers to the Catholic approach to the gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Stewardship is living out a commitment to be Christ- centered rather than self-centered. Profound gratitude, justice and love become the fundamental motives for giving back to God. Everything that God has given to us is intended to serve the divine plan. Therefore, our life is to be lived in gratitude toward God. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. 

All of us are asked to prayerfully prepare our Stewardship Intention Cards as a gift to the Lord and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish— a sign that we commit ourselves of giving back to God a portion of the"treasure" we have received.

October 27: Actual $10,500 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $5,000

6. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 1

Thanks to the 66 parishioners who turned in their Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards totaling $2, 171 each week to the Sunday Offertory

17 Families have pledged $1-$10 per week
29 Families have pledged $11-$25 per week 
12 Families have pledged $26-$50 per week 
3 Families have pledged $51-$75 per week
2 Families have pledged $76-$100 per week 
3 Families have pledged over $100 per week 

Average weekly pledge is $33

7. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Kicks Off

November starts our big annual Parish Food Drive. This weekend bags and a list of needed non-perishable food items will be available for you to take home as you leave Mass.

Some people in our parish and in our neighborhoods face emergencies or adversity. Your gift of non-perishable food is an ideal opportunity to provide them the strength to overcome these challenges. Our STAYouth are assisting St. Vincent de Paul to collect food during the month of November for those less fortunate. 

Food suggestions include (with flip tops) vienna sausage, hearty soups with meat, or ready-to-eat meals, crackers such as Ritz, or Saltines, high-protein snack bars, tuna, single- serve cereals, pasta, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, jam, canned meat such as chicken, or tuna, canned corn, or condiments.
Return your bag to church soon -- and our teens will help sort and shelve it to fill local needs.

Give a hand up to those who really appreciate your help!

8. Sunday, November 3: Faith Formation Session for Parents

All parents are invited to the second of our parent classes on Sunday, November 3rd during class time. Parents of those preparing for the sacraments should attend these classes, but all parents are welcome. This is an opportunity for us to work together to help your children grow in their faith. Questions? Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center. 650-494-2496, ext. 25
Time for 1st Communion for your child? We have already begun preparation for the 2014 class. Enroll your child in Faith Formation now to be certain he or she is included.

9. Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time Ends

Daylight Savings ends this Sunday, November 3rd. Turn your clocks back one hour or you will be an hour early for Mass. 

10. Parish Annual Report Now Available Online
The parish Annual Report for 2012-2013 now is available for viewing and downloading on the parish website.   This report will also be given out to families and individuals when they register with the parish.

Our thanks to Kay Williams of our Communications Board for assembling the many ministry board reports which were compiled by the members of the Pastoral Stewardship Council (thanks as well!).  This report recaps all the activities which went on in our parish over the last year  and well as providing a recap of our financial situation at the conclusion of our fiscal year (June 30).

11. Tuesday, November 5:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Stem Cell Research: Finding Common Ground 

Our Speaker: Father Gerald Coleman

What are stem cells and why are they so important and controversial. What are the ethical and moral considerations? Did you know that stem cells have been used for over 40 years? When bone marrow transplants are used to treat leukemia, it is the stem cells which are involved. Why are stem cells believed to be the future of medicine? How has the medical and Catholic Community come together to foster guidelines acceptable to all? Catholics need to know that they don’t have to make a choice between science and faith. Join us for a very informative discussion!

Fr. Coleman received his Master of Divinity from St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California, his Master of Arts degree from the University of San Francisco, his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, and his S.T.L. (Licentiate of Sacred Theology) from St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore. Fr. Coleman has served in various executive capacities and is a lecturer and prolific writer, contributing to various newspapers and magazines and authoring nine books. As a member of the Daughters of Charity Health System senior leadership team, Fr. Coleman serves as a spokesperson on all bioethics issues and participates in key DCHS committees, including the Local Health Ministry Bioethics committees. 

We begin 7:00 pm at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room; snacks will be served.

12. Wednesday, November 6: S.O.U.P.

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

13. Thursday, November 7: Widow and Widowers Sup At Spalti

All Widow and Widowers are invited to our  November 7th dinner at Spalti Italian Restaurant.  We will gather at 5 p.m., Dinner at 5:30.  You will have a choice of 4 or 5 entrees, plus soup or salad and coffee or tea. They have a bar.  The address is 417 California Ave. Palo Alto.   RSVP to by Nov. 3.   
Total price is only $32.00.

14. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases

The Green Committee and Human Concerns Committee continue to collect gently used items for the Opportunity Center. Together with the InnVision Shelter Network, they have requested our help in gathering 25 suitcases, 25 sleeping bags and 50 backpacks. 

So far, we have collected 4 suitcases, 2 sleeping bags and 8 backpacks. Please keep the donations coming! All items can be dropped off at any of the 3 church sites as well as the Pastoral Center.

Questions? Laura @ 650-283-6343 or emai:

15. Saturday, November 9: Learn How Santa Barbara Supports Car Dwellers

Palo Alto recently passed a law to ban people from sleeping in their cars. Santa Barbara has a Safe Parking Program which can be a model for us to find a solution for the homeless. Please come to this presentation and public discussion to learn more.

Saturday November 9th
2-4 pm
St. Mark's Parish Hall, 600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Guest Speaker Roslyn Scheuerman
Case Manager, New Beginnings Counseling Center, Santa Barbara, CA
Sponsored by Stop the Ban Coalition and supported by our Parish Human Concerns Committee.

16. Sunday, November 10: Rite of Acceptance and Welcome

Santa Barbara Nov 9 Flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Nov 8, 2013, 8:04:34 AM11/8/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 45 - November 8, 2013

Parish Fall Food Drive Continues
Collection of Backpacks, Rolling Suitcases, Sleeping Bags Continues

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, November 9: Learn How Santa Barbara Supports Car Dwellers
2. Sunday, November 10: Rite of Acceptance and Welcome
3. Sacrosanctum Concilium:  An Invitation to Participate
4. Monday, November 11: Pastoral Center Closed
5. Weekly Stewardship Report: Please Return Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards
6. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 2
7. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Continues
8. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases: Getting There!
9. Tuesday, November 12:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in Church History
10. October 2013 Mass Counts
11. Upcoming Construction at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
12. Thursday, November 14: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
13. Friday, November 15: Feast of St. Albert the Great
14. Volunteer Opportunity: Tax Assistance
15. Volunteer Opportunity:  South Palo Alto Food Closet
16. Christmas Craft Faire
17. Sunday, November 10: Concert of Ancient Irish Sacred Song
18. Tuesday, November 12: Real World Peacemaking Series: "Hands in the Rice Paddy"
19. Tuesday November 12, 2013: Newman Night: Popes, Princes, & Pastors: Community & Authority in the Medieval Church
20. Order of Malta Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Nominations by November 15
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Young Adult Circle
23. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit
24. Readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: 2005-2013 Mass Count comparison; flyer for meeting about Santa Barbara Process to Support Car Dwellers

1. Saturday, November 9: Learn How Santa Barbara Supports Car Dwellers

Palo Alto recently passed a law to ban people from sleeping in their cars. Santa Barbara has a Safe Parking Program which can be a model for us to find a solution for the homeless. Please come to this presentation and public discussion to learn more.

Saturday November 9th, 2-4 pm

St. Mark's Parish Hall, 600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Guest Speaker Roslyn Scheuerman, Case Manager, New Beginnings Counseling Center, Santa Barbara, CA

Sponsored by Stop the Ban Coalition and supported by our Parish Human Concerns Committee.

2. Sunday, November 10: Rite of Acceptance and Welcome

This Sunday, November 10 at the 9am Mass at St. Albert the Great and at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary we will celebrate our first R.C.I.A. rite of the year: Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens. Assembling publically for the first time, the candidates who have completed the period of the precatechumenate, declare their intention to the Church and the Church in turn, carrying out her apostolic mission, accepts them as persons who intend to become her members. God showers his grace on these candidates, since the celebration manifests their desire publicly to enter into a more profound period of preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. [Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults]

The above rite is combined with the Rite of Welcoming the Candidates (Baptized But Previously Uncatechized). This rite welcomes baptized adults and children who are seeking to complete their Christian initiation through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist or to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. The prayers and ritual gestures acknowledge that such candidates are already part of the community because they have been marked by baptism. Now the Church surrounds them with special care and supports as they prepare to be sealed with the gift of the Spirit in Confirmation and take their place at the banquet table of Christ’s sacrifice. [Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults]

Fr. Matt

3. Sacrosanctum Concilium:  An Invitation to Participate

Mass Count October 2013.pdf
Santa Barbara Nov 9 Flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Nov 15, 2013, 8:03:22 AM11/15/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 46 - November 15, 2013

Special 2nd Collection for Super Typhoon Haiyan Recovery  
Parish Fall Food Drive Continues
Collection of Backpacks, Rolling Suitcases, Sleeping Bags Continues

Table of Contents

1. TODAY: Feast of St. Albert the Great
2. This Weekend: Special Collection for Super Typhoon Haiyan 
3. Weekly Stewardship Report
4. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 3
5. Embracing What It Means to Be Catholic 
6. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Continues
7. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases: Getting There!
8. St. Vincent de Paul Needs
9. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8
10. Tuesday, November 19: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis; A man of humility
11. Wednesday, November 20: S.O.U.P.
12. New Striping And Access at Dermody Center
13. Health Update from Fr. Thierry Geris
14. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass
15. Beginning Friday, November 29: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
16. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story
17. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire
18. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines
19. Next weekend: 2nd Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
20. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers
21. Tuesday November 19, 2013: Newman Night: Women Religious
22. Order of Malta Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Nominations by November 15 (TODAY!)
23. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Young Adult Circle
26. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit
27. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
28. Readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

1. TODAY: Feast of St. Albert the Great

Catholics who participate in events connected with the Year of Faith can receive a special indulgence, according to a decree issued by the Vatican on Sept. 14, 2012. Pope Benedict established the Year of Faith to run from October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013.

An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due for sins that have been forgiven. It can be granted on behalf of the individual petitioner or on behalf of departed souls. The plenary indulgence is being offered to those who visit designated churches and shrines, to those who participate in local events connected to the Year of Faith, and to those who may be too ill or otherwise prevented from physical participation.

According to the Vatican decree, conditions for the special Year of Faith indulgence include the normal requirements set by the church for all plenary indulgences: the person truly repents of their sins, goes to confession, receives the Eucharist, and prays for the intentions of the Holy Father. A member of the church who has fulfilled those conditions may acquire a plenary indulgence in any of the following ways:

• Each time they attend at least three sermons during a mission, or at least three lectures on the Second Vatican Council or on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

• Each time they visit by way of pilgrimage a papal basilica, a Christian catacomb, a cathedral church or a holy site designated by the local bishop for the Year of Faith:
St. Albert the Great Church on Friday, November 15 

and there participate in a liturgy, or at least remain for an appropriate time of prayer and pious meditation, concluding with the recitation of the Our Father, the Creed in any legitimate form, and invocations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and, depending on the circumstances, of the holy Apostles or patron saints.

St. Albert the Great will be open today for this special purpose. Please come by for prayer and meditation.

Fr. Matt

2. This Weekend: Special Collection for Super Typhoon Haiyan 

TACLOBAN, Philippines, Nov 10 (Reuters) - One of the most powerful storms ever recorded killed at least 10,000 people in the central Philippines, a senior police official said on Sunday, with huge waves sweeping away coastal villages and devastating one of the main cities in the region.

I am certain that you are aware of the Category 5 Super Typhoon that recently hit Cebu and other parts of the Philippines. It was then headed towards the nation of Vietnam, where it promises to cause more death and destruction.

As a result, this weekend, November 16-17, our parish (and diocese) will take up a collection to aid with relief from Typhoon Haiyan.

You may also visit the website of Catholic Relief Services < > where you will be able to offer direct support to Catholic Relief Services.

Living in California and the Bay Area, we are aware of the danger and impact of natural disasters and their ability to easily overwhelm our own local resources.  Catholic Relief Services has the ability to take resources from the world-wide church and make them available quickly and with a minimum of administrative overhead. They are our "healing hands" at a time like this.

I ask you to consider the people of the Philippines and Vietnam and be generous in this upcoming donation. Thank you.

Fr. Matt

3. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of October. Our average weekly collection for the
4th month of this new fiscal year was an all-time record of $12,305 ($10,560 in 2012). 

Our revenue budget for July-October was $187,000; our actual is $187,000. This is an incredible achievement! Let’s continue this good work of stewardship. What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds.

May our good and generous God guide you. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

November 10: Actual $12,000 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,000

4. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 3

Thanks to the 114 parishioners who turned in their Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards totaling $3, 898 each week to the Sunday Offertory.

33 Families have pledged $1 -$10 per week
45 Families have pledged $11-$25 per week 
24 Families have pledged $26-$50 per week 
5 Families have pledged $51-$75 per week 
2 Families have pledged $76-$100 per week 
5 Families have pledged over $100 per week 

The average weekly pledge is $34.

Don’t Forget to Bring Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards to Mass this Sunday.

5. Embracing What It Means to Be Catholic 

Vatican II did not abolish the use of Latin, which remains the language of the Church to this day. It did however make it possible for everyone to hear and pray in his/her own language. But what language should that be? Many would, of course, say that the national language in this country is English, and that is the language we have in common and can share in our worship. But look around. In this parish we have many, many people for whom English is a second language, whose first language is Spanish, French, Italian, German, Tagalog, and others. If we participate in diocesan events, we find that the range of languages expands even further: Vietnamese, Chinese, and languages from Africa, India, the Middle East and other parts of Asia.

“Catholic” means universal, and Pope Francis has called on us to open our arms to welcome everyone into our church. One way we can do that is to be open to hearing and being comfortable with other languages, allowing ourselves to be open to some singing and praying in both the language

of the Church (officially still Latin), the occasional prayer in Greek (like
the Kyrie), and sometimes even in the language of others: to welcome our Hispanic, Philippino, Vietnamese and European parishioners by sharing in the language that is native to them. As we recognize the beauty of prayer in these other languages, we open ourselves to recognizing the true universality of our Church in its diversity of culture and tradition.

Benedicite! Deus det nobis suam pacem! (May God bless you! May God grant us His peace.)

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

6. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Continues

November starts our big annual Parish Food Drive. Again this weekend, bags and a list of needed non-perishable food items will be available for you to take home as you leave Mass.  If you snagged a bag last week, return it this week!

Some people in our parish and in our neighborhoods face emergencies or adversity. Your gift of non-perishable food is an ideal opportunity to provide them the strength to overcome these challenges. Our STAYouth are assisting St. Vincent de Paul to collect food during the month of November for those less fortunate. 

Return your bag to church soon -- and our teens will help sort and shelve it to fill local needs.

7. Collecting Lightly Used Backpacks, Sleeping Bags and Rolling Suitcases: Getting There!

The Green Committee and Human Concerns Committee continue to collect gently used items for the Opportunity Center. Together with the InnVision Shelter Network, they have requested our help in gathering 25 suitcases, 25 sleeping bags and 50 backpacks. 

Of the 100 items requested, we have only collected less than 30, but we're getting there!  If you happen to have those kinds of used equipment and no longer need them, please consider to "recycle" them for the benefits of the homeless in Palo Alto. Collection bins are at all three church sites as well as the Pastoral Center.

Questions? Laura @ 650-283-6343 or emai:

8. St. Vincent de Paul Needs

Drivers for a Patient of Stanford Cancer Center

Looking for an almost sure way to get into heaven? Our parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference is working with a man who is going for cancer treatments Monday through Friday for 33 days. We need drivers, hopefully a total of five. 

At the moment we have 2 drivers so we need 3 more. We are asking for drivers to take him to the Stanford Cancer Center at 875 Blake Wilbur Drive, from 9:00 to 9:30 AM, & drive him back to his place of residence. This is truly a high grade level of a work of corporal mercy. Now is your chance. Please call Roberta Uebbing at 650-494-2450.
Funds: Special Collection November 28

Homeless and living in poverty is a miserable situation for anyone to endure. If, in addition one has poor health the misery is compounded. 

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference encounters these situations  regularly:
Henry came to us in pain and walking with a great deal of difficulty. He  had been in a motorcycle accident. He is scheduled to have a spinal 
fusion and two hip replacements. He is homeless and has been sleeping  outside. We gave him a motel voucher so he could sleep in a bed & obtain some relief for his pain.

Martha is suffering from the pain of severe rheumatoid arthritis. She needed help purchasing her prescriptions for percocet and clonopin. Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference provided her with the funds.

Consider how you would feel if you were in the excruciating pain these people experience under such difficult conditions. The St. Vincent de Paul collection will be November 28. Please think of people like Henry and Martha and contribute generously to the collection basket when it comes around. 

9. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8

Our festive afternoon social is coming up on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the OLR Hall.

In preparation for that, the organizing committee is soliciting donations of homemade crafts, Christmas decor, jewelry (vintage and costume), gift baskets for the silent auction, baked goods, items for a "Dollar Table", etc.


Event: Natalie Lucha (650-494-1178,
Item Collection: Micky Martin (650-494-0119,
Jewelry: Carole Brown (650-493-5434,
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (650-856-9339,
Gift Baskets: Fran Adams (650-321-4886)

Item collection will take place after Masses on Sundays, December 1 and 8 (or contact Micky Martin) 

10. Tuesday, November 19: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis; A man of humility

Our special guest speaker: Deacon William Ditewig Ph.D and the event is co-sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto.

On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was elected by his fellow cardinals as the 266th pope. The first Jesuit pope, he took the name Francis, after the beloved St. Francis of Assisi. Known as a man of simplicity, he brings to the papacy a renewed emphasis on Gospel living. Our first “New World” pope: What gifts does he bring to the Chair of Peter? Please join us and learn more about our new pope.

We begin at 7:00 pm in the Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Center; snacks will be served.

11. Wednesday, November 20: S.O.U.P.

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  Bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

12. New Striping And Access at Dermody Center

See the photo at the end of the eBulletin of the new walkway, cut-through and striping between the OLR parking lot and the Dermody Center.

This new access will make it more convenient to move between the Dermody Center and OLR, without leaping curbs and pushing through oleander bushes!  Another of our steady parish improvements as we prioritize and implement changes across our various sites.

13. Health Update from Fr. Thierry Geris

The last tests showed that the cancer in my left lung has been stable. My medication is able to keep it under control, which is good. The separate infection in my lung has spread and formed an abscess since it was treated in September. This explains my continued fatigue and loss of weight. I have been put on a new course of antibiotics for 6-12 weeks this time, to get rid of the infection.

Fr. Thierry

14. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass

It's not too early to make your Thanksgiving Day plans— November 28th. Our Mass that day will be at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary. We invite you to bring bread for you dinner tables to that liturgy. Before the dismissal, we will bless your families' bread. Also, we invite your gifts of non-perishable foods, which we will bring forward during a special procession of gifts. Finally, our "cash collection" will be for our local St. Vincent de Paul Conference.

15. Beginning Friday, November 29: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

On Sunday, December 8, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, in preparation for this celebration, Saint Thomas Aquinas parish is organizing a Rosary Novena.  

The Novena will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Church and will start on Friday, November 29 and conclude on Saturday, December 7.  Each day of the Novena will start with Mass at 8:30 AM followed by the recitation of the Rosary.

Please join your fellow parishioners and participate in this novena to honor the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Patroness of our country.

Contact information: Rosa Lawley, Rosary Leader
Phone: (650) 521-6350 or E-mail:<>

16. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story (a ballet set to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracher Suite) and Songs & Dances to Prepare Us for Christmas will be presented by Dance for Joy and Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble, choreographed by Susan Lee Oslen, featuring performance by God's Young Voices & more. 

Performances will be at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave. 

Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 pm and 
Sunday, December 8th at 2:00 pm. 

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. All proceeds go to the carpet fund for St. Albert the Great Church. Tickets are available at the Pastoral Center and at the door.

If you miss that weekend, you can also see them on Saturday, December 14th at 7:00 pm at Holy Family Community Center at Holy Family Parish, 4848 Pearl Ave., San Jose. Those proceeds go to the Holy Family Renovation Fund.

17. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire

Help us prepare for our first Christmas Craft Faire on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm. We are currently collecting homemade Christmas crafts, upscale Christmas decor, vintage/costume jewelry, gift baskets, and individual items for a dollar table. Contact Natalie Lucha with questions,, 650- 494-1178 or Mickey Martin to submit your donations

18. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines

The holidays are coming, and our Sunday bulletin publisher has given us different deadlines than we normally have. Please note the changed deadlines for articles for these bulletins:

Dec 1 bulletin - deadline is Nov. 20 
Dec 22 bulletin - deadline Dec 11 
Dec 29 bulletin - deadline Dec 17 
Jan 5 bulletin - deadline Dec 23

The deadline for the eBulletin remains darned flexible and ultra last-minute: submissions received by Thursday midnight generally make it into the next  morning's eBulletin.

19. Next weekend: 2nd Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the official domestic anti-poverty agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops and works to break the
cycle of poverty by helping people help themselves. CCHD also educates on poverty and its causes. This strategy of education for justice and helping people who are poor speak and act for themselves reflects the mandate of Scripture and the principles of Catholic social teaching. 

CCHD provides Catholics concrete opportunities to live out love of God and neighbor in ways that express our baptismal call and continuing Eucharistic transformation. CCHD needs your support in next week’s Collection more than ever. Thank you for your generosity.

20. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers

Your skills can help of our low-income neighbors! Our parish and the neighboring parishes are recruiting Tax Volunteers for the next tax filing season. We will be doing this together for our 5th year, on Saturday mornings from the end of January through mid-April.  Training is available through classes and on-line.  Preparers are certified by the IRS.  Greeters are also needed to assist with welcome and registration.   Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Please join us, step up to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

21. Tuesday November 19, 2013: Newman Night: Women Religious

Please join us on Tuesday at 7:30 in the Sanctuary of the Stanford University Old Union for a fascinating talk: Women Religious

What brings women to consider religious life, and what makes them stay? Sister Gloria Marie Jones, O.P., Congregational Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, and Sister Ramona Bascom, O.P., both of whom have strong connections to the Catholic Community @ Stanford, will share their own lived experience in the light of the history of religious life for women.

Presenter Sister Gloria Marie Jones is the Congregational Prioress for the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, an international community with sisters in Germany, Mexico, Guatemala and the United States. She has been actively engaged in the National Religious Vocation Conference, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the Dominican Leadership Conference. Her 12 years of service in vocation ministry extended to the Congregational, Diocesan and national levels. She has wonderful memories of her 4 years as a staff member of the Catholic Community @ Stanford before her election as Congregational leader.

Presenter Sister Ramona Bascom was born in Pasadena and raised in Avalon, Santa Catalina Island. Her past includes a long tenure in Catholic education as high school teacher and principal in the archdiocese of Los Angeles. She has graduate degrees in English and in Counseling. For the last four years, Sister Ramona has volunteered at CC@S, sharing her experiences and her expertise.

Each Tuesday evening, the CC@S’ Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation (CTSF) offers presentations on the breadth and depth of Catholic Theology. Newman Nights are open to the entire community with special break-out sessions for RCIA, Confirmation, permanent community members, and students.

Newman Nights is a program of the Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation (CTSF).

We have the first four weeks of videos and podcasts up on our website.  In addition, we have a new free phone app for both Apple and Android devices which  makes both the videos and the podcasts available "on the go".  Just go to the website: and the link will be on our home page announcement carousel.   Check our website, our CC@S Newman App, our linked-in  or our Facebook page for video and audio recordings of recent Newman Night talks.

22. Order of Malta Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Nominations by November 15 (TODAY!)

Each year the Western Association of the Order of Malta goes on Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France.  The pastors of the Diocese of San Jose are invited to nominate a worthy person as a malade (those who are sick).  The parameters for the nomination are:

1)  A Catholic with a strong faith dimension
2)  Currently dealing with a serious health issue or a life-changing illness.  Nominee should be physically able to make the long trip.
3)  Nominations should be received by Nov 15, 2013

The date of the pilgrimage is April 30-May 8, 2014 There is no cost for the selected malade for this pilgrimage.

If you or anyone you know  is interested please contact Mary Fong at or 494-2496 X22, or Fr. Matt Stanley.

23. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Crepevine, Tues. Nov. 19th at 7:30PM300 Castro St.,  Mountain View
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at the Mountain View Crepevine location.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Nov. 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

26. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit

This popular annual event, sponsored by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th through Wednesday, December 11 from noon until 9 pm. at 3865 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California.

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with popularizing the crèche tradition. In 1223, St. Francis was traveling to the Italian village Greccio, when the sight of shepherds in moonlit fields evoked images of the first Christmas. Inspired by the midnight scene, he beckoned villagers that Christmas Eve to light the sky with their torches, bring their animals, and re-enact the Nativity.

During succeeding centuries, the tradition spread from Italy to France and Germany, and then from Europe to other continents. The art form flourished in homes and churches, among kings and commoners. Whether scenes of the 19th century Italian villagers dressed in silks and jewels or contemporary African animal herders formed in clay, each crèche reflects that time and culture of the artist and draws us to Jesus. For it is Jesus - born of Mary, the Son of God, our Savior - who gives cause around the world to rejoice this Christmas season and always.

Whether called the French crèche, the Italian presipio, the German krippe, the Spanish nacimiento, or the English crib, the depiction of the nativity scene is one of the oldest and most beloved Christmas traditions. A crèche is a three-dimensional artistic representation of the birth of Jesus. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and the Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants - shepherds, animals, angels, wise men, and commoners.

Additional info is available online at

27. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.

A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
They can also print or type their information on the form at the end of the eBulletin and mail it to the Diocese of San Jose or fax it to 408-983-0121 (attention: Sylvia Blanch).

The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

28. Readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. John Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys Mikalonis and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas: Fr. Thompson, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Nov 22, 2013, 8:48:31 AM11/22/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 47 - November 22, 2013

Feast of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Parish Fall Food Drive Concludes

Table of Contents

1. This weekend: 2nd Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
2. Sunday, November 24: Funeral Mass for Jack Pfluke
3. Genuine Power Cannot Corrupt
4. Weekly Stewardship Report
5. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 4
6. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Concludes
7. Thank You for Your Generous Response
8. Green Corner: In Case You Haven't Noticed, It's Cold Outside!
9. St. Vincent de Paul Needs
10. Thanksgiving Week Notes
11. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass
12. Beginning Friday, November 29: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
13. Beginning Sunday, December 1: Giving Trees In Our Church Vestibules
14. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8
15. The Advent Wreath
16. Beginning Thursday, December 5: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"
17. Thursday, December 5: Widow and Widowers Climb the Trellis at Their Christmas Dinner
18. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story
19. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider
20. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer
21. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire
22. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines
23. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers
24. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
25. Saturday, November 23: Movie "Mary of Nazareth" in Santa Clara
26. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. Young Adult Circle
29. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit
30. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
31. Readings for the Feast of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and Presider Schedule

1. This weekend: 2nd Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the official domestic anti-poverty agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops and works to break the
cycle of poverty by helping people help themselves. CCHD also educates on poverty and its causes. This strategy of education for justice and helping people who are poor speak and act for themselves reflects the mandate of Scripture and the principles of Catholic social teaching. 

CCHD provides Catholics concrete opportunities to live out love of God and neighbor in ways that express our baptismal call and continuing Eucharistic transformation. CCHD needs your support in next week’s Collection more than ever. Thank you for your generosity.

2. Sunday, November 24: Funeral Mass for Jack Pfluke

Jack Pfluke passed away on November 15, 2013, at Stanford Hospital with family by his side.

He was born on June 17, 1931, in Peoria, Ill., to John William Pfluke and Lillian Ann Archer Pfluke. An only child, he had the quintessential 1940s American Midwest upbringing. He met his wife, Sybil Hochguertel, when he was an Air Force Lieutenant at a radar station near to her hometown in Germany in 1956. He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from St. Louis University. Sybil joined him in St. Louis, where they married in 1957. After living in State College, Pennsylvania where Jack earned his PhD in Geophysics, they moved to Alexandria, Virginia, then to San Francisco in 1965, and settled in Palo Alto in 1974.

Jack and Sybil and their five children loved to ski, camp, and water ski together. Jack was a consummate joker, loved a good party, and was the earliest of bicycle commuters. He spent his working days at the United States Geological Survey where he studied earthquakes, and spent his free time playing handball with his good friends,  a sport he enjoyed until the last few years of his life. He was truly a lifelong learner, puzzling over math textbooks, learning foreign languages, and endlessly challenging his brain. The house was filled with laughter and activity, and the family took several memorable cross-country driving vacations as well as played lots of games. Jack was an active member of his community and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, singing in the choir for many years, and was also an active member and longtime officer of the Palo Alto Elks Club.

Jack is survived by his five children: Lillian Pfluke, Teresa Pfluke Barnes, John Pfluke, Christine Pfluke Murakami and Paul Pfluke, and by 11 grandchildren.

Friends and family are invited to attend the funeral Mass at St. Albert the Great Church at 1095 Channing Avenue on Sunday, November 24 at 2:00 p.m.

3. Genuine Power Cannot Corrupt

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." So says Lord Acton with dogmatic assurance. I would like to disagree with this famous statement, and disagree strongly; if power really corrupts, then we Christians would be perpetrating the worst kind of corruption this Sunday when we celebrate Jesus as the all-powerful ruler of the universe.

To explain my disagreement, let me reword Acton's formula in a way that I think captures the reality of the matter: "Apparent power corrupts, and apparent absolute power corrupts absolutely." Real power comes from God alone. It comes from being in touch with God. The closer we come to God, the more confident we become about dealing with God's creation around us, and the less we are afraid of the manipulations of corrupt human beings.

Hence, real power would be the last thing in the world that would corrupt a human being. Real power helps one to see reality as it is, to see the divine reflection in all things, to understand that "without God I am powerless." Genuine power turns us into compassionate and confident human beings.

It is only apparent power that corrupts: when human beings feel that they are completely in control, that they are sole rulers of their own fates, that they need no one else (including God) to work out their destinies. Such people are hiding from reality, clinging to a false view of the universe, and probably trying their best to manipulate people and events to make their own self-serving visions come true. That's corruption.

Jesus, the most power-filled being ever to have lived on this planet, is the permanent sign that genuine power cannot corrupt for an instant. 

Fr. Matt

4. Weekly Stewardship Report

Please continue to turn in your Sacrificial Giving Intention cards. Your decision will decide the future of our parish. Why are we putting so much emphasis on the return of these pledge cards? It is because we won't know what financial limits we have to live by if our parishioners don't tell us. We need to budget our expenses based upon the amount of income that you tell us we can count on. This information is so crucial because we need to work within a budget that corresponds to an honest projection of our income. What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your family’s decision.

November 10: Actual $11,500 (Goal: $11,000)
Disaster Relief for Philippines: $10,000

5. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards: Week 4

Thanks to the 123 parishioners who turned in their Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards totaling $4,225 each week to the Sunday Offertory.

33 Families have pledged $1 -$10 per week
48 Families have pledged $11-$25 per week 
28 Families have pledged $26-$50 per week 
7 Families have pledged $51-$75 per week 
2 Families have pledged $76-$100 per week 
5 Families have pledged over $100 per week 

Average weekly pledge is $34

6. This Weekend: Parish Food Drive Concludes

We're finishing up our big November Parish Food Drive this weekend.  Return your bag to church soon -- and our teens will help sort and shelve it  this weekend to fill local needs.

7. Thank You for Your Generous Response

"Thank you" from Green Committee and Human Concerns Committee. Thanks to the generous contributions from our parishioners, we have collected the following items for the InnVision Shelter Network and Opportunity Center: 

17 rolling suitcases
15 backpacks
8 sleeping bags
2 suitcase trolleys
1 warm blanket and
1 extra warm like-new large coat

These items are in constant demand by their clients so while the drive is officially over, we will continue to accept donations year round and transfer them to the Opportunity Center. Keep 'em coming!

8. Green Corner: In Case You Haven't Noticed, It's Cold Outside!

Cold weather is here so please help save energy and reduce our carbon footprint by keeping the all the church and hall doors closed during the cold weather. 

With everyone's vigilance, we can make a difference.

Thank you!
The Green Committee

9. St. Vincent de Paul Needs

Drivers for a Patient of Stanford Cancer Center

Looking for an almost sure way to get into heaven? Our parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference is working with a man who is going for cancer treatments Monday through Friday for 33 days. We need drivers, hopefully a total of five. 

At the moment we have 2 drivers so we need 3 more. We are asking for drivers to take him to the Stanford Cancer Center at 875 Blake Wilbur Drive, from 9:00 to 9:30 AM, & drive him back to his place of residence. This is truly a high grade level of a work of corporal mercy. Now is your chance. Please call Roberta Uebbing at 650-494-2450.
Funds: Special Collection November 28

Homeless and living in poverty is a miserable situation for anyone to endure. If, in addition one has poor health the misery is compounded. 

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference encounters these situations  regularly:
Henry came to us in pain and walking with a great deal of difficulty. He  had been in a motorcycle accident. He is scheduled to have a spinal 
fusion and two hip replacements. He is homeless and has been sleeping  outside. We gave him a motel voucher so he could sleep in a bed & obtain some relief for his pain.

Martha is suffering from the pain of severe rheumatoid arthritis. She needed help purchasing her prescriptions for percocet and clonopin. Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference provided her with the funds.

Consider how you would feel if you were in the excruciating pain these people experience under such difficult conditions. The St. Vincent de Paul collection will be November 28. Please think of people like Henry and Martha and contribute generously to the collection basket when it comes around. 

10. Thanksgiving Week Notes

Spirituality Tuesday will be on Thanksgiving Break on Tuesday, November 26. We will be back on December 3 at 7:00pm at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. 

The Pastoral Center will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29.

11. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass

It's not too early to make your Thanksgiving Day plans— November 28th. Our Mass that day will be at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary. We invite you to bring bread for you dinner tables to that liturgy. Before the dismissal, we will bless your families' bread. Also, we invite your gifts of non-perishable foods, which we will bring forward during a special procession of gifts. Finally, our "cash collection" will be for our local St. Vincent de Paul Conference.

12. Beginning Tuesday, November 26: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

On Sunday, December 8, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, in preparation for this celebration, Saint Thomas Aquinas parish is organizing a Rosary Novena.  

The Novena will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Church and will start on Tuesday, November 26 and conclude on Friday, December 6.  Each day of the Novena will start with Mass at 8:30 AM followed by the recitation of the Rosary.

Please join your fellow parishioners and participate in this novena to honor the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Patroness of our country.

Contact information: Rosa Lawley, Rosary Leader
Phone: (650) 521-6350 or E-mail:<>

13. Beginning Sunday, December 1: Giving Trees In Our Church Vestibules

Soon, in the season of Advent, blessed with abundance, we again ask your assistance in creating a Joy-filled Christmas for families in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park.

The Giving Trees at each church have tags of suggested gifts appropriate for different age children. The gifts should be dropped off, unwrapped, under the tree, following Mass no later than Dec. 22.

For further information please call Ruth Chippendale at 856-6350

14. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8

Our festive afternoon social is coming up on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the OLR Hall.

In preparation for that, the organizing committee is soliciting donations of homemade crafts, Christmas decor, jewelry (vintage and costume), gift baskets for the silent auction, baked goods, items for a "Dollar Table", etc.


Event: Natalie Lucha (
Item Collection: Micky Martin (
Jewelry: Carole Brown (
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Gift Baskets: Fran Adams (650-321-4886)

Item collection will take place after Masses on Sundays, December 1 and 8 (or contact Micky Martin) 

15. The Advent Wreath

Next Sunday, December 1st, the Church enters into a new season, and begins a new liturgical year.  Advent is a winter feast celebrated for the four darkest weeks of the year. The sun rises later and later and sets long before the day is complete. Christmas comes during the darkest of this dark time. It is the Feast of Light, the celebration of Him who is the Light of the World. And so, throughout these four Advent weeks, we light a candle for each of the weeks. As the advent of Christ overcame the darkness of the world, so also, does Christ overcome the darkness within our lives.

The wreath (a circle) is the symbol for eternity; the evergreen symbolize life; the purple candles, hope; the rose (pink) candle, a sign of joy for the Third Sunday and third week of Advent; and the number of candles (four) is symbolic of the four weeks of Advent and of the traditional legends that the world waited four-thousand years for the advent of the Redeemer.

Many families keep alive the tradition of the Advent Wreath in their homes. If the Advent Wreath is not yet a familiar sight in your home, perhaps, this year might be the time to begin. The wreath can be placed on the dinner table or in another prominent place in your home where all can see and can be used as a part of the grace before each evening meal throughout the Advent Season.

16. Beginning Thursday, December 5: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"

During Advent this year,  the Contemplative Prayer group invites you to a series of videos by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSO. He is a former Trappist monk who is
the Founder of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. and author of many books about contemplative prayer.

The videos will be shown on the three Thursdays during Advent at the Dermody Center starting at 6:30pm---December 5, 12, and 19.

The first of the series is called "Attitudes Towards God" and is one hour long.

17. Thursday, December 5: Widow and Widowers Climb the Trellis at Their Christmas Dinner

We welcome all Widow and Widowers to join us for our festive, joyful Christmas Dinner upstairs at the Trellis Restaurant in Menlo Park on December 5th.  at 5 pm. Please call Lorraine Dabney by November 29th for reservation and entree choice. Cost is only $30.00 inclusive .   650-494-6488

18. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story (a ballet set to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracher Suite) and Songs & Dances to Prepare Us for Christmas will be presented by Dance for Joy and Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble, choreographed by Susan Lee Oslen, featuring performance by God's Young Voices & more. 

Performances will be at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave. 

Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 pm and 
Sunday, December 8th at 2:00 pm. 

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. All proceeds go to the carpet fund for St. Albert the Great Church. Tickets are available at the Pastoral Center and at the door.

If you miss that weekend, you can also see them on Saturday, December 14th at 7:00 pm at Holy Family Community Center at Holy Family Parish, 4848 Pearl Ave., San Jose. Those proceeds go to the Holy Family Renovation Fund.

19. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider

Fr. Thierry will be the presider for morning Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary on Monday, December 9th at 8:30 am.

We welcome him back to our parish! Fr. Thierry was ordained a priest May 23, 2009 and assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish as his first priestly assignment. (Palo Alto must be building a good reputation for being good to newly-ordained priests!)

20. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer

This year, we're going to offer one evening of  Taizé prayer during Advent.

Please join us at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (3233 Cowper)

December 12 from 7:00-8:00 pm

This is an opportunity to take a few moments for yourself and for your soul.

Taizé (tay-zay) Prayer uses the psalms, scripture, songs and silence.   It uses music, chants, prayer and meditation to promote a sense of inner peace. 
The Taizé music, songs and chants, are simple to learn and sing. This form of prayer service originated in the small town of Taizé, France in 1940 and is ecumenical in origin. Please join us! Fr. Randy says: “Bring a friend for a personal encounter with Jesus”. 

21. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire

Help us prepare for our first Christmas Craft Faire on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm. We are currently collecting homemade Christmas crafts, upscale Christmas decor, vintage/costume jewelry, gift baskets, and individual items for a dollar table. Contact Natalie Lucha with questions,, 650- 494-1178 or Mickey Martin to submit your donations

22. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines

The holidays are coming, and our Sunday bulletin publisher has given us different deadlines than we normally have. Please note the changed deadlines for articles for these bulletins:

Dec 1 bulletin - deadline is Nov. 20 (you missed it!
Dec 22 bulletin - deadline Dec 11 
Dec 29 bulletin - deadline Dec 17 
Jan 5 bulletin - deadline Dec 23

The deadline for the eBulletin remains darned flexible and ultra last-minute: submissions received by Thursday midnight generally make it into the next  morning's eBulletin.

23. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers

Your skills can help of our low-income neighbors! Our parish and the neighboring parishes are recruiting Tax Volunteers for the next tax filing season. We will be doing this together for our 5th year, on Saturday mornings from the end of January through mid-April.  Training is available through classes and on-line.  Preparers are certified by the IRS.  Greeters are also needed to assist with welcome and registration.   Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Please join us, step up to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

24. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

25. Saturday, November 23: Movie "Mary of Nazareth" in Santa Clara

"Mary of Nazareth" is an epic new motion picture on the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus.

This full-length feature film about the life of Our Lady, shot in English in High Definition, was filmed in Europe in very authentic locales with outstanding cinematography, a strong cast, and a majestic music score . Actress Alissa Jung gives a beautiful, compelling and inspired portrayal of Mary. Pope Benedict XVI had the opportunity to screen this film in the Apostolic Palace, and was touched by the portrayal of Mary so movingly revealed on film.

The film vividly captures the essence of Mary’s profound faith and trust in God amidst the great mysteries that she lived with as the Mother of the Messiah, her compassionate humanity and concern for others, and the deep love that she and Jesus shared for one another. This movie underscores her special role in God’s plan for our redemption, her unique relationship with Christ, and the tremendous suffering that she endured in union with his passion and death, as well as her serene joy at his Resurrection.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 6:30 PM CA Santa Clara
AMC Mercado 20, 3111 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA

More information? Call Marissa at 408-207-5396 or go to and click the Mary Movie button. Proceeds will benefit the Guadalupe Hope Society and  the Crisis Pregnancy Center on the Alameda. This film is rated PG.

26. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Young Adult Mass, Tues. Nov. 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at
For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

29. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit

This popular annual event, sponsored by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th through Wednesday, December 11 from noon until 9 pm. at 3865 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California.

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with popularizing the crèche tradition. In 1223, St. Francis was traveling to the Italian village Greccio, when the sight of shepherds in moonlit fields evoked images of the first Christmas. Inspired by the midnight scene, he beckoned villagers that Christmas Eve to light the sky with their torches, bring their animals, and re-enact the Nativity.

During succeeding centuries, the tradition spread from Italy to France and Germany, and then from Europe to other continents. The art form flourished in homes and churches, among kings and commoners. Whether scenes of the 19th century Italian villagers dressed in silks and jewels or contemporary African animal herders formed in clay, each crèche reflects that time and culture of the artist and draws us to Jesus. For it is Jesus - born of Mary, the Son of God, our Savior - who gives cause around the world to rejoice this Christmas season and always.

Whether called the French crèche, the Italian presipio, the German krippe, the Spanish nacimiento, or the English crib, the depiction of the nativity scene is one of the oldest and most beloved Christmas traditions. A crèche is a three-dimensional artistic representation of the birth of Jesus. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and the Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants - shepherds, animals, angels, wise men, and commoners.

Additional info is available online at

30. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.

A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
They can also print or type their information on the form at the end of the eBulletin and mail it to the Diocese of San Jose or fax it to 408-983-0121 (attention: Sylvia Blanch).

The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

31. Readings for the Feast of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gammad and Deacon Jaime (preaching) (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas: Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 393? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Nov 27, 2013, 8:48:02 AM11/27/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

In Thanksgiving

1. Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass

Our Mass tomorrow will be at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary. It is our only parish Mass on Thanksgiving Day, and will be bilingual  You are invited to attend to give thanks for all with which we have been blessed.  

We invite you to bring bread for your dinner tables to our Thanksgiving Day liturgy. Before the dismissal, we will bless your families' bread. 

We invite your gifts of non-perishable foods, which we will bring forward during a special procession of gifts.  Our parish teens have sorted and stacked all the results of our big parish Fall Food Drive, but if you have additional offerings, this Mass would be a perfect time to bring them.

Finally, our "cash collection" will be for our local St. Vincent de Paul Conference.  At this time of year, those needing assistance always seems to rise, and with the cold weather our St. Vincent de Paul group tries to accommodate all they can.

2. Pastoral Center Closed Thursday and Friday

Chris Lundin

Nov 29, 2013, 9:00:33 AM11/29/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 48 - November 29, 2013

Advent Begins This Sunday
The Start of a New Liturgical Year

Table of Contents

1. Beginning Sunday, December 1: Giving Trees In Our Church Vestibules
2. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8
3. An Advent Wreath: Consider For The Family Table
4. Weekly Stewardship Report
5. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards - Report #5
6. Tuesday, December 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly - Key Moments in Church History
7. Wednesday, December 4: S.O.U.P.'s Perfect On A Cold Night!
8. Beginning Thursday, December 5: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"
9. Thursday, December 5: Widow and Widowers Climb the Trellis at Their Christmas Dinner
10. Thanksgiving Holiday Food Event
11. In Memoriam: Ben Shum, 1968-2013
12. Trafficking in Persons: A Modern-Day Form Of Slavery
13. Continuing Through December 6: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
14. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story
15. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider
16. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer
17. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire
18. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines
19. Green Corner: Today On "Black Friday": A Party To Celebrate What You Already Own
20. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Young Adult Circle
23. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert
24. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit
25. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
26. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
27. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
28. Readings for the First Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Packing and Distribution of Thanksgiving Food by our parish youth

1. Beginning Sunday, December 1: Giving Trees In Our Church Vestibules

As we begin the season of Advent this weekend, blessed with abundance, we again ask your assistance in creating a Joy-filled Christmas for families in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park.

The Giving Trees at each church have tags of suggested gifts appropriate for different age children. The gifts should be dropped off, unwrapped, under the tree, following Masses no later than Sunday, December 22. For further information please call Ruth Chippendale at 856-6350

2. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Sundays, December 1 and 8

Our festive afternoon social is coming up on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the OLR Hall.

In preparation for that, the organizing committee is soliciting donations of homemade crafts, Christmas decor, jewelry (vintage and costume), gift baskets for the silent auction, baked goods, items for a "Dollar Table", etc.


Event: Natalie Lucha (
Item Collection: Micky Martin (
Jewelry: Carole Brown (
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Gift Baskets: Fran Adams (650-321-4886)

If you have "crafty-creations" or Christmas items to donate, we are collecting items after most masses on Sundays December 1st and 8th.  Contact Natalie Lucha ( with donations or questions.

3. An Advent Wreath: Consider For The Family Table

This Sunday, December 1st, the Church enters into a new season, and begins a new liturgical year.  Advent is a winter feast celebrated for the four darkest weeks of the year. The sun rises later and later and sets long before the day is complete. Christmas comes during the darkest of this dark time. It is the Feast of Light, the celebration of Him who is the Light of the World. And so, throughout these four Advent weeks, we light a candle for each of the weeks. As the advent of Christ overcame the darkness of the world, so also, does Christ overcome the darkness within our lives.

The wreath (a circle) is the symbol for eternity; the evergreen symbolize life; the purple candles, hope; the rose (pink) candle, a sign of joy for the Third Sunday and third week of Advent; and the number of candles (four) is symbolic of the four weeks of Advent and of the traditional legends that the world waited four-thousand years for the advent of the Redeemer.

Many families keep alive the tradition of the Advent Wreath in their homes. If the Advent Wreath is not yet a familiar sight in your home, perhaps, this year might be the time to begin. The wreath can be placed on the dinner table or in another prominent place in your home where all can see and can be used as a part of the grace before each evening meal throughout the Advent Season.

4. Weekly Stewardship Report

November 24, 2013: Actual: $10,250 * Goal: $11,000
Campaign for Human Development: $5,500

Please continue to turn in your Sacrificial Giving Intention cards. Your decision will decide the future of our parish. Why are we putting so much emphasis on the return of these pledge cards? It is because we won't know what financial limits we have to live by if our parishioners don't tell us. We need to budget our expenses based upon the amount of income that you tell us we can count on.  This information is so crucial because we need to work within a budget that corresponds to an honest projection of our income. What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your family’s decision.

Also consider the convenience of Online Giving, which happens automatically:

We currently have 40 parish families using Online Giving.

5. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards - Report #5

Thanks to the 129 parishioners who turned in their Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards totaling $4,395 each week to the Sunday Offertory

33 Families have pledged $1 -$10 per week
51 Families have pledged $11-$25 per week
31 Families have pledged $26-$50 per week

7 Families have pledged $51-$75 per week
2 Families have pledged $76-$100 per week
5 Families have pledged over $100 per week

Average weekly pledge is $34. Don’t forget to bring your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards to Mass this Sunday.

6. Tuesday, December 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly - Key Moments in Church History

With our host: Father Matt

As Catholics, we are heirs to a remarkable heritage. The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates.  It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph.

The New Springtime: Facing the aftermath of two horrific world wars, Europe needed the saving message of Jesus Christ. Recognizing the world need for a gift of hope; Pope John XXIII calls the Second Vatican Council. Not intended to solve any doctrinal issues, as other councils had, this was mean to be a positive experience for the Church. It was not smooth sailing! Join Fr. Matt and learn more about this dynamic period in the journey of our Church.

7. Wednesday, December 4: S.O.U.P.'s Perfect On A Cold Night!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

8. Beginning Thursday, December 5: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"

During Advent this year,  the Contemplative Prayer group invites you to a series of videos by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSO. He is a former Trappist monk who is
the Founder of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. and author of many books about contemplative prayer.

The videos will be shown on the three Thursdays during Advent at the Dermody Center starting at 6:30pm---December 5, 12, and 19.

The first of the series is called "Attitudes Towards God" and is one hour long.

9. Thursday, December 5: Widow and Widowers Climb the Trellis at Their Christmas Dinner

We welcome all Widow and Widowers to join us for our festive, joyful Christmas Dinner upstairs at the Trellis Restaurant in Menlo Park on December 5th.  at 5 pm. Please call Lorraine Dabney by November 29th for reservation and entree choice. Cost is only $30.00 inclusive .   650-494-6488

10. Thanksgiving Holiday Food Event

On Friday, November 22, our Edge and Life Teen families came together with St. Francis of Assisi Parish in East Palo Alto for their annual Thanksgiving Holiday Food packing. The 50 youth and families packed over 160 boxes of thanksgiving dinner for families in need. On Saturday, November 23, the  families returned to help deliver the packages to those without transportation. A special thank you to all the families and core members who helped make this evening possible.  

See the picture at the end of the eBulletin.

11. In Memoriam: Ben Shum, 1968-2013

Benny Ping-Chung Shum died at his East Palo Alto home in late October. 

Benny completed the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process in our parish about 10 years ago. His sponsor was John Cabrera. A funeral service was held 11 a.m. Saturday, November 23, at Crippen & Flynn Woodside Chapel, 400 Woodside Road, Redwood City.

12. Trafficking in Persons: A Modern-Day Form Of Slavery

Our parish Human Concerns Committee (HCC) will be working in the coming weeks and months to educate the parish on the topic of human trafficking.  Sr. Caritas Foster began this educational process with her September 24 presentation as part of Spirituality Tuesday Assembly. The HCC has obtained additional materials from the Diocese, and will be making those available to the parish so we can become educated on this issue.

Human trafficking is controlling a person through force, fraud or coercion -- physical of psychological - to exploit the person for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. There is one exception, however: trafficking covers the use of minors for commercial sexual activity even if there is no force, fraud, or coercion.

Trafficking also covers people who are held against their will to pay off a debt; this is known as peonage. A victim's initial agreement to travel or perform the labor does not allow an employer to later restrict that person's freedom or to use force of threats to obtain repayment. Human trafficking is a grievous violation of human rigths. It is "modern-day slavery."

Human trafficking is a hidden crime. Victims of juan trafficking can be trans-national -- crossing borders -- or national. Traffickers often lure victims with deceptive promises of good jobs and better lives, and then force them to work under brutal and inhuman conditions and deprive them of their freedom.

Causes of human trafficking are complex. Some causes: poverty, globalizing economies, faster transportation and open borders, as well as demand.

Victims of human trafficking often work in sweatshops, forced prostitution, domestic household services, restaurants, pornography and factories. Some may work as agricultural laborers. Some may be "mail-order brides". Human trafficking victims may also perform construction labor, hotel and motel cleaning services, and a variety of other services.

13. Continuing Through December 6: Rosary Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

On Sunday, December 8, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, in preparation for this celebration, Saint Thomas Aquinas parish is organizing a Rosary Novena.  

The Novena will be held at Our Lady of the Rosary Church and will start on Tuesday, November 26 and conclude on Friday, December 6.  Each day of the Novena will start with Mass at 8:30 AM followed by the recitation of the Rosary. 

Please join your fellow parishioners and participate in this novena to honor the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Patroness of our country.

Contact information: Rosa Lawley, Rosary Leader
Phone: (650) 521-6350 or E-mail:<>

14. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story (a ballet set to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracher Suite) and Songs & Dances to Prepare Us for Christmas will be presented by Dance for Joy and Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble, choreographed by Susan Lee Oslen, featuring performance by God's Young Voices & more. 

Performances will be at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave. 

Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 pm and 
Sunday, December 8th at 2:00 pm. 

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. All proceeds go to the carpet fund for St. Albert the Great Church. Tickets are available at the Pastoral Center and at the door.

If you miss that weekend, you can also see them on Saturday, December 14th at 7:00 pm at Holy Family Community Center at Holy Family Parish, 4848 Pearl Ave., San Jose. Those proceeds go to the Holy Family Renovation Fund.

15. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider

Fr. Thierry will be the presider for morning Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary on Monday, December 9th at 8:30 am.

We welcome him back to our parish! Fr. Thierry was ordained a priest May 23, 2009 and assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish as his first priestly assignment. (Palo Alto must be building a good reputation for being good to newly-ordained priests!)

16. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer

This year, we are offering one evening of  Taizé prayer during Advent.

Please join us at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (3233 Cowper)

December 12 from 7:00-8:00 pm

This is an opportunity to take a few moments for yourself and for your soul.

Taizé (tay-zay) Prayer uses the psalms, scripture, songs and silence.   It uses music, chants, prayer and meditation to promote a sense of inner peace. 
The Taizé music, songs and chants, are simple to learn and sing. This form of prayer service originated in the small town of Taizé, France in 1940 and is ecumenical in origin. Please join us! Fr. Randy says: “Bring a friend for a personal encounter with Jesus”. 

17. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire

The Christmas Craft Faire is just around the corner! Join us on Saturday, December 14 between 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a festive social, with Christmas gift items, jewelry, and baked goods for sale, as well as a children's Craft Corner during the event. Gift baskets will be available as a silent auction. If you have "crafty-creations" or Christmas items to donate, we are collecting items after most masses on Sundays December 1st and 8th.  Contact Natalie Lucha ( with donations or questions. Kick-off the holiday season with complementary hot chocolate, activities for the children, and Christmas gifts! All are welcome.

18. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines

The holidays are coming, and our Sunday bulletin publisher has given us different deadlines than we normally have. Please note the changed deadlines for articles for these bulletins:

Dec 22 bulletin - deadline Dec 11 
Dec 29 bulletin - deadline Dec 17 
Jan 5 bulletin - deadline Dec 23

The deadline for the eBulletin remains darned flexible and ultra last-minute: submissions received by Thursday midnight generally make it into the next  morning's eBulletin.

19. Green Corner: Today On "Black Friday": A Party To Celebrate What You Already Own

Patagonia's Palo Alto store is hosting a party on "Black Friday", Nov 29th. Starts at 4pm. Folks from the Repair Cafe, Palo AltoiFixit, and Patagonia s in-house repair will be on hand to fix clothes, bikes, electronics, luggage, small appliances and more. There are other festivities too.

525 Alma Street, Palo Alto
(650) 329-8556

The Green Committee

20. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers

Your skills can help of our low-income neighbors! Our parish and the neighboring parishes are recruiting Tax Volunteers for the next tax filing season. We will be doing this together for our 5th year, on Saturday mornings from the end of January through mid-April.  Training is available through classes and on-line.  Preparers are certified by the IRS.  Greeters are also needed to assist with welcome and registration.   Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Please join us, step up to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Annual Christmas Party, Sat. Dec. 7th from 7PM-10PM, St. Albert's Church Meeting Hall, 1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party.  Please bring your favorite dessert or side dish and a $5 donation to help cover expenses.  We will also be collecting Christmas gifts for children in need.  After the party, we will head to the Midnight Mass being held at Stanford Memorial Church at 11 p.m.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   Dec. 17th at 7:30PM482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

23. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert

Welcome to our popular annual Christmas Lessons and Carols, Dec. 15, 2013, sung by the Vallombrosa Choir and directed by Patrick Feehan. Celebrate the season through choral music, prayer, and reflection. Concert begins at 2:00 pm in the Vallombrosa Chapel at 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Light refreshments will follow. 

A donation of $20.00 per person is suggested. RSVP on the Calendar of Events/Lessons and Carols page of our website, or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.

24. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit

This popular annual event, sponsored by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th through Wednesday, December 11 from noon until 9 pm. at 3865 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California.

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with popularizing the crèche tradition. In 1223, St. Francis was traveling to the Italian village Greccio, when the sight of shepherds in moonlit fields evoked images of the first Christmas. Inspired by the midnight scene, he beckoned villagers that Christmas Eve to light the sky with their torches, bring their animals, and re-enact the Nativity.

During succeeding centuries, the tradition spread from Italy to France and Germany, and then from Europe to other continents. The art form flourished in homes and churches, among kings and commoners. Whether scenes of the 19th century Italian villagers dressed in silks and jewels or contemporary African animal herders formed in clay, each crèche reflects that time and culture of the artist and draws us to Jesus. For it is Jesus - born of Mary, the Son of God, our Savior - who gives cause around the world to rejoice this Christmas season and always.

Whether called the French crèche, the Italian presipio, the German krippe, the Spanish nacimiento, or the English crib, the depiction of the nativity scene is one of the oldest and most beloved Christmas traditions. A crèche is a three-dimensional artistic representation of the birth of Jesus. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and the Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants - shepherds, animals, angels, wise men, and commoners.

Additional info is available online at

25. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

26. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.

A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

27. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

28. Readings for the First Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime (preaching) (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Dat  and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 393? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Dec 6, 2013, 8:55:28 AM12/6/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 49 - December 6, 2013

Advent Deepens
Giving Trees: Take A Tag, 
Return An Unwrapped Gift

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story
2. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Last Call This Weekend
3. Monday, December 9: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4. Our Blessed Mother and Advent
5. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider
6. Tuesday, December 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly - "Everything Is Grace"
7. Wednesday, December 11: Pastoral Stewardship Council Meeting
8. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer
9. Continuing Thursday, December 12: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"
10. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire
11. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation closure January-February 2014
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confession
14. Green Corner: Consider Meatless Mondays
15. Next Weekend: Second Collection for Retired Religious
16. The Spread of Modern Slavery: Tens of Millions Affected According to Report
17. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines
18. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Young Adult Circle
21. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert
22. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit
23. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
24. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
25. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
26. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Christmas Faire at OLR Site Saturday, December 14!

1. Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8: The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story (a ballet set to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracher Suite) and Songs & Dances to Prepare Us for Christmas will be presented by Dance for Joy and Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble, choreographed by Susan Lee Oslen, featuring performance by God's Young Voices & more. 

Performances will be at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave. 

Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 pm and 
Sunday, December 8th at 2:00 pm. 

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. All proceeds go to the carpet fund for St. Albert the Great Church. Tickets are available at the Pastoral Center and at the door.

If you miss that weekend, you can also see them on Saturday, December 14th at 7:00 pm at Holy Family Community Center at Holy Family Parish, 4848 Pearl Ave., San Jose. Those proceeds go to the Holy Family Renovation Fund.

2. Donations For The Christmas Craft Faire: Last Call This Weekend

Our festive afternoon social is coming up on Saturday, December 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the OLR Hall.

In preparation for that, the organizing committee is soliciting a final weekend of donations of homemade crafts, Christmas decor, jewelry (vintage and costume), gift baskets for the silent auction, baked goods, items for a "Dollar Table", etc.


Event: Natalie Lucha (
Item Collection: Micky Martin (
Jewelry: Carole Brown (
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Gift Baskets: Fran Adams (650-321-4886)

If you have "crafty-creations" or Christmas items to donate, we are collecting items after most masses on Sundays Decemberd 8th.  Last call before the big event!  Contact Natalie Lucha ( with donations or questions.

3. Monday, December 9: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This year, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patronal Feast day of the United States of America is not a Holy Day of Obligation.  Since December 8, 2013 is the Second Sunday of Advent, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is transferred to Monday, December 9, 2013. The obligation to attend Mass does not transfer. 

However, this feast remains a very holy day, and we will gather to celebrate the Eucharist in praise of the goodness of God who preserved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, from Original Sin at the first moment of her conception. Our Mass schedule for the day is as follows: 

7:15 a.m.  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
8:30 a.m. - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
9:00 a.m. - St. Albert the Great Church
12:15pm  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
7:00 p.m. - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Spanish)
7:00 p.m.  - St. Albert the Great Church
8:00 p.m. - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)

4. Our Blessed Mother and Advent

“Hear me and understand well, my son the least, that nothing should frighten or grieve you. Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here? Who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within the fold of my mantle? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything. ..”

These words are part of the conversation that took place between our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego in her fourth apparition to him. They are words that, perhaps, we should all engrave into our hearts because there will always be things in our lives that will cause us affliction and sorrow, fear or anxiety. 

Our Blessed Mother knows exactly what goes on in our lives and intercedes for us because she knows our needs and how we are called to carry the Cross of her beloved Son. She wishes to give us her love, compassion, help, and protection, because she is our merciful mother, yours, mine, and all the inhabitants on this land and all the rest who love her, invoke and confide in her. Our Lady draws us close to her and to her Son. She shows us the way to Him and, also tells us today: “Do whatever He tells you” Jn 2,5. 

May our Blessed Mother smile at us this Advent season because we have treated her Son well, making Him the center of our celebrations, the center in our homes, our work place and our communities, forgiving, pardoning, tolerating, and being supportive of each other. Remember: she is here to help us accomplish this.

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez, Pastoral Associate for Hispanic Ministry

5. Monday, December 9: Fr. Thierry Our Mass Presider

Fr. Thierry will be the presider for morning Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary on Monday, December 9th at 8:30 am.

We welcome him back to our parish! Fr. Thierry was ordained a priest May 23, 2009 and assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish as his first priestly assignment.

6. Tuesday, December 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly - "Everything Is Grace"

Come and spend an evening with Father George Aranha as he shares some stories of the highs and lows of following a religious vocation. Many of us have read his book which covers his early years, growing up Catholic in India with its multi-cultural and multi-religious landscape. He will give us a glimpse into seminary life in India and Rome and exercising his priestly ministry in the U. S. Join us and hear about Fr. George's journey of faith on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

7. Wednesday, December 11: Pastoral Stewardship Council Meeting

Our Pastoral Stewardship Council will be meeting this coming Wednesday night, December 11. Interested parishioners are invited to attend. At this December meeting we will hear reports from Principal Evelyn Rosa of St. Elizabeth Seton School, as well as from our Hispanic Ministry and our parish Facilities and Maintenance board. Fr. Matt also gives us his Pastor's report, and other sorts of merriment typically ensues! Parishioners are welcome.

7:00 p.m. in the Our Lady of the Rosary Hall.

8. Thursday, December 12: Taizé Prayer

This year, we are offering one evening of  Taizé prayer during Advent.

Please join us at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (3233 Cowper)

December 12 from 7:00-8:00 pm

This is an opportunity to take a few moments for yourself and for your soul.

Taizé (tay-zay) Prayer uses the psalms, scripture, songs and silence.   It uses music, chants, prayer and meditation to promote a sense of inner peace. 
The Taizé music, songs and chants, are simple to learn and sing. This form of prayer service originated in the small town of Taizé, France in 1940 and is ecumenical in origin. Please join us! Fr. Randy says: “Bring a friend for a personal encounter with Jesus”. 

9. Continuing Thursday, December 12: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"

During Advent this year,  the Contemplative Prayer group invites you to a series of videos by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSO. He is a former Trappist monk who is the Founder of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. and author of many books about contemplative prayer.

Even if you missed the first  video, come join us! "The Psychological Experience of Centering Prayer" will be shown Thursday, Dec. 12 at 6:30pm at Dermody Center (OLR site).

10. Saturday, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire

The Christmas Craft Faire is next SaturdayDecember 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join us for a festive social, with Christmas gift items, jewelry, and baked goods for sale, as well as a children's Craft Corner during the event. Gift baskets will be available as a silent auction. 

If you have "crafty-creations" or Christmas items to donate, we are collecting items after most masses on this Sunday, December 8th. Contact Natalie Lucha ( with donations or questions. Kick-off the holiday season with complementary hot chocolate, activities for the children, and Christmas gifts! All are welcome.

11. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation closure January-February 2014

The renovations to the interior of St. Thomas Aquinas Church will begin on Monday, December 30. The church will be closed and no Masses or other services will be held there in January and February 2014. During that time, the pews will be taken out and refinished, floors will be re-done, all walls will be painted, altars will be resurfaced and repainted, and new carpeting will be installed.

During the closure, Masses will be relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. will be held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

Signs will be posted prominently on the church doors directing those seeking to attend Mass to the alternate sites. Please pass the word to friends and acquaintances who might not hear about this temporary relocation of Masses. This disruption in the patterns we each follow as we come together in worship will give way to gratitude when the work is done.

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

December 1 Actual $12,500 (Goal $11,000) 
Thanksgiving (St. Vincent de Paul) $2,500
What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide you. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS.

Also consider the convenience of Online Giving, which happens automatically:

We currently have 40 parish families using Online Giving.

13. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confession

During the Advent Season, local parishes in our Deanery will offer several opportunities for you to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for the Christmas Season.

Tuesday, December 10: St. Athanasius Parish (Mountain View)  7:00pm (Bilingual)
Monday, December 16: St. Simon Parish (Los Altos) 3:30pm & 7:00pm
Monday, December 16:  St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 17: Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Bilingual) 7:00pm 
Wednesday, December 18: St. William Parish (Los Altos), 3:30pm
Wednesday, December 18: St. Nicholas Parish (Los Altos), 7:30pm

14. Green Corner: Consider Meatless Mondays

Meatless Monday is a campaign launched in 2003 launched in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  It has spread to 29 countries.  Many communities, hundreds of schools and school districts (including Santa Cruz), universities, restaurants, and even the Norwegian Army (!) participate in this movement

Why? Three simple reasons:  Reducing meat intake by 15% is better for health, for the planet and it saves money.  “On average, Americans consume 8 ounces of meat per day – 45% more than the USDA recommends. Going meatless once a week can reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help limit your carbon footprint and save precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel”.  Economic savings come both from lower costs for plant protein and reduced health care spending.

Meatless Monday could be just the mindful practice to fit in with Advent.  You can read much more about Meatless Monday at

15. Next Weekend: Second Collection for Retired Religious

Support elderly religious, who have given their lives to the service of the Lord.  A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K -12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for our senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next Sunday’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. 

16. The Spread of Modern Slavery: Tens of Millions Affected According to Report

By Father John Flynn, LC

Our parish Human Concerns Committee (HCC) will be working in the coming weeks and months to educate the parish on the topic of human trafficking.  Sr. Caritas Foster began this educational process with her September 24 presentation as part of Spirituality Tuesday Assembly. The HCC has obtained additional materials from the Diocese, and will be making those available to the parish so we can become educated on this issue.

ROME, November 29, 2013 ( - The news about three women who were kept prisoners in a London home has gone around the world. It drew attention to the problem of slavery and trafficking in persons.

In 2012 the UK Human Trafficking Center, part of the National Crime Agency, said it had identified 2,255 potential victims of human trafficking -- an increase of 178 (9%) on 2011, the BBC reported Nov. 22. The report said that the two most prevalent types of exploitation reported were sexual exploitation -- 35% of the potential victims, followed by labor exploitation -- 23%.

In other recent news on the topic, last week the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights announced that United Nations Special Rapporteur Gulnara Shahinian would be visiting Ghana from 22 to 29 November 2013, to assess the situation with regard to slavery-like practices in the country.

In October the enormous extent of slavery was revealed in a report published by the Walk Free Foundation, based in Perth, Western Australia. The foundation, which has 20 staff members, was founded in May last year by Andrew Forrest -- the chairman of Fortescue Metals Group -- and his wife Nicola. Fortescue Metals is one of Australia’s top 20 companies and the fourth-largest supplier of iron ore in the world.

Global index

The inaugural report of “The Global Slavery Index” stated that 29.8 million people are enslaved around the world. India has the highest number of people enslaved in absolute terms, with approximately 14 million people, which the report noted is almost half of the total number worldwide. It is not so much a question of foreigners being exploited, the report noted, but that many Indians are the victims of debt bondage and bonded labor. In overall numbers China came second with an estimated 2.9 million enslaved. The other countries in the top 10 were Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Thailand, Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The top 10 have just over 22 million of the total number.

Looked at in terms of a proportion of the population, slavery is highest in Mauritania, where it is estimated that there are 150,000 slaves in a population of only 3.8 million. Haiti and Pakistan come in second and third place respectively.

Modern slavery, the report explained, is not well understood and also largely hidden, with criminals using a wide variety of means to conceal and rationalize it. Although most forms of slavery are illegal the report commented that the laws are rarely enforced. The 2013 US Trafficking in Persons Report said that 46,570 victims of human trafficking were officially identified in 2012. There were, however, only 7,705 prosecutions, and 4,750 convictions recorded globally. The prevalence of slavery is linked to other factors, according to the report. For example, there is a high correlation between slavery and corruption. Lower levels of human development and economic well-being are other related issues.

Moral imperative

For some time the Vatican has been engaged on the subject of slavery and human trafficking. The latest example of this was at the beginning of November when the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, together with the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, held what was termed a “preparatory workshop” on the issue.

“Any relationship that fails to respect the fundamental conviction that all people -- men, women, girls and boys -- are equal and have the same freedom and dignity constitutes a grave crime against humanity,” said the concluding statement from the Nov. 2-3 meeting.  There is a “compelling need” it continued, to put an end to trafficking in human beings. “It is our moral imperative to make ours the last generation that has to fight the trade in human lives,” the statement added. It finished with a series of recommendations for action by the Vatican, international organizations, businesses and governments.

Pope Francis touched on the issue of slavery in the just-published apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. “I have always been distressed at the lot of those who are victims of various kinds of human trafficking. How I wish that all of us would hear God’s cry: ‘Where is your brother?’ (Gen 4:9),” he wrote (Par. 211)

He went on to ask: “Where is your brother or sister who is enslaved? Where is the brother and sister whom you are killing each day in clandestine warehouses, in rings of prostitution, in children used for begging, in exploiting undocumented labor.” “Let us not look the other way,” Pope Francis urged, saying that this issue involves everyone.  “This infamous network of crime is now well established in our cities, and many people have blood on their hands as a result of their comfortable and silent complicity,” he added.

17. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines

The holidays are coming, and our Sunday bulletin publisher has given us different deadlines than we normally have. Please note the changed deadlines for articles for these bulletins:

Dec 22 bulletin - deadline Dec 11 
Dec 29 bulletin - deadline Dec 17 
Jan 5 bulletin - deadline Dec 23

The deadline for the eBulletin remains darned flexible and ultra last-minute: submissions received by Thursday midnight generally make it into the next  morning's eBulletin.

18. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers

Your skills can help of our low-income neighbors! Our parish and the neighboring parishes are recruiting Tax Volunteers for the next tax filing season. We will be doing this together for our 5th year, on Saturday mornings from the end of January through mid-April.  Training is available through classes and on-line.  Preparers are certified by the IRS.  Greeters are also needed to assist with welcome and registration.   Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Please join us, step up to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Annual Christmas Party, Sat. Dec. 7th from 7PM-10PM, St. Albert's Church Meeting Hall, 1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party.  Please bring your favorite dessert or side dish and a $5 donation to help cover expenses.  We will also be collecting Christmas gifts for children in need.  After the party, we will head to the Midnight Mass being held at Stanford Memorial Church at 11 p.m.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   Dec. 17th at 7:30PM482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

21. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert

Welcome to our popular annual Christmas Lessons and Carols, Dec. 15, 2013, sung by the Vallombrosa Choir and directed by Patrick Feehan. Celebrate the season through choral music, prayer, and reflection. Concert begins at 2:00 pm in the Vallombrosa Chapel at 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Light refreshments will follow. 

A donation of $20.00 per person is suggested. RSVP on the Calendar of Events/Lessons and Carols page of our website, or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.

22. December 7-11: 26th Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit

This popular annual event, sponsored by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th through Wednesday, December 11 from noon until 9 pm. at 3865 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California.

St. Francis of Assisi is credited with popularizing the crèche tradition. In 1223, St. Francis was traveling to the Italian village Greccio, when the sight of shepherds in moonlit fields evoked images of the first Christmas. Inspired by the midnight scene, he beckoned villagers that Christmas Eve to light the sky with their torches, bring their animals, and re-enact the Nativity.

During succeeding centuries, the tradition spread from Italy to France and Germany, and then from Europe to other continents. The art form flourished in homes and churches, among kings and commoners. Whether scenes of the 19th century Italian villagers dressed in silks and jewels or contemporary African animal herders formed in clay, each crèche reflects that time and culture of the artist and draws us to Jesus. For it is Jesus - born of Mary, the Son of God, our Savior - who gives cause around the world to rejoice this Christmas season and always.

Whether called the French crèche, the Italian presipio, the German krippe, the Spanish nacimiento, or the English crib, the depiction of the nativity scene is one of the oldest and most beloved Christmas traditions. A crèche is a three-dimensional artistic representation of the birth of Jesus. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and the Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants - shepherds, animals, angels, wise men, and commoners.

Additional info is available online at

23. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

24. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.

A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

25. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

26. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Russ Roide
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gammad and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:                  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Dec 13, 2013, 8:27:31 AM12/13/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 50 - December 13, 2013

Gaudete! Rejoice in the Lord Always!
Giving Trees: Take A Tag, 
Return An Unwrapped Gift

Table of Contents

1. TOMORROW, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire
2. Sunday, December 15: Special Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Noon
3. What Is Gaudete Sunday?
4. This Weekend: Second Collection for Retired Religious
5. Advent - A Time of Anticipation
6. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confession
7. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Christmas Break
8. Wednesday, December 18: S.O.U.P.'s Perfect On A Cold, Wintry Night!
9. Concluding Thursday, December 19: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"
10. Christmas Masses
11. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation closure January-February 2014
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers
14. An Investment in Your Parish
15. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines
16. Pope Francis Named TIME's "Person of the Year 2013"
17. Pope Francis: Human Trafficking Is A Crime Against Humanity
18. Welcome the Stranger
19. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Young Adult Circle
22. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert
23. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
24. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
25. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
26. Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Christmas Faire at OLR Site tomorrow!

1. TOMORROW, December 14: Christmas Craft Faire

The Christmas Craft Faire is THIS SaturdayDecember 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join us for a festive social, with Christmas gift items, jewelry, and baked goods for sale, as well as a children's Craft Corner during the event. Gift baskets will be available as a silent auction. 

Invite neighbors and friends! This is a great way to introduce them to our parish (and maybe even invite them to Mass for Christmas and beyond)!

Kick-off the holiday season with complementary hot chocolate, activities for the children, and Christmas gifts! All are welcome.

2. Sunday, December 15: Special Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Noon

This Sunday, our usual 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning Spanish Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary will be moved to noon, for the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.   There will be no 9:00 a.m. mass at OLR this Sunday. It is moved to noon. The mass is followed by a luncheon.  

All parishioners are invited to attend.

MESSAGE TO THE AMERICAS for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Tomorrow is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas. I would like to greet all my brothers and sisters on that continent, and I do so thinking of the Virgin of Tepeyac.

When Our Lady appeared to Saint Juan Diego, her face was that of a woman of mixed blood, a mestiza, and her garments bore many symbols of the native culture. Like Jesus, Mary is close to all her sons and daughters; as a concerned mother, she accompanies them on their way through life. She shares all the joys and hopes, the sorrows and troubles of God’s People, which is made up of men and women of every race and nation.

When the image of the Virgin appeared on the tilma of Juan Diego, it was the prophecy of an embrace: Mary’s embrace of all the peoples of the vast expanses of America – the peoples who already lived there, and those who were yet to come. Mary’s embrace showed what America – North and South – is called to be: a land where different peoples come together; a land prepared to accept human life at every stage, from the mother’s womb to old age; a land which welcomes immigrants, and the poor and the marginalized, in every age. A land of generosity.

That is the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it is also my message, the message of the Church. I ask all the people of the Americas to open wide their arms, like the Virgin, with love and tenderness.

H. H. Pope Francis

3. What Is Gaudete Sunday?

Certain Sundays throughout the liturgical year have taken their names from the first word in Latin of the Introit, the entrance antiphon at Mass. Gaudete Sunday is one of these.

Gaudete Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. The Introit for Gaudete Sunday, in both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo, is taken from Philippians 4:4,5: "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Rejoice in the Lord always").

Like Lent, Advent is a penitential season, so the priest normally wears purple vestments. But on Gaudete Sunday, having passed the midpoint of Advent, the Church lightens the mood a little, and the priest may wear rose vestments. The change in color provides us with encouragement to continue our spiritual preparation—especially prayer and fasting—for Christmas.

For this same reason, the third candle of the Advent wreath, first lit on Gaudete Sunday, is traditionally rose-colored.

4. This Weekend: Second Collection for Retired Religious

It is important for us to support elderly religious, who have given their lives to the service of the Lord.  A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K -12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for our senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. 

Please give generously to this weekend’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. 

5. Advent - A Time of Anticipation

This weekend, we will enter into the 3rd week of Advent, and as we continue to prepare ourselves and wait for the Lord, I’d like to tell a true story.

There was a young boy named Joshua who longed for a Transformers action figure one particular Christmas. His parents had a rule that he couldn't get out of bed until 5 a.m. to wake them up and open gifts. But the young boy couldn't stand it; so at 4 a.m. he snuck down to the tree to have a look. He remembered the tree was beautiful, all lit up and surrounded by presents . Some were obviously socks and clothes, he thought, but one looked promising and was marked with, "To Joshua." Against his better judgment, he peeled back a little bit of the wrapping paper and saw he had received a Decepticon (it's a Transformers thing), just as he had hoped .

Thrilled, he put the wrapping paper back together and snuck back upstairs. Then, about an hour later, he woke up his parents and headed downstairs. Much to all their surprise, they found a note from Santa which explained that, because Joshua had peeked at his toy, Santa had taken back all the presents. 

Joshua cried very hard. It turned out that it was all a prank by Joshua’s brother, who had seen him peeking. Eventually, all the presents reappeared.

During Advent, Christians wait in eager anticipation for the gift of Christmas: the coming of Jesus. But unlike toys, it's OK to take a sneak peek because God wants us to anticipate. And it's a present he'll never ever take away from us.

Fr. Dat Luong, Parochial Vicar

6. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confession

We have scheduled two parish Penance liturgies with the opportunity to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for the Christmas Season.

Monday, December 16:  St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 17: Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Bilingual) 7:00pm 

In addition, if those times and dates are not convenient for you, the  local parishes in our Deanery will offer several opportunities for you to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation 

Monday, December 16: St. Simon Parish (Los Altos) 3:30pm & 7:00pm
Wednesday, December 18: St. William Parish (Los Altos), 3:30pm
Wednesday, December 18: St. Nicholas Parish (Los Altos), 7:30pm

7. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Christmas Break

Join us in the new year for more wonderful presentations.

8. Wednesday, December 18: S.O.U.P.'s Perfect On A Cold, Wintry Night!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

9. Concluding Thursday, December 19: Advent Video Series: "The Spiritual Journey"

On Thursday December 20 at 6:30 at Dermody Center - Part 3 of "The Spiritual Journey" Video series: "Three monks and how they created centering prayer in the apophatic méthod". A 30 minute silent prayer period will begin at 7:30pm for those who want to stay and pray, or those who want to come to meditate .

10. Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24th

5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass) 
5:00 pm Family Mass – St . Albert the Great (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass) 
6:00 pm – St . Thomas Aquinas
7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) 
Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St . Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th

7:30 am – St . Thomas Aquinas 
9:00 am – St . Albert the Great
10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary
10:30 am – St . Thomas Aquinas

11. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation closure January-February 2014

The renovations to the interior of St. Thomas Aquinas Church will begin on Monday, December 30. The church will be closed and no Masses or other services will be held there in January and February 2014. During that time, the pews will be taken out and refinished, floors will be re-done, all walls will be painted, altars will be resurfaced and repainted, and new carpeting will be installed.

During the closure, Masses will be relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. will be held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

Signs will be posted prominently on the church doors directing those seeking to attend Mass to the alternate sites. Please pass the word to friends and acquaintances who might not hear about this temporary relocation of Masses. This disruption in the patterns we each follow as we come together in worship will give way to gratitude when the work is done.

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

December 8 Actual $11,000 (Goal $11,000) 
St. Elizabeth Seton School:  $3,250
Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of November. 

Our average weekly collection for the 4th month of this new fiscal year was an all-time record of $12,559 ($9,715 in 2012). Our budget for weekly collections for July-November was $275,000; our actual is $283,000.  This is an incredible achievement! 

Let’s continue this good work of stewardship. What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Also consider the convenience of Online Giving, which happens automatically:

We currently have 40 parish families using Online Giving.

13. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holidays. Won’t you consider making a donation toward a poinsettia plant in remembrance of a loved one or just as a gift from you? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in the vestibules. All of your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

14. An Investment in Your Parish

For many years our Catholic parishes and schools have benefited from the charitable gifts of appreciated property from nay good and generous people. Year-end giving becomes an important consideration for many people in these last weeks of 2013. 

The knowledge that your gifts is assisting and advancing the mission of the Catholic Church can bring about tremendous good in our world. If you are able to make a gift of appreciated stock, properties, or cash, while reducing your tax liability, please contact Chuck Tully ( or (650) 494-2496.

15. Sunday Bulletin Deadlines

The holidays are coming, and our Sunday bulletin publisher has given us different deadlines than we normally have. Please note the changed deadlines for articles for these bulletins:

Dec 29 bulletin - deadline Dec 17 
Jan 5 bulletin - deadline Dec 23

The deadline for the eBulletin remains darned flexible and ultra last-minute: submissions received by Thursday midnight generally make it into the next  morning's eBulletin.

16. Pope Francis Named TIME's "Person of the Year 2013"

NEW YORK, December 11, 2013 ( - TIME magazine has named Pope Francis "Person of the Year 2013".

The international news magazine chose to bestow the honor on the Holy Father largely because of his humility and compassion. "In a very short time, a vast, global, ecumenical audience has shown a hunger to follow him," TIME's managing editor, Nancy Gibbs, wrote in an article explaining their decision. "For pulling the papacy out of the palace and into the streets, for committing the world’s largest faith to confronting its deepest needs and for balancing judgment with mercy, Pope Francis is TIME’s 2013 Person of the Year." 

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi said the designation was "unsurprising, considering the resonance and very widespread attention given to the election of Pope Francis and the beginning of his pontificate.

"It is a positive sign that one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the field of the international press has been attributed to one who proclaims spiritual, religious and moral values in the world, and who speaks effectively in favour of peace and greater justice."

Fr. Lombardi stressed that for his part, the Pope "does not seek fame and success, since he carries out his service for the proclamation of the Gospel and the love of God for all. If this attracts men and women and gives them hope, the Pope is content. If this nomination as "Person of the Year" means that many have understood this message, at least implicitly, he will certainly be glad."

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, a Vatican spokesman assisting English language media, said he shared the sentiments of Fr. Lombardi and praised English language media for not only reporting the stories, but understanding the "great gift the world received on March 13, 2013."  

"The life, messages and gestures of Pope Francis have clearly transcended religious and sectarian divisions," he said. "He is an instrument of peace and hope for humanity.  Clearly he spends himself gladly and joyfully for the the world.  The world would be a poorer place without Francis, Bishop of Rome."

Begun in 1927, TIME's designation is usually regarded as an honor and chosen for admirable people as in the Holy Father's case, or people or phenomena that have had a considerable impact on the world.

17. Pope Francis: Human Trafficking Is A Crime Against Humanity

Pontiff Addresses Diplomatic Representatives During Audience

VATICAN CITY, December 12, 2013 ( - Pope Francis has told new diplomatic representatives that human trafficking is “a crime against humanity” that affects society’s most vulnerable.

The Holy Father made the comments today in an address to sixteen new non-resident ambassadors and one diplomatic representative who presented their credential letters at the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

Speaking on various international initiatives meant to promote peace as well as humanitarian assistance in areas in need, the Pope spoke on the question of human trafficking as one of the most pressing issues in today’s society. Human trafficking, he said, “affects the most vulnerable people in society: women, children, the disabled, the poorest and those who come from situations of family or social disintegration.”

The Holy Father told the ambassadors that victims, both Christian and non-Christian, must be freed from “this horrible trade.” Millions who are forced into labor, manpower or sexual exploitation constitutes a violation of their rights.

“This cannot continue,” he stressed. “It constitutes a grave violation of the human rights of the victims and an offense to their dignity, as well as a defeat for the global community.” “All persons of good will, whether they profess a religion or not, cannot allow these women, these men and these children to be treated as objects, deceived, violated, often repeatedly sold, for various purposes, and at the end either killed or ruined physically and mentally, to end up discarded and abandoned. It is shameful.”

Calling it a crime against humanity, the Pope went on to stress the common responsibility shared by the international community to show “decisive political will” to end human trafficking. The 76 year old Pontiff called for legislative action in the countries where many are taken from to regulate migration.

While acknowledging that governments have taken some action, the Pope said that much more needs to be done, including an examination of conscience. “Whoever uses and exploits human beings, even indirectly, becomes complicit in their oppression,” said.

Concluding his address, Pope Francis called on the international community to adopt a “more unanimous and effective strategy” to fight against human trafficking. (J.A.E.)

18. Welcome the Stranger

“Say to those whose hearts are frightened: be strong, fear not!”

As we prepare for the coming Christmas season, we look for concrete ways to celebrate the mystery of the incarnation, God made man.  We are challenged to see Christ in the stranger.  Each year around Epiphany (January 5, 2014) our church sponsors National Migration Week.  This year the focus will be particularly on migrant children, undocumented immigrants, refugees, and those enslaved by human trafficking.  

Learn more at and at the link above.

19. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Tax Preparers

Your skills can help of our low-income neighbors! Our parish and the neighboring parishes are recruiting Tax Volunteers for the next tax filing season. We will be doing this together for our 5th year, on Saturday mornings from the end of January through mid-April.  Training is available through classes and on-line.  Preparers are certified by the IRS.  Greeters are also needed to assist with welcome and registration.   Fluency in Spanish is helpful but not required. Please join us, step up to help cut poverty.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237.

For additional information please contact Paul Chestnut, 650 493-8237,

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   Dec. 17th at 7:30PM482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

22. Sunday, December 15: Vallombrosa Center Christmas Concert

Welcome to our popular annual Christmas Lessons and Carols, Dec. 15, 2013, sung by the Vallombrosa Choir and directed by Patrick Feehan. Celebrate the season through choral music, prayer, and reflection. Concert begins at 2:00 pm in the Vallombrosa Chapel at 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Light refreshments will follow. 

A donation of $20.00 per person is suggested. RSVP on the Calendar of Events/Lessons and Carols page of our website, or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.
26. Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Msgr. John Sanderfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, OLR (Spanish): Fr. Engel Gammad and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Hispanic Choir)
12 Noon, St. Thomas:  Fr. Thompson, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.


Chris Lundin

Dec 20, 2013, 8:58:51 AM12/20/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 51 - December 20, 2013

Giving Trees: Last Weekend 
to Return Your Unwrapped Gift

Table of Contents

1. Advent: A Time Of Anticipation
2. A Message From Fr. Matt
3. Sunday, December 22: OLR Looking For Helpers for Christmas Church Preparations
4. Christmas Masses
5. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Closure January-February 2014
6. Pastoral Center Holiday Schedule
7. January 6-12: National Migration Week: Welcome the Stranger
8. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church
9. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
10. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
11. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
12. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
13. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
14. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule


1. Advent: A Time Of Anticipation

We are close to celebrating an event that occurred over 2,000 years ago—the birth of a humble babe in a manger, Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

We will celebrate the joy of knowing that God is close and wants to walk with us on our journey through life. On Christmas, we encounter the tenderness and love of God who bends down to us in all of our limitations, weaknesses and sinfulness. He is born into our lives. Jesus showed His love by entering into history to bring humanity back to God and to overcome death and sin. 

He desired to live in incredible intimacy with us. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. It is our choice to embrace this great love or to reject it.

Let us ask our Lord to save us from the temptations of the division, from internal struggles and selfishness. May God help us to experience a Christmas that holds a place for Christ's promise of authentic joy and peace for us all.

Deacon Daniel Hernandez

2. A Message From Fr. Matt

As the Holy Christmas Season comes round each year, the message of Jesus, who is light in the midst of darkness, echoes once more from the crib of Bethlehem in the ears of Christians and re-echoes in their hearts with an ever new freshness of joy and piety. Today our Savior is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life . The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness.

The Clergy and Pastoral Staff welcome and invite you to celebrate with us the Christmas liturgies at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish to experience the wonder and joy of God's enduring love in the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Fr. Matt Stanley

3. Sunday, December 22: OLR Looking For Helpers for Christmas Church Preparations

The OLR Site committee will be decorating Our Lady of the Rosary Church for Christmas immediately after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, December 22. They need groups to put up the greens, and add lights and ribbons. Also the creche will be set up. Refreshments will be provided for all the helpers .

4. Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24th

5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass) - Fr. Dat 
5:00 pm Family Mass – St . Albert the Great (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass) - Fr. Peter 
6:00 pm – St . Thomas Aquinas - Msgr. John Sandersfeld
7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) - Fr. Randy and Fr. Matt 
Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St . Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian) - Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P.

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th

7:30 am – St . Thomas Aquinas - Fr. John Hester
9:00 am – St . Albert the Great - Fr. Matt
10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary - Fr. Peter
10:30 am – St . Thomas Aquinas - Fr. Dat
12:00 noon - St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian) - Fr. Kromholtz, O.P.

5. Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Closure January-February 2014

The renovations to the interior of St. Thomas Aquinas Church will begin on Monday, December 30. The church will be closed and no Masses or other services will be held there in January and February 2014. During that time, the pews will be taken out and refinished, floors will be re-done, all walls will be painted, altars will be resurfaced and repainted, and new carpeting will be installed.

During the closure, Masses will be relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. will be held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

Signs will be posted prominently on the church doors directing those seeking to attend Mass to the alternate sites. Please pass the word to friends and acquaintances who might not hear about this temporary relocation of Masses. This disruption in the patterns we each follow as we come together in worship will give way to gratitude when the work is done.

6. Pastoral Center Holiday Schedule

Our Pastoral Center will close for the Christmas Holidays, Monday, December 23 through Friday, December 27. We will be open again on Monday, December 30. The Daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

7. January 6-12: National Migration Week: Welcome the Stranger

“Say to those whose hearts are frightened: be strong, fear not!”

As we prepare for the imminent Christmas season, we look for concrete ways to celebrate the mystery of the incarnation, God made man.  We are challenged to see Christ in the stranger.  Each year around Epiphany (January 5, 2014) our church sponsors National Migration Week.  This year the focus will be particularly on migrant children, undocumented immigrants, refugees, and those enslaved by human trafficking.  

Learn more at and at the link above.

8. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church

Our host: Father Matt

The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates. It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph. One Tuesday evening each month, Father Matt will lead us on an amazing Epic journey to discover the roots of our Catholic faith.

The Threshold of Hope and the Conclusion

We come to the end of our Epic Journey but not the end of hope in the Lord. Tonight Fr. Matt shares with us the history of our Church from 1978 through the wonderful years of Pope John Paul the II. Pope John Paul the II changed the way the modern world viewed the office of the pope. He affirmed the “universal call to holiness”. Please join us as we conclude our series.

9. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM

Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

10. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

11. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

12. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows.

A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

13. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

14. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys Mikalonis and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:  Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Dec 27, 2013, 8:35:48 AM12/27/13
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 7, No. 52 - December 27, 2013

Table of Contents

1. Message From The Pastor
2. Sunday, December 29: No 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass
3. From Advent to the Christmas Season
4. BEGINNING MONDAY: Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Closure January-February 2014
5. Pastoral Center Holiday Schedule
6. Wednesday, January 1: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - World Day of Prayer for Peace
7. A Christmas Thank You From The Parish Staff
8. Christmas Craft Faire Success
9. Annual Christmas Pageant Concludes On Epiphany
10. Thank You From Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference
11. Pope Francis' Urbi et Orbi Message
12. January 6-12: National Migration Week: Welcome the Stranger
13. “Get up and flee!”: Families on the Move
14. Faith Formation News
15. Thursday, January 9: When Harry Meets The Widow and Widowers Group
16. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church
17. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!
18. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
21. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
22. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
23. Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and Presider Schedule


1. Message From The Pastor

I am very pleased to announce that Bishop McGrath has assigned Fr. Estanislao "Stasys" Mikalonis as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish effective January 1, 2014. Here is a brief biography of Fr. Stasys.

Fr. Matt, Pastor

Fr. Estanislao Mikalonis (he goes by "Stasys", his Lithuanian name) was born in Argentina to a Lithuanian family. He was ordained on December 3, 2005 as a religious missionary priest. He hold a Masters Degree in Sacred Theology and a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology (Marriage and Family Therapy) from the University of Santa Clara.

As a deacon he worked in a shanty town in Chile, teaching philosophy at a religious novitiate and doing pastoral work in a parish. After being ordained as a priest during his first year he was assigned to work in a country town in Lithuania. In his second year he was transferred to work in Palestine, on the West Bank, in the Holy Land.

On December 1st, 2007 he arrived in the Diocese of San Jose and was incardinated to the Diocese in 2013. His assignments in the Diocese have included Saint Athanasius Parish in Mountain View and Saint Elizabeth Parish in Milpitas. Currently he teaches at the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) of the Diocese of San Jose. Fr. Stasys is fluent in Spanish, English and Lithuanian and loves basketball!

2. Sunday, December 29: No 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass

There will be no 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass on Sunday, December 29. Mass will resume again on Sunday, January 5.

3. From Advent to the Christmas Season

Our Advent waiting has come to an end, and we have joyfully celebrated Christmas. There was Mass on Christmas Eve with the depiction of the Gospel in the Christmas Pageant. There were parties and family gatherings with fabulous meals. Our plates have overflowed with wonderful rich holiday food we only enjoy at this time of year. Christmas morning came, and the celebration continued. Presents were opened followed by more feasting. These two days we anticipate for so long go by very quickly. A few short hours, and then it is gone. We awake the next morning to find bargains galore and the encouragement to come back to the stores and shop ‘til we drop, exchanging that gift that wasn’t quite right, and buying all the things we really wanted but didn’t get. Shelves in the stores are bare; decorations look worn and tired. In a few short days they will be gone, and our world will have moved on.

But the church will continue to be resplendent in the colors of Christmas for three more weeks. First we celebrate The Holy Family - Jesus, Mary,
and Joseph, our perfect family representing all the love and warmth of God present with us. Then we remember the coming of the Magi with their glorious gifts at Epiphany. The Christmas Season doesn’t end until we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, well beyond the time that most of the decorations in the world around us have been taken down. So even though the bright lights and colors of Christmas have long since faded, let us savor this all-too-brief season of hope and promise. Let us allow Christmas to linger. If the signs of Christmas disappear from our world, let them remain deeply embedded in our hearts & minds throughout the Christmas Season and well into the new year. God’s peace and blessings be with all of you throughout the Christmas season and beyond.

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Minstry

4. BEGINNING MONDAY: Masses during St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Closure January-February 2014

The renovations to the interior of St. Thomas Aquinas Church will begin on Monday, December 30.  The church will be closed and no Masses or other services will be held there in January and February 2014. 

This renovation was made possible through the generous bequest of the late Mary Barrachi.  During the renovation, the pews will be taken out and refinished, floors will be re-done, all walls will be painted, altars will be resurfaced and repainted, and new carpeting will be installed.

During the closure, Masses will be relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. will be held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

Signs will be posted prominently on the church doors directing those seeking to attend Mass to the alternate sites. Please pass the word to friends and acquaintances who might not hear about this temporary relocation of Masses. This disruption in the patterns we each follow as we come together in worship will give way to gratitude when the work is done.

5. Pastoral Center Holiday Schedule

Our Pastoral Center will close for the New Year Holidays, Tuesday, December 31 through Friday, January 3. We will be open again on Monday, January 6th.

6. Wednesday, January 1: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - World Day of Prayer for Peace

Our New Year's Day Mass will be at 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. There will be a Rosary for Peace at 8:00am. We invite you to this prayerful way to begin the New Year. Although there is no obligation to attend Mass on this Holy Day, we encourage all who are able to join us in this celebration. 

There will also be a Gregorian Latin Mass at 12:00pm at St. Albert the Great Church.

7. A Christmas Thank You From The Parish Staff

Thank you for your expressions of kindness and love, for your remembrance of us in your prayers, and for your generous support of our work throughout the year. We are privileged to be called to serve you. We also extend our deepest gratitude to those who helped prepare our churches for Christmas. We are also grateful to those who donated cash gifts towards our poinsettias and flowers. 

A special thank you to all those who served as Environment Team, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers and Ushers, Musicians, and Choir Members. We would also like to thank our children who participated in our Gospel dramas on Christmas Eve. All of you made this a prayerful and festive Christmas.

8. Christmas Craft Faire Success

A very special thank you to Natalie Lucha, the Community Life ministry and all the others who helped to gather, sort and tag items for the Christmas Craft Faire.  Many hands made it a very successful day at the Faire. Thanks to all who helped set up and tear down, and all those who attended the Faire and purchased items.

The Faire netted $2,500 towards future Community Life activities, a great start for our first Faire. Hope to see you all next year!

9. Annual Christmas Pageant Concludes On Epiphany

Sunday, January 5, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany - the appearance of the three magi to offer gifts to Jesus. We complete our Christmas Pageant with a dramatization of the Gospel at the 9:00 a.m. (St. Albert the Great) and 10:30 a.m. (OLR) Masses. There is a rehearsal for all children who would like to participate on Saturday, January 4 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great and from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary. If you participated in our pageant on Christmas Eve, we invite you to come back for this drama. If you weren’t able to be with us on Christmas Eve, we are glad to have you join us. Contact Susan at

10. Thank You From Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference

Our SVDP conference wishes to thank the parish for your admirable generosity during this past year. SVDP provides help in most areas of daily living. One Sunday, we were delighted when the 4th and 5th grade religion classes made up the food bags, making our total to 93 bags! We wish you a most blessed Christmas Season and with the hopes that these blessings flow into the New Year.

11. Pope Francis' Urbi et Orbi Message

VATICAN CITY, December 26, 2013 ( - Here is the translation of the Holy Father's traditional Urbi et Orbi ("To the City [of Rome] and the World") message on Christmas Day.

* * *

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours (Lk 2:14)

Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the whole world, Greetings and Happy Christmas!

I take up the song of the angels who appeared to the shepherds in Bethlehem on the night when Jesus was born. It is a song which unites heaven and earth, giving praise and glory to heaven, and the promise of peace to earth and all its people.

I ask everyone to share in this song: it is a song for every man or woman who keeps watch through the night, who hopes for a better world, who cares for others while humbly seeking to do his or her duty.

Glory to God!

Above all else, this is what Christmas bids us to do: give glory to God, for he is good, he is faithful, he is merciful. Today I voice my hope that everyone will come to know the true face of God, the Father who has given us Jesus. My hope is that everyone will feel God’s closeness, live in his presence, love him and adore him.

May each of us give glory to God above all by our lives, by lives spent for love of him and of all our brothers and sisters.

True peace - we know this well - is not a balance of opposing forces. It is not a lovely "façade" which conceals conflicts and divisions. Peace calls for daily commitment, but making peace is an art, starting from God’s gift, from the grace which he has given us in Jesus Christ.

Looking at the Child in the manger, Child of peace, our thoughts turn to those children who are the most vulnerable victims of wars, but we think too of the elderly, to battered women, to the sick… Wars shatter and hurt so many lives!

Too many lives have been shattered in recent times by the conflict in Syria, fueling hatred and vengeance. Let us continue to ask the Lord to spare the beloved Syrian people further suffering, and to enable the parties in conflict to put an end to all violence and guarantee access to humanitarian aid. We have seen how powerful prayer is! And I am happy today too, that the followers of different religious confessions are joining us in our prayer for peace in Syria. Let us never lose the courage of prayer! The courage to say: Lord, grant your peace to Syria and to the whole world. And I also invite non-believers to desire peace with that yearning that makes the heart grow: all united, either by prayer or by desire. But all of us, for peace.

Grant peace, dear Child, to the Central African Republic, often forgotten and overlooked. Yet you, Lord, forget no one! And you also want to bring peace to that land, torn apart by a spiral of violence and poverty, where so many people are homeless, lacking water, food and the bare necessities of life. Foster social harmony in South Sudan, where current tensions have already caused too many victims and are threatening peaceful coexistence in that young state.

Prince of Peace, in every place turn hearts aside from violence and inspire them to lay down arms and undertake the path of dialogue. Look upon Nigeria, rent by constant attacks which do not spare the innocent and defenseless. Bless the land where you chose to come into the world, and grant a favourable outcome to the peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. Heal the wounds of the beloved country of Iraq, once more struck by frequent acts of violence.

Lord of life, protect all who are persecuted for your name. Grant hope and consolation to the displaced and refugees, especially in the Horn of Africa and in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Grant that migrants in search of a dignified life may find acceptance and assistance. May tragedies like those we have witnessed this year, with so many deaths at Lampedusa, never occur again!

Child of Bethlehem, touch the hearts of all those engaged in human trafficking, that they may realize the gravity of this crime against humanity. Look upon the many children who are kidnapped, wounded and killed in armed conflicts, and all those who are robbed of their childhood and forced to become soldiers.

Lord of heaven and earth, look upon our planet, frequently exploited by human greed and rapacity. Help and protect all the victims of natural disasters, especially the beloved people of the Philippines, gravely affected by the recent typhoon.

Dear brothers and sisters, today, in this world, in this humanity, is born the Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. Let us pause before the Child of Bethlehem. Let us allow our hearts to be touched, let us not fear this. Let us not fear that our hearts be moved. We need this! Let us allow ourselves to be warmed by the tenderness of God; we need his caress. God’s caresses do not harm us. They give us peace and strength. We need his caresses. God is full of love: to him be praise and glory forever! God is peace: let us ask him to help us to be peacemakers each day, in our life, in our families, in our cities and nations, in the whole world. Let us allow ourselves to be moved by God’s goodness.

12. January 6-12: National Migration Week: Welcome the Stranger

“Say to those whose hearts are frightened: be strong, fear not!”

As we continue our Christmas season, we look for concrete ways to celebrate the mystery of the incarnation, God made man.  We are challenged to see Christ in the stranger.  Each year around Epiphany (January 5, 2014) our church sponsors National Migration Week.  This year the focus will be particularly on migrant children, undocumented immigrants, refugees, and those enslaved by human trafficking.  

Learn more at and at the link above.

13. “Get up and flee!”: Families on the Move

In this Sunday's Gospel, the Holy Family is forced to flee for their lives.  In our world there are many who experience this trauma, this dislocation.  Our country accepts some refugees each year and our church in one of the resettlement agencies.   Our mission is to create a world where immigrants, refugees, migrants, and people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, welcome and belonging.

In our diocese we do this through our Catholic Charities.  Save the evening of Wednesday, January 22, for an opportunity to meet some of the refugees and hear their stories – all over supper at Café Vitale at Loyola Corners in Los Altos.  To reserve your spot email Theresa at

14. Faith Formation News

Classes resume next week. All parents are invited to our monthly parent class during class time. 

Catechists are invited to gather Wednesday, January 8,  from 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. in Dermody Center for a special class on using scripture in class and in our daily lives.

15. Thursday, January 9: When Harry Meets The Widow and Widowers Group

The Widow and Widowers Group will dine on January 9th at 5 p.m. at Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City. All Widow and Widowers are welcome to join us. For further information call Helen at 650-327-1028.

16. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church

Our host: Father Matt

The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates. It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph. One Tuesday evening each month, Father Matt will lead us on an amazing Epic journey to discover the roots of our Catholic faith.

The Threshold of Hope and the Conclusion

We come to the end of our Epic Journey but not the end of hope in the Lord. Tonight Fr. Matt shares with us the history of our Church from 1978 through the wonderful years of Pope John Paul the II. Pope John Paul the II changed the way the modern world viewed the office of the pope. He affirmed the “universal call to holiness”. Please join us as we conclude our series.

17. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

18. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event! And see Fr. Stasys run, jump, shoot (and just occasionally foul!)  :)

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

21. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

22. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

23. Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas: Fr. Randy  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12 Noon, St. Thomas:  Fr. Sigman, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
CANCELLED THIS ONE NIGHT: 6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Jan 3, 2014, 1:33:02 PM1/3/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 1 - January 3, 2014

Remember: St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
See Article Below for Alternate Mass Locations
Table of Contents

1. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Underway
2. Epiphany Proclamation
3. Annual Christmas Pageant Concludes On Epiphany
4. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Tell Us!
5. Next Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers on the Baptism of the Lord
6. Faith Formation News
7. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great
8. St. Ann's Choir and the Gregorian Mass
9. Thursday, January 9: When Harry Meets The Widow and Widowers Group
10. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church
11. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!
12. January 22: National Migration Awareness Week: Out of the Darkness
13. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
14. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
15. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
16. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
17. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
18. Readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church


1. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Underway

Work has begun! During the closure, Masses have been relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. will be held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

Saturday confessions at 11:30 a.m. will be held in the front room of the Thomas House.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass will be celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 11:00 a.m. Byzantine Mass at St. Albert the Great Church will begin at 10:30 am. during the renovation period.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

2. Epiphany Proclamation

My sisters and brothers, the glory of the Lord Jesus has been made manifest and will continue to be revealed in our midst until he comes again. In the rhythms and alternations of time, let us recall and live the mysteries of our salvation.

Central to the entire liturgical year is our celebration of the TRIDUUM OF THE LORD, crucified, buried and risen, which culminates on EASTER SUNDAY, the 20th of April. Every SUNDAY, when we recall this paschal mystery, holy Church makes present this great event in which Christ has conquered sin and death.

From Easter derive all our other celebrations: ASH WEDNESDAY, the beginning of the season of Lent, the 5th of March; the ASCENSION OF THE LORD, the 1st of June, PENTECOST, the 8th of June; and the FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, the 30th of November.

Likewise, in the feasts of the holy Mother of God, of the apostles and saints, and in the commemoration of all the faithful departed, the Church, in her pilgrimage here on earth, proclaims the paschal mystery of the Lord.

To Christ who is, who was, and who is to come, the Lord of all time and history: be endless praise now and forever! Amen.

Fr. Matt

3. Annual Christmas Pageant Concludes On Epiphany

Sunday, January 5, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany - the appearance of the three magi to offer gifts to Jesus. We complete our Christmas Pageant with a dramatization of the Gospel at the 9:00 a.m. (St. Albert the Great) and 10:30 a.m. (OLR) Masses. There is a rehearsal for all children who would like to participate on Saturday, January 4 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great and from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary. If you participated in our pageant on Christmas Eve, we invite you to come back for this drama. If you weren’t able to be with us on Christmas Eve, we are glad to have you join us. Contact Susan at

4. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Tell Us!

We are always looking to prepare the best Sunday Mass Experience for our parishioners. We need your input. Take a moment and 
complete our survey of your Sunday Mass Experience of the Feast of the Epiphany (this weekend)
We will send a reminder on Sunday after Masses while the experience is fresh in your mind.

5. Next Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers on the Baptism of the Lord

Next weekend, we commission for another year those who seek to serve the assembly that gathers for worship as liturgical ministers: Ministers
of Hospitality, Lectors, Ministers of Music, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Environment & Art and of Altar & Linen Care. Let us both recognize the special role these people play in contributing to our experience of worship at St. Thomas Aquinas and, if we are not among them, assess our own call to serve the community in some way.

6. Faith Formation News

Classes resume this week. All parents are invited to our monthly parent class during class time. 

Catechists are invited to gather Wednesday, January 8,  from 7:00 to 8:45 p.m. in Dermody Center for a special class on using scripture in class and in our daily lives.

7. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great

Our parish altar care ministers are responsible for laundering the liturgical linens (purificators, corporals, and towels) used during Mass and baptisms. On
a rotating basis, the used linens are picked up one weekend, laundered, folded and ironed, and returned the next weekend. 

At the moment we have only one helper at St. Albert and she and Nora alternate months doing the linens. If you have a couple hours a week to help, please call or email Nora Lundin at (650) 494-2496 or email:

8. St. Ann's Choir and the Gregorian Mass

Sunday Masses will be held at St. Albert the Great at 12:15 p.m. during January & February. Directions from St. Thomas Aquinas to St. Albert the Great: Go one block south on Waverley to Channing; turn left onto Channing. Seven blocks on Channing, including one oblique bend to the right, will lead you to St. Albert.

Epiphany - Sunday, January 5, 12:15 p.m. Tomás Luis de Victoria, Missa O magnum mysterium 
Baptism of the Lord - Sunday, January 12, 12:15 p.m. Ludwig Senfl, Missa Nisi Dominus Candlemas 

9. Thursday, January 9: When Harry Meets The Widow and Widowers Group

The Widow and Widowers Group will dine on January 9th at 5 p.m. at Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City. All Widow and Widowers are welcome to join us. For further information call Helen at 650-327-1028.

10. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church

Our host: Father Matt

The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates. It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph. One Tuesday evening each month, Father Matt will lead us on an amazing Epic journey to discover the roots of our Catholic faith.

The Threshold of Hope and the Conclusion

We come to the end of our Epic Journey but not the end of hope in the Lord. Tonight Fr. Matt shares with us the history of our Church from 1978 through the wonderful years of Pope John Paul the II. Pope John Paul the II changed the way the modern world viewed the office of the pope. He affirmed the “universal call to holiness”. Please join us as we conclude our series.

11. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

12. January 22: National Migration Awareness Week: Out of the Darkness

Each year we welcome refugees into our country.  Many come through our door – that is through the Refugee Resettlement Program of our Catholic Charities.  Some of the refugees are children, some have been trafficked (enslaved), all have been forced to leave their homes and homeland.  They all get a Green Card provided by the US Immigration and Naturalization Office.  Once here, they need to build new lives.  To learn more about the Migration and Refugee Services of the US Catholic church visit  Check out the Annual Report.

For an “in person” experience, save the evening of Wednesday, January 22, for an opportunity to meet some of the refugees and hear their stories – all over supper at Café Vitale at Loyola Corners here in Los Altos.  To reserve your spot email Theresa at

13. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event! And see Fr. Stasys run, jump, shoot (and just occasionally foul!)  :)

14. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

15. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 10-12 – Barking to the Choir
We will explore themes of the spaciousness of God, the power of boundless compassion, and our common invitation to create a community of kinship such that God might recognize it.
  Dir. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women
January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

17. February 15: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us!

Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow.

Couples may register online<>.
The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email her at<>.

17. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited.  

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

18. Readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)
7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:  Fr. Sigman, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Bonus Content: Some photos from the first days of renovation

Chris Lundin

Jan 10, 2014, 8:23:11 AM1/10/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 2 - January 10, 2014

Remember: St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
See Below for Alternate Mass Locations
Table of Contents

1. Saturday, January 11: Funeral Mass for Vania Ng
2. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Underway
3. This  Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers on the Baptism of the Lord
4. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Tell Us! Again!
5. Why The Mass Surveys?
6. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church
7. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Sign Up For Online Giving
10. Sacrificial Giving Cards
11. New Parish Pictures Available
12. Save the Dates
13. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great
14. Monday, January 20: Pastoral Center Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
15. Tuesday, January 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  The Church in Uganda with Fr. Athanasius Kikoba   
16. Wednesday, January 22: Migration and Refugee Services presentation
17. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop
18. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
19. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
20. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
23. Readings for the Baptism of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church: Scaffolding In Place And Vania Ng


1. Saturday, January 11: Funeral Mass for Vania Ng

Vania Jin Ng, 33, died at Stanford Hospital on January 7.  Vania was born in Burbank, California on September 20, 1980 and joined the Ng family at age 2. She was baptized and received her first communion at St. Ann Chapel and has been a longtime parishioner at Our Lady of the Rosary where her smiling face beamed from her wheelchair parked at the rear of the church. 

Please join Vania's seven brothers, four sisters and her mother Nancy at a rosary at Spangler Mortuary, 399 S. San Antonio Rd, Los Altos on Friday, January 10 at 7 PM  and at a mass celebrating her life on Saturday, January 11, at 2 PM  at Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

2. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Underway

Work has begun! Scaffolding is up!

During the closure, Masses have been relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. are held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

Saturday confessions at 11:30 a.m. are held in the front room of the Thomas House.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass is celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass is celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass is celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 11:00 a.m. Byzantine Mass at St. Albert the Great Church begins at 10:30 am. during the renovation period.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass is celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

3. This  Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers on the Baptism of the Lord

This weekend, we commission for another year those who seek to serve the assembly that gathers for worship as liturgical ministers: Ministers

of Hospitality, Lectors, Ministers of Music, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Environment & Art and of Altar & Linen Care. Let us both recognize the special role these people play in contributing to our experience of worship at St. Thomas Aquinas and, if we are not among them, assess our own call to serve the community in some way.

4. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Tell Us! Again!

We are always looking to prepare the best Sunday Mass Experience for our parishioners. We need your input. Take a moment and  complete our survey of your Sunday Mass experience.  

For last Sunday's Mass: Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord use 
For this Sunday's Mass (Baptism of the Lord) use

5. Why The Mass Surveys?

Some of you may be wondering: “why are you asking me to give feedback on my Sunday Mass experience? The easy answer is: because we really do care what you think! I've been the Director of Liturgy and Music for over six years, and I strive to collaborate with our priests, musicians, and all of our liturgical ministers to prepare for each of our many liturgies: Advent, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, among many others.

Excellence is something we strive for at every Liturgy. There is much diversity in the Masses that are celebrated in our parish, and I believe this is a good thing! It shows there is creativity and sensitivity in how we worship and praise God as a community that gathers each Sunday to be nourished at the table of Word and Sacrament.

The Liturgy Board evaluates what we prepare and plan; however, we also need input from the assembly that gathers to worship. Do you experience a welcoming environment when you come to worship? Do you feel as if you belong, even if it's your first time with us? Does the music, the lectors who proclaim the Word, the homily help or hinder your "full, conscious and active participation" in the liturgy? Are we implementing well the directives from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy?

We want to know how and what we can do to improve our preparation in order to make each Eucharistic celebration the best it can be, to foster a prayerful and reverent liturgy for everyone who gathers with us each and every Sunday. The survey doesn't take long to complete. Please take some time this Sunday and share with us your experience at: - for last Sunday's Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord - for this Sunday's Baptism of the Lord

Paper copies will also be available at our worship sites because we are seeking everyone's feedback.

Nora Lundin, Director of Liturgy and Music

6. Tuesday, January 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Key Moments in the History of the Catholic Church

Our host: Father Matt

The history of our Faith is so much more than just a list of facts and dates. It is a fascinating story of adventure, rebellion, tragedy, and triumph. One Tuesday evening each month, Father Matt will lead us on an amazing Epic journey to discover the roots of our Catholic faith.

The Threshold of Hope and the Conclusion

We come to the end of our Epic Journey but not the end of hope in the Lord. Tonight Fr. Matt shares with us the history of our Church from 1978 through the wonderful years of Pope John Paul the II. Pope John Paul the II changed the way the modern world viewed the office of the pope. He affirmed the “universal call to holiness”. Please join us as we conclude our series.

7. Wednesday, January 15: Ring In The New Year With S.O.U.P!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. 

Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

December 22, 2013: Actual: $12,000 (Goal: $11,000)
December 25, 2013: Actual: $66,000 (Goal: $70,000)
December 29, 2013: Actual: $9,300 (Goal: $11,000)
January 1, 2014: Mary, Mother of God: $725
January 5, 2014: Actual: $11,000 (Goal: $11,000)

Thank you for your generosity in this year's Christmas collection. Although we are short of our goal by $3,000, we hope that those who were out of town will now be able to make their donation. We assure you that the love which these gifts represent will enable us to continue the work which we must undertake here at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  If you were not prepared for our Christmas collection, we encourage you still to make your gift. Your generosity will help us more than you can imagine.

9. Sign Up For Online Giving

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

10. Sacrificial Giving Cards

It’s not too late to turn in your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards. Since we are determined to base our budgeted expenses on projected income, every dollar counts! Reliable funding allows us to plan for expenses based upon an honest projection of our income. Sacrificial Giving is planned, thoughtful, and proportional and it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and the Church. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

11. New Parish Pictures Available

Now in "Parish Photographers Images"  we now have some new parish pictures from our celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, the Widow and Widowers Christmas Dinner and more…

12. Save the Dates

* Saturday, January 25 - 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Bishop McGrath
* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection

13. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great

Our parish altar care ministers are responsible for laundering the liturgical linens (purificators, corporals, and towels) used during Mass and baptisms. On
a rotating basis, the used linens are picked up one weekend, laundered, folded and ironed, and returned the next weekend. 

At the moment we have only one helper at St. Albert and she and Nora alternate months doing the linens. If you have a couple hours a week to help, please call or email Nora Lundin at (650) 494-2496 or email:

14. Monday, January 20: Pastoral Center Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Our Pastoral Center will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.     

15. Tuesday, January 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  The Church in Uganda with Fr. Athanasius Kikoba   

The Republic of Uganda, located in East Africa on the equator, is approximately the size of the State of Oregon with a population of 33 million people. About 42% of the population is Roman Catholic.  Please join us as Father Athanasius Kikoba shares his spiritual journey and tells us about the growth of Catholicism in his country.

Fr. Athanasius received his education from a missionary priest—a Mill Hill Father—and a diocesan priest. Since his ordination in 2004, he has been involved in parish ministry. He was in residence at St. Athanasius Parish in Mountain View while studying for a degree at Santa Clara University. He is now a Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph of Cupertino.  He plans to continue his studies here in the United States before returning to Uganda one day.

16. Wednesday, January 22: Migration and Refugee Services presentation

Each year we welcome refugees into our country.  Many come through our door – that is through the Refugee Resettlement Program of our Catholic Charities.  Some of the refugees are children, some have been trafficked (enslaved), all have been forced to leave their homes and homeland.  They all get a Green Card provided by the US Immigration and Naturalization Office.  Once here, they need to build new lives.  To learn more about the Migration and Refugee Services of the US Catholic church visit  Check out the Annual Report.

For an “in person” experience, save the evening of Wednesday, January 22, for an opportunity to meet some of the refugees and hear their stories – all over supper at Café Vitale at Loyola Corners here in Los Altos.  To reserve your spot email Theresa at

17. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop

On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his ordination as a Bishop. Celebrating with him will be Bishop Carlos A. Sevilla, S.J., Bishop Emeritus of Yakima. Bishop McGrath and Bishop Sevilla were both ordained by Archbishop John R. Quinn, on January 25, 1989, as Auxiliary Bishops of San Francisco.
All are invited and welcome to attend the Mass commemorating this great event. The Mass will take place at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at 7 p.m. Archbishop John R. Quinn, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, will be the main celebrant and homilist.

18. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office

1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

19. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

20. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event! And see Fr. Stasys run, jump, shoot (and just occasionally foul!)  :)

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 17-19 – Young Adults Retreat
This retreat is an opportunity for you to unplug momentarily and allow God to connect you with the ultimate power source that is God’s self.
  Dir.: Fr. Radmar Jao, S.J., plus lay leaders
  Non-Silent Retreat for Men and Women,
    ages 21-40
January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:

23. Readings for the Baptism of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Vania Ng: 1980 - 2014

Scaffolding is up at St. Thomas Aquinas Church:

Chris Lundin

Jan 17, 2014, 8:24:59 AM1/17/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 3 - January 17, 2014

Remember: St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
See Below for Alternate Mass Locations
Table of Contents

1. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Keep Telling Us!
2. Life Teen and Edge Happenings
3. Monday, January 20: Pastoral Center Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
4. Tuesday, January 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  The Church in Uganda with Fr. Athanasius Kikoba 
5. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 2014 Schedule
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church in Latin America
8. Thanks for Giving-Tree Generosity
9. Knights Give Donations to Achieve Kids and Abilities United
10. Novena of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage
11. Saturday, January 25: 10th Annual West Coast Walk For Life
12. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops
13. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”
14. Sacrificial Giving Cards
15. Save the Dates
16. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great
17. Wednesday, January 22: Migration and Refugee Services presentation
18. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop
19. Tuesday, January 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "The Great Adventure"
20. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
21. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
23. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats
25. Young Adult Circle
26. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
27. Readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Mass Locations during St. Thomas Aquinas Church renovations, Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 2014 schedule


1. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Keep Telling Us!

We are getting some very valuable feedback from our January Mass surveys. Please continue to provide us with that feedback for the remaining two Sundays of the month. 

Paper copies are in our vestibules. Grab one on the way into Mass and deposit in the baskets provided. Or take the online versions:

For last Sunday's Mass (Baptism of the Lord) use
For this Sunday's Mass (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time) use

2. Life Teen and Edge Happenings

What an amazingly blessed year we have had thus far in youth ministry! Our teens are especially appreciative of all the hard work put in by the Dermody Center Committee and the EDGE and Life Teen Core Teams to renovate the Dermody Center (at the OLR site) for the parish community. They were especially excited to have the Chapel re-blessed and named for Blessed John Paul II on November 17th, 2013. Thank you to Fr. Matt, Fr. Dat, Deacon Daniel, Deacon Jaime, Maria de Jesus Gutierrez, and Chris & Nora Lundin who coordinated the environment of the chapel and the blessing for the teens.

Our middle schoolers (the EDGE) have been faithfully studying about the ‘Life of Christ’ and just kicked off a semester about the ‘Creed’. Fifty EDGE-ers came
to our Halloween Lock-in, complete with a haunted house, pumpkin-carving contest, minute-to-win-it games and a spooky movie!

At Life Teen we studied ‘Social Justice’ this past Fall and are excited as we kick off our semester about Blessed John Paul II's teaching on ‘Theology of the Body’. Our high schoolers enjoyed one of our social justice youth group sessions in particular where we created ‘Blessing Bags’ for the needy in our community. The Blessing Bags contained: Mass times for our Parish, snacks, socks, beanies, water, deodorant, toothpaste and a tooth brush. At the end of the night Fr. Dat blessed our ‘Blessing Bags’ and each student took one home with them. They were invited to leave them in their family car and hand them out to any needy person they may come across. We are looking forward to another faith and fun-filled year! 

Alley Torres, Director of Youth and Young Adults

3. Monday, January 20: Pastoral Center Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Our Pastoral Center will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.     

4. Tuesday, January 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  The Church in Uganda with Fr. Athanasius Kikoba   

The Republic of Uganda, located in East Africa on the equator, is approximately the size of the State of Oregon with a population of 33 million people. About 42% of the population is Roman Catholic.  Please join us as Father Athanasius Kikoba shares his spiritual journey and tells us about the growth of Catholicism in his country.

Fr. Athanasius received his education from a missionary priest—a Mill Hill Father—and a diocesan priest. Since his ordination in 2004, he has been involved in parish ministry. He was in residence at St. Athanasius Parish in Mountain View while studying for a degree at Santa Clara University. He is now a Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph of Cupertino.  He plans to continue his studies here in the United States before returning to Uganda one day.

5. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 2014 Schedule

Attached to today's eBulletin is the schedule for upcoming sessions of Spirituality Tuesday Assembly. Suitable for printing and posting!

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

January 12: Actual: $11,500 (Goal: $11,000)
January 12: 2nd Collection (Seton School): $3,500

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of December. This marks the 4th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 15% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. Our Collections budget for July-December was $286,000; our actual is $297,000. This is an incredible achievement! The St. Albert the Great site has increased their weekly stewardship by 3%; St. Thomas Aquinas site by 5%; and Our Lady of the Rosary site by  16%. Let's continue this good work of stewardship.

7. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church in Latin America

The annual National Collection for the Church in Latin America (CLA) will be the weekend of January 25-26. The 2014 campaign highlights the faith of Latin America and the many opportunities we have to share faith with them. We also recognize the tremendous benefit of having our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the Church and the revitalization their fervor brings to the faith. In addition to offering our help and support to the Catholics of Latin America, we have much to learn from them.

8. Thanks for Giving-Tree Generosity

Many, many thanks to all the generous, caring parishioners who donated the toys for the children in East Palo Alto through our Giving-Tree program. There were many happy families at Christmastime because of your goodness.

9. Knights Give Donations to Achieve Kids and Abilities United

Thanks to the  contributions of STA parishioners and patrons of Safeway and Century Liquors via the KofC  "yellow can drive"  our own Knights of Columbus Council #2677 was able to donate $1,197 to  Abilities United and $1,197 to Achieve Kids.  

We are grateful to all those who helped us help these worthy organizations  provide services to People With Intellectual Disabilities and their families.  

(The photos at the end of the eBulletin show our Grand Knight Jerry Lucha delivering the checks to the development directors of the two organizations and accepting their heartfelt thanks on behalf of you all.) 

10. Novena of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage

The USCCB's Office of Pro-Life Activities has announced a Novena of Prayer, Penance, and Pilgrimage, starting this Saturday January 18 and ending on Sunday the 26th, for an end to the tragedy of abortion.  The USCCB website ( offers reflections for each day, and even automatic daily reminders via email, text message, or smartphone app. If you can't take part in the Walk for Life West Coast on the 25th, please consider making this Novena with the bishops!

11. Saturday, January 25: 10th Annual West Coast Walk For Life

The 10th annual West Coast Walk for Life is only a week away! This year's Walk will be bigger and better than ever, with many extra events such as a Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop Thomas Daly of San Jose; training in sidewalk counseling by Abby Johnson, author of the bestselling book Unplanned; and a post-Walk Mass at which our parish's St. Ann Choir will provide the music. Plus, of course, the joy of walking to defend the defenseless with 50,000 other like-minded people. For full details, go to .

12. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops

We will be having two Lector workshops as part of our parish commitment to provide ongoing education and formation to our Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, February 1: St. Albert the Great
Saturday, February 8: Our Lady of the Rosary

Coffee and refreshments will be available at 9:30 a.m. each day, and the sessions themselves will run from 10:00 a.m. to noon.  The session content is the same; two locations and dates are provided to make these sessions convenient to attend.

All current lectors are asked to attend to fulfill the commitment they made to ongoing education.  Anyone interested in becoming a lector should plan to attend one of these sessions, but should also contact Nora Lundin at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496 Ext 14 or

13. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”

The 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal will be soon underway. Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $125,000— 2.2% of the overall diocesan goal of $5,701,398. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge. Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2014. 

Pledge Sunday is February 9th. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

14. Sacrificial Giving Cards

It’s not too late to turn in your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards. Since we are determined to base our budgeted expenses on projected income, every dollar counts! Reliable funding allows us to plan for expenses based upon an honest projection of our income. Sacrificial Giving is planned, thoughtful, and proportional and it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and the Church. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

15. Save the Dates

* Saturday, January 25 - 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Bishop McGrath
* Saturday, February 1: Lector Workshop, St. Albert the Great
* Saturday, February 8: Lector Workshop, Our Lady of the Rosary
* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection

16. Altar Linen Help Needed At. St. Albert The Great

Our parish altar care ministers are responsible for laundering the liturgical linens (purificators, corporals, and towels) used during Mass and baptisms. On
a rotating basis, the used linens are picked up one weekend, laundered, folded and ironed, and returned the next weekend. 

At the moment we have only one helper at St. Albert and she and Nora alternate months doing the linens. If you have a couple hours a week to help, please call or email Nora Lundin at (650) 494-2496 or email:

17. Wednesday, January 22: Migration and Refugee Services presentation

Each year we welcome refugees into our country.  Many come through our door – that is through the Refugee Resettlement Program of our Catholic Charities.  Some of the refugees are children, some have been trafficked (enslaved), all have been forced to leave their homes and homeland.  They all get a Green Card provided by the US Immigration and Naturalization Office.  Once here, they need to build new lives.  To learn more about the Migration and Refugee Services of the US Catholic church visit  Check out the Annual Report.

For an “in person” experience, save the evening of Wednesday, January 22, for an opportunity to meet some of the refugees and hear their stories – all over supper at Café Vitale at Loyola Corners here in Los Altos.  To reserve your spot email Theresa at

18. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop

On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his ordination as a Bishop. Celebrating with him will be Bishop Carlos A. Sevilla, S.J., Bishop Emeritus of Yakima. Bishop McGrath and Bishop Sevilla were both ordained by Archbishop John R. Quinn, on January 25, 1989, as Auxiliary Bishops of San Francisco.
All are invited and welcome to attend the Mass commemorating this great event. The Mass will take place at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at 7 p.m. Archbishop John R. Quinn, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, will be the main celebrant and homilist.

19. Tuesday, January 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "The Great Adventure"

The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible study program that teaches God's plan of salvation as it unfolds in Scripture, presented from within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church. The Great Adventure helps people read "the big picture" of God's plan; find their place in that story; and live it out in their lives. The primary goal of the Great Adventure is simply to introduce Catholics to Scripture and to make the Bible more approachable by explaining the overarching story and showing how the various books fit together to get the story across. This 8-week series will be hosted by Fr. Matt.

20. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

21. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

22. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos: Upcoming 2014 Retreats

January 24-26 – Yearning for the Holy
We will explore our deep longings, to recognize and respond more deeply to God, and to appreciate the holy that is all around us every day.
  Dir: Fr. Chi Ngo, S.J.
  Silent Retreat for Men
For more information:    650-917-4000

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Crepevine, Tues. Jan. 21st at 7:30PM, 300 Castro St.,  Mountain View
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at the Mountain View Crepevine location.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Jan. 28th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

26. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults of the Diocese of San Jose is directed by Frank Sandoval. Complaints or allegations of sexual misconduct may be initiated in writing to the Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, 1150 N. First St., Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112. Frank may also be reached at (408) 983-0113, fax (408) 983-0147, emergency line (408) 983-0141, or email: protection@

27. Readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Msgr. Eugene Boyle
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Stasys and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@

Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Mass Locations During St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation

St. Thomas Aquinas Church is closed in January and February for renovations. During the closure, Masses have been relocated as follows:

Daily Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. are held in the living room of the Thomas House, next door to the church. at 745 Waverley Street.

Saturday confessions at 11:30 a.m. are held in the front room of the Thomas House.

The Sunday 7:30 a.m. Mass is celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 8:45 a.m. Mass is celebrated at 8:45 a.m. at St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

The Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass is celebrated in the Thomas House basement hall, next door to the church.

The Sunday 11:00 a.m. Byzantine Mass at St. Albert the Great Church begins at 10:30 am. during the renovation period.

The Sunday 12:00 pm Mass is celebrated at 12:15 pm. at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 2014 Schedule.pdf

Chris Lundin

Jan 24, 2014, 8:14:14 AM1/24/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 4 - January 24, 2014

Remember: St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, January 25: 10th Annual West Coast Walk For Life
2. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Final Weekend!
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church in Latin America
4. Tuesday, January 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "The Great Adventure"
5. Catholic Schools Week
6. Your Statement Is In the Mail
7. Novena of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage
8. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops
9. Next Weekend: Presentation of the Lord
10. Tuesday, February 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Humor as Protest and Moral Sanity: A Jewish Perspective
11. Wednesday, February 5: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!
12. Thursday, February 6: Widow and Widowers Pro Bono Dinner
13. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear
14. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation
15. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”
16. Save the Dates
17. From Bishop McGrath: Alignment of St. Nicholas and St. William Parishes, Los Altos
18. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop
19. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
20. February 15, 2014: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
21. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
23. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
23. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!
24. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Young Adult Circle
27. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
28. Readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyer for Leigh Anne Tuohy Special Event on February 20, plus Mass Locations During St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation


1. Saturday, January 25: 10th Annual West Coast Walk For Life

The 10th annual West Coast Walk for Life is tomorrow! This year's Walk will be bigger and better than ever, with many extra events such as a Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop Thomas Daly of San Jose; training in sidewalk counseling by Abby Johnson, author of the bestselling book Unplanned; and a post-Walk Mass at which our parish's St. Ann Choir will provide the music. Plus, of course, the joy of walking to defend the defenseless with 50,000 other like-minded people. For full details, go to .

2. Your Sunday Mass Experience This Weekend - Final Weekend!

We are getting some very valuable feedback from our January Mass surveys. Please continue to provide us with that feedback for this last weekend of January.

Paper copies are in our vestibules. Grab one on the way into Mass and deposit in the baskets provided. Or take the online versions:

For last Sunday's Mass (Second Sunday in Ordinary Time) use
For this Sunday's Mass (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time) use

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church in Latin America

The annual National Collection for the Church in Latin America (CLA) is this weekend. The 2014 campaign highlights the faith of Latin America and the many opportunities we have to share faith with them. We also recognize the tremendous benefit of having our Hispanic brothers and sisters in the Church and the revitalization their fervor brings to the faith. In addition to offering our help and support to the Catholics of Latin America, we have much to learn from them.

4. Tuesday, January 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "The Great Adventure"

The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible study program that teaches God's plan of salvation as it unfolds in Scripture, presented from within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church. The Great Adventure helps people read "the big picture" of God's plan; find their place in that story; and live it out in their lives. The primary goal of the Great Adventure is simply to introduce Catholics to Scripture and to make the Bible more approachable by explaining the overarching story and showing how the various books fit together to get the story across. This 8-week series will be hosted by Fr. Matt.

5. Catholic Schools Week

This week St. Elizabeth Seton School is celebrating the 40th anniversary of Catholic Schools Week, sponsored annually by the National Catholic Educational Association. The theme for the week is Catholic Schools – Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

Seton School’s mission is to provide a Catholic education to children of low- income families who would otherwise not be able to afford it. As I expressed in my visits to each parish Mass this month, we are blessed to have a learning community that is supported by so many generous parishioners. We are also grateful to Fr. Matt and the parish priests for their ministry to Seton.

The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year is: “Faith, Academics, Service” and offers us the opportunity to highlight how our Catholic identity is evident in the life of the school. Our staff is dedicated to creating a school environment that fosters respect and academic excellence, and emphasizes the importance of service to the community. Seton students learn and grow not only during the school day, but after school as well. We provide extended care, a tutoring program with dedicated volunteers, and a variety of additional activities that include: athletics; homework club; Art in Action; robotics; scouting, etc.

Please join us on Wednesday, January 29th from 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. for our Science Fair & Open House, as we celebrate Catholic education in this community. We would love for you to take a tour of our new Preschool and Kindergarten classrooms! Thank you for your support of St. Elizabeth Seton School.

6. Your Statement Is In the Mail

Your annual contribution statements for 2014 will be sent to you in the mail this week. Please call Cathy at the Pastoral Center (650) 494-2496 ext. 24 after February 1st if you do not receive one, or if there is some inaccuracy.  Remember, the best way for us to keep an accurate record of your contributions is by using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving — call the Pastoral Center or sign-up on our web

7. Novena of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage

The USCCB's Office of Pro-Life Activities has announced a Novena of Prayer, Penance, and Pilgrimage, starting this Saturday January 18 and ending on Sunday the 26th, for an end to the tragedy of abortion.  The USCCB website ( offers reflections for each day, and even automatic daily reminders via email, text message, or smartphone app. If you can't take part in the Walk for Life West Coast on the 25th, please consider making this Novena with the bishops!

8. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops

We will be having two Lector workshops as part of our parish commitment to provide ongoing education and formation to our Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, February 1: St. Albert the Great
Saturday, February 8: Our Lady of the Rosary

Coffee and refreshments will be available at 9:30 a.m. each day, and the sessions themselves will run from 10:00 a.m. to noon.  The session content is the same; two locations and dates are provided to make these sessions convenient to attend.

All current lectors are asked to attend to fulfill the commitment they made to ongoing education.  Anyone interested in becoming a lector should plan to attend one of these sessions, but should also contact Nora Lundin at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496 Ext 14 or

9. Next Weekend: Presentation of the Lord

Next weekend we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. Once every seven years, the Feast of the Presentation falls on a Sunday. The Church encourages us to recognize this special feast, which occurs 40 days after the feast of the Nativity, with a procession, which we will do at all our Masses next weekend. As we process with lit candles, we pray that we may reach the Eternal Light, Christ our Savior.

10. Tuesday, February 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Humor as Protest and Moral Sanity: A Jewish Perspective

Our speaker will be Rabbi Waldenberg.

What role does humor play in the Spiritual survival of the Jewish people through centuries of hardship? Rabbi Waldenberg suggests that the use of humor kept them from abandoning the God-image of what it means to be a human being; without losing the love or desire for life. This Tuesday we have a different focus for our Spirituality topic.

Using humor as a gift from God, a way to accept ignominy without being crushed by it, the Jews have managed to persevere as a Community. Rabbi Waldenberg is a warm and engaging guest speaker; a consummate story teller. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to share an interesting and educational evening with him!

Rabbi Waldenberg is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California, where he served as Senior Rabbi for 19 years. After ordination as a rabbi from the Hebrew Union College, he served as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army, and then taught at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Since retiring in Lafayette, he has been a senior lecturer in Religious Studies at Holy Names University and Principal Educator of the Catholic-Jewish Educational Enrichment Program of the American Jewish Committee, lecturing at Catholic High Schools throughout the Bay Area, seeking to build bridges of understanding and trust between our faith communities.

11. Wednesday, February 5: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

12. Thursday, February 6: Widow and Widowers Pro Bono Dinner

The Widow and Widowers will be enjoying a fine dinner at Pro Bono restaurant on February 6th.  2437 Birch St. near California Ave.  Social time from 5 p.m.  Dinner at 5:30.. For reservations and information please call Jean at 650-561-4741 or Mary at 510-919-7331. There is a large parking lot on the corner.

13. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear

On Saturday, February 8, the Thomas Merton Center will present a talk on “The Nonviolent Life” by Fr. John Dear, activist, author and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Fr. Dear will speak at 2:00 pm at the Community School of Music and Arts at 230 San Antonio Circle in Mountain View. There is no entrance fee but donations are gratefully accepted.
John Dear suggests that the life of nonviolence requires three simultaneous attributes: being nonviolent toward ourselves; being nonviolent to all people, all creatures, and all creation; and joining the global grassroots movement of nonviolence. Come hear Fr. John discuss his vision of nonviolence, and meet him and get a signed copy of the book.
John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. He is a popular speaker, peacemaker, organizer, lecturer, retreat leader, and the author/editor of 30 books. He has organized and participated in nonviolent campaigns for over three decades; been arrested some 75 times in acts of civil disobedience against war and injustice; and spent nearly a year of his life in jail for peace. Recently, John was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He works with, and writes a weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter at

14. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000

at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

Except: NO Tax Preparation on Saturday February 22, when it is moved to:
 San Antonio Place, 210 San Antonio Circle, Palo Alto.
One Day Only:
Saturday, February 22: 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.

15. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”

The 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal will be soon underway. Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $125,000— 2.2% of the overall diocesan goal of $5,701,398. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge. Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2014. 

Pledge Sunday is February 9th. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

16. Save the Dates

* Saturday, January 25 - 25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Bishop McGrath
* Saturday, February 1: Lector Workshop, St. Albert the Great
* Saturday, February 8: Lector Workshop, Our Lady of the Rosary
* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

17. From Bishop McGrath: Alignment of St. Nicholas and St. William Parishes, Los Altos

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
For a number of years, the parishes of Saint Nicholas and Saint William have engaged – through their pastors and various advisory councils – in a study of the possibilities of parish alignment in light of historic and current demographic data and future projections. Neither church is anywhere near capacity in terms of Sunday Mass attendance; the steady decrease of parishioners combines with somewhat precarious finances and other factors to paint a bleak
picture in the next twenty years.
Among the suggestions presented to me were to close one parish or the other. There was no agreement on which this should be. While Saint William has a larger church and parish center, Saint Nicholas has more registered families and greater financial reserves. Your pastors and their councils were not able to present a common solution, and I am not willing to choose one parish over the other.
After consultation with both Father Larry Percell and Father Chris Bransfield and my Cabinet, I am announcing to you today that, effective July 1, 2014, one priest will be assigned as Pastor of both parishes; he will be assisted by one priest who will be Parochial Vicar at both parishes. It is too early in the assignment process to make those appointments.
It should be noted that this process of alignment will not affect the future of Saint Nicholas School, which continues to thrive and to which all are committed. I will be asking that new pastor to work to merge the two pastoral councils as a unified group of advisers who will be in a position to address the interests of the future of both parishes. While a healthy loyalty to each Council’s respective parish prevented the two councils to agree on a more bold plan of action, it is my hope that, by working together, the two parishes will discover ways as yet not envisioned to walk together into the future. Before this happens, though, I have asked your pastors to work to engage the services of a consultant who will assist them in developing a transition process and a communication plan to ease the way toward this closer alignment of your two parishes.
At this time, I ask you to join together in prayer as we embark on this process. Pray for each other and pray for your priests and your parish staffs and leadership. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct the deliberations and decisions of the next months and years. May God bless all of you in this New Year and in all of the years, months and days to come.
With every best wish and kind regard, I remain,
Sincerely Yours,
Patrick J. McGrath
Bishop of San Jose
Office of the Bishop

18. Saturday, January 25: Bishop McGrath Celebrates 25 Years As Bishop

On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of his ordination as a Bishop. Celebrating with him will be Bishop Carlos A. Sevilla, S.J., Bishop Emeritus of Yakima. Bishop McGrath and Bishop Sevilla were both ordained by Archbishop John R. Quinn, on January 25, 1989, as Auxiliary Bishops of San Francisco.
All are invited and welcome to attend the Mass commemorating this great event. The Mass will take place at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at 7 p.m. Archbishop John R. Quinn, Archbishop Emeritus of San Francisco, will be the main celebrant and homilist.

19. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

20. February 15, 2014: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration. This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us! Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow. 

The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email at

21. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

22. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

23. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!

The Knights of Columbus annual Crab Dinner Dance is only 1 month away!

It will be Saturday, Feb 22nd this year.   Our Knights will be selling tickets the first three weekends in February.
More information coming soon, but please hold the date for the great annual event.

If you have items to contribute to the Silent Auction to be held during the dinner, please contact Jerry Lucha (650) 424-9660  or John Uebbing (650)494-2450.   All proceeds from the auction go to St. Elizabeth Seton School.

24. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!
The rainbow of pride is forming to descend on Saturday, March 15, for the annual St. Patrick's Day event -- one of the sustaining parish traditions of outreach, inclusion, hospitality, entertainment, and fun.  

As usual, the dinner program will be at St. Elizabeth Seton auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.  The evening is sure to please:  live Irish ceili music and dancing, sing-along favorites, an occasion for memories with family and friends, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula -- all priced to encourage participation.  This is an ideal night out for young families, seniors, and those Irish at heart!  

Interested to join the ranks to volunteer?  Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.  Slainte!

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues. Jan. 28th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

27. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

The Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults of the Diocese of San Jose is directed by Frank Sandoval. Complaints or allegations of sexual misconduct may be initiated in writing to the Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults, 1150 N. First St., Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112. Frank may also be reached at (408) 983-0113, fax (408) 983-0147, emergency line (408) 983-0141, or email: protection@

28. Readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Msgr. Eugene Boyle
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:  Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Jan 31, 2014, 7:54:38 AM1/31/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 5 - January 31, 2014

Remember: St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
Alternate Mass Times at the end of the eBulletin

Table of Contents

1. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops
2. This Weekend: Presentation of the Lord
3. Monday, February 3: Blessing of Throats
4. Your Sunday Mass Experiences in January: Last Call For Feedback
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Your Statement Is In the Mail
7. Tuesday, February 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Humor as Protest and Moral Sanity: A Jewish Perspective
8. Wednesday, February 5: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!
9. Thursday, February 6: Widow and Widowers Pro Bono Dinner
10. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear
11. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation
12. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”
13. Save the Dates
14. Tuesday, February 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Role of Minister of Parish Life
15. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
16. February 15, 2014: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
17. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
18. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
19. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!
20. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!
21. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
22. Friday-Saturday, February 7-8: Called and Gifted Workshop at Stanford
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Readings for the Presentation of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyer for Leigh Anne Tuohy Special Event on February 20, plus Mass Locations During St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation,
Flyer for "Called and Gifted Workshop" and snapshot of re-painted St. Thomas Aquinas Church altar


1. Saturdays, February 1 and 8: Lector In-Service Workshops

We will be having two Lector workshops as part of our parish commitment to provide ongoing education and formation to our Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, February 1: St. Albert the Great
Saturday, February 8: Our Lady of the Rosary

Coffee and refreshments will be available at 9:30 a.m. each day, and the sessions themselves will run from 10:00 a.m. to noon.  The session content is the same; two locations and dates are provided to make these sessions convenient to attend.

All current lectors are asked to attend to fulfill the commitment they made to ongoing education.  Anyone interested in becoming a lector should plan to attend one of these sessions, but should also contact Nora Lundin at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496 Ext 14 or

2. This Weekend: Presentation of the Lord

This weekend we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. Once every seven years, the Feast of the Presentation falls on a Sunday. The Church encourages us to recognize this special feast, which occurs 40 days after the feast of the Nativity, with a procession, which we will do at all our Masses this weekend. 

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is rooted in everyday life. In faithful observance of the Law of Moses, Mary and Joseph present the infant Jesus in the Temple to consecrate him to the Lord. There they met the righteous Simeon and the prophetess Anna, for whom temple worship was part of everyday life.

God rewarded their fidelity by allowing them to see the One who was God’s promised Savior and to hold Him in their arms. When the ceremony of presentation was completed, Mary and Joseph returned to their hometown. There, they created a home and a family life.

February 2 is also Candlemas Day. According to St. Luke’s account of the Gospel, Simeon recognized Jesus as the Messiah in the temple and declared him “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for God’s people Israel. As we process with lit candles, we pray that we may reach the Eternal Light, Christ our Savior.

3. Monday, February 3: Blessing of Throats

In memory of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, there will be a special blessing of throats after the 7:15am, 8:30am, and 12:15pm Mass on Monday, February 3rd. We ask St. Blaise to protect us from all diseases of the throat. 

4. Your Sunday Mass Experiences in January: Last Call For Feedback

Thank you all for submitting feedback on your Mass experiences in January. To date we have received over 160 surveys back, both paper and online. Your comments are especially helping in improving our Sunday liturgies. 

All the responses will be compiled and summarized next week. Please return any final comments you have when you come to Mass this weekend.

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

January 26: Actual: $9,800 (Goal $11,000) 
Church in Latin America: $3,250

6. Your Statement Is In the Mail

Your annual contribution statements for 2014 was sent to you in the mail last week. Please call Cathy at the Pastoral Center (650) 494-2496 ext. 24 after February 1st if you do not receive one, or if there is some inaccuracy.  Remember, the best way for us to keep an accurate record of your contributions is by using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving — call the Pastoral Center or sign-up on our web

7. Tuesday, February 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Humor as Protest and Moral Sanity: A Jewish Perspective

Our speaker will be Rabbi Waldenberg.

What role does humor play in the Spiritual survival of the Jewish people through centuries of hardship? Rabbi Waldenberg suggests that the use of humor kept them from abandoning the God-image of what it means to be a human being; without losing the love or desire for life. This Tuesday we have a different focus for our Spirituality topic.

Using humor as a gift from God, a way to accept ignominy without being crushed by it, the Jews have managed to persevere as a Community. Rabbi Waldenberg is a warm and engaging guest speaker; a consummate story teller. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to share an interesting and educational evening with him!

Rabbi Waldenberg is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California, where he served as Senior Rabbi for 19 years. After ordination as a rabbi from the Hebrew Union College, he served as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army, and then taught at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Since retiring in Lafayette, he has been a senior lecturer in Religious Studies at Holy Names University and Principal Educator of the Catholic-Jewish Educational Enrichment Program of the American Jewish Committee, lecturing at Catholic High Schools throughout the Bay Area, seeking to build bridges of understanding and trust between our faith communities.

8. Wednesday, February 5: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

9. Thursday, February 6: Widow and Widowers Pro Bono Dinner

The Widow and Widowers will be enjoying a fine dinner at Pro Bono restaurant on February 6th.  2437 Birch St. near California Ave.  Social time from 5 p.m.  Dinner at 5:30.. For reservations and information please call Jean at 650-561-4741 or Mary at 510-919-7331. There is a large parking lot on the corner.

10. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear

On Saturday, February 8, the Thomas Merton Center will present a talk on “The Nonviolent Life” by Fr. John Dear, activist, author and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Fr. Dear will speak at 2:00 pm at the Community School of Music and Arts at 230 San Antonio Circle in Mountain View. There is no entrance fee but donations are gratefully accepted.
John Dear suggests that the life of nonviolence requires three simultaneous attributes: being nonviolent toward ourselves; being nonviolent to all people, all creatures, and all creation; and joining the global grassroots movement of nonviolence. Come hear Fr. John discuss his vision of nonviolence, and meet him and get a signed copy of the book.
John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. He is a popular speaker, peacemaker, organizer, lecturer, retreat leader, and the author/editor of 30 books. He has organized and participated in nonviolent campaigns for over three decades; been arrested some 75 times in acts of civil disobedience against war and injustice; and spent nearly a year of his life in jail for peace. Recently, John was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He works with, and writes a weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter at

11. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000

at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

Except: NO Tax Preparation on Saturday February 22, when it is moved to:
 San Antonio Place, 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View.

One Day Only: Saturday, February 22: 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.

12. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: “Called to One Table – Together in Christ”

The 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal will be soon underway. Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $125,000— 2.2% of the overall diocesan goal of $5,701,398. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge. Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2014. 

Pledge Sunday is February 9th. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

13. Save the Dates

* Saturday, February 1: Lector Workshop, St. Albert the Great
* Saturday, February 8: Lector Workshop, Our Lady of the Rosary
* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

14. Tuesday, February 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Role of Minister of Parish Life

Special guest speaker Dorothy Carlson

Introduced to our Diocese a decade ago, this leadership role has been operative in dioceses around the country for some time. What is a Minister of Parish Life? The Minister of Parish Life is a professional minister assigned by the diocesan bishop with the responsibility of leading and officially administering a parish community.

He, or she, provides the following to the parish:
  - Provides pastoral and organizational leadership to the faith community
- Is a unifying presence for the parish
  - Empowers the people of faith to carry out the mission of the Church
- Makes the daily decisions of the Parish

So, what is left for the priest to do in a parish with this organizational plan?  Join us and discover the surprising answer!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  Nice refreshments and cool people!

15. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

16. February 15, 2014: Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration

The Diocese of San Jose will once again acknowledge the couples who have honored the sacrament of matrimony, with their faith and love for God and their spouses, at our annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration. This year, we are starting a new tradition. We are inviting newlyweds to join us! Couples celebrating 5 years of marriage (or less), together with those celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th (or more) wedding anniversaries are welcome to a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph on February 15, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. The Mass will be bilingual in English and Spanish, and the couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows. A reception in the Cathedral's parish hall will follow. 

The deadline for registration is January 31, 2014.

If you need more information or if you have any questions, please feel free free to contact Sylvia Blanch at 408-983-0128 or email at

17. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

18. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door.

All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose.

Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

19. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!

The Knights of Columbus annual Crab Dinner Dance is only 1 month away!

It will be Saturday, Feb 22nd this year.   Our Knights will be selling tickets the first three weekends in February.
More information coming soon, but please hold the date for the great annual event.

If you have items to contribute to the Silent Auction to be held during the dinner, please contact Jerry Lucha (650) 424-9660  or John Uebbing (650)494-2450.   All proceeds from the auction go to St. Elizabeth Seton School.

20. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!

The rainbow of pride is forming to descend on Saturday, March 15, for the annual St. Patrick's Day event -- one of the sustaining parish traditions of outreach, inclusion, hospitality, entertainment, and fun.  

As usual, the dinner program will be at St. Elizabeth Seton auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.  The evening is sure to please:  live Irish ceili music and dancing, sing-along favorites, an occasion for memories with family and friends, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula -- all priced to encourage participation.  This is an ideal night out for young families, seniors, and those Irish at heart!  

Interested to join the ranks to volunteer?  Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.  Slainte!

21. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

More information and registration details will be made available soon.

22. Friday-Saturday, February 7-8: Called and Gifted Workshop at Stanford

The Called and Gifted Workshop is meant to help lay Catholics discern the unique work of love to which God is calling them and to discover how God has empowered them to carry it out. To date over 40,000 Catholics in over 100 dioceses have attended the workshop in parishes across North America and internationally learning about the crucial role every lay Catholic has in the mission of the Church to bring Christ’s love to our neighbors and our culture.

The Called and Gifted workshop is presented by the Catherine of Siena Institute, nationally headquartered in Colorado Springs. For more information about the workshop or the Catherine of Siena Institute, you may visit their website,

The workshop will be held February 7, Friday evening (7-9:00) and February 8 Saturday morning and afternoon (9:00-4:00), at the Bechtel Center on the Stanford campus

Yes it does. $25 for students and $50 for community members. Scholarships are available. You may register online at events/called-and-gifted-workshop

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for complete information.

Nancy Greenfield
Chaplain, Catholic Community@ Stanford
Administrator, Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation at CC@S
Director of Catholic Wedding Preparation at CC@S

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Readings for the Presentation of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)
Called and gifted to be converted to pdf.pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 7, 2014, 8:14:25 AM2/7/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 6 - February 7, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Pledge Sunday

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
Alternate Mass Times at the end of the eBulletin

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, February 8: Memorial Mass for Josephine Marie Donnelly
2. POSTPONED: 2nd Lector In-Service Workshop
3. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation
4. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear
5. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: ADA Pledge Sunday
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Children's Books In Vestibules
8. Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word
9. Save the Dates
10. Tuesday, February 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Role of Minister of Parish Life
11. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
12. Tuesday, February 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Current Events in the Muslim World
13. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
14. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
15. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!
16. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 
17. Taizé Prayer During Lent
18. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!
19. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
20. Friday-Saturday, February 7-8: Called and Gifted Workshop at Stanford
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyers for upcoming events!


1. Saturday, February 8: Memorial Mass for Josephine Marie Donnelly

A Mass to celebrate the life of Josephine Marie Donnelly will be held Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church.

Josephine passed at home on Saturday, February 1.  She was born in San Mateo on February 2, 1931 to proud parents Thomas and Avis Murray. She was a life-long resident of Paul Alto. Josephine graduated from Notre Dame de Namur High School in Belmont in 1948. She married Lawrence Patrick Donnelly in 1954.

Together they raised four sons. She was very active at St. Albert the Great Church and school, helping with hot dog days, rummage sales and everything in between. She went on to volunteer at the Florence Crittenden Care Center. One of her greater joys was being a member of the Ladies Beach Group which is still going strong 39 years later!  Another was helping raise her only grandchild Brendan.

She will be greatly missed by her family and countless friends. She is survived by her husband Larry, her songs James (Kelly), Michael (Shari), Mark (Liong), Paul and her grandson Brendan.

2. POSTPONED: 2nd Lector In-Service Workshop

We will NOT be able to have our 2nd Lector in-service workshop on Saturday, February 8: Our Lady of the Rosary.  It will be re-scheduled.

3. Beginning Saturday, February 8: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000

at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

Except: NO Tax Preparation on Saturday February 22, when it is moved to:
 San Antonio Place, 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View.
One Day Only: Saturday, February 22: 9 – 11:30 a.m.

Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.

4. Saturday, February 8: "The Nonviolent Life": Fr. John Dear

On Saturday, February 8, the Thomas Merton Center will present a talk on “The Nonviolent Life” by Fr. John Dear, activist, author and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Fr. Dear will speak at 2:00 pm at the Community School of Music and Arts at 230 San Antonio Circle in Mountain View. There is no entrance fee but donations are gratefully accepted.
John Dear suggests that the life of nonviolence requires three simultaneous attributes: being nonviolent toward ourselves; being nonviolent to all people, all creatures, and all creation; and joining the global grassroots movement of nonviolence. Come hear Fr. John discuss his vision of nonviolence, and meet him and get a signed copy of the book.
John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. He is a popular speaker, peacemaker, organizer, lecturer, retreat leader, and the author/editor of 30 books. He has organized and participated in nonviolent campaigns for over three decades; been arrested some 75 times in acts of civil disobedience against war and injustice; and spent nearly a year of his life in jail for peace. Recently, John was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He works with, and writes a weekly column for the National Catholic Reporter at

5. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: ADA Pledge Sunday

“Called to One Table - Together in Christ”— is this year’s theme for the 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal. In the words of Bishop McGrath: “as a Church, we are connected to one another— parishioner to parishioner, family to family, parish to parish— joined as one in the Lord. We stand “Together in Christ” as a people of faith.”

Our Diocese is a diverse community of communities; we should and must come together to support the different ministries of our local Church. Your financial involvement is one of the ways we can ensure that we have all of the resources we need as a parish to respond to the mission that has been entrusted to us by the Lord.

Your generosity toward the Annual Diocesan Appeal will provide essential support to St. Thomas Aquinas and the other 53 parishes of our local Church. The ADA supports diocesan offices including Pastoral Services, Youth & Young Adults, and Liturgy, as well as Vocations, Missions, and Detention Ministry, The Institute for Leadership in Ministry, Seminarians, and Catholic Education. 

This weekend is ADA Pledge Sunday, the start of our 8 week campaign. Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $125,000— 2.2% of the overall diocesan goal of $5,701,398. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your 10-month pledge or one-time gift. 

If you did not receive an ADA envelope in the mail, there are extra envelopes in the pews and vestibule. Thank you for helping St. Thomas Aquinas do its fair share in supporting Bishop McGrath and his ministry in the Valley of St. Clare.  

Fr. Matt

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

February 2: Actual: $12,500 (Goal $11,000) 

7. Children's Books In Vestibules

Parents with young children are invited to borrow a book from the bookshelves located in the vestibules at both St. Albert the Great and
Our Lady of the Rosary to occupy our youngest participants during Mass, especially when there is no Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Our thanks and appreciation to Mary Martinson for her generous contribution to help us supply the bookshelves. 

If you have new or gently used children’s books of a religious nature you would like to add to our collections, please contact Susan in the Faith Formation Office, 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

8. Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word

We need leaders for our Children's Liturgies of the Word - 9:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great, 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary and 10:30 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas. 

During Children’s Liturgy Of the Word (CLOW) at our Sunday morning Masses, children ages 4 and up are sent out from the assembly right after the Opening Prayer to gather in a near-by space so that they may hear and talk about the scripture readings at their level of understanding and pray with the other children gathered. 

We have ministers at St. Albert and OLR who are regularly leading CLOW but we really need more people to help with this ministry. We still need leaders for the 10:30 at St. Thomas Aquinas. Training for this ministry and materials for each week will be provided. Contact Susan Olsen, at 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

9. Save the Dates

* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

10. Tuesday, February 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Role of Minister of Parish Life

Special guest speaker Dorothy Carlson

Introduced to our Diocese a decade ago, this leadership role has been operative in dioceses around the country for some time. What is a Minister of Parish Life? The Minister of Parish Life is a professional minister assigned by the diocesan bishop with the responsibility of leading and officially administering a parish community.

He, or she, provides the following to the parish:
  - Provides pastoral and organizational leadership to the faith community
- Is a unifying presence for the parish
  - Empowers the people of faith to carry out the mission of the Church
- Makes the daily decisions of the Parish

So, what is left for the priest to do in a parish with this organizational plan?  Join us and discover the surprising answer!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center - 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  Nice refreshments and cool people!

11. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact 
Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301

12. Tuesday, February 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Current Events in the Muslim World

With guest speaker Maha Elgenaidi

Each day we hear something about the Middle East on the news or read something in the newspaper concerning Islam and the Muslim world. Much of it is hard for us to understand. Our speaker, Maha Elgenaidi, is coming to our Parish to share a Muslim view of the headlines. What is the back story to the rivalries and religious differences which create conflict within Islam? Join us for a very educational evening!

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

13. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

14. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door. All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose. Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

15. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!

The Knights of Columbus annual Crab Dinner Dance is only a few weeks away!

It will be Saturday, Feb 22nd this year.   Our Knights will be selling tickets the first three weekends in February.
More information coming soon, but please hold the date for the great annual event.

If you have items to contribute to the Silent Auction to be held during the dinner, please contact Jerry Lucha (650) 424-9660  or John Uebbing (650)494-2450.   All proceeds from the auction go to St. Elizabeth Seton School.

16. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 

Wanted! All Parish Volunteers

Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium

You’re invited to our Volunteer Roundup! Great Grub! -Great uh, Good Entertainment!

RSVP to 494-2496 or

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin

17. Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!
Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church

 March 13th, March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

7:00-8:00 pm

18. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!

The rainbow of pride is forming to descend on Saturday, March 15, for the annual St. Patrick's Day event -- one of the sustaining parish traditions of outreach, inclusion, hospitality, entertainment, and fun.  

As usual, the dinner program will be at St. Elizabeth Seton auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.  The evening is sure to please:  live Irish ceili music and dancing, sing-along favorites, an occasion for memories with family and friends, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula -- all priced to encourage participation.  This is an ideal night out for young families, seniors, and those Irish at heart!  

Interested to join the ranks to volunteer?  Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.  Slainte!

19. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

More information and registration details will be made available soon.

20. TONIGHT/TOMORROW: Friday-Saturday, February 7-8: Called and Gifted Workshop at Stanford

The Called and Gifted Workshop is meant to help lay Catholics discern the unique work of love to which God is calling them and to discover how God has empowered them to carry it out. To date over 40,000 Catholics in over 100 dioceses have attended the workshop in parishes across North America and internationally learning about the crucial role every lay Catholic has in the mission of the Church to bring Christ’s love to our neighbors and our culture.

The Called and Gifted workshop is presented by the Catherine of Siena Institute, nationally headquartered in Colorado Springs. For more information about the workshop or the Catherine of Siena Institute, you may visit their website,

The workshop will be held February 7, Friday evening (7-9:00) and February 8 Saturday morning and afternoon (9:00-4:00), at the Bechtel Center on the Stanford campus  $25 for students and $50 for community members. Scholarships are available. You may register online at events/called-and-gifted-workshop

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for complete information.

Nancy Greenfield
Chaplain, Catholic Community@ Stanford
Administrator, Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation at CC@S
Director of Catholic Wedding Preparation at CC@S

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)
Called and gifted to be converted to pdf.pdf
2014 Palo Alto Crab Dinner.pdf
Parish Volunteer Roundup 2014 PDF.pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 14, 2014, 8:17:47 AM2/14/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 7 - February 14, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation
Alternate Mass Times at the end of the eBulletin

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, February 15: Memorial Mass for Bill Peterson
2. Continuing Saturday, February 15: Free Tax Preparation
3. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #1
4. Weekly Stewardship Report
5. Reflections on Surveys Regarding Homilies
6. Congratulations, Susan Olsen, Faith Formation Director!
7. Next weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection
8. Palms for Ash Wednesday
9. No Baptisms During Lent
10. Children's Books In Vestibules
11. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer for the Parish Archives
12. Volunteer Opportunity: Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word
13. Save the Dates
14. Your Statement Was Mailed
15. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour
16. Tuesday, February 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Current Events in the Muslim World
17. Wednesday, February 19: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!
18. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
19. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
20. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!
21. Tuesday, February 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Four Faces of Jesus: Looking at Jesus in the Gospels
22. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 
23. Taizé Prayer During Lent
24. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!
25. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
26. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. Readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyers for upcoming events!


1. Saturday, February 15: Memorial Mass for Bill Peterson

William L. Peterson: October 6, 1935 - February 1, 2014

Bill died this month after a long struggle with COPD. 

A celebration of Bill's life will be held on Feb. 15, at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto.

During his life, he served his church, his country and his community. He loved his family; his wife, Bea, and children William and Pamela (Wong) Warrior, Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Mike and Alice (Peterson) Cassidy, Tony and Isolina Martinez-Peterson and was a loving Papa to Bailey and Riley and they loved him back.

Bill was a graduate of Sacred Heart High School in San Francisco, class of 1954. He proudly served in the U.S. Marine Corps, was an officer of the Palo Alto Police Reserve, a volunteer at Fisher House and the Rose Garden at the VA Hospital. He was always ready to help whenever needed. Bill's family thanks the VA Hospice staff, whose loving care gave him and his family the quality of life to enjoy his last days.

 Memorial donations may be made to St. Charles School, 3250 18th St., San Francisco, CA, 94110, or to a charity of the donor's choice . - See more at:

2. Continuing Saturday, February 15: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.
Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

Except: NO Tax Preparation on Saturday February 22, when it is moved to: San Antonio Place, 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View. One Day Only: Saturday, February 22: 9 – 11:30 a.m.

3. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #1

ADA Goal: $125,000 
Pledged: $36,212 * Pledges: 55
Average Pledge: $658 
% of Goal: 29%

My thanks to the 55 families who responded on our Pledge Sunday. Although the average gift is much greater than last year, our number of gifts is down. 32 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2013 pledge. 15 people increased their 2013 pledge, while 7 pledges were less than 2013. Two people have pledged in 2014 that were unable to pledge in 2013. 

There are 7 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit the parish.

4. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of January. Our average weekly collection for the 7th month of this new fiscal year was $11,377 ($10,658 in 2013). This marks the 5th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 12% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory versus July – February of the prior fiscal year. When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. Our budget for Jul- Jan was $330,000; our actual is $342,500. Let’s continue this good work.

February 9: Actual: $11,500 (Goal $11,000) 

5. Reflections on Surveys Regarding Homilies

We reviewed all of the surveys as they related to the homilies preached at our Sunday Masses during the month of January; the feedback that you provided was overwhelmingly positive. 

Over 90% of your responses indicated that your experience of the Sunday homily was good or excellent. This is very affirming to all of us. Yes, there were a few clunkers in the over 20 different homilies and 10 various homilists that were reviewed. Some of the critiques included such descriptions as: disjointed; too long; a re-telling of the Gospel; the preacher looked uncomfortable.

Yes, every homilist has his own style and not every person sitting in the pews will walk away with a positive experience; however our primary intention is to preach as Jesus preached. Jesus invited his first hearers to turn away from sin, to change their attitude, their entire manner of living, and to see reality in the light of the Gospel, the Good News of God. This is why every effective homily is a summons to conversion. The announcement of the Kingdom through the words and examples of the homily, if it is clear and compelling, inevitably leads the hearer to a desire to be changed.

There is an old-saying about homilies: “they should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” “Good preachers,” as my homily professor used to say, “Have the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” We will continue to strive to make a thoughtful and integral connection between the Scripture passages proclaimed in the Eucharist and the requirements of Christian faith and practice. 

Fr. Matt

6. Congratulations, Susan Olsen, Faith Formation Director!

As Pastor, I recently received a letter from Bishop McGrath’s office informing me that Susan Olsen has fulfilled the requirements for certification as a Master Catechist of the Diocese of San Jose. A Master Catechist demonstrates the ability to research, organize, and present materials to adults and children in an effective and dynamic way. It requires training, studying and lots of practice! We are very blessed to have such a valuable resource in our parish and our local Church of San Jose.

Fr. Matt

7. Next weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection

The St. Thomas Aquinas St. Vincent de Paul conference is greatly in need of funds.  The 2nd Collection next weekend will help replenish the coffers.

Since September, we have established an “austerity program” in which we give food bags and Safeway gift cards, one of each per person. Most of these items have been prepaid so it is not coming out of the current budget. Our St. Thomas Aquinas parish members have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We are urging you now to continue your good work of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

8. Palms for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is just a couple of weeks away (March 5). It’s time to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year. 

Please bring them with you to Mass over the next two weekends and place them in the baskets in the vestibules; these palms will be burned at the end of most Masses on the weekend of March 1-2.

9. No Baptisms During Lent

In keeping with our parish tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism is not celebrated through the 40 days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Baptismal catechesis continues for parents and godparents of those children who will be baptized in the Spring and Summer. Call the Pastoral Center to begin this preparation.

10. Children's Books In Vestibules

Parents with young children are invited to borrow a book from the bookshelves located in the vestibules at both St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary to occupy our youngest participants during Mass, especially when there is no Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Our thanks and appreciation to Mary Martinson for her generous contribution to help us supply the bookshelves. 

If you have new or gently used children’s books of a religious nature you would like to add to our collections, please contact Susan in the Faith Formation Office, 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

11. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer for the Parish Archives

The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Archives project is continuing and we need your help. A group of dedicated volunteers began organizing materials from our parish life and history.  Materials from different ministries were collected and organized, with the goal of preserving the documents and making them available for future use or research.

It is exciting to work with our Parish’s “historical” documents and artifacts, and we need more helping hands! Some of our regular volunteers have moved away or returned to other commitments. If you can volunteer for 2-3 hours each week in the coming year, we would love to have your assistance on materials related to:

- parish staff and parishioner photos
- community life and social activities
- historical write ups

Organization and some light computer skills are desired.  But we welcome anyone who wants to help!  If you can help or have questions, contact Mary Beth Lefebvre at or 650-799-6367.

12. Volunteer Opportunity: Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word

We need leaders for our Children's Liturgies of the Word - 9:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great, 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary and 10:30 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas. 

During Children’s Liturgy Of the Word (CLOW) at our Sunday morning Masses, children ages 4 and up are sent out from the assembly right after the Opening Prayer to gather in a near-by space so that they may hear and talk about the scripture readings at their level of understanding and pray with the other children gathered. 

We have ministers at St. Albert and OLR who are regularly leading CLOW but we really need more people to help with this ministry. We still need leaders for the 10:30 at St. Thomas Aquinas. Training for this ministry and materials for each week will be provided. Contact Susan Olsen, at 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

13. Save the Dates

* Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"
* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

14. Your Statement Was Mailed

Your annual contribution statements for 2013 were mailed the weekend of January 31st. 

Please call Cathy at the Pastoral Center (650) 494-2496 ext. 24, if you did not receive one, or if there is some inaccuracy. Remember, the best way for us to keep an accurate record of your contributions is by using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving — call the Pastoral Center or sign-up on our website

15. Thursday, February 13: St. Elizabeth Seton School Coffee and Tour

Please come and join us to learn about the school! Visit our new Pre-K and K building, shaped like Noah's Ark! 8:30 a.m.

We also have four other dates available for 8:30 a.m. coffee and tours throughout the school year which are as follows:
March 13, 2014 and  April 10, 2014

Questions? Contact  Barbara Jones, Advancement Coordinator, St. Elizabeth Seton School Development Office
1095 Channing Avenue Palo Alto, CA. 94301 devel...@setonpaloalto.org650-326-1258 

16. Tuesday, February 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Current Events in the Muslim World

With guest speaker Maha Elgenaidi

Each day we hear something about the Middle East on the news or read something in the newspaper concerning Islam and the Muslim world. Much of it is hard for us to understand. Our speaker, Maha Elgenaidi, is coming to our Parish to share a Muslim view of the headlines. What is the back story to the rivalries and religious differences which create conflict within Islam? Join us for a very educational evening!

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

17. Wednesday, February 19: Check Out The S.O.U.P Group!

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) happens on the the 1st and 3rd Wednedays of most months, and every week during Lent. Home made soups are prepared by signups. Donations from what you would have spent on dinner that evening to go a number of good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras.  

Just bring a bowl and spoon. Other nibbles accepted. A great way to meet parishioners and support good causes (and no suppertime dishes at home)!
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. (Come at 5:45 p.m. to help set up)

18. Thursday, February 20, 2014: "An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy"

This year, St. Elizabeth Seton School is thrilled to announce LEIGH ANNE TUOHY as our keynote speaker at a special event to raise tuition assistance for our school families.  An inspirational matriarch, Leigh Ann’s story is featured in the Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side”. Her character was portrayed by Sandra Bullock who won an Oscar for the role. Her unlikely story will re-enforce the incredible impact that our choices can make when acted upon with determination.

“An Evening with Leigh Anne Tuohy” will take place at Sacred Heart Preparatory, Homer Center Harmon Hall,150 Valparaiso Avenue, Atherton, CA on Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 6:00PM.  Space is limited. 

Purchase your tickets at or call 1-800-838-3006.  For more information, please contact Barbara Jones at the Seton Development Office at 650-326-1258 or  We sincerely hope you can join us for this inspiring evening to support Catholic education for out low-income families.

19. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door. All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose. Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

20. Saturday, February 22: Save the Date for the Annual Crab Dinner Dance!

The Knights of Columbus annual Crab Dinner Dance is next weekend!

Be sure to get your tickets this weekend: the Knights will be in our vestibules after each Mass!

If you have items to contribute to the Silent Auction to be held during the dinner, please contact Jerry Lucha (650) 424-9660  or John Uebbing (650)494-2450.   All proceeds from the auction go to St. Elizabeth Seton School.

21. Tuesday, February 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Four Faces of Jesus: Looking at Jesus in the Gospels

Father Jose Rubio will be our speaker.

In compiling and stylizing the material they would use in their Gospels, the four evangelists - Mark, Mathew, Luke and John - present us with four very different portraits of Jesus. These portraits are sometimes intriguing and sometimes perplexing. How can four such different descriptions characterize the same person? Which Gospel best reflects the historical Jesus? Which is the most authentic? As you undoubtedly know, Fr. Rubio is a very knowledgeable and able speaker. He will answer our questions!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.  Refreshments to top it all off!

22. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 

Wanted! All Parish Volunteers

Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium

You’re invited to our Volunteer Roundup! Great Grub! -Great uh, Good Entertainment!

RSVP to 494-2496 or

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin

23. Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!
Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church

 March 13th, March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

7:00-8:00 pm

24. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day!

The rainbow of pride is forming to descend on Saturday, March 15, for the annual St. Patrick's Day event -- one of the sustaining parish traditions of outreach, inclusion, hospitality, entertainment, and fun.  

As usual, the dinner program will be at St. Elizabeth Seton auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.  The evening is sure to please:  live Irish ceili music and dancing, sing-along favorites, an occasion for memories with family and friends, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula -- all priced to encourage participation.  This is an ideal night out for young families, seniors, and those Irish at heart!  

Interested to join the ranks to volunteer?  Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.  Slainte!

25. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

More information and registration details will be made available soon.

26. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities

Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park is offering a morning workshop on March 8, 2014,  9:00 am - 12:00 noon.  Theology of the Body will be presented by Ed Hopfner, the new director of Marriage and Family Life for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Ed will give an overwiew of Pope John Paul II’s teaching on marriage and sexuality.  COST: $10.00/person. To register or to read more about it go online at  Any questions, call Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy  (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)
2014 Palo Alto Crab Dinner.pdf
Parish Volunteer Roundup 2014 PDF.pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 21, 2014, 8:26:44 AM2/21/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 8 - February 21, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation: Almost Done!
Alternate Mass Locations at the end of the eBulletin

Table of Contents

1. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game
2. Saturday, February 22: Annual Crab Dinner Dance!
3. This Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection
4. The Law of the Gospel
5. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #2
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Tuesday, February 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Four Faces of Jesus: Looking at Jesus in the Gospels
8. Update On St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation
9. Human Concerns: Heart and Home Collaborative
10. Palms for Ash Wednesday
11. No Baptisms During Lent
12. eBulletin Query: How did the "Homer House" Enter The Parish?
13. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer for the Parish Archives
14. Volunteer Opportunity: Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word
15. Save the Dates
16. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 
17. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church
18. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent
19. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information
20. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Available to Volunteer?
21. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
22. Human Concerns: Combatting Human Trafficking: Posters to Advertise Hotlines 
23. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
24. Continuing Saturday, February 22: Free Tax Preparation
25. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities
26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
27. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity
28. Readings for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyers for upcoming events!


1. Friday, February 21:  8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Basketball Game

8th Annual REVS vs SEMS Priests and Seminarians Basketball Challenge is back by popular demand!

Friday, February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Leavey Center of the campus of Santa Clara University
Buy your tickets online today at<> or at the door. All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of San Jose. Come see Fr. Matt (as referee) try to keep order at this really fun event!

2. Saturday, February 22: Annual Crab Dinner Dance!

The Knights of Columbus annual Crab Dinner Dance is this weekend! Not sure if any tickets remain, but you can try! Call one of the numbers below.

If you have items to contribute to the Silent Auction to be held during the dinner, please contact Jerry Lucha (650) 424-9660  or John Uebbing (650)494-2450.   All proceeds from the auction go to St. Elizabeth Seton School.

3. This Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection

The St. Thomas Aquinas St. Vincent de Paul conference is greatly in need of funds.  The 2nd Collection this weekend will help replenish the coffers.

Since September, we have established an “austerity program” in which we give food bags and Safeway gift cards, one of each per person. Most of these items have been prepaid so it is not coming out of the current budget. Our St. Thomas Aquinas parish members have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We are urging you now to continue your good work of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

4. The Law of the Gospel

One day, God appeared to a man and said, “Well, you always complain that I have not been very kind to you. Today, I am here to grant you one wish. You can wish whatever you want. However, remember this, whatever I grant you, I will give your neighbor double”. Unfortunately, this man and his neighbor do not get along. They hate each other. Thinking for a few minutes, the man told God: “God, I have my wish. Please make me blind in one eye.”

“An eye for an eye, will make the whole world blind” (Gandhi). Hatred and revenge bring about nothing good, only pain. It even destroys the blessings that people are supposed to have and enjoy.

In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus told us how to deal with grudges. “Love your enemies”. This new approach will make our world a better place. At least, if this approach was applied in the above story, the man and his neighbor will probably have a happy ending.

Fr. Dat Luong, Parochial Vicar

5. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #2

ADA Goal: $125,000 
Pledged: $58,000
Pledges: 95 
Average Pledge: $610 
% of Goal: 46%

My thanks to the 40 pledges received during this 2nd week of our 8 week campaign. We are about 7% behind last year’s pace. 

56 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2013 pledge. 
22 people have increased their 2013 pledge, while 13 pledges were less than 2013. 
4 people have pledged in 2014 that were unable to pledge in 2013. 

There are 6 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and his ministry among us.

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

February 16, 2014: Actual: $11,000 * Goal: $11,000
Church in Central & Eastern Europe: $2,500
Our goal of $11,000 is the amount we need each week in order to meet our many financial responsibilities: insurance & utility bills, janitorial services, payroll, etc. Perhaps you are new to our parish and have not yet begun supporting St. Thomas Aquinas in a manner consistent with the gifts God shares with you. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as  a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.   THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

7. Tuesday, February 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Four Faces of Jesus: Looking at Jesus in the Gospels

Father Jose Rubio will be our speaker.

In compiling and stylizing the material they would use in their Gospels, the four evangelists - Mark, Mathew, Luke and John - present us with four very different portraits of Jesus. These portraits are sometimes intriguing and sometimes perplexing. How can four such different descriptions characterize the same person? Which Gospel best reflects the historical Jesus? Which is the most authentic? As you undoubtedly know, Fr. Rubio is a very knowledgeable and able speaker. He will answer our questions!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.  Refreshments to top it all off!

8. Update On St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation

We appreciate everyone's patience and accomodation during the closure of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. We are happy to report that the church is expected to be open again for Sunday Mass on March 2nd. All Masses will be held again in the main church. 

Just to recap the scope of the renovation, the interior of the church has been painted top to bottom, the floors and pews have been refinished, and new carpet is being installed. All of this was possible with the generous bequest from Mary Baracchi.

9. Human Concerns: Heart and Home Collaborative

The  Heart and Home Collaborative <>  is a new initiative begun by Stanford students to help in addressing the need of homeless women in Palo Alto.

Our parish Human Concerns Committee (HCC) is very interested in supporting this effort, and has been in conversation with the organizing staff.   

The HCC will be getting directly involved on Friday, March 7, when it will be providing meals to the clients that evening.  As their web site indicates "A popular option is to bring both dinner and a light continental breakfast for the following morning! We encourage you to stay and enjoy the meal you have prepared with our residents."

The web site above provides lots of information about volunteering:
• at the shelter
• while remaining in your home
• with supplies 
• food for either breakfast or dinner.

The HCC also arranging for a financial contribution from its annual budget.

We will provide the parish more information about this wonderful initiative as we participate and learn more. If you are interested in participating with us, please contact Paul Chestnut, HCC chair, at

10. Palms for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is just a couple of weeks away (March 5). It’s time to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year. 

Please bring them with you to Mass over the next two weekends and place them in the baskets in the vestibules; these palms will be burned at the end of most Masses on the weekend of March 1-2.

11. No Baptisms During Lent

In keeping with our parish tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism is not celebrated through the 40 days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Baptismal catechesis continues for parents and godparents of those children who will be baptized in the Spring and Summer. Call the Pastoral Center to begin this preparation.

12. eBulletin Query: How did the "Homer House" Enter The Parish?

This question was asked recently, and so we reach out to our eBulletin readership:

How did the "Homer House" (the two-story house next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 424 Homer Avenue) enter our parish's property inventory? Was it the St. Thomas Rectory? Was it owned by a parishioner who bequeathed it to us? Anyone know?  (It is now configured as a duplex, and the parish rents it out). Reply to!

13. Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer for the Parish Archives

The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Archives project is continuing and we need your help. A group of dedicated volunteers began organizing materials from our parish life and history.  Materials from different ministries were collected and organized, with the goal of preserving the documents and making them available for future use or research.

It is exciting to work with our Parish’s “historical” documents and artifacts, and we need more helping hands! Some of our regular volunteers have moved away or returned to other commitments. If you can volunteer for 2-3 hours each week in the coming year, we would love to have your assistance on materials related to:

- parish staff and parishioner photos
- community life and social activities
- historical write ups

Organization and some light computer skills are desired.  But we welcome anyone who wants to help!  If you can help or have questions, contact Mary Beth Lefebvre at or 650-799-6367.

14. Volunteer Opportunity: Leaders Needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word

We need leaders for our Children's Liturgies of the Word - 9:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great, 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary and 10:30 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas. 

During Children’s Liturgy Of the Word (CLOW) at our Sunday morning Masses, children ages 4 and up are sent out from the assembly right after the Opening Prayer to gather in a near-by space so that they may hear and talk about the scripture readings at their level of understanding and pray with the other children gathered. 

We have ministers at St. Albert and OLR who are regularly leading CLOW but we really need more people to help with this ministry. We still need leaders for the 10:30 at St. Thomas Aquinas. Training for this ministry and materials for each week will be provided. Contact Susan Olsen, at 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

15. Save the Dates

* Friday, February 21 - REVS vs. SEMS Basketball 
* Saturday, February 22 - Crab Dinner Dance
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

16. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 

Wanted! All Parish Volunteers

Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium

You’re invited to our Volunteer Roundup! Great Grub! -Great uh, Good Entertainment!

RSVP to 494-2496 or

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin

17. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church

with Fr. Gladstone Stevens S.S.

Doctors of the Catholic Church don’t fix broken bones or cure diseases. The Doctors of the Church are great Saints known for their defense and explanation of the truths of the Catholic Faith. The Church has canonized 33 “Doctors of the Church”, only 4 of which are women. Blessed Pope John Paul II declared St. Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor in 1997, the third woman to be so honored. Generations of Catholics have admired this young Saint, calling her the "Little Flower".  Many found in her short life an inspiration for there own lives. Why was she chosen to be a “Doctor of the Church”?  What is it about her legacy that is uniquely suited for the needs of our time? Discover the answers!

Fr. Gladstone H. Stevens, S.S, was Father Dat’s favorite professor in the seminary.  He is an interesting and knowledgeable speaker. He received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University.  He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2000 and has been with the Society of St. Sulpice since 2002.  For six years he taught Systematic Theology and Philosophy and served as Vice Rector as France Merrick University Chair at Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore Maryland.  He is now assigned as Vice Rector and Associate Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at St. Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park.

18. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!
Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church

 March 13th, March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

7:00-8:00 pm

19. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information

Come to an informational meeting of the California Transplant Donor Network on Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center at 1095 Channing Avenue in Palo Alto.  This program is in memory of Eleanor Kraft's daughter Kami Ladd  who was a tissue donor last year, and is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center.

All are invited.  Information will be provided to help our communities and area to understand the Donor Program and to urge people to give consideration to registering as organ and tissue donors.  Donor Network volunteers will cover the program, answer questions and update us on the relatively new "Donate Life California Registry" searchable donor list.  The Network is also encouraging people to obtain Donate Life vehicle licenses.

Gathering at 6:30 with refreshments; the presentation will go from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

20. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Available to Volunteer?
May the growing ranks of volunteers form for the St. Patrick's Day Event!

The half-century of tradition for the Saturday March 15th St. Patrick's Day Event will live on through your participation. Volunteers always welcome for the range of tasks: ticket sales, food service, event operations, set- up / clean-up. This year's emphasis on young families and seniors provides novel opportunities for service: rides to/from event, children's activities supervision.

No volunteer will be turned away! Be part of the fun!

The rainbow of pride is forming to descend on Saturday, March 15, for the annual St. Patrick's Day event -- one of the sustaining parish traditions of outreach, inclusion, hospitality, entertainment, and fun.  

As usual, the dinner program will be at St. Elizabeth Seton auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave., Palo Alto.  The evening is sure to please:  live Irish ceili music and dancing, sing-along favorites, an occasion for memories with family and friends, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula -- all priced to encourage participation.  This is an ideal night out for young families, seniors, and those Irish at heart!  

Interested to join the ranks to volunteer?  Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.  Slainte!

21. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

See the flyer attached to today's eBulletin.

22. Human Concerns: Combatting Human Trafficking: Posters to Advertise Hotlines 

As part of our parish's awareness program to combat human trafficking, the Human Concerns Committee provide this article from a recent newspaper. 

By Erin Ivie 

MILLBRAE — San Mateo County public and law enforcement officials unveiled a new human trafficking campaign Tuesday to provide a confidential hotline for sex trafficking victims and potential witnesses to the crime.

The campaign, the latest in the Bay Area to comply with new Senate Bill 1193, will require certain businesses to display the number of a toll-free hotline where victims and those who suspect human trafficking can call for help.

A poster, which reads in English, Spanish and Mandarin and connects callers to operators that can speak more than 160 other languages, will provide victims and their witnesses immediate confidential response from crisis counselors . Businesses required to keep the posters prominently displayed include any adult or sexually-oriented business, bars, liquor stores, airports, rail stations, truck and rest stops, bus stations, emergency rooms, urgent care centers, massage parlors, farm labor contractors and any job recruitment center that is privately owned. Authorities will be performing periodic compliance checks on the businesses, who will face fines of $500 to $1,000 if they fail to keep the signs prominently displayed.

“Sex trafficking is modern day slavery — and that’s in San Mateo County,” said District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. “These are not from some stereotype from some other land — this is in our community, and it’s important for us to stop it.” Added Wagstaffe, “If you take away the young woman, the pimp has nothing.”

Human sex trafficking, an estimated $32 billion a year global industry, is the world’s second most profitable criminal enterprise, as prolific as the trafficking of illegal weapons. The United States is one of the top destinations for the nearly 20.9 million people being trafficked worldwide at any given time, accounting for 80 percent of sex trafficking in the world, and California is one of the top four states serving as human trafficking destinations, according to officials.

San Mateo County officials said that the 2011 arrest of three men suspected of trafficking five young women in South San Francisco was made possible because police trained motel clerks in what to look for inside their businesses — a testament to the idea that the hotline will be equally important for the witnesses of sex trafficking. Those men now face felony sex trafficking charges, and their victims are protected under the witness protection program.

The toll-free hotlines are available 24 hours a day, are anonymous and confidential, and are operated by nonprofit organizations. Crisis counselors will provide emotional counseling, service referrals, training and general information about victims’ next steps.

Victims and witnesses can reach the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 or the California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733. 

“Sex trafficking is modern day slavery — and that’s in San Mateo County. These are not from some stereotype from some other land — this is in our community, and it’s important for us to stop it.” 

— District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe 

23. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Join me for a spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid and  Barcelona for 13 days: November 3 - 15, 2014 - $3,459 from SFO. Contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

24. Continuing Saturday, February 22: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

Location This Saturday ONLY: San Antonio Place, 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View. One Day Only: Saturday, February 22: 9 – 11:30 a.m.

25. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities

Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park is offering a morning workshop on March 8, 2014,  9:00 am - 12:00 noon.  Theology of the Body will be presented by Ed Hopfner, the new director of Marriage and Family Life for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Ed will give an overwiew of Pope John Paul II’s teaching on marriage and sexuality.  COST: $10.00/person. To register or to read more about it go online at  Any questions, call Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.

26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

27. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity

Fr. George Aranha, Pastor of St Clare's Parish in Santa Clara, is organizing a 10 days tour of the Holy Land, from September 8th to the 17th, 2014.

We will relive all the familiar stories, events and places we have heard on Sundays (or read for ourselves and reflected in groups) in the proclamation of the Word of God. We will walk in the footsteps of Jesus and cover all the important sites of his life, ministry, miracles, passion, death and Resurrection. At key shrines and churches we will celebrate daily Mass and unite ourselves with the Paschal Mystery. It will be the journey of a lifetime!

If you are interested in joining us on this pilgrimage, please call for a brochure: 408-899-4006 (Fr Aranha) or 408-248-7786 (Nancy Gonsalves). For more information, you may also send an e-mail to:  We understand the deadline for reservations is in May.

28. Readings for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. Seton School Auditorium: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. Thomas House Basement: Fr. Stasys and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
10:30 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:15 p.m., St. Albert:  Fr. Kromholtz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.
2014 Palo Alto Crab Dinner.pdf
Parish Volunteer Roundup 2014 PDF.pdf
Social Justice Day Registration Form 2014.pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 28, 2014, 8:40:26 AM2/28/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 9 - February 28, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway

St. Thomas Aquinas Church Under Renovation Complete!
Masses Resume at St. Thomas This Sunday Morning.

St. Patrick's Day Dinner Tickets On Sale This Weekend

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 
2. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Complete!
3. Lent Is Almost Here – Are You Ready?
4. Palms for Ash Wednesday
5. Almsgiving - Lenten Rice Bowls
6. Tuesday, March 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible
7. Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday
8. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #3
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. March 5- April 13: 40 Days For Life
11. What Our Mass Survey Told Us About Liturgical Music
12. Human Concerns: Heart and Home Collaborative
13. Save the Dates
14. Next Weekend: Rites In Preparation For Easter Sacraments
15. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church
16. Wednesdays In Lent: Mysteries of the Holy Cross
17. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent
18. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information
19. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Available to Volunteer?
20. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
21. St. Albert The Great Parking 
22. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
23. Continuing Saturday, March 1: Free Tax Preparation
24. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Young Adult Circle
27. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity
28. Readings for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyers for upcoming events! Sheriff Matt at Revs. Vs. Sems basketball game!


1. Saturday, March 1: Parish Volunteer Roundup! 

Wanted! All Parish Volunteers

Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.     St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium

You’re invited to our Volunteer Roundup! Great Grub! -Great uh, Good Entertainment!

RSVP to 494-2496 or

See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin

2. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Renovation Complete!

The interior renovation of St. Thomas Aquinas Church is complete, thanks to the generous bequest from Mary Baracchi. Our regular Mass schedule will resume there this coming Sunday morning, March 2.

3. Lent Is Almost Here – Are You Ready?
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and ends at sunset on Holy Thursday evening. All of Lent flows from and back to our Sunday Eucharist. In the Sunday assembly we enter into the intercession and the prayer for mercy that is intense during Lent. This heartfelt cry for God’s mercy is ever linked to praising and thanking God for the Passover mystery into which we have been baptized and of which we partake as Holy Communion.
Ash Wednesday, March 5 is the day when the entire Church admits that, in some sense, none of us belongs here. By wearing the ashes on our forehead we acknowledge our sinfulness. If belonging to the Church depended on good behavior, who could last beyond infancy? But the ashes are in the shape of a cross, showing that our sinfulness is not the end of the story. We belong in the Church because of the goodness of Jesus Christ who sees us as the most lovable beings in all creation. No sin of ours can defeat his love; his sacrifice upon the cross has conquered sin and destroyed death forever. Let us joyfully welcome Lent. Let us rejoice in a Church that accepts a sinner like me.

4. Palms for Ash Wednesday

Last chance to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year.  Please bring them with you to Mass this weekends and place them in the baskets in the vestibules; these palms will be burned at the end of most Masses this weekend.

5. Almsgiving - Lenten Rice Bowls

Operation Rice Bowl is a simple way to experience Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving and provide great assistance to many people in need through the work of Catholic Relief Services.  75% of the contributions to Operation Rice Bowl support development projects overseas and Lenten education activities in the United States.  

Simplify, cut back or skip a meal entirely (or that morning coffee at Philz or Starbucks) daily or even once or twice a week and place the money you would have spent into the rice bowl. Bring your rice bowl to Mass on Palm Sunday. Operation Rice Bowl is a simple way to experience Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving and provide great assistance to many people in need. 

Take one of the rice bowls available in the vestibule and at the doors of the church.  Place it in a conspicuous location in your home or at work where it will remind you of your commitment to pray and give alms for your brothers and sisters around the world in need. Bring your rice bowl to Mass on Palm Sunday.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center.

6. Tuesday, March 4: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible
A series presented by Fr. Matt.

A Quick Journey through the Bible is a video introduction to the Bible Timeline learning system. This study is designed to give the student a brief overview of salvation history, from Genesis through the resurrection of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. Our first session was an introduction to the program and we covered Genesis, chapters 1-11.

SEE how the major people, places, events, and themes of the Bible fit together. 
DISCOVER the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church. 
LEARN the 12 major time periods of salvation history and the story told in the 14 narrative books of the Bible.

This program explains the overarching story of the Bible, making it more approachable and more easily understood. Please join us!

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments follow for those who pay attention.

7. Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, March 5,  is the day when the entire Church admits that, in some sense, none of us belongs here. By wearing the ashes on our forehead we acknowledge our sinfulness. Let us joyfully welcome Lent. Let us rejoice in a Church that accepts a sinner like me.

The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, which includes the blessing and distribution of ashes, will be celebrated at the following times: 

7:15 AM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Dat)
8:30 AM - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Fr. Peter)
9 AM St. Albert the Great Church (Seton School Mass - all are welcome) Fr. Stasys   Music: Seton Choir
12:15 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel) Music: Paul Prochaska
6 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Lavagetto)
7 PM - St. Albert the Great Church (Fr. Randy) Music: Chris Lundin
7:30 PM (Spanish) at Our Lady of the Rosary Church   (Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime)
8 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church  (Gregorian)

 Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, and there is no upper age limit. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are also days of fast. This law binds those who are 18 to 59 years of age. 

8. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #3

ADA Goal: $125,000
Pledged: $71,615  (57% of our goal)
Pledges: 126
Average Pledge: $568

My thanks to the 31 pledges received during this 3rd week of our 8 week campaign. We are over half-way toward our goal. 

72 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2013 pledge. 
36 have increased their 2013 pledge, while 12 pledges were less than 2013. 
6 people have pledged in 2014 that were unable to pledge in 2013. 

We still have over 200 families who pledged last year, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift to this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. There are 5 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. 

Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!  

9. Weekly Stewardship Report

February 23 Actual: $11,250  (Goal $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $6,000
Our goal of $11,000 is the amount we need each week in order to meet our many financial responsibilities: insurance & utility bills, janitorial services, payroll, etc. Perhaps you are new to our parish and have not yet begun supporting St. Thomas Aquinas in a manner consistent with the gifts God shares with you. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as  a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.   THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

10. March 5- April 13: 40 Days For Life

No violation of social justice claims more lives each year than abortion: over 1 million in the United States alone, 65 million worldwide. If that bothers you, and you'd like to do something uniquely Christian about it, then take part in the next local campaign of 40 Days for Life, which starts on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and continues until Palm Sunday, April 13.

What could you do? You could come to the opening procession and candlelight vigil at St. Leo's, 88 Race Street, San Jose, at 7:00 PM on March 5. You could come meet Bishop McGrath when he celebrates a Mass for Life on the evening of March 13. You could pray and fast on your own following the suggestions at . You could even sign up to spend an hour or two in quiet prayer outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on the Alameda in San Jose; sign up at . 

The local 40 Days for Life campaign is fully endorsed by our bishops.

Questions? Call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

11. What Our Mass Survey Told Us About Liturgical Music

Our survey results from Masses in January on the topic of music provided us much food for thought. Most Mass attendees were satisfied with the music at their particular Mass, and found it engaging and uplifting. The 7:30 a.m. Mass community very much values the quiet reverence of the recorded music utilized at their Mass, and the attendees at the Gregorian Mass cherish the Gregorian chants and Latin language at their Mass. 

Comments from the 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Alberts indicate the difficulty of alternating two music ministers on a weekly basis, because of the varying repertoires, tempos and musical styles. 

As follow-up, the direct feedback about music selection, tempo, range and general impressions have been forwarded to our two music ministers for their reflection and adjustment. We will check back specifically with the 5:00 p.m. Mass community in May 2014 to determine if the situation is improved.

12. Human Concerns: Heart and Home Collaborative

The  Heart and Home Collaborative <>  is a new initiative begun by Stanford students to help in addressing the need of homeless women in Palo Alto. Our parish Human Concerns Committee (HCC) is very interested in supporting this effort, and has been in conversation with the organizing staff.   

The HCC will be getting directly involved on Friday, March 7, when it will be providing meals to the clients that evening.  As their web site indicates "A popular option is to bring both dinner and a light continental breakfast for the following morning! We encourage you to stay and enjoy the meal you have prepared with our residents."

The HCC also arranging for a financial contribution from its annual budget.

We will provide the parish more information about this wonderful initiative as we participate and learn more. If you are interested in participating with us, please contact Paul Chestnut, HCC chair, at
* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* March 5: Ash Wednesday
* Wednesday, March 12: Mysteries of the Holy Cross

* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

14. Next Weekend: Rites In Preparation For Easter Sacraments

Next Sunday at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary we will celebrate with those adults and children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, the Rite of Sending to Election in anticipation of their celebration of the Rite of Election with Bishop McGrath St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica.

15. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church

with Fr. Gladstone Stevens S.S.

Doctors of the Catholic Church don’t fix broken bones or cure diseases. The Doctors of the Church are great Saints known for their defense and explanation of the truths of the Catholic Faith. The Church has canonized 33 “Doctors of the Church”, only 4 of which are women. Blessed Pope John Paul II declared St. Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor in 1997, the third woman to be so honored. Generations of Catholics have admired this young Saint, calling her the "Little Flower".  Many found in her short life an inspiration for there own lives. Why was she chosen to be a “Doctor of the Church”?  What is it about her legacy that is uniquely suited for the needs of our time? Discover the answers!

Fr. Gladstone H. Stevens, S.S, was Father Dat’s favorite professor in the seminary.  He is an interesting and knowledgeable speaker. He received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University.  He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2000 and has been with the Society of St. Sulpice since 2002.  For six years he taught Systematic Theology and Philosophy and served as Vice Rector as France Merrick University Chair at Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore Maryland.  He is now assigned as Vice Rector and Associate Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at St. Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park.

16. Wednesdays In Lent: Mysteries of the Holy Cross

The Cross is a sign not only of sacrificial-love but also of victorious-life. Father Anthony Hernandez will lead a Lenten series of reflections and prayer on the symbolism of the Cross, Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19 and 26, from 7:15-8:30pm, at Saint Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto. 

We will especially focus on the meditations of the ancient Church Fathers upon the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice and victory upon the Cross. On the final evening, a relic of the true Cross of Christ will be brought for veneration. Fr. Anthony is pastor of St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish in Los Gatos/Palo Alto. For more information call Father Anthony at (408) 871-0919 or visit their parish website at

17. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

March 13th, March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

18. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information

Come to an informational meeting of the California Transplant Donor Network on Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center at 1095 Channing Avenue in Palo Alto.  This program is in memory of Eleanor Kraft's daughter Kami Ladd  who was a tissue donor last year, and is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center.

All are invited.  Information will be provided to help our communities and area to understand the Donor Program and to urge people to give consideration to registering as organ and tissue donors.  Donor Network volunteers will cover the program, answer questions and update us on the relatively new "Donate Life California Registry" searchable donor list.  The Network is also encouraging people to obtain Donate Life vehicle licenses.

Gathering at 6:30 with refreshments; the presentation will go from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

19. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Tickets On Sale!
Value-seekers get ready for an evening of fun, food, and hospitality!  Tickets go on sale this weekend for the annual St. Patrick's Day dinner program at Seton School auditorium, priced to encourage your participation: $15 - adults, $5 children 12 and under.  Your ticket provides a night's entertainment, song, food, and fellowship for a safe and inexpensive evening out.   

Enjoy live Irish music, dance, and song and the best corned beef dinner on the Peninsula.  Values are also represented in the spirit of parish life, ensuring memories of tradition for extended families from children to grandparents.  Volunteers always welcome.  Contact Joe Kinsella 650-364-3705.

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin.

20. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

See the flyer attached to today's eBulletin.

21. St. Albert The Great Parking 

For the parish's information, the Conditions of Approval for the creation of the pre-Kindergaarten Fr. John Hester Early Learning Center at St. Elizabeth Seton School provide that the gates to the rear parking lot (onto the school grounds) have to be opened during all church and school events.  The parish is going to make sure that happens.

For those attending Mass and other events at St. Albert the Great Church, we would appreciate as many as possible parking on the church/school premises themselves, rather than in the neighborhood.  We want to be the best neighbors we can be.  Hopefully now that Masses are returning to St. Thomas Aquinas Church some of the issue will be alleviated, but your consideration is requested.

22. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Join me for a spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid and  Barcelona for 13 days: November 3 - 15, 2014 - $3,459 from SFO. Contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

23. Continuing Saturday, March 1: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

24. Vallombrosa Center: Workshop Opportunities

Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park is offering a morning workshop on March 8, 2014,  9:00 am - 12:00 noon.  Theology of the Body will be presented by Ed Hopfner, the new director of Marriage and Family Life for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Ed will give an overwiew of Pope John Paul II’s teaching on marriage and sexuality.  COST: $10.00/person. To register or to read more about it go online at  Any questions, call Rachel Alvelais at 650-325-5614.

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
26. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Lenten Scripture Series: Want to connect with others through  Bible study and faith filled discussions? Following Ash Wednesday, Young Adult Circle (20s and 30s, single or married) will be starting a Lenten Scripture series.  Join us as we prepare for Easter by setting aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ.  The study will journey through the readings that we'll be hearing during Easter Vigil mass. We will meet weekly during Lent. If you'd like to join, contact Emily at

Goretti Group: The Goretti Group is a Young Adult Catholic group promoting values of chastity and purity that will be having a monthly talk, dinner & mass in the area.  Here is a link for more information.

27. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity

Fr. George Aranha, Pastor of St Clare's Parish in Santa Clara, is organizing a 10 day tour of the Holy Land, from September 8th to the 17th, 2014.

We will relive all the familiar stories, events and places we have heard on Sundays (or read for ourselves and reflected in groups) in the proclamation of the Word of God. We will walk in the footsteps of Jesus and cover all the important sites of his life, ministry, miracles, passion, death and Resurrection. At key shrines and churches we will celebrate daily Mass and unite ourselves with the Paschal Mystery. It will be the journey of a lifetime!

If you are interested in joining us on this pilgrimage, please call for a brochure: 408-899-4006 (Fr Aranha) or 408-248-7786 (Nancy Gonsalves). For more information, you may also send an e-mail to:  We understand the deadline for reservations is in May.

28. Readings for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sanderseld

9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 381 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 382? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.


Parish Volunteer Roundup 2014 PDF.pdf
STA's St Pat's Event Bulletin 2014 020314.pdf
Social Justice Day Registration Form 2014.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 4, 2014, 9:00:39 AM3/4/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 9.1 - March 4, 2014

Ash Wednesday Tomorrow

Table of Contents

1. Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday
2. Lifting of Liturgical Adaptations Adopted During Flu/Cold Season


1. Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, March 5,  is the day when the entire Church admits that, in some sense, none of us belongs here. By wearing the ashes on our forehead we acknowledge our sinfulness. Let us joyfully welcome Lent. Let us rejoice in a Church that accepts sinners like us.

The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, which includes the blessing and distribution of ashes, will be celebrated at the following times: 

7:15 AM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Dat)
8:30 AM - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Fr. Peter)
9:00 AM St. Albert the Great Church (Seton School Mass - all are welcome) Fr. Stasys   Music: Seton Choir
12:15 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel) Music: Paul Prochaska
6:00 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Fr. Lavagetto)
7:00 PM - St. Albert the Great Church (Fr. Randy) Music: Chris Lundin
7:30 PM (Spanish) at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime)
8 PM - St. Thomas Aquinas Church  (Gregorian)

 Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, and there is no upper age limit. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are also days of fast. This law binds those who are 18 to 59 years of age. 

2. Lifting of Liturgical Adaptations Adopted During Flu/Cold Season

From Bishop McGrath and Fr. Matt:

The Santa Clara County Department of Public Health has advised us that the flu/cold/virus activity is greatly reduced.  Accordingly, I am pleased to be able to lift the temporary liturgical restrictions that I requested you implement in my communication to you on January 15, 2014.  Parishes and all other places in which the Eucharist is celebrated may return to normal practices as of Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2014.   

Chris Lundin

Mar 7, 2014, 8:17:04 AM3/7/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 10 - March 7, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway
St. Patrick's Day Dinner Tickets On Sale This Weekend
Daylight Saving Time Begins 2:00 a.m. Sunday Morning

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: "Spring Forward" For Daylight Saving Time
2. This Sunday: Rites of Sending To Election
3. Almsgiving - Lenten Rice Bowls
4. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church
5. Beginning Wednesday, March 12: Mysteries of the Holy Cross
6. Wednesday, March 12: Pastoral Stewardship Council Meeting
7. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent
8. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information
9. What's Happening During Lent?
10. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #4
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Thank You To All Our Parish Volunteers!
13. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Tickets On Sale!
14. Green Corner: Sustainable Seafood
15. Tuesday, March 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Life is Worth Living” 
16. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace
17. Save the Dates
18. March 5- April 13: 40 Days For Life
19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
20. Continuing Saturday, March 8: Free Tax Preparation
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity
27. Readings for the First Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Social Justice Day flyer, Sustainable Seafood guide


1. This Weekend: "Spring Forward" For Daylight Saving Time

Don’t forget to “spring forward” your clock this Saturday night, March 8 or you might be late for Mass on March 9!

2. This Sunday: Rites of Sending To Election

This Sunday at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary we will celebrate with those adults and children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, the Rite of Sending to Election in anticipation of their celebration of the Rite of Election with Bishop McGrath St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica.

On the First Sunday of Lent, our Catechumens will take the next step on their spiritual journey with the Rite of Sending to Election. Having continued their preparation to receive the sacraments, God now calls them to become “the elect,” those chosen by the Church to be initiated at the Easter Vigil. Their godparents/sponsors stand as witnesses to the progress they have made on their journey, and they inscribe their names in The Book of the Elect. Finally, they are sent by the parish community to the Bishop who listens again to the testimony of their sponsors and then states, “I now declare you to be members of the elect, to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil.” Thus begins the final phase of their journey towards initiation.

The Elect will come before the community three more times during Lent for rites called “Scrutinies.” These rites “should complete the conversion of the elect and deepen their resolve to hold fast to Christ and to carry out their decision to love God above all.” (RCIA 141). We are more than witnesses, praying for those to be initiated. It is our own ongoing conversion we should experience as we enter into these rites.

As we witness the journey of our Catechumens throughout Lent and offer our prayers for their deepening relationship with Christ, let us journey with them, asking God to renew and enliven our faith.

3. Almsgiving - Lenten Rice Bowls

Operation Rice Bowl is a simple way to experience Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving and provide great assistance to many people in need through the work of Catholic Relief Services.  75% of the contributions to Operation Rice Bowl support development projects overseas and Lenten education activities in the United States.  

Simplify, cut back or skip a meal entirely (or that morning coffee at Philz or Starbucks) daily or even once or twice a week and place the money you would have spent into the rice bowl. Bring your rice bowl to Mass on Palm Sunday. Operation Rice Bowl is a simple way to experience Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving and provide great assistance to many people in need. 

Take one of the rice bowls available in the vestibule and at the doors of the church.  Place it in a conspicuous location in your home or at work where it will remind you of your commitment to pray and give alms for your brothers and sisters around the world in need. Bring your rice bowl to Mass on Palm Sunday.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center.

NEW: Download the Rice Bowl application at for iPhones or Android mobile devices! Features include:

• Prayerful reflection for each day of Lent
• Customizable tool to set Lenten sacrifice goal and track progress towards its achievement
• Meatless recipes for Fridays during Lent
• Stories and videos of people who benefit from prayers and almsgiving to CRS Rice Bowl

4. Tuesday, March 11: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Lisieux; Doctor of the Church

with Fr. Gladstone Stevens S.S.

Doctors of the Catholic Church don’t fix broken bones or cure diseases. The Doctors of the Church are great Saints known for their defense and explanation of the truths of the Catholic Faith. The Church has canonized 33 “Doctors of the Church”, only 4 of which are women. Blessed Pope John Paul II declared St. Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor in 1997, the third woman to be so honored. Generations of Catholics have admired this young Saint, calling her the "Little Flower".  Many found in her short life an inspiration for there own lives. Why was she chosen to be a “Doctor of the Church”?  What is it about her legacy that is uniquely suited for the needs of our time? Discover the answers!

Fr. Gladstone H. Stevens, S.S, was Father Dat’s favorite professor in the seminary.  He is an interesting and knowledgeable speaker. He received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University.  He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2000 and has been with the Society of St. Sulpice since 2002.  For six years he taught Systematic Theology and Philosophy and served as Vice Rector as France Merrick University Chair at Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore Maryland.  He is now assigned as Vice Rector and Associate Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at St. Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park.

5. Beginning Wednesday, March 12: Mysteries of the Holy Cross

The Cross is a sign not only of sacrificial-love but also of victorious-life. Father Anthony Hernandez will lead a Lenten series of reflections and prayer on the symbolism of the Cross, Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19 and 26, from 7:15-8:30pm, at Saint Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto. 

We will especially focus on the meditations of the ancient Church Fathers upon the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice and victory upon the Cross. On the final evening, a relic of the true Cross of Christ will be brought for veneration. Fr. Anthony is pastor of St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish in Los Gatos/Palo Alto. For more information call Father Anthony at (408) 871-0919 or visit their parish website at

6. Wednesday, March 12: Pastoral Stewardship Council Meeting

Our Pastoral Stewardship Council will meet Wednesday night, March 12, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the OLR Hall. 

Any interested parishioners are invited to attend.

7. Beginning Thursday, March 13: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

March 13th, March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

8. Thursday, March 13: Transplant Donor Network Information

Come to an informational meeting of the California Transplant Donor Network on Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center at 1095 Channing Avenue in Palo Alto.  This program is in memory of Eleanor Kraft's daughter Kami Ladd  who was a tissue donor last year, and is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center.

All are invited.  Information will be provided to help our communities and area to understand the Donor Program and to urge people to give consideration to registering as organ and tissue donors.  Donor Network volunteers will cover the program, answer questions and update us on the relatively new "Donate Life California Registry" searchable donor list.  The Network is also encouraging people to obtain Donate Life vehicle licenses.

Gathering at 6:30 with refreshments; the presentation will go from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

9. What's Happening During Lent?

• March 12 - Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church from 7pm to 8pm

• March 12 – S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6pm

• March 12 - Byzantine Divine Office & Reflections on the Gospel Passion at St. Albert the Great from 7:15pm – 8:30pm

• March 13 – TAIZÉ Prayer at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 7pm

• March 14 – Stations of the Cross after the 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary & after the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas

• March 16 – Bishop Thomas Daly celebrates the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church

10. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #4

ADA Goal: $125,000 
Pledged: $82,000
Pledges: 158 
Average Pledge: $523 
% of Goal: 66%

My thanks for the 32 pledges received during this 4th week of our 8 week campaign. 

86 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2013 pledge. 
42 people have increased their 2013 pledge, while 17 pledges were less than 2013. 
11 people have pledged in 2014 that were unable to pledge in 2013. 

We still have nearly 200 families who pledged last year, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. There are 4 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

11. Weekly Stewardship Report

March 9 Actual: $12,750  (Goal $11,000)
Our goal of $11,000 is the amount we need each week in order to meet our many financial responsibilities: insurance & utility bills, janitorial services, payroll, etc. Perhaps you are new to our parish and have not yet begun supporting St. Thomas Aquinas in a manner consistent with the gifts God shares with you. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as  a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.   THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

12. Thank You To All Our Parish Volunteers!

The parish staff expresses its heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who were able to come to our Annual Appreciation celebration last Saturday in Seton Auditorium. We know there were many other volunteers who were unable to attend the event, but we thank all of you as well. We hope everyone enjoyed the food, entertainment, decorations, and our first-ever chili cook-off. Congratulations to Cathy Miller for her winning vegetarian chili!

13. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! Tickets On Sale!
Value-seekers get ready for an evening of fun, food, and hospitality!  Tickets go on sale this weekend for the annual St. Patrick's Day dinner program at Seton School auditorium, priced to encourage your participation: $15 - adults, $5 children 12 and under.  Your ticket provides a night's entertainment, song, food, and fellowship for a safe and inexpensive evening out.   

Enjoy live Irish music, dance, and song and the best corned beef dinner on the Peninsula.  Values are also represented in the spirit of parish life, ensuring memories of tradition for extended families from children to grandparents.  Volunteers always welcome.  Contact Joe Kinsella 650-364-3705.

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin.

14. Green Corner: Sustainable Seafood

Worldwide, the demand for seafood is increasing; yet many of the fish we enjoy are in trouble due to overfishing or destructive fishing and farming practices. Purchase fish caught or farmed using environmentally responsible practices to support healthy abundant oceans. 

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch pocket guides will be handed out or available in the vestibule after the March 8 and 9 Masses. (and it is attached to today's eBulletin)

15. Tuesday, March 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Life is Worth Living” 

from the wisdom of Archbishop Fulton J Sheen with our host, Father Peter Seimas

How many of you remember Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen? He was, arguably, the first televangelist and actually won an Emmy for his hit TV show. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen touched the lives of millions worldwide with his warmth, wisdom and humor. A master communicator, he had the great gift of preaching and teaching the Gospel in a way easy to understand.  Join Fr. Peter and view excerpts from DVDs staring Bishop Fulton J Sheen as he speaks about our pilgrimage of Faith, Hope and Love, and how it leads to a harmony with the Lord. God is watching, loving, and caring for all of us, but we should never take for granted the hand of judgment. Already designated as “Venerable”, Archbishop Sheen is on track to officially join the Saints. Come and learn about this remarkable man!

16. Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

 Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

See the flyer attached to today's eBulletin.

17. Save the Dates

* Saturday, March 1 - Volunteer Social
* March 5: Ash Wednesday
* Wednesday, March 12: Mysteries of the Holy Cross
* Saturday, March 15 - St. Patrick's Day Party
* Saturday, March 22 - All Liturgical Minister Day of Reflection: Social Justice Day

18. March 5- April 13: 40 Days For Life

No violation of social justice claims more lives each year than abortion: over 1 million in the United States alone, 65 million worldwide. If that bothers you, and you'd like to do something uniquely Christian about it, then take part in the next local campaign of 40 Days for Life, which starts on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and continues until Palm Sunday, April 13.

What could you do? You could come to the opening procession and candlelight vigil at St. Leo's, 88 Race Street, San Jose, at 7:00 PM on March 5. You could come meet Bishop McGrath when he celebrates a Mass for Life on the evening of March 13. You could pray and fast on your own following the suggestions at . You could even sign up to spend an hour or two in quiet prayer outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on the Alameda in San Jose; sign up at . 

The local 40 Days for Life campaign is fully endorsed by our bishops.

Questions? Call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Join me for a spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid and  Barcelona for 13 days: November 3 - 15, 2014 - $3,459 from SFO. Contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

20. Continuing Saturday, March 8: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity

Fr. George Aranha, Pastor of St Clare's Parish in Santa Clara, is organizing a 10 day tour of the Holy Land, from September 8th to the 17th, 2014.

We will relive all the familiar stories, events and places we have heard on Sundays (or read for ourselves and reflected in groups) in the proclamation of the Word of God. We will walk in the footsteps of Jesus and cover all the important sites of his life, ministry, miracles, passion, death and Resurrection. At key shrines and churches we will celebrate daily Mass and unite ourselves with the Paschal Mystery. It will be the journey of a lifetime!

If you are interested in joining us on this pilgrimage, please call for a brochure: 408-899-4006 (Fr Aranha) or 408-248-7786 (Nancy Gonsalves). For more information, you may also send an e-mail to:  We understand the deadline for reservations is in May.

27. Readings for the First Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.j.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Randy (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 385 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 386? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.


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Upcoming Social Justice Day

Social Justice Day Registration Form 2014.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 14, 2014, 8:11:47 AM3/14/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 11 - March 14, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway (3 Weeks Remaining)

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! (SOLD OUT)
2. This Sunday: Bishop Thomas Daly at Our Lady of the Rosary
3. Tuesday, March 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Life is Worth Living” 
4. Continuing Wednesday, March 19: Mysteries of the Holy Cross
5. Continuing Thursday, March 20: Taizé Prayer During Lent
6. Social Justice: Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice  (REGISTER BY MONDAY)
7. Saturday: March 22: Saint Joseph Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage
8. What's Happening During Lent?
9. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #5
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. The Rite of Scrutiny
12. Lent And Our Parish Youth
13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent
14. Social Justice: Heart And Home Collaborative Update
15. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass
16. eBulletin Subscriptions Near 400!
17. Green Corner: New "Zero Waste" Posters
18. Tuesday, March 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Seven Sorrows of Mary 
19. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
20. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
21. Continuing Saturday, March 15: Free Tax Preparation
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity
24. Readings for the Second Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Social Justice Day flyer, Rosary Rally flyer


1. Saturday, March 15: Everybody's Irish On St. Patrick's Day! (SOLD OUT)
Just a reminder to those who have tickets: the big celebration is Saturday night.  The event is sold out (yay!) See you in your best green!

2. This Sunday: Bishop Thomas Daly at Our Lady of the Rosary

Bishop Thomas Daly will be presiding at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church this Sunday. Bishop Daly has been visiting all the parishes in the Diocese (and all the churches) and will be able to worship with us this weekend. We look forward to his visit.  You can read more about Bishop Daly at

3. Tuesday, March 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Life is Worth Living” 

from the wisdom of Archbishop Fulton J Sheen with our host, Father Peter Seimas

How many of you remember Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen? He was, arguably, the first televangelist and actually won an Emmy for his hit TV show. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen touched the lives of millions worldwide with his warmth, wisdom and humor. A master communicator, he had the great gift of preaching and teaching the Gospel in a way easy to understand.  Join Fr. Peter and view excerpts from DVDs staring Bishop Fulton J Sheen as he speaks about our pilgrimage of Faith, Hope and Love, and how it leads to a harmony with the Lord. God is watching, loving, and caring for all of us, but we should never take for granted the hand of judgment. Already designated as “Venerable”, Archbishop Sheen is on track to officially join the Saints. Come and learn about this remarkable man!

(Couldn't help but share this quote: "“Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.” ― Fulton J. Sheen")

4. Continuing Wednesday, March 19: Mysteries of the Holy Cross

The Cross is a sign not only of sacrificial-love but also of victorious-life. Father Anthony Hernandez will lead a Lenten series of reflections and prayer on the symbolism of the Cross, Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19 and 26, from 7:15-8:30pm, at Saint Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto. 

We will especially focus on the meditations of the ancient Church Fathers upon the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice and victory upon the Cross. On the final evening, a relic of the true Cross of Christ will be brought for veneration. Fr. Anthony is pastor of St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish in Los Gatos/Palo Alto. For more information call Father Anthony at (408) 871-0919 or visit their parish website at

5. Continuing Thursday, March 20: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

Remaining: March 20th, March 27th and April 3rd

6. Social Justice: Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace (REGISTER BY MONDAY)

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J.

Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There will be many workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.

Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

Registration is $15 and includes lunch. If you get your registration in by Monday, March 17, the price is still $15, but $20 at the door. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church, the Pastoral Center or on-line at For more information contact Susan Olsen at or 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

Please register by Monday, March 17.
Print the attached PDF and bring it to church this weekend. 
Print a flyer from the parish web site.
Pick up a flyer in the vestibule and fill it out and leave it. Drop it by the Pastoral Center.  
We have attendees from all of the Diocese, and will be purchasing food this coming week. 
We need to finalize attendance.

All Liturgical Ministers are encouraged to attend as this Social Justice Day is serving as our spring Liturgical Ministers Day of Reflection. The parish will pay the registration fee for Liturgical Ministers: just note that on the form.

Hope to see you there!

7. Saturday: March 22: Saint Joseph Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage

Please join us in our 2nd annual Rosary Rally for the defense of marriage as defined in the Gospels as the union of one man and one woman this coming Saturday, March 22nd at 1:00 PM at Lytton Plaza right after Noon Mass at Saint Thomas Aquinas Church.  For more information please contact Rosa Lawley: PH: (650) 521-6350 or via email:

8. What's Happening During Lent?

• March 19 - S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m

• March 19 - Confessions at St. St. Albert The Great Church from 7pm to 8pm

• March 19 - Byzantine Divine Office & Reflections on the Gospel Passion at St. Albert the Great from 7:15pm – 8:30pm

• March 20 – TAIZÉ Prayer at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 7pm

• March 21 – Stations of the Cross after the 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary & after the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas

• March 22 – Day of Reflection on Social Justice: St. Albert the Great site: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

• March 22 – Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage - Lytton Plaza (downtown Palo Alto): 1:00 p.m.

• All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law; there is no upper age limit.

9. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #5

ADA Goal: $125,000 
Pledged: $89,000 
Pledges: 177 
Average Pledge: $500 
% of Goal: 71%

My thanks for the 19 pledges received during this 5th week of our 8 week campaign. 

95 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2013 pledge. 
47 people have increased their 2013 pledge, while 20 pledges were less than 2013. 

We still have nearly 180 families who pledged last year, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. There are only 3 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. We need 72 more gifts or pledges of $500 to meet our goal. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of February. Our average weekly collection for the 7th month of this new fiscal year was $12,174 ($10,597 in 2013). This marks the 6th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 12% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. When we reach our weekly goal,we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations.

March 9, Actual : $12,500 (Goal $11, 000) 
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,750
Ash Wednesday: $4,250

11. The Rite of Scrutiny

For those seeking Baptism as part of the Right of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), three Rites of Scrutiny are being celebrated during Lent. 

These occur on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent, and will occur at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (March 23, 30 and April 6).

A scrutiny consists of The Word, the homily, intercessions, and prayers during Mass; to inspire in The Elect (our former Catechumens) a desire for purification and redemption by Christ.

The Scrutiny’s are rites for self-searching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose, to uncover and heal all that is weak in the hearts of The Elect. The Scrutiny’s are also intended to bring out all that is upright, strong, and good, and to give them strength in Christ.

The Scrutiny’s help to continue and enhance the conversations of The Elect; deepen their resolve to hold fast to the example of Jesus and The Gospel, and to carry out their decision to love God above all. Hence, they must have the intention of achieving an intimate knowledge of Christ and the Catholic Church.

As a community of the Faithful, we encourage and support our Elect in their process of self-knowledge and faith formation, as they seriously examine their lives with true repentance. In walking with them during this Lenten period of purification and enlightenment, we too have the opportunity to scrutinize our own lives.

In examining our own conscience, we hope and pray to be delivered from sin and be saved from its present and future consequences. Towards that goal, we, as the already baptized, join with The Elect in these communal rites of reconciliation where we experience and celebrate repentance together, while filling our souls with Christ the Redeemer.

12. Lent And Our Parish Youth

In this season of Lent, our youth are working diligently to prepare for Easter. Our ministry has given each youth Lenten Companions written specifically for them by Life Teen International. We have also challenged the teens to utilize social media to evangelize throughout this season. Our EDGE-ers (middle school youth) are studying the Creed and how it applies to our everyday lives. This week we are looking at the Church's teaching on Mary, the mother of God. At Life Teen we are continuing our study on the teaching of Blessed John Paul II on Theology of the Body. We also hosted a retreat on evangelization, February 21-23 for 56 high schoolers. A special thank you to all our core team members, our parish priests, and Chris and Nora Lundin for their continued support of our youth.

Alley Torres, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry

13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent

The call to conversion and reconciliation is central to Lent. It is the Church's desire that all Catholics celebrate this sacrament prior to our entry into the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday:
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM at St. Albert the Great

We are also offering the Sacrament on Wednesday evenings during Lent at our churches on a rotating basis. Remaining:
Wednesday, March 19: St. Albert the Great Church 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26: Our Lady of the Rosary Church 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

We will have three Lenten Penance Liturgies:

Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Monday, April 14 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (bilingual); 
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM at St. Albert the Great Church.
14. Social Justice: Heart And Home Collaborative Update

On Friday, March 7, members of our parish Human Concerns Committee provided dinner to the Heart and Home Cooperative. The Cooperative is similar to Hotel de Zinc except that it is solely for homeless women.  It was created by Stanford students and this is its first year of operation. You can read more about it at

Here's an update we received from the coordinator there about our visit:

On Friday we served dinner to 9 women and to 8 women on Saturday.   In addition there was enough food left that 4 of the women made sandwiches to take with them for their Sunday lunch.  This was a great meal, particularly being able to offer them both chicken and ham - what a feast!   We frequently receive leftover food from one or more of the Stanford dining halls. While we are grateful for this, their leftovers often does not contain meat.  Protein is one of the things that is often missing from their diets so the meal that the members of St. Thomas provided really helped fill a gap.

The women participating in the shelter are similar in some ways, but also quite varied.  All of the women seem to be 50 years of age and older, although perhaps some are in their late 40s.  Some of the women have jobs.  The two in particular with whom I have had conversations are clerks, one in a retail store the other in a store that sells used/discounted items of all sorts. One of our guests is from the former Czechoslovakia. She had left former Czecholovakia during the brief period of the Prague Spring in the 1960s and was out of the country when the Soviet Union invaded.  She did not, and perhaps could not, return.

15. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass

Our parish will be providing food for Hotel de Zink, the homeless shelter, during the first two weeks of April. The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd. Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up to bring food after the Masses during the month of March. 

If you miss her after Mass, please call her at 650-856-6350.

Ruth also found a fascinating history of Hotel de Zink at

16. eBulletin Subscriptions Near 400!

As of today we have 391 subscribers to our weekly eBulletin.  Almost to 400!  Before Mass, as you greet parishioners in your pew and welcome them to worship, just whisper "Got eBulletin?" and let them know of this resource.  Just have them send an email request to and we'll subscribe them.

17. Green Corner: New "Zero Waste" Posters

Thanks to the creativity and generosity of the Englhardt family we now have a new set of posters in the OLR Hall to show our parishioners how to separate their trash. Our parish has adopted a "Zero Waste" policy since 2010 and we strive to use only reusable, recyclable or compostable products for all our social gatherings. To compliment those efforts, we need everyone's help in disposing their trash in the appropriate receptacles. Kudos to the Englhardt family for their wonderful contributions!

The Green Committee has also secured additional posters for our other parish worship sites and will be working to distribute those soon.

18. Tuesday, March 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Seven Sorrows of Mary 

with our speaker Deacon Dominick Peloso

The purpose of the Devotion of the Seven Sorrows is to promote union with the sufferings of Christ through union with the special suffering that Our Lady endured because she was the Mother of God. By uniting ourselves with both the Passion of Christ and His holy Mother, we enter into Jesus' Heart and honor Him.

This special evening will be dedicated to the way that the Blessed Virgin Mary responded to Christ's call that "she take up her cross and follow Him." She is a great example of how we should live our lives. The Seven Sorrows are taken from Scripture events and the devotion has a long history, although it was not officially promulgated by the Church until the early 1800s.

Deacon Dominick Peloso, of Nativity Church in Menlo Park, spent 10 years studying for the priesthood and has 30 graduate units of Catholic theology. He has a master’s degree in Administration and worked in the Menlo Park Police Department for 31 years. He is married with a grown family and has been a Permanent Deacon since 1999 serving in his home Parish. The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a special place in Deacon Dominick’s heart and he will share this love and devotion with us.

19. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

20. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Join me for a spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid and  Barcelona for 13 days: November 3 - 15, 2014 - $3,459 from SFO. Contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

21. Continuing Saturday, March 15: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Holy Land Pilgrimage Opportunity

Fr. George Aranha, Pastor of St Clare's Parish in Santa Clara, is organizing a 10 day tour of the Holy Land, from September 8th to the 17th, 2014.

We will relive all the familiar stories, events and places we have heard on Sundays (or read for ourselves and reflected in groups) in the proclamation of the Word of God. We will walk in the footsteps of Jesus and cover all the important sites of his life, ministry, miracles, passion, death and Resurrection. At key shrines and churches we will celebrate daily Mass and unite ourselves with the Paschal Mystery. It will be the journey of a lifetime!

If you are interested in joining us on this pilgrimage, please call for a brochure: 408-899-4006 (Fr Aranha) or 408-248-7786 (Nancy Gonsalves). For more information, you may also send an e-mail to:  We understand the deadline for reservations is in May.

24. Readings for the Second Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. Gene Boyle
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Bishop Daly, Fr. Matt, Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat(Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Fr. Peter is away March 9-14
Fr. Stasys is away March 12-21.

The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Upcoming Social Justice Day: Print This A Bring It To Church This Weekend

Social Justice Day Registration Form 2014.pdf
RR for Defense of Marriage 2014-03-22.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 21, 2014, 7:52:25 AM3/21/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 11 - March 21, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway (2 Weeks Remaining)

Table of Contents

1. Social Justice: Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace 
2. Saturday: March 22: Saint Joseph Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage
3. Tuesday, March 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Seven Sorrows of Mary 
4. Concluding Wednesday, March 26: Mysteries of the Holy Cross
5. Thursday, March 27: Introductory Workshop:  "Why Contemplative Prayer?"
6. Continuing Thursday, March 27: Taizé Prayer During Lent
6. Social Justice: Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice  (REGISTER BY MONDAY)
7. What's Happening During Lent?
8. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #6
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. Next Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection
11. St. Patrick's Day Event A Success! Many Thanks!
12. Parish Mass Comments on Lectors
13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent
14. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies
15. A Health Update From Fr. Thierry
16. Tuesday, April 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible
17. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass
18. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
20. Continuing Saturday, March 15: Free Tax Preparation
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Young Adult Circle
23. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”
24. June 28-29: Relay For Life
25. Readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Rosary Rally flyer, Relay for Life flyer


1. Social Justice: Saturday, March 22: A Day of Reflection on Social Justice: The Call of Pope Francis: Become Instruments of Peace 

Deanery 2 (the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)  are presenting a Day of Reflection on Social Justice:

8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing, Palo Alto 94301

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arthur Liebscher, S.J. Fr. Liebscher is a professor at Santa Clara University with first hand experience in Argentina working with Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio (now Pope Francis). 

 There are workshops to choose from including Charity to Justice, Care for God’s Creation, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Restorative Justice, Immersion Experiences, and more.   All participants will be able to take as many as three workshops.  Information and displays from many justice groups will be available:  Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Sacred Heart Community Services, Global Solidarity, Cathedral Gift Shop, Catholic Green Initiative and more!

Advance Registration is completed; the fee is $20 at the door if you failed to register.  For more information contact Susan Olsen at or 650-494-2496 ext. 25.

All Liturgical Ministers are encouraged to attend as this Social Justice Day is serving as our spring Liturgical Ministers Day of Reflection. 

2. Saturday: March 22: Saint Joseph Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage

Please join us in our 2nd annual Rosary Rally for the defense of marriage as defined in the Gospels as the union of one man and one woman tomorrow, March 22nd at 1:00 PM at Lytton Plaza right after Noon Mass at Saint Thomas Aquinas Church.  For more information please contact Rosa Lawley: PH: (650) 521-6350 or via email:

3. Tuesday, March 25: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Seven Sorrows of Mary 

with our speaker Deacon Dominick Peloso

The purpose of the Devotion of the Seven Sorrows is to promote union with the sufferings of Christ through union with the special suffering that Our Lady endured because she was the Mother of God. By uniting ourselves with both the Passion of Christ and His holy Mother, we enter into Jesus' Heart and honor Him.

This special evening will be dedicated to the way that the Blessed Virgin Mary responded to Christ's call that "she take up her cross and follow Him." She is a great example of how we should live our lives. The Seven Sorrows are taken from Scripture events and the devotion has a long history, although it was not officially promulgated by the Church until the early 1800s.

Deacon Dominick Peloso, of Nativity Church in Menlo Park, spent 10 years studying for the priesthood and has 30 graduate units of Catholic theology. He has a master’s degree in Administration and worked in the Menlo Park Police Department for 31 years. He is married with a grown family and has been a Permanent Deacon since 1999 serving in his home Parish. The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a special place in Deacon Dominick’s heart and he will share this love and devotion with us.

4. Concluding Wednesday, March 26: Mysteries of the Holy Cross

The Cross is a sign not only of sacrificial-love but also of victorious-life. Father Anthony Hernandez will lead a Lenten series of reflections and prayer on the symbolism of the Cross, Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19 and 26, from 7:15-8:30pm, at Saint Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto. 

We will especially focus on the meditations of the ancient Church Fathers upon the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice and victory upon the Cross. On the final evening, a relic of the true Cross of Christ will be brought for veneration. Fr. Anthony is pastor of St. Basil Byzantine Catholic Parish in Los Gatos/Palo Alto. For more information call Father Anthony at (408) 871-0919 or visit their parish website at

5. Thursday, March 27: Introductory Workshop:  "Why Contemplative Prayer?"

Thursday, March 27 at two different times:  4:00 p.m.  and  7:00 p.m. in The Thomas House living room next to St.Thomas Aquinas Church on 745 Waverley Street in Palo Alto.

 The hour and a half presentation will include the history of contemplative prayer, the reasoning and results of this type of prayer,
and a brief lesson about centering prayer and how it facilitates reaching the Christian Contemplative State.  Contact Jean Ramacciotti, OPL
for more information  --

6. Continuing Thursday, March 27: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

Remaining: March 27th and April 3rd

7. What's Happening During Lent?

• March 22 – Day of Reflection on Social Justice: St. Albert the Great site: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

• March 22 – Rosary Rally for the Defense of Marriage - Lytton Plaza (downtown Palo Alto): 1:00 p.m.

• March 25 – Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

• March 26 - S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m

• March 26 - Confessions at Our Lady of the Rosary Church from 7pm to 8pm

• March 26 - Byzantine Divine Office & Reflections on the Gospel Passion at St. Albert the Great from 7:15pm – 8:30pm

• March 27 – TAIZÉ Prayer at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 7pm

• March 28 – Stations of the Cross after the 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary & after the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas

• All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law; there is no upper age limit.

8. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #6

ADA Goal: $125,000 
Pledged: $93,000
Pledges: 189 
Average Pledge: $500
% of Goal: 75%

The good news is that we have reached three-quarters of our goal! The not-so-good-news is we have only 2 weeks remaining in the active phase
of this year’s appeal. A second follow-up letter has been sent to all of our past donors. We understand how busy and complicated life can be, and we appreciate that some families may be experiencing financial struggles this year. 

This is our once-a-year opportunity to support the ministry of Bishop McGrath. We are asking that every family help St. Thomas Aquinas Parish do our fair share in helping us reach our parish goal. 

We still have nearly 170 families who pledged last year, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. We need 64 more gifts or pledges of $500 to meet our goal. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

9. Weekly Stewardship Report

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the“first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

March 16, Actual : $11,000 (Goal $11, 000) 
Catholic Relief Services: $5,000

10. Next Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection

Next weekend, March 30-31st, our second collection will be for St. Vincent de Paul Conference. St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We hope you will continue your generosity to and through St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

11. St. Patrick's Day Event A Success! Many Thanks!
Green hats off to all those who ensured the welcome outcome of the St. Patrick's Day party convened last Saturday, March 15th.  The list is long!  

At the front are the many volunteers who worked up front and behind the scenes to put all in order and to put things away.  Standouts include Carol Pulliam who baked each loaf of Irish Soda Bread enjoyed and the Widow and Widowers group who assisted so faithfully with the decorations and table settings.  The durable bar staff and Pot o' Gold troubadours contributed significantly to the craigh.  Also, special thanks to Ernie's Liquors who facilitated the beverage service and Pommard Deli who aided with the food.  Lastly, thanks to the parish clergy, office staff, and parishioners who supported the event with their example and their presence.  Slainte!

12. Parish Mass Comments on Lectors

The survey feedback on our parish lectors was typically positive with 95% of respondents rating our lectors "Excellent" or "Good". We received such comments as “Clear presentation with good voice modulation” and “The Lectors are well trained, are coached appropriately in how, where and when to deliver the Scriptural text (as well as announcements) and they always do a good job. Sunday was no exception.”

We also received constructive criticism such as “Unfortunately, the reader today had some confusion about the reading. So perhaps there was some lack of preparation, but I wouldn’t say that is the norm.” and “The Lectors do an outstanding job of speaking slowly and clearly.” We also work hard to involve our parish youth in available liturgical ministries at our monthly Family Masses and 6:00 pm Sunday Mass. We received feedback on their contributions and there is room for growth in their efforts as well.

As a result of the feedback we received, Susan Olsen will be responsible for training the younger lectors at both OLR and St. Albert the Great, and preparing them for this ministry each month for Family Mass. Alley Torres trains the teen lectors for the 6:00 pm Sunday Mass. We also have lector coaches at each of our sites, and all new lectors will be fully trained before beginning this important ministry. The parish continues to encourage those with vocal abilities to volunteer to proclaim the Sacred scripture at our Masses. 

Those interested should contact Nora Lundin, 650-494-2496 ext. 14 or

13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent

The call to conversion and reconciliation is central to Lent. It is the Church's desire that all Catholics celebrate this sacrament prior to our entry into the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday:
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM at St. Albert the Great

We are also offering the Sacrament on Wednesday evenings during Lent at our churches on a rotating basis. Remaining:
Wednesday, March 26: Our Lady of the Rosary Church 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

We will have three Lenten Penance Liturgies:

Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Monday, April 14 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (bilingual); 
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM at St. Albert the Great Church.
14. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies

(Deanery 2 is the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)

St. Simon (Los Altos) – April 7 at 3:30pm & 7:00pm 
Catholic Community of Stanford - April 8 at 7:00pm in Memorial Church
St. Nicholas (Los Altos) – April 9 at 3:30pm
St. William (Los Altos) – April 9 at 7:00pm
St. Thomas Aquinas – April 12 at 2:00pm
Our Lady of the Rosary – April 14 at 7:00pm (bi-lingual) 
St. Albert the Great – April 16 at 7:00pm

15. A Health Update From Fr. Thierry

Recent tests show that the cancer in my left lung has been stable and not growing, indicating that the clinial trial medication continues to be effective. The abscess in the lung has been drained of fluid and the areas of infection have become smaller. The doctor wants me to stop taking antibiotics in a couple of weeks to see how I do without them. I welcome that change, after taking them for 5 months. I have been coughing up a bit of blood after I get up in the morning. The doctors cannot tell exactly what is causing this, but we hope that it will stop with time. I have been advised to wear a mask when I go outside, to avoid allergens. Overall, there is reason for gratitude and hope.

Blessings -
Fr. Thierry

16. Tuesday, April 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible

a series presented by Fr. Matt

The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible study program that teaches God's plan of salvation as it unfolds in Scripture, presented from within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church. The Great Adventure helps people read "the big picture" of God's plan; find their place in that story; and live it out in their lives. The primary goal of the Great Adventure is simply to introduce Catholics to Scripture and to make the Bible more approachable by explaining the overarching story and showing how the various books fit together to get the story across.

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

17. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass

Our parish will be providing food for Hotel de Zink, the homeless shelter, during the first two weeks of April. The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd. Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up to bring food after the Masses during the month of March. 

If you miss her after Mass, please call her at 650-856-6350. Ruth also found a fascinating history of Hotel de Zink at

18. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

20. Continuing Saturday, March 22: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues. March 25th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

23. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”

“Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media” is a special conference for students and young adults to promote the values of marriage, family, and sexual integrity to the broader popular culture. Featuring speakers at the forefront of this effort, including an Academy Award-nominee, the conference will allow attendees to network with others willing to engage in intellectual and civil discourse about marriage, family, and sexual integrity.  

Presented by The Stanford Anscombe Society, on Saturday, April 5, 2014, 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM at the Oberndorf Event Center, Stanford Graduate School of Business. Registration is $30 general and $20 for students (undergrad and grad). Registration, details, and contact info at  Please register early.

24. June 28-29: Relay For Life

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life on June 28-29 at Palo Alto High School.

25. Readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) - First Scrutiny
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Peter Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band) - Confirmation Ritual of Commitment
RR for Defense of Marriage 2014-03-22.pdf
Relay for life Palo Alto Flier.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 28, 2014, 8:46:44 AM3/28/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 13 - March 28, 2014

2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal Underway (1 Week Remaining)

Table of Contents

1. Joyful Sunday!
2. This Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection
3. Scrutinies with the Elect Continue
4. Monday, March 31: Pastoral Center Closed
5. Tuesday, April 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible
6. Concluding Thursday, April 3: Taizé Prayer During Lent
7. Thursday, April 3: Widow and Widowers Go Italian
8. What's Happening During Lent?
9. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #7
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Social Justice: Stop Human Trafficking
12. Easter Flowers
13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent
14. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies
15. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass
16. Social Justice: Heart and Home Collaborative: More Support Provided
17. Social Justice: St. Vincent de Paul Needs You!
18. Wednesday, April 9 - Spirituality "Wednesday" Assembly - The Way of the Cross
19. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner
20. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
22. Continuing Saturday, March 29: Free Tax Preparation
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Young Adult Circle
25. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”
26. Thursday, April 10: Fr. Joe Kim Speaks on Catholic On Purpose
27. Thursday, April 10: Concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" at Stanford
28. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities
29. Pope Francis meets with President Obama (Video)
30. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Bishop Daly's visit to our parish, flyers for Catholic on Purpose talk, and Passion presentation at Stanford


1. Joyful Sunday!

The Fourth Sunday of Lent, which we celebrate this weekend,  is also known as Laetare Sunday. Laetare is a Latin word which means “rejoice”. Other meanings of the word include: joyfulness, gladness, cheerfulness, and happiness. The rejoicing comes from the fact that Lent is half over and Easter is soon to follow.

Laetare Sunday has traditionally been viewed as a day of celebration, a Sunday of joy. The Entrance Antiphon in today’s Mass is from Isaiah 66:10, which begins "Laetare, Jerusalem", "Rejoice, O Jerusalem." The passage continues, "rejoice with her, all you who were mourning over her." The violet vestments worn by the priests and the altar cloths of Lent are set aside, and rose colored ones are used instead.

Pope Innocent III remarked in 1216 that Laetare Sunday marks: "a measure of consoling that the faithful may not break down under the severe strain of the Lenten fast, but may continue to bear the restrictions with a refreshed and easier heart."

It is with great joy that the catechumens who are preparing to receive the Easter sacraments celebrate their Second Scrutiny today. The Gospel reflects on our baptismal re-birth based on the healing of the ‘man born blind’. May we also be healed by our turning from the darkness of sin and error to the Light of God, who is the Risen Christ.

Deacon Daniel

2. This Weekend: St. Vincent de Paul Collection

This weekend, March 30-31st, our second collection will be for St. Vincent de Paul Conference. St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners have always been extremely generous to St. Vincent de Paul. We hope you will continue your generosity to and through St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

3. Scrutinies with the Elect Continue

Over the next two weekends, the Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent  at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will celebrate the rites
of penance and purification with our elect who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. The purpose of these rites is to uncover
all that would lead them away from Christ, so that they might be able to come to a full Christian life. The support of a parish community is vital to this process. At the same time, these brief rites call us, the baptized, to uproot the sin in our lives so as to be more faithful to our own baptism.

Join us at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at OLR to experience these Scrutinies.  Please pray for our Elect. 

4. Monday, March 31: Pastoral Center Closed

The Pastoral Center will be Closed Mon., March 31 in honor of Cesar Chavez Day. The daily Mass Schedule is unchanged.

5. Tuesday, April 1: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Great Adventure, a "Quick" journey through the Bible

a series presented by Fr. Matt

The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible study program that teaches God's plan of salvation as it unfolds in Scripture, presented from within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church. The Great Adventure helps people read "the big picture" of God's plan; find their place in that story; and live it out in their lives. The primary goal of the Great Adventure is simply to introduce Catholics to Scripture and to make the Bible more approachable by explaining the overarching story and showing how the various books fit together to get the story across.

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

6. Concluding Thursday, April 3: Taizé Prayer During Lent

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. 

Thursday evenings during Lent, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

This will be our last session, on Thursday, April 3rd. Please come and give it a try. Those who have participated have found it very worthwhile.

7. Thursday, April 3: Widow and Widowers Go Italian

The Widow and Widowers group will go Italian at Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi's in Mt. View on April 3rd.  Reserve by March 30th evening by calling either Erv at 493-0499 or Char at 493-8037. Choice of 4 delicious entrees.  

8. What's Happening During Lent?

• April 1 - Spirituality Tuesday - Quick Journey thru Bible 7 to 8:30pm St. Albert Hospitality Center
• April 2 – S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6pm
• April 2 - Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church from 7pm to 8pm
• April 3 – TAIZÉ Prayer at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 7pm
• April 4 – Stations of the Cross after the 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary & after the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas

• All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law; there is no upper age limit.

9. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #7

ADA Goal: $125,000
Pledged: $103,000
Pledges: 213 
Average Pledge: $500
% of Goal: 83%

The good news is that we have now gone over the $100,000 mark. Our second reminder letter brought in almost 25 new pledges. We have only 2 weeks remaining in the active phase of this year’s appeal. We understand how busy and complicated life can be, and we appreciate that some families may be experiencing financial struggles this year. This is our once-a-year opportunity to support the ministry of Bishop McGrath. 

We are asking that every family help St. Thomas Aquinas Parish do our fair share in helping us reach our parish goal. We still have nearly 150 families who pledged last year, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. 

We need 44 more gifts or pledges of $500 to meet our goal. Remember, payments can be made over the next nine months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the“first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

March 23, Actual : $11,000 (Goal $11, 000) 
Catholic Relief Services: $11,000

11. Social Justice: Stop Human Trafficking

Let us stop Human Trafficking. If you think or suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking contact the National Hotline: 888- 3737-888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733).

12. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the vestibule.

13. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent

The call to conversion and reconciliation is central to Lent. It is the Church's desire that all Catholics celebrate this sacrament prior to our entry into the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday:
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM at St. Albert the Great

We are also offering the Sacrament on Wednesday evenings during Lent at our churches on a rotating basis. Remaining:
Wednesday, April 2: St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

We will have three Lenten Penance Liturgies:

Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Monday, April 14 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (bilingual); 
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM at St. Albert the Great Church.
14. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies

(Deanery 2 is the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)

St. Simon (Los Altos) – April 7 at 3:30pm & 7:00pm 
Catholic Community of Stanford - April 8 at 7:00pm in Memorial Church
St. Nicholas (Los Altos) – April 9 at 3:30pm
St. William (Los Altos) – April 9 at 7:00pm
St. Thomas Aquinas – April 12 at 2:00pm
Our Lady of the Rosary – April 14 at 7:00pm (bi-lingual) 
St. Albert the Great – April 16 at 7:00pm

15. Social Justice: Providing For Hotel de Zink in April: Sign Up After Mass

Our parish will be providing food for Hotel de Zink, the homeless shelter, during the first two weeks of April. The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd. Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up to bring food after the Masses during the month of March. 

If you miss her after Mass, please call her at 650-856-6350. Ruth also found a fascinating history of Hotel de Zink at

16. Social Justice: Heart and Home Collaborative: More Support Provided

Thanks to Marijane Chestnut, the unspent donations to the Human Concerns Committee were used to purchase cooked chickens at Costco. They were delivered to the shelter (at University Lutheran Church in College Terrace) on Wednesday night by Terry Atkinson. Lasagna and soup was provided by other sources.  The chickens (protein!) were most welcome, reported Terry.

There are still 8-10 women residing overnight at the shelter as the closing date of April 5 approaches. 

Human Concerns Committee

17. Social Justice: St. Vincent de Paul Needs You!

The St. Thomas Aquinas St. Vincent de Paul Conference gave a presentation at the Social Justice program, held at the St. Albert the Great Auditorium, on Saturday, March 22. 

Some highlights from the conference: Our financial statement from Oct. 12 2012 to Sept. 2013 report stated that we helped 600 people - each client counted only once. We helped our clients 1,573 times and gave out 1,165 food bags. Clients come for help on Mondays from 11:00-1:00 & Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00. They come to the Pastoral Center at 3290 Middlefield Road. We have helped as many as 36 people in one day. 

We would welcome anyone who would like to join us. Call us at 650-424-8155.

18. Wednesday, April 9 - Spirituality "Wednesday" Assembly - The Way of the Cross

Join us as we pray one of the most popular of Catholic Lenten devotions: The Stations of the Cross. 

We are pilgrims, in spirit, as we witness, and pray, at the scene of Christ’s Passion in Jerusalem. This is a prayer tradition which dates back to the time of Constantine. There were many variations but the familiar “14 stations” became set in 1729.  Feel the intensity as we accompany Him on His journey. This year we will use the Stations suggested by Pope Francis. Do not miss this opportunity!

Saint Albert the Great Church, 7:00-8:00 pm, with our presider: Father Dat

19. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner

Enjoy a traditional Seder lamb dinner, Scripture readings and an explanation of the Passover Feast.

Tuesday April 15th at 6:30 pm, in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. 

The dinner cost is $10 and any additional donations will be sent to Father Jack Donald, S.J. who grew up in our parish and is a missionary in Honduras.
Reserve your place at the table by calling the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496) or Laurie 650-494-3572 or by email:

All donations, and meal costs, are paid at the door. Everyone is welcome!

20. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

22. Continuing Saturday, March 29: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   April 22nd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  April 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

25. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”

“Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media” is a special conference for students and young adults to promote the values of marriage, family, and sexual integrity to the broader popular culture. Featuring speakers at the forefront of this effort, including an Academy Award-nominee, the conference will allow attendees to network with others willing to engage in intellectual and civil discourse about marriage, family, and sexual integrity.  

Presented by The Stanford Anscombe Society, on Saturday, April 5, 2014, 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM at the Oberndorf Event Center, Stanford Graduate School of Business. Registration is $30 general and $20 for students (undergrad and grad). Registration, details, and contact info at  Please register early.

26. Thursday, April 10: Fr. Joe Kim Speaks on Catholic On Purpose

See the flyer at the end of this week's eBulletin on this Catholic Professional's speaker series "Catholic on Purpose".

Fr. Joe Kim, ordained in 2010, will be speaking on what he has learned about the evangelization efforts of the church, and how they will be applied in the Diocese of San Jose, especially towards young people, as part of his participation in the National Study of Youth and Religion.

Mass: 7:00 a.m. 
Speaker Presentation: 7:30 a.m.
Members: $15, Non-Members: $20
Three Flames Restaurant, 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose

27. Thursday, April 10: Concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" at Stanford

The Chapel Choir of the Catholic Community @ Stanford will be presenting a concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" on April 10. The concert will be held at 7:30 pm in Stanford Memorial Church, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305. Admission is free. Please join us! See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin.

28. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities

Vallombrosa presents a day retreat with Dr. Diane Dreher: “Discover Your Calling” combining Ignatian discernment with the latest research in positive psychology, teaching techniques for mindful reflection that will help you move forward with a deeper sense of faith, make wiser choices, and live with greater joy and meaning.
Date:  Saturday, April 12, 2014   •    8:30 am - 5 pm  •     Fee: $50 (includes lunch)
To register:  •   650-325-5614
Vallombrosa presents a morning workshop with Dr. Cynthia McDonald “Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction,” in which you will learn simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation, along with practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines.
Date:  Saturday, April 26, 2014  •  8:30 am -Noon   •  Fee: $25
To register:    •   650-325-5614

29. Pope Francis meets with President Obama (Video)

ROME, March 27, 2014 (

At roughly 10:10 a.m president Barack Obama arrived to the Vatican amid high security measures

By Rome Reports.  To view the video:

30. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) - First Scrutiny
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Second Scrutiny
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Anselm Ramelow, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band) 

Deacon Jaime Garcia on retreat.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Bishop Thomas Daly's visit to our parish on March 16!  St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is checked off his bucket list!  :)

Chris Lundin

Apr 4, 2014, 8:36:16 AM4/4/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 14 - April 4, 2014

Table of Contents

1. From the Pastor: Staff Departure
2. Scrutinies with the Elect Conclude This Sunday
3. Wednesday, April 9 - Spirituality "Wednesday" Assembly - The Way of the Cross
4. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #9
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. What's Happening During Lent?
7. Almsgiving - A Lenten Joy
8. Next Weekend: Palm Sunday
9. Easter Flowers
10. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent
11. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies
12. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner
13. Holy Week Schedule
14. ZENIT On Your Phone
15. Temporary Housing for Out-of-Town Visitor: Mid-May to Mid-August
16. Social Justice: Stop Human Trafficking
17. Social Justice: St. Vincent de Paul Needs You!
18. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
20. Continuing Saturday, April 5: Free Tax Preparation
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Young Adult Circle
23. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”
24. Thursday, April 10: Fr. Joe Kim Speaks on Catholic On Purpose
25. Thursday, April 10: Concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" at Stanford
26. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities
27. Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Flyers for Catholic on Purpose talk, and Passion presentation at Stanford


1. From the Pastor: Staff Departure

It is with mixed emotions, that I inform you that Alley Torres, our Director of Youth Ministry since 2011, will be leaving us  on June 30th. Alley has accepted a new position as Director  of Faith Formation at St. Martin of Tours in San Jose. 

We remain committed to  continuing the same level of outreach to our parish youth, as we commence a search for a new Youth Minister. 

We will have many opportunities over the next few months to thank Alley for her outstanding dedication to our youth and to wish 
her well on the next part of her journey. 
Fr. Matt

2. Scrutinies with the Elect Conclude This Sunday

On this Fifth Sundays of Lent  at the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will celebrate the rites of penance and purification with our elect who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. The purpose of these rites is to uncover all that would lead them away from Christ, so that they might be able to come to a full Christian life. The support of a parish community is vital to this process. At the same time, these brief rites call us, the baptized, to uproot the sin in our lives so as to be more faithful to our own baptism.

Join us at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at OLR to experience this final Scrutinies.  Please pray for our Elect. 

3. Wednesday, April 9 - Spirituality "Wednesday" Assembly - The Way of the Cross

Join us as we pray one of the most popular of Catholic Lenten devotions: The Stations of the Cross. 

We are pilgrims, in spirit, as we witness, and pray, at the scene of Christ’s Passion in Jerusalem. This is a prayer tradition which dates back to the time of Constantine. There were many variations but the familiar “14 stations” became set in 1729.  Feel the intensity as we accompany Him on His journey. This year we will use the Stations suggested by Pope Francis. Do not miss this opportunity!

Saint Albert the Great Church, 7:00-8:00 pm, with our presider: Father Dat

4. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Report #9

ADA Goal: $125,000
Pledged: $111,000 
Pledges: 234
Average Pledge: $472
Goal: 89%

This is our once-a-year opportunity to support the ministry of Bishop McGrath. We are asking that every family help St. Thomas Aquinas Parish do our fair share in helping us reach our parish goal. 

We still have over 200 families who have pledged over the past 4 years, who are still prayerfully discerning their gift this year’s Appeal. Please consider making your pledge this weekend. We need only 30 more gifts or pledges of $500 to meet our goal. 

Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas! 

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

March 30, 2014: Actual: $10,900 * Goal: $11,000
St. Vincent de Paul: $5,500

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

6. What's Happening During Lent?

• April 9 – S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 5:45 p.m. (early start to allow time to get to St. Albert)
• April 9 - Spirituality "Wednesday" Assembly: The Way of the Cross at St. Albert the Great at 7:00 p.m.
• April 11 – Stations of the Cross after the 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary & after the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas
• April 12 – Penance Liturgy at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 2:00 pm

• All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law; there is no upper age limit.

7. Almsgiving - A Lenten Joy

Next weekend, April 13, we will collect your Lenten offerings which many of you having been saving toward Operation Rice Bowl. Your generosity toward the work of Catholic Relief Services and the knowledge that you are helping so many in need is its own reward. So, please remember to bring your donations to Mass next weekend. They will be accepted in a special second collection.

8. Next Weekend: Palm Sunday

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, April 13. Each Mass will begin with the blessing of palms outside the main entrance of our churches. 

You should plan on arriving early so as to help alleviate the parking and traffic problems. As a reminder at St. Albert the Great, please remember to park on the church and school grounds, rather than on the street. We are working hard to minimize the effect on the neighbors.

As always, please observe the “no parking” zones, as these are marked to allow for access by emergency vehicles. 

9. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the vestibule.

10. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent

The call to conversion and reconciliation is central to Lent. It is the Church's desire that all Catholics celebrate this sacrament prior to our entry into the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday:
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM at St. Albert the Great

We will have three Lenten Penance Liturgies:

Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Monday, April 14 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (bilingual); 
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM at St. Albert the Great Church.
11. Deanery 2 Lenten Penance Liturgies

(Deanery 2 is the parishes of Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos)

St. Simon (Los Altos) – April 7 at 3:30pm & 7:00pm 
Catholic Community of Stanford - April 8 at 7:00pm in Memorial Church
St. Nicholas (Los Altos) – April 9 at 3:30pm
St. William (Los Altos) – April 9 at 7:00pm
St. Thomas Aquinas – April 12 at 2:00pm
Our Lady of the Rosary – April 14 at 7:00pm (bi-lingual) 
St. Albert the Great – April 16 at 7:00pm

12. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner

Enjoy a traditional Seder lamb dinner, Scripture readings and an explanation of the Passover Feast.

Tuesday April 15th at 6:30 pm, in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. 

The dinner cost is $10 and any additional donations will be sent to Father Jack Donald, S.J. who grew up in our parish and is a missionary in Honduras.
Reserve your place at the table by calling the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496) or Laurie 650-494-3572 or by email:

All donations, and meal costs, are paid at the door. Everyone is welcome!

13. Holy Week Schedule

Monday of Holy Week – April 14
Regular Daily Masses
Penance Liturgy – 7:00 pm Bilingual – Our Lady of the Rosary

Tuesday of Holy Week – April 15
Regular Daily Masses
Celebration of the Seder Meal – 6:30pm Our Lady of the Rosary Hall 

(reservations required)

Wednesday of Holy Week – April 16
Regular Daily Masses
Penance Liturgy – 7:00 pm – St. Albert the Great 
Tenebrae Service – 8:00pm Gregorian Choir St. Anne’s Chapel, 541 Melville Avenue, Palo Alto

Holy Thursday – April 17
Morning Prayer, 8:30am – Our Lady of the Rosary 
Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7:30 p.m. – Our Lady of the Rosary (Bilingual)
Mass of the Lord's Supper, 8:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (9:00 p.m) and Night Prayer (9:45-10 p.m), Our Lady of the Rosary Hall

Good Friday – April 18
Morning Prayer – 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary
Celebration of the Lord's Passion - Liturgy of the Word - Adoration of the Holy Cross - Holy Communion 
12:00 pm - 2:00 p.m. – St. Thomas Aquinas
Stations of the Cross & Adoration of the Holy Cross 3:00pm – Our Lady of the Rosary
Living Stations of the Cross & Adoration of the Holy Cross 4:00pm – St. Albert the Great
5:30pm – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)
7:30pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)

Holy Friday Vespers 7:30pm –St. Albert the Great (Byzantine)

Holy Saturday – April 19
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer – 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary

Easter Vigil:
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night– April 19, 8:30pm – St. Albert the Great Church
Lucernarium, Liturgies of the Word, Initiation, and Eucharist (Gather in parking lot behind Rectory)
11:00pm – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night – St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)

Easter Sunday - April 20
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule except there will be NO 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary

14. ZENIT On Your Phone

The eBulletin uses the ZENIT News Service as one of our information sources for larger Church activities.  It is now offering a phone application parishioners might be interested in.

Since ZENIT was founded, our mission has always been to share Good News and be at the service of the Pope and the Church.
After 16 years, thanks to your support, ZENIT is expanding its voice.

Now, you can get Good News right away by downloading ZENIT App on your phone.

The ZENIT App is free at the Android Play Store and iTunes. Tell your friends. Become one of the evangelizers Pope Francis is calling for.
With the ZENIT app, you will find not only the news of the day, but other services as well.

Download it today, at the Play Store or on iTunes:

Wishing you all the best,
Alberto Ramirez, CEO ZENIT,

15. Temporary Housing for Out-of-Town Visitor: Mid-May to Mid-August

In case any parishioners have something to offer, following is an email Fr. Matt received. If you do respond directly to Christina, please let Fr. Matt know. Thank you.

From: DalPorto, Christina []
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:26 AM
To: Stanley, Matthew
Subject: Out of Town Visitor

Hello Fr. Stanley,

My name is Christina and I am a Catholic optometry student from Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. I will be traveling to Palo Alto this summer to intern at the Palo Alto VA from mid-May until mid-August. I am currently searching for housing and thought I would reach out to you in the hopes that you may know of parishoners who have a furnished room and may be interested in renting it to a graduate student for the summer. If you don't know of anyone, could you potentially provide me with some insight as to where I may look for safe housing? I appreciate your time and consideration.

Christina DalPorto

16. Social Justice: Stop Human Trafficking

Let us stop Human Trafficking. If you think or suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking contact the National Hotline: 888- 3737-888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733).

17. Social Justice: St. Vincent de Paul Needs You!

The St. Thomas Aquinas St. Vincent de Paul Conference gave a presentation at the Social Justice program, held at the St. Albert the Great Auditorium, on Saturday, March 22. 

Some highlights from the conference: Our financial statement from Oct. 12 2012 to Sept. 2013 report stated that we helped 600 people - each client counted only once. We helped our clients 1,573 times and gave out 1,165 food bags. Clients come for help on Mondays from 11:00-1:00 & Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00. They come to the Pastoral Center at 3290 Middlefield Road. We have helped as many as 36 people in one day. 

We would welcome anyone who would like to join us. Call us at 650-424-8155.

18. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

20. Continuing Saturday, April 5: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   April 22nd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  April 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

23. Saturday, April 5: Conference: “Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media”

“Communicating Values: Marriage, Family, and the Media” is a special conference for students and young adults to promote the values of marriage, family, and sexual integrity to the broader popular culture. Featuring speakers at the forefront of this effort, including an Academy Award-nominee, the conference will allow attendees to network with others willing to engage in intellectual and civil discourse about marriage, family, and sexual integrity.  

Presented by The Stanford Anscombe Society, on Saturday, April 5, 2014, 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM at the Oberndorf Event Center, Stanford Graduate School of Business. Registration is $30 general and $20 for students (undergrad and grad). Registration, details, and contact info at  Please register early.

24. Thursday, April 10: Fr. Joe Kim Speaks on Catholic On Purpose

See the flyer at the end of this week's eBulletin on this Catholic Professional's speaker series "Catholic on Purpose".

Fr. Joe Kim, ordained in 2010, will be speaking on what he has learned about the evangelization efforts of the church, and how they will be applied in the Diocese of San Jose, especially towards young people, as part of his participation in the National Study of Youth and Religion.

Mass: 7:00 a.m. 
Speaker Presentation: 7:30 a.m.
Members: $15, Non-Members: $20
Three Flames Restaurant, 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose

25. Thursday, April 10: Concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" at Stanford

The Chapel Choir of the Catholic Community @ Stanford will be presenting a concert of Tony Eiras' "The Passion" on April 10. The concert will be held at 7:30 pm in Stanford Memorial Church, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305. Admission is free. Please join us! See the flyer at the end of the eBulletin.

26. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities

Vallombrosa presents a day retreat with Dr. Diane Dreher: “Discover Your Calling” combining Ignatian discernment with the latest research in positive psychology, teaching techniques for mindful reflection that will help you move forward with a deeper sense of faith, make wiser choices, and live with greater joy and meaning.
Date:  Saturday, April 12, 2014   •    8:30 am - 5 pm  •     Fee: $50 (includes lunch)
To register:  •   650-325-5614
Vallombrosa presents a morning workshop with Dr. Cynthia McDonald “Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction,” in which you will learn simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation, along with practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines.
Date:  Saturday, April 26, 2014  •  8:30 am -Noon   •  Fee: $25
To register:    •   650-325-5614

27. Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Third Scrutiny
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band)

Chris Lundin

Apr 11, 2014, 9:13:50 AM4/11/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 15 - April 11, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent; Continuing This Saturday
2. This Weekend: Palm Sunday
3. This weekend: 2nd Collection for Operation Ricebowl
4. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner: Reservations Essential
5. During the Month of April: Annual Layette Drive
6. Easter Flowers
7. Holy Week Schedule
8. In Memoriam: Sister Jeannette Marie Donnelly 
9. Pastoral Stewardship Council Representatives Updated
10. Social Justice: Heart and Home Collaborative Update
11. May 3-4 and May l0-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive
12. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
13. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
14. Concluding Saturday, April 12: Free Tax Preparation
15. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador
16. Young Adult Circle
17. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities
18. Public Service and Preparedness: New easier CPR - No Need To Be Certified To Do This
20. Readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, and Presider Schedule


1. Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent; Continuing This Saturday

The call to conversion and reconciliation is central to Lent. It is the Church's desire that all Catholics celebrate this sacrament prior to our entry into the Easter Triduum on Holy Thursday.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday:
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM at St. Albert the Great

We will have three Lenten Penance Liturgies:

Saturday, April 12 at 2:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Monday, April 14 at 7:00 PM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church (bilingual); 
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM at St. Albert the Great Church.

2. This Weekend: Palm Sunday

This weekend, each Mass will begin with the blessing of palms outside the main entrance of our churches. 

You should plan on arriving early so as to help alleviate the parking and traffic problems.  As always, please observe the “no parking” zones, as these are marked to allow for access by emergency vehicles.  At the St. Albert site, Seton School is also hosting their Spring Festival on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. so on-premise parking will be very limited.

3. This weekend: 2nd Collection for Operation Ricebowl

This weekend, we will collect your Lenten offerings which many of you having been saving toward Operation Rice Bowl. Your generosity toward the work of Catholic Relief Services and the knowledge that you are helping so many in need is its own reward. So, please remember to bring your donations to Mass next weekend. They will be accepted in a special second collection.

4. Tuesday, April 15: Annual Parish Seder Dinner: Reservations Essential

Enjoy a traditional Seder lamb dinner, Scripture readings and an explanation of the Passover Feast.

Tuesday April 15th at 6:30 pm, in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. 

The dinner cost is $10 and any additional donations will be sent to Father Jack Donald, S.J. who grew up in our parish and is a missionary in Honduras.
Reserve your place at the table by calling the Pastoral Center (650-494-2496) or Laurie 650-494-3572 or by email:

All donations, and meal costs, are paid at the door. Everyone is welcome.

5. During the Month of April: Annual Layette Drive

Each year the St. Thomas Aquinas Confirmation class conducts a Layette Drive for the Parish’s Layette Ministry. The Layette Ministry is a long running program based out of Our Lady of the Rosary Church. The ministry reaches out to new mothers in need of assistance by giving them a gift package containing essentials for their newborn baby. The drive runs the month of April. 

Parishioners can support the Layette Drive in the following ways:

1. Save money as a family throughout the month of April in the 'Layette Drive Baby Bottle" available in our church vestibules.

2.  Bring items for the Layette drive to each church location and place it in the crib.   Any or all of the items below would be appreciated:

Pkg of disposable Diapers newborn or stage1
Onesies 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Sleepers 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Booties Receiving blankets
Infant towel
Infant washcloths
Infant cloth diapers
Crib blanket
Outfit 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Small infant plush toy or rattle

 3.  Don’t want to shop? We welcome monetary donations. Please make checks out to St. Thomas Aquinas and write “Layette Ministry” in the memo section. Place your donations in the container/envelope in the crib/basket marked “Donations”

Whatever option you choose, we thank you for your donation and support of the Layette Ministry.

6. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the vestibule.

7. Holy Week Schedule

8. In Memoriam: Sister Jeannette Marie Donnelly 

Sr. Jeanette, who served in our parish for many years, passed away recently at the Sisters of Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Kentucky.

Sr. Jeanette was born April 27, 1922, Springfield, South Dakota and baptized May 14, 1922, St. Peter’s Church, South Dakota (first baptized at home on the ranch at Running Water, near Springfield, South Dakota).

She entered in 1939 from St. Mary’s, Stockton, California and Loretto Academy, Las Cruces, New Mexico.  She received her habit on December 8, 1939, and then professed her first vows on December 8, 1941 and her final vows on August 15, 1945.

Here are some of the many assignments she was given over the course of her long service to the Church:

1942 — St. Philomena’s, Denver, Colorado
1951 — Christ the King, Daphne, Alabama
1955 — St. Mary of Loretto, Montgomery, Alabama
1958 — Nativity, Los Angeles, California
1959 — St. Michael, Houston, Texas
1963 — Mary, Star of the Sea, Freeport, Texas, Principal
1965 — St. Vincent School, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Superior and Principal
1976 — St. Vincent School, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, teacher
1978 — Care of Elderly Parent, St. Elizabeth Seton School, Palo Alto, California, teacher
1994 –2010 Retired and volunteer tutor and Neighborhood Charities, Palo Alto, California
2011—Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary

9. Pastoral Stewardship Council Representatives Updated

At the April 9 meeting of the Pastoral Stewardship Council, several new representatives of our parish ministries were seated as other members' terms came to an end.

Ending their years of service to the PSC were:
Jim McLaughlin (Facilities)
Anna Zara and Karen Recinto (Youth)
Bev Wade (Adult Spirituality)

Joining the PSC were:
Bill Morrison (Facilities)
Francesco Poggesi (Youth)
Deacon Daniel Hernandez (Adult Spirituality*)
Paul Prochaska (Liturgy)

* Deacon Daniel moved from Liturgy Board rep to Adult Spirituality.

These representatives were selected by their ministry boards to serve on the PSC for a two-year term.

At the May PSC meeting, the membership will elect officers for the coming year. The current PSC Executive Board is Chris Lundin (chair), Jerry Lucha (vice chair) and Pat Keicher (secretary). See the posters in our church vestibules for other PSC representatives. We will get those posters updated after the new Executive Board is selected.

10. Social Justice: Heart and Home Collaborative Update

Heart and Home Collaborative <> had their women's nightly shelter term extended as First United Methodist Church on Hamilton Avenue just provided their space for two additional weeks!! 

The remaining $25 our HCC membership had donated was given to the staff for meals at that site.  

Human Concerns Committee

11. May 3-4 and May l0-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive

The Second Graders at St. Elizabeth Seton School are becoming proficient readers and very excited about their achievement.  Our parish hopes to support and encourage their reading skills by giving them new books of their own for summer enjoyment. Many students do not have other learning opportunities during their long summer break. You might remember your own cherished "first books" as a child and want to give that gift to a Seton Second Grade student. 

The children have told us they like second-to-third grade level chapter books about "real things" (non-fiction).  Posters in each church may give you some ideas if you wish to purchase books.  We'll also be happy to shop for you with your cash donations preparing them for distribution before the end of the school year.   

Last year's remarkably successful book drive provided a variety of 5-7 books for each of the 31 students!!  Book collection boxes and an envelope for cash/check donations will be in the vestibules at our three churches on May 3-4 and May 10-11.   

Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee

12. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

13. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

14. Concluding Saturday, April 12: Free Tax Preparation

Free Tax Preparation for taxpayers with income less than $52,000, Sponsored by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and United Way of Silicon Valley.
at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto.

Saturdays: 9 am – 11:30 am, from February 8 to April 12, 2014.

15. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador

South Bay Sanctuary Covenant presents


Highlights of Our Delegation and Humane Immigration Reform

Dr. Kathleen Coll, Anthropologist at Stanford University

Sunday, April 27, 4 PM, First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto

Pupusa and Enchilada Dinner, Salvadoran Crafts, Scarves, Jewelry

Please RSVP to or (650) 494-8340

16. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   April 22nd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  April 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

17. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities

Vallombrosa presents a morning workshop with Dr. Cynthia McDonald “Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction,” in which you will learn simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation, along with practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines.
Date:  Saturday, April 26, 2014  •  8:30 am -Noon   •  Fee: $25
To register:    •   650-325-5614

18. Public Service and Preparedness: New easier CPR - No Need To Be Certified To Do This

​Yo​u don't have to be certified to use this method developed at the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center.
​No mouth-to-mouth resuscitation necessary.​

Watch the video, and have the skill to save a life:

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Third Scrutiny
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen Band) 

Chris Lundin

Apr 18, 2014, 6:46:23 AM4/18/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples working together
for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 16 - April 18, 2014

The Triduum Deepens
"Now the journey has begun"

Table of Contents

1. Remaining Triduum Schedule
2. During the Month of April: Annual Layette Drive
3. Monday, April 21: Pastoral Center Closed
4. Next Weekend: Catholic Home Missions Appeal
5. Sunday, April 27: Divine Mercy Sunday!
6. Tuesday, April 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis: Man of Humility 
7. Thanks for A Great Seder Dinner!
8. Thanks For A Job Well Done!
9. Volunteers Sought for the Parish Archives Project
10. May 3-4 and May l0-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive
11. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars
12. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
13. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
14. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador
15. Young Adult Circle
16. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities
17. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
18. Readings for Easter Sunday, and Presider Schedule


1. Remaining Triduum Schedule

Good Friday – April 18
Morning Prayer – 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary
Celebration of the Lord's Passion - Liturgy of the Word - Adoration of the Holy Cross - Holy Communion 
12:00 pm - 2:00 p.m. – St. Thomas Aquinas
Stations of the Cross & Adoration of the Holy Cross 3:00pm – Our Lady of the Rosary
Living Stations of the Cross & Adoration of the Holy Cross 4:00pm – St. Albert the Great
5:30pm – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)
7:30pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish)

Holy Friday Vespers 7:30pm –St. Albert the Great (Byzantine)

Holy Saturday – April 19
Holy Saturday Morning Prayer – 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary

Easter Vigil:
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night– April 19, 8:30pm – St. Albert the Great Church
Lucernarium, Liturgies of the Word, Initiation, and Eucharist (Gather in parking lot behind Rectory)
11:00pm – The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night – St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)

Easter Sunday - April 20
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule except there will be NO 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary
2. During the Month of April: Annual Layette Drive

Each year the St. Thomas Aquinas Confirmation class conducts a Layette Drive for the Parish’s Layette Ministry. The Layette Ministry is a long running program based out of Our Lady of the Rosary Church. The ministry reaches out to new mothers in need of assistance by giving them a gift package containing essentials for their newborn baby. The drive runs the month of April. 

Parishioners can support the Layette Drive in the following ways:

1. Save money as a family throughout the month of April in the 'Layette Drive Baby Bottle" available in our church vestibules.

2.  Bring items for the Layette drive to each church location and place it in the crib.   Any or all of the items below would be appreciated:

Pkg of disposable Diapers newborn or stage1
Onesies 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Sleepers 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Booties Receiving blankets
Infant towel
Infant washcloths
Infant cloth diapers
Crib blanket
Outfit 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Small infant plush toy or rattle

3.  Don’t want to shop? We welcome monetary donations. Please make checks out to St. Thomas Aquinas and write “Layette Ministry” in the memo section. Place your donations in the container/envelope in the crib/basket marked “Donations”

Whatever option you choose, we thank you for your donation and support of the Layette Ministry.

3. Monday, April 21: Pastoral Center Closed

Easter Holiday – Monday, April 21 the Pastoral Center will be closed.. We thank the clergy and staff for all they do on a regular basis to keep this busy parish moving forward!  We *will* have our regular daily Mass schedule on Monday.

4. Next Weekend: Catholic Home Missions Appeal

Next weekends’s second collection is for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. This Appeal supports the home missions— places right here in the United States where the Catholic Church struggles just to keep parishes open and to educate children n the Catholic faith. This Appeal is a practical way for our parish to share its faith and resources with mission Church right here in our own country. Over 95 cents of every dollar donated to the Appeal goes directly to the missions to keep church doors open,, to support pastors in their priestly ministry, and to provide basic pastoral services like religious education for children. Please give generously to help you fellow Catholics right here in America. Envelopes are provided in the pews. If you were not prepared to give today, please bring your envelope next Sunday.

5. Sunday, April 27: Divine Mercy Sunday!

The Sunday after Easter is the Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus promised Saint Faustina Kowalska that: “The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.”(Diary of St. Faustina 699). 

We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this incredible promise and the additional Plenary Indulgence on this great Feast of Mercy “Divine Mercy Sunday.” 

Devotion schedule at St. Thomas Aquinas Church: 
2:00 pm – Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions; 
3:00 pm – Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song & Benediction; 
3:15 pm – Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday

6. Tuesday, April 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis: Man of Humility 

with our presenter Fr. Stasys Mikalonis

On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was elected by his fellow cardinals as the 266th pope. The first Jesuit pope, he took the name Francis, after the beloved St. Francis of Assisi. Known as a man of simplicity, he brings to the papacy a renewed emphasis on Gospel living. Our first “New World” pope: What gifts does he bring to the Chair of Peter? 

Please join us and learn more about our new pope. Our speaker will be our new Parochial Vicar, Fr. Stasys Mikalonis. Argentina is also the homeland of Fr. Stasys and he will share this perspective with us. Do not miss this! 

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

7. Thanks for A Great Seder Dinner!

Thank you for all your hard work that made the Seder Dinner  a great success! We hosted 84 guests.  

Now it is time to assess the evening and decide how to make it better next year. Please take a few minutes to give me any suggestions to improve the Dinner.

May the Blessings of the Easter season be with you.

Anne Morrison,
and the Community Life ministry

(see the pictures at the end of the eBulletin)  Thanks, Roland Quintero, for the pictures!

8. Thanks For A Job Well Done!

The Building and Equipment Maintenance Committee commends the dedicated group of parishioners who over several years planned, coordinated and 
monitored the recently completed remodeling of St. Thomas Aquinas Church.  

All parishioners are invited to inspect the gratifying results including lowering of the altar area, refinishing of the pews, interior  painting, and installation of improved sound system, including special support for the hearing impaired. We wish to especially thank Judy Foley who attended several of our
committee meetings to patiently explain the work and its progress.  

9. Volunteers Sought for the Parish Archives Project
The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Archives project is now up and running!  A group of dedicated volunteers has begun organizing materials from our parish life and history.  Materials from different ministries are being collected and organized, with the goal of preserving the documents and making them available for future use or research.
It is exciting to work with our Parish’s “historical” documents and artifacts, and we need more helping hands!  If you can volunteer for 2-3 hours each week in the coming year, we would love to have your assistance on materials related to:

- pastor, staff, parishioner photos
- community life and social activities
- historical write ups

In addition, we're looking for expertise related to database creation, and database entry.  If you can help or have questions, contact Mary Beth Lefebvre at or 650-323-4781.

10. May 3-4 and May l0-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive

The Second Graders at St. Elizabeth Seton School are becoming proficient readers and very excited about their achievement.  Our parish hopes to support and encourage their reading skills by giving them new books of their own for summer enjoyment. Many students do not have other learning opportunities during their long summer break. You might remember your own cherished "first books" as a child and want to give that gift to a Seton Second Grade student. 

The children have told us they like second-to-third grade level chapter books about "real things" (non-fiction).  Posters in each church may give you some ideas if you wish to purchase books.  We'll also be happy to shop for you with your cash donations preparing them for distribution before the end of the school year.   

Last year's remarkably successful book drive provided a variety of 5-7 books for each of the 31 students!!  Book collection boxes and an envelope for cash/check donations will be in the vestibules at our three churches on May 3-4 and May 10-11.   

Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee

11. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars

Save Monday, May 19, for Estate Planning Seminars, lead by the Diocese of San Jose, that are planned for 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.  More details to come.

12. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

13. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

14. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador

South Bay Sanctuary Covenant presents


Highlights of Our Delegation and Humane Immigration Reform

Dr. Kathleen Coll, Anthropologist at Stanford University

Sunday, April 27, 4 PM, First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto

Pupusa and Enchilada Dinner, Salvadoran Crafts, Scarves, Jewelry

Please RSVP to or (650) 494-8340

15. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues.   April 22nd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  April 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

16. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Spiritual Opportunities

Vallombrosa presents a morning workshop with Dr. Cynthia McDonald “Exploring Mind-Body Skills for Stress Reduction,” in which you will learn simple and proven techniques that activate the relaxation response such as guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindful awareness, and simple forms of meditation, along with practical ways to integrate these tools into your daily routines.
Date:  Saturday, April 26, 2014  •  8:30 am -Noon   •  Fee: $25
To register:    •   650-325-5614

17. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

18. Readings for Easter Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

8:30 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert (Easter Vigil: Fr. Matt with concelebrants Frs. Stasys, Dat and Randy and Deacons Daniel and Jaime (Music: Chris Lundin, Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Third Scrutiny
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Peter and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                    (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
NO 6:00 p.m. OLR Life Teen Mass on Easter Sunday

The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Fr. Peter and Fr. Dat leading the prayers at the Seder Dinner

Joan Meyn and Micky Martin checking IDs at the door!  No gate crashers allowed!

Paul and Fran Titterton and Teddie Guenzer

Bill Morrison and Ed Brown preparing the beverages

Chris Lundin

Apr 25, 2014, 8:05:31 AM4/25/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 17 - April 25, 2014

Divine Mercy Sunday

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, April 26: Funeral Mass for Norm Swope
2. A Message from the Pastor: Clergy Assignments
3. Sunday, April 27: Divine Mercy Sunday!
4. What Am I Going To Do To Thank The Lord?
5. This Weekend: Catholic Home Missions Appeal
6. Congratulations To Our Newest Church Members!
7. Thank You For Holy Week Participation and Support
8. Easter Flowers
9. Concluding This Weekend: Annual Layette Drive
10. Tuesday, April 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis: Man of Humility 
11. Next Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist
12. Sign Up For Online Giving
13. Report On The Tax Season: How We Helped
14. Parish Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry Update
15. Volunteers Sought for the Parish Archives Project
16. During May: Month of Mary Activities
17. May 3-4 and May l0-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive
18. Tuesday, May 6: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Our Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session!
19. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars
20. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
22. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire
23. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador
24. Young Adult Circle
25. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Mother's Day Mass and Brunch
26. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. Readings for Divine Mercy Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Pictures from Easter Vigil


1. Saturday, April 26: Funeral Mass for Norm Swope

Norm Swope, 76, of Palo Alto, CA, passed away at his home after a long battle with cancer on April 20, 2014. Services are scheduled for 10 am, Saturday April 26, 2014, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto.  

Norm is survived by his wife of 50 years, Judi Swope, sons David and Gary, daughter Karen, four grandchildren and brother Malin. He was the son of Lawrence and Lilah Swope. An avid Stanford sports fan, family historian, coach and traveller, Norman spent his life filling his calendar with family events, social gatherings, and cruises. 

Norm  was born February 3, 1938, in Garden City, KS. He graduated in 1956 from Burlingame High. He received his BS degree in EE from Stanford and received an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. Norman was a 2nd Lt. in the US Air Force at Hanscom, MA, where he met and married Judi.

Since 1965, the family has resided in Palo Alto, CA. Norman worked as a Certified Financial Planner and a Chartered Life Underwriter. In his spare time, Norman coached youth soccer and Little League baseball, and was an Assistant Scoutmaster. Norman was active on the Finance Committee of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society or St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. 

2. A Message from the Pastor: Clergy Assignments
Recently, I was informed that Bishop McGrath has decided, in consultation with the Clergy Personnel Committee, that effective July 1, 2014, Fr. Peter will be assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Victor Parish in San Jose, and Fr. Randy will be assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Julie Parish in San Jose. 

Fr. Stasys and Fr. Dat will remain with me in service to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. We will have an opportunity to thank both Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy for their three years of devoted service toward the end of June. Please keep all of us in your prayers during this time of transition.

Fr. Matt

3. Sunday, April 27: Divine Mercy Sunday!

The Sunday after Easter is the Divine Mercy Sunday. Jesus promised Saint Faustina Kowalska that: “The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.”(Diary of St. Faustina 699). 

We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this incredible promise and the additional Plenary Indulgence on this great Feast of Mercy “Divine Mercy Sunday.” 

Devotion schedule at St. Thomas Aquinas Church: 
2:00 pm – Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions; 
3:00 pm – Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song & Benediction; 
3:15 pm – Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday

4. What Am I Going To Do To Thank The Lord?

We can still hear the water running in the baptismal font; we can still smell the beautiful fragrance of the blessed oils; Easter Vigil is still very vivid to our senses.

After taking time to do penance, after meditating deeply about the mysteries of our Lord's Passion and rejoicing in his Resurrection, it is time to give thanks for His amazing love. It is time to give thanks to the Lord Who never changes and always remains - the Lord that is Faithful!

The Lord carried the cross not only up to Golgotha but all the way to Heaven. He shows us the way and wants us to follow. The heart that is open to so much love needs to be thankful - thankful not only with our lips, but thankful in our deeds.

What am I going to do to thank the Lord? It is time to remove the thorns of resentment that may be piercing my heart learning from our Lord's merciful forgiveness. It is time to humbly accept the truth and walk in His light. It is time to embrace His mercy and become instruments of mercy. It is time to rise to a new life of true virtue. It is time to be risen!

We pray that on this beautiful Divine Mercy Sunday, we may ask God and his Blessed Mother to grant us a heart after His heart and set the world on fire. Jesus, take my heart and give me yours.

Fr. Stasys Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

5. This Weekend: Catholic Home Missions Appeal

This weekends’s second collection is for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. This Appeal supports the home missions— places right here in the United States where the Catholic Church struggles just to keep parishes open and to educate children n the Catholic faith. This Appeal is a practical way for our parish to share its faith and resources with mission Church right here in our own country. Over 95 cents of every dollar donated to the Appeal goes directly to the missions to keep church doors open,, to support pastors in their priestly ministry, and to provide basic pastoral services like religious education for children. Please give generously to help you fellow Catholics right here in America. Envelopes are provided in the pews. If you were not prepared to give today, please bring your envelope next Sunday.
6. Congratulations To Our Newest Church Members!

Congratulations to the following individuals who shared in the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil:

Those Celebrating Full Christian Initiation: Ali Aghababaei, Edward Aquayo, Carol Chuan-Ying Chang, Patricia Chuo, Adonis Hernandez, Derek Ortez, Lillian Maribel Ortez, Vivian Teresa Rovsek, Anna Weirich, Eileen Xu

Christians Celebrating Full Communion with the Catholic Church: Kathleen Palmer, Tassew Mulat Woldeyohannes

Baptized Catholics Receiving First Communion: Mateo Fesselmeier, Alina Lambacher, James Miller, Raun C. Ortez

Previously Baptized Catholics Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation and/or First Eucharist: Noemi Atayde, Roxanne Clarke, Amanda Santa Gadea, Brian Santa Gadea, Violeta Sanda Gadea, Adrian Gutierrez-Garcia, Fernando Guiterrez-Garcia, Hector Martinez, Alex Morales, Stephanie Morales, Christian Sanchez, Eloisa Valencia

7. Thank You For Holy Week Participation and Support

Many, many thanks to all who participated, served, read, sang, greeted, collected, cleaned, or decorated during our Holy Week liturgies. Liturgy happens when we come together as a community to praise God in every way as we serve others. These liturgies could not have happened without your support and numerous contributions!

Nora Lundin, Director, Liturgy & Music

8. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the vestibules.

9. Concluding This Weekend: Annual Layette Drive

Each year the St. Thomas Aquinas Confirmation class conducts a Layette Drive for the Parish’s Layette Ministry. The Layette Ministry is a long running program based out of Our Lady of the Rosary Church. The ministry reaches out to new mothers in need of assistance by giving them a gift package containing essentials for their newborn baby. The drive runs the month of April. 

Parishioners can support the Layette Drive in the following ways:

1. Save money as a family throughout the month of April in the 'Layette Drive Baby Bottle" available in our church vestibules.

2.  Bring items for the Layette drive to each church location and place it in the crib.   Any or all of the items below would be appreciated:

Pkg of disposable Diapers newborn or stage1
Onesies 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Sleepers 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Booties Receiving blankets
Infant towel
Infant washcloths
Infant cloth diapers
Crib blanket
Outfit 0-6 mos or 6-9 mos
Small infant plush toy or rattle

3.  Don’t want to shop? We welcome monetary donations. Please make checks out to St. Thomas Aquinas and write “Layette Ministry” in the memo section. Place your donations in the container/envelope in the crib/basket marked “Donations”

Whatever option you choose, we thank you for your donation and support of the Layette Ministry.

10. Tuesday, April 29: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Pope Francis: Man of Humility 

with our presenter Fr. Stasys Mikalonis

On March 13, 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was elected by his fellow cardinals as the 266th pope. The first Jesuit pope, he took the name Francis, after the beloved St. Francis of Assisi. Known as a man of simplicity, he brings to the papacy a renewed emphasis on Gospel living. Our first “New World” pope: What gifts does he bring to the Chair of Peter? 

Please join us and learn more about our new pope. Our speaker will be our new Parochial Vicar, Fr. Stasys Mikalonis. Argentina is also the homeland of Fr. Stasys and he will share this perspective with us. Do not miss this! 

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

11. Next Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist

Next weekend at the 5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Albert the Great and the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will celebrate the sacrament of First Eucharist with those children who have been preparing for many months for this joyful day. Please keep these children, their families and catechists in your prayers during this week. We offer them our congratulations as they are nourished at the Table of the Lord’s Body and Blood.

12. Sign Up For Online Giving

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

13. Report On The Tax Season: How We Helped

Our parish again provided support to low income taxpayers through VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance.  VITA is a program sponsored by the IRS to provide a way for low income taxpayers to file their taxes for free.  The program provides training for tax preparers and the required computers, software, and supplies.  

Our local group of volunteers set up every Saturday morning at the OLR Hall; they interviewed the taxpayers, used the computers to create tax returns, and filed the returns electronically, all without recompense.  

Four of the volunteers are parishioners of St. Thomas.  We filed 136 tax returns in the period from February 8 to April 12.  The VITA group thanks the parish for providing an excellent environment, and the internet connection to make it all possible.  

Not only did we relieve these folks from the expense of creating and filing a return, but we also ensured that they were able to avail themselves of tax credits that are available to low income families, such as the Earned Income Credit and the Child Tax Credit.  These credits can be worth more than $5000 for qualified families.  Without assistance, it would be difficult for people to get these credits.

Paul Chestnut, parishioner and parish VITA coordinator

14. Parish Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry Update

New officers have been elected for the Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry.

They are: 
Helen Baumann, Chair; 
Ted Baer, Vice Chair;  
Charles Guenzer, Secretary and
Bill Morrison Pastoral Stewardship Council representative 

This ministry is responsible for the repairs and maintenance of the 11 buildings in our parish, the building use and the safety of the people using these buildings.   There is an urgent need for several new members. Please contact Helen Baumann,, if you are interested.

15. Volunteers Sought for the Parish Archives Project
The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Archives project is now up and running!  A group of dedicated volunteers has begun organizing materials from our parish life and history.  Materials from different ministries are being collected and organized, with the goal of preserving the documents and making them available for future use or research.
It is exciting to work with our Parish’s “historical” documents and artifacts, and we need more helping hands!  If you can volunteer for 2-3 hours each week in the coming year, we would love to have your assistance on materials related to:

- pastor, staff, parishioner photos
- community life and social activities
- historical write ups

In addition, we're looking for expertise related to database creation, and database entry.  If you can help or have questions, contact Mary Beth Lefebvre at or 650-323-4781.

16. During May: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church.

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother each day beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

2. Flower Offering

Parents bring your little ones to offer Mother Mary flowers at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. She will smile from Heaven to them in response!! Please bring your own flowers.

3. Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation for the Month of May

If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week please contact Rosa Lawley to learn more about this wonderful opportunity at (650) 521-6350 or via email at

Dates available are:

Sunday, May 4 through Saturday, May 10 
Sunday, May 11 through Saturday, May 17 
Sunday,  May 18 through Saturday, May 24 
Sunday, May 25 through Saturday, May 31

17. May 3-4 and May 10-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive

The Second Graders at St. Elizabeth Seton School are becoming proficient readers and very excited about their achievement.  Our parish hopes to support and encourage their reading skills by giving them new books of their own for summer enjoyment. Many students do not have other learning opportunities during their long summer break. You might remember your own cherished "first books" as a child and want to give that gift to a Seton Second Grade student. 

The children have told us they like second-to-third grade level chapter books about "real things" (non-fiction).  Posters in each church may give you some ideas if you wish to purchase books.  We'll also be happy to shop for you with your cash donations preparing them for distribution before the end of the school year.   

Last year's remarkably successful book drive provided a variety of 5-7 books for each of the 31 students!!  Book collection boxes and an envelope for cash/check donations will be in the vestibules at our three churches on May 3-4 and May 10-11.   

Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee

18. Tuesday, May 6: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Our Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session!

Let’s get together for a fun party, plus help us to uncover interesting topics for next year’s program! We will provide chips, salsa and the traditional beverages.

6:30 pm at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room

Call: 650-856-9339 or email Beverly at for added information.

19. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars

Save Monday, May 19, for Estate Planning Seminars, lead by the Diocese of San Jose, that are planned for 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.  More details to come.

20. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

22. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire

The Holiday Craft Faire will be on Saturday, November 15th.  Mark your calendars now!  Last year was a huge success, and we hope to enhance it by expanding the event to include all holidays, and by encouraging parishioners to prepare their crafts throughout the year.  

Do you enjoy making crafts, knitting, or sewing?  Would you like to gather periodically to work on your projects together or participate in group led projects?

Email or call Natalie Lucha right away if you are interested, have an idea, or would like more details (, 650-690-6384).  

23. Social Justice: Sunday, April 27: What's New In El Salvador

South Bay Sanctuary Covenant presents


Highlights of Our Delegation and Humane Immigration Reform

Dr. Kathleen Coll, Anthropologist at Stanford University

Sunday, April 27, 4 PM, First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto

Pupusa and Enchilada Dinner, Salvadoran Crafts, Scarves, Jewelry

Please RSVP to or (650) 494-8340

24. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  April 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Young Adult Spring Retreat (men and women) : Sat. May 3, 2014 (9:30am-3:30pm) for college age to 40. 

Theme: “Paying Attention to the Four-Hearted Way & the Love Languages of God” (full-hearted, open-hearted, clear-hearted, strong-hearted & how to feel and reflect Divine Love)   Presenter: Sister Rebecca Shinas, OP

Day includes lunch; freewill donation; at Dominican Sisters of MSJ Motherhouse, 43326 Mission Blvd. (Entrance on Mission Tierra Pl) Fremont, CA 94539 
RSVP BY WED. APRIL 30 AT or 510-933-6335
For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

25. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Mother's Day Mass and Brunch

You are invited to Vallombrosa’s Annual Mother’s Day Mass & Brunch. Fr. Kevin Gaffey: celebrant. Delicious Champagne Brunch Buffet. Sunday, May 11, 2014 •  10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Adults: 45.00. Children: 5-11: $15.00. Children under 5: Free. Table of 8: $300.00. Register online:  Or make check payable to Vallombrosa Center and mail to: 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025   Questions: (650) 325-5614

26. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit

If you or your children were educated by a Sister of the Presentation, in Menlo Park, San Jose, Morgan Hill or Gilroy, then make sure you attend the South Bay Alumnae and Friends Reception with all financial contributions going to the Sisters Retirement Fund. This delightful gathering will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Mystic Mountain Hideaway overlooking the Santa Clara Valley. For more details and to RSVP log onto and click on Events.

Rosana Madrigal, Director of Communications
Sisters of the Presentation
281 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118-4416
Direct Line   (415) 422-5020

The Sisters of the Presentation have been serving the people of God in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1854. For information regarding current ministries and activities of the Sisters of the Presentation, please visit our website at<>.

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

28. Readings for Divine Mercy Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Peter (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Randy (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Sigman, O.P. (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
3:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas (Divine Mercy Mass): Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) 
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat

The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

May 2, 2014, 8:07:11 AM5/2/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 18 - May 2, 2014

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist
2. Heads-Up: Saturday, May 3: 92nd Annual May Fete Children's Parade
3. During May: Month of Mary Activities
4. May 3-4 and May 10-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive
5. Tuesday, May 6: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Our Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session!
6. Congratulations to Nora Lundin
7. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Final Report
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Social Justice: Tuesday, May 6: One Day Fundraiser for Day Worker Center
10. Social Justice: Monday, May 12: Buena Vista Residents Need Your Help
11. Diocesan Clergy Changes Effective July 1, 2014
12. Saturday, May 10: Sacrament of Confirmation
13. May 10-11: 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal
14. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars
15. May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
16. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers
17. Saturday, June 28: Hold the Date: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
18. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
19. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire
20. Young Adult Circle
21. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Mother's Day Mass and Brunch
22. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit
23. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for Third Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyers for upcoming events and needs: County Registrar of Voters, Buena Vista housing


1. This Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist

This weekend 32 of our young people, ages 7 to 13, will be receiving Eucharist for the first time at the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Albert the Great and at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. Two more will receive at the 9 a.m. Mass on Mother’s Day the following week. All of them have worked hard over the past year to prepare themselves for this special time in their lives, and I know they eagerly look forward to that moment when they will be able to join the rest of the community in the Eucharistic Banquet. They will stand before the community and joyfully proclaim their faith and then take their rightful place with us at the table.

As we witness these beautiful Children of God receiving the sacrament for the first time, let us remember our own first experience of receiving Eucharist and re-embrace it as the amazing and miraculous gift that it is for each of us. At each and every Mass, a miracle happens, and Jesus becomes fully present to us. He is there in the gathered assembly, in the Word that is proclaimed, in the person of the priest who presides in persona Christe, and, most importantly, in the bread and wine that become His Precious Body and Precious Blood, the sacred meal that nourishes and strengthens us to be the Body of Christ in our world. This is what Jesus asked us to do. Let us not take this amazing miracle for granted, but embrace it with a newness of heart and re-commitment to our faith.

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Faith Formation

Our Hispanic Community plans to celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist on Sunday May 18 at 8:30 am Mass (earlier time) at Our Lady of the Rosary.

2. Heads-Up: Saturday, May 3: 92nd Annual May Fete Children's Parade

On Saturday, May 3, Palo Alto will hold its 92nd annual May Fete Children's Parade, beginning downtown on the corner of Emerson Street and University Avenue at 10 a.m. and end at noon across the street from St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Heritage Park at 300 Homer Ave.

Word has it that the St. Thomas Aquinas Site Committee members will have the church open for parade attendees to visit, view and ask questions.

3. During May: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. 

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother 

Each weekday beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

2. Flower Offering

Parents bring your little ones to offer Mother Mary flowers at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. She will smile from Heaven to them in response!! Please bring your own flowers.  

Note: You are also  welcomed to pray the Rosary after 10:30 Mass at OLR in front of the statue of Our Lady.

3. Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation for the Month of May

During the month of May Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting   homes in our parish!!  If you are interested please contact Rosa Lawley for more information at (650) 521-6350 or via e-mail:

Dates available are:

Sunday, May 4 through Saturday, May 10 
Sunday, May 11 through Saturday, May 17 
Sunday,  May 18 through Saturday, May 24 
Sunday, May 25 through Saturday, May 31

4. May 3-4 and May 10-11: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive

The Second Graders at St. Elizabeth Seton School are becoming proficient readers and very excited about their achievement.  Our parish hopes to support and encourage their reading skills by giving them new books of their own for summer enjoyment. Many students do not have other learning opportunities during their long summer break. You might remember your own cherished "first books" as a child and want to give that gift to a Seton Second Grade student. 

The children have told us they like second-to-third grade level chapter books about "real things" (non-fiction).  Posters in each church may give you some ideas if you wish to purchase books.  We'll also be happy to shop for you with your cash donations preparing them for distribution before the end of the school year.   

Last year's remarkably successful book drive provided a variety of 5-7 books for each of the 31 students!!  Book collection boxes and an envelope for cash/check donations will be in the vestibules at our three churches on May 3-4 and May 10-11.   

Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee

5. Tuesday, May 6: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Our Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session!

Let’s get together for a fun party, plus help us to uncover interesting topics for next year’s program! We will provide chips, salsa and the traditional beverages.

6:30 pm at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room

Call: 650-856-9339 or email Beverly at for added information.

6. Congratulations to Nora Lundin

On April 30, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph, Nora Lundin, our Director of Liturgy & Music, as a member of the Class of 2014, was honored for completing a three-year program of study at the Institute for Leadership in Ministry of the Diocese of San Jose. 

We acknowledge and appreciate her efforts to better serve our local Church. Congratulations, Nora!

Fr. Matt

7. 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal: Final Report

ADA Goal: $125,000
Pledged: $176,000
 Pledges: 268 
Average Pledge: $657
Goal: 140%

Thanks to one very large gift, we have been able to not only reach, but surpass our $125,000 ADA goal; however, without that one generous gift, we would have barely achieved our goal. 

What concerns me is how our parishioner participation rate dropped by 25% (360 families pledged in 2013 and only 268 families this year.) 

We are making this final appeal to all of our parishioners in the hope that you might consider pledging this year. Perhaps, for a very understandable reason, your financial situation precludes a pledge from you this year, or you may have simply forgotten to turn it in. It is also important to remember that every dollar pledged and paid over our goal will be returned to St. Thomas Aquinas.

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

Holy Thursday $2,600 
Good Friday $2,000 
Easter: $44,000 (Goal: $37,000)

We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of our parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. 

9. Social Justice: Tuesday, May 6: One Day Fundraiser for Day Worker Center

Your stomach is growling. You've had nothing to eat for breakfast, and you know you will have nothing for lunch. With only $96 a week to support a family of four, there probably won't be any dinner on the table for tonight for you. Yet, you ignore these pangs of hunger and you head back to work.

This is the situation that many of our day workers face every day. Before the Day Worker Center’s kitchen was closed for upgrades, many workers depended on the Center for coffee and a quick bite to start their morning, as well as a healthy, hearty meal for lunch. Several workers even earned wages preparing food for those waiting for work each day.  But until the Center’s kitchen is brought up to code, we can no longer provide meals for the workers. This means that workers will  go to work hungry. The sooner we make the upgrades, the sooner we can begin feeding our workers again.

We choose to be optimistic and see this as our chance to build the kitchen of our dreams! When we renovated and moved into this building, we focused on getting in quickly and economically. Now we have a chance to upgrade our extremely basic kitchen. 

On Tuesday May 6th, we are hosting a one day fundraiser through Silicon Valley Gives. With your help, we can build a commercial kitchen where we can feed the workers, host cooking classes for the public — possibly even offer catering. Your generous donation  will speed us on our way to upgrading the kitchen and sending out workers who have been nourished. I know we know we can count on your kind gift to help us create the kitchen of our dreams because you always come through for us.

With love and deep gratitude,

María Marroquín
Director, Day Worker Center

Support the Day Worker Center cause here:


The Center was recently visited by the County and notified that it would have to update its kitchen to commercial standards in order to continue preparing and serving hot lunches and other food prepared at the Center. This project will probably cost at least $100,000 and it needs to happen ASAP because many workers depend on the Center for their main meal of the day. In addition, the updated kitchen will be more functional and allow for cooking and catering classes. Please help fund our new kitchen.

The Day Worker Center of Mountain View is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving the day laborer community in Mountain View, Los Altos, and other surrounding communities. The Center is led by a full-time Executive Director, María Marroquín, who started as day laborer at the center in 1999 and is now a recipient of numerous awards for her work at the Center.

Led by an amazing staff and an enthusiastic, loyal core of volunteers, the Center works to toward the three main pillars of their mission:

• connect day laborers and employers in a safe and supportive environment
• empower workers to improve their socio-economic condition through fair employment, education, and job skills training
• participate in advocacy efforts that support the day laborer community

10. Social Justice: Monday, May 12: Buena Vista Residents Need Your Help

Twenty families in our parish are in danger of losing their homes. They need our help!

There is a mobile home park in Palo Alto.  It's called Buena Vista.  It’s in the Barron Park district, just west of El Camino Real.  This park includes 117 units of affordable housing. Most of the residents of Buena Vista own their mobile homes, renting space from the property owner. The owner wants to close Buena Vista, forcing the residents to move in order to sell to a redeveloper that says it will build no affordable replacement housing.                 


Attend the Rally and first night of a critical Hearing that may affect the future of hundreds of residents at Buena Vista Mobile Home Park. We must show that Palo Altans stick together; that no one of us is expendable as collateral damage to redevelopment.

Rally ~ 5:45-6:15 @ Cogswell Park, Bryant & Lytton

Get energized! Bring a sign; shout-out for our BV neighbors, our diverse community, and affordable housing!

(Free parking @ structure across f/Avenidas on Bryant)

Hearing ~ 6:30-8:30PM @ Avenidas Senior Center

450 Bryant near Lytton, downtown, next to the Park

An Administrative Law Judge will hear lawyers’ present evidence and testimony on whether the property owner's Relocation (displacement) Plan for residents is legally sufficient. Our presence will be a powerful show of support. Be there.

Si, Se Puede!  Yes, We Can!

Goals of Buena Vista Residents and Supporters:

- Work together to ensure residents have the option to remain in Palo Alto.
- Ensure students will finish their education in Palo Alto.
- Replace the 117 units of Buena Vista affordable housing that may be lost.
- Insist on residents fair treatment and rights upheld.

Watch for our petition to the City Council requesting the Councii to hold firm on current zoning of the property (available soon after all Masses).

Supported by our parish Human Concerns Committee

11. Diocesan Clergy Changes Effective July 1, 2014
Many of our parishioners are interested in clergy assignments (in addition to what Fr. Matt already announced for Frs. Peter and Randy) and you will no doubt recognize some names on the following list.

From the Office of the Vicar for Clergy, April 28, 2014

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, after consulting  with the Clergy Personnel Board, has made the following appointments, effective July 1, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Saint Nicholas Parish/Saint William Parish, Los Altos
Father George Arahna: Santa Teresa Parish, San Jose
Father Hector Basañez: Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish, Alviso
Father Christopher Bennett: Saint Christopher Parish, San Jose
Father Christopher Bransfield: Saint Justin Parish, Santa Clara
Father Steven Brown: Saint John Vianney Parish, San Jose
Father Michael Carson: Saint Cyprian Parish, Sunnyvale
Father David Mercer: Saint Thomas of Canterbury Parish, San Jose
Father Francisco Miramontes: Saint Maria Goretti Parish, San Jose
Father Antonio Silveira: Five Wounds Portuguese National Parish, San Jose
Father Tadeusz Terembula:  Saint Clare Parish, Santa Clara
Father Roberto Gomez: Saint Martin Parish, Sunnyvale
Father Mario Avila, IVE: Saint Leo the Great, San Jose (March 1)
Father Angelo David: Holy Spirit Parish, San Jose
Father Andrey Garcia: Saint Catherine Parish, Morgan Hill
Father Engelberto Gammad: Saint John Vianney Parish, San Jose
Father Generoso Geronimo: Saint John the Baptist Parish, Milpitas (August 1)
Father Andrew C. Nguyen: Our Lady of La Vang Parish, San Jose
Father John Tran Nguyen, OFM: Saint Maria Goretti Parish, San Jose
Father Pedro B Perez Sención: Saint Clare Parish, Santa Clara
Father John Poncini: Saint William Parish/Saint Nicholas Parish, Los Altos
Father Normandy Segovia: Saint Christopher Parish, San Jose
Father Peter Seimas: Saint Victor Parish, San Jose
Father Randy Valenton: Saint Julie Parish, San Jose
Father Arthur Yabes: Saint Maria Goretti Parish, San Jose
Deacon Hon Nguyen Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, San Jose (April 14)
Monsignor Francis Cilia:  Vicar for Clergy (while remaining as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia)
Father Joseph Kim:  Diocesan Director of Vocations and Diocesan Director of Evangelization
Monsignor Wilfredo Manrique: Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Judicial Vicariate
Father Daniel Urcia: Chaplain, Restorative Justice Ministry

Father Martin Abrego, SSL  
RETIRING – JUNE 30, 2014
Monsignor Dominic Dinh Do  
Father Robert Moran  
Father Lawrence Percell  
Mrs. Dorothy Carlson,  Minister of Parish Life

12. Saturday, May 10: Sacrament of Confirmation

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held Saturday at the 5pm Mass, May 10th at St. Albert the Great Church. 

Msgr. Francis V. Cilia, Vicar General, will confer upon our Confirmandi the gift of the Holy Spirit. We congratulate them, their parents, sponsors, and catechists.

13. May 10-11: 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

The 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal is the weekend of May 10-11. 
This year’s theme is “…above all, care for the poor.” Pope Francis.

Every day in our diocese, there are families and individuals who struggle with homelessness, unemployment, mental illness, loneliness, or a lack of education, and they need our help to move out of poverty.

Charity is an essential element of what it means to be Catholic and is as vital to us as the sacraments and the preaching of the Gospel. We are all called through our baptism to care for our neighbors in need. But the needs can be so great, that we can’t meet all of them all by ourselves. So the Church responds with compassion to the poor and vulnerable through Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, the social justice arm of the church. The mission of Catholic Charities is rooted in the Gospel to serve people in need, especially those in poverty, and to address the causes that undermine the dignity of the person.

Through the work of Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, we extend our arms to hold a person in comfort; we offer a hand to a stranger to welcome them; we feed a hungry Senior Citizen food to sustain life; and we help the homeless find a home.

We ask that every parishioner consider the blessing God has given to us as well as the good we can accomplish when we act with the unity and strength of our faith.  The impact of Catholic Charities cannot be understated. Over 41,000 people from every community in Santa Clara County benefit from their programs and services each year. Please consider a generous gift to the Catholic Charities 2014 Annual Appeal, and please pray for the success of this important Appeal.  There will be envelopes in the pews.

14. Save The Date: Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars

Save Monday, May 19, for Estate Planning Seminars, lead by the Diocese of San Jose, that are planned for 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.  More details to come.

15. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

Please join us for the 19th annual charity golf scramble and auction benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School students at the Stanford University Golf Course.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy a round of golf on a spectacular golf course and help stop the cycle of poverty in one glorious day!  For more information please call the St. Elizabeth Seton School Development office at 650-326-1258, or visit the St. Elizabeth Seton Palo Alto Facebook page or go to

16. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the need for bi-lingual volunteers to server in the gubernatorial primary election.
You must register by May 16. There is a $130 stipend for the effort, which involves a 3-hour training session as well as working that Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.

17. Saturday, June 28: Hold the Date: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

18. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

19. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire

The Holiday Craft Faire will be on Saturday, November 15th.  Mark your calendars now!  Last year was a huge success, and we hope to enhance it by expanding the event to include all holidays, and by encouraging parishioners to prepare their crafts throughout the year.  

Do you enjoy making crafts, knitting, or sewing?  Would you like to gather periodically to work on your projects together or participate in group led projects?

Email or call Natalie Lucha right away if you are interested, have an idea, or would like more details (, 650-690-6384).  

20. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Spring Retreat (men and women) : Sat. May 3, 2014 (9:30am-3:30pm) for college age to 40. 

Theme: “Paying Attention to the Four-Hearted Way & the Love Languages of God” (full-hearted, open-hearted, clear-hearted, strong-hearted & how to feel and reflect Divine Love)   Presenter: Sister Rebecca Shinas, OP

Day includes lunch; freewill donation; at Dominican Sisters of MSJ Motherhouse, 43326 Mission Blvd. (Entrance on Mission Tierra Pl) Fremont, CA 94539 
RSVP BY WED. APRIL 30 AT or 510-933-6335
For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

21. Upcoming Vallombrosa Center Mother's Day Mass and Brunch

You are invited to Vallombrosa’s Annual Mother’s Day Mass & Brunch. Fr. Kevin Gaffey: celebrant. Delicious Champagne Brunch Buffet. Sunday, May 11, 2014 •  10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Adults: 45.00. Children: 5-11: $15.00. Children under 5: Free. Table of 8: $300.00. Register online:  Or make check payable to Vallombrosa Center and mail to: 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025   Questions: (650) 325-5614

22. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit

If you or your children were educated by a Sister of the Presentation, in Menlo Park, San Jose, Morgan Hill or Gilroy, then make sure you attend the South Bay Alumnae and Friends Reception with all financial contributions going to the Sisters Retirement Fund. This delightful gathering will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Mystic Mountain Hideaway overlooking the Santa Clara Valley. For more details and to RSVP log onto and click on Events.

Rosana Madrigal, Director of Communications
Sisters of the Presentation
281 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118-4416
Direct Line   (415) 422-5020

The Sisters of the Presentation have been serving the people of God in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1854. For information regarding current ministries and activities of the Sisters of the Presentation, please visit our website at<>.

23. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Readings for Third Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin) First Communion

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Randy  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Peter (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:             (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Peter

Fr. Stasys is away May 3-5.
Buena Vista Flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

May 9, 2014, 7:48:21 AM5/9/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 19 - May 9, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, May 10: Sacrament of Confirmation
2. Confirmation: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
3. This Weekend: 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal
4. World Day of Prayer for Vocations
5. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities
6. Concluding This Weekend: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive
7. Clergy Study Week: May 12 - 16
8. Thanks for Hotel de Zink Dinners
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. Online Giving Program
11. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!
12. Social Justice: Monday, May 12: Buena Vista Residents Need Your Help
13. Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars
14. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
15. Tuesday, May 20: Memorial Mass for Sr. Jeanette Donnelly
16. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers
17. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
18. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
20. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire
21. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit
22. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Readings for Fourth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyers for upcoming events and needs: County Registrar of Voters, Buena Vista housing


1. Saturday, May 10: Sacrament of Confirmation

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held this Saturday at the 5pm Mass, May 10th at St. Albert the Great Church. 

Msgr. Francis V. Cilia, Vicar General, will confer upon our Confirmandi the gift of the Holy Spirit. We congratulate them, their parents, sponsors, and catechists.

2. Confirmation: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Our confirmation program at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is called one8 (pronounced one eight). The name of the program comes from Acts 1:8 where we hear, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This weekend,  eleven youth of our parish joined the completed their Christian initiation into the Catholic Church by the laying on of hands and an anointing with Sacred Chrism through which they received the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit.

These amazing teens have been preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation for two years now.  Their dedication to becoming an adult in the Catholic Church is inspiring; they have been “witnesses” to the faith well before their confirmation. Throughout this past year they have attended two retreats, weekly Life Teen sessions, monthly one8 confirmation sessions, and have experienced a multitude of service projects. 

During one retreat this year we had Eucharistic Adoration, a time to pray in presence of the Blessed Sacrament. One of our high school confirmation candidates told me this afterward: “I’ve been on many retreats over the past 5 years with my parents and brothers, so I thought I knew what to expect when I came on this retreat. I guess I was wrong. I didn’t think I would have any fun. I never really liked retreats.  Tonight, during adoration it all came together for me. I felt a sort of peace that I have never felt before. It washed over me like a calming silence. I felt Jesus’ love.” When he told me this, I knew he was being a “witness” for me of Christ’s love— the teacher becomes the student. God is good.

Email us at if you can help one Sunday a month with our confirmation program. 

Alley White, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

3. This Weekend: 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal

The 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal is the weekend of May 10-11. 
This year’s theme is “…above all, care for the poor.” Pope Francis.

Every day in our diocese, there are families and individuals who struggle with homelessness, unemployment, mental illness, loneliness, or a lack of education, and they need our help to move out of poverty.

Charity is an essential element of what it means to be Catholic and is as vital to us as the sacraments and the preaching of the Gospel. We are all called through our baptism to care for our neighbors in need. But the needs can be so great, that we can’t meet all of them all by ourselves. So the Church responds with compassion to the poor and vulnerable through Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, the social justice arm of the church. The mission of Catholic Charities is rooted in the Gospel to serve people in need, especially those in poverty, and to address the causes that undermine the dignity of the person.

Through the work of Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, we extend our arms to hold a person in comfort; we offer a hand to a stranger to welcome them; we feed a hungry Senior Citizen food to sustain life; and we help the homeless find a home.

We ask that every parishioner consider the blessing God has given to us as well as the good we can accomplish when we act with the unity and strength of our faith.  The impact of Catholic Charities cannot be understated. Over 41,000 people from every community in Santa Clara County benefit from their programs and services each year. Please consider a generous gift to the Catholic Charities 2014 Annual Appeal, and please pray for the success of this important Appeal.  There will be envelopes in the pews.

4. World Day of Prayer for Vocations

This Sunday is World Day of Prayer for Vocations, when we celebrate and pray for the men and women who have already, or who will in the future, choose to share God’s love through their lives as sisters, brothers, deacons, and priests. 

Did you know that the number one reason young people say they have not considered a vocation to priesthood or religious life is that no one has ever invited them to consider it? Do you know of someone who might be a good priest or religious sister? Why don’t you say something to him or her today?

5. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. 

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother 

Each weekday beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

2. Flower Offering

Parents bring your little ones to offer Mother Mary flowers at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. She will smile from Heaven to them in response!! Please bring your own flowers.  

Note: You are also  welcomed to pray the Rosary after 10:30 Mass at OLR in front of the statue of Our Lady.

3. Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation for the Month of May

During the month of May Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting homes in our parish!!  If you are interested please contact Rosa Lawley for more information at (650) 521-6350 or via e-mail:

Dates available are:

Sunday, May 11 through Saturday, May 17 
Sunday,  May 18 through Saturday, May 24 
Sunday, May 25 through Saturday, May 31

6. Concluding This Weekend: St Elizabeth Seton School 2nd grade Book Drive

The Second Graders at St. Elizabeth Seton School are becoming proficient readers and very excited about their achievement.  Our parish hopes to support and encourage their reading skills by giving them new books of their own for summer enjoyment. Many students do not have other learning opportunities during their long summer break. You might remember your own cherished "first books" as a child and want to give that gift to a Seton Second Grade student. 

The children have told us they like second-to-third grade level chapter books about "real things" (non-fiction).  Posters in each church may give you some ideas if you wish to purchase books.  We'll also be happy to shop for you with your cash donations preparing them for distribution before the end of the school year.   

Last year's remarkably successful book drive provided a variety of 5-7 books for each of the 31 students!!  Book collection boxes and an envelope for cash/check donations will be in the vestibules at our three churches on May 3-4 and May 10-11.   

Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee

7. Clergy Study Week: May 12 - 16

Beginning this Monday, May 12th and continuing through Friday, May 16, many of the priests of the Diocese of San Jose including Fr. Matt, Fr. Peter and Fr. Dat will spend some time at San Juan Bautista for their annual week of study, prayer, and reflection. Please keep them all in your prayers.

8. Thanks for Hotel de Zink Dinners

Many, many thanks to all the folks who brought food for the Hotel de Zink guests at the Church of Christ during the month of April. Everyone staying there was so thankful and raved about the good food and the quantity of food that was brought.

9. Weekly Stewardship Report

May 4: $12,250  (Goal: $11,000)

We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of our parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. 

10. Online Giving Program

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. Sign-up for Online Giving Program from Our Sunday Visitor.  You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. 

Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

11. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. 

If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall. Please contact Fr. Matt ( more information.

10. Social Justice: Monday, May 12: Buena Vista Residents Need Your Help

Twenty families in our parish are in danger of losing their homes. They need our help!

There is a mobile home park in Palo Alto.  It's called Buena Vista.  It’s in the Barron Park district, just west of El Camino Real.  This park includes 117 units of affordable housing. Most of the residents of Buena Vista own their mobile homes, renting space from the property owner. The owner wants to close Buena Vista, forcing the residents to move in order to sell to a redeveloper that says it will build no affordable replacement housing.                 


Attend the Rally and first night of a critical Hearing that may affect the future of hundreds of residents at Buena Vista Mobile Home Park. We must show that Palo Altans stick together; that no one of us is expendable as collateral damage to redevelopment.

Rally ~ 5:45-6:15 @ Cogswell Park, Bryant & Lytton.  Get energized! Bring a sign; shout-out for our BV neighbors, our diverse community, and affordable housing!  (Free parking @ structure across f/Avenidas on Bryant)

Hearing ~ 6:30-8:30PM @ Avenidas Senior Center, 450 Bryant near Lytton, downtown, next to the Park: An Administrative Law Judge will hear lawyers’ present evidence and testimony on whether the property owner's Relocation (displacement) Plan for residents is legally sufficient. Our presence will be a powerful show of support. Be there.

Si, Se Puede!  Yes, We Can!

Goals of Buena Vista Residents and Supporters:

- Work together to ensure residents have the option to remain in Palo Alto.
- Ensure students will finish their education in Palo Alto.
- Replace the 117 units of Buena Vista affordable housing that may be lost.
- Insist on residents fair treatment and rights upheld.

Watch for our petition to the City Council requesting the Councii to hold firm on current zoning of the property (available soon after all Masses).

Supported by our parish Human Concerns Committee

13. Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars

Estate Planning Seminar will be held at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center on Monday, May 19th at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Presented by John Wunderling (of Ferrari, Ottoboni, Caputo & Wunderling)

Learn about:
Reducing Estate Settlement Costs
Wills and Living Trusts
Alternatives to Probate, Reducing Taxes
Turning Tax Dollars into Gifts
Plan Your Final Arrangements

14. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

St. Elizabeth Seton School is having their annual Seton Scramble Golf Tournament at the Stanford University Golf Course on Monday, May 19th.  

A continental breakfast, boxed lunch, and dinner reception are included in the ticket price.  There is still space for more golfers, so please contact the Development Office if you'd like to attend.  If you don't play golf and would like to join the reception afterwards, please RSVP to the Development Office at 650-326-1258.  There is no charge to attend the reception, but you must RSVP!  We look forward to seeing you!!!   

15. Tuesday, May 20: Memorial Mass for Sr. Jeanette Donnelly

There will be a Memorial Mass for Sister Jeannette Donnelly on Tuesday May 20 at 8:30 am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. A reception will follow Mass in the OLR Hall. Sr. Jeannette taught at St. Elizabeth Seton School from 1978 to 1995. She passed away April 9, 2014.

16. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the need for bi-lingual volunteers to server in the gubernatorial primary election.
You must register by May 16. There is a $130 stipend for the effort, which involves a 3-hour training session as well as working that Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.

17. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

18. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

19. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

20. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire

The Holiday Craft Faire will be on Saturday, November 15th.  Mark your calendars now!  Last year was a huge success, and we hope to enhance it by expanding the event to include all holidays, and by encouraging parishioners to prepare their crafts throughout the year.  

Do you enjoy making crafts, knitting, or sewing?  Would you like to gather periodically to work on your projects together or participate in group led projects?

Email or call Natalie Lucha right away if you are interested, have an idea, or would like more details (, 650-690-6384).  

21. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit

If you or your children were educated by a Sister of the Presentation, in Menlo Park, San Jose, Morgan Hill or Gilroy, then make sure you attend the South Bay Alumnae and Friends Reception with all financial contributions going to the Sisters Retirement Fund. This delightful gathering will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Mystic Mountain Hideaway overlooking the Santa Clara Valley. For more details and to RSVP log onto and click on Events.

Rosana Madrigal, Director of Communications
Sisters of the Presentation
281 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118-4416
Direct Line   (415) 422-5020

The Sisters of the Presentation have been serving the people of God in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1854. For information regarding current ministries and activities of the Sisters of the Presentation, please visit our website at<>.

22. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Readings for Fourth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert: Msgr. Fran Cilia, Fr. Matt, Fr. Dat, Fr. Randy, Deacons Daniel and Jaime (Music: Chris Lundin and Life Teen Choir) Confirmation

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:             (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.
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Buena Vista Flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

May 16, 2014, 8:36:44 AM5/16/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 20 - May 16, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Jesus is the Way: Reflections On Priesthood
2. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities
3. St. Elizabeth Seton Second Grade New Book Collection Update
4. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for St. Vincent de Paul
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars
7. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students
8. Tuesday, May 20: Memorial Mass for Sr. Jeanette Donnelly
9. Wednesday, May 21: Last S.O.U.P For A Bit
10. Saturday, May 24: Funeral Mass for Andrew Quintero
11. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers
12. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
13. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!
14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
16. Sunday, May 18: Documentary Film "The Overnighters"
17. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit
18. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyers for upcoming events and needs, First Communion and Confirmation pictures


1. Jesus is the Way: Reflections On Priesthood

A priest was going to preach a retreat in a city in Florida. He decided to send a postcard to his mother back home. Walking out of his hotel, he saw a young boy on a bike and asked where the nearest post office was. The boy gave him directions. The priest thanked him and then invited the boy to church that evening. He told him “If you come to church this evening, I’ll tell you the way to get to heaven.” “No thanks,” the boy answered. “You don’t even know your way to the post office.”

In our Gospel this Sunday, a passage very often read at funerals, the apostles are confused when Jesus tells them “you know the way.” Jesus enlightens their dismay by telling them: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He alone is both the path by which we arrive and the manner in which we are to travel.

This Sunday, I am so blessed to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. It was on this very day, when Bishop Pierre DuMaine, through the laying on of hands, and the calling forth of the Holy Spirit, bestowed upon me the dignity of the priesthood. I know of some priests who have served in five different parishes in the first five years of their priesthood! The Lord has gifted me with stability. I have served in only three different parishes since 1991: St. Mary in Gilroy; Holy Family in San Jose; and St. Thomas Aquinas in Palo Alto.

My simple prayer every day is for God to give me the grace to be a holy, happy, and healthy priest. For 23 years, the Lord has shown me “the way” to serve the People of God in the best way I know how. I am most grateful today for the many good and loving people whose lives I have touched and who, in turn, have touched mine. People I would have never met, if I had not become a priest.

Fr. Matt

2. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. 

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother 

Each weekday beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

2. Flower Offering

Parents bring your little ones to offer Mother Mary flowers at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. She will smile from Heaven to them in response!! Please bring your own flowers.  

Note: You are also  welcomed to pray the Rosary after 10:30 Mass at OLR in front of the statue of Our Lady.

3. Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation for the Month of May

During the month of May Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting homes in our parish!!  If you are interested please contact Rosa Lawley for more information at (650) 521-6350 or via e-mail:

Dates available are:

Sunday,  May 18 through Saturday, May 24 
Sunday, May 25 through Saturday, May 31

3. St. Elizabeth Seton Second Grade New Book Collection Update

Many, many thanks to all of you who contributed in any way to our recent St. Elizabeth Seton Second Grade New Book collection.  To date, $1,185 has been donated along with many books. Due to your generosity, some books to be purchased may well be provided to students at other lower grade levels.  

In collaboration with Ms. Evelyn Rosa, the school principal, every effort will be made to maximize the reading and learning experiences of the young children during the long summer months.  

With no summer school this year and few resources for educational experiences, these children may be able to maintain their current reading level and, hopefully, expand their own view of the world and vision for themselves in a brighter tomorrow.

The Human Concerns Committee

4. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for St. Vincent de Paul

During the early years of the founding of St. Vincent de Paul, Blessed Frederic and his friends were trained in the work by Sister Rosalie Rendu, a daughter of Charity. Daily she went to the Mouffetard district of Paris, the most impoverished area in Paris. She gave practical advice to Ozanam & his friends, pointing out the families that needed extra help, giving them bread coupons & general advice on how to carry out the work. She was well known in Paris and many notables came to her for advice: Charles X, Queen Amelie, NapoleonIII, & Empress Eugenie. During her childhood Rosalie’s parents sheltered priests in their home. During the Revolution she mounted the barriers to treat the wounded on both sides of the conflict.

Today, we have many people who are in great need. Please give generously when the collection basket comes your way next weekend.

We are also in great need of helpers in our work. We welcome anyone who would be interested in helping us. Please call 650-424-8155.

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

Easter is a season of joyful giving. We deeply appreciate the joyful giving of so many of our parishioners who share with us in abundance their time, talent,
and treasure. Help us keep this Easter joy alive at St. Thomas Aquinas all year long by practicing good stewardship. We encourage everyone to consider PresIder schedule using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. Stewards know themselves to be both recipients and caretakers of God's many gifts.

May 11: Actual: $11,300 (Goal: $11,000)

6. Monday, May 19: Estate Planning Seminars

Estate Planning Seminar will be held at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center on Monday, May 19th at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
Presented by John Wunderling (of Ferrari, Ottoboni, Caputo & Wunderling)

Learn about:
Reducing Estate Settlement Costs
Wills and Living Trusts
Alternatives to Probate, Reducing Taxes
Turning Tax Dollars into Gifts
Plan Your Final Arrangements

7. Monday, May 19, 2014: Seton Scramble for Students

St. Elizabeth Seton School is having their annual Seton Scramble Golf Tournament at the Stanford University Golf Course on Monday, May 19th.  

A continental breakfast, boxed lunch, and dinner reception are included in the ticket price.  There is still space for more golfers, so please contact the Development Office if you'd like to attend.  If you don't play golf and would like to join the reception afterwards, please RSVP to the Development Office at 650-326-1258.  There is no charge to attend the reception, but you must RSVP!  We look forward to seeing you!!!   

8. Tuesday, May 20: Memorial Mass for Sr. Jeanette Donnelly

There will be a Memorial Mass for Sister Jeannette Donnelly on Tuesday May 20 at 8:30 am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. A reception will follow Mass in the OLR Hall. Sr. Jeannette taught at St. Elizabeth Seton School from 1978 to 1995. She passed away April 9, 2014.

9. Wednesday, May 21: Last S.O.U.P For A Bit

S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves With Under-nourished People) will begin their Summer Break after this Wednesday's gathering (6:00 p.m OLR Hall). It will start up again in the fall.  The group shares a simple meal (3-4 soups) together and donates what they would have spend on dinner to good causes, including Fr. Jack Donald, S.J. in Honduras and other missionary efforts.

10. Saturday, May 24: Funeral Mass for Andrew Quintero

The Spirit of Andrew, the loving son of Roland and Elisabeth Quintero, was called to heaven on May 4th in Waikiki, Hawaii while swimming on his back looking at his God’s blue sky.  He is survived by his loving wife Cristine Wolf of Redondo Beach, his father Roland Quintero of Palo Alto, his three older brothers, Roland William Quintero III (Lisa) of Fairfield, Robert Anton Quintero of San Jose, and Richard Walter Quintero of Lake Worth, Fl. ; his niece Jessica Quintero (Michael), their three children Elisabeth, Nikolaus and Joseph; and  nephews Robert Quintero, Russell (Sasha), and his many close friends and associates.

Viewing/vigil and prayers will be conducted Friday May 23, 4 p.m. until 8 p.m., with a Rosary at 6 p.m at the Spangler Mortuary, 399 South San Antonio Rd.
Los Altos CA 94022  (Corner of Lyell. Phone: 650-328-1360)
A funeral  Mass will be celebrated on Saturday May 24, 1 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. A reception in the church hall will follow the service.

Andrew means manly, Harrison means Noble and Princely, and he reflected all of that  with his patience, honesty, understanding and endurance

He was born in 1963 in Mountain View, California.  A member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in his early years., he graduated from Palo Alto High School, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and received his Executive MBA with Summa Cum Laude at the top of his class from Loyola Marymount.

Earlier in his career Andrew worked for Hughes Space and Communications supporting anomaly and failure investigations. He was also the lead architect of a Space Systems Engineering Database.  Andrew has published a number of reports and papers on risk assessment and test effectiveness and received numerous awards and honors for his efforts. He was proud to have the patent for a program called Smart Cow, an intelligent search engine.

Instead of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Vincent de Paul care of St. Thomas Aquinas parish, Palo Alto, 3290 Middlefield Rd. 94306, or other personal choices.   A scholarship fund  to Loyola Marymount University or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Andy’s name will be handled by First United Methodist of Redondo Beach.

11. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the need for bi-lingual volunteers to server in the gubernatorial primary election.
You must register by May 16. There is a $130 stipend for the effort, which involves a 3-hour training session as well as working that Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.

12. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

13. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. 

If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall. Please contact Fr. Matt ( more information.

14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

16. Sunday, May 18: Documentary Film "The Overnighters"

I am writing to invite you and your entire congregation to attend a very special event at Grace Lutheran Church on Sunday, May 18 at 5:30 pm. In conjunction with St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Grace will be screening the new Sundance Award-Winning documentary film The Overnighters, by Palo Alto native filmmaker Jesse Moss.

The Overnighters tells the story of a Lutheran pastor, Jay Reineke, in North Dakota, who decided to open his church to the homeless men who were seeking work in the oilfields. The film received rave critical reviews and won a prestigious special jury award at Sundance 2014 just a few months ago. Variety called it a powerful "Steinbeckian parable." It has not yet opened in theaters, and so this is a tremendous opportunity for the faith community of Palo Alto.

The filmmaker, Jesse Moss who is from Palo Alto, will be on hand for a Q/A after the film to discuss homelessness, including such issues as the Palo Alto vehicle dwelling ban. A simple dinner will be served and donations of any potluck dinner items would be gratefully appreciated as we do not know how many people to expect.

See the attached flyer. We hope very much you will join us and spread the word to other faith-based and homeless advocacy groups in Palo Alto. The issues raised in the film are highly relevant to our local efforts to find a generous community response to the neediest among us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

The Reverend Matthew McDermott
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto CA 94306, 650-326-3800

17. Sunday, May 18: Sisters of the Presentation Retirement Fund Benefit

If you or your children were educated by a Sister of the Presentation, in Menlo Park, San Jose, Morgan Hill or Gilroy, then make sure you attend the South Bay Alumnae and Friends Reception with all financial contributions going to the Sisters Retirement Fund. This delightful gathering will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Mystic Mountain Hideaway overlooking the Santa Clara Valley. For more details and to RSVP log onto and click on Events.

Rosana Madrigal, Director of Communications
Sisters of the Presentation
281 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118-4416
Direct Line   (415) 422-5020

The Sisters of the Presentation have been serving the people of God in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1854. For information regarding current ministries and activities of the Sisters of the Presentation, please visit our website at<>.

18. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Randy (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Thompson, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen choir) - Final Mass of the School Year

Fr. Peter is on vacation.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Sacrament of First Eucharist and Confirmation at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary

Overnighters Flyer (1).pdf

Chris Lundin

May 23, 2014, 7:50:49 AM5/23/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 21 - May 23, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, May 24: Funeral Mass for Andrew Quintero
2. This  Weekend: 2nd Collection for St. Vincent de Paul
3. No 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass For The Summer
4. Monday, May 26:  Pastoral Center Closed
5. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities
6. Be Led by the Spirit  
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!
9. Prayer Circle: An Invitation
10. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members
11. Next Weekend: The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
12. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers
13. Thursday, June 5: Widow and Widowers Luncheon
14. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
15. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!
16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
17. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
18. Tuesday, May 27: Young Adult Mass at St. Simon
19. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Readings for Sixth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, May 24: Funeral Mass for Andrew Quintero

The Spirit of Andrew, the loving son of Roland and Elisabeth Quintero, was called to heaven on May 4th in Waikiki, Hawaii while swimming on his back looking at his God’s blue sky.  He is survived by his loving wife Cristine Wolf of Redondo Beach, his father Roland Quintero of Palo Alto, his three older brothers, Roland William Quintero III (Lisa) of Fairfield, Robert Anton Quintero of San Jose, and Richard Walter Quintero of Lake Worth, Fl. ; his niece Jessica Quintero (Michael), their three children Elisabeth, Nikolaus and Joseph; and  nephews Robert Quintero, Russell (Sasha), and his many close friends and associates.

Viewing/vigil and prayers will be conducted Friday May 23, 4 p.m. until 8 p.m., with a Rosary at 6 p.m at the Spangler Mortuary, 399 South San Antonio Rd.
Los Altos CA 94022  (Corner of Lyell. Phone: 650-328-1360)
A funeral  Mass will be celebrated on Saturday May 24, 1 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. A reception in the church hall will follow the service.

Andrew means manly, Harrison means Noble and Princely, and he reflected all of that  with his patience, honesty, understanding and endurance

He was born in 1963 in Mountain View, California.  A member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in his early years., he graduated from Palo Alto High School, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and received his Executive MBA with Summa Cum Laude at the top of his class from Loyola Marymount.

Earlier in his career Andrew worked for Hughes Space and Communications supporting anomaly and failure investigations. He was also the lead architect of a Space Systems Engineering Database.  Andrew has published a number of reports and papers on risk assessment and test effectiveness and received numerous awards and honors for his efforts. He was proud to have the patent for a program called Smart Cow, an intelligent search engine.

Instead of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Vincent de Paul care of St. Thomas Aquinas parish, Palo Alto, 3290 Middlefield Rd. 94306, or other personal choices.   A scholarship fund  to Loyola Marymount University or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Andy’s name will be handled by First United Methodist of Redondo Beach.

Roland asks that attendees consider wearing Hawaiian apparel or bright colors to reflect Andy's love of the Islands.

2. This  Weekend: 2nd Collection for St. Vincent de Paul

During the early years of the founding of St. Vincent de Paul, Blessed Frederic and his friends were trained in the work by Sister Rosalie Rendu, a daughter of Charity. Daily she went to the Mouffetard district of Paris, the most impoverished area in Paris. She gave practical advice to Ozanam & his friends, pointing out the families that needed extra help, giving them bread coupons & general advice on how to carry out the work. She was well known in Paris and many notables came to her for advice: Charles X, Queen Amelie, NapoleonIII, & Empress Eugenie. During her childhood Rosalie’s parents sheltered priests in their home. During the Revolution she mounted the barriers to treat the wounded on both sides of the conflict.

Today, we have many people who are in great need. Please give generously when the collection basket comes your way next weekend.

We are also in great need of helpers in our work. We welcome anyone who would be interested in helping us. Please call 650-424-8155.

3. No 6:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass For The Summer

Last Sunday was the last 6:00 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary until September.  That leaves just 8 other Masses you can attend in our parish!

4. Monday, May 26:  Pastoral Center Closed

In honor of the Memorial Day holiday, the Pastoral Center will be closed. 

Daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

5. Continuing During May: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. 

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother 

Each weekday beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

2. Flower Offering

Parents bring your little ones to offer Mother Mary flowers at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. She will smile from Heaven to them in response!! Please bring your own flowers.  

Note: You are also  welcomed to pray the Rosary after 10:30 Mass at OLR in front of the statue of Our Lady.

3. Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation for the Month of May

During the month of May Our Lady of Fatima will be visiting homes in our parish!!  If you are interested please contact Rosa Lawley for more information at (650) 521-6350 or via e-mail:

Dates available are:  Sunday, May 25 through Saturday, May 31

6. Be Led by the Spirit                                                                       

In this weekend’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that there is still another reason to rejoice: “ I will not leave you orphans. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always ”  Jn 14:18,12.  Jesus promised us the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will come and lead us on the right path. We will not be left to wander by ourselves trying to look for the right path to Heaven. The Holy Spirit will be our Guide.

By sending us the Holy Spirit, God “seals the deal” in bringing to completion his promise of eternal life. The gift of eternal life is not an empty promise. He sends us help to make sure that we will obtain it in the end. Let us thank God for his great love and let us rejoice because we have the Holy Spirit who is with us always to lead us in our journey to our Father’s home. 

Fr. Dat, Parochial Vicar

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the months of March and April. Our average weekly collection for the 9th and 10th months of this fiscal year was $11,694 and $12,715 respectively. 

This marks the 8th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 12% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. 

When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. Our collection target for July-April was $462,000; our actual is $487,000.  What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

8. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2014 - April 2015). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

9. Prayer Circle: An Invitation

You are invited to join our Prayer Circle.  The Prayer Circle is a circle of friends in our parish community who pray for the sick and those who need our prayers.  Names of the sick can be printed in the Sunday bulletin or be listed in a confidential list with the prayer intention.  

Mary Fong at the Pastoral Home Ministry maintains the lists and sends out updates to people who have e-mail addresses weekly or by regular mail on a bi-weekly basis.  

If you are interested in joining our prayer circle or have someone you want to pray for please contact Mary at or call 650-494-2496 X22.

10. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members

The Finance Advisory Council (FAC) is a consultative body to the Pastor. It has the mission and duty of being good stewards— overseeing and advising the Pastor in regards to the treasure entrusted to him on behalf of us all. It meets every other month. We are currently on the lookout for a few new members. 

The basic qualifications are: 

1) Registered and active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish; 
2) A willingness to make recommendations for the good of the whole community without recourse to any special interest group; 
3) One who has demonstrated the ability to work well within a group. 

Please submit a brief letter to Fr. Matt ( Deadline is June 30, 2014.

11. Next Weekend: The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

As of September, 1999, the Bishops of the Dioceses in the Western part of the United States permanently transferred this Solemnity to the 7th Sunday of Easter which this year is next Sunday, June 1st.

12. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the need for bi-lingual volunteers to server in the gubernatorial primary election.
You must register by May 16. There is a $130 stipend for the effort, which involves a 3-hour training session as well as working that Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.

13. Thursday, June 5: Widow and Widowers Luncheon

The Widow and Widowers will lunch at the Shoreline Café in Mountain View on June 5 at 1 p.m. Separate orders will be done and the cost is estimated under $20. You select your favorite from the menu. We estimated 24 so call Jean for our headcount by June 1.

For information or reservations call Jean Gac, phone. 650-858-1832 or email:

14. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

15. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. 

If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall. Please contact Fr. Matt ( more information.

16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

17. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

18. Tuesday, May 27: Young Adult Mass at St. Simon

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos on Tuesday, May 27th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

19. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Readings for Sixth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholrz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Randy is away through May 24.
Fr. Dat is away through May 29.   

Chris Lundin

May 30, 2014, 8:16:47 AM5/30/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 22 - May 30, 2014

God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.

Table of Contents

1. Friday, May 30: Funeral Mass for Kathleen Haley
2. Concluding Today: Month of Mary Activities
3. Saturday, May 31: Memorial Mass for Arturo Rojas
4. This Weekend: The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
5. Happy First Anniversary, Fr. Dat!
6. The Period Of Mystagogy
7. Pastoral Stewardship Council Refreshes Membership and Executive Committee
8. An Introduction to Fr. Joseph Thannickal, SDB
9. Weekly Stewardship Report: Summer Financial Support
10. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!
11. Prayer Circle: An Invitation
12. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members
13. In Memoriam: Eileen Falkenthal
14. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers
15. Thursday, June 5: Widow and Widowers Luncheon
16. Saturday, June 7: Half-Day Adoration at St. Albert the Great Church
17. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children
18. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
19. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!
20. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
22. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
23. Housing Request: June 1-21, 2014
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Material: Eileen and George Falkenthal accepting Parish Stewardship Award May 2009

1. Friday, May 30: Funeral Mass for Kathleen Haley

There will be a funeral Mass for Kathleen Haley at 10:00 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church today. Kathleen passed away May 22, 2014 at the age of 95.

Kathleen was born in San Francisco, California, Kathleen (Kay) Haley was a life long resident of Palo Alto. 

She is survived by her seven loving nephews and nieces, Daniel T. Haley, Jr., (Olivia); and Michael E. Haley, (Barbara); of Los Altos; Margaret Haley Schupp (Steven), of San Jose; Elizabeth Brophy Kulemin, (Herb Farber), and Ellen Haley Dederian (Samuel), of San Rafael; Mary Ann Haley of Santa Fe, NM; and Anne Brophy Putney (the late Robert, Jr.), of Philadelphia, PA.; as well as numerous great and great-grand nephews and nieces.  She was preceded in death by her parents, William E. Haley and Helen Thornton Haley and her six siblings; Daniel T. Haley; Mary Haley Brophy; Gertrude Haley and Helen Haley Brophy, of Palo Alto, and Edward Haley and John Haley, of Gustine.

Friends are invited to join her family at a Funeral Mass to be celebrated at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, 751 Waverley Street, Palo Alto, on Friday, May 30 at 10:00 a.m.. Internment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma, to follow.

In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation to a fund in her memory, supporting the Palliative Care Unit, are suggested. 

2. Concluding Today: Month of Mary Activities

You are cordially invited to come and participate in one or all of the three activities at Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor to Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. 

1. Daily Rosary in honor to our Heavenly Mother 

Each weekday beginning May 5 through May 30:

• At Our Lady of the Rosary Church after daily 8:30 Mass
• At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church after daily 12:00 Noon Mass

3. Saturday, May 31: Memorial Mass for Arturo Rojas

There will be a memorial Mass for Arturo Rojas on at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 31 at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. 

Arturo was born on August 29, 1992 in Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico and passed away on May 19, 2014 in San Jose, California. He was 21 years old.       

4. This Weekend: The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

As of September, 1999, the Bishops of the Dioceses in the Western part of the United States permanently transferred this Solemnity to the 7th Sunday of Easter which this year is this Sunday, June 1st.

5. Happy First Anniversary, Fr. Dat!

This Sunday, June 1st, Fr. Dat will celebrate the 1st anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. “Ad multo anos!” 

If you're attending Mass at St. Albert the Great Church this weekend --- either 5:00 p.m. Saturday or 9:00 a.m Sunday -- be sure to congratulate Fr. Dat!

6. The Period Of Mystagogy

During the fifty-day season of Easter, our neophytes ponder the experience and meaning of the Sacraments and participate with the faithful in
the Eucharistic life of the Church and its mission for peace and justice. Formation and teaching continue as they become incorporated into the full life of the Christian community.

As a community of the Faithful, we encourage and support our new Catholics in their continuing process of self-knowledge and faith formation, strengthening their lives in the Light of Christ, to bring out all that is upright, strong, and good. In walking with them during this Easter Season we too have the opportunity to scrutinize our own lives, and to carry out our decision to love God above all.

If you, or an adult you know, desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Deacon Daniel or Susan Olsen at the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496 or by emailing Deacon at

Neale Wade, RCIA volunteer

7. Pastoral Stewardship Council Refreshes Membership and Executive Committee

Our Pastoral Stewardship Council's By-Laws provide for a regular cycle of renewal of representation and leadership.  During April and May,  those processes took place, and following is an update:

Representing our Youth Ministry, Francesco Poggesi replaced Anna Zara and Karen Recinto (who alternated attendance)
Representing our Liturgy Board, Paul Prochaska replaced Deacon Daniel Hernandez
Representing Adult Spirituality, Deacon Daniel slid over from Liturgy

For the PSC Executive Committee, elections were held with the following results:

Chair: Florence de Bretagne, replacing Chris Lundin
Vice-Chair: Mary Fong, replacing Jerry Lucha
Secretary: Jerry Lucha, replacing Pat Keicher

The current full membership of the Pastoral Stewardship Council is:

Adult Spirituality: Deacon Daniel Hernandez
Catechetical: Florence de Bretagne
Community Life: Micky Martin
Communications: Chris Lundin
Facilities/Maintenance: Bill Morrison
Finance: Carole Brown
Hispanic: Semi Gurbiel
Human Concerns: Mary Fong
Liturgy: Paul Prochaska
Youth Ministry: Francesco Poggesi
OLR Site: Jerry Lucha
SAG Site: Pat Keicher
STA Site: Bob Barron

Ex Officio members: Fr. Matt (pastor), Chuck Tully (parish business manager) and our Parochial Vicars (in rotation)

Our parish thanks and appreciates the willingness of the above individuals to serve in these leadership roles.  The PSC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of all months but August.  The June 2014 meeting with be at the OLR Hall, and then the venue will change to the Thomas House Basement for a year beginning with the July 2014 meeting.

Chris Lundin
Outgoing Chair, Pastoral Stewardship Council

8. An Introduction to Fr. Joseph Thannickal, SDB

During the months of June and July, at the request of Bishop McGrath, Fr. Joe Thannickal, a priest from India, will be in residence at St. Albert the Great Rectory working on a book. Fr. Joe will be a frequent presider at our Sunday and daily Masses at St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas during his stay with us.

Father Joseph (60) is a Salesian priest from Kolkata, (Calcutta) India whose main ministry has been formation of Salesians. A graduate of Santa Clara University and California Institute of Integral Studies, he holds a PhD in Pastoral Psychology specializing in Logotherapy. (Logotherapy is founded upon the belief that it is the striving to find a meaning in one's life that is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans.)

On completing his term as Program Director in Don Bosco Renewal Center, an International Center for the Continuing Education of Clergy in Bangalore, India, Joe is on Sabbatical in Fordham University and the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, researching methodologies of clergy formation. 

His book "Gifted Journey", published by Pauline Media is quite popular. As a member of the Viktor Frankl Institute in Dallas, he has made presentations and written articles for their International forum. See also .

When he returns he will be working in a 10-year-old college campus which the Salesians are dreaming of nurturing into a university serving the  disadvantaged population of Adivasis (original peoples) and immigrants from Nepal who live in the northern parts of the State of West Bengal.

9. Weekly Stewardship Report: Summer Financial Support

Beginning on Memorial Day weekend and continuing for the next three months, the time of vacations and weekends away, will be quite challenging for our parish financially. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using ONLINE GIVING. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish. 

To those of you who faithfully and consistently share your gifts with all of us in the Sunday collection, our heartfelt gratitude. To those who have yet to make a commitment to financially supporting our parish, we ask for your prayerful consideration. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

10. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2014 - April 2015). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

11. Prayer Circle: An Invitation

You are invited to join our Prayer Circle.  The Prayer Circle is a circle of friends in our parish community who pray for the sick and those who need our prayers.  Names of the sick can be printed in the Sunday bulletin or be listed in a confidential list with the prayer intention.  

Mary Fong at the Pastoral Home Ministry maintains the lists and sends out updates to people who have e-mail addresses weekly or by regular mail on a bi-weekly basis.  

If you are interested in joining our prayer circle or have someone you want to pray for please contact Mary at or call 650-494-2496 X22.

12. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members

The Finance Advisory Council (FAC) is a consultative body to the Pastor. It has the mission and duty of being good stewards— overseeing and advising the Pastor in regards to the treasure entrusted to him on behalf of us all. It meets every other month. We are currently on the lookout for a few new members. 

The basic qualifications are: 

1) Registered and active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish; 
2) A willingness to make recommendations for the good of the whole community without recourse to any special interest group; 
3) One who has demonstrated the ability to work well within a group. 

Please submit a brief letter to Fr. Matt ( Deadline is June 30, 2014.

13. In Memoriam: Eileen Falkenthal

Eileen Ann Falkenthal passed away peacefully on May 17, 2014 surrounded by her family, her second family of incredible caregivers at Mirabel Lodge, and the angels of Memorial / St. Joseph Hospice.

Eileen was born to Dr. James and Mary Magill on March 15, 1922 in Vallejo, CA.  She graduated from St. Vincent's High School in 1939 along with the man who would later become her husband, George Falkenthal.  After High School, both went off to college, Eileen to San Jose State, George to Santa Clara.  Upon graduation, Eileen returned to Vallejo to teach grammar school, George to the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Fleet as World War II was in full swing.

After returning from the war, George and Eileen reactivated their interrupted courtship, and married in 1948.  Settling in Palo Alto, George and Eileen raised a family of four children; Ann (Ron), Robert (Jeanette), Raymond (Dianne) and Greg (Tracy).  Eileen was very active in the lives of each of her children and took great pride in any achievement.  She was very active in her community as well as their church, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish.  Nothing however, brought her more joy than her grandchildren, and in recent years, her great grandchildren.

Eileen was the last of her generation, preceded by George (who entered eternal rest on December 29, 2009); her brother, Carson; sister, Carolyn, and truly signals the end of a family era.  Eileen leaves a lasting legacy in her children, 5 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren.  Mostly however, she leaves the unmistakable signature of a lady's elegance, and the love and charm of a wonderful mother her family will cherish forever.  Services will be private, and any donation which supports Memorial Hospice is greatly appreciated.

14. Tuesday, June 3: Registrar of Voters Needs Spanish/English Bi-Lingual Volunteers

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin for the need for bi-lingual volunteers to server in the gubernatorial primary election.
You must register by May 16. There is a $130 stipend for the effort, which involves a 3-hour training session as well as working that Tuesday from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 9:30 p.m.

15. Thursday, June 5: Widow and Widowers Luncheon

The Widow and Widowers will lunch at the Shoreline Café in Mountain View on June 5 at 1 p.m. Separate orders will be done and the cost is estimated under $20. You select your favorite from the menu. We estimated 24 so call Jean for our headcount by June 1.

For information or reservations call Jean Gac, phone. 650-858-1832 or email:

16. Saturday, June 7: Half-Day Adoration at St. Albert the Great Church

A half-day adoration hosted by representatives from Shalom World will be held Saturday, June 7th at St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto starting at 1 PM.

Shalom World is a Catholic media ministry and launched a Catholic TV channel on Sunday, April 27 with a live telecast of the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII from the Vatican. This round-the- clock commercial-free Catholic channel will reach out to English-speaking viewers worldwide.  (watch it live at Shalom World has organized this  half-day adoration in the Bay Area so that all who are interested about Shalom ministry can come and pray together in front of the Eucharistic Lord for all the needs of this ministry.

Following is the detailed schedule:

1.00 P.M - Exposition and introductory prayers [St.Justin's prayer group]
1:05        - Rosary by Rosary group [Watsonville church]
1:30        - Praise and worship - [St.Justin's prayer group]. 
2:30        - Session on World Evangelization by Fr.Anthony [St.Basil's church]
3:00        - Divine mercy prayers [Holy spirit church group, Fremont]. 
3:15        - Intercession prayers [Open to all : coordinated by Jesus Youth team].  
3:30        - Benediction and concluding prayers [Jesus Youth team]
3:40        - Presentation on 'Shalom World' Catholic channel [Shalom members]
4.00 P.M  - Conclude

All are welcome.

17. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. 

Our new year of faith formation will begin on Wednesday, June 18 from 6 - 7 pm in the Dermody Center (located by Our Lady of the Rosary). Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children or just join us in the Dermody Center on Wednesday, June 18.

Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

18. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

19. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. 

If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall. Please contact Fr. Matt ( more information.

20. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

21. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

22. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

23. Housing Request: June 1-21, 2014

Following is a request received by Fr. Matt. If any parishioner is able to assist, please contact Denis directly (and let Fr. Matt know).

Good morning,

My name is Denis, I am a foreign Brazilian exchange student in the US. I have been studying at the university of Wisconsin, Milwaukee for this past year, and I am now about to move to Stanford for the summer as I have found an internship in the SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center).

I am contacting you because as I am organizing my moving to California I am currently trying to figure out where to live. I have applied for Standford housing, and I have good hope that I can live there during my internship. However, the housing does not open before the 21st of June, so I'm trying to find a place to live from the beginning of my internship on June 1st to the 21st.

As I am having great difficulties finding a place that is not completely beyond price, I thought that maybe your community could help me. If you could forward my message to the members of your community, I would be more than greatful. I am looking for a place in Palo Alto or Stanford, if possible at biking or bus distance from the Menlo Park, in a single or even shared room, from the 1st to the 21st of June. I can pay the person to the price they will decide upon.

I really hope that my request can find some solidarity upon your community members. Thank you in advance for everything and I hope to hear from you soon!

Denis Shimono

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Readings for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Randy and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholrz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

In Memoriam: Eileen Falkenthal

From May 10, 2009, when George and Eileen Falkenthal received a Parish Stewardship Award from Fr. George Aranha

Chris Lundin

Jun 6, 2014, 7:42:42 AM6/6/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 23 - June 6, 2014

Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, June 7: Half-Day Adoration at St. Albert the Great Church
2. The Jewish Roots of Pentecost
3. Goodbye and Thank You
4. New Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
5. RCIA – Be a Missionary
6. Next Weekend: Second Collection  for Catholic Communication Campaign
7. Starting Monday, June 16: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 
8. Weekly Stewardship Report: Summer Financial Support
9. New Pictures of Parish Events Posted
10. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
11. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!
12. Prayer Circle: An Invitation
13. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members
14. Thursday Evenings: Contemplative Prayer Group
15. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children
16. Beginning Saturday, June 21: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
17. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy
18. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!
19. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
20. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
21. June 13-16: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
22. Friday, June 13: Everything you Want to Know about Hoarding... But are Afraid to Ask!
23. Tuesday, June 17 and Thursday, June 19: Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP)
24. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
25. June 19 and June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes
26. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. Readings for the Feast of Pentecost, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Picture of new Youth Director Michael Sullivan, Our Lady of Peace invitation


1. Saturday, June 7: Half-Day Adoration at St. Albert the Great Church

A half-day adoration hosted by representatives from Shalom World will be held Saturday, June 7th at St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto starting at 1 PM.

Shalom World is a Catholic media ministry and launched a Catholic TV channel on Sunday, April 27 with a live telecast of the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII from the Vatican. This round-the- clock commercial-free Catholic channel will reach out to English-speaking viewers worldwide.  (watch it live at Shalom World has organized this  half-day adoration in the Bay Area so that all who are interested about Shalom ministry can come and pray together in front of the Eucharistic Lord for all the needs of this ministry.

Following is the detailed schedule:

1.00 P.M - Exposition and introductory prayers [St.Justin's prayer group]
1:05        - Rosary by Rosary group [Watsonville church]
1:30        - Praise and worship - [St.Justin's prayer group]. 
2:30        - Session on World Evangelization by Fr.Anthony [St.Basil's church]
3:00        - Divine mercy prayers [Holy spirit church group, Fremont]. 
3:15        - Intercession prayers [Open to all : coordinated by Jesus Youth team].  
3:30        - Benediction and concluding prayers [Jesus Youth team]
3:40        - Presentation on 'Shalom World' Catholic channel [Shalom members]
4.00 P.M  - Conclude

All are welcome.

2. The Jewish Roots of Pentecost

Most Catholics have some understanding about the connection between the Jewish feast of Passover and the Christian Holiday of Holy Thursday.  We understand the significance of comparing Jesus to the Lamb that dies in place of the faithful and the passing of death over those who paint the blood of the lamb on their home.  What is less understood is how the Feast of Pentecost relates to the death and Resurrection of Christ.  The Feast of Pentecost corresponds to the Jewish feast of Shavuot, a Jewish holiday that occurs 50 days after the 2nd day of Passover, on which a measure of barley was offered in the temple.  The name “Pentecost” comes from Greek speaking Jews as it means 50th day.  This 50th day is the celebration of the day God gave the Torah to the Israelites and is the first day on which the first fruits of the harvest, most importantly wheat, were able to be offered in the temple.

The Jewish people celebrate on Shavuot the day that God gave the Torah to His people.  On Pentecost, we celebrate the day that we received not only Torah, but the divine author of the Torah, the Holy Spirit.  Jesus promised, When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth (Jn 16:13) and so our celebration surpasses that of our ancestors who received the word of God in the Scriptures, because in this New Shavuot we receive the author of those words who is able to give the full understanding of those words.  It is because of this that the Apostles, on the first day of this New Pentecost, are able to speak and be understood by all.  It is also because of the wisdom newly bestowed on the fledgling Church that Peter is able to show the people how the book of the prophet Joel is being fulfilled in their hearing of the proclamation of Christ. (Excerpt from Fire of Thy

Fr. Matt

3. Goodbye and Thank You

As many of you already know June 30th is my last day as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry here at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.  This is a bittersweet professional and ministerial move for Manuel and I.  

We are excited about me working closer to home as we hope to start a family soon. I have been blessed to call St. Thomas Aquinas my home this past 4 years and grow along with all of you! I would like to thank you all so much for welcoming me into your families and parish community. You have all showed me how to lead by example and what it means to made in the image and likeness of Christ. I will of course miss everyone so much but, the middle schoolers and high schoolers of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will always hold a special place in my heart! You tweens and teens mean so much to Manuel and I and we will both continue to pray for you all. 

Thank you again for all you have done with and for me in the past four years. God Bless you all!

Alley Torres

4. New Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry

I am pleased to announce that I have selected Michael Sullivan as the new Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in our parish,
effective July 1.

Michael brings with him passion, dedication, and enthusiasm for engaging the youth of our  parish in a program of comprehensive youth ministry.

He will be a part of DYR (Diocesan Youth Retreat) in mid-June and attend a couple of LifeTeen events this summer as a way of familiarizing himself with the both the Diocese and our way of doing youth ministry. 

I am also very grateful to Alley Torres and Sarah Landers for providing a smooth transition for both Michael and the youth ministry program.

Fr. Matt

5. RCIA – Be a Missionary

As Catholics we are called to bring others to know the love of Jesus and to experience his healing, forgiving love. This is called “evangelization” and it is the fundamental mission of the Church. Evangelization has existed within the Church since the time of Jesus Christ.

One way we respond to this call is by exposing our family and friends to the many ways of being connected and involved in our parish community. The process of becoming Catholic is not about learning things in a classroom, but learning as a musician learns from experience and practice. Be a missionary right here in your own parish, bringing people to the Way of Jesus.

If you, or an adult you know, desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)  process please contact Deacon Daniel at the Pastoral Center, by calling 650-494-2496 or by emailing him at

6. Next Weekend: Second Collection  for Catholic Communication Campaign

During the weekend of June 14-15, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This Collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through Internet, television, radio, and print media. 

Please be generous in this week’s Collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in this diocese to support our communication needs. CCC equips us to share our experience of faith, worship, and witness with the world.

7. Starting Monday, June 16: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 

One only has to briefly drive through Hidden Summer Camp, just 10 miles and 25 minutes from East Palo Alto to marvel at the vision Frank and Josephine Duvenek had in starting a multicultural summer camp on their ranch 69 years ago.

The children of East Palo come from a community where the parent’s concern for their safety keeps their children cooped up in their crowded homes when school is not in session. These children can experience one and two week camping sessions in Hidden Villa’s idyllic setting to learn about animals, agriculture, the forest and, along with it, break down social barriers. 

This is the fruit of the Duveneck’s vision.

The only missing link every summer is transportation. Volunteers are needed mostly to drive the day campers (driving daily) but also overnight campers.

The first camp session starts June 16 and the last session ends August 15.

Call George Chippendale, 856 6350 for further information and to schedule some days of driving.

8. Weekly Stewardship Report: Summer Financial Support

Beginning on Memorial Day weekend and continuing for the next three months, the time of vacations and weekends away, will be quite challenging for our parish financially. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using ONLINE GIVING. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish. 

To those of you who faithfully and consistently share your gifts with all of us in the Sunday collection, our heartfelt gratitude. To those who have yet to make a commitment to financially supporting our parish, we ask for your prayerful consideration. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

Our Weekly Offering
May 25, Actual: $11,000 (Goal:$11,000) 
St. Vincent de Paul: $4,750 
June 1, Actual: $11,500 (Goal:$11,000) 

9. New Pictures of Parish Events Posted

All images from The Knights of Columbus Crab Dinner, Palm Sunday at St. Albert the Great, the Seder Dinner, Easter Vigil and Bishop Daly's visit to Our Lady of the Rosary are now up for your pleasure at:

10. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Our ADA totals as of June 1, 2014 are:

Total Pledged:  $180,000
Total Paid: $150,000
Total Refund: $25,000
Number of Pledges:  282

Please keep making your regular payments. When all our pledges have been paid, St. Thomas Aquinas will receive a much needed rebate to help us pay for improvements to our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church.

11. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2014 - April 2015). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

12. Prayer Circle: An Invitation

You are invited to join our Prayer Circle.  The Prayer Circle is a circle of friends in our parish community who pray for the sick and those who need our prayers.  Names of the sick can be printed in the Sunday bulletin or be listed in a confidential list with the prayer intention.  

Mary Fong at the Pastoral Home Ministry maintains the lists and sends out updates to people who have e-mail addresses weekly or by regular mail on a bi-weekly basis.  

If you are interested in joining our prayer circle or have someone you want to pray for please contact Mary at or call 650-494-2496 X22.

13. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members

The Finance Advisory Council (FAC) is a consultative body to the Pastor. It has the mission and duty of being good stewards— overseeing and advising the Pastor in regards to the treasure entrusted to him on behalf of us all. It meets every other month. We are currently on the lookout for a few new members. 

The basic qualifications are: 

1) Registered and active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish; 
2) A willingness to make recommendations for the good of the whole community without recourse to any special interest group; 
3) One who has demonstrated the ability to work well within a group. 

Please submit a brief letter to Fr. Matt ( Deadline is June 30, 2014.

14. Thursday Evenings: Contemplative Prayer Group

The Contemplative Prayer Group continues to meet on Thursday evenings in the Thomas House living room, 745 Waverley Street, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church. 

Centering Prayer starts at 7:00 pm, followed by sharing and discussion of Christian silent meditation.  Healing prayer is at 6:30pm for anyone who wants to be prayed with.  Contact Jean Ramacciotti at for more information or instruction.

15. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. 

Our new year of faith formation will begin on Wednesday, June 18 from 6 - 7 pm in the Dermody Center (located by Our Lady of the Rosary). Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children or just join us in the Dermody Center on Wednesday, June 18.

Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

16. Beginning Saturday, June 21: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6 pm on Saturday, June 21 through 9 am on Sunday, June 22, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

17. Saturday, June 28: Goodbye Festivities for Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy

Saturday, June 28, after the 5:00PM Mass at St. Albert the Great Church has been selected for the Parish Thank You as Frs. Peter and Randy move to their new assignments.

18. Institute for Leadership in Ministry: Consider the Possibility!

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. 

If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall. Please contact Fr. Matt ( more information.

19. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

20. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

21. June 13-16: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World

Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara is pleased to present an outdoor exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions of Eucharistic Miracles that have taken place throughout the ages.

See the flyer attached to today's eBulletin for more information.

22. Friday, June 13: Everything you Want to Know about Hoarding... But are Afraid to Ask!

Hoarding is a serious problem affecting millions of Americans and their families. It is rife with misinformation, myths, & unanswered questions. Participants will learn: Definitions, Dangers/Risks, Interventions to help yourself & loved ones, and Community Resources. 

1:30 - 3 pm, $10. Pre-Registration requested; Call (650) 289-5400.

Offered by Avenidas: Tools For Positive Aging
450 Bryant Street, Palo Alto 94301   (650) 289-5400

23. Tuesday, June 17 and Thursday, June 19: Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP)
Counseling to Santa Clara County residents 60+ about Medicare benefits, rights, and options, plus other health insurance-related questions.  Funded by CA Department of Aging & Sourcewise. San Mateo County residents, call 650-627-9350

9 am - 12 pm, free.

By appointment only. Call (650) 289-5400 or stop by the Front Desk.

Offered by Avenidas: Tools For Positive Aging
450 Bryant Street, Palo Alto 94301   (650) 289-5400

24. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

25. June 19 and June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes

I want to invite you all to meet representatives of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, who will be in the Bay Area later this month, including two dates in Palo Alto. 

Save one of the dates for a conversation about “Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes”
The founders of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, all of whom live on the East Coast, will be in the Bay Area this June to discuss “Myths & Realities through Palestinian Eyes.” Inspired by the Kairos Document, they believe that achieving peace requires that American churches can and must play a leading role in advocating for a just peace in the Holy Land. Cal-Nevada United Methodist Church Israel-Palestine Task Force has initiated and provided funds for this speaking tour. The two Palo Alto venues and dates are:
·         7:30 pm – Thursday, June 19th: First Congregational Church, Palo Alto – Philip Farah and Paul Noursi
·         7:00 pm – Thursday, June 26th: First Baptist Church, Palo Alto – Tarek Abuata and Ghassan Tarazi
Don’t miss one of these opportunities to learn and discern.

Peace be with you,

The Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman
Associate Pastor
First Congregational Church, UCC
1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303

26. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

28. Readings for the Feast of Pentecost, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Thannickal and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholrz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Peter is on vacation.  Fr. Matt will be at his former parish Holy Family for the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Michael Sullivan, new parish Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Chris Lundin

Jun 13, 2014, 7:31:50 AM6/13/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 24 - June 13, 2014

Sign-up for Corpus Christi All-Night Adoration June 21-22

Table of Contents

1. The Feast of Love: the Most Holy Trinity
2. This Weekend: Second Collection  for Catholic Communication Campaign
3. Starting Monday, June 16: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 
4. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children
5. "Torture Is Wrong"
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Summer Reading Sizzles For Seton Students
8. Second Collection Next Weekend: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
9. New Pictures of Parish Events Posted
10. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!
11. Prayer Circle: An Invitation
12. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members
13. Thursday Evenings: Contemplative Prayer Group
14. Beginning Saturday, June 21: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
15. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!
16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
17. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
18. June 13-16: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
19. Friday, June 13: Everything you Want to Know about Hoarding... But are Afraid to Ask!
20. Tuesday, June 17 and Thursday, June 19: Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP)
21. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
22. June 19 and June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes
23. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Seton students and their new summer reading books


1. The Feast of Love: the Most Holy Trinity

Someone asked the question, “If there is only one eternal God, whom does He love? For to be happy, one must love.” Well, the answer could come only from God Himself. It came when Our Lord Jesus appeared on earth and revealed to us perfect Life, perfect Truth, and perfect Love—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

This tremendous mystery, is known as the mystery of the Trinity—the Father loves His Son, and that mutual love is the Holy Spirit. God never needed to go outside Himself to enjoy perfect happiness. God made a world only because He "loved." God in Himself completely and freely, who “so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:16).

Pope Francis once stated that this love “is not sentimental, emotional, but the love of the Father who is the source of all life, the love of the Son who died on the cross and rose, the love of the Holy Spirit who renews us and the world. Jesus is the Son who made us know the merciful Father and brought to the world His ‘fire,’ the Holy Spirit.”

Let us pledge that we shall be faithful to Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit each moment of our daily lives, so that we may truly give glory to the Father.

2. This Weekend: Second Collection  for Catholic Communication Campaign

During the weekend of June 14-15, we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This Collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through Internet, television, radio, and print media. 

Please be generous in this week’s Collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in this diocese to support our communication needs. CCC equips us to share our experience of faith, worship, and witness with the world.

3. Starting Monday, June 16: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 

One only has to briefly drive through Hidden Summer Camp, just 10 miles and 25 minutes from East Palo Alto to marvel at the vision Frank and Josephine Duvenek had in starting a multicultural summer camp on their ranch 69 years ago.

The children of East Palo come from a community where the parent’s concern for their safety keeps their children cooped up in their crowded homes when school is not in session. These children can experience one and two week camping sessions in Hidden Villa’s idyllic setting to learn about animals, agriculture, the forest and, along with it, break down social barriers. 

This is the fruit of the Duveneck’s vision.

The only missing link every summer is transportation. Volunteers are needed mostly to drive the day campers (driving daily) but also overnight campers.

The first camp session starts June 16 and the last session ends August 15.

Call George Chippendale, 856 6350 for further information and to schedule some days of driving.

4. Beginning Wednesday, June 18: Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. 

Our new year of faith formation will begin on Wednesday, June 18 from 6 - 7 pm in the Dermody Center (located by Our Lady of the Rosary). Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children or just join us in the Dermody Center on Wednesday, June 18.

Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

5. "Torture Is Wrong"

Throughout the month of June our churches are displaying banners with the above wording.  Our parish is participating in the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, sponsored by Pax Christi U.S.A.  June is "Torture Awareness Month".   Such a public display is rare for our parish.  It is not to say that torture is the major issue of Catholic moral teaching - you can think of many others  - but it is one of them.  

Every June, human rights and faith organizations join together to mark Torture Awareness Month because on June 26, 1987, the nations of the world took a major step against the immoral and abhorrent practice of torture. On that day, the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT for short) entered into force and the United Nations later declared June 26th the “International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.”

During this month we ask ourselves what message faith communities might send to world leaders about employing torture  as a principle of government policy.  And, very importantly, to pray.  In the words of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" (#2298) "It is necessary to work for  their [use of cruel practices]  abolition,  We must pray for the victims and their tormentors."  Let us pray. 

Read the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishop's statements at

Human Concerns Committee

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of May. Our average weekly collection for the 11th month of this fiscal year was $11,785. This marks the 9th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 13% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. When we achieve our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. Our collection target for period July 2013 to May 2014 was $506,000; our actual is $542,000. 

We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. 

Our Weekly Offering
June 8: Actual: $11,7500 (Goal:$11,000) 
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $

7. Summer Reading Sizzles For Seton Students

The new books for summer reading were given to the 1st and 2nd grade students at St Elizabeth Seton School on Wednesday morning, June 12.

People from all three churches in the parish donated a few books and $1,205 with which Terry Atkinson was able to buy lots of books at excellent prices on two internet sites. 

There will be no summer school this year to help these young students maintain critical learning and language experience.  We hope these books may provide some of that for them. 

Our thanks to Terry Atkinson of our parish Human Concerns Committee for organizing this effort, and thanks to our generous parishioners who were able to contribute. See the end of the eBulletin for a picture of the happy students!

8. Second Collection Next Weekend: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

On November 29, 1633 Louise de Marillac together with St. Vincent de Paul founded the Daughters of Charity in Paris. She trained these Sisters to read, to write, and to serve the poor in health care, social ministry, and education. She trained the Daughters of Charity in the Vincentian spirituality of finding Jesus in the poor and the poor in Jesus, teaching them to be contemplatives in action. She taught the Sisters to serve the poor “with respect, mildness, cordiality and compassion.”

St. Louise de Marillac was a wife, mother, and teacher, who came from a wealthy family. She welcomed the poor, hopeless, alienated, and abandoned people and brought them close to God.

Next weekend our 2nd collection is for our parish St. Vincent de Paul conference, which uses the money to buy food, hotel vouchers and other critical needs of those who come to the Pastoral Center for help. Please remember the unfortunates among us when the collection basket comes your way.

9. New Pictures of Parish Events Posted

All images from The Knights of Columbus Crab Dinner, Palm Sunday at St. Albert the Great, the Seder Dinner, Easter Vigil and Bishop Daly's visit to Our Lady of the Rosary are now up for your pleasure at:

10. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Topics: Let Us Know What Interests You!

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2014 - April 2015). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

11. Prayer Circle: An Invitation

You are invited to join our Prayer Circle.  The Prayer Circle is a circle of friends in our parish community who pray for the sick and those who need our prayers.  Names of the sick can be printed in the Sunday bulletin or be listed in a confidential list with the prayer intention.  

Mary Fong at the Pastoral Home Ministry maintains the lists and sends out updates to people who have e-mail addresses weekly or by regular mail on a bi-weekly basis.  

If you are interested in joining our prayer circle or have someone you want to pray for please contact Mary at or call 650-494-2496 X22.

12. Finance Advisory Council Seeks New Members

The Finance Advisory Council (FAC) is a consultative body to the Pastor. It has the mission and duty of being good stewards— overseeing and advising the Pastor in regards to the treasure entrusted to him on behalf of us all. It meets every other month. We are currently on the lookout for a few new members. 

The basic qualifications are: 

1) Registered and active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish; 
2) A willingness to make recommendations for the good of the whole community without recourse to any special interest group; 
3) One who has demonstrated the ability to work well within a group. 

Please submit a brief letter to Fr. Matt ( Deadline is June 30, 2014.

13. Thursday Evenings: Contemplative Prayer Group

The Contemplative Prayer Group continues to meet on Thursday evenings in the Thomas House living room, 745 Waverley Street, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church. 

Centering Prayer starts at 7:00 pm, followed by sharing and discussion of Christian silent meditation.  Healing prayer is at 6:30pm for anyone who wants to be prayed with.  Contact Jean Ramacciotti at for more information or instruction.

14. Beginning Saturday, June 21: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6 pm on Saturday, June 21 through 9 am on Sunday, June 22, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please sign up in each of our vestibules.

15. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!

Where: Saint Elizabeth Seton School Gym

When: Saturday June 28th at 6 pm

Father Peter and Fr. Randy officially begin their new assignments on July 1st.  Let’s send them off on a happy note and to thank them for being a part of the St. Thomas Aquinas family! This will be a special evening! Don’t miss it!

16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

17. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

18. June 13-16: The Eucharistic Miracles of the World

Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara is pleased to present an outdoor exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions of Eucharistic Miracles that have taken place throughout the ages.

See the flyer attached to today's eBulletin for more information.

19. Friday, June 13: Everything you Want to Know about Hoarding... But are Afraid to Ask!

Hoarding is a serious problem affecting millions of Americans and their families. It is rife with misinformation, myths, & unanswered questions. Participants will learn: Definitions, Dangers/Risks, Interventions to help yourself & loved ones, and Community Resources. 

1:30 - 3 pm, $10. Pre-Registration requested; Call (650) 289-5400.

Offered by Avenidas: Tools For Positive Aging
450 Bryant Street, Palo Alto 94301   (650) 289-5400

20. Tuesday, June 17 and Thursday, June 19: Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP)
Counseling to Santa Clara County residents 60+ about Medicare benefits, rights, and options, plus other health insurance-related questions.  Funded by CA Department of Aging & Sourcewise. San Mateo County residents, call 650-627-9350

9 am - 12 pm, free.

By appointment only. Call (650) 289-5400 or stop by the Front Desk.

Offered by Avenidas: Tools For Positive Aging
450 Bryant Street, Palo Alto 94301   (650) 289-5400

21. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

22. June 19 and June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes

I want to invite you all to meet representatives of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, who will be in the Bay Area later this month, including two dates in Palo Alto. 

Save one of the dates for a conversation about “Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes”
The founders of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, all of whom live on the East Coast, will be in the Bay Area this June to discuss “Myths & Realities through Palestinian Eyes.” Inspired by the Kairos Document, they believe that achieving peace requires that American churches can and must play a leading role in advocating for a just peace in the Holy Land. Cal-Nevada United Methodist Church Israel-Palestine Task Force has initiated and provided funds for this speaking tour. The two Palo Alto venues and dates are:
·         7:30 pm – Thursday, June 19th: First Congregational Church, Palo Alto – Philip Farah and Paul Noursi
·         7:00 pm – Thursday, June 26th: First Baptist Church, Palo Alto – Tarek Abuata and Ghassan Tarazi
Don’t miss one of these opportunities to learn and discern.

Peace be with you,

The Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman
Associate Pastor
First Congregational Church, UCC
1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303

23. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholrz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Peter is on vacation. 


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Jun 20, 2014, 8:04:21 AM6/20/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 25 - June 20, 2014

Corpus Christi All-Night Adoration June 21-22

Table of Contents

1. Corpus Christi: Bread From Heaven
2. This Weekend: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
3. A Litte More About Corpus Christi
4. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Second Collection *Next Weekend*: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
7. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!
8. Meals for Hotel de Zink
9. Wednesday, July 30: Holy icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa
10. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
11. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
12. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference
13. June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes
14. Ignatius Press Makes Films Available via Streaming
15. Young Adult Circle
16. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
17. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
18. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), and Presider Schedule


1. Corpus Christi: Bread From Heaven

Have you ever thought that we eat “a Bread” from Heaven that not even the Angels can receive? Not even the superior beings, the most pure ones, are given the same privilege that we have been given: receiving the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as He created as man and woman (Gn. 1, 27), Christ made us temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6, 19). As a temple we need to increase our awareness about this Supreme Reality that we receive in Holy Communion and the purity necessary of that temple to be worthy to receive Him (see 1 Cor 11, 29).

My humble invitation on this beautiful day is to work on increasing our awareness of our dignity, as we are the only ones chosen to receive this Most Precious Gift. The Church calls us to be clean from any kind of sin to be able to receive our Lord, and if we have committed any grave sin, we should run to the sacrament of Reconciliation to prepare a pure dwelling for the Lord.

Finally, to strengthen our faith, even though we eat a reality different from what we perceive, we are receiving the highest gift ever given to mankind: the Real Presence of Our Lord.

Fr. Stasys, Parochial Vicar

2. This Weekend: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6 pm on Saturday, June 21 through 9 am on Sunday, June 22, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please sign up in each of our vestibules or email the time you plan to come to

3. A Litte More About Corpus Christi

On the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, the Catholic Church celebrates a feast in honor of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). This feast is a holy day in the universal church calendar. However, here in the United States this feast is transferred to Sunday
The feast of the Body and Blood of Christ was established by Pope Urban IV in 1264 as a feast in honor of the Eucharist who requested St. Thomas Aquinas to compose the texts for this liturgy, These included Pange Lingua (including Tantum Ergo), Lauda Sion, and Adoro Te Devote, and Sacris Solemnis (including Panis Angelicus). These are magnificent Latin poems whose English translations fall far short of the beauty of the originals.

Adoro Te Devote composed by St. Thomas Aquinas
I devoutly adore you, O hidden Deity,
Truly hidden beneath these appearances.
My whole heart submits to you,
And in contemplating you,
It surrenders itself completely.
Sight, touch, taste are all deceived
In their judgment of you,
But hearing suffices firmly to believe.
I believe all that the Son of God has spoken;
There is nothing truer than this word of truth.
On the cross only the divinity was hidden,
But here the humanity is also hidden.
I believe and confess both,
And ask for what the repentant thief asked.
I do not see the wounds as Thomas did,
But I confess that you are my God.
Make me believe more and more in you,
Hope in you, and love you.
O memorial of our Lord's death!
Living bread that gives life to man,
Grant my soul to live on you,
And always to savor your sweetness.
Lord Jesus, Good Pelican, wash me clean with your blood,
One drop of which can free the entire world of all its sins.
Jesus, whom now I see hidden,
I ask you to fulfill what I so desire:
That the sight of your face being unveiled
I may have the happiness of seeing your glory. Amen

4. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 

One only has to briefly drive through Hidden Summer Camp, just 10 miles and 25 minutes from East Palo Alto to marvel at the vision Frank and Josephine Duvenek had in starting a multicultural summer camp on their ranch 69 years ago.

The children of East Palo come from a community where the parent’s concern for their safety keeps their children cooped up in their crowded homes when school is not in session. These children can experience one and two week camping sessions in Hidden Villa’s idyllic setting to learn about animals, agriculture, the forest and, along with it, break down social barriers. 

This is the fruit of the Duveneck’s vision.

The only missing link every summer is transportation. Volunteers are needed mostly to drive the day campers (driving daily) but also overnight campers.

The first camp session starts June 16 and the last session ends August 15.

Call George Chippendale, 856 6350 for further information and to schedule some days of driving.

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

Now that summer has “officially” started we begin a period of time that can be quite challenging for our parish’s financial health. As the attendance
at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using OSV Online Giving!

The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish. At the same time, our utility bills (water and electricity) are the largest of any season in the year. Thank you to everyone who participated in making a Lenten offering toward Operation Rice Bowl. Because of your generosity, we were able to donate $1,262.60 toward the work of Catholic Relief Services. The knowledge that you are helping so many in need is its own reward.

Our Weekly Offering
June 15: Actual: $11,300 (Goal:$11,000) 
Catholic Communications Campaign: $2,250

6. Second Collection *Next Weekend*: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

(We got ahead of ourselves -- this collection is still *next* weekend)

On November 29, 1633 Louise de Marillac together with St. Vincent de Paul founded the Daughters of Charity in Paris. She trained these Sisters to read, to write, and to serve the poor in health care, social ministry, and education. She trained the Daughters of Charity in the Vincentian spirituality of finding Jesus in the poor and the poor in Jesus, teaching them to be contemplatives in action. She taught the Sisters to serve the poor “with respect, mildness, cordiality and compassion.”

St. Louise de Marillac was a wife, mother, and teacher, who came from a wealthy family. She welcomed the poor, hopeless, alienated, and abandoned people and brought them close to God.

Next weekend our 2nd collection is for our parish St. Vincent de Paul conference, which uses the money to buy food, hotel vouchers and other critical needs of those who come to the Pastoral Center for help. Please remember the unfortunates among us when the collection basket comes your way.

7. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!

Where: Saint Elizabeth Seton School Gym

When: Saturday June 28th at 6 pm

Father Peter and Fr. Randy officially begin their new assignments on July 1st.  Let’s send them off on a happy note and to thank them for being a part of the St. Thomas Aquinas family! This will be a special evening! Don’t miss it!

8. Meals for Hotel de Zink
Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

9. Wednesday, July 30: Holy icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa

St. Basil’s has the opportunity of sponsoring a replica of the famous holy icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa (aka Our Lady of Jasna Gora). She is the patroness of Poland, and before her icon St. Pope John Paul II had placed his blood soiled garment in thanksgiving. The icon has been traveling the globe for the last two years. Human Life International is sponsoring the U.S. pilgrimage of the icon.

St. Basil's Parish will sponsor the display of this icon on Wednesday, July 30 at St. Albert the Great Church.

Between July and August 3rd the icon will be in the following locations:

Fri. July 25 St. Peter's Eastern Catholic Church in Ukiah, CA
Sat.-Sun. July 27 St. Eugene Cathedral Parish in Santa Rosa, CA
Tue. July 29 Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in San Francisco, CA
Wed. July 30 St. Albert the Great Roman Catholic Church in Palo Alto, CA 
  Fri. Aug. 1 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Sacramento, CA
Sat.-Sun Aug. 2-3 Saint Joachim Roman Catholic Church in Madera, CA

Pilgrim Icon Website<>
Schedule of Visitations in the U.S.A.

Father Anthony Hernandez

10. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

11. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

12. Saturday, June 21: Healing of the Family Tree Conference

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) invites you to a Healing of the Family Tree conference with Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on June 21, 2014 at Vietnamese Catholic Center (2849 S. White Rd., San Jose, CA 95148).  

The theme will be "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15). The conference will focus on the notion that only God can heal the problems of physical pain and wounds of the inner-self caused by sins of ancestors passed from generation to generation.

Conference cost is $20 adult/$10 youth; after June 7, $25 adult/$15 youth.  To register, email<> or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>.

13. June 26: Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes

I want to invite you all to meet representatives of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, who will be in the Bay Area later this month, including two dates in Palo Alto. 

Save one of the dates for a conversation about “Myths and Realities through Palestinian Eyes”
The founders of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, all of whom live on the East Coast, will be in the Bay Area this June to discuss “Myths & Realities through Palestinian Eyes.” Inspired by the Kairos Document, they believe that achieving peace requires that American churches can and must play a leading role in advocating for a just peace in the Holy Land. Cal-Nevada United Methodist Church Israel-Palestine Task Force has initiated and provided funds for this speaking tour. The remaining Palo Alto venue and date is:

·         7:00 pm – Thursday, June 26th: First Baptist Church, Palo Alto – Tarek Abuata and Ghassan Tarazi
Don’t miss one of this opportunities to learn and discern. Peace be with you,

The Rev. Dr. Eileen Altman
Associate Pastor
First Congregational Church, UCC
1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303

14. Ignatius Press Makes Films Available via Streaming

SAN FRANCISCO, June 11, 2014 ( - Almost 50 films from US-based Catholic publisher Ignatius Press are now available through video streaming. 

The films are available for a one week rental at a price ranging from $1.95-$3.95. The selection currently offered includes a variety of videos, from feature films to documentaries that explain aspects of the Catholic faith. 

Some of the feature films now available include: Mother Teresa starring Olivia Hussey, Padre Pio: Miracle Man starring Sergio Castellitto, Pope John Paul II starring Jon Voight, Clare and Francis starring Mary Petruolo and Ettore Bassi, and St. Rita starring Vittoria Belvedere and Martin Crewes. 

Documentaries are also available, such as the popular Footprints of God series hosted by Catholic speaker Steve Ray, and Cosmic Origins produced by Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.  Other documentaries include Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Servant of All, Love is a Choice: St. Gianna Molla, and Ocean of Mercy, which tells the story of St. Faustina and the message of Divine Mercy.

Ignatius Press plans to expand their video streaming selections and will continue to make more films from their extensive collection available for video streaming. 

Anthony Ryan, director of Sales and Marketing for Ignatius Press, explained, “Ignatius Press has been blessed with many great films, both feature films and documentaries, that have been very popular on DVD. We expect them to continue to be strong sellers on DVD, but we are now making them available as well via video streaming to give these inspiring films a chance to reach a wider audience and make a greater impact on people's lives and on our culture.”

For more information about streaming films and to view the entire collection that is now available, please visit: or

15. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.   June 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Berry Picking, Sat.   June 28th at at 9:00AM, Mountain View
Join us for berry picking at Coastways Ranch in Pescadero. They have olallieberries and tayberries, both crosses between raspberries and blackberries. Afterwards we'll grab lunch on the coast. Please meet for carpools at 9:00 from the Lucky supermarket parking lot (715 E El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA), or let us know if you'll be joining in Pescadero around 10:30. We'll be back in the bay area by late afternoon or early evening. Please RSVP here:

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

16. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

17. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

18. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
6:00 p.m. St. Albert the Great: Beginning of All Night Adoration

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:15 a.m. St. Albert the Great: Benediction and Conclusion of All-Night Adoration
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  

10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Chris Lundin

Jun 27, 2014, 7:55:10 AM6/27/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 26 - June 27, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!
2. Saints Peter and Paul
3. Second Collection This Weekend: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference
4. Fr. Randy's Farewell Message
5. A Note of Introduction: Michael Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
6. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Sign Up for Online Giving
9. Meals for Hotel de Zink
10. Children Crossing the Border in Record Numbers
11. Palo Alto Breaks Ground on the  "Magical Bridge Playground"
12. Pope Francis: Torture is a mortal sin (Video)
13. CANCELED: Wednesday, July 30: Holy icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa
14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
16. Young Adult Circle
17. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
18. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Readings for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: The Pastoral Stewardship Council at work in June

1. Saturday, June 28: Up, Up and Away! A Thank-you party for Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter!

Where: Saint Elizabeth Seton School Gym

When: Saturday June 28th at 6 pm

Father Peter and Fr. Randy officially begin their new assignments on July 1st.  Let’s send them off on a happy note and to thank them for being a part of the St. Thomas Aquinas family! This will be a special evening! Don’t miss it!

2. Saints Peter and Paul

This weekend we celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Other than St. John the Baptist and our Blessed Mother, no other saint gets to keep his or her feast day when it falls on a Sunday. It is a very ancient feast going back to around the year 250 A.D. The two are honored because they are the two apostles about whom we know the most.

Tradition has it that they died together in Rome during the persecution of the Emperor Nero. Peter was crucified upside down as he did not consider himself worthy of dying in the same way his Master died. Paul was beheaded. Although a Jew, he also was legally, by birth, a Roman citizen, who were exempt from this horrific death.

In a sermon in the year 395, St. Augustine of Hippo said of Saints. Peter and Paul: “Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul followed. And so we celebrate this day made holy for us by the apostles' blood. Let us embrace what they believed, their life, their labors, their sufferings, their preaching, and their confession of faith.”

3. Second Collection This Weekend: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference

On November 29, 1633 Louise de Marillac together with St. Vincent de Paul founded the Daughters of Charity in Paris. She trained these Sisters to read, to write, and to serve the poor in health care, social ministry, and education. She trained the Daughters of Charity in the Vincentian spirituality of finding Jesus in the poor and the poor in Jesus, teaching them to be contemplatives in action. She taught the Sisters to serve the poor “with respect, mildness, cordiality and compassion.”

St. Louise de Marillac was a wife, mother, and teacher, who came from a wealthy family. She welcomed the poor, hopeless, alienated, and abandoned people and brought them close to God.

This weekend our 2nd collection is for our parish St. Vincent de Paul conference, which uses the money to buy food, hotel vouchers and other critical needs of those who come to the Pastoral Center for help. Please remember the unfortunates among us when the collection basket comes your way.

4. Fr. Randy's Farewell Message

It was a graceful and fruitful experience to be a part of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and Stanford University Medical Center. As a chaplain resident, my one year intensive studies widened my understanding about pastoral care. This involved training, ministry, and commitment to serve the sick people, as well as the patients' families and the hospital staff. This included interfaith relationship, self-awareness, listening, family dynamics, personality types, patterns of behavior, cultural humility and sensi- tivity, as well as other clinical methods of learning.

The program has challenged me to get out of my comfort zone by reflecting deeply on a daily basis to understand suffering people, to strengthen my theological reflection, to explore my pastoral competencies, compassion, potentials, as well as to accept and define my limitations.

It is a privilege and a blessing to journey with the people not only in their happiest moments, but also in their most difficult and painful moments in life like sickness and death. I was also grateful to continue my ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish while doing my Clinical Pastoral Education Residency Program.

This helped me to remain connected with the community and to be actively involved at the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacramental services. I am very grateful, proud and happy to serve the community of St. Thomas Aquinas. I will be leaving with great memories, experiences and learning. 

5. A Note of Introduction: Michael Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

I hope all of you are enjoying a beautiful summer vacation. My name is Michael Sullivan, and I am very excited to meet you and, most importantly, serve you as the new Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. Since the end of May, I have attended several Parish activities and meetings, including the planning for the upcoming Oktoberfest. In the short time I have been a part of the Parish, I have seen—very clearly—the strong love of Jesus Christ present in the people through the various ministries of the Parish.

I can’t wait for the DYR (Diocesan Youth Retreat) and the Life Teen summer camps! More than anything else, I look forward to building on the wonderful work of Alley and Sarah; I am so grateful for their tremendous labor of love on behalf of Youth & Young Adults of the Parish. I welcome your ideas and encourage your strong support of this outstanding Youth Ministry Program. If you have any suggestions, questions, or if I can be of any assistance, please e-mail me:

Michael X. Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry (July 1st)

6. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 

One only has to briefly drive through Hidden Summer Camp, just 10 miles and 25 minutes from East Palo Alto to marvel at the vision Frank and Josephine Duvenek had in starting a multicultural summer camp on their ranch 69 years ago.

The children of East Palo come from a community where the parent’s concern for their safety keeps their children cooped up in their crowded homes when school is not in session. These children can experience one and two week camping sessions in Hidden Villa’s idyllic setting to learn about animals, agriculture, the forest and, along with it, break down social barriers. 

This is the fruit of the Duveneck’s vision.

The only missing link every summer is transportation. Volunteers are needed mostly to drive the day campers (driving daily) but also overnight campers.

The first camp session starts June 16 and the last session ends August 15.

Call George Chippendale, 856 6350 for further information and to schedule some days of driving.

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish operates on a program year which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Our annual budget also runs from July to June. We are so very grateful to all who supported the work of our Parish over the past 12 months.

Each year, however, the expenses involved in all of our parish operations and programs increase, and as always, we depend on our parishioners
to help meet these expenses. Much can and will be written about all of this when we send you our annual financial report. Our weekly Sunday
Offertory goal continues to be is $11,000. This is the amount we need each week in order to meet all of our financial responsibilities.

8. Sign Up for Online Giving

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

9. Meals for Hotel de Zink

Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

10. Children Crossing the Border in Record Numbers

An urgent humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Arizona and Texas as a sudden and massive influx of unaccompanied children crossing the U.S. Border in the Rio Grande Valley has taken the government by surprise. They have even asked for assistance from faith-based care groups to deal with the crisis. Experts estimate as many as 90,000 unaccompanied children will enter the country this year.

The U.S. Bishops have been ahead of this issue -- recognizing the escalating problem and drawing attention to the desperate situation of these children and their families. Late last year, a delegation from the Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (MRS/USCCB) traveled to southern Mexico and Central America to investigate and understand the growing trend of unaccompanied migrating children and youth fleeing from the region. They issued a 16-page report, Mission to Central America: The Flight of Unaccompanied Children to the United States (2013).

Why are these children fleeing their countries? The USCCB report identifies one overriding factor: staggering and unrelenting violence in their villages and towns and a corresponding breakdown of the rule of law that threatens security and creates a culture of fear and hopelessness.

"These children are extremely vulnerable to human traffickers and unscrupulous smugglers and must be protected. Over the long term, the increasing violence from gangs and organized crime in their home countries must be addressed and controlled so they can be secure in their homes." Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the USCCB Committee on Migration.

To learn more visit these websites:

11. Palo Alto Breaks Ground on the  "Magical Bridge Playground"

Parishioners may have seen the following article this week:

This effort was initiated and lead by parishioner Olenka Villarreal and many dedicated volunteers. We originally wrote about it in July 2011 and now, four years later, it is coming to fruition.

Olenka let us know that additional contributions are still welcome. See for more details and for the Palo Alto Online's original coverage.

12. Pope Francis: Torture is a mortal sin (Video)

ROME, June 23, 2014 ( - 

After lashing out against the mafia in Calabria, the Pope expressed strong words against torture. 
To view the video click

13. CANCELED: Wednesday, July 30: Holy icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa

Father Anthony Hernandez of St. Basil's has let us know that this event is canceled due to scheduling difficulties.

14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

16. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Berry Picking, Sat.    June 28th at at 9:00AM, Mountain View
Join us for berry picking at Coastways Ranch in Pescadero. They have olallieberries and tayberries, both crosses between raspberries and blackberries. Afterwards we'll grab lunch on the coast. Please meet for carpools at 9:00 from the Lucky supermarket parking lot (715 E El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA), or let us know if you'll be joining in Pescadero around 10:30. We'll be back in the bay area by late afternoon or early evening. Please RSVP here: or at

Events in July!

Dinner at Buffalo Restaurant, Tues.  July 15th at 7:30PM, 292 Castro St., Mountain View
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at Buffalo restaurant in downtown Mountain View.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  July 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

17. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

18. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator
Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, which is owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco, is looking to hire a part-time Marketing Coordinator, who would be responsible for creating flyers for retreats & special events, preparing notices and advertisements for all sponsored events, as well as coordinating & preparing  Vallombrosa newsletters and brochures.  Send resume to

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Readings for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Randy and Fr. Peter, with Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Joe Thannickal and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:            (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 391 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 392? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.

Chris Lundin

Jul 4, 2014, 8:11:01 AM7/4/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 27 - July 4, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Notes from the Pastor: Reflections on Four Years
2. Goodbye and Thanks From Fr. Peter
3. Welcome Back, Fr. Epie!
4. Tuesday, July 8: Memorial Mass for Carmen Schembri
5. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
6. RCIA For Children
7. Photographs of Recent Parish Events Available
8. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 
9. Thursday, July 10: Widows and Widowers Climb The Trellis Again!
10. Next Weekend: Peter's Pence Collection
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Meals for Hotel de Zink
13. Refugee Awareness
14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
16. Young Adult Circle
17. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event
18. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
19. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Readings for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Notes from the Pastor: Reflections on Four Years

This Sunday marks the beginning of my 5th year as Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas. As I look back, I must say it has been an interesting journey— never a dull moment! After each proud accomplishment, I always say; “what’s next?” And yet, I believe we have made some very good progress. Let me just mention a few...

• In my first year, I focused a lot of energy on the liturgical life of our parish. Collaborating with Nora Lundin, our Liturgy Board, and all of our volunteers, I wanted to blend together my own vision and experience of Liturgy with the diverse worshipping communities of our parish.

• In my second year, I was able to introduce Life Teen & EDGE into our Youth Ministry program spearheaded by the enthusiastic leadership of Alley White, along with the beginnings of our new 6pm Youth Mass. The baton has been passed on to our new Youth Minister, Michael Sullivan who will bring his own talents and gifts as an advocate for the youth of our parish.

• In my third year, I engaged the challenge of renewing and re-energizing all of our ministries for children. I am so proud of the leadership of Susan Olsen who has worked to refresh and inject a new vitality into the process of faith formation for the youngest members of our parish and their families.

• In my fourth year, circumstances led to a year of catechesis on the stewardship of treasure. Difficult financial struggles made it necessary to encourage all of us to reflect on the blessings and gifts from God that we are called to share in support of the mission of the parish. All of you responded with great generosity, as we re-established our parish on a firm and healthy financial foundation.

Of course none of this would be possible without our parish leaders, volunteers, generous and supportive parishioners, and our talented and dedicated staff. Each and every day, I thank God for all of you. It is because of you that I wake up each day, ready and willing to provide the leadership and vision necessary to help our parish be true and faithful to its mission.

I continue to ask for your prayers, so that God will give me the strength to be a healthy, holy, and happy priest in service to the Church for many more years.

Rev.. Matthew Stanley, Pastor

2. Goodbye and Thanks From Fr. Peter

As you may know, my term here at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish has come to end. My new assignment is at St. Victor Parish in San Jose. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful and refreshing three years that I had with you. I especially want to thank you for bringing me into your lives and homes and making me feel so welcome during my stay here, as we journeyed together with Christ. Individually and as a whole, you truly have blessed my life. It has been a delightful experience. I will miss you greatly. 

I will keep my fond memories of my experiences here, as part of the parish family, deep within my heart. Thank you. You are in my prayers.

Fr. Peter Seimas, now Parochial Vicar, St. Victor's

3. Welcome Back, Fr. Epie!

Temporarily in residence at the St. Albert the Great Rectory from July 8 to mid-August, Fr. Franklin Epie (eppie-ay) returns to our parish from Cameroon, in Africa. While he is on vacation this summer, he will celebrate both daily & Sunday Masses. He has been able to visit the last four summers. Many friends he has made over the years are so glad to see him back.

4. Tuesday, July 8: Memorial Mass for Carmen Schembri

There will be a memorial Mass for Carmen Schembri at 10:00 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

There will be a reception afterwards at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.  

5. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

6. RCIA For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? 
Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494- 2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children.

7. Photographs of Recent Parish Events Available

Many, many images  are now on the parish Photography website for viewing and ordering, including First Communions at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary, this year's Confirmatio  along with pictures of The Knights of Columbus Crabfest.

The following link should get you to the parish photographer's web site:

8. It's Begun But Still Time to Volunteer: Beautiful Hidden Villa Summer Camp: Drivers Needed 

One only has to briefly drive through Hidden Summer Camp, just 10 miles and 25 minutes from East Palo Alto to marvel at the vision Frank and Josephine Duvenek had in starting a multicultural summer camp on their ranch 69 years ago.

The children of East Palo come from a community where the parent’s concern for their safety keeps their children cooped up in their crowded homes when school is not in session. These children can experience one and two week camping sessions in Hidden Villa’s idyllic setting to learn about animals, agriculture, the forest and, along with it, break down social barriers. 

This is the fruit of the Duveneck’s vision.

The only missing link every summer is transportation. Volunteers are needed mostly to drive the day campers (driving daily) but also overnight campers.

The first camp session starts June 16 and the last session ends August 15.

Call George Chippendale, 856 6350 for further information and to schedule some days of driving.

9. Thursday, July 10: Widows and Widowers Climb The Trellis Again!

All Widow and Widowers,

Summer is here and you are invited to congregate for our July 10th Dinner in the upper Garden at the Trellis Restaurant in Menlo Park. 

We will gather for libations leading to communications (!) at 5 p.m., Dinner at 5:30. You will have a choice of 3 entrees, Salad, dessert, and Coffee or Tea. RSVP Call Joan Mein at 650-494-3467 by July 7. Total price is only $30.00.

10. Next Weekend: Peter's Pence Collection

Next weekend, we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering.

11. Weekly Stewardship Report

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish operates on a program year which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Our annual budget also runs from July to June. We are so very grateful to all who supported the work of our Parish over the past 12 months. Each year, however, the expenses involved in all of our parish operations and programs increase, and as always, we depend on our parishioners to help meet these expenses. Much can and will be written about all of this when we send you our annual financial report.

Our weekly Sunday Offertory goal continues to be $11,000. This is the amount we need each week in order to meet all of our financial responsibilities. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

12. Meals for Hotel de Zink

Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

13. Refugee Awareness

Our Catholic Social Teaching calls upon us to respect the life and dignity of everyone. Each year in December we gather gift cards for refugees who have just arrived here. 

Learn more about the situation of refugees throughout the world and our local response through our Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Refugee Resettlement and Refugee Foster Care Programs. or

14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

15. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or
16. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Dinner at Buffalo Restaurant, Tues.  July 15th at 7:30PM, 292 Castro St., Mountain View
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at Buffalo restaurant in downtown Mountain View.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  July 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

17. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event

El Salvador: Historical Memory Project and Its Social Impacct

With Ebony Pleasants, Volunteer with Voices on the Border

• works with people in Ciudad Segundo Montes, Morazán, El Salvador
• advocates for youth, women, LGBTQ, survivors of abuse and homeless people

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 4:30 PM,  

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto

Starting with Pupusas, Salvadoran Candy and Tamarindo
Salvadoran Fair Trade Crafts for sale

Suggested Donation:  $10 adults, $5 for children under 12

Please RSVP to (650) 494-8340 or

18. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

19. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator

Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, which is owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco, is looking to hire a part-time Marketing Coordinator, who would be responsible for creating flyers for retreats & special events, preparing notices and advertisements for all sponsored events, as well as coordinating & preparing  Vallombrosa newsletters and brochures.  Send resume to

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Readings for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Thannickal (Music: Patrick Feehan, from Vallombrosa Center) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:            (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Dat is away at Life Teen Camp
Fr. Peter and Fr. Randy have moved on to their new assignments (St. Victor and St. Julie Billiart, respectively)

Chris Lundin

Jul 11, 2014, 7:49:06 AM7/11/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 28 - July 11, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, July 12: Memorial Mass for Susan Kazul
2. This Weekend: Peter's Pence Collection
3. Bishop McGrath's Message on Displaced Migrant Children and Families
4. Wonderful, Generous Technology Gift to Elizabeth Seton School!
5. Faith Formation: Planting Seeds for the Future
6. In Memoriam: Al Menting
7. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
8. RCIA For Children
9. Beginning Monday, July 21: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
10. Thank You For the Wonderful Send-Off For Frs. Randy and Peter!
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
13. Meals for Hotel de Zink
14. Service and Spirituality
15. Updated 'Pope App' Launched
16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
17. Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
18. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
19. Young Adult Circle
20. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event
21. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
22. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Readings for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, July 12: Memorial Mass for Susan Kazul

A memorial service will be held for Susan Kazul on Saturday, July 12 at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto. 

Susan, a resident of and volunteer in Palo Alto, died on June 3 surrounded by her family at her home. She was 73.

Also known as Suzy, she was born on Aug. 5, 1940, in Wyandotte, Michigan, to Nicholas and Charlotte McGlaughlin. She went on to study nursing at the University of Michigan, receiving her degree in 1962. Afterward she worked as a registered nurse in both hospitals and the community. In 1968, she married Stanley Kazul, and together they raised a family in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

In 1997, she and Stanley retired in Palo Alto. She volunteered with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Community Health Resource Center as a nurse health educator. Throughout her life, she played golf devotedly, appreciated the arts and created numerous family traditions.

She was predeceased by her two brothers, Patrick and Michael McGlaughlin. She is survived by her husband, Stanley Charles Kazul; daughter, Charlotte Van Wagner of Sacramento; daughter Jennifer Saavedra (Raul) of Tiburon, California; son, Timothy Kazul (Julia) of Mill Valley, California; and four grandchildren. She is also survived by four sisters: Mollie Weber (Tom) of Saugatuck, Michigan; Katy McCord (Rob) of San Rafael, California; Janie Zemba (Richard) of Dearborn, Michigan; and Annie Sexton (Jim) of Eugene, Oregon.

A memorial service will be held on July 12 at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto. Interment will be in St. Paul on the Lake Columbarium in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, on Sept. 6. In lieu of flowers,  memorial donations may be made to the University of Michigan School of Nursing Class of 1962 Funds for the Future (

2. This Weekend: Peter's Pence Collection

This weekend, we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering.

3. Bishop McGrath's Message on Displaced Migrant Children and Families

July 10, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Bishops of California today issued a statement on the arrival of displaced persons, mostly women and children, in Southern California. I join with my brother bishops in recognizing the enormity of this humanitarian crisis and in asking for your prayers. In particular, I ask that each parish include the intentions of these immigrants in the Universal Prayer/General Intercessions at Sunday and weekday Masses. I also encourage parishes to offer other opportunities for prayer for all of those who are affected by these events.

Quoting from the bishops' statement, I want to emphasize the following three points regarding these immigrants:

• We recognize our responsibility as a Church of compassion to come to their aid and help provide them with the practical and pastoral support they so need.

• These children and families have journeyed to our country, fleeing violence and destitution in Central America. Sadly, their experience in California has thus far been marked by hostility and near chaos. They are exhausted, afraid and clinging to hope.

• The gravity of this situation transcends politics; it is truly a humanitarian crisis that calls all of us, Catholics and others of good will, to respond with compassion and with urgent action.

May God bless the efforts of all who work on behalf of these children and families, and may the Lord move the hearts of those who are able to address a humanitarian crisis with humanitarian intervention.

With every best wish and kind regard,

Sincerely Yours,

Patrick J. McGrath
Bishop of San Jose

4. Wonderful, Generous Technology Gift to Elizabeth Seton School!

St. Elizabeth Seton School has received a donation to begin a One-to-One iPad program for the entire student body.  

The donor generously purchased 260 new iPads for students in Grades K-8.  In addition to the iPads, nine security carts were purchased to house and charge these devices and each iPad was engraved with the school name.  Additional donors gave funds to purchase cases for each of the devices.  We have a solid security plan to ensure this tremendous donation will remain secure. 

Each iPad will be designated to a student with an Apple ID.  The teacher will be able to track student progress through a special software program designed to provide this information.  

This is an incredible learning opportunity for our students, many of whom do not have access to technology at home.  We already have a cart with one set of iPads that will be given to our preschool.  The iPads will be used for instruction only and will not be sent home with the students.

Ms. Evelyn Rosa, Principal

5. Faith Formation: Planting Seeds for the Future

“Faith is born of an encounter with the living God, who calls us and reveals his love, a love which precedes us and upon which we can lean for security and for building our lives.”

- Lumen Fedei 4

These words of Pope Francis are a reminder of the importance of the gift of faith in guiding our lives on a path of love and fulfillment as the people God created each of us to be. We do so much to help our children develop their gifts and talents so that they will be successful in life, sending them to the best schools and involving them in a variety of after-school activities. Do we invest the same time and energy in their faith?

STA-Kids Faith Formation (Pre-Kindergarten through 5th Grade) helps our children to make that “encounter with the living God” Pope Francis spoke of. Our program is lectionary based, so everything we do relates directly to what we are experiencing when we come to worship. But being Catholic is not just a Sunday experience. It is something we should carry through every aspect of our lives. STA-Kids Faith Formation is here to help your children grow in their faith. We want to share this exciting time with your children and with you as they begin to know God and to see God as source of guidance and support for becoming the person God created them to be.

The “seeds of faith” are planted when we choose to have our children baptized. Nourish those seeds with participation in STA-Kids Faith Formation. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church and on our parish website. Classes will begin again at the end of August, but sign up now and make your commitment to your children’s future as people of faith. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

6. In Memoriam: Al Menting

Alvin "Al" J. Menting, a former resident of Palo Alto, died on June 8 at Holy Cross Village in Notre Dame, Indiana. He was 87.

He was born on April 23, 1927, and grew up with 11 other siblings on a dairy farm in Phlox, Wisconsin. He served in the Navy's Air Force during World War II.

Not long after, he began working for United Airlines, a career that lasted for more than 33 years until his retirement in 1981. He lived in Palo Alto for about 50 years, flying a 747 route for United Airlines between San Francisco and Hawaii. He married his second wife, Montel, in 1972.  Al and Montel were active parishioners at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Beyond work, he served as an officer with the Palo Alto Elks and volunteered for many years at Stanford Hospital. He also helped lead relief efforts in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Palo Leyte, Philippines. He enjoyed building, constructing his own swimming pool and modifying automobiles. He and his wife also traveled often.

He and Montel moved to the Holy Cross Village retirement community in Notre Dame in 2002, and as his health declined he was cared for at the Dujarie nursing facility there.

He is survived by his wife, Montel Hawkesworth Menting, and four children he adopted with his first wife, Marion, who is deceased: Tina Smith, Tony Menting, Terri Setnick and Ted Menting. He is also survived by seven grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

7. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

8. RCIA For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? 
Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494- 2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children.

9. Beginning Monday, July 21: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children:

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

* Journey across the planet and see how the Catholic Church’s influence on humanity has created a truly global culture.

* See the artistic and architectural splendor of the Catholic Faith interpreted in light of the mystery of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

* Hear for yourself from one of the great spiritual teachers of our time precisely what the Church believes and why.

*Feel the depths of conviction that touch the heard, illumine the mind, and stir the soul.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25) 

7 - 8:30 p.m. Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall

Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

10. Thank You For the Wonderful Send-Off For Frs. Randy and Peter!

On behalf of Fr. Randy, and Fr. Peter, and all those who so enjoyed our farewell reception, our thanks and gratitude go to the Community Life Committee. It was obvious that many hours of hard work was needed to prepare for and clean-up after such a great celebration. To all those who joined with the Community Life Committee, we all appreciate your efforts of hospitality and community fellowship. 

Fr. Matt

11. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of June. Our average weekly collection for this final month the fiscal year was $11,284. We finished the year by reaching our monthly goal for 10 consecutive months. Your generous stewardship has led to a 13% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. Our weekly Sunday Offertory goal continues to be is $11,000. This is the amount we need each week in order to meet all of our financial responsibilities.

12. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Our ADA totals as of July 1, 2014 are:

Total Pledged: $186,997 
Total Paid: $160,759 
Total Refund: $35,000 
Number of Pledges: 297

Please keep making your regular payments. When all our pledges have been paid, St. Thomas Aquinas will receive a much needed rebate to help us pay for improvements to our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church. 

13. Meals for Hotel de Zink

Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable, irrepressible and effervescent Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

14. Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Information Sessions are:

7:00 pm, July 14: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

3:00 pm, July 16: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, July 16: Santa Clara University Multi-faith Sanctuary
In St. Joseph Hall to the left of the Mission Church

12:30 pm, August 8: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

15. Updated 'Pope App' Launched

VATICAN CITY, July 10, 2014 ( - The Pontifical Council for Social Communications has launched an updated version of “the Pope App” and presented it to Pope Francis.

At a viewing to demonstrate its features Monday with the council's president, Archbishop Claudio Celli, and the project coordinator, Thaddeus Jones, the Pope expressed gratitude for all the media services the council makes available.

The Holy Father thanked the council for enhancing the Vatican’s presence and participation in the digital world, Vatican Radio reported.

According to the council’s president, the app’s new design simplifies access to content and, allows people to be in ever closer contact with the Pope, his ministry and his message of God’s love,

Released in the iTunes and Google Play stores on July 4th, 'The Pope App 2.0' is free and available in five languages.

Powered by, the app features the latest papal news and information as produced by the Vatican’s own media services and can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.  

16. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

17. Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

18. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

19. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Buffalo Restaurant, Tues.  July 15th at 7:30PM, 292 Castro St., Mountain View
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering at Buffalo restaurant in downtown Mountain View.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  July 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

20. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event

El Salvador: Historical Memory Project and Its Social Impacct

With Ebony Pleasants, Volunteer with Voices on the Border
• works with people in Ciudad Segundo Montes, Morazán, El Salvador
• advocates for youth, women, LGBTQ, survivors of abuse and homeless people

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 4:30 PM,  
St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto

Starting with Pupusas, Salvadoran Candy and Tamarindo; Salvadoran Fair Trade Crafts for sale
Suggested Donation:  $10 adults, $5 for children under 12
Please RSVP to (650) 494-8340 or

21. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

22. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Marketing Coordinator

Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park, which is owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco, is looking to hire a part-time Marketing Coordinator, who would be responsible for creating flyers for retreats & special events, preparing notices and advertisements for all sponsored events, as well as coordinating & preparing  Vallombrosa newsletters and brochures.  Send resume to

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Readings for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 

9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt   (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Franklin Epie and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Dat is away at Life Teen Camp

Chris Lundin

Jul 18, 2014, 7:39:14 AM7/18/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 29 - July 18, 2014

Table of Contents

1. In Our Own Time
2. Beginning Monday, July 21: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
3. Beautiful Church Ceilings
4. Ministry of the Laptop
5. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
6. RCIA For Children
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Meals for Hotel de Zink
9. August 2-3: Mission Appeal 2014
10. Service and Spirituality
11. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
12. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire
13. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
14. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014
15. Young Adult Circle
16. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event
17. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
19. Readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. In Our Own Time

Recently, Pope Francis said in an interview: “There are more Christian martyrs today than ever before." Our Pope is right. The level of Christian persecution has been on the rise lately. People have to give their lives because of their fidelity to Christ.

A woman in Sudan was given a death sentence because she refused to renounce her faith in Christ. Her fate is still unknown. In Syria, a 70 year old missionary priest, who was there a long time and had done many good things for the people, was also executed. In Mosul, Iraq, for the first time in 1600 years, there is no Catholic Mass. Catholics there have been either chased out or suppressed. And in our own country, the fight for religious freedom still continues.

We are reminded about these facts, not to put our spirit down, but to remind us that we should continue to pray for each other. We are one
body in Christ. Whatever happens to one will also impact the rest. Let us support our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are enduring persecution for Christ, in whatever way we can. Let us also pray that we can be courageous like them if we are to be tested. God bless.

Fr. Dat, Parochial Vicar

2. Beginning Monday, July 21: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

* Journey across the planet and see how the Catholic Church’s influence on humanity has created a truly global culture.

* See the artistic and architectural splendor of the Catholic Faith interpreted in light of the mystery of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

* Hear for yourself from one of the great spiritual teachers of our time precisely what the Church believes and why.

*Feel the depths of conviction that touch the heard, illumine the mind, and stir the soul.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25) 

7 - 8:30 p.m. Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall

Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

3. Beautiful Church Ceilings

A parishioner passed on the following:

"I'm sure you've seen many of these...some of them are breathtakingly beautiful."

4. Ministry of the Laptop

As you might know, we use a laptop computer to project the words to our hymns and Mass Prayers at several of our Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary.

Thanks to the volunteers who have faithfully assisted us with this technical assistance.  Those include Cole and Abby Duerr, Bob Napaa, Dan and Alex Frei, Sebastian Marshall, and occasional others.  The long-suffering Nora Lundin assists as backup when she is available.

I'd be interested in having more volunteers willing to help, especially at Our Lady of the Rosary 10:30 a.m. Mass and the Saturday 5:00 p.m. St. Albert the Great Mass.  

This is an excellent way to participate closely in the Mass: you are essentially the "page-turner" for the entire congregation. There is guaranteed seating at even the most well-attended liturgies! The program we use is simple to learn and it takes just a few minutes to demonstrate it to you.

Please catch me after Mass if you have an interest.

Chris Lundin
Music Minister

5. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

6. RCIA For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? 
Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494- 2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children.

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

Our parish operates on a program year which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Our annual budget also runs from July to June. We are so very grateful to all who supported the work of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish over the past 12 months. Each year, however, the expenses involved in all of our parish operations and programs increase, and as always, we depend on our parishioners to help meet these expenses. Much can and will be written about all of this when we send you our annual financial report. Our weekly Sunday Offertory goal continues to be $11,000. This is the amount we need each week in order to meet all of our financial responsibilities. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

8. Meals for Hotel de Zink

Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable, irrepressible and effervescent Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

9. August 2-3: Mission Appeal 2014

On August 2 and 3, Rev. Noel Sanvicente who is presently assigned as Parochial Vicar at Saint Simon Church in Los Altos will be coming to our parish to make an appeal. Fr. Sanvicente volunteered to visit the province of Leyte last May 31, 2014. It was the hardest and worst place hit by super typhoon Haiyan.

On November 8, 2013 Typhoon Haiyan (Local Name: Yolanda) hit the central part of the Philippines. It was the worst and the most powerful storm ever which devastated the whole province of Leyte, the Seat of the Archdiocese of Palo, the home of over one million Catholics.

Typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda claimed thousands of lives within five hours of monstrous wind at the speed of 235 kilometers per hour that caused the sea waves to surge as high as 20 feet into the mainland.

Houses and practically all buildings including schools, churches, rectories, clinics, and hospital and even the domestic airport were either totally wrecked or badly damaged. Over 30,000 coconut trees have been uprooted and were cut into half. More than 25, 000 boats have been swept away.

Of the 76 Churches, 70 were smashed to the ground. The seminary (Saint John the Evangelist School of Theology) which houses those training to become priests for the whole Ecclesiastical Province was also destroyed beyond repair.

More than six months have passed, and thousands of people are still missing. Those who survived now face the most arduous task of rebuilding and the most painful steps of moving on. Most of them only reside now on makeshift houses or tents. It takes six to 10 years for a coconut tree to bear fruit and become a source of livelihood. Those who depend on fishing badly need boats to make a living.

In response to the people’s plight, the Holy Father, Pope Francis has graciously sent help to construct three buildings which will house the orphans, the elderly and a medical facility to offer basic medical health care. Pope Francis has already announced that he will personally come to the Philippines this coming January 2015 to reach out to our brothers and sisters who have lost so much.

The survivors of Yolanda are not just victims of a horrible tragedy. They are our brothers and sisters. Let us help them.

During these summer months of July and August all the Filipino priests in active ministry at the Diocese of San Jose will make an appeal in all the parishes aimed to help and to support our brothers and sisters as they struggle to move on and to rebuild. 

Let us reach out.

10. Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Remaining Information Sessions are:

12:30 pm, August 8: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

11. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

12. Hold The Date: Saturday, November 15, Holiday Craft Faire

The Holiday Craft Faire will be on Saturday, November 15th.  Mark your calendars now!  Last year was a huge success, and we hope to enhance it by expanding the event to include all holidays, and by encouraging parishioners to prepare their crafts throughout the year.  

Do you enjoy making crafts, knitting, or sewing?  Would you like to gather periodically to work on your projects together or participate in group led projects?

Email or call Natalie Lucha right away if you are interested, have an idea, or would like more details (, 650-690-6384).  

13. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

14. Spiritual Pilgrimage with Fr. Matt: November 2014

Our Pastor, Fr. Matt, is leading a pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France (November 3 – 15, 2014). The $3459 cost per person covers air and local travel, hotels, guide, entrance fees, all tips (excluding lunches and souvenirs.) If this is your time to visit some of the holiest Catholic places in Europe, contact Fr. Matt for a brochure at (650) 494-2496 ext. 12 or

15. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Young Adult Mass, Tues.  July 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Jazz Mass in downtown San Jose, Sat., Aug. 9th, 4:30 p.m., Meet at St. Joseph's Cathedral, 80 South Market Street, San Jose, CA
Please join other Catholic Young Adults for the Jazz Mass (starts at 4:30 pm in St. Joseph Cathedral).  After Mass, we will eat at a local restaurant.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

16. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event

El Salvador: Historical Memory Project and Its Social Impacct

With Ebony Pleasants, Volunteer with Voices on the Border
• works with people in Ciudad Segundo Montes, Morazán, El Salvador
• advocates for youth, women, LGBTQ, survivors of abuse and homeless people

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 4:30 PM,  
St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto

Starting with Pupusas, Salvadoran Candy and Tamarindo; Salvadoran Fair Trade Crafts for sale
Suggested Donation:  $10 adults, $5 for children under 12
Please RSVP to (650) 494-8340 or

17. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

19. Readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Joe Thannickal (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Franklin Epie and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Matt is on vacation July 19-26

Chris Lundin

Jul 25, 2014, 7:39:51 AM7/25/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 30 - July 25, 2014

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: Special 2nd Collection for  Displaced Migrant Children and Families
2. Statement of California Bishops on the Transport of Displaced Migrant Children and Families to California
3. Silence and Reverence In Our Churches
4. Continuing Monday, July 28: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
5. Ministry of the Laptop
6. Sunday, August 10: Widow and Widowers Head To South Pacific
7. Knights of Columbus Elect New Officers
8. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
9. RCIA For Children
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Meals for Hotel de Zink
12. August 2-3: Mission Appeal 2014
13. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality
14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
15. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
16. Young Adult Circle
17. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event
18. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. This Weekend: Special 2nd Collection for  Displaced Migrant Children and Families

Bishop McGrath has  authorized a special 2nd collection this coming weekend to generate funds to assist in the support of these displaced individuals. See following statement from the California Bishops.

2. Statement of California Bishops on the Transport of Displaced Migrant Children and Families to California

In recent days, the people of our state have witnessed the arrival of hundreds of displaced people, mostly women and children, to various locations in Southern California. The Bishops of California wish to express our solidarity with these immigrant brothers and sisters who are coming to our state and to offer our prayer that God will deliver them to the safe environment they seek.

We also recognize our responsibility as a Church of compassion to come to their aid and help provide them with the practical and pastoral support they so need.

These children and families have journeyed to our country, fleeing violence and destitution in Central America. Sadly, their experience in California has thus far been marked by hostility and near chaos. They are exhausted, afraid and clinging to hope.

The gravity of this situation transcends politics; it is truly a humanitarian crisis that calls all of us, Catholics and others of good will, to respond with compassion and with urgent action.

The response of Catholic agencies and other community-based groups has already begun. Catholic Charities, working in collaboration with directly affected dioceses and other service organizations, is mobilizing to help these immigrants in centers of hospitality and assistance. Many individuals have contacted our parishes and social service agencies asking how they can help. This reflects the best of the American spirit.

We are particularly concerned about the safety and security of the thousands of unaccompanied children that have crossed our border, without a parent or guardian and without family ties to the US.  They desperately need our help.

Federal officials believe that groups of migrants will continue to arrive throughout the summer. The most affected dioceses will be asking parishioners and others for donations of time and money. We ask you to respond to this call.  In this critical moment, Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us of what we are called to do.

Federal, state and local government agencies also have a role to play in responding to this heartbreaking situation. We urge Congress to appropriate the resources necessary to care for unaccompanied children. We also urge opposition to the “fast track authority” requested by the Administration that could send children back to the violence they attempted to flee without a proper hearing—and in violation of their rights.

We recognize the passion surrounding this issue. We call on all Californians of good will to express themselves with civility and respect, and to refrain from violence.  We ask the Catholic community to join together in solidarity with these children of God, our brothers and sisters, to provide help and give them hope.

Our strength as a nation has always been a matter of the heart. May the heart of Christ guide the people of California to a just and compassionate response for these huddled masses of children gathered at our door.

3. Silence and Reverence In Our Churches

Have you ever felt that there is a lack of reverence and silence before and after Mass in many Catholic churches you’ve attended? It saddens me to say that I have seen it many times, but it saddens me even more to admit that I have "gone with the flow" at times.

The United States Bishops teach us: "Upon entering the church, we should maintain reverent silence so that we and those around us are able to pray before Mass begins. This will ensure that we are at peace within ourselves and with others."

The church is a sacred place reserved for the worship of God. The Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle and His Real Presence requires of us the greatest reverence. That's why, even when Mass is not being celebrated, the church environment should lead to prayer and respect for God. It is not that the house of God is a bleak and harsh place. Rather, it is a sacred place unlike any other. It is a house of prayer! Rigidity is not required, but we should not walk as in the park or the mall. All our attitude should reflect our faith in Christ's presence.

"When we respect God, beholding Him with awe, we naturally reflect a beautiful internal attitude in our very actions. Reverence is rather a genuine reflection of the spiritual life. Those who are reverent know God well and their proper place before Him."

Seldom do we come face to face with a silent moment and in His presence, in our daily lives. The world is a loud and crazy place, noises competing against one another, so why not seek the Lord together in silence so that we may hear His Voice and receive His Word.

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez, Pastoral Associate for Hispanic Ministry

4. Continuing Monday, July 28: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25)   7 - 8:30 p.m. 
Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall        
Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

5. Ministry of the Laptop

As you might know, we use a laptop computer to project the words to our hymns and Mass Prayers at several of our Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary.

Thanks to the volunteers who have faithfully assisted us with this technical assistance.  Those include Cole and Abby Duerr, Bob Napaa, Dan and Alex Frei, Sebastian Marshall, and occasional others.  The long-suffering Nora Lundin assists as backup when she is available.

I'd be interested in having more volunteers willing to help, especially at Our Lady of the Rosary 10:30 a.m. Mass and the Saturday 5:00 p.m. St. Albert the Great Mass.  

This is an excellent way to participate closely in the Mass: you are essentially the "page-turner" for the entire congregation. There is guaranteed seating at even the most well-attended liturgies! The program we use is simple to learn and it takes just a few minutes to demonstrate it to you.

Please catch me after Mass if you have an interest.

Chris Lundin
Music Minister

6. Sunday, August 10: Widow and Widowers Head To South Pacific

The Widow and Widowers, and guests are invited to enjoy the famous musical “South Pacific” , at the Smithwick Theatre at Foothill  College on Sunday August 10th,  2 p.m.

Senior special price of $30. For tickets call 650-949-7360.   The deadline is July 31. 

Ask to be seated with Vic’s Widow/Widower group. Parking  in Lot 1 is $3.00 with a shuttle to the theatre starting at 1 p.m. Handicap holders are no charge. Other dates available if you cannot join us.  Call the box office and if no answer, leave your number and they will call you back.

7. Knights of Columbus Elect New Officers

Congratulations to our newly elected officers of the Knights of Columbus – Palo Alto Council 2677 for Columbian Year 2014-2015

Grand Knight: SK Roy Onyewuenyi 
Deputy Grand Knight: Bro. David Foo
Financial Secretary:  Bro. John Uebbing 
Recorder: Bro. James Harris 
Treasurer: PGK Jerry Lucha
Chancellor: Bro. Charles Guenzer 
Warden: SK Chris Ajagu
Trustee 3 years: Bro. Michael Lin 
Trustee 2 years: Bro. Ed Brown 
Trustee 1 year: Bro. Dcn Daniel 
Chaplain: Fr. Matthew D. Stanley

For more information on becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus, please contact Fr. Matt ( or Deacon Daniel (dhernandez@

8. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

9. RCIA For Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? 
Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 18. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are also welcome to attend our Summer sessions. 

Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494- 2694, ext. 25) if you have questions about the RCIA adapted for children.

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Our weekly Sunday Offertory goal continues to be $11,000. This is the amount we need each week in order to meet all of our financial responsibilities. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

July 20: $9,394   (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $2,577

11. Meals for Hotel de Zink

Our parishioners will be bringing food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st to August 16th. 

The indefatigable, irrepressible and effervescent Ruth Chippendale will be signing folks up after Masses during the month of July. Please check your August calendar and see what day would be convenient for you to help. 

If you miss Ruth after Mass and you would like to bring food, please call her at 856 6350.

12. August 2-3: Mission Appeal 2014

On August 2 and 3, Rev. Noel Sanvicente who is presently assigned as Parochial Vicar at Saint Simon Church in Los Altos will be coming to our parish to make an appeal. Fr. Sanvicente volunteered to visit the province of Leyte last May 31, 2014. It was the hardest and worst place hit by super typhoon Haiyan.

On November 8, 2013 Typhoon Haiyan (Local Name: Yolanda) hit the central part of the Philippines. It was the worst and the most powerful storm ever which devastated the whole province of Leyte, the Seat of the Archdiocese of Palo, the home of over one million Catholics.

Typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda claimed thousands of lives within five hours of monstrous wind at the speed of 235 kilometers per hour that caused the sea waves to surge as high as 20 feet into the mainland.

Houses and practically all buildings including schools, churches, rectories, clinics, and hospital and even the domestic airport were either totally wrecked or badly damaged. Over 30,000 coconut trees have been uprooted and were cut into half. More than 25, 000 boats have been swept away.

Of the 76 Churches, 70 were smashed to the ground. The seminary (Saint John the Evangelist School of Theology) which houses those training to become priests for the whole Ecclesiastical Province was also destroyed beyond repair.

More than six months have passed, and thousands of people are still missing. Those who survived now face the most arduous task of rebuilding and the most painful steps of moving on. Most of them only reside now on makeshift houses or tents. It takes six to 10 years for a coconut tree to bear fruit and become a source of livelihood. Those who depend on fishing badly need boats to make a living.

In response to the people’s plight, the Holy Father, Pope Francis has graciously sent help to construct three buildings which will house the orphans, the elderly and a medical facility to offer basic medical health care. Pope Francis has already announced that he will personally come to the Philippines this coming January 2015 to reach out to our brothers and sisters who have lost so much.

The survivors of Yolanda are not just victims of a horrible tragedy. They are our brothers and sisters. Let us help them.

During these summer months of July and August all the Filipino priests in active ministry at the Diocese of San Jose will make an appeal in all the parishes aimed to help and to support our brothers and sisters as they struggle to move on and to rebuild. 

Let us reach out.

13. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Remaining Information Sessions are:

12:30 pm, August 8: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

14. August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

15. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

16. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  July 29th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Jazz Mass in downtown San Jose, Sat., Aug. 9th, 4:30 p.m., Meet at St. Joseph's Cathedral, 80 South Market Street, San Jose, CA
Please join other Catholic Young Adults for the Jazz Mass (starts at 4:30 pm in St. Joseph Cathedral).  After Mass, we will eat at a local restaurant.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Aug. 19th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

17. Sunday, July 27: South Bay Sanctuary Covenant Event

El Salvador: Historical Memory Project and Its Social Impacct

With Ebony Pleasants, Volunteer with Voices on the Border
• works with people in Ciudad Segundo Montes, Morazán, El Salvador
• advocates for youth, women, LGBTQ, survivors of abuse and homeless people

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 4:30 PM,  
St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto

Starting with Pupusas, Salvadoran Candy and Tamarindo; Salvadoran Fair Trade Crafts for sale
Suggested Donation:  $10 adults, $5 for children under 12
Please RSVP to (650) 494-8340 or

18. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Franklin Epie (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Franklin Epie and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

Chris Lundin

Aug 1, 2014, 7:13:54 AM8/1/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 31 - August 1, 2014

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: Mission Appeal 2014
2. Your Parish Is Here To Help
3. Starting Monday, August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp
4. Continuing Monday, August 4: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Friday, August 8:  Goretti Night - Healed by Virtue
7. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality
8. Sunday, August 10: Widow and Widowers Head To South Pacific
9. Sunday, August 17: Faith Formation Kickoff
10. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
11. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
12. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
13. Young Adult Circle
14. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
15. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
16. Readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. This Weekend: Mission Appeal 2014

On August 2 and 3, Rev. Noel Sanvicente who is presently assigned as Parochial Vicar at Saint Simon Church in Los Altos will be coming to our parish to make an appeal. Fr. Sanvicente volunteered to visit the province of Leyte last May 31, 2014. It was the hardest and worst place hit by super typhoon Haiyan.

On November 8, 2013 Typhoon Haiyan (Local Name: Yolanda) hit the central part of the Philippines. It was the worst and the most powerful storm ever which devastated the whole province of Leyte, the Seat of the Archdiocese of Palo, the home of over one million Catholics.

Typhoon Haiyan or Yolanda claimed thousands of lives within five hours of monstrous wind at the speed of 235 kilometers per hour that caused the sea waves to surge as high as 20 feet into the mainland. Houses and practically all buildings including schools, churches, rectories, clinics, and hospital and even the domestic airport were either totally wrecked or badly damaged. Over 30,000 coconut trees have been uprooted and were cut into half. More than 25, 000 boats have been swept away.

Of the 76 Churches, 70 were smashed to the ground. The seminary (Saint John the Evangelist School of Theology) which houses those training to become priests for the whole Ecclesiastical Province was also destroyed beyond repair.

More than six months have passed, and thousands of people are still missing. Those who survived now face the most arduous task of rebuilding and the most painful steps of moving on. Most of them only reside now on makeshift houses or tents. It takes six to 10 years for a coconut tree to bear fruit and become a source of livelihood. Those who depend on fishing badly need boats to make a living.

In response to the people’s plight, the Holy Father, Pope Francis has graciously sent help to construct three buildings which will house the orphans, the elderly and a medical facility to offer basic medical health care. Pope Francis has already announced that he will personally come to the Philippines this coming January 2015 to reach out to our brothers and sisters who have lost so much.

The survivors of Yolanda are not just victims of a horrible tragedy. They are our brothers and sisters. Let us help them.

During these summer months of July and August all the Filipino priests in active ministry at the Diocese of San Jose will make an appeal in all the parishes aimed to help and to support our brothers and sisters as they struggle to move on and to rebuild. 

Let us reach out.

2. Your Parish Is Here To Help

Well, it’s hard to believe, but the calendar has been turned to the month of August. When I was young, school was still four weeks away; however, as all parents and children know: the start of another academic year is right around the corner. I want to take this time to encourage all parents and guardians

to also make plans for your children’s ongoing faith formation, as our own programs commence in just a couple of weeks. As parents, you made a promise to your child on the day of his or her baptism: “to accept the responsibility
of training them in the practice of the bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor.” Rite of Baptism of Children.

Your parish stands ready to help you in fulfilling this pledge. Over the summer, both Susan Olsen (Director of Catechetical Ministry) and Michael Sullivan (Director of Youth Ministry) have been hard at work preparing for this new year of learning and living our Catholic faith. We have programs for our youth in pre-school through high school. Our vision of faith formation is structured to educate children and youth through a process that is engaging, challenging, and fun.

So, please don’t let this responsibility escape your end of summer “to do list.” Please visit our web page ( for more information. Continue to read the Sunday Bulletin for further details, and don’t hesitate to contact either Susan or Michael. And of course, they could always use more catechists, classroom aides, and core-team members; don’t hesitate to ask “how you can help.”

Please mark your calendar for our upcoming Faith Formation Pancake Breakfast on August 17 after the 9am Mass at St. Albert the Great & the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. Our Youth program will kickoff with a BBQ following the 6pm Mass (beginning again for this school year) on Sunday, September 7 at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Fr. Matt

3. Starting Monday, August 4-8, August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

4. Continuing Monday, August 4: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25)   7 - 8:30 p.m. 
Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall        
Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

The time of vacations and weekends away, are always quite financially challenging for our parish. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies
dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using Online Giving. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the summer. Thank you for your generosity toward the work and mission of the parish. As you know, we are totally dependent upon our parishioners for the funds to provide the services we offer.

July 27 Actual: $12,384 (Goal: $11,000)
Bishop's Immigration Appeal: $5,700

6. Friday, August 8:  Goretti Night - Healed by Virtue

We are so excited to have Hannah Botham as our August speaker! She will be telling us her story of how she was living an impure life, what made her realize she was going down the wrong path, how she discovered the Church and the sacraments, and turned her life towards God, chastity, and purity. Through chastity she and her boyfriend (now husband) were able to learn to love each other. Please join us to hear this inspiring story!

Schedule: 6:30pm Mass - 7:30pm Dinner - 8:00pm Talk by Hannah Botham
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Palo Alto

(The Goretti Group uses the facilities at St. Thomas Aquinas Church monthly for their meetings and liturgies. You can learn more about the group at

7. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Remaining Information Sessions are:

12:30 pm, August 8: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

8. Sunday, August 10: Widow and Widowers Head To South Pacific

The Widow and Widowers, and guests are invited to enjoy the famous musical “South Pacific” , at the Smithwick Theatre at Foothill  College on Sunday August 10th,  2 p.m.

Senior special price of $30. For tickets call 650-949-7360.   The deadline is July 31 (call today if you haven't already)

Ask to be seated with Vic’s Widow/Widower group. Parking  in Lot 1 is $3.00 with a shuttle to the theatre starting at 1 p.m. Handicap holders are no charge. Other dates available if you cannot join us.  Call the box office and if no answer, leave your number and they will call you back.

9. Sunday, August 17: Faith Formation Kickoff

The Faith Formation program will host its annual Pancake Breakfast on August 17 after the 9am Mass at St. Albert the Great & the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.  All parishioners are welcome.

10. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes

We will kickoff this year's Youth Ministry with a BBQ after the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, September 6 at Our Lady of the Rosary. All parishioners are welcome to attend the 6:00 p.m. Mass.

11. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Plan Ahead! Mark your calendar for the annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, Sept 21st, 11:30am – 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary site. 

12. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

13. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Jazz Mass in downtown San Jose, Sat., Aug. 9th, 4:30 p.m., Meet at St. Joseph's Cathedral, 80 South Market Street, San Jose, CA
Please join other Catholic Young Adults for the Jazz Mass (starts at 4:30 pm in St. Joseph Cathedral).  After Mass, we will eat at a local restaurant.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Aug. 19th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

14. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center
250 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

15. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

16. Readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat, with Fr. Noel Sanvincente preaching (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Joe Thannickal, with Fr. Noel Sanvincente preaching  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys  and Deacon Jaime, with Fr. Noel Sanvincente speaking after Communion  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt, with Fr. Noel Sanvincente preaching (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Franklin Epie and Deacon Daniel, with Fr. Noel Sanvincente speaking after Communion  (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): recommences Sunday, September 7

Chris Lundin

Aug 8, 2014, 7:42:43 AM8/8/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 32 - August 8, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Friday, August 8:  Goretti Night - Healed by Virtue
2. What Did You Do This Summer?
3. Continuing August 11-15: Summer Camp
4. Continuing Monday, August 11: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
7. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
8. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality
9. Thursday, August 14, Friday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of Mary: A Holy Day of Obligation
10. Faith Formation: Children and Teens: Register for Programs
11. Sunday, August 17: Faith Formation Kickoff
12. RCIA for Children
13. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
14. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers
15. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
16. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
17. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
18. Young Adult Circle
19. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Readings for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: some pictures from the Life Teen Camp trip


1. Friday, August 8:  Goretti Night - Healed by Virtue

We are so excited to have Hannah Botham as our August speaker! She will be telling us her story of how she was living an impure life, what made her realize she was going down the wrong path, how she discovered the Church and the sacraments, and turned her life towards God, chastity, and purity. Through chastity she and her boyfriend (now husband) were able to learn to love each other. Please join us to hear this inspiring story!

Schedule: 6:30pm Mass - 7:30pm Dinner - 8:00pm Talk by Hannah Botham
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Palo Alto

(The Goretti Group uses the facilities at St. Thomas Aquinas Church monthly for their meetings and liturgies. You can learn more about the group at

2. What Did You Do This Summer?

I hope you have enjoyed a fun and restful summer. Last week, I returned from our second round of Life Teen camps, held in the mountains above Prescott, in Arizona. Even though, at times, it felt as if we would never reach Camp Tempeyac, because of our long drive from the Golden State—we finally arrived—18 hours later. From the muddy games and the obstacle courses, to the morning Holy Hour, daily Mass, small group time, Confession, and everything in-between, all of us had a very rewarding experience. 

On our way to and from camp, we stayed overnight in Solana Beach, San Diego County. We also were able to visit the City of Saint Monica, including their Boardwalk and 3rd Street Promenade. You can view our pictures on the Parish Instagram Account: @staypa. (see the end of the eBulletin for some of the pictures)

Please mark your calendar for our Kickoff Mass & Dinner: Sunday, September 7th, 2014. We will begin with Holy Mass at 6PM. Then, immediately fol- lowing Mass, we will be serving dinner and have fun games for teens and children. During dinner, parents are invited to a ‘Town Hall’ style Youth Ministry Meeting. This will be held in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. I will pres- ent our Youth Ministry Calendar, including the update of World Youth Day 2016, in Krakow, Poland. Most importantly, this will be an opportunity for you to voice your thoughts, questions, and hopes for this year.

Michael Sullivan, Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry

3. Continuing August 11-15: Summer Camp

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 4th through 8th and August 11th through 15th from 9 a.m. to noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to learn music, to sing and dance their prayer, and to explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church at all sites. If you have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

4. Continuing Monday, August 11: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25)   7 - 8:30 p.m. 
Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall        
Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

The time of vacations and weekends away, are always quite financially challenging for our parish. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies
dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using Online Giving. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the summer. Thank you for your generosity toward the work and mission of the parish. As you know, we are totally dependent upon our parishioners for the funds to provide the services we offer.

6. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Our ADA totals as of August 1, 2014 are: 
Total Pledged: $190,197
Total Paid: $167,253 
Total Refund: $42,000 
Number of Pledges: 317

Please keep making your regular payments. When all our pledges have been paid, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will receive a much needed rebate to help us pay for improvements to our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church.

7. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

Next week our parish will take up a Collection for the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. While those in the region are inspired by the faith, they face the challenges of high rates of poverty and unemployment, in addition to illiteracy and inadequate education. The Solidarity Fund supports essential pastoral projects throughout the continent that nourish the people of this growing Church. These projects include teaching catechism classes, building new churches, and offering retreats to weary church personnel in conflict areas. This Collection is a way for us to express solidarity with our African brothers and sisters and to work for their spiritual and material development. 

Our thoughts are certainly with the Church in Africa as they struggle with the current ebola epidemic.  And Fr. Franklin Epie, visiting with us, will return to his parish in Cameroon later in the summer. Please be generous in this collection.

8. Friday, August 8: Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Remaining Information Sessions are:

12:30 pm, August 8: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

9. Thursday, August 14, Friday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of Mary: A Holy Day of Obligation

Thursday, August 14:
Vigil Mass at 7:00pm (Our Lady of the Rosary)

Friday, August 15th
7:15am at St. Thomas Aquinas
8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary 
12:15pm at St. Thomas Aquinas
7:00pm at St. Albert the Great
7:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) 
8:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian) 

Plan ahead and join us on this very Holy Day honoring our Blessed Mother.

10. Faith Formation: Children and Teens: Register for Programs

I want to take this time to encourage all parents and guardians to also make plans for your children’s ongoing faith formation, as our own programs commence in just a couple of weeks.  Your parish stands ready to help you in fulfilling this pledge. Over the summer, both Susan Olsen (Director of Catechetical Ministry) and Michael Sullivan (Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry) have been hard at work preparing for this new year of learning and living our Catholic faith. We have programs for children in pre-school through high school. Our vision of faith formation is structured to engage children and youth in a process that is engaging, challenging, and fun.

Fr.  Matt

11. Sunday, August 17: Faith Formation Kickoff

Our annual pancake breakfast with registration for faith formation classes will be held on Sunday, August 17 following the Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary. Join us for a fabulous free breakfast prepared for you by our Knights of Columbus.

While registration for our classes has always been a part of this event, you don’t have to wait until then to register your children for our faith formation program. Registration forms are available now on our parish website and in the vestibule at all of our churches. All children between the ages of 4 and 10 (Pre-K through 5th Grade) are welcome to participate. 

Parents: We know you all want the very best education for your children and go out of your way to make sure they have great learning experiences to prepare them for their future. Faith formation for your children is more than just preparing to receive the sacraments. It is a foundation for the way they will live their lives. You are the primary catechists in their lives, but we are here to help enhance what you do with them at home. And while they are learning and growing in their faith, we’ll help you grow in yours as well. So take the time to register your children for classes today.

12. RCIA for Children

Do you have a child who is 8 years of age or older who has not been baptized or received 1st Eucharist? If so, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children) is for you and your child. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7:15pm in the Dermody Center. Our next class will be August 13. If you have questions about this process, con- tact Susan at the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496, ext. 25 or at

13. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

14. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers

The Knights of Columbus San Jose Chapter No. 54 will hold their Installation of Officers at Saint Albert the Great Church on August 23, 2014 after the 5:00 PM Mass that they will attend prior to the ceremonies. The Installation will be officiated by the California State Deputy Avelino Doliente.

The San Jose Chapter is composed of 20 Councils spread out in Parishes of the San Jose Diocese or in facilities of their own.  The Chapter’s main charity mission is dedicated to the Bishop’s CCD program for children with special needs and to the support of seminarians.

The elected Chapter President for the Columbian Year 2014-15 is Mario Veloro, Past Grand Knight of Palo Alto Council No. 2677, Past Faithful Navigator of Fra Crespi 4th Degree Assembly No.53 and current District Deputy No. 30 of California.

15. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes

We will kickoff this year's Youth Ministry with a BBQ after the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, September 6 at Our Lady of the Rosary. All parishioners are welcome to attend the 6:00 p.m. Mass.

16. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Plan Ahead! Mark your calendar for the annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, Sept 21st, 11:30am – 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary site. 

17. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

18. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Jazz Mass in downtown San Jose, Sat., Aug. 9th, 4:30 p.m., Meet at St. Joseph's Cathedral, 80 South Market Street, San Jose, CA
Please join other Catholic Young Adults for the Jazz Mass (starts at 4:30 pm in St. Joseph Cathedral).  After Mass, we will eat at a local restaurant.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Aug. 19th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.    Aug. 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

19. August 22-24: Retreat at Vallombrosa Center

Vallombrosa Center is sponsoring a retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website
Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Readings for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Franklin Epie (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Matt  and Deacon Jaime (preaching)  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

Pictures from the STAY Youth who traveled to Life Teen Camp outside Prescott, Arizona.

Chris Lundin

Aug 15, 2014, 8:08:19 AM8/15/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 33 - August 15, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Friday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of Mary: A Holy Day of Obligation
2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
3. This Sunday: Faith Formation Kickoff
4. Continuing Monday, August 18: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
5. Tuesday, August 19: Humanitarian Crisis Calls for Compassion and Action
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Liturgical Ministers Needed
8. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed
9. Thank You From Catholic Charities
10. August 19-21: “Christian Living: a Gifted Journey” With Father Joe Thannickal, SDB PhD
11. Friday, August 20: Service and Spirituality
12. Faith Formation: Children and Teens: Register for Programs
13. RCIA for Children
14. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
15. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers
16. Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair
17. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
18. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
19. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala
20. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
21. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
22. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
23. Young Adult Circle
24. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Friday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of Mary: A Holy Day of Obligation

Friday, August 15th
7:15am at St. Thomas Aquinas
8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary 
12:15pm at St. Thomas Aquinas
7:00pm at St. Albert the Great
7:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) 
8:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian) 

Plan ahead and join us on this very Holy Day honoring our Blessed Mother.

2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

This weekend our parish will take up a Collection for the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. While those in the region are inspired by the faith, they face the challenges of high rates of poverty and unemployment, in addition to illiteracy and inadequate education. The Solidarity Fund supports essential pastoral projects throughout the continent that nourish the people of this growing Church. These projects include teaching catechism classes, building new churches, and offering retreats to weary church personnel in conflict areas. This Collection is a way for us to express solidarity with our African brothers and sisters and to work for their spiritual and material development. 

Our thoughts are certainly with the Church in Africa as they struggle with the current ebola epidemic.  And Fr. Franklin Epie, visiting with us, will return to his parish in Cameroon later in the summer. Please be generous in this collection.

3. This Sunday: Faith Formation Kickoff

Our annual pancake breakfast with registration for faith formation classes will be held on Sunday, August 17 following the Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary. Join us for a fabulous free breakfast prepared for you by our Knights of Columbus.

While registration for our classes has always been a part of this event, you don’t have to wait until then to register your children for our faith formation program. Registration forms are available now on our parish website and in the vestibule at all of our churches. All children between the ages of 4 and 10 (Pre-K through 5th Grade) are welcome to participate. 

Parents: We know you all want the very best education for your children and go out of your way to make sure they have great learning experiences to prepare them for their future. Faith formation for your children is more than just preparing to receive the sacraments. It is a foundation for the way they will live their lives. You are the primary catechists in their lives, but we are here to help enhance what you do with them at home. And while they are learning and growing in their faith, we’ll help you grow in yours as well. So take the time to register your children for classes today.

4. Continuing Monday, August 18: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25)   7 - 8:30 p.m. 
Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall        
Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

5. Tuesday, August 19: Humanitarian Crisis Calls for Compassion and Action

The detention of thousands of unaccompanied children at the border is truly a humanitarian crisis. These children at great risk travelled thousands of miles through several countries seeking safety from violence, abuse, and gangs, but have for now lost their homes, freedom and any sense of security and certainty. The government struggles with the increased flow while attempting to meet its humanitarian obligation, follow current immigration law, and respond to political pressures to strengthen border security and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Join us to learn the facts about what is happening and the ways that you might be able to assist in this crisis.

When: Tuesday, August 19, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Where: Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County

2625 Zanker Road, San Jose CA 95134

Tomars Conference Room (Second Floor)

Parking Available

Advocate: Contact your Congressional Representative and Senators and

encourage their support of the USCCB and Catholic Charities USA policy

recommendations: or

Volunteer: Contact our Parish Partnership Director, John Rinaldo at

408-325-5196 or by email: Or email:

Donate: Support efforts to provide safety and support for unaccompanied children. Online go to: Enter “Help Unaccompanied Children”

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of July, the first month of our new fiscal year. Our average weekly collection was $11,376; this represents an 11% increase vs. July of 2013 ($10,413). July and August are always challenging months for us due to summer vacations. Getting off to such a good start is very encouraging. When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide you. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Our Weekly Offering


Aug 3 Actual : $11,000 (Goal: $11,000)

Aug 10 Actual: $12,325 (Goal: $11,000)


Missionary Cooperative: $10,250 (Thank you so much for this very generous contribution to restoration efforts in the Archdiocese of Palo in the Philippines)

7. Liturgical Ministers Needed


As this new (fiscal) year begins and summer winds down, we look towards fall and winter with many activities starting up again. I usually take a closer look at my volunteer list for Liturgical Ministers and wonder who else is out there who would like to participate or serve their neighbors and parishioners. 


We have several openings for sacristan, altar servers, greeters, ushers, lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, musicians, singers, and minister schedulers among our three church sites.

If you have ever given it a thought, prayed about it, or contemplated about how to be a good example for your children, now is the time to step up. We welcome any and all volunteers and we will train you and slowly add you to our rotations so you aren’t thrown to the wolves (as it were.) 


In conjunction with volunteering we also ask for a commitment to on-going formation. We have an all-minister in-service morning in January, 2015 and various ones for other ministries over the course of the year that we ask you to attend. 


Please prayerfully consider making this year your year to volunteer. If you’re unsure, maybe you could ask one of those who already serve about their ministry. Think about it, pray about it, and call me.

You can pick up a volunteer registration form in the vestibule or from the Pastoral Center or ask me to send you a form via email.   


Nora Lundin, Director of Liturgy & Music

8. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed

During the Sunday morning Masses (except on weekends when there is a Family Mass), children are dismissed from the assembly to hear the Gospel at their level of understanding, to talk about its meaning for their lives, and to pray. If your childdren are shy, you’re welcome to go with them for the first time. We are in need of more leaders. Please call Susan Olsen at the Pastoral Center (ext. 25) or email

9. Thank You From Catholic Charities

On behalf of Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, I want to thank you for your support of our May, 2014 Appeal. Whether it’s housing, employment, school readiness, after-school literacy, veterans’ programs, English as a second language, mental health or services for older adults, Catholic Charities continues to provide innovative, efficient and effective services. 40,000 of our neighbors in need were helped last year.

I would like to thank the people of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish who donated $15,424 during our May, 2014 Appeal. I am deeply inspired by the compassion and generosity of our supporters, and I hope we can count on you again next year. 

Gregory Kepferle, CEO

10. August 19-21: “Christian Living: a Gifted Journey” With Father Joe Thannickal, SDB PhD


Father Joseph Thannickal, is a Salesian priest from India who was an assistant at St. Simon’s parish in Los Altos for a number of years while studying in the USA. At the request of, Fr. Joe has agreed

to develop a TV program with 12 talks. They are looking for available people who might be interested in being part of the audience during the recording.


When: August 19(Tue) through August 21(Thu); 3 days; 3 talks/day

Time: 3 sessions each day to record 3 episodes. 9-11am, 11.30-1.30pm and 2.30-4.30pm. You can attend all sessions or whatever you can.


Where: St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park – their filming studio CTN

Topic: Christian Living: a Gifted Journey – the Christian connection

during our trip through life with God and the world

To be Shown when and where: at a later date on – an International Catholic TV channel


Looking for: People (maximum 15) available to attend, observe, and possibly dialogue with Father Joe during the sessions.


N.B. Participation does not mean you will have to appear on TV. If you do not want to be shown on TV, you will not be shown, but you can participate nonetheless.

11. Friday, August 20: Service and Spirituality

Engage your heart through service to others. Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( ) is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to serve within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-2015 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity. Applications are available on our website. If you have an interest, we invite you to attend an upcoming information session or contact us at or 415-375-0622.

Remaining Information Sessions are:

7:00 pm, August 20: Most Holy Trinity Parish 2040 Nassau Dr. S.J. 95122

12. Faith Formation: Children and Teens: Register for Programs

I want to take this time to encourage all parents and guardians to also make plans for your children’s ongoing faith formation, as our own programs commence in just a couple of weeks.  Your parish stands ready to help you in fulfilling this pledge. Over the summer, both Susan Olsen (Director of Catechetical Ministry) and Michael Sullivan (Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry) have been hard at work preparing for this new year of learning and living our Catholic faith. We have programs for children in pre-school through high school. Our vision of faith formation is structured to engage children and youth in a process that is engaging, challenging, and fun.

Fr.  Matt

13. RCIA for Children

Do you have a child who is 8 years of age or older who has not been baptized or received 1st Eucharist? If so, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children) is for you and your child. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7:15pm in the Dermody Center. Our next class will be August 13. If you have questions about this process, con- tact Susan at the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496, ext. 25 or at

14. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

15. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers

The Knights of Columbus San Jose Chapter No. 54 will be in attendance at the 5:00 PM Mass at St. Albert the Great on August 23, 2014. Their Installation of Officers ceremony, officiated by California State Deputy Avelino Doliente follows Mass.

The San Jose Chapter is composed of 20 Councils spread out in Parishes of the San Jose Diocese or in facilities of their own.  The Chapter’s main charity mission is dedicated to the Bishop’s CCD program for children with special needs and to the support of seminarians. The elected Chapter President for the Columbian Year 2014-15 is Mario Veloro, Past Grand Knight of Palo Alto Council No. 2677, Past Faithful Navigator of Fra Crespi 4th Degree Assembly No.53 and current District Deputy No. 30 of California.

16. Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair

Our parish, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, will be hosting a Catholic Book and Media Fair in the hall on Sunday, August 31st. The Daughters of St. Paul in Redwood City will be present after the 9:00am and 10:30am masses with a wonderful selection of  Catholic books, music and DVDs for all ages in English and Spanish. The selection will include bibles, spirituality and prayer books, lives of the saints, and the writings of the Popes. This will be great opportunity to get something inspiring to read, watch or listen to. (Pauline Book and Media Center in Redwood City- Cash, Credit Cards or Check accepted as payment)

17. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes

We will kickoff this year's Youth Ministry with a BBQ after the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, September 6 at Our Lady of the Rosary. All parishioners are welcome to attend the 6:00 p.m. Mass.

18. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday SeriesCome to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

1) SundaySeptember 7th -  BLUE JASMINE

Join us for this award-winning performance by Cate Blanchett.

This first film asks how we know and accept the truth about oneself and others. Sister Nancy Usselmann, FSP, a Pauline sister and expert on media and spirituality, will lead the discussion. 


2) Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING

Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


3) Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13

Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

19. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala

St. Patrick's Seminary & University is proud to announce its 7th annual St. Patrick's Seminary & University Four Pillars Gala, Saturday, September 13, 2014 on the beautiful grounds in Menlo Park. The evening includes Vespers followed by a social, dinner, a raffle and silent auction and an award presentation. This event will directly fund the mission of the seminary, to prepare men for priesthood; and to encourage and strengthen brother priests through ongoing education and formation to achieve their God-given life. For more information or to make a reservation, please visit our website at or contact Leelamma Sebastian at 650-289-3320.

20. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Plan Ahead! Mark your calendar for the annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, Sept 21st, 11:15 am – 2:30 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary site. 

21. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

22. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Aug. 19th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.    Aug. 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

24. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:

A retreat weekend for Families and Friends of Alcoholics by Fr. Tom Weston, SJ, August 22 -24, 2014. Enjoy the peace and beauty of our grounds and newly renovated rooms while gaining insight and encouragement. We will have some conversations, some prayer, some quiet, and some time to rest and to share our experiences, strengths and hopes. Check-in Friday after 4:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Concludes Sunday with lunch. Cost: $350, private room. $300/person, double room. To register visit or contact Rachel at 650.325.5614. Read more on our website

Tools for the Urban Mystic

 a day-long workshop led by well known psychologist, Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D., Saturday, Sept. 6, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Come and explore what it means to be an “Urban Mystic” - one who consciously establishes an inner communion with God, but within the context of city living with all of its challenges and responsibilities. The workshop will introduce fundamental tools to help cultivate psychological and spiritual freedom while living with the demands of everyday life. Cost: $50.00 per person. Includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Joe Thannickal (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.

9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Franklin Epie and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): recommences Sunday, September 7


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 384 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 385? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

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St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
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Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct

Chris Lundin

Aug 22, 2014, 8:46:22 AM8/22/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 34 - August 22, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers
2. STAKids Faith Formation Classes Begin This Week
3. Catechists Needed
4. The Importance of Knowing the Scriptures
5. Concluding Monday, August 25: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith
6. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East
7. Thursdays: Centering Prayer Group
8. Next Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair
9. Pastoral Center Closed Monday, September 1
10. Backpacks and iPad Covers Abound
11. St. Thomas Aquinas Bridge
12. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed
13. RCIA for Children
14. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
15. Thursday, September 4: Widow and Widowers Outing
16. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
17. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
18. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala
19. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!
20. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
21. Sunday, August 24: "Living for 32" Film and Discussion
22. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
23. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
24. Young Adult Circle
25. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
27. Readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, August 23: Knights of Columbus Installation of Officers

The Knights of Columbus San Jose Chapter No. 54 will be in attendance at the 5:00 PM Mass at St. Albert the Great on August 23, 2014. Their Installation of Officers ceremony, officiated by California State Deputy Avelino Doliente follows Mass.

The San Jose Chapter is composed of 20 Councils spread out in Parishes of the San Jose Diocese or in facilities of their own.  The Chapter’s main charity mission is dedicated to the Bishop’s CCD program for children with special needs and to the support of seminarians. The elected Chapter President for the Columbian Year 2014-15 is Mario Veloro, Past Grand Knight of Palo Alto Council No. 2677, Past Faithful Navigator of Fra Crespi 4th Degree Assembly No.53 and current District Deputy No. 30 of California.

2. STAKids Faith Formation Classes Begin This Week
School has begun in the City of Palo A lot, and so our Faith Formation classes also begin this week.  Sunday, August 24, students, parents and catechists will gather in Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) Hall at 9:15 am. or in the Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great (SAG) at 10:15 a.m.  We will pray together, discuss plans for the year ahead, and then children will be send to their classrooms with the catechists while the parents will continue to meet with Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry. Registration forms are available on our parish website, in the vestibules at all three churches, and will also be available at our gatherings. Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center in you have questions: 650-494-2496 Ext. 25.

3. Catechists Needed

We still have need for a couple more catechists or aides, particularly at St. Albert the Great. If  we don't have anyone to fill these slots, classes will need to be combined so that we can make certain all of our children have the opportunity to grow in their faith. Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (see above) if you'd like to help.

4. The Importance of Knowing the Scriptures

I would like to share with you a passage from a writing from St. Jerome, one of the most important Bible scholars the Church ever had. It says "I interpret as I should, following the command of Christ: search the Scriptures, and seek and you shall find. Christ will not say to me what he said to the Jews: you erred, not knowing the Scriptures and not knowing the power of God and the wisdom of God, and if the man who does not know Scripture does not know the power and wisdom of God, then ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. (Commentary on Isaiah, Nn 1.2 CCL 73, 1-3).

Lots of people nowadays say "Christ would say.... Christ would do... Christ...." and put words in his mouth... but they have never even read the four Gospels (not to mention the rest of the New Testament nor the entire Bible.)  How can we know, say, and understand what He feels, says or would do if we ignore the Scriptures? Even more, it is impossible to love someone we don't know. If we don't read the Bible, frequently, deeply, in a prayerful mode, it is not impossible (the illiterate can truly love Christ, I know that) but it will be very hard to truly love Christ.

People say we need to be "down to earth". I would say that our feet should be planted in the Bible. That should be our ground where we can truly develop sincere love for Christ. Let's get to know Him so we can love Him.

Fr. Estanislao Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

5. Concluding Monday, August 25: Catholicism: Journey Around The World And Deep Into The Faith

Parents and Catechists of STA-Kids Faith Formation Children

Want to learn more about your faith? Want to explore the splendor of the Catholic faith and deepen both your appreciation for and your understanding of it? Invest a couple of hours a week this Summer in CATHOLICISM, a groundbreaking and visually stunning documentary film series created and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.

When: Monday evenings beginning July 21 (July 21 & 28, August 4, 11, 18 & 25)   7 - 8:30 p.m. 
Where: Our Lady of the Rosary Hall        
Questions: Contact Susan Olsen in the Faith Formation Office

6. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East

It is with great concern for the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity, that I write to you today. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of Christians and other innocent victims of violence in Iraq, Syria and Gaza who are struggling to survive, protect their children and live with dignity in dire conditions.  Given the extraordinary nature of this crisis, I ask that you take up a special collection to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support for our affected brothers and sisters in the Middle East.

These funds will be used by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs facing the people in Iraq, Syria and Gaza and surrounding countries where refugees have fled. These organizations have well-established partnerships with the Catholic Church in the region to allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to victims in some of the hardest to reach areas. Collection funds will also be used to support Church programs to aid persecuted Christians and to respond to rebuilding needs of Catholic dioceses in the impacted areas. 

Our Christian brothers and sisters and other innocent victims of the violence in the Middle East urgently need the assistance of the Catholic community of the United States.

7. Thursdays: Centering Prayer Group

Is God calling you to Christian contemplative prayer?

The Centering Prayer Group continues to meet every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the Thomas House, 745 Waverley Street (next to the church) in the living room. Two sessions of centering prayer are followed by sharing and discussion of this quiet meditation method taught by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSB, and author of "Open Mind, Open Heart". For more information, contact Jean Ramacciotti at, or visit the blog

8. Next Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair

Our parish, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, will be hosting a Catholic Book and Media Fair in the hall on Sunday, August 31st. The Daughters of St. Paul in Redwood City will be present after the 9:00am and 10:30am masses with a wonderful selection of  Catholic books, music and DVDs for all ages in English and Spanish. The selection will include bibles, spirituality and prayer books, lives of the saints, and the writings of the Popes. This will be great opportunity to get something inspiring to read, watch or listen to. (Pauline Book and Media Center in Redwood City- Cash, Credit Cards or Check accepted as payment)

9. Pastoral Center Closed Monday, September 1

The Pastoral Center will be closed Monday, September 1, for Labor Day.

10. Backpacks and iPad Covers Abound

Many thanks to all who donated to the Backpack Drive for Seton School. The St. Thomas Aquinas 7:30 am and 8:45 a.m. Mass communities donated 43 backpacks and collected $3,315.  These funds will be used to purchase school supplies. Distribution will be based on both family size and income.

In addition to the backpack bonanza, the earlier drive to fund the purchase of iPad covers for the nearly 300 iPads donated to Seton School has reached $7,100.  Needless to say, Principal Evelyn Rosa and the school staff are ecstatic and very grateful for this generous support from the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish communities. And so will the Seton students be as they return to school and see the backpacks and iPads.

Fr. John Hester has supplied me with these statistics and wants to be sure everyone sees the fantastic response to the need to help the Seton students.

Kay Williams

11. St. Thomas Aquinas Bridge

Old timers and newcomers: Sign up with Anne Ackerman at 326-1336 or Nicke Andrews at 494-2152 by September 15 for information for a new year of enjoyable Bridge.

12. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed

During the Sunday morning Masses (except on weekends when there is a Family Mass), children are dismissed from the assembly to hear the Gospel at their level of understanding, to talk about its meaning for their lives, and to pray. If your children are shy, you’re welcome to go with them for the first time. We are in need of more leaders. Please call Susan Olsen at the Pastoral Center (ext. 25) or email

13. RCIA for Children

Do you have a child who is 8 years of age or older who has not been baptized or received 1st Eucharist? If so, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children) is for you and your child. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7:15pm in the Dermody Center. Our next class will be August 13. If you have questions about this process, con- tact Susan at the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496, ext. 25 or at

14. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

15. Thursday, September 4: Widow and Widowers Outing

All Widows and Widowers are invited to our next outing at the Fishmarket Restaurant on El Camino on Thursday, September 4, at 5:00 p.m. Dinner is from the "Early Catch" men: items such as grilled rainbow trout, tilapia, seafood pastas, etc. are offered. Meals include either soup or salad and sourdough bread and non-alcoholic beverages. Dinner, including tax and tip, will be $22.  For reservations, email or call Hilary donahue at 650-324-3820 by August 31.

16. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes

We will kickoff this year's Youth Ministry with a BBQ after the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, September 6 at Our Lady of the Rosary. All parishioners are welcome to attend the 6:00 p.m. Mass.

17. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday SeriesCome to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

1) SundaySeptember 7th -  BLUE JASMINE

Join us for this award-winning performance by Cate Blanchett.

This first film asks how we know and accept the truth about oneself and others. Sister Nancy Usselmann, FSP, a Pauline sister and expert on media and spirituality, will lead the discussion. 


2) Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING

Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


3) Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13

Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

18. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala

St. Patrick's Seminary & University is proud to announce its 7th annual St. Patrick's Seminary & University Four Pillars Gala, Saturday, September 13, 2014 on the beautiful grounds in Menlo Park. The evening includes Vespers followed by a social, dinner, a raffle and silent auction and an award presentation. This event will directly fund the mission of the seminary, to prepare men for priesthood; and to encourage and strengthen brother priests through ongoing education and formation to achieve their God-given life. For more information or to make a reservation, please visit our website at or contact Leelamma Sebastian at 650-289-3320.

19. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

September 17

October 1 and 15

November 5 and 19

December 3 and 17

January 7 and 21, 2015

February 4 and 25

March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15 

May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

20. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Plan Ahead! Mark your calendar for the annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, Sept 21st, 11:15 am – 2:30 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary site.  The Knights of Columbus will be barbecuing again and refreshments will be provided. The Green Committee will once again sponsor the popular FreeCycle event. More information about the picnic and the FreeCyle event is available on the posters in the vestibules.

21. Sunday, August 24: "Living for 32" Film and Discussion
Sunday, Aug. 24, 4-6pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
505 E. Charleston Road, Palo Alto, 94306

"Living for 32" is a documentary film about the 32 people murdered in the tragic Virginia Tech shooting, and the 32 people killed by gun violence every day in America. (Sundance Film Festival Official Selection 2011)  

Discussion following will be led by Christopher R. Moylan, Sunnyvale City Council member who was key in getting the Gun Control Measure C on the ballot and passed!

This event is a lead in for MVPJ's Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action, Sept. 20-28.  Click for a list of events planned.

22. September 21-27: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 21, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

MVPJ is encouraging and coordinating local congregations to participate, each in their own way, by spotlighting an aspect of these concerns during the week of Sept. 21-28.  Peninsula congregations will fly banners, host forums and fairs, or focus worship and education around issues of justice, peace and environmental healing.  Help plan how your community can participate in this nationwide movement!

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is considering how it can support this effort. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

23. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

24. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. Aug. 19th at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues.    Aug. 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

25. Vallombrosa Center Offerings

Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:

Tools for the Urban Mystic

 a day-long workshop led by well known psychologist, Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D., Saturday, Sept. 6, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Come and explore what it means to be an “Urban Mystic” - one who consciously establishes an inner communion with God, but within the context of city living with all of its challenges and responsibilities. The workshop will introduce fundamental tools to help cultivate psychological and spiritual freedom while living with the demands of everyday life. Cost: $50.00 per person. Includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

27. Readings for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Franklin Epie (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) - Family Mass 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)   - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Joe Thannickal (Music: Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

Chris Lundin

Aug 29, 2014, 8:25:33 AM8/29/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 35 - August 29, 2014

Catholic Book and Media Fair this Weekend at OLR
Parish Picnic: Sunday, September 21

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, August 30: Funeral Mass for Flora Lee
2. This Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair
3. Second Collection This Week: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Support Effort
4. STAKids Faith Formation Classes Underway
5. Pastoral Center Closed Monday, September 1
6. Labor Day: A Time To Honor Work and Workers
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Thursday, September 4: Widow and Widowers Outing
9. Solar Panel Initiative: Off To A Good Start!
10. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care
11. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East
12. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
13. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
14. Monday, September 8: Catholicism Series Resumes
15. Thursdays: Centering Prayer Group
16. St. Thomas Aquinas Bridge
17. Notice: Rosemary Hobson Contact Information
18. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed
19. Catechists Needed
20. RCIA for Children
21. RCIA – Are You Being Called?
22. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala
23. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!
24. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
25. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
26. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
27. Young Adult Circle
28. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
29. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
30. Readings for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, August 30: Funeral Mass for Flora Lee 

There will be a Funeral Mass celebrated for Flora Lee at 2 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church tomorrow afternoon.  A reception will follow at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. 

A beloved mother, proud feminist and retired Director of Electronic Arts, Inc., passed away August 11 at her home in Palo Alto. Born in Hazardville, Connecticut on May 27, 1937m she married and moved to California where she raised five children, supporting them all through college and into marriages and careers of their own. She loved wine and art, enjoyed the society of her book club and maintained a life-long passion for international travel. She is survived by her children and eight grandchildren. 

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

2. This Sunday, August 31: Catholic Book and Media Fair

Our parish, at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, will be hosting a Catholic Book and Media Fair in the hall on Sunday, August 31st. The Daughters of St. Paul in Redwood City will be present after the 9:00am and 10:30am masses with a wonderful selection of  Catholic books, music and DVDs for all ages in English and Spanish. The selection will include bibles, spirituality and prayer books, lives of the saints, and the writings of the Popes. This will be great opportunity to get something inspiring to read, watch or listen to. (Pauline Book and Media Center in Redwood City- Cash, Credit Cards or Check accepted as payment)

3. Second Collection This Week: Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Support Effort

This weekend our 2nd collection is for our parish St. Vincent de Paul conference, which uses the money to buy food, hotel vouchers and other critical needs of those who come to the Pastoral Center for help. Please remember the unfortunates among us when the collection basket comes your way.

4. STAKids Faith Formation Classes Underway
School has begun in the City of Palo Alto, and so our Faith Formation classes have begun. Registration forms are available on our parish website, in the vestibules at all three churches, and will also be available at our gatherings. Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center in you have questions: 650-494-2496 Ext. 25.

5. Pastoral Center Closed Monday, September 1

The Pastoral Center will be closed Monday, September 1, for Labor Day.

6. Labor Day: A Time To Honor Work and Workers

As people of faith, we celebrate a God who loves us and cares about all aspects of our lives, including our work and economic life. As Catholics we are called to protect human life and human dignity and to promote the common good. “Our faith calls us to measure this economy, not only by what it produces, but also by how it touches human life.” (USCCB) Labor Day reminds us of the prophetic connection between faith, work and economic justice. 

Our bishops’ annual Labor Day Statement reminds us that there are many issues facing our nation that keep us from achieving a goal of “economic justice for all.” The unemployment rate for young adults is over 13 percent, more than double the national average. They were the ones hit hardest by the economic downturn, and they are our future. Additionally, the poverty rate in America remains high, with 46 million families struggling to make ends meet.   Read more at:

In Evangelii Gaudium , Pope Francis states, “Growth in justice requires more than economic requires decisions, programs, mechanisms and processes specifically geared to a better distribution of income, the creation of sources of employment and an integral promotion of the poor which goes beyond a simple welfare mentality.” He further states, “It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education and healthcare.” 
Our welfare system attempts to care for the needs of the poor in our nation, and citizens and private organizations (like our own St. Vincent de Paul) do their part as well. But welfare is not the answer. We need to make certain all of our citizens are able to find work that allows them to reach their potential as the people God created them to be and provides for their basic needs. 

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

As I have remarked many times, I have never been in a parish whose giving to our second collections has been so overwhelmingly generous. I especially make note of your outpouring of love for the appeal of Fr. Noel on behalf of those suffering from the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan and the thousands of children fleeing the violence and suffering in Central America. Your continued generosity to our St. Vincent de Paul collection allows us to meet the very basic needs of our own neighbors who come to us seeking food, shelter, and transportation. The weekend of September 6-7, the Church in the United States will take up a special collection for those suffering religious persecution in the Middle East. May we all continue to share from our own blessings with those less-fortunate than ourselves. Thank you for sharing God’s gifts.

Fr. Matt

August 24: $11,000  (Goal: $11,000)
Assumption: $1,200

8. Thursday, September 4: Widow and Widowers Outing
All Widows and Widowers are invited to our next outing at the Fishmarket Restaurant on El Camino on Thursday, September 4, at 5:00 p.m. Dinner is from the "Early Catch" men: items such as grilled rainbow trout, tilapia, seafood pastas, etc. are offered. Meals include either soup or salad and sourdough bread and non-alcoholic beverages. Dinner, including tax and tip, will be $22.  For reservations, email or call Hilary donahue at 650-324-3820 by August 31.

9. Solar Panel Initiative: Off To A Good Start!

Thanks to those who have pledged already, the Solar Initiative has collected pledges to fund 13 solar panels out of the 104 needed for the project. A donation of $480 funds one panel. 91 panels to go!" 

The plan is to build a solar system on top of the school building at Our Lady of the Rosary site that will result in energy cost savings for the parish of $5,400 a year for at least 25 years. This is an opportunity to make a legacy gift to our parish and at the same time to be good stewards of God's creation. 

We are asking for pledges to total $49,665 by September 21 to make the Initiative a reality. Pledge cards are in the pews. You can also pledge online at: 

10. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care 

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin about the opportunity to service as a Spiritual Care Volunteer at Stanford Heath Care (Stanford Hospital). 

If you can volunteer two hours of your time each week, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with patients of the hospital, listening to their needs, praying with them and bringing them the Holy Eucharist. 

For more information and to get a volunteer application, call 650-723-5101 or email

Interview for volunteers are being conducted between now and October 3, and their is a training session for approved volunteers Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

11. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East


It is with great concern for the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity, that I write to you today. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of Christians and other innocent victims of violence in Iraq, Syria and Gaza who are struggling to survive, protect their children and live with dignity in dire conditions.  Given the extraordinary nature of this crisis, I ask that you take up a special collection to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support for our affected brothers and sisters in the Middle East.


These funds will be used by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs facing the people in Iraq, Syria and Gaza and surrounding countries where refugees have fled. These organizations have well-established partnerships with the Catholic Church in the region to allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to victims in some of the hardest to reach areas. Collection funds will also be used to support Church programs to aid persecuted Christians and to respond to rebuilding needs of Catholic dioceses in the impacted areas. 


Our Christian brothers and sisters and other innocent victims of the violence in the Middle East urgently need the assistance of the Catholic community of the United States.

12. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff; 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes

We will kickoff this year's Youth Ministry with a BBQ after the 6 pm Mass on Sunday, September 6 at Our Lady of the Rosary. All parishioners are welcome to attend the 6:00 p.m. Mass.

13. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

1) SundaySeptember 7th -  BLUE JASMINE

Join us for this award-winning performance by Cate Blanchett.

This first film asks how we know and accept the truth about oneself and others. Sister Nancy Usselmann, FSP, a Pauline sister and expert on media and spirituality, will lead the discussion. 


2) Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING

Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


3) Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13

Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

14. Monday, September 8: Catholicism Series Resumes

Our video series about our Catholic faith, written and narrated by Fr. Robert Barron, resumes on Monday, September 8 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This week’s presentation is all about how we worship. All are encouraged to attend this outstanding presentation about our Mass.

15. Thursdays: Centering Prayer Group

Is God calling you to Christian contemplative prayer?

The Centering Prayer Group continues to meet every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the Thomas House, 745 Waverley Street (next to the church) in the living room. Two sessions of centering prayer are followed by sharing and discussion of this quiet meditation method taught by Fr. Thomas Keating, OCSB, and author of "Open Mind, Open Heart". For more information, contact Jean Ramacciotti at, or visit the blog

16. St. Thomas Aquinas Bridge

Old timers and newcomers: Sign up with Anne Ackerman at 326-1336 or Nicke Andrews at 494-2152 by September 15 for information for a new year of enjoyable Bridge.

17. Notice: Rosemary Hobson Contact Information

Rosemary Hobson, recently of our parish, would like you to know she has moved to The Weatherly Inn Assisted Living at 6016 N. Highlands Parkway, Rm 364 Tacoma, WA, 98406. 
Office (253) 752-8550 or direct line (253) 830-3866.

18. Children's Liturgy of the Word: Volunteers Needed

During the Sunday morning Masses (except on weekends when there is a Family Mass), children are dismissed from the assembly to hear the Gospel at their level of understanding, to talk about its meaning for their lives, and to pray. If your children are shy, you’re welcome to go with them for the first time. We are in need of more leaders. Please call Susan Olsen at the Pastoral Center (ext. 25) or email

19. Catechists Needed

We still have need for a couple more catechists or aides, particularly at St. Albert the Great. If  we don't have anyone to fill these slots, classes will need to be combined so that we can make certain all of our children have the opportunity to grow in their faith. Contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (see above) if you'd like to help.

20. RCIA for Children

Do you have a child who is 8 years of age or older who has not been baptized or received 1st Eucharist? If so, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (adapted for children) is for you and your child. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7:15pm in the Dermody Center. Our next class will be August 13. If you have questions about this process, con- tact Susan at the Pastoral Center, 650-494-2496, ext. 25 or at

21. RCIA – Are You Being Called?

Have you thought about becoming Catholic? Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments? Were you baptized as a child and feel ready to take the next step?

We believe that if you’re thinking about becoming Catholic or completing your sacraments, you are already being called by God to inquire about the Traditions of the Church. Through the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), we help adults learn how to respond to that call; not just towards the Initiation Sacraments, but towards their everyday living as Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please email Deacon Daniel at, or phone the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496.

22. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala

St. Patrick's Seminary & University is proud to announce its 7th annual St. Patrick's Seminary & University Four Pillars Gala, Saturday, September 13, 2014 on the beautiful grounds in Menlo Park. The evening includes Vespers followed by a social, dinner, a raffle and silent auction and an award presentation. This event will directly fund the mission of the seminary, to prepare men for priesthood; and to encourage and strengthen brother priests through ongoing education and formation to achieve their God-given life. For more information or to make a reservation, please visit our website at or contact Leelamma Sebastian at 650-289-3320.

23. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

September 17

October 1 and 15

November 5 and 19

December 3 and 17

January 7 and 21, 2015

February 4 and 25

March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15 

May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

24. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Our annual parish picnic will be held Sunday, September 21, from 11:15 until 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary on Cowper St. The Knights of Columbus will be barbequing and refreshments will be provided. The Green Committee will once again sponsor the popular FreeCycle event. For more information about the picnic, the potluck, and the FreeCycle, please see the poster in the vestibule and the flyer – both sides! – in this week's Sunday bulletin.

25. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 20, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

International Day of Peace Candlelight Vigil, Sat., Sept. 20, 6:30-7:30pm. Lytton Plaza, Palo Alto.  Together we begin our week with songs, prayers and a peaceful public witness on the eve of the International Day of Peace. 

Campaign Nonviolence: Another World is Possible Peace Potluck Picnic, Sun., Sept. 28, 4-6:30pm, First Congregational Church, Palo Alto.  Hear peace activist Kathy Kelly , just back from the summer living in Afghanistan with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Share what we have learned and discern next steps. Enjoy community and good food together. 

Youth Conscientious Objector Workshops for ages 14-18, 2 sessions, Sundays Sept. 21 & 28, 12-2pm, First Presbyterian Church Explore ideas about conscientious objection and your own feelings about war, peace, violence and nonviolence. 

Visit us on Facebook by going to 

More than 15 other local opportunities to study, reflect and act during our Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action. 

Campaign Nonviolence is a national movement endorsed by Desmond Tutu and the late civil rights leader Vincent Harding, committed to building a culture of peace. 

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice 

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is working hard on an event to kick off the Spirituality Tuesday Assembly series on Tuesday, September 23. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

26. Save the Date: Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

27. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

28. Vallombrosa Center Offerings

Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:

Tools for the Urban Mystic

 a day-long workshop led by well known psychologist, Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D., Saturday, Sept. 6, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Come and explore what it means to be an “Urban Mystic” - one who consciously establishes an inner communion with God, but within the context of city living with all of its challenges and responsibilities. The workshop will introduce fundamental tools to help cultivate psychological and spiritual freedom while living with the demands of everyday life. Cost: $50.00 per person. Includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Saturday, October 15: Creating a New Normal after Cancer: The treatments are done and you  expect to get back to the life you had before the diagnosis. But did you know cancer and its treatments can change your experience of “normal” living even after treatment is completed? That it can affect your emotions, thoughts, how you engage with life, and even your spiritual outlook? Join Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D. at Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for a one-day introductory workshop on Psychospiritual Integrative Therapy (PSIT), a set of tools and processes designed to get you on the road to a “new normal” after cancer.  Cost: $50.00 per person and includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

29. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

30. Readings for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Joe Thannickal (Final Mass before returning to India) (Music: Chris Lundin) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Franklin Epie (Music: Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): recommences Sunday, September 7

Fr. Matt is guiding an Engaged Encounter this weekend.


Bonus Content

Flora Lee - Funeral Mass Saturday at 2:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church

Picnic Eng. Poster2014-72.jpg
Spiritual Care volunteer flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Sep 5, 2014, 7:50:42 AM9/5/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 36 - September 5, 2014

Parish Picnic: Sunday, September 21

Table of Contents
1. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East
2. This Weekend: National Grandparents Day
3. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff
4. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
5. Monday, September 8: Catholicism Series Resumes
6. Solar Panel Initiative: Off To A Good Start!
7. Farewell to Fr. Epie and Fr. Thannickal
8. STA-Kids Faith Formation Needs You!
9. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
10. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care
11. Friday, September 12: Goretti Group - Let's Get Real
12. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala
13. Sunday, September 14: OLR Site Committee Meeting
14. Tuesday, September 16: Solar Initiative Presentation
15. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!
16. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
17. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
18. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
19. Young Adult Circle
20. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Readings for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. September 6-7: Special Collection for the Christians In the Middle East


It is with great concern for the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity, that I write to you today. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of Christians and other innocent victims of violence in Iraq, Syria and Gaza who are struggling to survive, protect their children and live with dignity in dire conditions.  Given the extraordinary nature of this crisis, I ask that you take up a special collection to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support for our affected brothers and sisters in the Middle East.


These funds will be used by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs facing the people in Iraq, Syria and Gaza and surrounding countries where refugees have fled. These organizations have well-established partnerships with the Catholic Church in the region to allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to victims in some of the hardest to reach areas. Collection funds will also be used to support Church programs to aid persecuted Christians and to respond to rebuilding needs of Catholic dioceses in the impacted areas. 


Our Christian brothers and sisters and other innocent victims of the violence in the Middle East urgently need the assistance of the Catholic community of the United States.


2. This Weekend: National Grandparents Day


The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. We will offer a special blessing for all grandparents at Masses this weekend.

3. Sunday, September 7: Youth Ministry Kickoff

I’d like to welcome our parish young people to our parish Youth Ministry—STAY—St. Thomas Aquinas Youth. We are happy and grateful you are here. We thank you for continuing in your Faith journey and we promise: YOU have made the right choice! We unite with Life Teen in expressing their mission as our mission: “Leading Teens Closer to Christ.” Of course, this begins with the Mass.


Aside from providing ongoing catechesis and relational ministry through Life Teen & EDGE nights, offered each Sunday beginning on September 14th (Life Teen 7:15pm-8:45pm) and (EDGE 4:15pm-5:45pm), we will continue with our 6pm Life Teen Mass every Sunday at OLR. Each month, the EDGE and Life Teen will offer two ‘Catechetical nights’, one ‘Issue Night’ and, a very fun ‘Social Night.’ In addition to the aforementioned, we will continue our weekly Bible Study beginning Wednesday, Sept. 10th, from 4pm to 5pm. Our goal is to provide our Youth with a fun, challenging, and rewarding Faith experience.


Our parish Confirmation Program has moved back to a one-year model. We invite 8th-12th Graders to apply. For more information, please check our 

parish website: 


Kickoff Mass & Dinner—Sunday, Sept. 7th, 2014—held at Our Lady of the Rosary Site:

4:00 pm Fun Games

6:00 pm Mass

7:00 pm Family Dinner

8:00 pm ‘Town Hall’ Youth Ministry Meeting, including YM Calendar for Parents and Messy Games for our Youth

9:00 pm Good Night Talk


We are happy you are part of STAY—we look forward to a fun, faith-filled, 2014-15 Youth Ministry Year!


Michael Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adults

4. Beginning Sunday, September 7: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

1) SundaySeptember 7th -  BLUE JASMINE

Join us for this award-winning performance by Cate Blanchett.

This first film asks how we know and accept the truth about oneself and others. Sister Nancy Usselmann, FSP, a Pauline sister and expert on media and spirituality, will lead the discussion. 


2) Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING

Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


3) Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13

Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 


5. Monday, September 8: Catholicism Series Resumes


Our video series about our Catholic faith, written and narrated by Fr. Robert Barron, resumes on Monday, September 8 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This week’s presentation is all about how we worship. All are encouraged to attend this outstanding presentation about our Mass.

6. Solar Panel Initiative: Off To A Good Start!

The Solar Initiative has $11,740 in pledges so far! This could fund 24 solar panels of the 104 needed. The plan is to build a solar system that will result in energy cost savings for the parish of $5,400 a year for at least 25 years.  This is an opportunity to make a legacy gift to our parish and at the same time to be good stewards of God's creation. We are asking for pledges to total $49,665 by September 21 to make the Initiative a reality.  Pledge cards are in the church lobbies. You can also pledge online at:

7. Farewell to Fr. Epie and Fr. Thannickal


We say goodbye to Fr. Franklin Epie as he returns to his home diocese in Cameroon. We say farewell, also, to Fr. Joe Thannickal as he returns to his home diocese in India.


They have both been a big help these past 8 weeks. We will miss their simplicity, generosity and good humor; and hopefully, they will return to us again next summer.

8. STA-Kids Faith Formation Needs You!

I want to take this time to encourage all parents and guardians to make plans for your children’s ongoing faith formation, as STAKids has already begun and our Youth program commences this week. 

Your parish stands ready to help you in fulfilling this pledge. Over the summer, both Susan Olsen (Director of Catechetical Ministry) and Michael Sullivan (Director of Youth Ministry) have been hard at work preparing for this new year of learning and living our Catholic faith. We have programs for children in pre-school through high school. Our vision of faith formation is structured to engage children and youth in a process that is engaging, challenging, and fun. We still need catechists to assist us.

9. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal


Our ADA totals as of September 1, 2014 are:

    Total Pledged: $190,297

    Total Paid: $178,399

    Total Refund: $55,000

    Number of Pledges: 318


Please keep making your regular payments. Now that our diocesan goal is paid, all pledge payments come back to the parish in the form of a rebate. The rebate is an important part of financing our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local church.

10. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care 

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin about the opportunity to service as a Spiritual Care Volunteer at Stanford Heath Care (Stanford Hospital). 

If you can volunteer two hours of your time each week, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with patients of the hospital, listening to their needs, praying with them and bringing them the Holy Eucharist. 

For more information and to get a volunteer application, call 650-723-5101 or email

Interview for volunteers are being conducted between now and October 3, and their is a training session for approved volunteers Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

11. Friday, September 12: Goretti Group - Let's Get Real


It's time to get real. In this workshop you'll discover your chastity journey. It's for your eyes only - other people won't see intimate details of your life. The point is to get real with ourselves and God to see how our views/actions on chastity have changed over the years - and where Christ has been in that journey. We'll create an action plan with the CHASTE acronym to help us on our path and bring us closer to God. Please join us for this free event! 


Where: St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto

Schedule: 6:30pm Mass, 7:15pm Dinner, 8:00pm Workshop, 9:00pm Social

For questions, please call Amanda George., 650-483-5667

12. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala

St. Patrick's Seminary & University is proud to announce its 7th annual St. Patrick's Seminary & University Four Pillars Gala, Saturday, September 13, 2014 on the beautiful grounds in Menlo Park. The evening includes Vespers followed by a social, dinner, a raffle and silent auction and an award presentation. This event will directly fund the mission of the seminary, to prepare men for priesthood; and to encourage and strengthen brother priests through ongoing education and formation to achieve their God-given life. For more information or to make a reservation, please visit our website at or contact Leelamma Sebastian at 650-289-3320.

13. Sunday, September 14: OLR Site Committee Meeting

There will be a meeting of the OLR Site Committee in Sunday, September 14, at 11:45 a.m. in Kerry's Korner at OLR.

As you might know, the Site Committees at each of our three churches are responsible for local church site items and addressing those local items or bringing them to the attention of the Pastoral Stewardship Council, or the parish Business Manager or the pastor.

We are interested to expanding the membership of the OLR Site Committee and re-energizing it, so any interested parishioners (especially regular attendees at OLR's 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses) are invited to participate.

Bill Morrison has volunteered to chair the meeting and lead the group until a regular Chairperson can be selected.  Please come.

14. Tuesday, September 16: Solar Initiative Presentation


All are invited to a presentation at the OLR Hall on Tuesday, September 16 at 7:00 pm by Sunwork representatives about  the proposed solar installation at the OLR site. They will answer questions from parishioners about the project. We will also serve snacks and refreshments.

15. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

September 17

October 1 and 15

November 5 and 19

December 3 and 17

January 7 and 21, 2015

February 4 and 25

March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15 

May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

16. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Our annual parish picnic will be held Sunday, September 21, from 11:15 until 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary on Cowper St.  The Knights of Columbus will be barbequing and refreshments will be provided. The Green Committee will once again sponsor the popular FreeCycle event.  For more information about the picnic, the potluck, and the FreeCycle event, please see the poster in the vestibule and the green flyer – both sides! – in last Sunday’s paper bulletin.

17. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 20, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

International Day of Peace Candlelight Vigil, Sat., Sept. 20, 6:30-7:30pm. Lytton Plaza, Palo Alto.  Together we begin our week with songs, prayers and a peaceful public witness on the eve of the International Day of Peace. 

Campaign Nonviolence: Another World is Possible Peace Potluck Picnic, Sun., Sept. 28, 4-6:30pm, First Congregational Church, Palo Alto.  Hear peace activist Kathy Kelly , just back from the summer living in Afghanistan with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Share what we have learned and discern next steps. Enjoy community and good food together. 

Youth Conscientious Objector Workshops for ages 14-18, 2 sessions, Sundays Sept. 21 & 28, 12-2pm, First Presbyterian Church Explore ideas about conscientious objection and your own feelings about war, peace, violence and nonviolence. 

Visit us on Facebook by going to 

More than 15 other local opportunities to study, reflect and act during our Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action. 

Campaign Nonviolence is a national movement endorsed by Desmond Tutu and the late civil rights leader Vincent Harding, committed to building a culture of peace. 

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is working hard on an event to kick off the Spirituality Tuesday Assembly series on Tuesday, September 23. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

18. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

September 23: Gun Violence in Our Communities; with speakers from EPA Police and Community; presented by HCC 

September 30: “Where in the Bible…?” With Father Stasys

See the posters in the vestibules for more interesting topics scheduled.

19. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

20. Vallombrosa Center Offerings

Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:
Saturday, October 15: Creating a New Normal after Cancer: The treatments are done and you  expect to get back to the life you had before the diagnosis. But did you know cancer and its treatments can change your experience of “normal” living even after treatment is completed? That it can affect your emotions, thoughts, how you engage with life, and even your spiritual outlook? Join Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D. at Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for a one-day introductory workshop on Psychospiritual Integrative Therapy (PSIT), a set of tools and processes designed to get you on the road to a “new normal” after cancer.  Cost: $50.00 per person and includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Taber Dullea, guest musician/cantor from St. Nicholas, Los Altos) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul and Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)

Picnic Eng. Poster2014-72.jpg
Spiritual Care volunteer flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Sep 12, 2014, 7:37:58 AM9/12/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 37 - September 12, 2014

This Sunday: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Parish Picnic: Next Sunday, September 21

Table of Contents

1. By Your Holy Cross You Have Redeemed The World
2. Solar Panel Initiative: One-Third Of The Way There!
3. Friday, September 12: Goretti Group - Let's Get Real
4. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala
5. Sunday, September 14: OLR Site Committee Meeting
6. Continuing Through September: Catholicism Series
7. Tuesday, September 16: Solar Initiative Presentation
8. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!
9. Next Weekend: Annual Education Appeal
10. Sunday, September 21: Catechetical Sunday
11. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic
12. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence
13. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
14. Wednesday, September 24: 40 Days for Life: New Campaign Begins
15. In Memoriam: Margaret Boutin
16. Weekly Stewardship Report
17. Thanks From Hotel De Zink
18. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care
19. Thursday, October 2: Widows and Widowers Celebrate Oktoberfest
20. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty
21. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
22. Wednesday, October 8: Four Days for Mary Begins With Talks and a Film
23. Young Adult Circle
24. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Readings for The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Crossand Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Lots of Flyers for Upcoming Events; Pictures from Knights of Columbus installation ceremony


1. By Your Holy Cross You Have Redeemed The World

Someone* once wrote: "Tyrants commonly cut off the stairs by which they climb unto their thrones."

There is one king, however, who does just the opposite. He invites all to follow him, to climb the stairs by which he mounted to his throne. He is the King of Kings, the stairs are the Via Dolorosa, the hill is Calvary, and the throne is the cross upon which Christ died, by means of which he was able to achieve the pinnacle of success: the salvation of the world.

By the standards of the world, the cross is folly because it is upon the cross that one dies to the world. That, however, is exactly what Jesus invites each of us to do: to die to the world and to ourselves, and to live only for God and divine glory. It is on the cross that we die to darkness and corruption, to pride and egoism, to anger and hatred, to lust and greed. In a word– we die to sin.

Today, on the feast of the Triumph of the Cross, we recall the ultimate mystery of God’s love for us. And for those who think that the cross is some “thing” and event isolated in the corridors of history– our presence here today says “not so – not so.” For every time we gather for the Eucharist, it is on the altar of the cross that the work of our redemption is accomplished.

Fr. Matt

Thomas FullerThe Worthies Of England, 1811

2. Solar Panel Initiative: One-Third Of The Way There!

We still need your pledges for the Solar Initiative. 40% of the cost of the solar installation will be paid by a $30,300 rebate from the Palo Alto Utilities. The rebates are being used up so timing is important for bigger benefit. 

Having the panels will result in $135,000 savings in the next 25 years for our parish.  A donation of $480 buys one panel. Thanks to those who have contributed already, we have $16,940 in pledges for 35 panels of the 104 we need. Pledge cards are in the lobbies. You can also pledge online at: 

3. Friday, September 12: Goretti Group - Let's Get Real


It's time to get real. In this workshop you'll discover your chastity journey. It's for your eyes only - other people won't see intimate details of your life. The point is to get real with ourselves and God to see how our views/actions on chastity have changed over the years - and where Christ has been in that journey. We'll create an action plan with the CHASTE acronym to help us on our path and bring us closer to God. Please join us for this free event! 


Where: St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto

Schedule: 6:30pm Mass, 7:15pm Dinner, 8:00pm Workshop, 9:00pm Social

For questions, please call Amanda George., 650-483-5667

4. Saturday, September 13: 2014 Four Pillars Gala

St. Patrick's Seminary & University is proud to announce its 7th annual St. Patrick's Seminary & University Four Pillars Gala, Saturday, September 13, 2014 on the beautiful grounds in Menlo Park. The evening includes Vespers followed by a social, dinner, a raffle and silent auction and an award presentation. This event will directly fund the mission of the seminary, to prepare men for priesthood; and to encourage and strengthen brother priests through ongoing education and formation to achieve their God-given life. For more information or to make a reservation, please visit our website at or contact Leelamma Sebastian at 650-289-3320.

5. Sunday, September 14: OLR Site Committee Meeting

There will be a meeting of the OLR Site Committee in Sunday, September 14, at 11:45 a.m. in Kerry's Korner at OLR.

As you might know, the Site Committees at each of our three churches are responsible for local church site items and addressing those local items or bringing them to the attention of the Pastoral Stewardship Council, or the parish Business Manager or the pastor.

We are interested to expanding the membership of the OLR Site Committee and re-energizing it, so any interested parishioners (especially regular attendees at OLR's 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses) are invited to participate.

Bill Morrison has volunteered to chair the meeting and lead the group until a regular Chairperson can be selected.  Please come.

6. Continuing Through September: Catholicism Series


Come, see and experience "Catholicism", the video series by Rev. Robert Barron on Monday, September 15 at 7 p.m. in the hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. This week's topic is "The Communion of Saints". The series continues on Mondays throughout September. Please join us!

7. Tuesday, September 16: Solar Initiative Presentation


All are invited to a presentation at the OLR Hall on Tuesday, September 16 at 7:00 pm by Sunwork representatives about  the proposed solar installation at the OLR site. They will answer questions from parishioners about the project. We will also serve snacks and refreshments.

8. Beginning September 17: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

September 17

October 1 and 15

November 5 and 19

December 3 and 17

January 7 and 21, 2015

February 4 and 25

March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15 

May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

9. Next Weekend: Annual Education Appeal

The Annual Education Appeal will be taken next weekend, September 20-21. This collection provides financial assistance to many of our Catholic students and supports the tuition financial aid program for both elementa- ry and high school students in our schools. Did you know that the Diocese of San Jose educates over 16,500 students in 29 elementary and seven high schools across Santa Clara County? Now, more than ever, we need your support to offer more scholarships to families who want to partner with us to provide a strong Catholic community and a quality Catholic education for their children.

10. Sunday, September 21: Catechetical Sunday

This year, Catechetical Sunday will focus on the theme, “Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness.” Those who have been designated by the community to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. 

We bestow a special blessing and commissioning at the 9:00am Mass at St. Albert the Great and 10:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary upon all the many people in our parish who have responded to the invitation to “hand on the faith” through all the faith formation programs we offer.

11. Sunday, September 21: Annual Parish Picnic

Our parish picnic will be held next Sunday, September 21, from 11:15 – 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary on Cowper St.  Grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and refreshments are provided.  Side dishes and desserts are potluck, so that the entire St. Thomas Aquinas community may be involved in the lunch. Potluck dishes should serve at least 8 people, and even more is better.  If your last name begins with A – G, please bring a dessert; if your last name starts with H – Z, please bring a salad or side dish.

As always, there will be entertainment for the children and adults.  For the children there will be kids crafts, games, a piñata, and a magical faerie, who will be at the picnic from 11:30 until 1:30 painting faces and twisting balloons.

In addition to dancers, there will be the FREE-Cycle, where all are welcome to bring -- and take home free! -- small household items, books, small electronics, CDs and DVDs, art supplies, toys, tools, plants and produce.

12. September 20-28: Join MVPJ and Campaign Nonviolence

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 20, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

International Day of Peace Candlelight Vigil, Sat., Sept. 20, 6:30-7:30pm. Lytton Plaza, Palo Alto.  Together we begin our week with songs, prayers and a peaceful public witness on the eve of the International Day of Peace. 

Campaign Nonviolence: Another World is Possible Peace Potluck Picnic, Sun., Sept. 28, 4-6:30pm, First Congregational Church, Palo Alto.  Hear peace activist Kathy Kelly , just back from the summer living in Afghanistan with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Share what we have learned and discern next steps. Enjoy community and good food together. 

Youth Conscientious Objector Workshops for ages 14-18, 2 sessions, Sundays Sept. 21 & 28, 12-2pm, First Presbyterian Church Explore ideas about conscientious objection and your own feelings about war, peace, violence and nonviolence. 

Visit us on Facebook by going to 

More than 15 other local opportunities to study, reflect and act during our Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action. 

Campaign Nonviolence is a national movement endorsed by Desmond Tutu and the late civil rights leader Vincent Harding, committed to building a culture of peace. 

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice

Our parish Human Concerns Committee is working hard on an event to kick off the Spirituality Tuesday Assembly series on Tuesday, September 23. To learn more about the national campaign and/or to sign the Campaign Nonviolence pledge, visit  Contact Chris Lundin,, for more information.

13. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

September 23rd: Gun Safety in our Communities with a guest speaker from The East Palo Alto Police Department along with Jose Betancourt from the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Restorative Justice office.

As part of Campaign Nonviolence, the Human Concerns Committee will present Gun Safety in Our Communities. A spokesperson from the East Palo Alto Police Dept will discuss local strategies and Mr. Jose Betancourt from the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Restorative Justice Office; will talk about the impact of violence on our communities. Campaign Nonviolence invites you to practice nonviolence toward yourself and toward all others. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, nonviolence is “the love that does justice.” It is an orientation that unleashes creativity, connectedness, and compassion. How can we help our communities toward this goal? Please join us at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room; 7:00 to 8:30 pm

September 30: “Where in the Bible…?” With Father Stasys

See the posters in the vestibules for more interesting topics scheduled.

14. Wednesday, September 24: 40 Days for Life: New Campaign Begins

On September 24, 40 Days for Life swings into action for its Fall 2014 campaign. Once again, this international movement will unite pro-life Christians around its unique program of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, to work for an end to abortion. And this time, there’s a new vigil location right in our own backyard: the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on San Antonio Road in Mountain View. If the original downtown San Jose vigil has always seemed too far away for you, this new nearby site may be what you’ve been waiting for. For more information and to get involved, contact Bob March a or (650) 862-4721.

15. In Memoriam: Margaret Boutin

Margaret Boutin, 92, died peacefully August 6 in Windsor, California. She was born Jan. 13, 1922, in Trenton, New Jersey. Margaret was the third of six children; she is survived by her oldest and youngest sisters, Jean and Maureen. She was the mother of three children: Bill, Bob and Patti. She lived in Palo Alto for over 40 years from 1960 to 2002. Margaret worked for Santa Clara County for 20 years. 

She was an active member of St. Albert the Great Catholic Church. Margaret was a caring loving person and will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. Her six grandchildren -- Bill, Margo, Kevin, Naomi, Michael and John -- loved her dearly and she them, not to mention her seven great-grandchildren, Renée, Julia, Luke, Noah, Cole, Lewis and Caleb. She loved entertaining and singing Irish songs and drinking Irish Coffees. She had many friends in the Bay Area over the years. Her love over flowed to a few dear ones who thought of her as a second mom. She suffered from Alzheimer's disease for 15 years. She was well loved and will be greatly missed.

16. Weekly Stewardship Report

In the beginning of Genesis, God created everything and put Adam in the Garden to work it and to take care of it. It is clear that Man was created to work and that work is the stewardship of all of the creation that God has given him. This is the fundamental principle of biblical stewardship; God owns everything; we are simply managers or stewards acting on God’s

behalf. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of returning to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. Thank you for sharing God’s gifts!

Our Weekly Offering:

Aug. 31 Actual: $10,785 (Goal: $11,000)
Sept.7 Actual: $ 12,500 (Goal:$11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $5,000 
Christians in the Middle East: $5,100

17. Thanks From Hotel De Zink

Many many thanks to all the thoughtful and caring folks who brought food to the homeless shelter at the Christian Reformed Church during the month of August. The guests and the church appreciated the good food and the help. Ruth Chippendale

18. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care 

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin about the opportunity to service as a Spiritual Care Volunteer at Stanford Heath Care (Stanford Hospital). 

If you can volunteer two hours of your time each week, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with patients of the hospital, listening to their needs, praying with them and bringing them the Holy Eucharist. 

For more information and to get a volunteer application, call 650-723-5101 or email .  Interview for volunteers are being conducted between now and October 3, and there is a training session for approved volunteers Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

19. Thursday, October 2: Widows and Widowers Celebrate Oktoberfest

2 we will be doing our Oktoberfest again this year with all the great German sausage, sauerkraut,  potato salad and drinks, etc.  More information will follow. Start looking for your German kleide, sweaters, dirndls, lederhosen, German hats etc.

20. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty

Please join us on October 5,  2014 at 3:00 PM at Lytton Plaza, (intersection of University and Emerson)  Palo Alto, CA 94301 for a Rally Against  Death Penalty.

Moderator:  Terry McCaffrey, California People of Faith, Amnesty International
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Diana Gibson, Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
Exonoree:  Rick Walker,  spent 12 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit
Murder Victim Family Member: Mary Kay Raftery
California People of Faith: Gerard McGuire
Music:  Chris Lundin

Contact Terry McCaffrey for more information: terry...@gmail.com650-324-7517

21. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING
Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13
Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

22. Wednesday, October 8: Four Days for Mary Begins With Talks and a Film

Four Days for Mary returns to our parish on Wednesday, October 8, with a new program calling all of us to enkindle our devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

We’ll have presentations on the evenings of October 8, 9, and 10, leading off with Fr. Matt discussing what devotion to Mary really means, and why it’s important. On Saturday, October 11, we’ll close with a public rosary at Lytton Plaza at 1:00 PM. For more information, contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

24. Vallombrosa Center Offerings

Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:
Saturday, October 15: Creating a New Normal after Cancer: The treatments are done and you  expect to get back to the life you had before the diagnosis. But did you know cancer and its treatments can change your experience of “normal” living even after treatment is completed? That it can affect your emotions, thoughts, how you engage with life, and even your spiritual outlook? Join Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D. at Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for a one-day introductory workshop on Psychospiritual Integrative Therapy (PSIT), a set of tools and processes designed to get you on the road to a “new normal” after cancer.  Cost: $50.00 per person and includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Readings for The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Crossand Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Paul and Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                   (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 384 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 385? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Picnic Eng. Poster2014-72.jpeg
Spiritual Care volunteer flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Sep 19, 2014, 7:57:10 AM9/19/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 38 - September 19, 2014

Parish Picnic: THIS Sunday!!
Solar Panel Initiative: Halfway There!!

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: Annual Education Appeal
2. THIS Sunday: Catechetical Sunday
3. Catechetical Sunday: Teaching About God’s Gift of Forgiveness
4. THIS Sunday: Annual Parish Picnic
5. Solar Panel Initiative: Half-Way There!
6. OLR Site Committee
7. Continuing Through September: Catholicism Series
8. Saturday, September 20: Campaign Nonviolence begins with Candlelight Vigil
9. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!
10. Wednesday, September 24: 40 Days for Life: New Campaign Begins
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Faith Formation For Children and Teens
13. Tuesday, September 30th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Where does it say in the Bible…? 
14. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care
15. Thursday, October 2: Widows and Widowers Are Oktoberfesting
16. Saturday, October 4: Lector Workshop at Our Lady of the Rosary
17. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty
18. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
19. Wednesday, October 8: Four Days for Mary Begins With Talks and a Film
20. Young Adult Circle
21. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Readings for Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Timeand Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Lots of Flyers for Upcoming Events; Solar Panel Initiative Progress!


1. This Weekend: Annual Education Appeal

The Annual Education Appeal will be taken this weekend, September 20-21. This collection provides financial assistance to many of our Catholic students and supports the tuition financial aid program for both elementa- ry and high school students in our schools. Did you know that the Diocese of San Jose educates over 16,500 students in 29 elementary and seven high schools across Santa Clara County? Now, more than ever, we need your support to offer more scholarships to families who want to partner with us to provide a strong Catholic community and a quality Catholic education for their children.

2. THIS Sunday: Catechetical Sunday

This year, Catechetical Sunday will focus on the theme, “Teaching about God’s Gift of Forgiveness.” Those who have been designated by the community to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. 

We bestow a special blessing and commissioning at the 9:00am Mass at St. Albert the Great and 10:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary upon all the many people in our parish who have responded to the invitation to “hand on the faith” through all the faith formation programs we offer.

3. Catechetical Sunday: Teaching About God’s Gift of Forgiveness

The Sacrament of Reconciliation contains three elements: conversion, confession, and celebration. It is this sacrament that changes us, challenges us, and equips us as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ to reach out to others and to transform the world. This sacrament brings us into intimate contact with Jesus, where we are liberated from the sins that trouble our hearts and minds and experience God's unconditional forgiveness and mercy so that we can be a living fountain of forgiveness and mercy to others.

Conversion: Acknowledging our weaknesses and failings leads to a conversion of heart, mind, and will. This is the first step in turning away from sin and turning to the Father who loves us and desires each one of us to be in intimate communion with him.

Confession: Penance provides an opportunity to redress those failings and to satisfy those sins and patterns of sin that we habitually fall into. The priest provides spiritual encouragement and also a way for us to redress and satisfy those we may have wronged in the form of a penance. Penance may consist of "prayer, an offering, works of mercy, service of neighbor, voluntary self-denial, sacrifices, and above all the patient acceptance of the cross we must bear.

Celebration: In confession we are given an opportunity to amend for our weaknesses, limitations, and struggles, as before the priest we stand before Christ and take responsibility for our actions and our failings. We acknowledge our shortcomings and also praise God for his gifts of mercy and abundant love in forgiving us. We leave the sacrament with a renewed sense of wholeness and intimacy with God, having experienced a true conversion of heart. 

Fr. Matt

4. THIS Sunday: Annual Parish Picnic

Our parish picnic will be held Sunday, September 21, from 11:15 – 2:30 at Our Lady of the Rosary on Cowper St.  Grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and refreshments are provided.  

Side dishes and desserts are potluck, so that the entire St. Thomas Aquinas community may be involved in the lunch. Potluck dishes should serve at least 8 people, and even more is better.  

If your last name begins with A – G, please bring a dessert; if your last name starts with H – Z, please bring a salad or side dish.

 As always, there will be entertainment for the children and adults.  For the children there will be kids crafts, games, a piñata, and a magical faerie, who will be at the picnic from 11:30 until 1:30 painting faces and twisting balloons.

 In addition to dancers, there will be the FREE-Cycle, where all are welcome to bring -- and take home free! -- small household items, books, small electronics, CDs and DVDs, art supplies, toys, tools, plants and produce.  (Please, no large, bulky items.) 

5. Solar Panel Initiative: Half-Way There!

The Solar Initiative has so far received $22,250 in pledges from 52 generous donors. We are about half-way through making the project a reality and we are still seeking pledges to collect the rest of the funds needed. The goal is to sign up for the installation while we can take advantage of the higher rebate level offered by Palo Alto Utilities. Currently, the rebate level is right at the borderline before dropping by 12.5% to the lower level. If we act now, we could lock in the higher rebate level. 

The target date for the installation is the weekend starting October 25 to take advantage of the school break the last week of October. The noisiest phase of the installation would be that last week of October and the two weekends before and after.

This would be a legacy gift that will continue helping the whole parish save $5,400 in electricity costs every year for at least the next 25 years.

Pledge cards are in the vestibules and will be available at the parish picnic this Sunday. You can also pledge online at: 
For more information on the project you can visit:

Thank you very much to all those who have pledged!

The Green Committee

6. OLR Site Committee

The Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) Site Committee met last Sunday and had an excellent discussion about various topics affecting the OLR site. For now, the group decided to meet monthly on the first Sunday of the month. So the group will again meet in Sunday, October 5.   Anyone interested in helping assist with the needs of the OLR site are encouraged to contact Bill Morrison ( ) or Chris Lundin (

7. Continuing Through September: Catholicism Series


Come, see and experience "Catholicism", the video series by Rev. Robert Barron on Monday, September 22 at 7 p.m. in the hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. The topic this week is the Holy Spirit. The series concludes next Monday, September 29. Please join us!

8. Saturday, September 20: Campaign Nonviolence begins with Candlelight Vigil

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, of which our parish is a member, is excited to join Campaign Nonviolence (CNV), inviting people of faith, conscience and good will to build a long term movment for peace, justice and environmental healing.  

Beginning September 20, the International Day of Peace, CNV will launch a nationwide week of study, action and peaceful public witness, calling for concrete changes toward reversing the climate crisis, ending poverty and abolishing war.

International Day of Peace Candlelight Vigil, Sat., Sept. 20, 6:30-7:30pm. Lytton Plaza, Palo Alto.  Together we begin our week with songs, prayers and a peaceful public witness on the eve of the International Day of Peace. 

Youth Conscientious Objector Workshops for ages 14-18, 2 sessions, Sundays Sept. 21 & 28, 12-2pm, First Presbyterian Church Explore ideas about conscientious objection and your own feelings about war, peace, violence and nonviolence. 

Campaign Nonviolence: Another World is Possible Peace Potluck Picnic, Sun., Sept. 28, 4-6:30pm, First Congregational Church, Palo Alto.  Hear peace activist Kathy Kelly , just back from the summer living in Afghanistan with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Share what we have learned and discern next steps. Enjoy community and good food together. 

More than 15 other local opportunities to study, reflect and act during our Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action. 

Campaign Nonviolence is a national movement endorsed by Desmond Tutu and the late civil rights leader Vincent Harding, committed to building a culture of peace. 

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice

9. Tuesday, September 23:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Returns!

Spirituality Tuesday Assembly returns on September 23rd at 7:00 pm in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

September 23rd: Gun Safety in our Communities with the Chief of Police from the East Palo Alto Police Department along with Jose Betancourt from the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Restorative Justice office.

As part of Campaign Nonviolence, the Human Concerns Committee will present Gun Safety in Our Communities. Mark Raffaelli, the Chief of Police of the East Palo Alto Police Dept will discuss local strategies and Mr. Jose Betancourt from the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Restorative Justice Office; will talk about the impact of violence on our communities. Campaign Nonviolence invites you to practice nonviolence toward yourself and toward all others. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, nonviolence is “the love that does justice.” It is an orientation that unleashes creativity, connectedness, and compassion. How can we help our communities toward this goal? Please join us at Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room; 7:00 to 8:30 pm

September 30: “Where in the Bible…?” With Father Stasys

See the posters in the vestibules for more interesting topics scheduled.

10. Wednesday, September 24: 40 Days for Life: New Campaign Begins

On September 24, 40 Days for Life swings into action for its Fall 2014 campaign. Once again, this international movement will unite pro-life Christians around its unique program of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, to work for an end to abortion. 

And this time, there’s a new vigil location right in our own backyard: the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on San Antonio Road in Mountain View. If the original downtown San Jose vigil has always seemed too far away for you, this new nearby site may be what you’ve been waiting for. 

For more information and to get involved, contact Bob March at or (650) 862-4721.

11. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of August. Our average weekly collection for the 2nd month of this fiscal year was $10,734. This marks the first time since August 2013 that we failed to reach our monthly goal; although we are already 7% ahead of 2013 and 18% ahead of 2012. Our collection budget for July-August was $99,000; our actual is $99,495. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Sept. 14 Actual: $ 10,600 (Goal:$11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,000

12. Faith Formation For Children and Teens

It's not too late to Register! I want to take this time to encourage all parents and guardians to make plans for your children’s ongoing faith formation, as our own programs have already started. Your parish stands ready to help you in fulfilling this pledge. Over the summer, both Susan Olsen (Director of Catechetical Ministry) and Michael Sullivan (Director of Youth Ministry) have been hard at work preparing for this new year of learning and living our Catholic faith. We have programs for children in pre-school through high school. Our vision of faith formation is structured to engage children and youth in a process that is enjoying, challenging, and fun.

Fr. Matt

13. Tuesday, September 30th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Where does it say in the Bible…? 

With Fr. Stasys as our presenter.

Come for an informative evening as Father Stasys reviews some basics about the Bible with us. How do we answer some common questions about our faith based in the Bible. For example: The Virgin Mary; why we use images; about the Pope and priesthood; why we need to go to confession to another man. He will also touch on other modern moral questions and challenges. Please bring your Catholic Bible (not all Bibles are the same). Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!

7:00-8:30 p.m. at the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. Refreshments follow.

14. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care 

See the flyer at the end of today's eBulletin about the opportunity to service as a Spiritual Care Volunteer at Stanford Heath Care (Stanford Hospital). 

If you can volunteer two hours of your time each week, this is a wonderful opportunity to work with patients of the hospital, listening to their needs, praying with them and bringing them the Holy Eucharist. 

For more information and to get a volunteer application, call 650-723-5101 or email .  Interview for volunteers are being conducted between now and October 3, and there is a training session for approved volunteers Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

15. Thursday, October 2: Widows and Widowers Are Oktoberfesting

You are invited to enjoy this special occasion with German food and music on Thursday, October 2, 2014.

Time: 3:30-4:30 Social and Games Dinner: 4:30 or 5 pm

Place: Roland’s House (contact Roland) Watch for the German flag on the light post.

Dinner: A choice of various sausages will be available with sauerkraut, potato salad, rotkohl (red cabbage!), and giant pretzels.

Reservations: or call (650) 208-3684Please email or phone by September 25th. Space is limited to 30 so reserve early. No shows will still be charged since we are buying everything. When making reservations please give your choice of refreshments: Pepsi, Coke, 7 up, lemonade, German wine, beer, or bottled water.

Cost: Complete dinner, including soft drinks, German beer and wine and dessert of apple strudel will be advised later - between $15-20.

16. Saturday, October 4: Lector Workshop at Our Lady of the Rosary

As part of on-going education for Lectors, we offer a Lector Workshop, for those who can attend, on Saturday, October 4, 10am-12pm in the hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. Other dates in January and February are scheduled for St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas.

17. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty

Please join us on October 5,  2014 at 3:00 PM at Lytton Plaza, (intersection of University and Emerson)  Palo Alto, CA 94301 for a Rally Against  Death Penalty.

Moderator:  Terry McCaffrey, California People of Faith, Amnesty International
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Diana Gibson, Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
Exonoree:  Rick Walker,  spent 12 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit
Murder Victim Family Member: Mary Kay Raftery
California People of Faith: Gerard McGuire
Music:  Chris Lundin

Contact Terry McCaffrey for more information: terry...@gmail.com650-324-7517

18. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING
Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13
Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

19. Wednesday, October 8: Four Days for Mary Begins With Talks and a Film

Four Days for Mary returns to our parish on Wednesday, October 8, with a new program calling all of us to enkindle our devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

We’ll have presentations on the evenings of October 8, 9, and 10, leading off with Fr. Matt discussing what devotion to Mary really means, and why it’s important. On Saturday, October 11, we’ll close with a public rosary at Lytton Plaza at 1:00 PM. For more information, contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or

20. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

21. Vallombrosa Center Offerings

Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, invites you to:
Saturday, October 15: Creating a New Normal after Cancer: The treatments are done and you  expect to get back to the life you had before the diagnosis. But did you know cancer and its treatments can change your experience of “normal” living even after treatment is completed? That it can affect your emotions, thoughts, how you engage with life, and even your spiritual outlook? Join Cynthia McDonald, Ph.D. at Vallombrosa Center, located on 10 beautiful acres in Menlo Park, on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm for a one-day introductory workshop on Psychospiritual Integrative Therapy (PSIT), a set of tools and processes designed to get you on the road to a “new normal” after cancer.  Cost: $50.00 per person and includes lunch. To learn more about Dr. McDonald and to register visit or contact Rachel Alvelais at 650.325.5614.

Sr. Mary Roberta Connors, FSE
Vallombrosa Center, 250 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA   94025
650) 325-5614 Ex. 17

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Readings for Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Timeand Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska) 
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Paul and Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Thompson, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 384 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 385? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated.
Picnic Eng. Poster2014-72.jpeg

Chris Lundin

Sep 26, 2014, 7:32:50 AM9/26/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 39 - September 26, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, September 27: Funeral Mass for John Martin
2. Solar Panel Initiative: We Did It! It’s a GO!
3. Thank You From The Pastor
4. Continuing Through Sunday: Campaign Nonviolence
5. Concluding Monday, September 29: Catholicism Series
6. Spirituality Tuesday Assembly’s New Season Begins
7. Tuesday, September 30th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Where does it say in the Bible…? 
8. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. St. Vincent de Paul Needs: Can You Help?
11. RCIA - The Period of Inquiry
12. Faith Formation For Children and Teens
13. What Is Children’s Liturgy of the Word?
14. Next Weekend: Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
15. Spiritual Care Service Volunteer Opportunity At Stanford Health Care
16. Wednesday, October 1: S.O.U.P.'s On!
17. Thursday, October 2: Widows and Widowers Are Oktoberfesting
18. Saturday, October 4: Lector Workshop at Our Lady of the Rosary
19. Saturday, October 4: Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
20. Sunday, October 5: OLR Site Committee
21. Sunday, October 5: Blessing of the Animals
22. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty
23. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
24. Tuesday, October 7: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Biblical Walk through the Mass 
25. Wednesday, October 8: Four Days for Mary Begins With Talks and a Film
26. Fr. Daniel Kiriti coming to Palo Alto in October
27. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation
28. Young Adult Circle
29. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
30. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
31. Readings for Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Timeand Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: a photo we found


1. Saturday, September 27: Funeral Mass for John Martin

A funeral Mass for John Martin will be held on Saturday, September 27, at 3 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 3233 Cowper, Palo Alto. 
John passed away peacefully in his sleep in September 22.

John Leo Martin, the eldest of Mary Harty and Leo Dennis Martin's three children, was born on January 7, 1925 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. He had a sister, Marilyn Bray, and a brother, Jim, both deceased.

John loved to play the trumpet, and he looked forward to working with his dad and playing baseball. After graduating from high school, John served in World War II as a combat engineer. He returned from Europe and attended the University of Iowa. He was accepted to medical school, but ultimately pursued his true calling in the School of Education. He dedicated the next 40 years to children. 

In 1947, he met Maureen McGivern (Micky) at a Newman Club dance. A year later, they were married. In 1950, John and Micky and their year-old daughter drove from Iowa to Coronado, California, where John accepted his first teaching job, instructing junior high school students in science and mathematics. In 1952, John accepted a job teaching at Hillview School in Menlo Park and later became the school's principal. John served as a math consultant for
the Palo Alto School District, the principal of Sonoma Elementary School in Livermore, the principal of Terman Jr. High in Palo Alto, and finished out his impressive career with a 25 year stint in the PAUSD district office as the Assistant Superintendent in charge of Curriculum. 

A loving husband and father, John was devoted to his family. He is survived by his wife, Micky, and his six children: Ann Sonne (Scott) of
Coronado, Chris (Beth) of Palo Alto, Mary Henry, M.D. (Clarke) of Mission Hills, KS, Kathy Collado (John) of Houston, TX, Jay of Palo Alto, and TJ (Suzanne), also of Palo Alto, 17 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. John was a man of great faith. Active in Our Lady of the Rosary Church, he was a
longtime lector and led the singing at daily mass. He was also his grandchildren's number one fan in all of their activities. John loved parties and people and was always the last one on the dance floor. for the Greatest Generation, John Martin was a humble man of extraordinary character and energy. valued family, faith, honor and personal responsibility and lived his life accordingly. missed. 

 In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the Palo Alto Community Fund, PO Box 50634, Palo Alto, CA 94303 or the charity of your choice.

2. Solar Panel Initiative: We Did It! It’s a GO!

A million thanks to the more than seventy parishioners who pledged and made a difference to move forward on the Solar Initiative! We have enough funds to proceed without any parish funds!

We have $46,000 in pledges, just short of the $49,665 goal. The remainder may be made up by the higher PA Utilities rebate and a reduced reserve for the spare inverters. 

We are now in the next phase which is collecting the funds. Individual reminders are going out to all those who pledged.  A big thank you to everyone who has helped in so many ways during the pledge drive to bring us to this point. 

The Green Committee

3. Thank You From The Pastor


Chris Lundin

Oct 3, 2014, 7:35:01 AM10/3/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 40 - October 3, 2014

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, October 4: Lector Workshop at Our Lady of the Rosary
2. Saturday, October 4: Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
3. This Weekend: Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
4. October Mass Count
5. Sunday, October 5: OLR Site Committee
6. Sunday, October 5: Blessing of the Animals
7. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty
8. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
9. Faith Formation News: Exploring Our Worship Spaces
10. Tuesday, October 7:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  A Biblical Walk through the Mass 
11. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24
12. That Our Joy May Be Complete (John 15:11)
13. Weekly Stewardship Report
14. St. Vincent de Paul Needs: Can You Help?
15. RCIA - The Period of Inquiry
16. October 8-11: Four Days For Mary
17. Friday, October 10: Goretti Group Meeting
18. Beginning Sunday, October 12: Fr. Daniel Kiriti coming to Palo Alto; Kenya Crafts Faire
19. Tuesday, October 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Exorcism 
20. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation
21. Day Worker Center Kitchen Improvement Project: Double-Matching Funds
22. Sunday, October 12: Palo alto Buddhist Temple Open House
23. Young Adult Circle
24. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Readings for Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Timeand Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer to Buddhist Temple Open House


1. Saturday, October 4: Lector Workshop at Our Lady of the Rosary

As part of on-going education for Lectors, we offer a Lector Workshop, for those who can attend, on Saturday, October 4, 10am-12pm in the hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. Other dates in January and February are scheduled for St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas.

2. Saturday, October 4: Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop

9:30-12:00 noon at the Thomas House, 745 Waverley.

Come and experience this method of Christian silent meditation, as taught by former Trappist monk Fr. Thomas Keating.
Learn about the roots of centering prayer, and about the fruits of connecting to the Holy Spirit.

On Saturday, October 11, a mini-retreat for experienced silent meditators will be at the Thomas House: 9:30-12:30 p.m.

Join other meditators for Silent Second Saturday -- to pray together and share contemplative experiences.  Contact Jean 
Ramacciotti, OPL at for more intormation.

3. This Weekend: Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

We invite everyone to participate and pray for all the sick as well as bring friends and family members who can receive the Anointing this weekend, October 4-5.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not only reserved for those who are at the point of death, but also for those who are gravely ill due to serious illness, frailty due to age, or for those prior to surgery. 

4. October Mass Count

Every October, the Diocese of San Jose asks that each parish make an accounting of the number of people who attend Sunday Eucharist. If you notice someone walking up and down the aisle during Mass with a pencil and paper in hand— that's what they're doing! We are grateful for their assistance.

5. Sunday, October 5: OLR Site Committee

The group  will again meet in Sunday, October 5 at 11:45 a.m. in Kerry’s Korner at OLR.   Anyone interested in helping assist with the needs of the Our Lady of the Rosary site are encouraged to contact Bill Morrison ( ) or Chris Lundin (

6. Sunday, October 5: Blessing of the Animals

On Sunday, October 5 at 1 pm we will celebrate our traditional blessing of animals in the parking lot area outside of Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. 

Bring your pets, in a cage,on a leash, or in a bowl. This is a great time to reinforce to our children the gifts which are their pets and the responsibility we all have in caring for God’s creatures.

7. Sunday, October 5: World Day Against The Death Penalty

Please join us on October 5,  2014 at 3:00 PM at Lytton Plaza, (intersection of University and Emerson)  Palo Alto, CA 94301 for a Rally Against  Death Penalty. The focus of the campaign this year is on Mental Illness and the death penalty. 

Moderator:  Terry McCaffrey, California People of Faith, Amnesty International
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Diana Gibson, Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
Exonoree:  Rick Walker,  spent 12 1/2 years in prison for a crime he did not commit
Murder Victim Family Member: Mary Kay Raftery
California People of Faith: Gerard McGuire
Music:  Chris Lundin

Contact Terry McCaffrey for more information: terry...@gmail.com650-324-7517

8. Continuing Sunday, October 5: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

Sunday, October 5th -   DEAD MAN WALKING
Susan Sarandon stars as Sister Helen Prejean befriending a man facing execution played by Sean Penn. The film asks, What is true? How can honesty change our life? What really enslaves us and what gives true freedom.


Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13
Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example. 

9. Faith Formation News: Exploring Our Worship Spaces

All are invited to tour the church on 

Monday, October 6 from 6 - 7 p.m. at St. Albert the Great or 
Wednesday, October 8 from 6 - 7 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary

Find out more about the worship space we come to every week and investigate places most people never get to see. This tour is required for all students preparing to receive the Sacraments this year and their parents.

10. Tuesday, October 7:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  A Biblical Walk through the Mass 

…. with Father Matt

As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our faith. It is celebrated every hour of every day. We all know the responses and gestures, but do we know what it all means?  This video series explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy, and explains their profound sig- nificance.  A unique tour of the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist! This series is hosted by Fr. Matt. There may be a quiz! 

Please join us at the Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

11. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24

The first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign focusing on the Mountain View abortion facility is now under way! By our prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, we are asking God to do what only He can: change hearts. It isn't political, and we don't use gory signs or aggressive tactics. Yet since 2007, the 40 Days for Life approach has led almost 9,000 mothers to choose life instead of death for their children, inspired 101 abortion workers to quit their jobs, and seen 57 abortion centers closed for good. Don't you want to be part of this simple but surprisingly effective push-back against the culture of death? 

There are many ways to participate. For more information, call Bob March at (415) 412-2132.

12. That Our Joy May Be Complete (John 15:11)

Our Lord wants us to be happy, and he wants our joy to be complete, perfect. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15,11). Nevertheless, we live in a world that seems to be overwhelmed by sadness and bad news. To understand what joy means, it might help to understand its opposite, what “sadness” mean.

According to our beloved patron Saint Thomas Aquinas, sadness is a state in which “we don't want to be what we are; and we would like to be what we will never be able to be”. For instance, what if a stone was sad for being a stone, and wanted to be a rose? The stone is not happy for what it is, and wants to be what it will never be able to be. Even if an artist in artificial ways gave a stone the shape of a rose, it will never be a rose, a live rose. We are sad, extremely sad, when we reject what God meant us to be, and we want to be something that we will never be able to be. We live in a world that looks for artificial solutions, that will never be able to give us true and complete joy.

What does God want of us? “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy'.” (1 Pe 1: 15-16), holy in the way He created and not against His desire. He wants us to follow His example in our life following the Father's will always (Lk 22: 42), not pretending or looking for superficial or external solutions but a deep acceptance of His will in our life with great humility and simplicity. He wants us to be happy, and he wants our joy to be complete. He told and showed us with His own example how to achieve that.

Fr. Stasys Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

13. Weekly Stewardship Report

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide you. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Weekly Offering:

September 28 Actual: $ 10,632 (Goal:$11,000)

14. St. Vincent de Paul Needs: Can You Help?

Do you happen to have a bunch of unused little motel/hotel soaps, shampoos, tooth brushes, etc. at home?

They are really appreciated by our many primarily homeless folks who ask us for these basic hygiene items while needing other help through our parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference.  (Just put them in a bag and place them in the food donation basket at church.)  Many thanks!

15. RCIA - The Period of Inquiry

As an inquirer, you are welcome to continue with us as long as you wish. This is a time of introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a time
to reflect on your life in light of the values of the reign of God. It is an unstructured time with no fixed duration for questions and an opportunity for the formation of Christian Faith.

During the meetings members of the initiation team are engaged, not in handing over doctrine, but in sharing stories of their own faith and in responding to questions. The inquirers are encouraged to share their own stories, and in the process are helped to see how God has already been active in their lives.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

16. October 8-11: Four Days For Mary

Join Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat in "Four Days for Mary," an event that will teach you about Fatima and inspire you to take action. 

This four day event begins on Wednesday, October 8 at 7:00 pm in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) with a movie about the Fatima message. On Thursday and Friday at 7:00 pm in OLR church there will be a talk about the history and spiritual power of the Rosary and followed by the recitation of the Rosary. 

The program will conclude with the Rosary Rally at Lytton Plaza on Saturday, October 11 at 1:00 pm immediately following the noon Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas.

For more information, contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350.

17. Friday, October 10: Goretti Group Meeting

In our October 10th meeting we will reconnect purity and chastity back into the context of a relationship with Jesus Christ. We will be connecting the Eucharist with the paschal lamb that Israelites ate during Passover. Just as the paschal lamb saved the Israelites from slavery, the Eucharist today saves us from being slaves to sin. 

The location has changed for this week. This is a free event. 

Where: St. Patrick's Seminary, 320 Middlefield Rd.,
Menlo Park, 94025 When: Friday, October 10

Time: 6:30pm Mass; 7:15pm Dinner; 8:00pm Talk 

18. Beginning Sunday, October 12: Fr. Daniel Kiriti coming to Palo Alto; Kenya Crafts Faire

Fr. Daniel Kiriti is visiting our parish from Kenya in October.  He will celebrate Mass at 8:45 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Sunday, October 12, and again on 8:45 am at STA on Sunday, November 2.  A priest in the diocese of Nakuru, Kenya, Fr. Kiriti lived in our parish in the late 90s while he was attending Santa Clara University.  He has served in parishes in Malawi and in Kenya over the past 15 years, returning to Palo Alto periodically to visit.

Kenyan crafts faire:  On Sunday, October 12, the annual Kenyan crafts faire will be held after the 8:45 a.m. Mass on the grounds of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Get a start on your holiday gifts and contribute to St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya.  For more information: Margo McAuliffe,, (650) 322-0821.

Fr. Kiriti will be giving a talk on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, in which he will be reflecting upon culture and Catholicism from the perspective of his parish life in a very rural area of Kenya.  All are invited.

19. Tuesday, October 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Exorcism 

with Father Gary Thomas

Fr. Gary Thomas is a Vatican-certified, practicing exorcist.  He was raised in San Francisco and is a long-time pastor in the Diocese of San Jose.  In 2005, he was selected by Bishop McGrath to attend a Vatican-sponsored course on exorcisms.  The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist, (Doubleday, 2009), by journalist Matt Baglio describes Father Thomas’ training under a master exorcist in Rome, and also gives readers an inside look of the church’s use of the rite of exorcism, and its role in contemporary life. Does evil exist in our world? Please join us and have no doubts!

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

20. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation

Representatives from the local League of Women Voters will be in the St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House basement hall on Sunday, October 19, from 10:15 –11:30, to present arguments for and against California state and Palo Alto city 2014 ballot measures.  

This program is part of the League’s impartial Voter Education Service to the community.  A cadre of trained volunteers will speak about the three Palo Alto measures and six state propositions on our local ballot. 

Get a cup of coffee and doughnut upstairs in the Thomas House living room at 10:00 am and come downstairs to the basement for the LWV presentation.

21. Day Worker Center Kitchen Improvement Project: Double-Matching Funds

I am excited to share an update on our progress since having to shut down our kitchen to meet and exceed county health standards for commercial food preparation.  As you’ll remember, because we accept food donations and serve a breakfast and hot lunch every day, the county determined that our kitchen must be upgraded to full “commercial kitchen” status.  They are holding us to the same high standard as any other commercial food business and we are moving to comply as quickly as possible.  We’ve made a lot of progress and the end is in sight, but we still could use additional help funding the remainder of the project.  Your generous donations so far have taken us almost halfway to our $150,000 goal.  Please help us raise the remaining $90,000. If you can donate by October 31st, your donation will be DOUBLE-MATCHED (details below) so don’t let this opportunity slip by.
This is the situation that many of our day workers face every day. Before the Day Worker Center’s kitchen was closed for County-mandated commercial-level upgrades, many workers depended on the Center for coffee and a quick bite to start their morning, as well as a healthy, hearty lunch. Several workers even earned wages preparing food for those waiting for work each day.

In our last message in May, we were still determining the scope of work that would be required and didn’t know how much the renovations would cost.  We now have a full set of plans, a contractor, and are awaiting permit approval before starting the demolition and construction.  Our kitchen will be redesigned to add much needed space with improved cabinetry, appliances and workflow.  Additionally, our HVAC system will be upgraded and moved to the roof and our hot water will become “on-demand”. Both of these improvements will free up space and create a more efficient workspace, while saving energy costs. 
The community kitchen is not only for preparing much-needed hot meals; it is also a training facility for workers to learn kitchen and catering skills.  

Amazing Matching Donation Opportunity Until October 31st  -- The “Friends of the Day Worker Center of Mountain View” have graciously offered to match all donations made before October 31st, at a (2:1) ratio, up to a maximum of $25,000. That means, for example, that a $300 donation would generate a match of $600, making your donation into a $900 value to the Center. And the 2:1 match also applies to donations that come through your company. It’s not uncommon for Silicon Valley companies to match their employee’s contributions 1:1 and that match would be doubled by the Friends 2:1 match.  So a corporate-matched employee donation turns into a 6:1 value to the Center.  For example, you give $300 through your corporate matching program, resulting in a $600 donation to the Center.  The Friends then double-match the $600 turning it into a donation of $1800.  Can you help us take advantage of this tremendous opportunity before October 31st?

The project is moving forward and we believe we can achieve our goal of having a compliant kitchen by the first of the year with your help.  This is a GREAT time to donate any comfortable amount or to sponsor a specific item in the new kitchen. Here are a few specific items you might want to sponsor:
  • Used Stove with grill $3,695
  • Used Exhaust Hood $2,200
  • Fire Suppression System $1,200
  • Used Stain Steel Tables and Sinks $2,965
  • Dishwasher $3,000
  • Single upright Freezer $3,500
Donating is easy!  You can use your credit card on our Donations page .  Or let all your dollars work (no credit card fees) and send a check to the Center at 113 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View, CA, 94040.
Before closing, we want to thank a few people who have given their time and expertise to make this a successful and affordable project. Douglas Roberts, Luis Rios, Patrick Kavanagh, R. Scott Smithwick, and The Friends of the Day Worker Center of Mountain View.
Thank you so much for being our friend and supporter!  Your support helped us a build a great center that helps so many people and is a community gem.  If you can help us get our kitchen up and running and serving delicious hot meals again, we will be even more grateful.

DWC_logo_new_tagline_high_320x267 2.jpg

Chris Lundin

Oct 10, 2014, 8:07:31 AM10/10/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 41 - October 10, 2014

Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

Table of Contents
1. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure
2. Friday, October 10: Goretti Group Meeting
3. October 8-11: Four Days For Mary (Two Remaining Days)
4. Saturday, October 11: Centering Prayer Mini-Retreat
5. Beginning Sunday, October 12: Fr. Daniel Kiriti coming to Palo Alto; Kenya Crafts Faire
6. Monday, October 13: Pastoral Center Closed
7. Tuesday, October 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Exorcism 
8.  Next Weekend: World Mission Sunday
9. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24
10. Knights of Columbus
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Update On 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
13. Join us as we prepare for… The Christmas Faire! 
14. Friday, October 17: Halloween EDGE Lock-In
15. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation
16. October 19-25: Pastoral Care Week
17. Tuesday, October 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body 
18. Saturday, October 25: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
19. St. Vincent de Paul Needs: Can You Help?
20. RCIA - The Period of Inquiry
21. Day Worker Center Kitchen Improvement Project: Double-Matching Funds
22. Sunday, October 12: Palo alto Buddhist Temple Open House
23. Sunday, October 19: Dennis Kucinich on ""National Security State and Its Insane Buildup for More War”
24. Young Adult Circle
25. Vallombrosa Center Offerings
26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
27. Readings for Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Timeand Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Posters from Parish Picnic and Blessing of the Animals, EDGE Lock-In Permission form


1. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

Diocesan Liability Release Form Template.pdf
Picnic 1520 14.jpeg
Bless Animals 1520 14.jpeg

Chris Lundin

Oct 17, 2014, 7:59:23 AM10/17/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 42 - October 17, 2014

Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

Table of Contents
1. A Note From The Pastor
2. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure
3. Friday, October 17: Halloween EDGE Lock-In
4.  This Weekend: World Mission Sunday
5. This Weekend: Knights of Columbus
6. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation
7. October 19-25: Pastoral Care Week
8. Tuesday, October 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body 
9. What Can I Do?
10. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience
11. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes
12. In Memoriam: Sombat Lucha
13. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24
14. Weekly Stewardship Report
15. Join us as we prepare for… The Christmas Faire! 
16. Saturday, October 25: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
17. Tuesday, October 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 
18. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk
19. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!
20. Thursday, November 6: Window & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe
21. Sunday, October 19: Please Join Us! Fund Raiser for Two Local Shelters
22. Sunday, October 19: Dennis Kucinich on ""National Security State and Its Insane Buildup for More War”
23. Young Adult Circle
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: EDGE Lock-In Permission form, Invite to Sunday Fund-Raiser 


1. A Note From The Pastor

Diocesan Liability Release Form Template.pdf

Chris Lundin

Oct 17, 2014, 3:44:34 PM10/17/14
I removed what might have been problematic formatting. Sorry for the duplication. Let me know if it comes through still truncated.  Ed.

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 42 - October 17, 2014
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: EDGE Lock-In Permission form, Invite to Sunday Fund-Raiser 


1. A Note From The Pastor

I will be away from the parish for the next 3 weeks, returning on November 16. I will be the spiritual director at the Fall Women’s Cursillo in the Santa Cruz Mountains from Oct. 30 – Nov. 2. 

Then on the morning of November 3, I and 30 others board a plane to Europe to begin a 12 day pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, as well as many other holy places. Let us keep each other in our prayers.

2. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

During the month of October, we take time to pray and reflect on the Catholic understanding of Stewardship: Time, Talent, and Treasure. 

Very soon will you will receive in the mail a letter from our Pastor, a Sacrificial Giving intention card, and a Time & Talent form. The only way we will
be able to give in the way that God asks us to, is if we truly believe in the depths of our hearts that what we are asked to give is God’s in the first place. In his wisdom and kindness, God has entrusted all these good things to our care. 

We encourage every parishioner to return their intention card and Time & Talent form over the next few weeks.

3. Friday, October 17: Halloween EDGE Lock-In

We are very excited to announce our first Halloween EDGE Lock-In, TONNIGHT!, Oct. 17th--Saturday, Oct.18th, 2014, from 7:00PM to 8:00AM, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. 

What is a Lock-In? A Lock-In is an overnight activity for the youth of our parish and their friends (who don't have to be Catholic) where we: play games, learn more about our faith, watch movies, pray, eat very good food, and have an all around great time. It's like a mini retreat, with a lot of fun attached.  Also, this is an opportunity for parents to: "Go to Dinner,"  and enjoy a "Night Away."

Attached to today’s eBulletin, you will find the Permission Form, which must be completed for attendance. The Form must be signed, by hand, not electronically. Please hand the Form to Michael Sullivan or send to the Pastoral Center. The cost of the EDGE Halloween Lock-In is: $30.00. Please make Check Payable to: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Memo: Halloween Lock-In. If Financial Assistance is needed, please
We are aware that there is a school dance, Friday evening:) So, for Youth attending the dance, they are more than welcome to attend the Lock-In, after the dance ends. 

What to bring: a sleeping bag; pillow; comfortable clothing, including pajamas; tooth brush; and, toothpaste. 

Michael X. Sullivan,
Director, Youth & Young Adult Ministry, (650) 494-2496 Ext. 21

4.  This Weekend: World Mission Sunday

Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions in the most remote areas across our world.

Through the work of these churches and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy and His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit

5. This Weekend: Knights of Columbus

This weekend you may see our Knights of Columbus soliciting donations after Mass for their annual People with Intellectual Disability (PWID) fund raising drive. The funds go to two PWID organizations in Palo Alto- Achieve Kids and Abilities United. Be kind and give generously!

6. Sunday, October 19: League of Women Voters Presentation

Representatives from the local League of Women Voters will be in the St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House basement hall on Sunday, October 19, from 10:15 –11:30, to present arguments for and against California state and Palo Alto city 2014 ballot measures.  

This program is part of the League’s impartial Voter Education Service to the community.  A cadre of trained volunteers will speak about the three Palo Alto measures and six state propositions on our local ballot. 

Get a cup of coffee and doughnut upstairs in the Thomas House living room at 10:00 am and come downstairs to the basement for the LWV presentation.

7. October 19-25: Pastoral Care Week

During the week of October 19th – 25th, 2014, medical institutions throughout the U.S. celebrate Pastoral Care Week by honoring the vital work and gifts of pastoral/spiritual care givers locally and internationally. 

We are blessed to have several parishioners who collaborate with our Pastoral Home Ministry outreach by bringing Holy Communion to those parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. As a sign of our support and appreciation, we will offer them a special blessing this weekend.

8. Tuesday, October 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body 

with speaker Fr. Jerry Coleman

Father Coleman will point out some of the more important historical factors that led to the Church’s past overall viewpoint/conclusions about the human body and sexuality, e.g., natural and unnatural sins, emphasis on acts. By contrast, Pope John Paul II proposed a very different way of viewing these topics by emphasizing human dignity, and the truth about human sexuality. The Pope’s “theology of the body” changes the way we assess human sexuality, married love, and the “language” of the body. As he explains, the physical human body has a specific meaning and is capable of revealing answers regarding fundamental questions about us and our lives. Pope John Paul II revealed his Theology over a series of 129 segments. Fr. Coleman will share as much as he can in the time available! Be there!

Fr. Coleman received his Master of Divinity from St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California, his Master of Arts degree from the University of San Francisco, his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, and his S.T.L. (Licentiate of Sacred Theology) from St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore. Fr. Coleman has served in various executive capacities and is a lecturer and prolific writer, contributing to various newspapers and magazines and authoring nine books.

7:00 until 8:30 pm at Saint Albert Hospitality Room.

9. What Can I Do?

When I began as Liturgy Coordinator in October 2007, I never thought I’d still be at it seven years later. On my anniversary, I reflect on how I got here. Although I grew up in this parish (Our Lady of the Rosary) and married here and raised my daughters here, I never had the opportunity to meet as many parishioners of our merged parish as I have until I took on this job.

I can say that this job has become something more than just a job. It's been a way to serve God and continue to grow in that service and love for my neighbor. I always worry that I’m not doing enough for others, but I do get satisfaction of a job well done when a bride comes up after the wedding and thanks me for helping to make their day so special, or when a family who has lost a loved one, tells me they couldn’t have planned such a wonderful funeral without me.

The job itself has changed and grown since I started with Fr. George, from being a part-time Liturgy coordinator and Wedding and Funeral coordina- tor to Liturgy Director, webmaster, bulletin editor as well as continuing to coordinate weddings and funerals. It’s also no longer part-time, as you can imagine. But more importantly, the job has changed me and I have grown more in my spiritual life in the past seven years than in the past 40 years. Fr. Matt has been a great teacher and guide in my continuing journey of faith.

I want to thank those who step up to volunteer (and a good many have vol- unteered since I last wrote here) and to ask those who may not know what they’re good at or where to volunteer to just take the first step. If the first thing you try turns out not to be your thing, then try something else. We are all part of the family of God and families need each other and help each other.

Nora Lundin, Director of Liturgy and Music

10. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience

We are seeking parishioners who might consider being a sponsor or godparent to one of the many adult candidates seeking the Sacraments of Initiation. 

Sponsors are the spiritual companions to adults who are already baptized, accompanying them until they complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Godparents are the spiritual companions for adults seeking Baptism, to walk with them along their spiritual path all their life.

To be a sponsor or godparent you must be over 16 years of age, confirmed, and be a practicing Catholic with a strong faith and active prayer life. You don’t need a vast knowledge of the Catholic tradition or the Bible, but you must be willing to share your own faith stories, and be a friend to your candidate.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

11. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes

Each year the Western Association of the Order of Malta goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. As part of our mission to help the poor and the sick, we invite those who are sick, affectionately called Malades, to join us on pilgrimage. 

There is no cost for the selected malade or to your parish for this pilgrimage. Airfare, hotel and meals in Lourdes are paid for by the Order of Malta for the malade. We receive about 150 applications each year; out of those, about 50 malades are selected. In the past, we have selected both religious and lay people, children, teens and adults. The parameters for your nomination are below:

A candidate must be a Catholic with a strong faith dimension. As such, a pilgrimage to Lourdes would be meaningful in their lives. 
They must be currently dealing with a serious health issue or a life-changing illness. Please keep in mind that the trip from the West Coast to Lourdes is a long and strenuous trip. Nominees should be physically able to make the trip. 

The health and well-being of the malades are our primary concern; the pilgrimage dates should not interfere with any ongoing treatment. Nominations should be received by November 15, 2014. Contact Nora Lundin (, 494-2496 Extension 14)  for a nomination form.

12. In Memoriam: Sombat Lucha

Sombat Lucha, former crossing guard at Walter Hays Elementary School, 29 year member of AA, and avid quilter and gardener, died at home on Monday, October 6, 2014 after a lengthy hospitalization. She was 73. 

Sombat was born in 1941 in Bangkok, Thailand. She met her husband Jerry while he was working in Thailand as an engineer. They were married in 1969 and she became an American citizen in 1981.  She is survived by her husband, Gerald; sons, Somchai Yensuwan and Steve Lucha of Palo Alto; Frederick Lucha of Stockton; James Lucha of Moreno Valley; and her daughter, Amporn Yamoto of Watsonville; and 8 grandchildren. 

A memorial service will be held Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014, at 12:00 p.m. at Los Altos Lutheran Church, 460 S. El Monte Ave., Los Altos.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to Pathways Hospice Foundation, (408)730-1200. - See more at:

13. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Began On September 24

The first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign focusing on the Mountain View abortion facility is now under way! By our prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, we are asking God to do what only He can: change hearts. It isn't political, and we don't use gory signs or aggressive tactics. Yet since 2007, the 40 Days for Life approach has led almost 9,000 mothers to choose life instead of death for their children, inspired 101 abortion workers to quit their jobs, and seen 57 abortion centers closed for good. Don't you want to be part of this simple but surprisingly effective push-back against the culture of death? 

There are many ways to participate. For more information, call Bob March at (415) 412-2132.

14. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone for your financial support of our parish during the month of September. Our average weekly collection for the third month of this fiscal year was $11,516. Our collection average for the 1st quarter was $11,209 – a very healthy 5% increase vs. the 1st quarter of 2013 ($10,625). Our budget for July-September was $143,000; our actual is $145,717.  Thank you for sharing God’s gifts. 

15. Join us as we prepare for… The Christmas Faire! 

A festive occasion in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish with baked goods, jewelry, Christmas décor and gifts for sale
We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  upscale Christmas décor, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, and baked goods (come December)
To contribute items contact us beginning October 1.  After Mass collections will begin in November.  Watch for our volunteers or collection boxes at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas).
Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items (October/November); display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).
Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( & Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs/Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

16. Saturday, October 25: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

All parish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are invited to this session:

10:00 am-12:00 pm

Our Lady of the Rosary Hall

17. Tuesday, October 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 

with Joseph Ku

The Catholic Church had long been perceived as a “door knocker” of western imperialism in China since Opium war in 1839. The persecution of the Church reached a peak under the Communist China regime during the Cultural Revolution period (1966-1976). While the tension between the Vatican and China is still high, the Catholic Church has been thriving in last two decades. Although the percentage of Catholic members is less than 1% of overall Chinese population, it is one of the fastest growing churches in Asia. Dr. Ku will share his view about the past, present and future of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Ku came from Taiwan in 1977. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, retired from 30 year service in Silicon Valley high tech industry. He is a founding member of San Jose Catholic Mission and taught Christianity and Chinese Culture in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) program from 2008-2011.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

18. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk

Fr. Daniel Kiriti will be giving a talk on Saturday, November 1, at 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, in which he will be reflecting upon culture and Catholicism from the perspective of his parish life in a very rural area of Kenya.  All are invited.

19. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

November 5 and 19
December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

20. Thursday, November 6: Window & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe

2680 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.  5 p.m Chat … 5:30 Dinner

Great Price just $27.00 and Great Choices , Marinated Skirt Steak, Grilled Salmon, Tiger Prawns Linguini, or Chicken Picata. Soup or Salad and  Coffee or Tea and cake included.    Call Winnie for reservation Phone: (650) 493-6823 or email: Deadline October 30.

21. Sunday, October 19: Please Join Us! Fund Raiser for Two Local Shelters
When people finish their 90 day stay at Hotel de Zink, where can they go next if they are still seeking housing?  Please join us on Sunday, October 19, 3-5pm to celebrate two organizations that also provide shelter to our local unhoused population - Project WeHOPE and Heart and Home Collaborative.  
Here are a few reasons to come-
• Free admission
• Delicious food
• Silent Auction including art, ceramics, and a Santa Cruz getaway.
• Fun and affordable white elephant items for purchase.
• No host wine
• Good company
• Updates from both organizations
• An opportunity to support two organizations that support our community.
RSVPs appreciated at 
Donate in advance at 
Learn more about the organizations: and
Please join us, and feel free to bring a friend!   
3 - 5 pm, Sunday,  October 19, Palo Alto Unitarian Universalist Church
505 E. Charleston Rd, Palo Alto, 94306
Co-Sponsored by UUCPA Action Council

22. Sunday, October 19: Dennis Kucinich on ""National Security State and Its Insane Buildup for More War”

Dennis Kucinich on
"National Security State and Its Insane Buildup for More War"
Sunday, Oct. 19, 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

505 E. Charleston Road, Palo Alto

When Kucinich heard about Campaign Nonviolence, he personally called John Dear, one of its founders, and said, "This is great! What can I do to help?" 

Check our website for other opportunities to continue Campaign Nonviolence!

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice,, of which our parish is a member.

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Readings for Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: TBD
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul and Barbara Prochaska and Jamie Cook)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)

Fr. Dat is on vacation through October 21.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

Diocesan Liability Release Form Template.pdf

Chris Lundin

Oct 24, 2014, 7:47:27 AM10/24/14

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 43 - October 24, 2014

Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

Fall Back: Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour
before going to bed on Saturday, or you will be an hour late for Mass!

Table of Contents
1. Saturday, October 25: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
2. This Weekend: Priesthood Sunday
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work
4. Tuesday, October 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 
5. A Note From The Pastor
6. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure
7. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience
8. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes
9. Conclusion of Four Days For Mary Events
10. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Which Began On September 24 Ends on November 3
11. October is Respect Life Month
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
14. Saturday, November 1: All Saints Day
15. Saturday, November 1: Memorial Service for Sombat Lucha
16. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk
17. Saturday, November 1: Annual Mass of Remembrance
18. Sunday, November 2: All Souls Day
19. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
20. Get Informed About This Year’s Ballot Propositions: Vote On Tuesday, November 4
21. Tuesday, November 4 : Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Our Lady in Scripture; how Her life gives meaning to our own” 
22. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!
23. Thursday, November 6: Window & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe
24. Continuing Sunday, November 9: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
25. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa
26. Saturday, December 6: The Christmas Faire!
27. Young Adult Circle
28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
29. On A Lighter Note
30. Readings for Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Four Days for Mary conclusion, In Memoriam: Sombat Lucha


1. Saturday, October 25: Ongoing Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

All parish Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are invited to this session:

10:00 am-12:00 pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall

2. This Weekend: Priesthood Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. Christ is the center, the standard, and the example of a priest’s life. Our priests seek to live, and to help others to live, an inte- gral Christianity, convinced that only Christ can satisfy the deepest human aspirations. Our priests strive to be contemplative and conquering, leaders of souls, yet ser- vants of all. They make Christ’s charity the heart of their apostolic action. Their objective is to forge the new person in Christ, in each of us by putting us in contact with the transforming power of God’s grace. 

Our priests have consecrated themselves to service of God’s people. They spend their lives offering spiritual guidance, the sacraments, and blessings for each and every one of us: blessings for our lives, our ministries, and for all the things that are important to us. So it is fitting on this Priesthood Sunday that we should take the time to offer a blessing for these special men:

All powerful and ever-living God, we give you thanks for all the priests
who have served our community and ask you to bless them. 
Guide those you have chosen to be ministers of word and sacrament 
and help them to be faithful in fulfilling the ministry they have received. 
May they always be aware of the love and appreciation this community offers to them. 
Help them to use well the gifts you have given them. 
Help them to do what is right,  to preach what is true, 
that through their example your faithful people may grow in the knowledge of your love. 
Through Christ, Our Lord. 

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. 

Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

4. Tuesday, October 28: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 

with Joseph Ku

The Catholic Church had long been perceived as a “door knocker” of western imperialism in China since Opium war in 1839. The persecution of the Church reached a peak under the Communist China regime during the Cultural Revolution period (1966-1976). While the tension between the Vatican and China is still high, the Catholic Church has been thriving in last two decades. Although the percentage of Catholic members is less than 1% of overall Chinese population, it is one of the fastest growing churches in Asia. Dr. Ku will share his view about the past, present and future of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Ku came from Taiwan in 1977. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, retired from 30 year service in Silicon Valley high tech industry. He is a founding member of San Jose Catholic Mission and taught Christianity and Chinese Culture in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) program from 2008-2011.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

if the World Series goes to Game 6, this Spirituality Tuesday session will be rescheduled)

5. A Note From The Pastor

I will be away from the parish for the next 3 weeks, returning on November 16. I will be the spiritual director at the Fall Women’s Cursillo in the Santa Cruz Mountains from Oct. 30 – Nov. 2. 

Then on the morning of November 3, I and 30 others board a plane to Europe to begin a 12 day pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, as well as many other holy places. Let us keep each other in our prayers.

6. In October: Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure

During the month of October, we take time to pray and reflect on the Catholic understanding of Stewardship: Time, Talent, and Treasure. 

Very soon will you will receive in the mail a letter from our Pastor, a Sacrificial Giving intention card, and a Time & Talent form. The only way we will
be able to give in the way that God asks us to, is if we truly believe in the depths of our hearts that what we are asked to give is God’s in the first place. In his wisdom and kindness, God has entrusted all these good things to our care. 

We encourage every parishioner to return their intention card and Time & Talent form over the next few weeks.

7. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience

We are seeking parishioners who might consider being a sponsor or godparent to one of the many adult candidates seeking the Sacraments of Initiation. 

Sponsors are the spiritual companions to adults who are already baptized, accompanying them until they complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Godparents are the spiritual companions for adults seeking Baptism, to walk with them along their spiritual path all their life.

To be a sponsor or godparent you must be over 16 years of age, confirmed, and be a practicing Catholic with a strong faith and active prayer life. You don’t need a vast knowledge of the Catholic tradition or the Bible, but you must be willing to share your own faith stories, and be a friend to your candidate.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

8. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes

Each year the Western Association of the Order of Malta goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. As part of our mission to help the poor and the sick, we invite those who are sick, affectionately called Malades, to join us on pilgrimage. 

There is no cost for the selected malade or to your parish for this pilgrimage. Airfare, hotel and meals in Lourdes are paid for by the Order of Malta for the malade. We receive about 150 applications each year; out of those, about 50 malades are selected. In the past, we have selected both religious and lay people, children, teens and adults. The parameters for your nomination are below:

A candidate must be a Catholic with a strong faith dimension. As such, a pilgrimage to Lourdes would be meaningful in their lives. 
They must be currently dealing with a serious health issue or a life-changing illness. Please keep in mind that the trip from the West Coast to Lourdes is a long and strenuous trip. Nominees should be physically able to make the trip. 

The health and well-being of the malades are our primary concern; the pilgrimage dates should not interfere with any ongoing treatment. Nominations should be received by November 15, 2014. Contact Nora Lundin (, 494-2496 Extension 14)  for a nomination form.

9. Conclusion of Four Days For Mary Events

The latest Four Days for Mary event concluded on Saturday, October 11, with Mass, a public procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima, and a rosary at Lytton Plaza. It couldn't have happened without the help of many people. 

First, we thank our clergy: Fr. Matt for his gracious permission, and for his keynote address on the first night; Fr. Dat for his guidance in the planning of the program; Fr. Stasys for his talk on Our Lady's requests at Fatima; Dcn. Daniel Hernandez for praying with us at Lytton Plaza; and Dcn. Dominick Peloso from Nativity parish for his talk on Consecration to Jesus through Mary. 

We also extend our thanks to Roy Onyewuenyi and the Knights of Columbus for their participation, Nora and Chris Lundin for their communications help, Maria de Jesus Gutierrez for her program input and support with the Hispanic community, Bob March for suggestions and encouragement, and Scott Lawley for serving as project manager, editor, and photographer. 

Finally, we thank all the lay people from inside and outside the parish who attended the talks, walked in the procession, and prayed the rosary at Lytton Plaza. Salve Regina! ~ Rosa Lawley, Program Director.

(see photo at the end of today’s eBulletin)

10. 40 Days for Life: The New Campaign Which Began On September 24 Ends on November 3

The first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign focusing on the Mountain View abortion facility is now under way! By our prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach, we are asking God to do what only He can: change hearts. It isn't political, and we don't use gory signs or aggressive tactics. Yet since 2007, the 40 Days for Life approach has led almost 9,000 mothers to choose life instead of death for their children, inspired 101 abortion workers to quit their jobs, and seen 57 abortion centers closed for good. Don't you want to be part of this simple but surprisingly effective push-back against the culture of death? 

There are many ways to participate. For more information, call Bob March at (415) 412-2132.

11. October is Respect Life Month

The Church teaches: “the nature and extent of the punishment must be carefully evaluated and decided upon, and ought not go to the extreme of executing the offender except in cases of absolute necessity: In other words, when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society. Today, however, as a result of steady improvements in the organization of the penal system, such cases are very rare, if not practically nonexistent." (St. John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, no. 56)

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

Everything that God has given to us is intended to serve the divine plan. Therefore, our life is to be lived in gratitude toward God. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Our Weekly Offering:
October 12 Actual: $10,800 (Goal:$11,000)
October 19 Actual: $10,718 (Goal:$11,000)
World Mission Sunday: $3,458

13. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!

We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  upscale Christmas décor, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, and baked goods (come December)
To contribute items contact us beginning October 1.  After Mass collections will begin in November.  Watch for our volunteers or collection boxes at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas).
Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items (October/November); display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).
Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( & Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs/Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

14. Saturday, November 1: All Saints Day

Although not a day of obligation, All Saints Day remains a very holy feast for the Church who encourages all of the faithful to celebrate the Eucharist.

We will have a Mass at 8:30am at our Lady of the Rosary Church, and a special Gregorian Latin Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 12:00 pm.

15. Saturday, November 1: Memorial Service for Sombat Lucha

Please join us as we celebrate the life of Sombat Lucha, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend.

Saturday, November 1st
12:00 pm
460 S. El Monte Ave, Los Altos CA 94022
(Los Altos Lutheran Church)
A reception, slideshow, and opportunity to share your memories will follow the service in the fellowship hall.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to Pathways Hospice Foundation ( or the Palo Alto Medical Foundation.

16. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk

Fr. Daniel Kiriti will be giving a talk on Saturday, November 1, at 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, in which he will be reflecting upon culture and Catholicism from the perspective of his parish life in a very rural area of Kenya.  All are invited.

17. Saturday, November 1: Annual Mass of Remembrance

All parishioners are invited to our annual  Mass of Remembrance for all those parishioners who have died over the past year and in loving memory of all deceased relatives and friends of our parishioners.

November 1, 2014, 5:00pm
St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto. 
A reception will follow in the Hospitality Center.

18. Sunday, November 2: All Souls Day

All Souls Day is unique on the liturgical calendar. Neither a solemnity, nor a feast, this commemoration outranks other feasts and even takes the place of a Sunday in Ordinary Time, as it does this year. Our annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at the anticipated Mass at 5:00 pm at St. Albert the Great Church on Saturday evening, November 1. 

You may bring your All Souls Day envelope to Mass then or next Sunday. These envelopes will remain near the Easter Candle, along with the Book of the Names of the Dead, throughout the month of November as we pray for all of our beloved dead throughout the month. 

19. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

You can donate food year-round in the baskets in the vestibules of the churches. During the month of November we ask you to be especially generous in your giving to our food collection program. Since the majority of the people we help are homeless, we ask for foods that are portable and highly nutritious: hearty soups or chili in flip top cans, Vienna sausage, boxes of crackers packed in ‘small stacks’, fruit cups, granola bars, juice pouches, and small bottles of water.

20. Get Informed About This Year’s Ballot Propositions: Vote On Tuesday, November 4

A one-page summary of all the measures on the statewide ballot is also on our Election page. Most items are available in English and Spanish. Summaries of each proposition can be found by clicking on its title:

21. Tuesday, November 4 : Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Our Lady in Scripture; how Her life gives meaning to our own” 

with returning speaker, Deacon Dominick Peloso

Deacon Peloso will share the biblical interpretation of some elements in the Old Testament which prefigure the appearance of Our Lady in the New Testament. There will be a special emphasis on Marian Typology in the Bible. Together we will also explore Our Lady’s role in the New Testament, including the Book of Revelation, and her relevance to us today. Our Lady is needed now more than ever before, in her role as prophetess and intercessor.

Deacon Dominick Peloso, of Nativity Church in Menlo Park, spent 10 years studying for the priesthood and 31 years as a Menlo Park police officer. He has approximately 80 graduate units of Catholic theology and Masters in Public Administration. He is married with a grown family and has been a Permanent Deacon since 1999 serving in his home parish, Nativity, in Menlo Park. The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a special place in Deacon Dominick’s heart and he will share this love and devotion with us.

7:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

22. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

November 5 and 19
December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

23. Thursday, November 6: Window & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe

2680 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.  5 p.m Chat … 5:30 Dinner

Great Price just $27.00 and Great Choices , Marinated Skirt Steak, Grilled Salmon, Tiger Prawns Linguini, or Chicken Picata. Soup or Salad and  Coffee or Tea and cake included.    Call Winnie for reservation Phone: (650) 493-6823 or email: Deadline October 30.

24. Continuing Sunday, November 9: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13
Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example.

25. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa

The Vallombrosa Choir will present an afternoon of music, prayer, reflection and refreshments under the direction of Patrick Feehan, a well-known local composer, conductor and teacher, on Sunday, Nov 16, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park. 

The Prayer Service is free and open to everyone. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

26. Saturday, December 6: The Christmas Faire!

10:00 am – 2:00 pm & 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium (SAG)

We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire: Upscale Christmas décor, Jewelry (vintage, costume), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, gift baskets, and fancy Christmas goodie plates (come December)
To contribute items contact us quickly!  We can pick up items from your home.  Also watch for our volunteers after most masses and our collection boxes at OLR, SAG, and STA.

Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( and Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs and Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

Want to join in the festivities?  Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items, display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5), or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).

27. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

On Tuesday, October 28, 2014, e veryone is invited to celebrate Mass with Young Adult Circle
Afterwards, join us for a Halloween-themed Dinner Party!

Saint Simon Church, 1860 Grant Road,  Los Altos     7:30PM

RSVP by completing this form:

This is one of the most anticipated events of the year. We look forward to seeing you there!
Our main dish will be Pizza.  Please bring $5.00 to go towards the main dish. You can also sign up to share side dishes, desserts or drinks.
(See RSVP link above for details) 

28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

29. On A Lighter Note

30. Readings for Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) - Family Mass

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Stasys and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

Conclusion of Four Days for Mary Events

In Memoriam: Sombat Lucha

Chris Lundin

Oct 31, 2014, 8:01:00 AM10/31/14

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 44 - October 31, 2014

Fall Back: Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed 
on Saturday, November 1 or you will be an hour late for Mass on Sunday!

Table of Contents
1. Saturday, November 1: All Saints Day
2. Saturday, November 1: Memorial Service for Sombat Lucha
3. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk
4. Saturday, November 1: Annual Mass of Remembrance
5. Sunday, November 2: All Souls Day
6. Tables of Remembrance Begin in November
7. In A Difficult World
8. Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
9. Solar Project News
10. Tuesday, November 4 : Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Our Lady in Scripture; how Her life gives meaning to our own” 
11. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!
12. Thursday, November 6: Window & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe
13. Continuing Sunday, November 9: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
14. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience
15. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes
16. Weekly Stewardship Report
17. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
17. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
19. Get Informed About This Year’s Ballot Propositions: Vote On Tuesday, November 4
20. Tuesday, November 11: NO Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 
21. Tuesday, November 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 
22. Sunday, November 2: What’s an American to do? A Conversation about Peacekeeping
23. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa
24. Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish
25. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
26. Saturday, December 6: The Christmas Faire! (including Italian Dinner!)
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
29. Readings for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls), and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Interfaith Thanksgiving flyer, Discernment Day flyer


1. Saturday, November 1: All Saints Day

Although not a day of obligation, All Saints Day remains a very holy feast for the Church who encourages all of the faithful to celebrate the Eucharist.

We will have a Mass at 8:30am at our Lady of the Rosary Church, and a special Gregorian Latin Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 12:00 pm.

2. Saturday, November 1: Memorial Service for Sombat Lucha

Please join us as we celebrate the life of Sombat Lucha, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend.

Saturday, November 1st, 12:00 pm

460 S. El Monte Ave, Los Altos CA 94022 (Los Altos Lutheran Church)
A reception, slideshow, and opportunity to share your memories will follow the service in the fellowship hall.

In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to Pathways Hospice Foundation ( or the Palo Alto Medical Foundation.

3. Saturday, November 1: Fr. Daniel Kiriti Talk

Fr. Daniel Kiriti will be giving a talk on Saturday, November 1, at 3:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, in which he will be reflecting upon culture and Catholicism from the perspective of his parish life in a very rural area of Kenya.  All are invited.

4. Saturday, November 1: Annual Mass of Remembrance

All parishioners are invited to our annual  Mass of Remembrance for all those parishioners who have died over the past year and in loving memory of all deceased relatives and friends of our parishioners.

November 1, 2014, 5:00pm
St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto. 
A reception will follow in the Hospitality Center.

5. Sunday, November 2: All Souls Day

All Souls Day is unique on the liturgical calendar. Neither a solemnity, nor a feast, this commemoration outranks other feasts and even takes the place of a Sunday in Ordinary Time, as it does this year. Our annual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at the anticipated Mass at 5:00 pm at St. Albert the Great Church on Saturday evening, November 1. 

You may bring your All Souls Day envelope to Mass then or next Sunday. These envelopes will remain near the Easter Candle, along with the Book of the Names of the Dead, throughout the month of November as we pray for all of our beloved dead throughout the month. 

6. Tables of Remembrance Begin in November

November is our month of remembrance of family members, parishioners, friends and others who have passed away. If you would like to share a photo of a loved one who has passed away, please bring the pictures to church this weekend. 

Don't forget to include your name and phone number on the back of any photos so we may return them to you at the end of the month.  Bring them to the church sacristies.

7. In A Difficult World

In a difficult world...many people ask themselves why would anybody bring new lives... So much suffering; extreme poverty; so many people that will probably never have any opportunity to have a good enough quality of life. 

It is a tough world indeed. Violence, abuse, oppression... it doesn’t seem to be getting better... but... what if we give it another look and we say: what about bringing new lives to the world to give them the opportunity that is offered to all; all will have the resources to achieve it; all will have the support necessary to make it; everyone can make it with the Grace of God: that would be, to be Saints. What if we focus more in the true opportunity that is given to each life since the day of our birth and not so much on only the negatives? God's grace is given to those in poverty as well, to those who won't have an academic education, those who will suffer violence and oppression... to all with no limitations.

Today as we celebrate the All Saints and All Souls weekend we are offered a reminder: it is possible. Saint are already in heaven and support us with their prayers. Souls in Purgatory are on their way but with the guarantee that they will make it; they are in need of our prayers. We are still on this world, and yes, it is possible to be Saints. Holiness is the true life, the life we are all called to enjoy. 

It is worth it to be born to have that opportunity even though we have to go through a difficult world.

Fr. Estanislao Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

8. Knights of Columbus Membership Drive

Have you thought of or considered becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus? You have the opportunity to do so during the next three Sundays in all the churches in our Parish. 

The Knights of Columbus is male lay Catholic family service organization that has four Principles - Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our charitable activities include supporting People with Intellectual Disability and the @heel Chair support for the disabled to name a few.

Our members will be in the vestibules and hospitality halls in all our Churches after Mass for the next three weeks to answer any questions and help enroll you into becoming a member.  

9. Solar Project News

Thanks to the amazing response from more than 70 parishioners we received a total of $47,100 in pledges. We were also able to reserve the last of the higher rebate level for a total of $33,934 from Palo Alto Utilities. 

We are still collecting the pledges with $16,600 remaining to be fulfilled. If you have not done so yet, 

Please write the check to:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Memo: Solar Project

Mail it to the Pastoral Center
3290 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306-3026

Or place in the Sunday collection basket

Or you may donate online through this link:

The project has been scheduled for the last week in December. The Green Committee would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt "Thank you!" to all the donors.

The Green Committee

10. Tuesday, November 4 : Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Our Lady in Scripture; how Her life gives meaning to our own” 

with returning speaker, Deacon Dominick Peloso

Deacon Peloso will share the biblical interpretation of some elements in the Old Testament which prefigure the appearance of Our Lady in the New Testament. There will be a special emphasis on Marian Typology in the Bible. Together we will also explore Our Lady’s role in the New Testament, including the Book of Revelation, and her relevance to us today. Our Lady is needed now more than ever before, in her role as prophetess and intercessor.

Deacon Dominick Peloso, of Nativity Church in Menlo Park, spent 10 years studying for the priesthood and 31 years as a Menlo Park police officer. He has approximately 80 graduate units of Catholic theology and Masters in Public Administration. He is married with a grown family and has been a Permanent Deacon since 1999 serving in his home parish, Nativity, in Menlo Park. The Blessed Virgin Mary holds a special place in Deacon Dominick’s heart and he will share this love and devotion with us.

7:00 p.m to 8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center.

11. Wednesday, November 5: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

November 5 and 19
December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

12. Thursday, November 6: Widow & Widowers Dine At Mike’s Cafe

2680 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.  5 p.m Chat … 5:30 Dinner

Great Price just $27.00 and Great Choices , Marinated Skirt Steak, Grilled Salmon, Tiger Prawns Linguini, or Chicken Picata. Soup or Salad and  Coffee or Tea and cake included.    Call Winnie for reservation Phone: (650) 493-6823 or email: jackwin...@yahoo.comDeadline October 30 (oh, call today, it’ll be fine!)

13. Continuing Sunday, November 9: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas

Fall Sunday Series: Come to see and discuss movies that explore the theme, "LIVING THE TRUTH IN LOVE"

At the Thomas House, next to St. Thomas Aquinas Church, at 5:00 p.m., followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Brings snacks and beverages to share, and still be home in time for Masterpiece Theater!

Sunday, November 9th -  APOLLO 13
Revisit the thrilling history of Apollo 13’s troubled mission. In this film, we see how Faith and believing is key to recognizing God's providential care for us. Faith takes honesty, for which Astronaut James Lovell is an example.

14. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience

We are seeking parishioners who might consider being a sponsor or godparent to one of the many adult candidates seeking the Sacraments of Initiation. 

Sponsors are the spiritual companions to adults who are already baptized, accompanying them until they complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Godparents are the spiritual companions for adults seeking Baptism, to walk with them along their spiritual path all their life.

To be a sponsor or godparent you must be over 16 years of age, confirmed, and be a practicing Catholic with a strong faith and active prayer life. You don’t need a vast knowledge of the Catholic tradition or the Bible, but you must be willing to share your own faith stories, and be a friend to your candidate.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

15. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes

Each year the Western Association of the Order of Malta goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. As part of our mission to help the poor and the sick, we invite those who are sick, affectionately called Malades, to join us on pilgrimage. 

There is no cost for the selected malade or to your parish for this pilgrimage. Airfare, hotel and meals in Lourdes are paid for by the Order of Malta for the malade. We receive about 150 applications each year; out of those, about 50 malades are selected. In the past, we have selected both religious and lay people, children, teens and adults. The parameters for your nomination are below:

A candidate must be a Catholic with a strong faith dimension. As such, a pilgrimage to Lourdes would be meaningful in their lives. 
They must be currently dealing with a serious health issue or a life-changing illness. Please keep in mind that the trip from the West Coast to Lourdes is a long and strenuous trip. Nominees should be physically able to make the trip. 

The health and well-being of the malades are our primary concern; the pilgrimage dates should not interfere with any ongoing treatment. Nominations should be received by November 15, 2014. Contact Nora Lundin (, 494-2496 Extension 14)  for a nomination form.

16. Weekly Stewardship Report

We count on every parish family and household to faithfully participate in the mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish by your prayers, your presence, your gifts and your service. Thank you for your past gifts, and let us look forward to the wonderful work we can accomplish by our sacrificial giving of time, talent and treasure. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Our Weekly Offering

October 26 Actual: $12,113 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $4,780

If you haven’t had a chance yet to mail in or bring your Sacrificial Giving Intention Card, please bring it with you to church this weekend.

17. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!

We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  upscale Christmas décor, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, and baked goods (come December)
To contribute items contact us beginning October 1.  After Mass collections will begin in November.  Watch for our volunteers or collection boxes at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas).
Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items (October/November); display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).
Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( & Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs/Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

18. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

You can donate food year-round in the baskets in the vestibules of the churches. During the month of November we ask you to be especially generous in your giving to our food collection program. Since the majority of the people we help are homeless, we ask for foods that are portable and highly nutritious: hearty soups or chili in flip top cans, Vienna sausage, boxes of crackers packed in ‘small stacks’, fruit cups, granola bars, juice pouches, and small bottles of water.

19. Get Informed About This Year’s Ballot Propositions: Vote On Tuesday, November 4

A one-page summary of all the measures on the statewide ballot is also on our Election page. Most items are available in English and Spanish. Summaries of each proposition can be found by clicking on its title:

20. Tuesday, November 11: NO Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 

Due to the Veteran’s Day holiday, no session this evening.

21. Tuesday, November 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 

with Joseph Ku

The Catholic Church had long been perceived as a “door knocker” of western imperialism in China since Opium war in 1839. The persecution of the Church reached a peak under the Communist China regime during the Cultural Revolution period (1966-1976). While the tension between the Vatican and China is still high, the Catholic Church has been thriving in last two decades. Although the percentage of Catholic members is less than 1% of overall Chinese population, it is one of the fastest growing churches in Asia. Dr. Ku will share his view about the past, present and future of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Ku came from Taiwan in 1977. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, retired from 30 year service in Silicon Valley high tech industry. He is a founding member of San Jose Catholic Mission and taught Christianity and Chinese Culture in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) program from 2008-2011.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

22. Sunday, November 2: What’s an American to do? A Conversation about Peacekeeping

Facilitated by members of the Palo Alto Friends Meeting (Quakers).

Sunday, November 2, 2014,    7:00 – 8:30 PM
957 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto,       650-856-0774 <>

Our nation seems to be committed to another war in Iraq, in the air if not (yet) on the ground. At the same time, we remain militarily engaged in Afghanistan, while we send armed drones into Pakistan and other countries of the Middle East. 

What convinces our leaders that these actions will result in a just and lasting peace? What alternatives to military action exist, and why is it so difficult to employ them effectively?

These issues of national policy are important to every American, yet we seldom if ever talk with each other about them.  You are invited to
meet with your fellow citizens who – like yourself – are concerned about the United States’ reliance on military force and worried about the future if the escalation of violence cannot be stopped.  We recognize these are world-wide problems; the United States is not solely to blame.  But we are Americans, and if we have any hope of turning the world away from everlasting war, it is because we have hope that the United States of America can lead this turning.

The evening of discussion is planned to begin with short prepared statements from a variety of points of view about the current status and history of American involvement in the Middle East.  If you want to present such a statement, please contact the organizers to be placed on the agenda.

The major part of the evening will be a conversation in the form of “Quaker dialogue,” in which everyone present is given an opportunity to speak.  In “Quaker dialogue” one speaks from the heart, without argument or trying to address points made by others who have already spoken.  All voices are  respectfully listened to by all present.  The goal is not to take a poll or arrive at a conclusion, but for everyone to gain a sense of where our local community stands on the issue at hand.

- Mary Klein <>
- Eric Sabelman <>

Co-sponsored by Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice <>

23. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa

The Vallombrosa Choir will present an afternoon of music, prayer, reflection and refreshments under the direction of Patrick Feehan, a well-known local composer, conductor and teacher, on Sunday, Nov 16, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park. 

The Prayer Service is free and open to everyone. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

24. Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish

The Santa Teresa Community invites you to  join us at the Installation of their 6th pastor, Fr George Aranha on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the 11:30 am. Mass. A reception will follow.  

Lynda C. DeManti, Pastoral Associate
Santa Teresa Parish
794 Calero Avenue, San Jose, CA 95123

25. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin advertising the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service:

Tuesday, November 25
7:30 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Methodist Church
4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto

26. Saturday, December 6: The Christmas Faire! (including Italian Dinner!)

10:00 am – 2:00 pm & 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium (SAG)

We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire: Upscale Christmas décor, Jewelry (vintage, costume), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, gift baskets, and fancy Christmas goodie plates (come December)
To contribute items contact us quickly!  We can pick up items from your home.  Also watch for our volunteers after most masses and our collection boxes at OLR, SAG, and STA.

Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( and Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs and Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

An Italian Dinner will be held as the culminating event of the Christmas Faire in the auditorium.  A social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at 6:15.  Tickets will be available through Ted Baer.

Want to join in the festivities?  Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items, display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5), or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

28. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

29. Readings for The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls), and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys and Deacon Daniel (Music: Paul Prochaska) - Mass of Remembrance 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Daniel Kiriti (visiting from Kenya)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)

From Fr. Matt: I will be away from the parish for the next 3 weeks, returning on November 16. I will be the spiritual director at the Fall Women’s Cursillo in the Santa Cruz Mountains from Oct. 30 – Nov. 2. Then on the morning of November 3, I and 30 others board a plane to Europe to begin a 12 day pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, as well as many other holy places. Let us keep each other in our prayers.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

Palo Alto Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2014 2.pdf
CCM-Discernment-Day 01.2015.jpg

Chris Lundin

Nov 7, 2014, 7:35:37 AM11/7/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 45 - November 7, 2014

Table of Contents
1. Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran
2. Rite of Acceptance Into the Order of Catechumens
3. Responding to Tragedy
4. Continuing Sunday, November 9: Meaningful Movies at St. Thomas Aquinas
5. Tuesday, November 11: Pastoral Center Closed
6. Tuesday, November 11: NO Spirituality Tuesday Assembly 
7. Help Needed: OLR Church Environment Assistance
8. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration
9. Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
10. Keeping Doors Closed
11. Tables of Remembrance Continue in November
12. Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
13. Tuesday, November 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  A Biblical Walk through the Mass 
14. RCIA: A Rewarding Experience
15. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes
16. Weekly Stewardship Report
17. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
18. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
19. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa
20. Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish
21. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
22. Sistine Chapel Gets Environmental Upgrade
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
25. Readings for the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Interfaith Thanksgiving flyer


1. Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran

Palo Alto Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2014 2.pdf

Chris Lundin

Nov 14, 2014, 7:55:07 AM11/14/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 46 - November 14, 2014

Return Your November Food Drive Bags to our church vestibules

Table of Contents
1. Help Needed: OLR Church Environment Assistance
2. Tuesday, November 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  A Biblical Walk through the Mass 
3. Wednesday, November 19: S.O.U.P.'s On!
4. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development
5. Halloween Lock-In
6. Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day Mass
7. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration
8.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story

9. Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
10. Keeping Doors Closed
11. Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
12. RCIA – The Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Welcome
13. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes
14. Weekly Stewardship Report
15. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
16. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
17. Ebola Crisis: How You Can Help
18. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa
19. Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish
20. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
23. Showers for homeless to be installed near St. Peter's Square
24. Readings for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Interfaith Thanksgiving flyer, picture of parish staff


1. Help Needed: OLR Church Environment Assistance

Do you like flowers and would you like to learn how to arrange flowers for the altar? The Church Environment Ministry is in need of four volunteers to arrange the altar flowers and water the inside plants at Our Lady of the Rosary. This is a time-honored ministry composed of teams for each week. With enough volunteers, each team would be scheduled once a month for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at most. For special occasions, like Christmas and Easter, we will need help from all members when possible. New volunteers will receive training and be partnered in a current team. Please call Mary Ann at 494-2296 or email her at

2. Tuesday, November 18: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  A Biblical Walk through the Mass 

…. with Father Matt

As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our faith. We all know the responses and gestures, but do we know what it all means? This series explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy, and explains their profound significance.

Our 1st evening was an introduction to the Mass. and covered the Introductory Rites. In the Old Testament a sacrifice was followed by a meal of whatever was sacrificed as an affirmation of their covenant with God. It makes perfect sense that we eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which shall be shed for you” (Luke 22:20).  This unique tour of the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist! This series is hosted by Fr. Matt. Please join us!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

NOTE: Dr. Joseph Ku has had a death in his family. He has gone to Taiwan to be with family and has rescheduled. He will be talking about the Church in China on December 2nd.

3. Wednesday, November 19: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

4. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops and works to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities. CCHD offers a hand up, not a hand out. CCHD also provides the Catholic faithful with concrete opportunities to live out the love of God.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is made possible by the generous support of Catholics in the United States, especially through an annual parish collection. CCHD's grants to local anti-poverty efforts are screened, awarded and monitored in close partnership with local Catholic dioceses. CCHD grants to groups in a local community require the explicit approval of the bishop of that diocese.

5. Halloween Lock-In

On Friday, Oct. 17th, we held our first Lock-In of the 2014-15 School Year. What a blast! For those of you unfamiliar with a “Lock-In,” as I was, until then, it is quite an experience—hold on—you are going to have a lot of fun.

We started the evening with games and music, in Dermody Center. Around 7pm, we headed to Our Lady of the Rosary Hall for dinner and tried the famous Howie’s Pizza. After pizza, we played a couple of crazy group games and went for the Italian gelato, so much for one scoop.

Shortly after our dessert, we played a game called “Zynga,” searching for a glow stick in the darkness of the parking lot. What a challenge! After sev- eral rounds of Zynga, our middle-schoolers headed back in the Center for the Haunted House. Now, this was the highlight for some. With the extra fog and many surprises found within the Haunted House, it was pretty “scary,” making some interested in going through multiple times. Shortly before the movie, we had an evening prayer. Finally, the Wreck-It Ralph Movie.

This was time for relaxing and beginning to unwind for the evening. However, what Halloween party would be complete without candy? Plenty of good candy was offered, too. After getting to bed, around 2AM, all of us slept soundly. Krispy Kreme for breakfast with hot chocolate as our bev- erage of choice. We had over 30 youth attend, a few from different faith traditions, and some from no faith background. It was a lot of fun - stay tuned for our next Lock-In.

Michael Sullivan, Director, Youth and Young Adults

6. Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day Mass

Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, is the one authentic American religious feast. How better for us to honor this day than to gather as a faith community for the celebration of the Eucharist at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary church? 

We invite you to bring gifts of non-perishable food— a real help to families in our area who have little money left over for groceries after paying rent, utility, and medical bills. We invite you to bring bread for your dinner tables to that liturgy. Before the dismissal, we will bless your family's bread. Finally, our "cash collection" that day will be for our local St. Vincent de Paul conference.

7. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration

The Christmas Faire is a festive occasion in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, with Christmas décor, holiday gifts, jewelry, crafts, and baked goods for sale!  Join us on Saturday, December 6th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM at the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium (1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto).  Kick off the Christmas season with us; enjoy seasonal music while sipping on a complimentary hot chocolate. 

The evening period of the Christmas Faire leads into the Italian Dinner, comprised of a social hour followed by a spaghetti dinner that includes antipasto, salad, bread, entrée and dessert and coffee.   There is something for every diet:  for a gluten free meal, choose polenta instead of spaghetti; for a vegetarian meal, choose zesty marinara instead of Italian sausage Bolognese.  Or, from the four entrée combinations, have two different entrée servings.  Delicious!  Social hour starts at 5:30, and dinner is served from 6:15 until 7:30.  Dinner tickets -- $15 for adults and $8 for children -- will be on sale after the masses on the weekends of November 22/23 and 29/30.

The festive weekend concludes on Sunday, December 7, with The Christmas Story, a ballet set to the Nutcracker Suite, presented at 2:00, also in the Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.

***If you have gently-used or new Christmas decorations or jewelry, or baked goods that you would like to contribute to the Christmas Faire sale, please see our entryway collection boxes and flyers at OLR, SAG, and STA.  For more information contact Natalie Lucha ( or see a member from Community Life.  We are also looking for volunteers to assist at the event!

If you would like to help decorate the hall on Friday evening, December 5, or help on the dinner on December 6, please contact Ted Baer at 650-690-6732 or by email at 

8.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story

Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music and dance as we share songs to get us in the mood for Christmas and tell the story of Jesus’ birth with the familiar
and delightful music of the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. All ages will enjoy this event. 

This is a ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and will include songs to prepare us for Christmas presented by Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble

Sunday, December 7 - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Seton School Auditorium Admission: $10 adults; $5 - children 12 and under All proceeds go to the Carpet/Flooring Fund
for St. Albert the Great.

Tickets available in the Pastoral Center. Contact Susan Olsen (494-2496) for more information. Tickets will go on sale in November.

9. Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

10. Keeping Doors Closed

Now that cold weather is here, we are asking parishioners to assist in keeping the doors closed when the heaters are ON. This applies to the churches and meeting places to reduce energy costs and reduce our carbon footprint. Thank you!

The Green Committee

11. Knights of Columbus Membership Drive

Have you thought of or considered becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus? You have the opportunity to do so during the next three Sundays in all the churches in our Parish. 

The Knights of Columbus is male lay Catholic family service organization that has four Principles - Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our charitable activities include supporting People with Intellectual Disability and the @heel Chair support for the disabled to name a few.

Our members will be in the vestibules and hospitality halls in all our Churches after Mass for the next three weeks to answer any questions and help enroll you into becoming a member.  

12. RCIA – The Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Welcome

When our inquirers are ready to move forward, they publicly express their desire to follow the Way of Jesus. Usually celebrated in the fall as part of a liturgical rite, the church welcomes them into the household of faith by accepting their intention.

As Catholics we are called to bring others to know Jesus, to experience his healing forgiving love. This is called “evangelization” and it is the fundamental mission of the Church.  One way we respond to this call is by exposing our family and friends to the many ways of being connected and involved in our parish community.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

13. Order of Malta Pilgrimage To Lourdes

Each year the Western Association of the Order of Malta goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. As part of our mission to help the poor and the sick, we invite those who are sick, affectionately called Malades, to join us on pilgrimage. 

There is no cost for the selected malade or to your parish for this pilgrimage. Airfare, hotel and meals in Lourdes are paid for by the Order of Malta for the malade. We receive about 150 applications each year; out of those, about 50 malades are selected. In the past, we have selected both religious and lay people, children, teens and adults. The parameters for your nomination are below:

A candidate must be a Catholic with a strong faith dimension. As such, a pilgrimage to Lourdes would be meaningful in their lives. 
They must be currently dealing with a serious health issue or a life-changing illness. Please keep in mind that the trip from the West Coast to Lourdes is a long and strenuous trip. Nominees should be physically able to make the trip. 

The health and well-being of the malades are our primary concern; the pilgrimage dates should not interfere with any ongoing treatment. Nominations should be received by November 15, 2014. Contact Nora Lundin (, 494-2496 Extension 14)  for a nomination form.

14. Weekly Stewardship Report

Everything that God has given to us is intended to serve the divine plan. Therefore, our life is to be lived in gratitude toward God. In a variety of ways, we as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, share our time, talent and treasure to build up the Church and make our world a better place. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.


Our Weekly Offering:
November 9 Actual: $12,351 (Goal: $11,000)
Elizabeth Seton School: $3,572

If you haven’t had a chance yet to mail in or bring your Sacrificial Giving Intention Card, please bring it with you to church this weekend.

15. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!

We are now collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  upscale Christmas décor, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, items for a “Dollar Table”, and baked goods (come December)
To contribute items contact us beginning October 1.  After Mass collections will begin in November.  Watch for our volunteers or collection boxes at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas).
Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items (October/November); display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).
Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Carole Brown ( & Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (
Scarfs/Linens: Helen Short (650.327.1028)

16. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

You can donate food year-round in the baskets in the vestibules of the churches. During the month of November we ask you to be especially generous in your giving to our food collection program. Since the majority of the people we help are homeless, we ask for foods that are portable and highly nutritious: hearty soups or chili in flip top cans, Vienna sausage, boxes of crackers packed in ‘small stacks’, fruit cups, granola bars, juice pouches, and small bottles of water.

17. Ebola Crisis: How You Can Help

The rituals of death I experienced when my grandfather passed away a few years ago—the funeral, the church service, the burial, the visits, the wake—were critical for my grieving and healing process.

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has broken its people's sacred traditions for honoring their dead. Rituals once included bathing and carefully tending to the body, a final show of love and respect. But now this ritual now carries the risk of infection if the death was from Ebola. Because bodies—one of the main sources of the spread of this virus—are extremely contagious, loved ones are being whisked away by men in protective gear.

I recently returned from Sierra Leone, where I met with our staff and volunteers, who are doing amazing work. Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we have scaled up our Ebola response. Our team is establishing a command-and-control center to manage safe and dignified burials in Port Loko, a district of some 557,900 people in the Northern Province.

Cases of Ebola there have been increasing steadily. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is working with religious leaders of all faiths to help families find ways to grieve their dead without compromising the health of the living. And social mobilization teams, which have been educating communities about Ebola for months, are now providing counseling to grieving families.

I can't imagine what it would be like to lose someone significant—like a grandfather, a parent or a child—and not be able to celebrate them in the ways they deserve. This nation has already lost so much.

Along with the outpouring of compassion from our supporters, CRS has committed $1.5 million to continue our emergency response to Ebola, and we are training 3,000 health care workers to reach 3 million people.

Will you help us? Donate today and join in the fight against Ebola!

Thank you for all your support and prayers!
Michael Stulman
CRS regional information officer
Central and West Africa

18. Sunday, November 16: Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service at Vallombrosa

The Vallombrosa Choir will present an afternoon of music, prayer, reflection and refreshments under the direction of Patrick Feehan, a well-known local composer, conductor and teacher, on Sunday, Nov 16, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park. 

The Prayer Service is free and open to everyone. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

19. Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish

The Santa Teresa Community invites you to  join us at the Installation of their 6th pastor, Fr George Aranha on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the 11:30 am. Mass. A reception will follow.  

Lynda C. DeManti, Pastoral Associate
Santa Teresa Parish
794 Calero Avenue, San Jose, CA 95123

20. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin advertising the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service:

Tuesday, November 25
7:30 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Methodist Church
4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

23. Showers for homeless to be installed near St. Peter's Square

Under the approval of the Pope, the Vatican has agreed to install three showers inside these tourist bathrooms, just outside of St. Peter's Square. That way, homeless people who sleep around the area, can have a place to bathe. 

"I think it's good idea that Pope Francis agreed to install some showers for needy people. Because the Vatican can help the homeless a lot more than us.” 

"I was walking around the area and I noticed that there are many needy and poor people who need help.” 

"I think is a good idea that people that don't have enough money can take a shower.”

The Pope agreed to the installation, after his so called 'Papal Almoner' Msgr. Krajewski, told him about a local homeless man. The priest invited him to a restaurant to celebrate his 50th birthday. The homeless man, said he didn't want to go though, because he smelled bad and was embarrassed. He also said that while food may be easy to find, it's a lot more complicated to find a place to bathe. 

So, three showers will be installed in the Vatican's tourist bathrooms. It won't stop there though. The Vatican has called for ten nearby parishes to install showers as well. The bill will be payed with money from Pope's Charity fund. 

24. Readings for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P. 
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Rite of Welcome (RCIA)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band) - Rite of Welcome to Youth Confirmandi

From Fr. Matt: I will be away from the parish, returning on November 16. On the morning of November 3, I and 30 others board a plane to Europe to begin a 12 day pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, as well as many other holy places. Let us keep each other in our prayers.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

The parish staff! (From left to right: Fr. Dat Luong, Deacon Daniel Hernandez, Susan Olsen, Michael Sullivan, Fr. Matt Stanley, Fr. Stasys Mikalonis, Cathy Miller, Ron Aranha, Nora Lundin, Chuck Tully, Patricia Cruzet.  (Missing: Maria de Jesus Gutierrez, Deacon Jaime Garcia)

Palo Alto Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2014 2.pdf

Chris Lundin

Nov 21, 2014, 8:01:42 AM11/21/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 47 - November 21, 2014

Return Your November Food Drive Bags to our church vestibules

Table of Contents

1. If Only We Had Known
2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development
3. Tuesday, November 25: NO Spirituality Tuesday Assembly
4. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
5. Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day Mass
6. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
7. October 2014 Mass Counts
8. The Advent Wreath
9. Next Weekend: Second Collection for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards - Report #1
12. Tuesday, December 2: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 
13. Wednesday, December 3: S.O.U.P.'s On!
14. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration
15.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story
16. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair
17. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir sings Christmas Lessons & Carols
18. Eyeglass Collection During Advent
19. Help Needed: OLR Church Environment Assistance
20. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
21. RCIA – The Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Welcome
22. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
23. THIS Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish
24. PACT Leaders Celebrate President’s Announcement on Executive Action with Guarded Optimism
25. Young Adult Circle
26. Monday, November 24: Civil Liberties in America: Going? Going? Gone?
27. Papal Gifts to Be Raffled Off for Rome's Poor
28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
29. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
30. Readings for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content:  Interfaith Thanksgiving flyer, October Mass Count recap, Christmas Faire, Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens


1. If Only We Had Known

Back in the day, how many of us in school might have wondered: “If I only knew the questions the teacher is going to ask on Friday’s History Exam, my study and preparation would be so much easier. I don’t want the answers; I only want the questions."

Well, as we conclude our liturgical year on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, as well as our year-long journey through the Gospel of St. Matthew, we listen again to the parable of “the sheep and the goats.” Many a saint has said that our final judgment will be determined ultimately on how well we have loved.

Jesus’s teaching paints a haunting and fearful picture. “When, Lord? When? If only we had known! If only we had recognized you!” Jesus gives us all the questions that will be asked of us when we stand before His throne at the final judgment. The arresting thing about this is that Jesus is clearly saying that the ultimate mark of an authentic Christian is not his creed, nor his faith, nor his Bible knowledge, but the concern which he shows to those who are in need. The practical demonstration of love is the final proof.

For those who hear Jesus’s teaching, there is no need for excuses. The difference between the sheep and the goats is clearly set forth for us. Will we be among the goats who ignored the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, and lonely? Will we be among the sheep who followed the way of the Master?

Fr. Matt, Pastor

2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops and works to break the cycle of poverty by helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families and communities. CCHD offers a hand up, not a hand out. CCHD also provides the Catholic faithful with concrete opportunities to live out the love of God.

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is made possible by the generous support of Catholics in the United States, especially through an annual parish collection. CCHD's grants to local anti-poverty efforts are screened, awarded and monitored in close partnership with local Catholic dioceses. CCHD grants to groups in a local community require the explicit approval of the bishop of that diocese.

3. Tuesday, November 25: NO Spirituality Tuesday Assembly

Due to the Thanksgiving Day Holiday.

4. Tuesday, November 25: Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin advertising the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service:

Tuesday, November 25
7:30 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Methodist Church
4111 Alma Street, Palo Alto

5. Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day Mass

Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, is the one authentic American religious feast. How better for us to honor this day than to gather as a faith community for the celebration of the Eucharist at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary church? 

We invite you to bring gifts of non-perishable food— a real help to families in our area who have little money left over for groceries after paying rent, utility, and medical bills. We invite you to bring bread for your dinner tables to that liturgy. Before the dismissal, we will bless your family's bread. Finally, our "cash collection" that day will be for our local St. Vincent de Paul conference.

6. Now Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
We are still collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  Christmas decorations, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, ornaments, holiday gifts, and baked goods (come December).

To contribute items, watch for one of our volunteers after masses, our collection boxes in the sanctuary entryway at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas), or call us for pick up / drop off arrangements.

Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items; display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).

Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)

Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (

7. October 2014 Mass Counts

Attached to this morning’s eBulletin is a set of slides showing our parish Mass attendance this year, and going back to 2005.  It was presented to the Pastoral Stewardship Council (PSC) at its November meeting.

Our overall average Sunday Mass attendance as 1,526 people, down slightly from last year’s 1,588.  Since 2005, our average weekly Sunday Mass attendance has varied from a high of 1,681 (2007) to a low of 1,494 (2009). 

Our Sunday 9:00 a.m. OLR Mass in Spanish remains by far the best-attended Mass in the parish.  The number of children under the age of 13 attending St. Albert the Great has fallen from a high of 84 (2009) to 28 (this year).  We guess they’ll all getting older!  Other Masses are fluctuating. It was noted to the PSC that the 6:00 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (now weekly) generally draws its attendance from families who were attending St. Albert the Great 9:00 a.m. and OLR 10:30 a.m. Masses.

If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to pass them on to Chris Lundin, chair of our parish Liturgy Board, at

8. The Advent Wreath

Next Sunday, November 30th, the Church enters into a new season. Advent is a winter feast celebrated for the four darkest weeks of the year. The sun rises later and later and sets long before the day is complete. Christmas comes during the darkest of this dark time. It is the Feast of Light, the celebration of Him who is the Light of the World. And so, throughout these four Advent weeks, we light a candle for each of the weeks. As the advent of Christ overcame the darkness of the world, so also, does Christ overcome the darkness within our lives.

The wreath (a circle) is the symbol for eternity; the evergreen symbolize life; the purple candles, hope; the rose (pink) candle, a sign of joy for the Third Sunday and third week of Advent; and the number of candles (four) is symbolic of the four weeks of Advent and of the traditional legends that the world waited four-thousand years for the advent of the Redeemer.

Many families keep alive the tradition of the Advent Wreath in their homes. If the Advent Wreath is not yet a familiar sight in your home, perhaps, this year might be the time to begin. The wreath can be placed on the dinner table or in another prominent place in your home where all can see and can be used as a part of the grace before each evening meal throughout the Advent Season.

9. Next Weekend: Second Collection for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide your thoughtful contributions to our parish. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Our Weekly Offering:
November 16 Actual: $11,726 (Goal: $11,000)

11. Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards - Report #1

Thanks to the 55 parishioners who turned in their Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards totaling $2,412 each week to the Sunday Offertory.

12 Families have pledged $1 -$10 per week
22 Families have pledged $11-$25 per week
13 Families have pledged $26-$50 per week
4 Families have pledged $51-$75 per week
0 Families have pledged $76-$100 per week
4 Families have pledged over $100 per week

So far, the average weekly pledge is $44

Don’t Forget to Bring Your Sacrificial Giving Intention Cards to Mass Next Sunday or to the Pastoral Center.

2014 to Date

55 cards; average weekly gift $44 = $2,412 

2013 Program

140 cards; average weekly gift $33 = $4,637

12. Tuesday, December 2: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 

with Joseph Ku

The Catholic Church had long been perceived as a “door knocker” of western imperialism in China since Opium war in 1839. The persecution of the Church reached a peak under the Communist China regime during the Cultural Revolution period (1966-1976). While the tension between the Vatican and China is still high, the Catholic Church has been thriving in last two decades. Although the percentage of Catholic members is less than 1% of overall Chinese population, it is one of the fastest growing churches in Asia. Dr. Ku will share his view about the past, present and future of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Ku came from Taiwan in 1977. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, retired from 30 year service in Silicon Valley high tech industry. He is a founding member of San Jose Catholic Mission and taught Christianity and Chinese Culture in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) program from 2008-2011.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

13. Wednesday, December 3: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

14. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration

The Christmas Faire is a festive occasion in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, with Christmas décor, holiday gifts, jewelry, crafts, and baked goods for sale!  Join us on Saturday, December 6th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM at the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium (1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto).  Kick off the Christmas season with us; enjoy seasonal music while sipping on a complimentary hot chocolate. 

The evening period of the Christmas Faire leads into the Italian Dinner, comprised of a social hour followed by a spaghetti dinner that includes antipasto, salad, bread, entrée and dessert and coffee.   There is something for every diet:  for a gluten free meal, choose polenta instead of spaghetti; for a vegetarian meal, choose zesty marinara instead of Italian sausage Bolognese.  Or, from the four entrée combinations, have two different entrée servings.  Delicious!  Social hour starts at 5:30, and dinner is served from 6:15 until 7:30.  Dinner tickets -- $15 for adults and $8 for children -- will be on sale after the masses on the weekends of November 22/23 and 29/30.

St. Nicholas is expected to visit in the late afternoon/early evening on December 6, which is his feast day!

The festive weekend concludes on Sunday, December 7, with The Christmas Story, a ballet set to the Nutcracker Suite, presented at 2:00, also in the Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.

***If you have gently-used or new Christmas decorations or jewelry, or baked goods that you would like to contribute to the Christmas Faire sale, please see our entryway collection boxes and flyers at OLR, SAG, and STA.  For more information contact Natalie Lucha ( or see a member from Community Life.  We are also looking for volunteers to assist at the event!

If you would like to help decorate the hall on Friday evening, December 5, or help on the dinner on December 6, please contact Ted Baer at 650-690-6732 or by email at 

15.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story

Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music and dance as we share songs to get us in the mood for Christmas and tell the story of Jesus’ birth with the familiar
and delightful music of the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. All ages will enjoy this event. 

This is a ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and will include songs to prepare us for Christmas presented by Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble

Sunday, December 7 - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Seton School Auditorium Admission: $10 adults; $5 - children 12 and under All proceeds go to the Carpet/Flooring Fund
for St. Albert the Great.

Tickets available in the Pastoral Center. Contact Susan Olsen (494-2496) for more information. Tickets will go on sale in November.

16. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair

Take this final chance before Christmas to fill in those stockings—and support the girls at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya, with your donations. 

Stop by St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House Bride’s Room between the Sunday Masses to browse through the unique and charming Kenyan crafts brought from Kenya by Margo McAuliffe of Kenya Help.  Unique creche sets, winsome wood carvings, beaded bowls, woven purses, ethnic jewelry, and cotton shopping bags await your attention.  

For more information, contact Margo at

17. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir sings Christmas Lessons & Carols

Come and celebrate the season through music, prayer, and reflection with the Vallombrosa Choir under the direction of Patrick Feehan: composer, teacher, and conductor. Join us December 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm for an afternoon of Christmas Carols and Lessons in the Vallombrosa Chapel followed by light refreshments. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

18. Eyeglass Collection During Advent

Please find your glasses. During Advent we will be collecting used eyeglasses you no longer need. The Lions Clubs accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. By November 30, we will place donation boxes at all the three churches and they will remain through December for your convenience. 

The Green Committee

19. Help Needed: OLR Church Environment Assistance

Do you like flowers and would you like to learn how to arrange flowers for the altar? The Church Environment Ministry is in need of four volunteers to arrange the altar flowers and water the inside plants at Our Lady of the Rosary. This is a time-honored ministry composed of teams for each week. With enough volunteers, each team would be scheduled once a month for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at most. For special occasions, like Christmas and Easter, we will need help from all members when possible. New volunteers will receive training and be partnered in a current team. Please call Mary Ann at 494-2296 or email her at

20. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

21. RCIA – The Rite of Acceptance and the Rite of Welcome

When our inquirers are ready to move forward, they publicly express their desire to follow the Way of Jesus. Usually celebrated in the fall as part of a liturgical rite, the church welcomes them into the household of faith by accepting their intention.

As Catholics we are called to bring others to know Jesus, to experience his healing forgiving love. This is called “evangelization” and it is the fundamental mission of the Church.  One way we respond to this call is by exposing our family and friends to the many ways of being connected and involved in our parish community.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

22. Annual November Parish Food Drive Supports St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

You can donate food year-round in the baskets in the vestibules of the churches. During the month of November we ask you to be especially generous in your giving to our food collection program. The majority of the people we help are homeless, so we've made a list of foods that are portable and highly nutritious which is stapled to the bags for specific food items. Let's fill up all the bags and make the holiday season just a bit brighter for those in need.

23. THIS Sunday, November 23: Installation of Fr. George Aranha as Pastor of St. Teresa Parish

The Santa Teresa Community invites you to  join us at the Installation of their 6th pastor, Fr George Aranha on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the 11:30 am. Mass. A reception will follow.  

Lynda C. DeManti, Pastoral Associate
Santa Teresa Parish
794 Calero Avenue, San Jose, CA 95123

24. PACT Leaders Celebrate President’s Announcement on Executive Action with Guarded Optimism

San Jose, CA – President Obama announced that he would use his existing legal authority to lift the shadow of deportation for millions of undocumented immigrants.  This marks an historic moment in a long fight for immigration reform to address the dysfunctional system and rigged enforcement policies that separate families.

Dozens of faith leaders and impacted local residents gathered on Thursday, November 20, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in San San José to react to the President’ news and share their thoughts on what this means going forward.         

Santa Clara County has the third highest number of undocumented immigrants in the state, with estimates over 170,000 people living in the shadows.  This announcement will have a profound impact on those who are offered relief and their family members who may be left out.  While Administrative Relief is needed in the face of inaction by congress, it does not take the place of true Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

PACT Co-Chair Ernesto Perez said, “As a father of both citizens and DACA recipients and as a longtime resident of this country, I believe there’s hope this announcement will mean I am able to step out of the shadows for the first time in 15 years. I want to urge my community to keep organizing for the broader, common sense immigration reform for all of our families.”

PACT leader Gloria, a grandmother and immigrant who has been a U.S. resident for nearly twenty years. Gloria’s son is an undocumented adult and her grandson is a U.S. citizen. “I will likely not qualify myself, but my son may, because his son is an American citizen. I am holding out for that hope. When my mother died I was not able to go home to see her. Now my brother is very ill and I’m not able to go to Mexico. My motivation for coming to America in the first place was to provide for my family, so this relief will make the sacrifice worth it for my son.”

PACT is the acronym for  People Acting in Community Together, which is a multicultural, interfaith organization that empowers people to create a more just community.  PACT has more than 30 member congregations and partner schools representing 50,000 people in Santa Clara County. PACT is part of the PICO National Network, the largest grassroots, faith-based organizing networks in the country.  PICO works with 1,000 religious congregations in more than 200 cities and towns through its 60 local and state federations. PICO and its federations are non-partisan and do not endorse or support candidates for office. PICO urges people of faith to consult their faith traditions for guidance on specific policies and legislation.

25. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  Nov. 25th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

Annual Christmas Party, Sat. Dec. 6th from 7PM-10PM, Our Lady of the Rosary Church Meeting Hall, 3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party.  Please bring your favorite dessert or side dish and a $5 donation to help cover expenses.  We will also be collecting Christmas gifts for children in need.  After the party, we will head to the Midnight Mass being held at Stanford Memorial Church at 11 p.m.  

Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

26. Monday, November 24: Civil Liberties in America: Going? Going? Gone?

Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist and Author CHRIS HEDGES will speak in Palo Alto about indefinite detention of Americans without charge or trial, the National Defense Authorization Act, and the loss of your Constitutional rights Monday, November 24th at 7pm, at First United Methodist Church 625 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto

This Event Is Co-Sponsored by:
Mid-Peninsula Chapter of the ACLU of Northern California
California Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center

This event is free and open to the public. Donations to help defray expenses requested at the door.

27. Papal Gifts to Be Raffled Off for Rome's Poor

Fiat Panda 4 x 4, Racing Bike Among Prize Drawings to Help Needy Families

By Junno Arocho Esteves

ROME, November 19, 2014 ( - Pope Francis is accustomed to receiving gifts from dignitaries. Bikes, footwear, even a car are among the many presents that have been given to the Pontiff.

According to several news sources, all those expensive gifts will serve a new purpose. The gifts will be raffled off and the proceeds will go to needy families in Rome. Tickets will be sold for €10 ($13) at Vatican Post Offices around St. Peter’s Square.

The top prize is a brand new Fiat Panda 4x4 worth more than $23,000. Among the other prizes are a racing bike, a Panama hat, a digital camera, and several other papal prizes.

The raffle is another example of the Pope’s care for the poor. Last week, papal almoner, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, announced that several showers will be built near Vatican City for use by the poor.

Throughout his pontificate, the Pope has called on Christians to care for the needy. During today’s General Audience, he told the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square that helping the poor is one of the many small steps toward holiness.

“Small things are small steps toward holiness. And every step towards holiness will make us better people, free from selfishness and being closed in on ourselves, and open us up to our brothers and sisters and their needs,” he said.

The drawing for the raffle will take place on Jan. 8, 2015.

28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

29. January 15, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

30. Readings for The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) - Family Mass

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)

From Fr. Matt: I will be away from the parish, returning on November 16. On the morning of November 3, I and 30 others board a plane to Europe to begin a 12 day pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, as well as many other holy places. Let us keep each other in our prayers.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

STA Mass Attendance 2005-2014.pdf
Palo Alto Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2014 2.pdf

Chris Lundin

Nov 28, 2014, 7:48:09 AM11/28/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 48 - November 28, 2014

Advent Begins This Sunday!

 O shepherd of Israel, hearken,
from your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth.
Rouse your power, and come to save us.

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: Second Collection for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work
2. The Gospel of Mark - Cycle B
3. The Advent Wreath
4. Last Call: Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!
5. Eyeglass Collection During Advent
6. Giving Trees
7. Annual Christmas Pageants: Angels, Shepherds and Others Needed!
8. Tuesday, December 2: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 
9. Wednesday, December 3: S.O.U.P.'s On!
10. Thursday, December 4: Widows & Widowers Climb The Trellis
11. Weekly Stewardship Report
12. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers
13. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration
14.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story
15. Monday, December 8: Immaculate Conception, Holiday of Obligation
16. Tuesday, December 9, Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Sacrifice of Praise: The Byzantine Divine Liturgy 
17. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair
18. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols
19. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
20. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy
21. Irish Bishops Offering Online Advent Calendar
22. The 14 Papal Phrases That Triggered Applause In The European Parliament
23. Young Adult Circle
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Saturday, January 17: Day of Social Justice 2015
26. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
27. Readings for the First Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule


1. This Weekend: Second Collection for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Work

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

2. The Gospel of Mark - Cycle B

The second gospel takes our breath away with its rapid telling of the events of Jesus’ public ministry. A mere sixteen chapters, Mark’s Gospel is both the shortest and earliest. Scripture scholars have dated this gospel to about 70 A.D.

St. Mark gives us a unique portrait of Jesus, which can be drawn as much from what the gospel does not contain as from what it does. The story begins, for example, not with the story of the birth of Jesus, as do the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The ending has a unique abbreviation as well.

Between its abrupt beginning and incomplete ending (an empty tomb but no resurrection) the gospel plunges us into the whirlwind of Jesus’ activity, which is described in a sometimes harsh, spare style. Along the way Jesus preaches and prophesies, hollers and heals, teaches and tells tales up to his coming to Jerusalem, where his life ends.

The portrait of Jesus sketched by Mark is difficult for Christians to hear because its content of suffering and tribulation; some have called it a “passion narrative with a long introduction.” Throughout the story, Jesus anticipates his death and he draws the listener in to focus on this aspect of Christian life.

In art, the evangelist Mark is portrayed with a lion by his side. His feast is on April 25. 

Fr. Matt

3. The Advent Wreath

This Sunday, November 30th, the Church enters into a new season. Advent is a winter feast celebrated for the four darkest weeks of the year. The sun rises later and later and sets long before the day is complete. Christmas comes during the darkest of this dark time. It is the Feast of Light, the celebration of Him who is the Light of the World. And so, throughout these four Advent weeks, we light a candle for each of the weeks. As the advent of Christ overcame the darkness of the world, so also, does Christ overcome the darkness within our lives.

The wreath (a circle) is the symbol for eternity; the evergreen symbolize life; the purple candles, hope; the rose (pink) candle, a sign of joy for the Third Sunday and third week of Advent; and the number of candles (four) is symbolic of the four weeks of Advent and of the traditional legends that the world waited four-thousand years for the advent of the Redeemer.

Many families keep alive the tradition of the Advent Wreath in their homes. If the Advent Wreath is not yet a familiar sight in your home, perhaps, this year might be the time to begin. The wreath can be placed on the dinner table or in another prominent place in your home where all can see and can be used as a part of the grace before each evening meal throughout the Advent Season.

4. Last Call: Collecting Items For the Christmas Faire!

We are still collecting new and gently-used Christmas items that will be available to purchase during the Faire:  Christmas decorations, jewelry (vintage / costume ideal), homemade Christmas crafts, ornaments, holiday gifts, and baked goods (come December).

To contribute items, watch for one of our volunteers after masses, our collection boxes in the sanctuary entryway at each site (Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Albert the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas), or call us for pick up / drop off arrangements.

Want to join in the festivities?  Contact us if you do! Assist with collecting, sorting, or pricing the items; display and arrange the items (Friday, December 5); or volunteer at the FAIRE (Saturday, December 6).

Coordinator: Natalie Lucha (
Jewelry: Teddie Guenzer (650.813.0866)
Baked Goods: Beverly Wade (

5. Eyeglass Collection During Advent

Please find your glasses. During Advent we will be collecting used eyeglasses you no longer need. The Lions Clubs accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. By November 30, we will place donation boxes at all the three churches and they will remain through December for your convenience. 

The Green Committee

6. Giving Trees

Every year for many years, you may have seen a tree in the back of church with tags on it. Each tag lists a gift to be given to a deserving or needy child or family. Take a tag or two and bring back that gift, unwrapped, to put under our Giving Tree. Our good elves will deliver them to families in our area who will have a Merry Christmas due to your generosity! 

7. Annual Christmas Pageants: Angels, Shepherds and Others Needed!

We invite all children who would like to be a part of our Christmas Pageant during the Gospel at the 5 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at both Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Albert the Great to sign up to be a part of our story. 

We need angels and shepherds and others (Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Quirinius) to help bring the story to life. Again, we will do the drama in two parts: the first part will be on Christmas Eve and the second part will be on the Feast of Epiphany on January 4. You do not need to be in both dramas.

If you are interested in being a part of our drama, please fill out a sign-up form (on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board) and return the lower portion to Susan at the Pastoral Center as soon as possible, or simply email the information to Susan at The form includes rehearsal information.

8. Tuesday, December 2: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Catholic Church in China - Past and Present 

with Joseph Ku

The Catholic Church had long been perceived as a “door knocker” of western imperialism in China since Opium war in 1839. The persecution of the Church reached a peak under the Communist China regime during the Cultural Revolution period (1966-1976). While the tension between the Vatican and China is still high, the Catholic Church has been thriving in last two decades. Although the percentage of Catholic members is less than 1% of overall Chinese population, it is one of the fastest growing churches in Asia. Dr. Ku will share his view about the past, present and future of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Ku came from Taiwan in 1977. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, retired from 30 year service in Silicon Valley high tech industry. He is a founding member of San Jose Catholic Mission and taught Christianity and Chinese Culture in the Institute for Leadership in Ministry (ILM) program from 2008-2011.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

9. Wednesday, December 3: S.O.U.P.'s On!

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.  Here are the planned dates (subject to change):

December 3 and 17
January 7 and 21, 2015
February 4 and 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15 
May 6 and 20 (May 20 is the last S.O.U.P. until September)

10. Thursday, December 4: Widows & Widowers Climb The Trellis

The Widows & Widowers will be gathering at the Trellis Restaurant, 1077 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA, for their December event.  The event will start at 5:00 p.m.   Dinner will include choice of appetizers, several scrumptious entrees and dessert and coffee.  The cost is $35, which includes tax and gratuity. Please contact  Lorriane for reservations: 650-494-6488

11. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of October. Our average weekly collection for the fourth month of this fiscal year was $11,875 ($12,305 in 2013). Our collection average thus far is $11,375 a week. Our budget for July - October was $187,000; our actual is $201,875.

We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the “treasure” we have received. 

We currently have 53 online givers who regularly contribute to the Sunday Offertory. If that would be convenient for you, please visit our parish website at and click on the Online Giving icon to sign up.

12. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holidays. Won’t you consider making a donation toward a poinsettia plant in remembrance of a loved one or just as a gift from you? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in the vestibules or back of church. All of your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

13. Saturday/Sunday, December 6/7:  A Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration

The Christmas Faire is a festive occasion in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, with Christmas décor, holiday gifts, jewelry, crafts, and baked goods for sale!  Join us on Saturday, December 6th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM at the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium (1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto). If you have gently-used or new Christmas decorations or jewelry, or baked goods that you would like to contribute to the Christmas Faire sale, please see our entryway collection boxes and flyers at OLR, SAG, and STA.  For more information contact Natalie Lucha (650.690.6384,    

The evening period of the Christmas Faire leads into the Italian Dinner, comprised of a social hour followed by a spaghetti dinner that includes antipasto, salad, bread, entrée and dessert and coffee.  Social hour starts at 5:30, and dinner is served from 6:15 until 7:30.  Dinner tickets -- $15 for adults and $8 for children -- will be on sale after the masses on the weekends of November 22/23 and 29/30.  Or call Helen at 650-327-9236 or Ted at 650-690-6732.

St. Nicholas is expected to visit in the late afternoon/early evening on December 6, which is his feast day!

The festive weekend concludes on Sunday, December 7, with The Christmas Story, a ballet set to the Nutcracker Suite, presented at 2:00, also in the Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.

14.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story

Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music and dance as we share songs to get us in the mood for Christmas and tell the story of Jesus’ birth with the familiar
and delightful music of the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. All ages will enjoy this event. 

This is a ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and will include songs to prepare us for Christmas presented by Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble

Sunday, December 7 - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Seton School Auditorium Admission: $10 adults; $5 - children 12 and under All proceeds go to the Carpet/Flooring Fund
for St. Albert the Great.

Tickets available in the Pastoral Center. Contact Susan Olsen (494-2496) for more information. Tickets will go on sale in November.

15. Monday, December 8: Immaculate Conception, Holiday of Obligation

On Monday, December 8, the Church invites all Catholics to gather to celebrate the Eucharist in praise of the goodness of God who preserved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, from Original Sin at the first moment of her conception. 

Our Mass schedule for the day is as follows: 

7:15 am  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
8:30 am - Our Lady of the Rosary Church 
10:00 am - St. Albert the Great Church
12:15pm  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
7:00 pm  - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Spanish)
7:00 pm  - St. Albert the Great Church
8:00pm - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)

16. Tuesday, December 9, Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Sacrifice of Praise: The Byzantine Divine Liturgy 

with Father Anthony Hernandez

We have been viewing a series of video explorations of the biblical roots of the Roman Mass with Father Matt. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, Father Anthony Hernandez of St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Parish will present the Mass from the perspective of the Byzantine Catholic Church. His presentation will focus on the origins of the Eastern Liturgical tradition, and compare and contrast it to the Mass of the Roman Catholic tradition. Do not miss this opportunity! There will be various illustrated handouts!

Saint Basils Byzantine Rite Catholic Church, shares Saint Albert the Great Church with our parish and Father Anthony is the Pastor. Please bring any questions that you may have concerning the differences between them.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

17. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair

Take this final chance before Christmas to fill in those stockings—and support the girls at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya, with your donations. 

Stop by St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House Bride’s Room between the Sunday Masses to browse through the unique and charming Kenyan crafts brought from Kenya by Margo McAuliffe of Kenya Help.  Unique creche sets, winsome wood carvings, beaded bowls, woven purses, ethnic jewelry, and cotton shopping bags await your attention.  

For more information, contact Margo at

18. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols

Come and celebrate the season through music, prayer, and reflection with the Vallombrosa Choir under the direction of Patrick Feehan: composer, teacher, and conductor. Join us December 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm for an afternoon of Christmas Carols and Lessons in the Vallombrosa Chapel followed by light refreshments. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

19. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

20. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy

Is someone in your family or a friend interested in becoming Catholic? Help bring them to the Way of Jesus. With our own baptism comes the grace of the Holy Spirit that gives us the courage to be evangelists helping to lead others to Christ.

The Holy Spirit impels us to proclaim the Gospel, and gives us the courage. Do not be shy; be bold in the vineyard of the Lord. Often it only takes asking: “Have you thought about being baptized?” or, “Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments?”

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

21. Irish Bishops Offering Online Advent Calendar

ARMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND, November 26, 2014 ( - Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland, on Tuesday launched a specially commissioned 2014 Advent calendar on the homepage of the Irish Catholic bishops’ website to coincide with the beginning of Advent this Sunday.  

Archbishop Eamon said, “I am delighted to launch this year’s Advent calendar which each day will reveal Advent information and prayer resources by clicking on a virtual numerical door in our online calendar. For many years we have provided online resources to assist with our Advent preparations, and this year we once again offer the faithful our novel online calendar for this purpose.

“The season of Advent is a time of spiritual preparation for the Lord’s coming at Christmas.  Advent also prepares us for the second coming of Christ at the end of time.  As Christians, we must always be prepared for the coming of the Lord ‘You must stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do no not expect’ [Mt 24:37-44].  Why is the Advent calendar useful?  Preparation does not happen at once but over time. Each day of Advent amounts to a period of time which allows us to journey and reflect on ‘the joy of the Gospel.'

Archbishop Eamon continued, “As we begin our Catholic new year, I invite everyone during the Advent season to visit and to enjoy the information provided on our online calendar.”

22. The 14 Papal Phrases That Triggered Applause In The European Parliament

As the Pope addressed the European Parliament, legislators broke out in applause a total of 14 times. These were the phrases that triggered such a reaction. 

"What dignity can a person ever hope to find when he or she lacks food and the bare essentials for survival and, worse yet, when they lack the work which confers dignity?”

"Together with this, we encounter certain rather selfish lifestyles, marked by an opulence which is no longer sustainable and frequently indifferent to the world around us, and especially to the poorest of the poor.”

"Men and women risk being reduced to mere cogs in a machine that treats them as items of consumption to be exploited, with the result that – as is so tragically apparent – whenever a human life no longer proves useful for that machine, it is discarded with few qualms, as in the case of the terminally ill, the elderly who are abandoned and uncared for, and children who are killed in the womb”.

"I am likewise convinced that a Europe which is capable of appreciating its religious roots and of grasping their fruitfulness and potential, will be all the more immune to the many forms of extremism spreading in the world today, not least as a result of the great vacuum of ideals which we are currently witnessing in the West, since "it is precisely man’s forgetfulness of God, and his failure to give him glory, which gives rise to violence.”

"Communities and individuals today find themselves subjected to barbaric acts of violence: they are evicted from their homes and native lands, sold as slaves, killed, beheaded, crucified or burned alive, under the shameful and complicit silence of so many.”

"Keeping democracies alive is a challenge in the present historic moment. The true strength of our democracies – understood as expressions of the political will of the people – must not be allowed to collapse under the pressure of multinational interests which are not universal, which weaken them and turn them into uniform systems of economic power at the service of unseen empires.”

"The family, united, fruitful and indissoluble, possesses the elements fundamental for fostering hope in the future.”

"We need only think, for example, of alternative sources of energy, the development of which will assist in the protection of the environment.”

"It is intolerable that millions of people around the world are dying of hunger while tons of food are discarded each day from our tables.”

"The time has come to promote policies which create employment, but above all there is a need to restore dignity to labor by ensuring proper working conditions.”

"We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery!”

"We need to take action against the causes and not only the effects.”

"Dear Members of the European Parliament, the time has come to work together in building a Europe which revolves not around the economy, but around the sacredness of the human person, around inalienable values.” 

"The time has come for us to abandon the idea of a Europe which is fearful and self-absorbed, in order to revive and encourage a Europe of leadership, a repository of science, art, music, human values and faith as well. A Europe which contemplates the heavens and pursues lofty ideals. A Europe which cares for, defends and protects man, every man and woman. A Europe which bestrides the earth surely and securely, a precious point of reference for all humanity! Thank you!”

23. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.
Annual Christmas Party, Sat. Dec. 6th from 7PM-10PM, Our Lady of the Rosary Church Meeting Hall, 3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto
Please join us for our annual Christmas Party.  Please bring your favorite dessert or side dish and a $5 donation to help cover expenses.  We will also be collecting Christmas gifts for children in need.  After the party, we will head to the Midnight Mass being held at Stanford Memorial Church at 11 p.m.  

Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Saturday, January 17: Day of Social Justice 2015

The Diocese of San Jose is hosting a Day of Social Justice 2015 with the theme “Living the Joy of the Gospel: Faith in Action" on Saturday, January 17, 2015, at St. Lawrence Parish, 1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA, 95051.

The keynote speaker is Mary Aumack, the Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation.


8:00 a.m.    Registration**
9:00 a.m.    Opening Prayer
9:30 a.m.    Keynote Address – Mary Aumack
10:15 a.m.    Workshop I
11:30 a.m.     Workshop II
12:30 p.m.    Lunch
1:15 p.m.    Workshop III
2:25 p.m.    Closing Message & Prayer

**Daily Mass at St. Lawrence Parish is held at 8:30 a.m. for any who wish to attend.

Registration on or before January 15 is $20
Registration after January 15 is $25 at the door
Lunch is included.

Full information about all the speakers that day is available at  You can also register by calling the Diocesan Office of Social Ministries at 408-93-9158.

26. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

27. Readings for the First Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 

Chris Lundin

Dec 5, 2014, 7:59:52 AM12/5/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 49 - December 5, 2014

Christmas Faire This Weekend!

Table of Contents

1. This Weekend: Our Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration
2.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story
3. Advent - Season of Hope
4. Monday, December 8: Immaculate Conception, Holiday of Obligation
5. Tuesday, December 9, Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Sacrifice of Praise: The Byzantine Divine Liturgy 
6. Volunteers: Training Scheduled for Helping with Installation of Solar Panels
7. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions
8. Green Corner:  Eyeglass Collection During Advent
9. Green Corner: Reducing Holiday Waste
10. Giving Trees
11. Annual Christmas Pageants: Angels, Shepherds and Others Needed!
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers
14. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious
15. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair
16. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols
17. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
18. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy
19. Holy Cross Building Fund
20. Help for West Africa
21. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Operations Director
22. Young Adult Circle
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Saturday, January 17: Day of Social Justice 2015
25. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

26. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
27. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
28. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule


1. This Weekend: Our Parish Christmas Holiday Celebration

The Christmas Faire, a festive occasion in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, will be held this Saturday, December 6th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM at the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium (1095 Channing Ave, Palo Alto). 

The faire will feature Christmas décor, jewelry, holiday gifts, crafts, and glassware for sale.  You are sure to find a treasure or two or three! Don’t miss the high-end table or raffle.  Come spend some time browsing with complimentary refreshments.

Still more goodies are offered throughout the day at the accompanying Baked Goods Sale.

The evening period of the Christmas Faire leads into the Italian Dinner, comprised of a social hour followed by a spaghetti dinner that includes antipasto, salad, bread, entrée and dessert and coffee.  Social hour starts at 5:30, and dinner is served from 6:15 until 7:30.  If you still need a dinner ticket, please call Helen at 650-327-9236 or Ted at 650-690-6732. Price: $15 for adults and $8 for children.

St. Nicholas will be visiting in the late afternoon/early evening on December 6, which is his feast day.  Not Santa Claus, St. Nicholas!

The festive weekend concludes on Sunday, December 7, with The Christmas Story, a ballet set to the Nutcracker Suite, presented at 2:00, also in the Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.

2.  Sunday, December 7: An Advent Concert: The Christmas Story

Join us for a wonderful afternoon of music and dance as we share songs to get us in the mood for Christmas and tell the story of Jesus’ birth with the familiar
and delightful music of the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. All ages will enjoy this event. 

This is a ballet set to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and will include songs to prepare us for Christmas presented by Young Sounds of Praise & Dance for Joy & Soaring Spirit Dance Ensemble

Sunday, December 7 - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Seton School Auditorium Admission: $10 adults; $5 - children 12 and under All proceeds go to the Carpet/Flooring Fund
for St. Albert the Great.

Tickets available in the Pastoral Center or at the door. Contact Susan Olsen (494-2496) for more information. 

3. Advent - Season of Hope

As we enter once more into the Season of Advent it is nice to think about God's promises that inspire our hope. Pope Benedict XVI said: "The hope expressed is that each one may be made holy by God and preserved irreproachable

in his entire person -- "spirit, soul and body" -- for the final coming of the Lord Jesus; the guarantee that this can happen is offered by the faithfulness of God himself, who will not fail to bring to completion the work he has begun in believers" [Pope Benedict XVI, Homily in Celebration of the First Vespers of the First Sunday of Advent; November 26, 2005].

We are not alone in this journey to our holiness, the Lord said "I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go" (Is. 48:17). In this way Advent becomes an opportunity to reawaken within ourselves the true meaning of waiting, hoping, returning to the heart of our faith which is the mystery of Christ, the Messiah who was expected for long centuries and was born in poverty, in Bethlehem. He came to us to bring us back in his arms to the Father. In him we place our hope.

Happy season of Advent to all of you.

Fr. Stasys Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

4. Monday, December 8: Immaculate Conception, Holiday of Obligation

On Monday, December 8, the Church invites all Catholics to gather to celebrate the Eucharist in praise of the goodness of God who preserved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, from Original Sin at the first moment of her conception. 

Our Mass schedule for the day is as follows: 

7:15 am  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
8:30 am - Our Lady of the Rosary Church 
10:00 am - St. Albert the Great Church
12:15pm  - St. Thomas Aquinas Church
7:00 pm  - Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Spanish)
7:00 pm  - St. Albert the Great Church
8:00pm - St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Gregorian)

5. Tuesday, December 9, Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Sacrifice of Praise: The Byzantine Divine Liturgy 

with Father Anthony Hernandez

We have been viewing a series of video explorations of the biblical roots of the Roman Mass with Father Matt. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, Father Anthony Hernandez of St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Parish will present the Mass from the perspective of the Byzantine Catholic Church. His presentation will focus on the origins of the Eastern Liturgical tradition, and compare and contrast it to the Mass of the Roman Catholic tradition. Do not miss this opportunity! There will be various illustrated handouts!

Saint Basils Byzantine Rite Catholic Church, shares Saint Albert the Great Church with our parish and Father Anthony is the Pastor. Please bring any questions that you may have concerning the differences between them.

7:00-8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

6. Volunteers: Training Scheduled for Helping with Installation of Solar Panels

SunWork, the solar organization that will be installing our solar panels, will be holding a volunteer training session at OLR Hall for those interested in participating. The workshop will be held December 13, from 9am to 12pm. More details and registration are available at:

The volunteer opportunities for our installation are as follows:

Ground activities  - Assistance unwrapping solar panels and simple assembly of parts
(2  volunteer spots each day)
Friday, Dec 19, 8am to noon
Saturday, Dec 20, 8am to noon - 
Monday, Dec 22, 8am to noon - 

Activities on the roof - drilling holes, installing supports, attaching rails, installing solar panels
(8 volunteer spots, people can sign up for just a morning or afternoon although a full day is preferred)

Saturday, Dec 20, 8am to 4:30 pm 
Monday, Dec 22, 8am to 4:30 pm 
Tuesday, Dec 23, 8am to 4:30 pm
Friday, Dec 26, 8am to 4:30 pm
Saturday, Dec 27, 8am to 4:30 pm 

Activities on the roof - drilling holes, installing supports, attaching rails, installing solar panels
(4 volunteer spots, people can sign up for just a morning or afternoon although a full day is preferred)

Monday, Dec 29, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Tuesday, Dec 30, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Wednesday, Dec 31, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Thursday, Jan 1, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)

People will get access to formally sign up to volunteer after they finish training and sign the SunWork volunteer waiver.  We will go over the options at the training sessions too. 

Please contact Katia at if you have any questions.

7. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions

The season of Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ and the best way to prepare is to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to confession within our Deanery:

Mon., Dec. 15  Our Lady of the Rosary 7:00 pm bilingual
Mon., Dec. 15   St. Simon, Los Altos 3:30 pm & 7:00 pm
Tues., Dec. 16   St. Albert the Great 7:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 17 St. William, Los Altos 3:30 pm 
Wed., Dec. 17 St. Nicholas, Los Altos 7:00 pm 
Wed., Dec. 17  St. Athanasius, Mt. View 7:30 pm 
Sat., Dec. 20  St. Joseph, Mt. View 4:00 pm

Our regular Saturday parish confessions continue during Advent:
11:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 p.m. St. Albert the Great Church

8. Green Corner:  Eyeglass Collection During Advent

There is a great demand for the used eyeglasses you no longer need. The Lions Clubs accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. Please use one of the donation boxes at the three churches through December. This URL shows the journey of a pair of donated glasses: 

9. Green Corner: Reducing Holiday Waste

From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, household waste increases by more than 25%.  Added food waste, shopping bags, packaging, wrapping paper, bows and ribbons all add up to an additional 1 million tons to our landfills. (Source: EPA, SMC Recycleworks)

Much of this waste could be reduced without any compromise of the festive spirit. For example, if every family reused just two feet of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet. (Source: CalRecycle)

An attractive alternative to gift paper is to make re-usable gift bags of scrap fabric.  Instructions are available for all degrees of sewing ability at  Fabric gift bags will also be available for purchase at the Christmas Fair.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Green Committee

10. Giving Trees

Every year for many years, you may have seen a tree in the back of church with tags on it. Each tag lists a gift to be given to a deserving or needy child or family. Take a tag or two and bring back that gift, unwrapped, to put under our Giving Tree. Our good elves will deliver them to families in our area who will have a Merry Christmas due to your generosity! 

11. Annual Christmas Pageants: Angels, Shepherds and Others Needed!

We invite all children who would like to be a part of our Christmas Pageant during the Gospel at the 5 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at both Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Albert the Great to sign up to be a part of our story. 

We need angels and shepherds and others (Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Quirinius) to help bring the story to life. Again, we will do the drama in two parts: the first part will be on Christmas Eve and the second part will be on the Feast of Epiphany on January 4. You do not need to be in both dramas.

If you are interested in being a part of our drama, please fill out a sign-up form (on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board) and return the lower portion to Susan at the Pastoral Center as soon as possible, or simply email the information to Susan at The form includes rehearsal information.

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

The dominant characteristic of an authentic spiritual life is the gratitude that flows from trust—not only for all the gifts that I receive from God, but gratitude
for all the suffering.  Because in that purifying experience, suffering has often been the shortest path to intimacy with God.

– Brennan Manning

Our Weekly Offerings

Nov. 23 Actual: $10,500 (Goal: $11,000)
Campaign for Human Development $ 5,250 
Nov.30 Actual: $11,300 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $4,500 
Thanksgiving (St. Vincent de Paul): $1,950

13. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holidays. Won’t you consider making a donation toward a poinsettia plant in remembrance of a loved one or just as a gift from you? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in the vestibules or back of church. All of your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

14. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious

Give thanks for religious. A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABC’s, but also to love God.” Share your gratitude for our senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection.

15. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair

Take this final chance before Christmas to fill in those stockings—and support the girls at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya, with your donations. 

Stop by St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House Bride’s Room between the Sunday Masses to browse through the unique and charming Kenyan crafts brought from Kenya by Margo McAuliffe of Kenya Help.  Unique creche sets, winsome wood carvings, beaded bowls, woven purses, ethnic jewelry, and cotton shopping bags await your attention.  

For more information, contact Margo at

16. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols

Come and celebrate the season through music, prayer, and reflection with the Vallombrosa Choir under the direction of Patrick Feehan: composer, teacher, and conductor. Join us December 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm for an afternoon of Christmas Carols and Lessons in the Vallombrosa Chapel followed by light refreshments. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

17. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

18. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy

Is someone in your family or a friend interested in becoming Catholic? Help bring them to the Way of Jesus. With our own baptism comes the grace of the Holy Spirit that gives us the courage to be evangelists helping to lead others to Christ.

The Holy Spirit impels us to proclaim the Gospel, and gives us the courage. Do not be shy; be bold in the vineyard of the Lord. Often it only takes asking: “Have you thought about being baptized?” or, “Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments?”

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

19. Holy Cross Building Fund

On Sunday, November 16, 2014, a four-alarm fire destroyed most of Holy Cross Church. The parish community has set up the Holy Cross Building Fund to begin the healing process and rebuild the church.

Donations for Holy Cross can be made to the bank listed below:
Focus Business Bank - 408-288-5900
Reference: Holy Cross Building Fund
Account Number: 2116495

Donation are tax deductible. Please use Tax ID: 94-2734503

If you wish to make a donation directly to the church please mail checks to: 

Attn: Holy Cross Building Fund (write this on the check as well as on the envelope)
580 E. Jackson St.
San Jose, CA 95112

20. Help for West Africa

Attached to today’s eBulletin is a note from Catholic Relief Services concerning the ongoing tragedy in West Africa with the Ebola virus crisis.

Please consider a gift to Catholic Charities who are on the front lines of ministering to those affected, as well as those left behind.

21. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Operations Director

Vallombrosa Conference & Retreat Center in Menlo Park, which is owned by Archdiocese of San Francisco, is looking to hire an Operations Director. The position involves assisting the Director with policies, procedures, organization, decisions, supervision and administration involved with the daily operations of the Center. Send resume to

Michael Wentz, Marketing Coordinator
Vallombrosa Center, 650-325-5614

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Celebrate this holiday season with Young Adult Circle. Join us for our Annual Christmas Party and Midnight (11PM) mass!

Saturday, December 6th at 7pm – 10 pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Meeting Hall (New & Awesome Location)

3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto

We will head to Stanford Memorial for mass afterwards. Mass starts at 11PM.

Activities will include playing games, singing Christmas Carols and sharing the holiday spirit. Please bring your favorite dessert or side dish and a $5 donation to help cover expenses.

We will also be collecting Christmas gifts for preteens and teens in need for St. Justin’s Christmas Project. Items include sweatshirts, sports equipment, board games, and other things for teens. If you can’t find the right gift just donate and we can shop for one for you. The gifts can be unwrapped.

After the party, we will head to the Midnight (11PM) Mass at Stanford Memorial Church at 11 p.m. The Mass will include Advent readings, candle procession, and a orchestra and brass ensemble for Christmas caroling.

Feel free to bring friends and iInvite other Young Adult Catholics. Please RSVP so we can know how many to expect.

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Saturday, January 17: Day of Social Justice 2015

The Diocese of San Jose is hosting a Day of Social Justice 2015 with the theme “Living the Joy of the Gospel: Faith in Action" on Saturday, January 17, 2015, at St. Lawrence Parish, 1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA, 95051.

The keynote speaker is Mary Aumack, the Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation.


8:00 a.m.    Registration**
9:00 a.m.    Opening Prayer
9:30 a.m.    Keynote Address – Mary Aumack
10:15 a.m.    Workshop I
11:30 a.m.     Workshop II
12:30 p.m.    Lunch
1:15 p.m.    Workshop III
2:25 p.m.    Closing Message & Prayer

**Daily Mass at St. Lawrence Parish is held at 8:30 a.m. for any who wish to attend.

Registration on or before January 15 is $20
Registration after January 15 is $25 at the door
Lunch is included.

Full information about all the speakers that day is available at  You can also register by calling the Diocesan Office of Social Ministries at 408-93-9158.

25. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

26. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

27. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to
participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration.
Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

28. Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 
Bonus Content! 


Chris Lundin

Dec 12, 2014, 7:37:28 AM12/12/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 50 - December 12, 2014

Giving Trees: If you have gifts for the Giving Tree, 
please be sure to drop them off at the Pastoral Center this week 
or bring to Mass by next Sunday, December 21st. 

Gaudete Sunday!

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, December 13: First Rehearsals for Christmas Pageants
2. Saturday, December 13: Training for Helping with Installation of Solar Panels
3. Gaudete Sunday - A Time For Rejoicing
4. Sunday, December 14: Special Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe
5. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious
6. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair
7. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols
8. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions
9. No S.O.U.P on Wednesday, December 17
10. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
11. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?
12. Year of Consecrated Life
13. A Look At How A Nun Found Her Vocation
14. Green Corner:  Eyeglass Collection During Advent
15. Giving Trees
16. Weekly Stewardship Report
17. Thursday, December 18: Santa Visits Juvenile Hall
18. Christmas Shopping from Catholic Relief Services Gift Catalog
19. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers
20. Christmas Mass Schedule 2014
21. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
22. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy
23. Lazarus in California: One in Seven Residents Live Below Poverty Line
24. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Operations Director
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Message for the World Day of Peace 2015
27. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice
28. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
29. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
30. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
31. Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, December 13: First Rehearsals for Christmas Pageants

We invite all children who would like to be a part of our Christmas Pageant during the Gospel at the 5 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at both Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Albert the Great to sign up to be a part of our story. 

We need angels and shepherds and others (Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Quirinius) to help bring the story to life. Again, we will do the drama in two parts: the first part will be on Christmas Eve and the second part will be on the Feast of Epiphany on January 4. You do not need to be in both dramas.

If you are interested in being a part of our drama, please fill out a sign-up form (on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board) and return the lower portion to Susan at the Pastoral Center as soon as possible, or simply email the information to Susan at The form includes rehearsal information.

Rehearsals for Christmas Eve are 
Saturday, December 13 and 20: @ St. Albert the Great at 9:30 a.m. 
Saturday, December 13 and 20: @ Our Lady of the Rosary at 11:30am 

2. Saturday, December 13: Training for Helping with Installation of Solar Panels

We are on our way! The Solar Installation pledge drive was a tremendous success yielding $47,297 in donations. The goal was $49, 665 and the difference is more than made up by the additional $3,649 rebate from the PA Utilities we will be able to get. 

All systems are GO for the installation to begin on December 19 through Jan 1. The final inspection is scheduled for January 2. 

The Sunwork volunteer training will be held this Saturday, Dec 13 from 9am to noon at the OLR Hall and on Sunday afternoon at Acterra. A sincere thank you to all the donors and all those who helped with the drive!

The STA Green Committee

SunWork, the solar organization that will be installing our solar panels, will be holding a volunteer training session at OLR Hall for those interested in participating. The workshop will be held December 13, from 9am to 12pm. More details and registration are available at:

If you can’t make tomorrow, there is another training session at Acterra on Sunday, December 14:

 Sunday,  Dec 14 from 1pm to 4pm -

The volunteer opportunities for our installation are as follows:

Ground activities  - Assistance unwrapping solar panels and simple assembly of parts
(2  volunteer spots each day)
Friday, Dec 19, 8am to noon
Saturday, Dec 20, 8am to noon - 
Monday, Dec 22, 8am to noon - 

Activities on the roof - drilling holes, installing supports, attaching rails, installing solar panels
(8 volunteer spots, people can sign up for just a morning or afternoon although a full day is preferred)

Saturday, Dec 20, 8am to 4:30 pm 
Monday, Dec 22, 8am to 4:30 pm 
Tuesday, Dec 23, 8am to 4:30 pm
Friday, Dec 26, 8am to 4:30 pm
Saturday, Dec 27, 8am to 4:30 pm 

Activities on the roof - drilling holes, installing supports, attaching rails, installing solar panels
(4 volunteer spots, people can sign up for just a morning or afternoon although a full day is preferred)

Monday, Dec 29, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Tuesday, Dec 30, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Wednesday, Dec 31, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)
Thursday, Jan 1, 8am to 4:30 pm (four spots only)

People will get access to formally sign up to volunteer after they finish training and sign the SunWork volunteer waiver.  We will go over the options at the training sessions too. 

Please contact Katia at if you have any questions.

3. Gaudete Sunday - A Time For Rejoicing

Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I shall say it, “Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)

It is Gaudete Sunday - the Sunday in Advent set aside for “rejoicing.” Christmas is drawing near; Christ’s coming is ever closer; we light the pink candle; and our vestments and decorations are shades of rose.

Pope Francis reminds us that “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. . . . With Christ joy is constantly born anew.” (Evangelii Gaudium 1)

He further “invite(s) all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ,” and asks us to do this unfailingly each day. (EG3) We are called to share the message of the Gospel with our world with great joy. If we exude the joy of the Gospel with every person we encounter, perhaps the Gospel message of love, joy, and hope will enlighten our world. Jesus told us, “I have said these things to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15: 11).

Let us truly sing for joy this week and in the weeks to come as we anticipate the coming of Christ. Let us truly spread the “Good News” with joy in our hearts!

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

4. Sunday, December 14: Special Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe

This Sunday, our usual 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning Spanish Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary will be moved to noon, for the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.   There will be no 9:00 a.m. mass at OLR this Sunday.

This liturgy includes a beautiful reenactment of the visitation of Our Lady to Juan Diego at Tepeyac, Mexico. The mass is followed by a luncheon.  All parishioners are invited to attend.

5. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious

Give thanks for religious. A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABC’s, but also to love God.” Share your gratitude for our senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection.

6. Sunday, December 14: Kenya Craft Fair

Take this final chance before Christmas to fill in those stockings—and support the girls at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School for Girls in Naivasha, Kenya, with your donations. 

Stop by St. Thomas Aquinas Church's Thomas House Bride’s Room between the Sunday Masses to browse through the unique and charming Kenyan crafts brought from Kenya by Margo McAuliffe of Kenya Help.  Unique creche sets, winsome wood carvings, beaded bowls, woven purses, ethnic jewelry, and cotton shopping bags await your attention.  

For more information, contact Margo at

7. Sunday, December 14:  Vallombrosa Choir Sings Christmas Lessons & Carols

Come and celebrate the season through music, prayer, and reflection with the Vallombrosa Choir under the direction of Patrick Feehan: composer, teacher, and conductor. Join us December 14, 2014 at 2:00 pm for an afternoon of Christmas Carols and Lessons in the Vallombrosa Chapel followed by light refreshments. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 650.325.5614 or on our website at

Vallombrosa Center • 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025  •

8. Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions

The season of Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ and the best way to prepare is to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to confession within our Deanery:

Mon., Dec. 15  Our Lady of the Rosary 7:00 pm bilingual
Mon., Dec. 15   St. Simon, Los Altos 3:30 pm & 7:00 pm
Tues., Dec. 16   St. Albert the Great 7:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 17 St. William, Los Altos 3:30 pm 
Wed., Dec. 17 St. Nicholas, Los Altos 7:00 pm 
Wed., Dec. 17  St. Athanasius, Mt. View 7:30 pm 
Sat., Dec. 20  St. Joseph, Mt. View 4:00 pm

Our regular Saturday parish confessions continue during Advent:
11:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 p.m. St. Albert the Great Church

9. No S.O.U.P on Wednesday, December 17

Due to the holiday season and availability of attendees (and soup preparers), there will be NO S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) on Wednesday, December 17.  Next S.O.U.P. date is likely Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

10. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

On behalf of all who greatly enjoyed the opportunity for some early shopping at our Christmas Faire; the delicious Italian Dinner; and the wonderfully entertaining rendition of the Christmas Story, our heartfelt thank you for the many hours invested [by so many] in providing a spirit-filled weekend of joy and community-building. 

We are most grateful to our devoted and energetic leaders: Natalie Lucha, Ted Baer and Susan Olsen. Thank you to everyone for sharing your gifts of time and talent. 

Fr. Matt, Pastor

11. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?

The front steps of St. Thomas Aquinas church are in need of repair or replacement.  The group of parishioners working on this project are searching for old photographs of the church in order to see the front steps as they have existed in years past.  If you have old pictures of the church, please contact Jan Dedek at 321-9298.

12. Year of Consecrated Life

In the context of the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 50th Anniversary of the conciliar decree on the renewal of consecrated life, Perfectae Caritatis, Pope Francis has designated 2015 to be the Year of Consecrated Life. The Year of Consecrated Life officially began in Advent and concludes in February of 2016. Under the title, Partners in Mission and Ministry, our diocesan Council of Religious, in collaboration with a commit- tee of religious and lay members, has already planned various events for the diocesan observance of this very special year.

At this time, I invite and encourage you--religious, laity, and clergy – individually and communally— to join together as the local Church of the Diocese of San Jose in celebrating this year of renewal through liturgy, prayer, ministry outreach, and the lectures and workshops that will be taking place in the months ahead

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath

13. A Look At How A Nun Found Her Vocation

Sister Beatriz Acosta was born in Colombia. As a teenager, she never thought she would one day be a nun. Much less that her vocation would lead her to Rome, to serve as the superior general of the Company of Mary. 

"I studied in a high school that was run by this same religious order in Medellin. The way the nuns talked to us about social realities, struck me.  FLASH It was a middle class high school where we were taught traditional values. Eventually I started wondering what God wanted from me...and I just discovered this was my calling.”

The turning point in her life came when she attended a retreat. She then discovered the deep spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Joan of Lestonnac, founder of the Company of Mary. At that point, she decided to make one of the most important decisions of her life. 

"I was impressed by the way she explained how women should be raised. Also, I found it very appealing to devote one's life to educate and serve others with a concrete spirituality. In a way, she stood for the role of women in the Church. She used to say: Only women can save women.”

Like everyone else, she's had her ups and downs. Still, she is convinced that educating women is a mission she can dedicate her life to. 

"I don't regret it at all: No! I would totally choose to re-live everything.”

The Company of Mary was founded in France by St. Joan of Lestonnac in the 17th Century. Now it has a presence in 26 countries. 

14. Green Corner:  Eyeglass Collection During Advent

There is a great demand for the used eyeglasses you no longer need. The Lions Clubs accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. Please use one of the donation boxes at the three churches through December. This URL shows the journey of a pair of donated glasses: 

15. Giving Trees

Every year for many years, you may have seen a tree in the back of church with tags on it. Each tag lists a gift to be given to a deserving or needy child or family. Take a tag or two and bring back that gift, unwrapped, to put under our Giving Tree. Our good elves will deliver them to families in our area who will have a Merry Christmas due to your generosity! Drop them off at the Pastoral Center or make sure to bring them to Mass by Sunday, December 21.

16. Weekly Stewardship Report

Many corporations match the charitable contributions of their employees. We appreciate United Way Silicon Valley, Progressive
Insurance Foundation, and Local Independent Charities of America for matching employee donations. And “thank you” to those parishioners who process donations through their company matching programs. Your company may have a charitable donation matching program, please contact your company’s human resources department.

Our Weekly Offerings

December 7 Actual: $11,859 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School$ 3,823 
Immaculate Conception $ TBD

17. Thursday, December 18: Santa Visits Juvenile Hall

Join Santa with Larry Schemel and Chris Lundin of our parish and carolers at Juvenile Hall in San Jose from 5pm - 8:30pm on Thursday, December 18th. 

If you would like more information about caroling or to contribute towards gifts for the units, please contact Bill Wallau at (650) 329-0339 or email at Please make checks payable to ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, JH. 

18. Christmas Shopping from Catholic Relief Services Gift Catalog

If you have some Christmas shopping, you might consider something from the Catholic Relief Services Gift Catalog:
The gifts in this catalog represent nearly 1,500 CRS projects that transform people and communities for the long term.

19. Christmas Poinsettias and Flowers

We need your help in making our churches look beautiful for the holidays. Won’t you consider making a donation toward a poinsettia plant in remembrance of a loved one or just as a gift from you? Special Christmas Flower Envelopes are available in the vestibules or back of church. All of your gifts will be greatly appreciated.

20. Christmas Mass Schedule 2014

Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24th

5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)

5:00 pm Family Mass – St. Albert the Great (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)

6:00 pm – St. Thomas Aquinas

7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) 

Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th 

7:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

9:00 am – St. Albert the Great

10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary 

10:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

12:00 Noon – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

21. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

22. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy

Is someone in your family or a friend interested in becoming Catholic? Help bring them to the Way of Jesus. With our own baptism comes the grace of the Holy Spirit that gives us the courage to be evangelists helping to lead others to Christ.

The Holy Spirit impels us to proclaim the Gospel, and gives us the courage. Do not be shy; be bold in the vineyard of the Lord. Often it only takes asking: “Have you thought about being baptized?” or, “Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments?”

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

23. Lazarus in California: One in Seven Residents Live Below Poverty Line
U.S. Census data recently showed that 5.6 million people in the Golden State live below the poverty line – nearly one in seven Californians. Sadly, two million of them are children.
At the same time, Pope Francis has challenged the world to recognize the poor, who like Lazarus in the Gospel parable, are sitting at our gate (Luke 16). In fact, earlier this year, the Pope took a lot of heat when he tweeted that “Inequality is the root of social evil.”
Many people reacted to the headline, without examining the entirety of the Pope’s challenge to the world, says Bishop Robert McElroy, auxiliary bishop of San Francisco. The Bishop summarized that challenge in a simple way: how do we recognize and help the Lazarus’ of our day?
The “rich man” wasn’t necessarily a bad person, he just never noticed Lazarus. (Nevertheless, the parable doesn’t end well for him.)
With the Census showing that California’s poverty rate is now at 14.9 percent in 2013 – higher than the 12.2 percent, pre-Great Recession – it is incumbent upon Californians to examine and strengthen effective pathways out of poverty.
Catholic principals for that discernment are clear, but not rigid...
Read the complete posting here.

24. Vallombrosa Center Seeking Operations Director

Vallombrosa Conference & Retreat Center in Menlo Park, which is owned by Archdiocese of San Francisco, is looking to hire an Operations Director. The position involves assisting the Director with policies, procedures, organization, decisions, supervision and administration involved with the daily operations of the Center. Send resume to

Michael Wentz, Marketing Coordinator
Vallombrosa Center, 650-325-5614

25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

26. Message for the World Day of Peace 2015
"I pray for an end to wars, conflicts and the great suffering caused by human agency, by epidemics past and present, and by the devastation wrought by natural disasters. I pray especially that, on the basis of our common calling to cooperate with God and all people of good will for the advancement of harmony and peace in the world, we may resist the temptation to act in a manner unworthy of our humanity."
- Pope Francis, Message for the World Day of Peace 2015

Celebrate this day by reflecting with Pope Francis on the theme, "Slaves No More, But Brothers and Sisters." His message and the handout focus on how recognizing the God-given dignity of every person should lead us to end human trafficking, trade in migrants and prostitutes, exploitation, slave labor, and the enslavement of women and children.

27. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice

 Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
            (Registration, check-in & hospitality from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.)
Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish, 
1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the Diocese of San Jose will offer a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings.  

Mary Aumack, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation will be the keynote speaker.  

Participants will also be able to take three workshops during the day on a variety of topics, including human trafficking, restorative justice, immigration, care for our planet, immersion experiences, unaccompanied minors, and fair trade.  

Workshops will be offered in both English and Spanish.  

Registration is $20 (if received by January 12 - $25 at the door) and does include lunch.  Registration forms are available in your parish office and on-line at   For more information contact the Social Ministries Office at the Diocese of San Jose (408-983-0158 or .

28. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

29. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

30. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to
participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration.
Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

31. Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro) - celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe

12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and the Life Teen band)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Dec 19, 2014, 8:57:11 AM12/19/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 51 - December 19, 2014

Giving Trees: If you have gifts for the Giving Tree, 
please be sure to drop them off at the Pastoral Center this week 
or bring to Mass this Sunday, December 21st. 

No 6:00 p.m. OLR Mass on December 21 and 28

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, December 20: Final Rehearsals for Christmas Pageants
2. Sunday, December 21: OLR Church Environment for Christmas
3. Remaining Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions
4. Ready for Christmas?
5. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?
6. Last Call: Giving Trees
7. Pastoral Center: Holiday Schedule
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. 6:00 p.m. OLR Sunday Mass Canceled December 21 and 28
10. A Christmas Message From Our Pastor
11. Christmas Mass Schedule 2014
 12. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal
13. Pope Francis Expresses 'Warm Congratulations' at News of Restored US-Cuba Ties
14. President Obama Thanks Pope Francis for Help in US-Cuba Deal
15. Green Corner: Pope Francis on Climate Change
16. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
17. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy
18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
19. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice
20. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
21. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
22. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
23. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
24. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, December 20: Final Rehearsals for Christmas Pageants

We invite all children who would like to be a part of our Christmas Pageant during the Gospel at the 5 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at both Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Albert the Great to sign up to be a part of our story. 

We need angels and shepherds and others (Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Quirinius) to help bring the story to life. Again, we will do the drama in two parts: the first part will be on Christmas Eve and the second part will be on the Feast of Epiphany on January 4. You do not need to be in both dramas.

If you are interested in being a part of our drama, please fill out a sign-up form (on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board) and return the lower portion to Susan at the Pastoral Center as soon as possible, or simply email the information to Susan at The form includes rehearsal information.

Final Rehearsals for Christmas Eve are 
Saturday, December 20: @ St. Albert the Great at 9:30 a.m. 
Saturday, December 20: @ Our Lady of the Rosary at 11:30am 

2. Sunday, December 21: OLR Church Environment for Christmas

On Sunday, December 21, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass, the OLR community will be readying the church for Christmas.  All are encouraged to stay after Mass to help.  Garland must be hung, lights applied and the Christmas tree installed so that angels may alight.  Many hands make light work!

3. Remaining Advent Penance Liturgies and Confessions

The season of Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ and the best way to prepare is to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to confession within our Deanery:

Sat., Dec. 20  St. Joseph, Mt. View 4:00 pm

Our regular Saturday parish confessions continue during Advent:
11:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Church
4:15 p.m. St. Albert the Great Church

4. Ready for Christmas?

What do you still need to do to be ready for the great feast of Christmas? It’s only a few days away. Ask yourself, what do you need to do in order to receive God’s Christmas gift to you in the right way? God the Father has given us the gift of His only Son, who became man, without losing his divine nature-- to make Him one with us. By becoming one with us, we know that Jesus can perfectly understand our human condition: He intimately feels our weakness, our sufferings, our fears, as well as all our hopes and expectations. Our Lord and Savior is with us through good times and bad.

The Son of God came to save sinners because of His loving kindness. We are always longing, seeking and desiring. But the only desire that can satisfy us is the desire for God. We cannot live a meaningful life, a life worth living, without opening our hearts and minds to Jesus. Christ. Christmas
is a spiritual celebration of the presence of Christ and His love for us. May we all experience the joy of knowing that God has entered our world in order to lift us up to Heaven. May God keep you and your families together, united in joy and peace for eternal life.

Deacon Daniel Hernandez

5. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?

The front steps of St. Thomas Aquinas church are in need of repair or replacement.  The group of parishioners working on this project are searching for old photographs of the church in order to see the front steps as they have existed in years past.  If you have old pictures of the church, please contact Jan Dedek at 321-9298.

6. Last Call: Giving Trees

Every year for many years, you may have seen a tree in the back of church with tags on it. Each tag lists a gift to be given to a deserving or needy child or family. Take a tag or two and bring back that gift, unwrapped, to put under our Giving Tree. Our good elves will deliver them to families in our area who will have a Merry Christmas due to your generosity! 

Drop them off at the Pastoral Center or make sure to bring them to Mass by Sunday, December 21.

7. Pastoral Center: Holiday Schedule

Our Pastoral Center will close for the Christmas Holidays, December 23 – December 26. We will be open again on Monday, December 29.

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

For many years our Catholic parishes & schools have benefited from the charitable gifts of appreciated property from many good and generous people. Year-end giving becomes an important consideration for many people in these last weeks of the year 2014. Knowing that your gifts are assisting and advancing the mission of the Catholic Church can bring about tremendous good in our world. If you are able to make a gift of appreciated stock, properties, or cash, while reducing your tax liability, please contact Chuck Tully ( or(650)494-2496.

9. 6:00 p.m. OLR Sunday Mass Canceled December 21 and 28

Due to the holiday and STAY schedules, the Sunday evening 6:00 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary is canceled December 21 and 28.  It will resume on Sunday, January 4, 2015.

10. A Christmas Message From Our Pastor

"The grace which was revealed in our world is Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, true man and true God. He has entered our history; he has shared our journey. He came to free us from darkness and to grant us light. In him was revealed the grace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father: Jesus is Love incarnate. He is not simply a teacher of wisdom, he is not an ideal for which we strive while knowing that we are hopelessly distant from it. He is the meaning of life and history, who has pitched his tent in our midst." Christmas Homily, 2013 - Pope Francis

The Clergy and Pastoral Staff welcome and invite you to celebrate with us the joy of our Christmas liturgies. Our hope is that you will experience the wonder of God's enduring love in the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Fr. Matt

11. Christmas Mass Schedule 2014

Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24th

5:00 pm Family Mass – Our Lady of the Rosary (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)

5:00 pm Family Mass – St. Albert the Great (Children’s Christmas Pageant during Mass)

6:00 pm – St. Thomas Aquinas

7:00 pm – Our Lady of the Rosary (Spanish) 

Midnight Mass 12:00 am – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25th 

7:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

9:00 am – St. Albert the Great

10:30 am – Our Lady of the Rosary 

10:30 am – St. Thomas Aquinas

12:00 Noon – St. Thomas Aquinas (Gregorian)

 12. Update on 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Our ADA totals as of December 1, 2014 are:

Total Pledged: $191,397 
Total Paid: $188,857
Total Refund: $65,245 
Number of Pledges: 321

Please keep making your regular payments. Now that our diocesan goal is paid, all pledge payments come back to the parish in the form of a rebate. The rebate is an important part of financing our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church.

13. Pope Francis Expresses 'Warm Congratulations' at News of Restored US-Cuba Ties

VATICAN CITY, December 17, 2014 ( - The US government has just announced today that it will restore diplomatic relations with Cuba and open an embassy in Havana. The Vatican Secretariat of State released the following statement in response to the news:

* * *

The Holy Father wishes to express his warm congratulations for the historic decision taken by the Governments of the United States of America and Cuba to establish diplomatic relations, with the aim of overcoming, in the interest of the citizens of both countries, the difficulties which have marked their recent history.

In recent months, Pope Francis wrote letters to the President of the Republic of Cuba, His Excellency Mr Raúl Castro, and the President of the United States, The Honorable Barack H. Obama, and invited them to resolve humanitarian questions of common interest, including the situation of certain prisoners, in order to initiate a new phase in relations between the two Parties.

The Holy See received Delegations of the two countries in the Vatican last October and provided its good offices to facilitate a constructive dialogue on delicate matters, resulting in solutions acceptable to both Parties.

The Holy See will continue to assure its support for initiatives which both nations will undertake to strengthen their bilateral relations and promote the wellbeing of their respective citizens.

            From the Vatican, 17th December 2014 

14. President Obama Thanks Pope Francis for Help in US-Cuba Deal

U.S. President Barack Obama thanked Pope Francis in a nationally televised address Wednesday for help the pope gave in facilitating the beginning of normalization in relations between the United States and Cuba.
The pontiff, Obama said, wrote personally to both Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro urging them to find a way to resolve Cuba's imprisonment of U.S. citizen Alan Gross.

"His Holiness Pope Francis issued a personal appeal to me and to Cuba's President Raul Castro urging us to resolve Alan's case," Obama said.

Later in the address, Obama thanked Francis for his example. 

"In particular," Obama said, "I want to thank His Holiness Pope Francis, whose moral example shows us the importance of pursuing the world as it should be, rather than simply settling for the world as it is.”

15. Green Corner: Pope Francis on Climate Change

Excerpts in message from Pope Francis to the UN Convention on Climate Change held in Lima:

"What you are going to debate affects the whole of humanity, in particular the poorest and future generations. More than that, it is a grave ethical and moral responsibility."

"The effective struggle against global warming will only be possible with a responsible collective answer, that goes beyond particular interests and behavior and is developed free of political and economic pressures. It is only possible with a collective answer that is able to overcome attitudes of mistrust and to promote a culture of solidarity, of encounter and of dialogue able to show the responsibility to protect the planet and the human family."

Full message at:

16. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

17. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy

Is someone in your family or a friend interested in becoming Catholic? Help bring them to the Way of Jesus. With our own baptism comes the grace of the Holy Spirit that gives us the courage to be evangelists helping to lead others to Christ.

The Holy Spirit impels us to proclaim the Gospel, and gives us the courage. Do not be shy; be bold in the vineyard of the Lord. Often it only takes asking: “Have you thought about being baptized?” or, “Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments?”

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

19. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice

 Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
            (Registration, check-in & hospitality from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.)
Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish, 
1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the Diocese of San Jose will offer a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings.  

Mary Aumack, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation will be the keynote speaker.  

Participants will also be able to take three workshops during the day on a variety of topics, including human trafficking, restorative justice, immigration, care for our planet, immersion experiences, unaccompanied minors, and fair trade.  

Workshops will be offered in both English and Spanish.  

Registration is $20 (if received by January 12 - $25 at the door) and does include lunch.  Registration forms are available in your parish office and on-line at   For more information contact the Social Ministries Office at the Diocese of San Jose (408-983-0158 or .

20. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

21. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

22. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
A showing of the documentary film, Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, followed by a discussion with the film’s producer, Morgan Atkinson, will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA.  Wine and light refreshments will be served.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, “believing beatnik,” brilliant author of books, essays and poetry, all rooted in his lifelong search for meaning.  Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto as the inaugural event in the 100th year anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, Soul Searching reveals life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Merton’s home of 27 years, as well as Merton’s path in New York City, Redwoods Monastery (California) and Christ in the Desert Monastery (New Mexico). 

Morgan Atkinson spent years researching Thomas Merton’s work, as well as interviewing Merton friends, scholars and authorities on the spiritual life.  Those interviewed include Fr. Daniel Berrigan, Anthony Padovano, Michael Mott, Dom John Eudes Bamberger, Br. Paul Quenon, Lawrence Cunningham, Paul Elie, Christine Bochen, Robert Inchausti, Martin Marty, Sr. Elena Malits, Colman McCarthy, Jonathan Montaldo, Fr. John Dear, Sr. Kathleen Deignan and others.

Morgan Atkinson has worked as a communications professional since 1975 and since 1985 has operated his own video production company. A native of Louisville, KY, he writes and produces programs that examine issues of community and culture.  Atkinson is at present completing another program on Merton, concentrating on the momentous events that occurred in the final year of the monk’s life,1968.

The event is open to all without charge; donations gratefully received.  Ample parking is available adjacent to the Recreation Center. For information: Kay Williams,

23. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to
participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration.
Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

24. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
CANCELED: 6:00 p.m. OLR (Life Teen) (AND ON DECEMBER 28 AS WELL)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Dec 26, 2014, 9:14:40 AM12/26/14
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 8, No. 52 - December 26, 2014

No 6:00 p.m. OLR Mass on Sunday, December 28

Table of Contents

1. Pastoral Center: Holiday Schedule
2. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books
3. A Christmas Thank-You From The Parish Staff
4. The Synod on the Family: Past and Future
5. This Weekend: Second Collection for Work of St. Vincent de Paul
6. 6:00 p.m. OLR Sunday Mass Canceled December 28
7. Thursday, January 1, 2015:  Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God World Day of Prayer for Peace
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?
10. Save The Dates: Important Parish Events
11. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
12. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy
13. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
14. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice
15. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
16. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
17. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
18. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
19. Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and Presider Schedule


1. Pastoral Center: Holiday Schedule

Our Pastoral Center be closed for the Christmas Holidays, December 23 – December 26. We will be open again on Monday, December 29. The Pastoral Center will also be closed Wednesday, December 31 - January 2, and will open again on Monday, January 5, 2015.

2. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books

At our Christmas Masses, each family was gifted with a special book “Rediscover Catholicism”. The parish Pastoral Stewardship Council recommended that this best-selling book be distributed place in each home as a useful resource for our Catholic faith journey. We all need to rediscover Catholicism. Central to the beauty and richness of the faith is that it is constantly in need of being rediscovered. Not because *it* changes, but because *we* change. Who we are and the circumstances of our lives are constantly evolving and so a truth that we passed over a year ago may prove to be completely transformative today.  

The parish hopes the book will serve as encouragement to continuing exploring and deepening our faith. 

If you were not in town to receive your copy, please check the vestibule at each church or contact the Pastoral Center (494-2496).

3. A Christmas Thank-You From The Parish Staff

Thank you for your expressions of kindness and love, for your remembrance of us in your prayers, and for your generous support of our work throughout the year. We are privileged to be called to serve you. 

We also extend our deepest gratitude to those who helped prepare our churches for Christmas. We are also grateful to those who donated cash gifts towards our poinsettias and flowers. A special thank you to all those who served as Environment Team, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers and Ushers, Musicians, and Choir Members. All of you made this a prayerful and festive Christmas.

4. The Synod on the Family: Past and Future

How can the Church improve its approach to the family and all the modern day challenges it faces?  This question is breaking down to a series of different topics that were discussed at the Synod on the Family this past October.  Bishops from around the world will gather again in Rome again this coming October to continue their discussions. I share with you a few thoughts that emerged among the bishops as “points of emphasis” for future discussions.


A big one is language. The words used by the Church should be inviting and not outright condemning.


Another major point was the law of graduality, which underscores the unique path people take in their search for God. For some people it's immediate, with others it's a process.


The notion of focusing on offense instead of defense was also touched on; highlighting the good in promoting family life, instead of the challenges.


The same idea was also discussed when it comes to sexuality in married life and its connection to spirituality.


The historical connection between the Church and family should also be highlighted. Meaning, the role the Church has played in promoting family life and therefore in promoting a strong fabric of society.

Our Holy Father invites all of us to pray, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church, that the Synod process will result in pastoral decisions truly beneficial to the family, the Church and society. 

Fr Matt, Pastor

5. This Weekend: Second Collection for Work of St. Vincent de Paul

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. 

Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

6. 6:00 p.m. OLR Sunday Mass Canceled December 28

Due to the holiday and STAY schedules, the Sunday evening 6:00 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary is canceled December 21 and 28.  It will resume on Sunday, January 4, 2015.

7. Thursday, January 1, 2015:  Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God World Day of Prayer for Peace

Our New Year's Day Mass will be at 8:30 am Our Lady of the Rosary Church

Mass will be preceded by a Rosary for Peace at 8:00 am

We invite you to this prayerful way to begin the New Year. Although there is no obligation to attend Mass on this Holy Day, we encourage all who are able to join us in this celebration.

There will also be a Gregorian Latin Mass at 12:00 pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you for your generosity in this year's Christmas collection. Although we are not yet able to give you a complete report of the size of your gift given in that collection, we assure you that the love which these gifts represent will enable us to continue the work which we must undertake here at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. If you were not prepared for our Christmas collection, we encourage you still to make your gift. Your generosity will help us more than you can imagine.

Our Weekly Offering:
December 14 Actual: $11,878 (Goal: $11,000)
Immaculate Conception: $1,221 
December 21:  Actual: $TBD 
Retirement Fund for Religious: $5,686

9. Old Photos of St. Thomas Aquinas Church?

The front steps of St. Thomas Aquinas church are in need of repair or replacement.  The group of parishioners working on this project are searching for old photographs of the church in order to see the front steps as they have existed in years past.  If you have old pictures of the church, please contact Jan Dedek at 321-9298.

10. Save The Dates: Important Parish Events

Saturday, January 10 - All Liturgical Ministers Day of Reflection (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center) (tentative)

Sunday, January 11 - Faith Formation Classes resume

Tuesday, January 13 - Spirituality Tuesday Assembly resumes

Saturday, January  17 - Social Justice Day - San Jose

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

11. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

12. RCIA – Do Not Be Shy

Is someone in your family or a friend interested in becoming Catholic? Help bring them to the Way of Jesus. With our own baptism comes the grace of the Holy Spirit that gives us the courage to be evangelists helping to lead others to Christ.

The Holy Spirit impels us to proclaim the Gospel, and gives us the courage. Do not be shy; be bold in the vineyard of the Lord. Often it only takes asking: “Have you thought about being baptized?” or, “Have you ever considered completing your Initiation Sacraments?”

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

13. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

14. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice

 Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
            (Registration, check-in & hospitality from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.)
Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish, 
1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the Diocese of San Jose will offer a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings.  

Mary Aumack, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation will be the keynote speaker.  

Participants will also be able to take three workshops during the day on a variety of topics, including human trafficking, restorative justice, immigration, care for our planet, immersion experiences, unaccompanied minors, and fair trade.  

Workshops will be offered in both English and Spanish.  

Registration is $20 (if received by January 12 - $25 at the door) and does include lunch.  Registration forms are available in your parish office and on-line at   For more information contact the Social Ministries Office at the Diocese of San Jose (408-983-0158 or .

15. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

16. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

17. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
A showing of the documentary film, Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, followed by a discussion with the film’s producer, Morgan Atkinson, will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA.  Wine and light refreshments will be served.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, “believing beatnik,” brilliant author of books, essays and poetry, all rooted in his lifelong search for meaning.  Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto as the inaugural event in the 100th year anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, Soul Searching reveals life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Merton’s home of 27 years, as well as Merton’s path in New York City, Redwoods Monastery (California) and Christ in the Desert Monastery (New Mexico). 

Morgan Atkinson spent years researching Thomas Merton’s work, as well as interviewing Merton friends, scholars and authorities on the spiritual life.  Those interviewed include Fr. Daniel Berrigan, Anthony Padovano, Michael Mott, Dom John Eudes Bamberger, Br. Paul Quenon, Lawrence Cunningham, Paul Elie, Christine Bochen, Robert Inchausti, Martin Marty, Sr. Elena Malits, Colman McCarthy, Jonathan Montaldo, Fr. John Dear, Sr. Kathleen Deignan and others.

Morgan Atkinson has worked as a communications professional since 1975 and since 1985 has operated his own video production company. A native of Louisville, KY, he writes and produces programs that examine issues of community and culture.  Atkinson is at present completing another program on Merton, concentrating on the momentous events that occurred in the final year of the monk’s life,1968.

The event is open to all without charge; donations gratefully received.  Ample parking is available adjacent to the Recreation Center. For information: Kay Williams,

18. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to
participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration.
Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

19. Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Matt (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

Fr. Stasys is away December 22 - January 1


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Jan 2, 2015, 9:23:03 AM1/2/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 1 - January 2, 2015

Table of Contents

1. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books
2. Feast of the Epiphany
3. Epiphany Proclamation
4. Gifts of the Magi
5. January 4-11: National Migration Week: The Hope of the Gospel
6. Save The Dates: Important Parish Events
7. S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) Schedule for 2015
8. Thursday, January 8: When Harry Meets the Widows and Widowers
9. Next Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers
10. Ongoing Liturgical Minister Formation
11. Tuesday, January 13: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Biblical Walk through the Mass (Final Episode) 
12. Sign Up For Online Giving Program
13. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
14. Green Corner: Encyclical Coming
15. Green Corner: Eye Glasses Collection Results
16. Green Corner: OLR Solar Installation Underway
17. PBS Series Can Inspire Us All To Journey On Our Own Pilgrimages
18. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 
19. Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for January
20. On the Pope's Birthday
21. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice
24. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
25. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
26. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
27. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
28. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
29. Readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, and Presider Schedule


1. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books

At our Christmas Masses, each family was gifted with a special book “Rediscover Catholicism”. The parish Pastoral Stewardship Council recommended that this best-selling book be distributed place in each home as a useful resource for our Catholic faith journey. We all need to rediscover Catholicism. Central to the beauty and richness of the faith is that it is constantly in need of being rediscovered. Not because *it* changes, but because *we* change. Who we are and the circumstances of our lives are constantly evolving and so a truth that we passed over a year ago may prove to be completely transformative today.  

The parish hopes the book will serve as encouragement to continuing exploring and deepening our faith. 

If you were not in town to receive your copy, please check the vestibule at each church or contact the Pastoral Center (494-2496).

2. Feast of the Epiphany

The feast of the Epiphany was originally a celebration of the Incarnation of Jesus Chris, and included the commemoration of: his birth; the visit of the Magi, and all of Jesus' childhood events, up to and including his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist, and even the miracle at the Wedding of Cana in Galilee. However, the central event was the baptism of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus was of particular importance since, with the Transfiguration, it was the only time, when the Trinity manifested itself.
The western Church has separated out these events with the various celebrations of the Christmas season: Christmas, the Motherhood of Mary, the Epiphany, the Baptism of Jesus and the wedding at Cana.  

3. Epiphany Proclamation

While a day like Christmas is fixed in our minds and on the calendars on December 25th, many of the important feasts of the Church year move, based upon the date that Easter is set. Easter changes each year moving to the Sunday after the "Paschal Full Moon," and can fall between March 22 and April 25.

In ancient times before calendars were common, most people did not know the dates for the upcoming Liturgical year. On Epiphany Sunday, the upcoming dates were "proclaimed" after the gospel in this way:

My sisters and brothers, the glory of the Lord Jesus has been made manifest and will continue to be revealed in our midst until he comes again. In the rhythms and alternations of time, let us recall and live the mysteries of our salvation.

Central to the entire liturgical year is our celebration of the TRIDUUM OF THE LORD, crucified, died and risen, which culminates on EASTER SUNDAY, the 5th of April. Every SUNDAY, when we recall this paschal mystery, holy Church makes present this great event in which Christ has conquered sin and death.

From Easter derive all our other celebrations: 
ASH WEDNESDAY, the beginning of the season of Lent, the 18th of February; 
the ASCENSION OF THE LORD, the 17th of May; 
PENTECOST, the 24th of May; and 
the FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, the 29th of November.

Likewise, in the feasts of the holy Mother of God, of the apostles and saints, and in the commemoration of all the faithful departed, the Church, in her pilgrimage here on earth, proclaims the paschal mystery of the Lord.

To Christ who is, who was, and who is to come, the Lord of all time and history: be endless praise now and forever! Amen.

Fr Matt, Pastor

4. Gifts of the Magi

In Matthew’s Gospel, the birth of Jesus is heralded by the arrival of mysterious visitors from the east. Traditionally identified as three kings, because they spoke directly to King Herod, or as astrologers, because the followed a star, or as wise men, because they knew of Christ’s birth through some hidden wisdom, the fact is we know virtually nothing about them—not even their number, although that’s traditionally been fixed at three, because they brought three gifts. And what about those gifts?

Gold isn’t hard to figure out. A symbol of wealth and power, gold, as a tribute, identifies the recipient as a king. Although born in a stable, with refugee parents, Christ was part of the lineage of King David, yet his own kingship was far broader. Frankincense is the crystalized resinous sap of the tree Boswellia thurifera, which grows in North Africa and the Arabian Pennisula. Used as incense and as an offering, it’s symbolic of prayer, as its sweet smoke rises to heaven—an appropriate gift for the Christ child, who would himself rise to heaven, carrying with him our hopes for eternal life. Gift number three was myrrh, another resinous sap, this time from the tree Commiphora myrrha. Although often used as incense, myrrh was also used in healing liniments, and as an embalming ointment. Today it’s a flavoring agent in the Italian drink Fernet Branca, one of the most vile liquids I have ever tasted. Myrrh is an odd gift for a child, unless you know that this special child will redeem the world through his Death and Resurrection. At the beginning of Jesus’ life on earth, this gift foreshadows his Death.

by Rev. Larry Rice, CSP, Vocations Director for the Paulist Fathers

5. January 4-11: National Migration Week: The Hope of the Gospel

“The Church, through her public voice must call attention to the plight of the innocent who suffer, and to how a culture of violence and death is destroying a people and a culture that has endured and flourished on both sides of the Border for many generations. And we should not be shy about the enunciation of the principles that shed light on what constitutes a just way forward.

“Between Christ and despair there is only the illusion of a middle ground; there is no safe secular space where we all happily mind our own business. The most enduring and effective remedy we offer in this troubled time is to do what we have always done, only with a greater sense of generosity and urgency. We need to teach the Gospel. It engenders hope in the final triumph of what is good and noble in life. Without this hope, the spiritual resources of our communities will not be sufficient to meet the inimical power facing us and threatening our children.”

By Bishop Daniel E. Flores, of the Diocese of Brownsville, TX

Loving Father,
remembering that the Holy Family fled violence and lived for a time as refugees,
we ask that you protect all refugee families fleeing persecution,
and provide them a place of safety and comfort.
For children who are making perilous journeys,
often alone and without the protection of loved ones,
we ask that you reunite them with their families
and protect them from violence on the journey.

For all migrants,
that they not feel compelled to migrate but have opportunities in their homeland
where they can thrive and live fully human lives.
Open our hearts so that we may provide hospitality for those who come in search of refuge.
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. 

Padre Amoroso,
al recordar que la Sagrada Familia huyó de la violencia y que vivió durante un tiempo en el exilio,
te pedimos que protejas a todas las familias que huyendo
de la persecución buscan refugio,
y les proporciones un lugar seguro y acogedor.
Por los niños que viajan en medio de tantos peligros,
a menudo solos y sin la protección de sus seres queridos,
te pedimos que los reúnas con sus familias
y los protejas de la violencia en el camino.

Por todos los emigrantes,
para que no se sientan obligados a emigrar,
sino que encuentren oportunidades en su tierra natal
donde puedan prosperar y vivir una vida plenamente humana.
Abre nuestro corazón para que podamos ofrecer hospitalidad
a aquellos que vienen en busca de refugio.
Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo,
que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo
y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. 

6. Save The Dates: Important Parish Events

Wednesday, January 7 - S.O.U.P. Begins Again

Sunday, January 11 - Faith Formation Classes resume

Tuesday, January 13 - Spirituality Tuesday Assembly resumes

Saturday, January  17 - Social Justice Day - San Jose - Liturgical Ministers Formation Event

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

7. S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) Schedule for 2015

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

January 7 and 21
February 4 and 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

8. Thursday, January 8: When Harry Meets the Widows and Widowers

The parish Widows and Widowers are invited to gather for dinner at Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City on Thursday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m.  (For insiders only: We will NOT be in the usual place in the back room.)

9. Next Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers

Next weekend, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we will commission for another year those who seek to serve the community - to be present to the community in a special way - as liturgical ministers: Ministers of Hospitality, Lectors, Ministers of Music, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Environment & Art and of Altar & Linen Care. Let us both recognize the special role these people play in contributing to our experience of worship at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and, if we are not among them, assess our own call to serve the community in some way.

10. Ongoing Liturgical Minister Formation

As part of that annual recommitment to our liturgical ministries on the Baptism of the Lord next weekend, we also ask all liturgical ministers to commit themselves to continuing ongoing faith formation during the year. This year we are encouraging all parish liturgical ministers to register for the Diocesan-sponsored “Living the Joy of the Gospel – Faith in Action” on Saturday, January 17. 

Living the Joy of the Gospel – Faith in Action
January 17, 2015 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
St. Lawrence the Martyr - Parish Center
1971 St. Lawrence Drive,Santa Clara, CA 95051

This event will feature a day of education, reflection, spirituality and activism, all geared to deepen the involvement of the participants in Social Justice. 

Registration on or before January 15 is $20. Registration after January 15 is $25 at the door. Lunch is included.

For more information and to register, go to

Please join with me and our parish clergy on that day of formation.

Nora Lundin
Director of Liturgy and Music

11. Tuesday, January 13: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Biblical Walk through the Mass (Final Episode) 

With our host, Fr. Matt

As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our faith. We all know the responses and gestures, but do we know what it all means? This series explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy, and explains their profound significance.

In the Old Testament a sacrifice was followed by a meal of whatever was sacrificed as an affirmation of their covenant with God. It makes perfect sense that we eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which shall be shed for you” (Luke 22:20).  This unique tour of the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist! This video series is hosted by Fr. Matt. Please join us!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

12. Sign Up For Online Giving Program

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card!

A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24

13. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

14. Green Corner: Encyclical Coming

Pope Francis is planning to issue an encyclical during his visit to the Philippines urging all Catholics to take action against climate change. This news is making the rounds world wide through different publications. One of these can be seen at:

15. Green Corner: Eye Glasses Collection Results

On behalf of all those who will benefit from the 99 pairs of eye glasses and cash donated we sincerely thank you. Once again, our wonderful parishioners have shown their heart-warming generosity to help those in need. The glasses and cash will be turned over to the Lions Club for the continuation of their journey.

The STA Green Committee

16. Green Corner: OLR Solar Installation Underway

(From December 29) The solar installation is going well thanks to the volunteers, some shown below, and the wonderful weather this past week and a half.  The final inspection is scheduled for today!

(see the photo at the end of the eBulletin)

17. PBS Series Can Inspire Us All To Journey On Our Own Pilgrimages

Blessed the man who finds refuge in you, in their hearts are pilgrim roads. -- Psalm 84:6

This is the sentiment that underlies an ongoing series on PBS called "Sacred Journeys," hosted by New York Times columnist and best-selling author Bruce Feiler. "As long as humans have walked," explains Feiler, "they've walked to get closer to their gods.”

I have long adored this description of pilgrimage by the Spanish bishop Eugenio Romero Pose, a lifelong admirer of the Camino de Santiago:

The pilgrim has an authentic experience of time: rising before the sun is up; keeping silence through the morning so as to raise her sights to the Presence of God while beginning life anew; noting how the color of things changes as the day advances; living every moment intensely; resting in a church, in some shade; living without a watch, without calculating the time.
What is important is not what is fleeting, but what is eternal. Each day passes, but time receives the imprint of eternity. Alive in her is the hope of reaching her goal, moved by the longing for Ultimate Truth. She comes to understand that what is important is to discover the meaning of her existence, in the face of which the need for conversion is constantly renewed.

Watch online:

18. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 

with Ray O’Connor

This presentation will focus on the truths conveyed through the main stories of Genesis and how those truths were meant to preserve a people of faith in uncertain times. How did these truths serve the Israelites then and how do the serve us now? Please join us for a fascinating evening!

Raymond (Ray) O’Connor lives and works in San Francisco. He has been a Catholic secondary educator for 23 years;  14 of which he spent at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco, the first all male Sacred Heart school in the U.S. Network. He currently teaches "Justice: Theory and Society" where he also directs the service learning program. Ray holds degrees in Humanities, Divinity, and Theology. He completed his Doctor of Minstry degree at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley. Ray also teaches Old Testament in the Institute for Pastoral Leadership of the Diocese of San Jose. Ray is an Associate of the Religious of the Sacred Heart.  Read more about Ray at

19. Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for January

ROME, December 30, 2014 ( - The Vatican today released Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for January 2015.

The Holy Father's universal prayer intention for this month is:

“That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace”.

His intention for evangelization is:

“That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal”.

20. On the Pope's Birthday

On Wednesday, December 17, Pope Francis marked his 78th birthday. At his weekly audience, he was serenaded by hundreds of couples who danced a mass tango, one of his favorite dances, in St. Peter's Square. And well-wishers presented him with a birthday cake and mate, the popular Argentine drink.
Four homeless people then joined him for lunch at the Vatican.
That evening Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, the pope's almsgiver led a group of volunteers, including nuns and members of the Swiss Guard, set off on a minibus tour around St. Peter's Basilica and the Italian capital distributing 400 sleeping bags with the papal ensign to people living on the streets.
"This is a gift for you from the pope on the occasion of his birthday," volunteers told the recipients.
A month earlier the Vatican announced plans to build showers for the homeless in the public restrooms in St. Peter's Square.

(from Gospel Reflections:

Did you know Pope Francis was baptized on Christmas Day? It was an Argentinian practice to baptism babies 8 days after their birth and that was his special Baptism day!  Do you know when you were baptized?

21. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Diocese of San Jose Day of Reflection on Social Justice

 Date: Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
            (Registration, check-in & hospitality from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.)
Location: St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish, 
1971 Saint Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the Diocese of San Jose will offer a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings.  

Mary Aumack, Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation will be the keynote speaker.  

Participants will also be able to take three workshops during the day on a variety of topics, including human trafficking, restorative justice, immigration, care for our planet, immersion experiences, unaccompanied minors, and fair trade.  

Workshops will be offered in both English and Spanish.  

Registration is $20 (if received by January 12 - $25 at the door) and does include lunch.  Registration forms are available in your parish office and on-line at   For more information contact the Social Ministries Office at the Diocese of San Jose (408-983-0158 or .

24. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

25. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

26. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
A showing of the documentary film, Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, followed by a discussion with the film’s producer, Morgan Atkinson, will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA.  Wine and light refreshments will be served.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, “believing beatnik,” brilliant author of books, essays and poetry, all rooted in his lifelong search for meaning.  Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto as the inaugural event in the 100th year anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, Soul Searching reveals life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Merton’s home of 27 years, as well as Merton’s path in New York City, Redwoods Monastery (California) and Christ in the Desert Monastery (New Mexico). 

Morgan Atkinson spent years researching Thomas Merton’s work, as well as interviewing Merton friends, scholars and authorities on the spiritual life.  Those interviewed include Fr. Daniel Berrigan, Anthony Padovano, Michael Mott, Dom John Eudes Bamberger, Br. Paul Quenon, Lawrence Cunningham, Paul Elie, Christine Bochen, Robert Inchausti, Martin Marty, Sr. Elena Malits, Colman McCarthy, Jonathan Montaldo, Fr. John Dear, Sr. Kathleen Deignan and others.

Morgan Atkinson has worked as a communications professional since 1975 and since 1985 has operated his own video production company. A native of Louisville, KY, he writes and produces programs that examine issues of community and culture.  Atkinson is at present completing another program on Merton, concentrating on the momentous events that occurred in the final year of the monk’s life,1968.

The event is open to all without charge; donations gratefully received.  Ample parking is available adjacent to the Recreation Center. For information: Kay Williams,

27. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to
participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration.
Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

28. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

29. Readings for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Bonus Content: Solar Installation at Our Lady of the Rosary!

Chris Lundin

Jan 9, 2015, 7:29:20 AM1/9/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 2 - January 9, 2015

Register for "Living the Joy of the Gospel – Faith in Action”
Saturday, January 17, St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish Center, Santa Clara

Table of Contents

1. We Are All God’s Sons and Daughters
2. This Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers
3. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books
4. Weekly Stewardship Report
5. Tuesday, January 13: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Biblical Walk through the Mass (Final Episode) 
6. Saturday, January 17: Ongoing Liturgical Minister Formation
7. Save The Dates: Important Parish Events
8. Thanks for the Christmas Giving Trees!
9. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
10. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal
11. Green Corner: OLR Power and Light!
12. Thursday, January 15: 2014-2015 Heyns Lecture at Stanford
13. Friday, January 16: Memorial Mass for Elsie Trojak
14. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 
15. Wednesday, January 21: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
16. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
17. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day
18. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
19. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
20. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
23. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
24. Readings for the Baptism of the Lord, and Presider Schedule


1. We Are All God’s Sons and Daughters

In Mark’s gospel this weekend, we hear how Christ was baptized by John the Baptist as the Spirit descended on him and a voice declared "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." Mark 1:11. We, too, became sons and daughters of God when we were baptized.

This weekend, as we bless and re-commission our liturgical ministers, we recognize their contributions and service to the success and excellence of our liturgies. They are dedicated sons and daughters reflecting Christ’s love to others, ready and willing to serve the assembly that gathers for worship.

For example, on any given Sunday, our sacristans at each Mass reliably set up the essential items for Mass – the Lectionary for the Lectors to proclaim the Word, the Book of Gospels, the gifts we offer for the celebration of the Eucharist, the priest’s chalice, light candles, etc. They may also fill in for other roles as needed.

One thing we ask of our liturgical ministers is to commit to ongoing spiri- tual formation. This year the Diocese of San Jose is sponsoring a Day of Social Justice on January 17th. I invite all liturgical ministers to register for the Diocese of San Jose’s Day of Social Justice at St. Lawrence Parish as part of their promise of ongoing faith formation as liturgical ministers. (See the article to the right of this column.) There are registration forms in the vestibule and on our webpage at Please take a look at the lineup of speakers and sessions and register.

I have a deep gratitude for all our liturgical ministers and the time they spend. And we always are looking for more to join us to make a lighter load for all.

Nora Lundin, Director of Liturgy & Music

2. This Weekend: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers

This weekend, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we will commission for another year those who seek to serve the community - to be present to the community in a special way - as liturgical ministers: Ministers of Hospitality, Lectors, Ministers of Music, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Ministers of Environment & Art and of Altar & Linen Care. Let us both recognize the special role these people play in contributing to our experience of worship at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and, if we are not among them, assess our own call to serve the community in some way.

3. "Rediscover Catholicism" Books

At our Christmas Masses, each family was gifted with a special book “Rediscover Catholicism”. The parish Pastoral Stewardship Council recommended that this best-selling book be distributed place in each home as a useful resource for our Catholic faith journey. We all need to rediscover Catholicism. Central to the beauty and richness of the faith is that it is constantly in need of being rediscovered. Not because *it* changes, but because *we* change. Who we are and the circumstances of our lives are constantly evolving and so a truth that we passed over a year ago may prove to be completely transformative today.  

The parish hopes the book will serve as encouragement to continuing exploring and deepening our faith. 

If you were not in town to receive your copy, please check the vestibule at each church or contact the Pastoral Center (494-2496).

After this weekend, the remaining books will be brought back to the Pastoral Center.  A small supply will be left at each church site to be given to new, registering individuals on Newcomer Sundays.

4. Weekly Stewardship Report

As your Pastor, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your generosity in the final weeks of 2014. As you can see, these numbers reflect more than dollars and cents; it is an expression of our stewardship of the blessings God has entrusted to each of us. Our St. Vincent de Paul conference would especially like to thank you for your goodness in our December collection.

Fr. Matt

Our Weekly Offering

Christmas: Actual $83,000 (Goal: $70,000) 
December 28: Actual: $11,883 (Goal:$11,000) 
St.Vincent de Paul: $ 7,000 
Mary,Mother of God: $ 1,238 
January4Actual: $11,600 (Goal:$11,000)

5. Tuesday, January 13: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: A Biblical Walk through the Mass (Final Episode) 

With our host, Fr. Matt

As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our faith. We all know the responses and gestures, but do we know what it all means? This series explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy, and explains their profound significance.

In the Old Testament a sacrifice was followed by a meal of whatever was sacrificed as an affirmation of their covenant with God. It makes perfect sense that we eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which shall be shed for you” (Luke 22:20).  This unique tour of the Mass is sure to renew your faith and deepen your love and devotion to the Eucharist! This video series is hosted by Fr. Matt. Please join us!

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

6. Saturday, January 17: Ongoing Liturgical Minister Formation

As part of that annual recommitment to our liturgical ministries on the Baptism of the Lord next weekend, we also ask all liturgical ministers to commit themselves to continuing ongoing faith formation during the year. This year we are encouraging all parish liturgical ministers to register for the Diocesan-sponsored “Living the Joy of the Gospel – Faith in Action” on Saturday, January 17. 

Living the Joy of the Gospel – Faith in Action
January 17, 2015 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
St. Lawrence the Martyr - Parish Center
1971 St. Lawrence Drive,Santa Clara, CA 95051

This event will feature a day of education, reflection, spirituality and activism, all geared to deepen the involvement of the participants in Social Justice. 

Registration on or before January 15 is $20. Registration after January 15 is $25 at the door. Lunch is included.

For more information and to register, go to

Please join with me and our parish clergy on that day of formation.

Nora Lundin
Director of Liturgy and Music

7. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events

Sunday, January 11 - Faith Formation Classes resume

Tuesday, January 13 - Spirituality Tuesday Assembly resumes

Saturday, January  17 - Social Justice Day - San Jose - Liturgical Ministers Formation Event

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

Saturday, February 7 - Crab Dinner Dance (Seton School Auditorium)

Saturday, February 14 - 25th, 40th, 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Cathedral, San Jose (Diocesan event)

Friday, February 20 - Revs vs. Sems Game - Santa Clara University (Diocesan event)

8. Thanks for the Christmas Giving Trees!

Many many thanks to all the thoughtful, generous folks who put gifts under the trees at the Our Lady of the Rosary, St Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas worship sites.  Because of your thoughtfulness, many children in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park had a happy Christmas.

9. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

10. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal

The 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal will be soon underway.

Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $128,000— 2.2% of the overall Diocesan goal of $5,802,967. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge.  Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2015. 

Our Pastor will be encouraging our support at all of the Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary on Sunday, January 18 and at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Sunday, January 25. 

Pledge Sunday is February 1st. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

11. Green Corner: OLR Power and Light!

The solar panel installation at Our Lady of the Rosary is completed and live!  

As of the afternoon of  December 31, our solar panels are generating power! As Jerry Lucha calls them, OLR Power & Light.
On Wednesday, the installation passed the electrical and the building inspections with flying colors.

The remaining piece is to have parish volunteers and staff be trained on the web-based monitoring system which will be installed as soon as it arrives, and that training is being scheduled.

The rebate paperwork is being completed and we should get it in 3 to 4 weeks. We are also going to get a refund from Sunwork, amount TBD, due to lower than expected costs. 

God has been on our side from the beginning on this project - especially with the amazing weather during the installation and all the volunteers that came to help, including one from Vancouver! Some that have full time work, gave up their Christmas days off for this project to make a difference for the environment.

See the photo at the end of the eBulletin when volunteers gathered at the end of the job.  Due to work commitments, not all members of the team could be present for the picture.

Thanks to the Green Committee, and especially the leadership of Katia Reeves (with camera in the picture), to get this project moved from idea to implementation!

12. Thursday, January 15: 2014-2015 Heyns Lecture at Stanford

by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising

January 15, 2015, 6:00 pm
Cemex Auditorium, Knight Management Center, The Graduate School of Business
655 Knight Way, 
Stanford, CA 94305

This year’s lecture features Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising who has emerged as one of the Roman Catholic Church’s most influential figures. He currently serves as the head of the German Bishops’ Conference and as President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the European Union. He is a member of the Council of Cardinals, which advises Pope Francis on church governance, and was appointed head of the new Council for the Economy, designed to oversee the Vatican’s economic management. Cardinal Marx has written and spoken widely on economic questions and the contemporary relevance of Catholic Social Teaching; he is the author of Das Kapital: A Plea for Man (2008).

Use US-101 S to Embarcadero/Oregon Expwy, which becomes Galvez Street. Turn left on Campus Drive; turn right into the basement parking lot (Parking Lot Structure 7) of the Graduate School of Business-The Knight Management Center. (Opposite the Maples Sport Center on the left side of Campus Drive)

Lecture, followed by dialogue and Q&A
Tickets Available at:

13. Friday, January 16: Memorial Mass for Elsie Trojak

Longtime parishioner and beloved member of our community, Mrs. Elsie Trojak died peacefully in her home on January 2, 2015.  Elsie was 98 years old.

Elsie was the wife of beloved Emil Trojak and mother of beloved MaryAnne Trojak, (both deceased).  Elsie remained a faithful member of the parish for over fifty years.  

The Trojaks touched and blessed so very many people throughout their lives, volunteering and caring for people both inside and outside of the congregation with much love, tenderness and service.

Elsie was beloved by all who knew her, and will remain forever close to our hearts for all eternity.

The Memorial Mass to celebrate Elsie's life will be held at St. Albert the Great Church at 1095 Channing Avenue in Palo Alto on Friday, January 16 at 11 am, followed by a reception in the Hospitality Center.

Elsie is survived by Bill, Lucy and Jerry McGuinness in Maryland and Eric and Lynne Trojak in Half Moon Bay, California.

14. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 

with Ray O’Connor

This presentation will focus on the truths conveyed through the main stories of Genesis and how those truths were meant to preserve a people of faith in uncertain times. How did these truths serve the Israelites then and how do the serve us now? Please join us for a fascinating evening!

Raymond (Ray) O’Connor lives and works in San Francisco. He has been a Catholic secondary educator for 23 years;  14 of which he spent at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco, the first all male Sacred Heart school in the U.S. Network. He currently teaches "Justice: Theory and Society" where he also directs the service learning program. Ray holds degrees in Humanities, Divinity, and Theology. He completed his Doctor of Minstry degree at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley. Ray also teaches Old Testament in the Institute for Pastoral Leadership of the Diocese of San Jose. Ray is an Associate of the Religious of the Sacred Heart.  Read more about Ray at

15. Wednesday, January 21: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

January 7 and 21
February 4 and 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

16. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further info

17. Saturday, January 17, 2015: Vocation Discernment Day

Are you seeking for Truth?  Are you yearning for the infinite and for happiness?  Christ is the Answer! Come and See!  

During the Year of Consecrated Life, the Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for young women on January 17, 2015.  

The day begins with Mass at 8:00 a.m. followed by Divine Office, Rosary, Conferences, and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars.

RSVP by January 12th or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie O.P. at or visit our website at  

18. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
A showing of the documentary film, Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, followed by a discussion with the film’s producer, Morgan Atkinson, will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA.  Wine and light refreshments will be served.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, “believing beatnik,” brilliant author of books, essays and poetry, all rooted in his lifelong search for meaning.  Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto as the inaugural event in the 100th year anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, Soul Searching reveals life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Merton’s home of 27 years, as well as Merton’s path in New York City, Redwoods Monastery (California) and Christ in the Desert Monastery (New Mexico). 

Morgan Atkinson spent years researching Thomas Merton’s work, as well as interviewing Merton friends, scholars and authorities on the spiritual life.  Those interviewed include Fr. Daniel Berrigan, Anthony Padovano, Michael Mott, Dom John Eudes Bamberger, Br. Paul Quenon, Lawrence Cunningham, Paul Elie, Christine Bochen, Robert Inchausti, Martin Marty, Sr. Elena Malits, Colman McCarthy, Jonathan Montaldo, Fr. John Dear, Sr. Kathleen Deignan and others.

Morgan Atkinson has worked as a communications professional since 1975 and since 1985 has operated his own video production company. A native of Louisville, KY, he writes and produces programs that examine issues of community and culture.  Atkinson is at present completing another program on Merton, concentrating on the momentous events that occurred in the final year of the monk’s life,1968.

The event is open to all without charge; donations gratefully received.  Ample parking is available adjacent to the Recreation Center. For information: Kay Williams,

19. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday on Saturday Feb 14 -15.  

At each Mass that weekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

20. Help Needed: Volunteer for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation)

For several years, members of our parish have been preparing taxes for low-income workers in Palo Alto and Mountain View.  If you have some facility for using a computer, you are a good candidate for VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Preparation), which is sponsored by the IRS. In addition to tax preparers, we need greeters/receptionists who meet the taxpayers and explain the process.  We will be doing our work on Saturday mornings between January 31 and April 11, 2015 at St. Athanasius on Rengstorff.  Classes for learning tax preparation, which are run by United Way, start soon.  One can also take the classes online.  To find out more, contact Paul Chestnut,

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Saturday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration. Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

23. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

24. Readings for the Baptism of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Matt


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Bonus Content: OLR Power and Light!

Chris Lundin

Jan 16, 2015, 8:30:13 AM1/16/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 3 - January 16, 2015

Crab Dinner Dance Tickets On Sale This Weekend!

Table of Contents

1. TODAY: Friday, January 16: Memorial Mass for Elsie Trojak
2. Temporary Liturgical Adaptations During Cold/Flu/Virus Season
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church In Latin America
4. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal
5. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
6. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance
7. Monday, January 19: Pastoral Center Closed
8. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 
9. Wednesday, January 21: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
10. Saturday, January 17 through Sunday, January 25: 9 Days For Life
11. Inspire Life 2015
12. Saturday, January 24: West Coast Walk for Life
13. Weekly Stewardship Report
14. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events
15. In Memoriam: Fr. Xavier Harris, OSF
16. Pope Francis To Canonize Evangelizer Of The Wild West
17. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
18. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats
19. Tuesday, January 27th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “The Living Legacy of Thomas Merton” 
20. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
21. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
22. Heart and Home Collaborative Update
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
25. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
26. Readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers at St. Albert the Great 9:00 a.m. Mass, pictures of Fr. Xavier Harris and Elsie Trojak


1. TODAY: Friday, January 16: Memorial Mass for Elsie Trojak

Longtime St. Thomas Aquinas parishioner and beloved member of our Palo Alto community, Mrs. Elsie Ruth Trojak died peacefully in her home on January 2, 2015. Elsie was 98 years old.

There will be a Memorial Mass to celebrate Elsie's life on Friday, January 16, at 11 a.m., followed by a reception, at St. Albert the Great Church, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, CA. 

Elsie was the wife of beloved Emil Trojak and mother of beloved MaryAnne Trojak (both deceased). Elsie remained a faithful member of the parish for over fifty years.

Elsie is survived by four nephews and one niece, all from Maryland: William McGinnes and wife, Lucy; Ralph (Mac) McGinnes; Robert McGinnes and wife, Linda; Jerry McGinnes and wife, Donna; Jean McGinnes; plus children and grandchildren, and on the Trojak side of the family: nephew Eric and Lynne Trojak of Half Moon Bay, California.

Elsie was born on a family farm outside of Crumpton on the Eastern Shore of Maryland on June 2, 1916, to Harry Franklin and Bertha Wallen McGinnes. Elsie was the second of four children: Ralph Wallen; Elsie Ruth; Harry Sidney and Helen Elizabeth, all deceased.
With her quiet and sweet way, and in her lovely Maryland accent, with hands outstretched to greet with love and enthusiasm all who met her, Elsie touched the hearts of so very many people throughout her life.

Elsie met her life's tragedies and challenges with an unshakable faith in God, as well as the support of the congregation of St. Thomas Aquinas Church and St. Albert the Great Church in Palo Alto, for which her friends and family remain grateful. Elsie's great faith carried her through the tragic passing of her daughter MaryAnne in 2002 and her husband Emil in 2011. Elsie remained close to her family in Maryland with frequent phone calls and, to her surprise and delight, was joined by her nieces and nephews in Palo Alto for her 98th birthday party this past summer.

The Trojaks touched and blessed so very many people throughout their lives, volunteering and caring for people both inside and outside of the congregation with much love, tenderness and service.

Elsie was beloved by all who knew her and will remain forever close to our hearts for all eternity.

2. Temporary Liturgical Adaptations During Cold/Flu/Virus Season

For the duration of the flu/cold/virus season, Bishop McGrath has asked all parishes to adapt the following temporary liturgical adaptations:

1. The Blood of Christ will not be distributed to the faithful. 
2. Holy Communion will be distributed only into the hands of communicants.
3. We should not hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer.
4. The Sign of Peace should be adapted so as to allow for a greeting that does not involve shaking hands or touching. 
5. These adaptations are to remain in effect until further notice.

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church In Latin America

This weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Church n Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Please support the Church in Latin America and be generous in this weekend’s collection.

4. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal

The 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal will begin this weekend.

Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $128,000— 2.2% of the overall Diocesan goal of $5,802,967. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge.  Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2015. 

Our Pastor will be encouraging our support at all of the Masses at St. Albert the Great and Our Lady of the Rosary on Sunday, January 18 and at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Sunday, January 25. 

Pledge Sunday is February 1st. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

5. Sunday, January 18: Film and Discussion on Thomas Merton
A showing of the documentary film, Soul Searching: The Journey of Thomas Merton, followed by a discussion with the film’s producer, Morgan Atkinson, will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015, 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center, 700 Alma Street, Menlo Park, CA.  Wine and light refreshments will be served.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, “believing beatnik,” brilliant author of books, essays and poetry, all rooted in his lifelong search for meaning.  Sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto as the inaugural event in the 100th year anniversary of Thomas Merton’s birth, Soul Searching reveals life at the Abbey of Gethsemani, Merton’s home of 27 years, as well as Merton’s path in New York City, Redwoods Monastery (California) and Christ in the Desert Monastery (New Mexico). 

Morgan Atkinson spent years researching Thomas Merton’s work, as well as interviewing Merton friends, scholars and authorities on the spiritual life.  Those interviewed include Fr. Daniel Berrigan, Anthony Padovano, Michael Mott, Dom John Eudes Bamberger, Br. Paul Quenon, Lawrence Cunningham, Paul Elie, Christine Bochen, Robert Inchausti, Martin Marty, Sr. Elena Malits, Colman McCarthy, Jonathan Montaldo, Fr. John Dear, Sr. Kathleen Deignan and others.

Morgan Atkinson has worked as a communications professional since 1975 and since 1985 has operated his own video production company. A native of Louisville, KY, he writes and produces programs that examine issues of community and culture.  Atkinson is at present completing another program on Merton, concentrating on the momentous events that occurred in the final year of the monk’s life,1968.

The event is open to all without charge; donations gratefully received.  Ample parking is available adjacent to the Recreation Center. For information: Kay Williams,

6. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance

You will be hearing a lot about the Annual Crab Dinner Dance and Silent Auction which is on February 7th and only 3 weeks away. Tickets go on sale this weekend!

This year’s silent auction will be unlike any other you’ve experienced at this annual event.  In addition to many great physical Items being auctioned off, services and events will be added to the auction catalog this year!  Adding services and events as categories will not only provide more items for sale, but will provide parishioners with on going opportunities for fellowship and communion outside of this event!  

To this end, we are calling for donations from all parishioners!  Please think of ideas that fall into any of the categories above and contact the Auction Committee if you can donate something for the auction.  We are also interested in talking with anyone who is willing to underwrite portions of the event rather than donate to the auction.  

Please contact Corrie Sid,, (650) 776-3866 mobile for any and all auction inquiries.

See the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin for more information.  Save the date!

7. Monday, January 19: Pastoral Center Closed

The Pastoral Center will be closed on Monday, January 19th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

8. Tuesday, January 20: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  Biblical Myths vs. Legends: Encountering God through Story 

with Ray O’Connor

This presentation will focus on the truths conveyed through the main stories of Genesis and how those truths were meant to preserve a people of faith in uncertain times. How did these truths serve the Israelites then and how do the serve us now? Please join us for a fascinating evening!

Raymond (Ray) O’Connor lives and works in San Francisco. He has been a Catholic secondary educator for 23 years;  14 of which he spent at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco, the first all male Sacred Heart school in the U.S. Network. He currently teaches "Justice: Theory and Society" where he also directs the service learning program. Ray holds degrees in Humanities, Divinity, and Theology. He completed his Doctor of Minstry degree at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley. Ray also teaches Old Testament in the Institute for Pastoral Leadership of the Diocese of San Jose. Ray is an Associate of the Religious of the Sacred Heart.  Read more about Ray at

9. Wednesday, January 21: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

January 7 and 21
February 4 and 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

10. Saturday, January 17 through Sunday, January 25: 9 Days For Life

9 Days for Life”, a period of prayer, penance and pilgrimage marking the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, will take place from Saturday, January 17 – Sunday, January 25.

Each day’s content (available in both English and Spanish) includes a different prayer intention, short reflection, supplementary article, and suggested actions. Download an app or printable version of the novena, or sign up for email or text messages at Content will also be shared via a Facebook event and other social media with the hashtags #9daysforlife and #9díasporlavida.

Catholics are also encouraged to host or participate in local events such as Masses, blessings for pro-life pilgrims, or a parish holy hour for reparation and healing for all affected by abortion. Bilingual “9 Days for Life” leader resources and additional resources for observing January 22, the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children are also available.

Please consider participating in, implementing and spreading the word about “9 Days for Life”!

11. Inspire Life 2015

Our Diocese of San Jose and Catholic Community of Palo Alto are happy to announce Inspire Life 2015, a two-day event, planned for the youth of our parish, grades 8 through 12, in preparation of the Walk for Life West Coast, in San Francisco.

Inspire Life 2015 provides an opportunity for our young people to encounter the love of Christ through the lens of life - from womb to tomb - from con- ception to natural death. Through this platform, we aspire to empower the voice of the young Church and motivate them to promote the beauty and sacredness of all life, through discipleship, authentic witnessing, and bold love.

By cultivating an awareness of the dignity of all life, it is our hope that each young person might be inspired to embrace the beauty of his/her existence and live joyfully the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We hope you are able to WALK FOR LIFE, Saturday, January 24th, 2015, 1:30PM, at San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza. For more information, please visit:

12. Saturday, January 24: West Coast Walk for Life

Do something for the most defenseless of God’s children, the one million who will die by abortion this year in the United States. Join your fellow parishioners at the 11th annual West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco this coming Saturday, January 24. 

It’s peaceful, positive, and fantastically inspiring! Over fifty thousand people are expected to make the walk down Market Street from the Civic Center to Justin Herman Plaza, including youth groups from our parish and all over the Diocese, several California bishops, and the Papal Nuncio, who’s bringing a special blessing from Pope Francis. 

For the full schedule, travel tips, and more information about the many fine events surrounding the Walk, go to To find out how to meet up with other walkers from our parish, contact Bob March at or (415) 412-2132. See you there!

13. Weekly Stewardship Report

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas will significantly impact our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. May our good and generous God guide you in your giving. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Our Weekly Offering

January 11 Actual: $10,588 (Goal:$11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,165

14. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events

Saturday, January 17 through Sunday, January 25: “9 Days for Life”

Saturday, January 24: Walk For Life (San Francisco))

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

Saturday, February 7 - Crab Dinner Dance (Seton School Auditorium)

Saturday, February 14 - 25th, 40th, 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Cathedral, San Jose (Diocesan event)

Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday

Friday, February 20 - Revs vs. Sems Game - Santa Clara University (Diocesan event)

15. In Memoriam: Fr. Xavier Harris, OSF

It is with regret we inform you that Fr. Xavier Harris, OSF, who was a member of the faculty at Notre Dame de Nemur University for nearly 40 years, passed away peacefully Friday, January 9. 

Fr. Xavier used to celebrate the 9 am Spanish Mass for several years when Fr. Matt was our Parochial Vicar (under pastor Barry Freyne). The Gregorian Mass community (noon, Sundays at St. Thomas Aquinas) recalls Fr. Harris very fondly; for at least fifteen years he sang at the Gregorian Mass; he was always there for the community, holy days, all of Holy Week, and every Sunday, always with a simple homily on the Gospel of the day and singing all of the priest's parts of the Mass. His was a great example of service. 

See Fr. Harris’s picture at the end of today’s eBulletin.

There will be a Vigil Service honoring Fr. Harris:

Friday, January 16, 2015
7 p.m.
NDNU: Cunningham Memorial Chapel, 1500 Ralston Ave., Belmont, CA  94002

All are welcome to come. 

Please let your friends know about the Vigil as many of the alumni had Fr. Harris as a teacher and he had many friends among the faculty and staff who were very fond of him. 

Additionally, there will be a Mass for Fr. Harris on: 

Saturday, January 17, 2015
10 a.m. 
St. Elizabeth’s Parish, 1500 34th Avenue, Oakland, CA  94601

16. Pope Francis To Canonize Evangelizer Of The Wild West

Vatican City, Jan 15, 2015 / 05:24 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In a surprise addition to his fall 2015 trip to the U.S., Pope Francis is planning to canonize the founder of California's first missions, Bl. Junipero Serra.

"In September, God willing, I will canonize Junipero Serra in the United States," declared Pope Francis aboard Sri Lankan Air Flight UL4111 on the way to Manila.

Bl. Serra, a Franciscan priest, lived in what is now California in the 1700s. A Spanish-born missionary, he founded the first nine of 21 eventual missions in California. He worked tirelessly with the Native Americans, and is said to have baptized more than 6,000 people, and confirmed 5,000.

"He was the evangelizer of the west in the United States," Pope Francis beamed.

Read more at:

17. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

18. Upcoming Vocation Discernment Retreats

Pope Francis has asked that we celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life starting with the new liturgical year.  What better way to honor these priests and religious sisters and brothers than to encourage our young people to also give their lives to our Lord!  Young people are 50% more inclined to consider and act on a religious vocation if at least 3 separate people invite them.  Extend that invitation!  

There will be a discernment retreat Jan 16-18, 2015 for men and Jan 31-Feb 1, 2015 for women.  These young people should be baptized Catholics and between 18-35 years old.  More details can be found at or on Facebook at  

Please contact one of our parish priests for further information. 

19. Tuesday, January 27th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “The Living Legacy of Thomas Merton” 

with speaker Clare Ronzani

In this anniversary month of Thomas Merton’s 100th birthday, we will reflect on the life and vision of this remarkable monk, mystic and prophet.  What makes his legacy a living one?  How does the spirituality of this 20th century monk inspire and challenge us in our century?   This Spirituality Tuesday Assembly will invite us to consider Merton’s contemplative and prophetic vision in his time and our own.

Clare Ronzani has been an explorer of Thomas Merton’s writings for over thirty years, with a particular interest in the contemplative and prophetic dimensions of his spirituality.  She teaches courses in spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University and offers retreats, workshops, and spiritual direction.

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

20. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

21. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday on Saturday Feb 14 -15.  

At each Mass that weekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

22. Heart and Home Collaborative Update

(Our parish Human Concerns Committee and parishioners supported this effort last year with food preparation and monetary donations)

We are celebrating the completion of a year in which we housed fifteen homeless women for ten weeks at two host congregations to whom we are very grateful, Peninsula Bible Church and University Lutheran Church.  They made our mission possible and our clients warm, comfortable, and safe. We are also grateful for the warm support of the many volunteers who brought groceries, cooked meals, or brought a cheerful smile or a plate of chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven. We thank our benefactors, and especially The Palo Alto Congregational Foundation, for their moral and financial support, without which we could not have opened our doors, much less had such a successful season. In this first shelter season we worked with Downtown Streets Team, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Project WeHOPE, and InnVision Shelter Network. These organizations helped us with intake, case management, and offering resources to clients.

Heart and Home and Project WeHOPE (a shelter in East Palo Alto) were beneficiaries of a fundraiser held by Stop the Ban on October 19 at The Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto. And after a long approval process, Heart and Home Collaborative is now a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations may be made on our website's donation page.

Looking forward
We are currently in the late stages of planning a program to operate this winter, which we will announce in our next newsletter. Due to a lack of host locations, we are unable to open our women's shelter this winter. Instead, we will operate a different program this winter while we work toward re-opening the shelter next year. Fortunately, multiple churches are willing to host us next winter.

We are also upgrading our communication, administrative, and core team structure. To those ends we are soliciting new members of our board of directors and various board committees (Best Practices, Finance, etc.). To learn more, visit the volunteer page on our website or reply to this email.

Our mailing address is: 
Heart and Home Collaborative, P.O. Box 626, Palo Alto, CA 94302

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Saturday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration. Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

25. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

26. Readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat, with Fr. Matt preaching (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Bonus Content: Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers at St. Albert the Great Church 9:00 a.m. 


Chris Lundin

Jan 23, 2015, 7:55:36 AM1/23/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 4 - January 23, 2015

Crab Dinner Dance Tickets On Sale This Weekend!

Table of Contents

1. Services for Chuck Faltz

2. Saturday, January 24: West Coast Walk for Life
3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church In Latin America
4. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal
5. SAVE THE DATE/BUY TICKETS: Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance
6. Tuesday, January 27th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “The Living Legacy of Thomas Merton” 
7. Wednesday, January 28: Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas
8. Saturday, January 31: Lector Workshop
9. eBulletin Readership Approaches 400 Families
10. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events
11. Tuesday, February 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “St. Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”
12. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
13. Ordinary Time?
14. Young Adult Circle
15. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
16. Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
17. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
18. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
20. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande
21. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
22. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
23. Readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: In Memoriam: Chuck Faltz, Spirituality Tuesday topics


1. Services for Chuck Faltz

Dr. Charles A. (Chuck) Faltz, clinical psychologist, native midwesterner, longtime Palo Alto resident and loyal 49ers fan passed away on January 19, 2015.

There will be visitation on Friday, January 23, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Spangler Mortuaries, 399 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA.

There will also be a Funeral Mass held Saturday, January 24, at 10:00 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 3233 Cowper St, Palo Alto, CA. 

Born in 1938 to Angela Como Faltz and Raymond C. Faltz, Chuck was molded for life by his idyllic boyhood in the small town of Somonauk, IL. His mother, a Sicilian immigrant, and his father, editor and publisher of the town weekly The Somonauk Reveille, instilled in him the values of hard work, frugality, and integrity, and the importance of education. From a paper route in the fourth grade to a job mowing lawns that would help pay for his education to a 46-year career in clinical psychology, Chuck undertook every task with a combination of persistence and quiet deliberation.

Chuck married Judy Diamond in 1961, completed his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Purdue University in 1968, and the couple then set off in their new Sunbeam Tiger for the San Francisco Bay Area in pursuit of new adventures and fresh ways of living. The first of their four children was born the following year, and Chuck found himself joyfully immersed in fatherhood and ready to pass down those midwestern values to a new generation of Faltzes.

A passionate advocate for the profession of psychology, Chuck served as Chief of Forensic Mental Health Services with the San Mateo County Courts and Corrections, and later as Director of Professional Affairs for the California Psychological Association, a position that would allow him to make his most meaningful professional contributions. He was one of the leaders in the effort to allow psychologists in California to gain access to hospital privileges, worked to gain prescription privileges for psychologists and enhanced the credibility of psychologists in the eyes of public policy makers. He received numerous accolades during his twenty years with the CPA, including the California Psychological Association's Silver Psi award for service, a Lifetime Achievement Award, the American Psychological Association's prestigious Heiser Award for Advocacy and the Presidential Citation from the American Psychological Association for his "Herculean efforts" on behalf of psychologists across the country. Countless patients and colleagues over the years ultimately have benefited from his advocacy. It will take a panel of experts to replace him, his font of knowledge, his generosity of time and the singular role he played in the history of the CPA.

Chuck leaves behind his wife of 53 years; daughters Dina Kilgo (Scott), Jennifer Garcia (Chris) and Chrissy Ulrey (Bob); son Daniel (Mike Padilla); and grandchildren Kate and Brian Kilgo and Rachel and Karinne Ulrey. He was greatly respected both professionally and personally, and consequently consulted frequently for advice, also both professionally and personally. Chuck was the anchor of his family, and remembered fondly by all who knew him as a man of integrity, compassion, careful reflection, inventive solutions to all kinds of problems, and flashes of rakish innuendo at the holiday dinner table. He will be missed tremendously.

Memorial contributions may be made in his name to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. 

2. Saturday, January 24: West Coast Walk for Life

Do something for the most defenseless of God’s children, the one million who will die by abortion this year in the United States. Join your fellow parishioners at the 11th annual West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco this coming Saturday, January 24. 

It’s peaceful, positive, and fantastically inspiring! Over fifty thousand people are expected to make the walk down Market Street from the Civic Center to Justin Herman Plaza, including youth groups from our parish and all over the Diocese, several California bishops, and the Papal Nuncio, who’s bringing a special blessing from Pope Francis. 

For the full schedule, travel tips, and more information about the many fine events surrounding the Walk, go to To find out how to meet up with other walkers from our parish, contact Bob March at or (415) 412-2132. See you there!

3. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Church In Latin America

(This collection was mistakenly announced for last weekend)

This weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Church n Latin America. Your gifts to the collection will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The support you give today will provide opportunities for years to come. Please support the Church in Latin America and be generous in this weekend’s collection.

4. Called To Do God’s Work - Together in Christ: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal

The 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal began last weekend, with Fr. Matt speaking at Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Albert the Great. This weekend, Fr. Matt will be speaking at the Masses at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

In the words of Bishop McGrath: “as stewards of God’s gifts, we are asked to share the abundance that God has given to each of us. We do so in the con- text of our families, our parishes and our Diocese.”

Your generosity toward the Annual Diocesan Appeal will provide essential support to St. Thomas Aquinas and the other 54 parishes of our local Church. The ADA supports diocesan offices including: Faith Formation, Youth & Young Adults, and Liturgy, as well as Vocations and Seminarian Education, Restorative Ministry, Hispanic Apostolate, Institute for Leadership in Ministry, Operational Services (Finance, Facilities, and Human Resources), Office of the Bishop and the Tribunal.

Our parish portion of the Annual Diocesan Appeal is $128,000— 2.2% of the overall Diocesan goal of $5,802,967. We are so appreciative that you share with us a heartfelt belief in the work and ministry that is made possible by your pledge.  Please consider joining other parishioners in making a gift to the ADA in 2015. 

Pledge Sunday is February 1st. Please pray over the size of the gift you will be able to make and bring your pledge envelope to Mass that weekend. Early pledges will also be gratefully accepted.

Fr. Matt, Pastor

5. SAVE THE DATE/BUY TICKETS: Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance

You will be hearing a lot about the Annual Crab Dinner Dance and Silent Auction which is on February 7th and only 2 weeks away. Tickets are again on sale this weekend.

This year’s silent auction will be unlike any other you’ve experienced at this annual event.  In addition to many great physical Items being auctioned off, services and events will be added to the auction catalog this year!  Adding services and events as categories will not only provide more items for sale, but will provide parishioners with on going opportunities for fellowship and communion outside of this event!  

To this end, we are calling for donations from all parishioners!  Please think of ideas that fall into any of the categories above and contact the Auction Committee if you can donate something for the auction.  We are also interested in talking with anyone who is willing to underwrite portions of the event rather than donate to the auction.  

Please contact Corrie Sid,, (650) 776-3866 mobile for any and all auction inquiries.

6. Tuesday, January 27th: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “The Living Legacy of Thomas Merton” 

with speaker Clare Ronzani

In this anniversary month of Thomas Merton’s 100th birthday, we will reflect on the life and vision of this remarkable monk, mystic and prophet.  What makes his legacy a living one?  How does the spirituality of this 20th century monk inspire and challenge us in our century?   This Spirituality Tuesday Assembly will invite us to consider Merton’s contemplative and prophetic vision in his time and our own.

Clare Ronzani has been an explorer of Thomas Merton’s writings for over thirty years, with a particular interest in the contemplative and prophetic dimensions of his spirituality.  She teaches courses in spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University and offers retreats, workshops, and spiritual direction.

St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

7. Wednesday, January 28: Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas
Memorial—January 28

St. Thomas Aquinas so shocked his noble Italian family when he entered the Dominicans about 1244 that his brothers imprisoned him
for a year. But he would not yield and after escaping studied under St. Albert the Great. He was appointed as a master of theology in
1256. For the rest of his brief life, the “dumb ox,” as he was dubbed, taught, preached, and wrote, producing the monumental “Summa
Theologica.” His thinking became enormously influential in later centuries and he was named a Doctor of the Church in 1567.

Read more about St. Thomas Aquinas at

“To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, 
but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else 
is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.”

St. Thomas Aquinas

8. Saturday, January 31: Lector Workshop

Lectors agree to on-going faith formation in their roles as liturgical ministers, and this is the next opportunity.

On Saturday, January 31st from 10:00am - 12:00pm we will meet at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. 

Our guest presenter/facilitator is John Toole, from St. Francis of Assisi Parish in San Jose. John is a graduate of the Institute for Leadership in Ministry and is experienced and active in several ministries within his parish and our diocese, including training liturgical ministers, a member of Caritas Society for Catholic Charities, and Christus Ministries, a Jesuit ministry. 

Come a little early and enjoy coffee and bagels. Lectors from any of our sites are welcome to attend.

9. eBulletin Readership Approaches 400 Families

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 392 parish families! Pass the word!  Can you help us reach 400 families? Forward your copy to a friend and invite them to subscribe.

If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.  

Because of the email format, the eBulletin has no size limitations, so it includes more reminders and news items than the paper Bulletin, and can also include attachments,  pictures and hyperlinks. The publication deadline is extremely short (anything received by 4:00 a.m. on Friday morning can be included in the publication, which typically goes out by 6:00 a.m. each Friday) so it's the perfect vehicle for last minute reminders. We also use the eBulletin mailing list for occasional mid-week reminders of funerals or late-breaking news.

Mention those benefits to fellow parishioners at after-Mass hospitality!  "You eBulletin, don't you?". Encourage others to sign up. The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish. And it's green too!

10. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events

Saturday, January 24: Walk For Life (San Francisco))

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary

Saturday, February 7 - Crab Dinner Dance (Seton School Auditorium)

Saturday, February 14 - 25th, 40th, 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Cathedral, San Jose (Diocesan event)

Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday

Friday, February 20 - Revs vs. Sems Game - Santa Clara University (Diocesan event)

11. Tuesday, February 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “St. Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”

a video series with Father Matt

Saint Thomas Aquinas was a prodigious writer, a precise thinker, and a man devoted to his Dominican way of life. In these lectures you will explore the key themes of his thought.  You will come to know him as a person, a thinker, as well as a spiritual teacher and philosophical theologian. Along with St. Augustine, he towers in the history of Christian thought. We should all learn more about this amazing man for whom our parish is named.

The presenter of this video series is Fr. Donald Goergen O.P. Ph. D. He is a Dominican priest, teacher and author. He has published numerous articles and 10 books in the area of Christology and Christian spirituality. He currently teaches at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Mo.

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

Attached to today’s eBulletin is the full listing of Spirituality Tuesday Assembly topics through May 2015.

12. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

13. Ordinary Time?

by Rev. Larry Rice, CSP

One of the characteristics of Catholicism—indeed, of any liturgically oriented Church—is that the pattern of our worship follows a cycle of
feasts and seasons. And so too, to some extent, does the secular world. Of course, those seasons don’t always align. When the rest of the world is in Christmas, we’re still in Advent. When we’re in the Christmas season, the rest of the world has packed away the Christmas decorations and is off to the January white sales.

Our seasons run like this: Advent, which starts right after Thanksgiving; Christmas, which begins on Christmas Eve; a brief period
of Ordinary Time, followed by Lent, Triduum, the Easter Season; and then a long stretch of Ordinary Time.

What precisely is Ordinary Time? We usually define it by what it’s not. It’s the season when there’s no other season going on. If seasons
were flavors, Ordinary Time would be vanilla. Of course, as any good cook will tell you, vanilla has its own often underrated flavor with its own nuances and characteristics.

To my way of thinking, Ordinary Time is the most challenging season. During Advent, there’s a lot to do to prepare for Christmas. During
Christmas, it’s simply expected that people will be full of good cheer, promoting charity and peace on earth. Lent has its own set of internal to-do’s: the prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and repentance that prepare us for the celebration of Easter. And, of course, the Triduum and Easter are the high-points of the entire year with lots of preparation and celebration. In all these seasons, parishes have programs, prayers, and activities to guide us through them.

Ordinary Time, generally speaking, leaves us to our own routines, and our own discipline. It’s the time when we have to work to integrate our spirituality with the everyday: work, school, vacation, the ebb and flow of our lives. Fortunately, we have help and assistance with that task of integration. We have something that provides the support and spiritual nourishment we need to get through the everyday routine of life. That support is called Sunday.

Sundays, especially during this vanilla season, should be part of the rhythm of life that keeps our spirituality rooted in real life. If your
life feels a little out of synch, driven by external events rather than by your own priorities, maybe you should reexamine how you’re keeping the Sabbath—something to think about during the nearly five months before next Advent.

Father Rice is Vocations Director for the Paulist Fathers

14. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  January 27th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

15. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

16. Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

February 4 and 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

17. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday on Saturday Feb 14 -15.  

At each Mass that weekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

18. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
A lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., on his latest book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm. at the Community School of Music and Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA.
The event is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto (TMC).  All are invited at no charge; donations gratefully received to support the educational programs of the Merton Center.
Winner of the 2014 Carl Sagan prize awarded by the American Astronomical Society, noted planetary scientist, lecturer, and writer Brother Guy Consolmagno returns to the Bay Area to talk about his new book (written with Paul Mueller, S.J.):  Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?... and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory.  
Brother Guy Consolmagno was born in Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate and masters' degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences from MIT (in 1974 and 1975), and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona in 1978. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University's Department of Astronomy, and MIT's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; served in the US Peace Corps, teaching physics at the University of Nairobi; and was a physics professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, before entering the Jesuits as a brother in 1989. At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies.  Currently, Brother Guy is also president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
The book and Brother Guy’s lecture address some essential questions about science that Christians get asked (and ask themselves) on a regular basis.  How can one reconcile the Big Bang theory with the belief in God as the Creator of the universe?  Is the Catholic Church really against science?  Can a scientific person be a believer?  Can a believer look to science for answers that religion cannot provide?  And what really happened with Galileo?  Consolmagno [in the dialogue format of the book with co-author Paul Mueller] answers these and many more of the most persistent questions about science and religion in this fascinating, inviting, and knowledgeable exploration. 
Limited parking is available at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View; more parking can be found in the local neighborhood.  Visit CSMA’s website at for full parking information and directions to the school.  For information:  Kay Williams,

19. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

20. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande

4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. 
St. Clare Room, SCU Library, 3rd floor
Santa Clara University.  

Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated while presiding at Mass in El Salvador March 24, 1980.  was assassinated in 1977, along with two other Salvadorans. Rutilio Grande was the first priest assassinated before the civil war in El Salvador started. 

21. Saturday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration. Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

22. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

23. Readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys, with Deacon Daniel preaching (Music: Chris Lundin)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester and Fr. Matt (preaching) 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J. and Fr. Matt (preaching) 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass  
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:  TBD and and Fr. Matt (preaching) (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys and Fr. Matt (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)


"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.”

- G.K. Chesterton

The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 390 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 391? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

In Memoriam: Chuck Faltz

Spirituality Tuesday Topic List 2015.pdf

Chris Lundin

Jan 30, 2015, 7:58:53 AM1/30/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 5 - January 30, 2015

Crab Dinner Dance Tickets On Sale This Weekend!
Party Next Saturday Night!

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, January 31: Lector Workshop
2. Saturday, January 31: Memorial Mass for Zita Kudlacik
3. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #1
4. The Power of Good vs. Evil
5. Tuesday, February 3: Blessing of Throats
6. Tuesday, February 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “St. Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”
7. Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
8. Thursday, February 5: Widow and Widowers Lunch
9. Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance
10. Sunday, February 8: World Day of Consecrated Life
11. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events
12. Weekly Stewardship Report: The Statement’s In The Mail
13. Sunday, February 8: World Marriage Day
14. Tuesday, February 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Jewish Mysticism: A Kabalistic Way of Knowing God, the World, and One’s Self” 
15. Palms For Ash Wednesday
16. Attention, Parishioners With Hearing Loss
17. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
18. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
19. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
20. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande
23. Sunday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass
24. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
25. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent
26. Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Stewardship Awards at St. Albert the Great: Karen Peng, Terry Holzemer


1. Saturday, January 31: Lector Workshop

Lectors agree to on-going faith formation in their roles as liturgical ministers, and this is the next opportunity.

On Saturday, January 31st from 10:00am - 12:00pm we will meet at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center. 

Our guest presenter/facilitator is John Toole, from St. Francis of Assisi Parish in San Jose. John is a graduate of the Institute for Leadership in Ministry and is experienced and active in several ministries within his parish and our diocese, including training liturgical ministers, a member of Caritas Society for Catholic Charities, and Christus Ministries, a Jesuit ministry. 

Come a little early and enjoy coffee and bagels. Lectors from any of our sites are welcome to attend.

2. Saturday, January 31: Memorial Mass for Zita Kudlacik

Zita Kudlacik passed away on Dec. 23, 2014, in Palo Alto, California.  There will be a Memorial Mass for her celebrated at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverley Street, on Saturday, January 31 at 10:30 a.m.

She is survived by her three daughters, Zita Macy, Mary Putterman and Martha Kudlacik, and is predeceased by her husband, Adam, and sons, Andrew and John. She is also survived by her three grandchildren, Kimberly Macy, John-Paul Macy and Jennifer Sumner, and five great-grandchildren.

Zita was born in Blandburg, Pennsylvania, on Jan. 16, 1920, to Joseph and Anastasia (Ambroziak) Niezgoda who were immigrants from Poland. At a young age she moved to Bayonne, New Jersey, with her parents and two brothers, Thaddeus "Ted" and Eugene "Jimmy," and graduated from Bayonne High in 1937. Following high school she worked at Macy's in New York City, where she won the Miss Macy beauty contest in 1940. In 1942 she married Adam Kudlacik while he was on a brief leave from the U.S. Army. In 1950 Adam and Zita moved to California, living briefly in San Mateo before they moved permanently to Palo Alto in 1951.

Zita enjoyed long walks, reading British mysteries, meeting new people, visiting with old friends, clothes shopping, long stays at Pajaro Dunes and traveling for extended trips to London and Poland. Learning about new developments in health and nutrition, and visiting with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were very important to her. Her home was always open and full with family, friends and those in need. She will be remembered as full of life and the loving center of her family.

3. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #1

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $35,140 
Pledges: 56 
Average Pledge: $628 
% of Goal: 27%

My thanks to the 56 gifts received on our Pledge Sunday. 

So far 27 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2014 pledge. 
17 people increased their 2014 pledge, while 4 pledges were less than 2014. 
8 people have pledged in 2015 who were unable to pledge in 2014. 

There are 8 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means . Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months . A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds, Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St . Thomas Aquinas!

4. The Power of Good vs. Evil

In our time, whenever evil is mentioned, we often refer to evil as personal traits, thoughts, or concepts . However, in the Gospel this Sunday, “evil” is not just a concept, but it shows itself as a being. The man with the unclean spirit cried out: “Jesus, the Holy One of God, are you here to cast us out?” The unclean spirit recognized who Jesus was and it trembled with fear. What it feared the most was what Jesus was about to do to it.

“Are you here to cast us out?” This was a big hint. Why did the devil fear being cast out? Because by being cast out of the man, the devil no longer had the kind of influence over the man as he used to have. What kind of influence was that? Certainly not a very good influence, because people described the man as “possessed.” He was no longer himself.

Jesus said: “Quiet and come out of him” . The unclean spirit had to obey and take flight . Jesus had complete power to disrupt the influence of evil. This Gospel is not meant to scare us into believing that “evil” is a real being; how- ever, it shows us the true power that banishes evil: a power that power comes from Jesus, the Son of God . Remember to keep Jesus on your side always as you confront your spiritual battles.

Next Sunday, at the 9 am Mass at St. Albert the Great, we will celebrate the ritual of the “Anointing of the Catechumens .” The Oil of Catechumens is for those preparing for baptism. It wards off what is evil . It brings wisdom and strength . Think of it as Catholic bug spray, religious suntan lotion, or spiritual steroids . The full meaning of the oil comes to light when those being anointed are adults preparing for baptism . In this case, all the prayers make more sense: We pray that the catechumens will have strength and wisdom to understand the Gospel and to accept the challenge of Christian living. This anointing leads them toward baptism. 

Fr. Dat Luong, Parochial Vicar

5. Tuesday, February 3: Blessing of Throats

In memory of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, there will be a special blessing of throats after the 7:15am, 8:30am, and 12:15pm Mass on Tuesday, February 3rd. We ask St. Blaise to protect us from all diseases of the throat.

6. Tuesday, February 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  “St. Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”

a video series with Father Matt

Saint Thomas Aquinas was a prodigious writer, a precise thinker, and a man devoted to his Dominican way of life. In these lectures you will explore the key themes of his thought.  You will come to know him as a person, a thinker, as well as a spiritual teacher and philosophical theologian. Along with St. Augustine, he towers in the history of Christian thought. We should all learn more about this amazing man for whom our parish is named.

The presenter of this video series is Fr. Donald Goergen O.P. Ph. D. He is a Dominican priest, teacher and author. He has published numerous articles and 10 books in the area of Christology and Christian spirituality. He currently teaches at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Mo.

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

7. Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

February 4 and 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

8. Thursday, February 5: Widow and Widowers Lunch

Lunch at Lakeside Cafe in Mt. View at Shoreline Park. We will gather at the cafe's walk up counter at 1:30 pm on February 5th and order your choice of lunch . Nice walking around the lake before or after lunch. A possible group picture will be taken outside near the small wall on the water side of the café. 

Contact Jeanne at 650-324-8788 to RSVP. 

9. Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance

The Knights of Columbus Crab Dinner, Dance and Silent Auction is NEXT Saturday, February 7th starting at 6pm - less than one week away!   You will not want to miss out on this amazing event for 2 reasons, the Crab and the Auction! 

This year’s silent auction will be unlike any other you’ve experienced at this annual event. In addition to many great physical Items being auctioned off, services and events will be added to the auction catalog this year! Adding services and events as categories will not only provide more items for sale, but will provide parishioners with on going opportunities for fellowship and communion outside of this event! 

To this end, we are calling for donations from all parishioners! Please think of ideas that fall into any of the categories above and contact the Auction Committee if you can donate something for the auction . We are also interested in talking with anyone who is willing to underwrite portions of the event rather than donate to the auction. 

Please contact Corrie Sid, corriesid@gmail .com, (650) 776-3866 mobile for any and all auction inquiries. 

10. Sunday, February 8: World Day of Consecrated Life

Prayer for Consecrated Persons

God our Father, we thank you for calling 
    men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom
    as sisters, brothers, 
    religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, 
    as well as members of Secular Institutes. 

Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

11. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events

Saturday, January 31 - Lectors In-Service (St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center)

Wednesday, February 4: S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary

Saturday, February 7 - Crab Dinner Dance (Seton School Auditorium)

Saturday, February 14 - 25th, 40th, 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Cathedral, San Jose (Diocesan event)

Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday

Friday, February 20 - Revs vs. Sems Game - Santa Clara University (Diocesan event)

Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event (Seton School Auditorium)

12. Weekly Stewardship Report: The Statement’s In The Mail

Your annual contribution statements for 2014 will be sent to you in the mail this week . Please call Cathy at the Pastoral Center (650) 494-2496 ext . 24, if you do not receive one, or if there is some inaccuracy.  Remember, the best way for us to keep an accurate record of your contributions is by using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving — call the Pastoral Center or sign-up at 

Our Weekly Offering

Jan 18 Actual: $ 11,900 (Goal: $11,000)
Jan 25 Actual: $ 11,100 (Goal: $11,000)
Church in Latin America: $2,500

13. Sunday, February 8: World Marriage Day

World Marriage Day is Sunday, February 8th. There will be a special blessing for all married couples at all of our weekend Masses.

14. Tuesday, February 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Jewish Mysticism: A Kabalistic Way of Knowing God, the World, and One’s Self” 

with Rabbi Shelly Waldenberg

This will be our 4th visit from Rabbi Shelly. He always shares his knowledge with warmth and humor. It will be a pleasure to learn about Jewish Mysticism and the meaning of a Kabalistic way of knowing God.  His talk will touch on the following points:

* How Jewish Mysticism saved European Jewry spiritually for nearly 400 years.

* The impact of Kabbalah on the teachings of Sigmund Freud and modern civilization.

 *How the teaching of Jewish mysticism can awaken and inspire our own spirituality.

Mark this date as an opportunity not to be missed!

Rabbi Shelley Waldenberg is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California and Principal Educator of the American Jewish Committee's Bridges Program. He also taught Religious Studies at Holy Names University for 16 years and is in his 15th year speaking at Catholic high schools on both sides of the Bay in order to build bridges between our faith communities, Jews and Christians.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

15. Palms For Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is just a few weeks away (February 18). It’s time to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year. Please bring them with you to Mass and place them in the basket in the vestibule; these palms will be burned at the end of each Mass on the weekend of February 15. 

16. Attention, Parishioners With Hearing Loss

Can’t hear the sermon or parts of the Mass?  As part of the renovations at St. Thomas Aquinas church, technology was installed to help our parishioners who do have various forms of hearing loss.  

People with hearing aids can now turn on the T-Coil built into their hearing aids and be keyed into the church's sound system.  (If you do not know if you have a T-Coil, contact your audiologist.) Try it out by attending one of the 4 Sunday Masses (7:30, 8:45, 10:30, 12:00)  and 2 daily Masses (7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.) at St. Thomas Aquinas church.  

For more information about the system installed in STA, contact Bill Voorhees, (650)

17. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

18. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

19. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday on Saturday Feb 14 -15.  

At each Mass that weekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

20. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno

A lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., on his latest book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm. at the Community School of Music and Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA.
The event is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto (TMC).  All are invited at no charge; donations gratefully received to support the educational programs of the Merton Center.
Winner of the 2014 Carl Sagan prize awarded by the American Astronomical Society, noted planetary scientist, lecturer, and writer Brother Guy Consolmagno returns to the Bay Area to talk about his new book (written with Paul Mueller, S.J.):  Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?... and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory.  
Brother Guy Consolmagno was born in Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate and masters' degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences from MIT (in 1974 and 1975), and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona in 1978. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University's Department of Astronomy, and MIT's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; served in the US Peace Corps, teaching physics at the University of Nairobi; and was a physics professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, before entering the Jesuits as a brother in 1989. At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies.  Currently, Brother Guy is also president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
The book and Brother Guy’s lecture address some essential questions about science that Christians get asked (and ask themselves) on a regular basis.  How can one reconcile the Big Bang theory with the belief in God as the Creator of the universe?  Is the Catholic Church really against science?  Can a scientific person be a believer?  Can a believer look to science for answers that religion cannot provide?  And what really happened with Galileo?  Consolmagno [in the dialogue format of the book with co-author Paul Mueller] answers these and many more of the most persistent questions about science and religion in this fascinating, inviting, and knowledgeable exploration. 
Limited parking is available at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View; more parking can be found in the local neighborhood.  Visit CSMA’s website at for full parking information and directions to the school.  For information:  Kay Williams,

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande

4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. 
St. Clare Room, SCU Library, 3rd floor
Santa Clara University.  

Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated while presiding at Mass in El Salvador March 24, 1980.  was assassinated in 1977, along with two other Salvadorans. Rutilio Grande was the first priest assassinated before the civil war in El Salvador started. 

23. Saturday, February 14, 2015: 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

We are now accepting registrants for our 2015 Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2015 to participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose (80 South Market Street, San José).

The couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows and will receive a blessing from Bishop Patrick McGrath who will preside over the celebration. Each couple will also receive a certificate signed by the Bishop.

The Mass will be on Saturday February 14, 2015 at 2pm. A short reception will follow after.

Please visit your parish office to register.

Call Sylvia Blanch ( at 408-983-0128, or visit for more information.
Pre-registration is required by January 30, 2015. Due to limited seats, we can only reserve seats for anniversary couples with
wheelchairs. Doors open at 12:30pm. Please limit number of guests attending to 5 people.

24. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

25. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent

We  will again be holding Taize prayer services  during Lent. 

The 3 pillars of Lent are prayer; fasting and almsgiving. Time given to prayer during Lent will draw us closer to the Lord.

Taizé Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence.

These are the dates: 

Thursday February 26 
Thursday, March 5 
Thursday, March 12, and 
Thursday, March 19. 

All of the Taize will be at OLR from 7:00 until 8:00 pm. 

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace. What is unique to the prayer of Taizé is the adaptation of the repetitive form to simple musical lines and core biblical texts that can be sung by a whole assembly. Silence is perhaps the second most important aspect of this particular prayer practice. In the middle of the prayer is a long period of silence. Maintaining silence is simply holding oneself in a presence and letting Christ, through the Holy Spirit, pray in us.

26. Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:  TBD  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)

Fr. Dat is on retreat February 1 - 6.

The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Stewardship Awards at St. Albert the Great Church

Fr. Dat and Karen Peng: for her leadership of the Children’s Choir

Fr. Stasys and Terry Holzemer: for his dedicated service as a Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, commentator, sacristan, member of the Site Committee and helping in any way when asked!

Chris Lundin

Feb 6, 2015, 8:04:50 AM2/6/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 6 - February 6, 2015

Crab Dinner Dance Tickets Sold Out!

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance
2. Sunday, February 8: World Day of Consecrated Life
3. Sunday, February 8: World Marriage Day
4. Sunday, February 8:  The First International Day Of Prayer And Awareness Against Human Trafficking
5. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #2
6. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events
7. Weekly Stewardship Report: The Statement’s In The Mail
8. Tuesday, February 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Jewish Mysticism: A Kabalistic Way of Knowing God, the World, and One’s Self” 
9. Green Corner: Friday, February 13: World Divestment Day
10. Palms For Ash Wednesday
11. Valentine’s Day Opportunity
12. Attention, Parishioners With Hearing Loss
13. Saturday, February 14: World Day of the Sick Mass
14. February 14-15: Collection for the Church In Central and Eastern Europe
15. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
16. Tuesday, February 17: Making Sense of Our Catholic Faith in an Increasingly Secular World
17. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
18. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
19. Beginning February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules
20. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent
21. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear
22. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action
23. Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event on the Horizon
24. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
25. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
26. Heads-up From U.S. Bishop: Fifty Shades of Grey Movie
27. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande
28. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
29. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, February 7: Annual Crab Dinner Dance

The Knights of Columbus Crab Dinner, Dance and Silent Auction is THIS Saturday, February 7th starting at 6pm 

It’s a sell-out!  If you have tickets, please come!  If you don’t have tickets, we’ll miss you!

We understand the pre-bidding (absentee bidding) on the Silent Auction items ended yesterday.  Please contact Corrie Sid, corriesid@gmail .com, (650) 776-3866 mobile for any and all auction inquiries. 

2. Sunday, February 8: World Day of Consecrated Life

Prayer for Consecrated Persons

God our Father, we thank you for calling 
    men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom
    as sisters, brothers, 
    religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, 
    as well as members of Secular Institutes. 

Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. 

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 
3. Sunday, February 8: World Marriage Day

World Marriage Day is Sunday, February 8th. There will be a special blessing for all married couples at all of our weekend Masses.

4. Sunday, February 8:  The First International Day Of Prayer And Awareness Against Human Trafficking

WASHINGTON—The feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, February 8, has been designated as the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. Last year, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration designated such date as an annual day of prayer for survivors and victims of human trafficking. Later that year, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General at the Vatican, announced that the 2015 event will also be observed internationally.  

St. Josephine Bakhita was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and taken to Italy. Once Josephine demanded her freedom, she entered the religious life with the Canossian sisters and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering.

The day is intended to raise awareness and to encourage reflection on the violence and injustice that affect the numerous victims of trafficking. The observance is being promoted for all dioceses, parishes and church groups.

Pope Francis highlights in Evangelii Gaudium that human trafficking affects everyone. “How I wish that all of us would hear God’s cry: ‘Where is your brother?’ (Gen 4:9). Where is your brother or sister who is enslaved? Where is the brother and sister whom you are killing each day in clandestine warehouses, in rings of prostitution, in children used for begging, in exploiting undocumented labour? Let us not look the other way. There is greater complicity than we think. The issue involves everyone!” Pope Francis wrote.

5. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #2

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $57,015 
Pledges: 119
Average Pledge: $478
% of Goal: 44%

My thanks to the 63 gifts received on our Pledge Sunday at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. 

So far 52 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2014 pledge. 
30 people increased their 2014 pledge, while 12 pledges were less than 2014. 
25 people have pledged in 2015 who were unable to pledge in 2014. 

There are 7 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means . Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months . A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds, Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St . Thomas Aquinas!

6. Save The Dates: Important Parish and Diocesan Events

Saturday, February 7 - Crab Dinner Dance (Seton School Auditorium)

Saturday, February 14 - 25th, 40th, 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Cathedral, San Jose (Diocesan event)

Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday

Friday, February 20 - Revs vs. Sems Game - Santa Clara University (Diocesan event)

Thursday February 26 - Lenten Taize prayer begins - Our Lady of the Rosary Church

Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event (Seton School Auditorium)

7. Weekly Stewardship Report: The Statement’s In The Mail

Your annual contribution statements for 2014 have bee sent to you in the mail this week . Please call Cathy at the Pastoral Center (650) 494-2496 ext . 24, if you do not receive one, or if there is some inaccuracy.  Remember, the best way for us to keep an accurate record of your contributions is by using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving — call the Pastoral Center or sign-up at 
February 1 Actual: $ 12,532 (Goal: $11,000)

8. Tuesday, February 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Jewish Mysticism: A Kabalistic Way of Knowing God, the World, and One’s Self” 

with Rabbi Shelly Waldenberg

This will be our 4th visit from Rabbi Shelly. He always shares his knowledge with warmth and humor. It will be a pleasure to learn about Jewish Mysticism and the meaning of a Kabalistic way of knowing God.  His talk will touch on the following points:

* How Jewish Mysticism saved European Jewry spiritually for nearly 400 years.

* The impact of Kabbalah on the teachings of Sigmund Freud and modern civilization.

 *How the teaching of Jewish mysticism can awaken and inspire our own spirituality.

Mark this date as an opportunity not to be missed!

Rabbi Shelley Waldenberg is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, California and Principal Educator of the American Jewish Committee's Bridges Program. He also taught Religious Studies at Holy Names University for 16 years and is in his 15th year speaking at Catholic high schools on both sides of the Bay in order to build bridges between our faith communities, Jews and Christians.

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

9. Green Corner: Friday, February 13: World Divestment Day

World Divestment Day is on Friday, February 13. There will be hundreds of events happening all over the world in a call to divest from fossil fuels to heal the environment. 

There is more information on these URLs:

The Green Committee

10. Palms For Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is just a few weeks away (February 18). It’s time to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year. Please bring them with you to Mass and place them in the basket in the vestibule; these palms will be burned at the end of each Mass on the weekend of February 15. 

11. Valentine’s Day Opportunity

Buy a budded/blooming orchid plant from Arlen Hagan with the proceeds going to support the Pastoral Garden. These and other plants are available at 788 Cereza Drive, Palo Alto. For more information, call Arlen at 650-493-8139.

12. Attention, Parishioners With Hearing Loss

Can’t hear the sermon or parts of the Mass?  As part of the renovations at St. Thomas Aquinas church, technology was installed to help our parishioners who do have various forms of hearing loss.  

People with hearing aids can now turn on the T-Coil built into their hearing aids and be keyed into the church's sound system.  (If you do not know if you have a T-Coil, contact your audiologist.) Try it out by attending one of the 4 Sunday Masses (7:30, 8:45, 10:30, 12:00)  and 2 daily Masses (7:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.) at St. Thomas Aquinas church.  

For more information about the system installed in STA, contact Bill Voorhees, (650)

13. Saturday, February 14: World Day of the Sick Mass

In his message for World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis writes: "Occasionally our world forgets the special value of time spent at the bedside of the sick, since we are in such a rush; caught up as we are in a frenzy of doing, of producing, we forget about giving ourselves freely, taking care of others, being responsible for others.” 

We will celebrate the anointing of the sick at the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Saturday, February 14th.

14. February 14-15: Collection for the Church In Central and Eastern Europe

Next weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously.

15. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday on Saturday Feb 14 -15.  

At each Mass that weekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

16. Tuesday, February 17: Making Sense of Our Catholic Faith in an Increasingly Secular World

with guest speaker: Dan Baer

Dan Baer confronts head-on the question: “Where will the Church be in one-hundred years and how do we participate now in the co-creation of our future with God?” Dan will address diverse topics including atheism, homosexuality, technology, and fundamental questions that challenge Catholic doctrine. This evening is one of exploration, taking seriously both the teaching and role of the Church in the world and the unprecedented challenges faced by the Church—indeed, by all faiths—now and in the future. Wow! This will be a not to be missed discussion of possible futures for our Church. Join us; bring along your questions, concerns and an open mind.

Dan Baer grew up in Palo Alto, studied English at Marquette University, and earned his Masters in Theology from Saint Louis University. He has taught professionally for sixteen years. He currently serves as the Department Chairperson of Theology at Sacred Heart Cathedral High School, in San Francisco. He lives with his wife Amy and three children in Albany, CA. You may know his proud parents: Ted and Becky Baer.

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

17. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

18. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno

A lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., on his latest book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm. at the Community School of Music and Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA.
The event is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto (TMC).  All are invited at no charge; donations gratefully received to support the educational programs of the Merton Center.
Winner of the 2014 Carl Sagan prize awarded by the American Astronomical Society, noted planetary scientist, lecturer, and writer Brother Guy Consolmagno returns to the Bay Area to talk about his new book (written with Paul Mueller, S.J.):  Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?... and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory.  
Brother Guy Consolmagno was born in Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate and masters' degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences from MIT (in 1974 and 1975), and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona in 1978. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University's Department of Astronomy, and MIT's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; served in the US Peace Corps, teaching physics at the University of Nairobi; and was a physics professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, before entering the Jesuits as a brother in 1989. At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies.  Currently, Brother Guy is also president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
The book and Brother Guy’s lecture address some essential questions about science that Christians get asked (and ask themselves) on a regular basis.  How can one reconcile the Big Bang theory with the belief in God as the Creator of the universe?  Is the Catholic Church really against science?  Can a scientific person be a believer?  Can a believer look to science for answers that religion cannot provide?  And what really happened with Galileo?  Consolmagno [in the dialogue format of the book with co-author Paul Mueller] answers these and many more of the most persistent questions about science and religion in this fascinating, inviting, and knowledgeable exploration. 
Limited parking is available at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View; more parking can be found in the local neighborhood.  Visit CSMA’s website at for full parking information and directions to the school.  For information:  Kay Williams,

19. Beginning February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Wednesday, 2/25/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 2/25/15  Seton School First Confessions St. Albert the Great Church 7pm
Saturday, 2/28/15 Confirmation Retreat Dermody Center (OLR site) 2pm
Wednesday, 3/4/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/11/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/18/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/18/15 Faith Formation Penance Liturgy Our Lady of the Rosary 6pm
Monday, 3/23/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) St. Albert the Great Church 6pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) Our Lady of the Rosary 6pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 Lenten Confessions St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

20. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent

We  will again be holding Taize prayer services  during Lent. 

Taize Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. 

Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

These are the dates: 

Thursday February 26 
Thursday, March 5 
Thursday, March 12, and 
Thursday, March 19. 

All of the Taize will be at OLR from 7:00 until 8:00 pm. 

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace. What is unique to the prayer of Taizé is the adaptation of the repetitive form to simple musical lines and core biblical texts that can be sung by a whole assembly. Silence is perhaps the second most important aspect of this particular prayer practice. In the middle of the prayer is a long period of silence. Maintaining silence is simply holding oneself in a presence and letting Christ, through the Holy Spirit, pray in us.

21. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear

Presented by Saint Martin of Tours Peace and Justice Commission

How can we become people of nonviolence?  How can we help the world become more nonviolent?  What does it mean to be nonviolent?

John Dear is a Peace Activist, 2015 Nobel Prize Nominee, and the  author of The Nonviolent Life and numerous other books and articles.

7:00-8:30 p.m.
Saint Martin of Tours Parish Church
200 O’Connor Drive,  San Jose, California 95128

A suggested donation of $10 will be accepted at the door.

No reservation required but let us know you're coming by dropping a message to

Co-Sponsored by: Diocese of San Jose - Nonviolence Coalition and Silicon Valley InterReligious Council (

22. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action

Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel, Our Faith in Action 

Saturday, February 28, 2015 
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto

“An authentic faith . . . always involves a deep desire to change the world, to trans- mit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. . . . All Christians, their pastors included, are called to show concern for the building of a better world.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, p. 183

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, our parish will host a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings. Deacon Ruben Solorio, the Diocese of San Jose’s Director of Social Ministries, will offer our keynote address, helping us better understand Pope Francis’ call to us to share the joy of the Gospel with others and to be a people of justice. Participants will also be able to take two workshops during the day on a variety of topics. A total of 8 workshops in English and 2 workshops in Spanish will be offered.

This day of reflection is open to both adults and youth - those involved in social justice and those seeking to know more. Registration is $10 (if received by February 23 - $15 at the door). Details about the day and registration forms are available at For more information contact me at the Pastoral Center or at .

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

23. Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event on the Horizon

The annual St. Patrick's Day fete is slated for Saturday evening, March 14, at the St. Elizabeth Seton School Auditorium. 

This legacy event delivers a safe, fun, and affordable parish celebration of Irish traditions: music, song, Celtic dancing,
a corned beef meal, welcoming fellowship -- oriented to seniors and families with young children. 

Ticket sales ($15 adults, $5 kids under 12, priced to encourage participation) begin at Masses February 28 - March 1. Plan to attend — to introduce your families to cherished traditions. Activities for children. Volunteer to help out if you can! 

Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3750.

24. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

25. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

26. Heads-up From U.S. Bishop: Fifty Shades of Grey Movie

As you may be aware, a film called Fifty Shades of Grey is being released in theaters on February 13th, 2015. The books and film, marketed as a romantic story, are a graphic portrayal of a young woman agreeing to be abused and degraded in a sexual relationship.

Leaders in the Religious Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP) have stated, “The contrast between the message of Fifty Shades of Grey and God’s design for self-giving and self-sacrificing love, marriage and sexual intimacy could not be greater.” As you know, we as bishops have spoken with a united voice against domestic violence, and in particular, violence against women (see When I Call for Help, 1992, rev. 2002). We have also emphasized the need to overcome the exploitation of sex and violence in communications (see Renewing the Mind of the Media, 1998).

As the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth continues its work with other committees on the development of a statement on pornography, I wanted to call your attention to the release of this film.  This is an opportunity for us to remind the faithful of the beauty of the Church’s teaching on the gift of sexual intimacy in marriage, the great dignity of women, and the moral reprehensibility of all domestic violence and sexual exploitation.

A list of resources to help men and women who are struggling with pornography is available at I also take this opportunity to alert you to an initiative by Morality in Media (soon to be called the National Center on Sexual Exploitation) in reference to the film:

With gratitude and prayers for your ministries, I am Fraternally yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Richard J. Malone
Bishop of Buffalo

27. Monday, February 9: Anniversary of the Deaths of Archbishop Oscar Romero and Fr. Rutilio Grande

4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. 
St. Clare Room, SCU Library, 3rd floor
Santa Clara University.  

Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated while presiding at Mass in El Salvador March 24, 1980.  was assassinated in 1977, along with two other Salvadorans. Rutilio Grande was the first priest assassinated before the civil war in El Salvador started. 

28. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

29. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

30. Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:  TBD  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Chris Lundin

Feb 13, 2015, 8:19:58 AM2/13/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 7 - February 13, 2015

Table of Contents

1. Services for Colonel Frank E. (Ned) Gallagher Jr., USMC Retired
2. Green Corner: Friday, February 13: World Divestment Day
3. Saturday, February 14: World Day of the Sick Mass
4. February 14-15: Collection for the Church In Central and Eastern Europe
5. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday
6. For The Kingdom, The Power…
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #3
9. Tree Damage At St. Albert the Great Church
10. Monday, February 16: Pastoral Center Closed 
11. Tuesday, February 17: Making Sense of Our Catholic Faith in an Increasingly Secular World
12. Palms For Ash Wednesday
13. Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday
14. Parish Lenten Opportunities
15. Pope Francis’ Lent 2015 Message
16. Wednesday, February 18 (Ash Wednesday): 40 Days for Life Begins
17. Valentine’s Day Opportunity
18. Palo Alto Eager To Move Ahead With Minimum Wage Law
19. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
20. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
21. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection For Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
22. Sunday, February 22: Rite of Sending to Election
23. Tuesday, February 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Muslims and America: A Long History 
24. Beginning February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules
25. Wednesday, February 25: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
26. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent
27. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear
28. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action
29. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Begin In March
30. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro
31. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry
32. Saturday, March 14: Circle Your Calendar… And Get Out Your Green!
33. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
34. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
35. Heads-up From U.S. Bishop: Fifty Shades of Grey Movie
36. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
37. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
38. Readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: In Memoriam: Ned Gallagher, Pope’s Lenten Message, our Parish Lenten Opportunities. pictures of SAG redwood tree damage


1. Services for Colonel Frank E. (Ned) Gallagher Jr., USMC Retired

Ned passed away Feb. 9, 2015 in the home that he loved surrounded by his family, just shy of his 100th birthday.

The rosary will be recited at St. Albert the Great Church, in Palo Alto, CA Friday, February 13 at 7 p.m. 

The Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Saturday Feb.14 at 11am, also at St. Albert The Great Church. 

Ned was born in Watervilet New York, March 29, 1915. He graduated from Brookline High School, Lawrence Academy Prep. and Boston University, where he pursued his interests in Business and Music. Ned enrolled in the ROTC program and eventually accepted a regular permanent commission with the United States Marine Corps in 1939, a decision that shaped and formed the rest of his life.

With WWII imminent, he was assigned as a First Lieutenant to USS Houston the Flagship of the Asiatic Fleet and President Roosevelt's favorite ship. Following an early sea battle, the Houston was sunk with over 900 lives lost. Ned swam alone for nine hours. He was eventually captured by the Japanese, and spent the remainder of the war as a POW. Ned's musical skills came into play as he frequently sang the Ave Maria and Broadway show tunes to lift the spirits of his fellow prison mates.

Following the end of the war, Ned returned to the USA where he met and married the love of his life, Tay. Together they raised six children, Paul (Marcy), Frank, Mary, Brian (Cathy), David and (Kevin who passed before Ned) each of whom learned and cherished the tenants of faith, love, family and friends. Following his service of 21 years in the Marine Corps, Ned retired as a full Colonel and began working for Stanford University.

Ned continued his dedication of service, with terms on the Palo Alto City Council, where he also served as Vice Mayor. In retirement, he volunteered as an ombudsman for seniors living in residential facilities.

Ned loved his faith, his wife, his family, this country, the Marine Corps and he loved the game of golf. Ned always claimed that one could identify a true gentleman by the way one conducted himself on the golf course. He has the pleasure of even breaking 80 at The Stanford Golf Course, where he was a long-time member.

Throughout his life, Ned lived by a code that he shared with others. The code was unswerving, and it's importance was unmatched.
Ned began and ended each day on his knees in prayer until the final year when his doctor gave him special dispensation to stand while praying. Ned is survived by his wife and children, eight grandchildren and a niece and two nephews.

In lieu of flowers please consider making a contribution to Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, in the name of Col. Frank E. Gallagher USMC ret.

2. Green Corner: Friday, February 13: World Divestment Day

World Divestment Day is today Friday, February 13. There will be hundreds of events happening all over the world in a call to divest from fossil fuels to heal the environment. 
On Monday, February 9, the Palo Alto City Council unanimously passed a resolution to urge CalPERS, which holds its pension funds, to divest from fossil fuel companies. Palo Alto joins Brisbane, Fairfax, Richmond, Oakland and Berkeley as local cities urging CalPERS (the largest pension fund in the country) to divest. The Sunnyvale City Council has moved to put divestment from CalPERS on the table when they review their investment profile in the fall. There was standing ovation for the council after the votes were posted.

Read the Palo Alto Online coverage here: 

Our parish Green Committee member Katia Reeves co-authored (with Rev. Eileen Altman of First Congregational Church), a Guest Opinion in the Palo Alto Weekly urging the City to take this action. Read that opinion "Interfaith coalition urges city to push for fossil-fuel divestment" on Page  19 of the February 6 edition:

The Green Committee

3. Saturday, February 14: World Day of the Sick Mass

In his message for World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis writes: "Occasionally our world forgets the special value of time spent at the bedside of the sick, since we are in such a rush; caught up as we are in a frenzy of doing, of producing, we forget about giving ourselves freely, taking care of others, being responsible for others.” 

We will celebrate the anointing of the sick at the 12:15pm Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Saturday, February 14th.

4. February 14-15: Collection for the Church In Central and Eastern Europe

This weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously.

5. February 14-15: Have A Heart Sunday

The Human Concerns Committee is sponsoring Have a Heart Sunday this weekend: February 14 -15.  

At each Mass thisweekend, we will be collecting new, unopened underwear and socks for people who receive services at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto.  There is a great need for these items by their clients.  

So Have A Heart and watch for store sales, bargains at Costco and look for us at each church site that one weekend!  

Cash donations also gratefully accepted.

The Human Concerns Committee

6. For The Kingdom, The Power…

.. and the glory are yours for ever". We pronounce these words at every single Mass that is celebrated all over the world. St. Thomas Aquinas (our patron Saint) says in his commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, that all power and authority belong and come only from God: "There is no authority except from God." (Rm 13, 1). The saint proposes in this commentary that all human power comes from God, and it is given by God. All was made by God "through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except through him" (Jn 1, 3) and Jesus said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." (Mt 28, 18). So summarizing an entire commentary of many, many pages, we could say that the Saint's interpretation (and he is a Doctor of the Church) is that all power and authority belongs only to God and it is given to humans as a participation or sharing of his authority.

Now this is where it gets interesting. What about all those bad authorities in the world that do so much evil? His answer is straight forward: those who use the authority that was given to them to act against the will of God, do not practice authority, but violence. It is impossible to be clearer. All those in authority (government, clergy, parents, etc...) that use their authority against the will of God, practice violence, even if they want to disguise their violence under a "good cause".

Then, what if the way to work for peace on earth would be coming back to doing always and everywhere God's will, as it was in the beginning before Original Sin? Peace be with you brothers and sisters.

Fr. Estanislao Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar 

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of December. Our average weekly collection for the first six months of this fiscal year was $11,752. Our collection budget for July-December was $286,000; our actual receipts were $305,000 (+$19,000)

We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

February 8 Actual: $12,500 (Goal:$11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,500

8. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #3

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $77,738
Pledges: 163
Average Pledge: $477
% of Goal: 61%

My thanks to the 44 gifts received this past week.

So far 78 people have made pledges that were equal to their 2014 pledge. 
43 people have increased their 2014 pledge, while 13 pledges were less than 2014. 
29 people have pledged in 2015 who were unable to pledge in 2014. 

There are 6 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means . Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months . A pledge of $400 is just $40 a month. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds, Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St . Thomas Aquinas!

9. Tree Damage At St. Albert the Great Church

Sometime Sunday night, February 8, amid the wind and rain storm, a large, large “branch” fell off the redwood tree on Channing Avenue and into the church! (see the pictures attached to today’s eBulletin).

The tree trunk had actually bifurcated ‘way at the top, and so it was one of the “trunks”, rather than just a branch, which fell.  This last Tuesday the branch was removed by crane. A moisture survey was being conducted yesterday, and dehumidifiers will be used to correct any water damage. All the follow-on checking and repairs (patching roof, etc.) will take place after things are dried out. The damage should have no effect on this weekend's liturgies at St. Albert the Great Church.  Our $500 deductible insurance policy will cover the expenses.  Phew!

10. Monday, February 16: Pastoral Center Closed 

While the Pastoral Center will be closed in recognition of Presidents’ Day, the daily Mass Schedule remains unchanged.

11. Tuesday, February 17: Making Sense of Our Catholic Faith in an Increasingly Secular World

with guest speaker: Dan Baer

Dan Baer confronts head-on the question: “Where will the Church be in one-hundred years and how do we participate now in the co-creation of our future with God?” Dan will address diverse topics including atheism, homosexuality, technology, and fundamental questions that challenge Catholic doctrine. This evening is one of exploration, taking seriously both the teaching and role of the Church in the world and the unprecedented challenges faced by the Church—indeed, by all faiths—now and in the future. Wow! This will be a not to be missed discussion of possible futures for our Church. Join us; bring along your questions, concerns and an open mind.

Dan Baer grew up in Palo Alto, studied English at Marquette University, and earned his Masters in Theology from Saint Louis University. He has taught professionally for sixteen years. He currently serves as the Department Chairperson of Theology at Sacred Heart Cathedral High School, in San Francisco. He lives with his wife Amy and three children in Albany, CA. You may know his proud parents: Ted and Becky Baer.

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

12. Palms For Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday (February 18). It’s time to return your blessed palms from last year, so that we may prepare the ashes for this year. Please bring them with you to Mass and place them in the basket in the vestibule; these palms will be burned at the end of each Mass this weekend.

13. Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday

The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday (February 18) which includes the blessing and distribution of ashes, will be celebrated at the following times: 

St. Thomas Aquinas Church:
7:15 AM, 12:15 PM, 6 PM and 8 PM (Gregorian) 

Our Lady of the Rosary Church:
8:30 AM and 7:30 PM (Spanish); 

St. Albert the Great Church:
10 AM (Seton School Mass, but parishioners welcome) and 7 PM

Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. All who are 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, and there is no upper age limit. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are also days of fast. This law binds those who are 18 to 59 years of age. Please read the Lenten handout (attached to today’s eBulletin) which gives more details about all of this and other Lenten events at St. Thomas Aquinas.

14. Parish Lenten Opportunities

Attached to today’s eBulletin, and included as an insert to this weekend’s paper Bulletin, is our parish “Lenten Purple Sheet”, listing all the various opportunities offered by the parish to enhance your Lenten activities.  Please place the Purple Sheet in a prominent place in your home, and plan to attend some or all of the prayer, sacramental and liturgical activities offered.  Happy Lent!

15. Pope Francis’ Lent 2015 Message

“Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each communities and every believer. Above all it is a 'time of grace'. God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us'. He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be indifferent to what happens to us. Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and the injustices they endure. Our heart grows cold. As long as I am relatively healthy and comfortable, I do not think about those less well off. Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a globalization of indifference. It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront.

(read the rest of Pope Francis’ Lenten message attached to today’s eBulletin)

16. Wednesday, February 18 (Ash Wednesday): 40 Days for Life Begins

The next campaign of 40 Days for Life / Mountain View begins on the morning of Ash Wednesday. Though many of us pray the campaign at home or at Mass, our sidewalk vigil near a local abortion clinic is where you can get the truly ideal Lenten experience: heat, cold, rain, wind, hard sidewalks to stand on, nowhere to sit down, and the occasional nasty comment or dirty look. Our local campaign's focus is the Planned Parenthood clinic just a few miles away in Mountain View, which performs its share of the 20,000-plus surgical and chemical abortions that occur in our country every week. If you join us on the sidewalk, know that there are no signs to carry, no slogans to chant -- just quiet prayer. If you're ready to do something very real this Lent, learn more and register at www.40daysforlife/mountain-view/, or call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

17. Valentine’s Day Opportunity

Buy a budded/blooming orchid plant from Arlen Hagan with the proceeds going to support the Pastoral Garden. These and other plants are available at 788 Cereza Drive, Palo Alto. For more information, call Arlen at 650-493-8139.

18. Palo Alto Eager To Move Ahead With Minimum Wage Law

The Palo Alto City Council voted on Monday, February 9 to refer the idea of raising Palo Alto's minimum wage to the Policy and Services Committee for further vetting. The proposal was made in a colleagues memo from councilmen Pat Burt, Marc Berman, Tom DuBois and Cory Wolbach, who argued that the change is needed because of the high cost of living in Palo Alto. California currently has a minimum wage of $9 an hour, which is set to increase to $10 an hour next year.

Speaking in favor of the move was Chris Lundin, member of our parish Human Concerns Committee and our parish representative to Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice, both of which are supporting the move.

Read the full account at The Palo Alto Weekly:
by Gennady Sheyner / Palo Alto Weekly

19. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

Save the Date! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

20. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno

A lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., on his latest book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm. at the Community School of Music and Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA.
The event is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto (TMC).  All are invited at no charge; donations gratefully received to support the educational programs of the Merton Center.
Winner of the 2014 Carl Sagan prize awarded by the American Astronomical Society, noted planetary scientist, lecturer, and writer Brother Guy Consolmagno returns to the Bay Area to talk about his new book (written with Paul Mueller, S.J.):  Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?... and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory.  
Brother Guy Consolmagno was born in Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate and masters' degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences from MIT (in 1974 and 1975), and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona in 1978. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University's Department of Astronomy, and MIT's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; served in the US Peace Corps, teaching physics at the University of Nairobi; and was a physics professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, before entering the Jesuits as a brother in 1989. At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies.  Currently, Brother Guy is also president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
The book and Brother Guy’s lecture address some essential questions about science that Christians get asked (and ask themselves) on a regular basis.  How can one reconcile the Big Bang theory with the belief in God as the Creator of the universe?  Is the Catholic Church really against science?  Can a scientific person be a believer?  Can a believer look to science for answers that religion cannot provide?  And what really happened with Galileo?  Consolmagno [in the dialogue format of the book with co-author Paul Mueller] answers these and many more of the most persistent questions about science and religion in this fascinating, inviting, and knowledgeable exploration. 
Limited parking is available at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View; more parking can be found in the local neighborhood.  Visit CSMA’s website at for full parking information and directions to the school.  For information:  Kay Williams,

21. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection For Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

22. Sunday, February 22: Rite of Sending to Election

In anticipation of our catechumen’s celebration of the Rite of Election with Bishop McGrath, on Sunday, February 22nd at St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica, we will celebrate the Rite of Sending to Election at the 10:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary that same day. 

23. Tuesday, February 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Muslims and America: A Long History 

Presenter: Ismael Nass-Duce, volunteer speaker with the Islamic Networks Group (ING).

Muslims have been a part of U.S. history for centuries, but most Americans are unaware of this fact. Morocco, a Muslim country, was the first country to publicly recognize the new United States and it is with Morocco that the United States has the longest treaty of friendship. Some of the enslaved Africans were Muslims and, much later, successive waves of immigration brought many more Muslims to our country from the 19th century until the present day. There is a proud American-Muslim heritage. Come and learn about the contributions to our Country by Muslim Americans.

Ismael Nass received a B.S. in Computer Science from King Fahd University in Saudi Arabia, and an M.S. in Software Engineering from San Jose State University. He is currently the president of EngineersWhoWrite, a consulting firm specializing in the development of technical documentation and publishing tools. He has been with ING for over 10 years and is one of our most experienced speakers. Islamic Networks Group envisions a world in which people of diverse backgrounds are understood and respected, whose contributions valued, and in which American Muslim communities play a vital role in promoting values of inclusion and coexistence.

7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

24. Beginning Wednesday, February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Wednesday, 2/25/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 2/25/15  Seton School First Confessions St. Albert the Great Church 7pm
Saturday, 2/28/15 Confirmation Retreat Dermody Center (OLR site) 2pm
Wednesday, 3/4/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/11/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/18/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/18/15 Faith Formation Penance Liturgy Our Lady of the Rosary 6pm
Monday, 3/23/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) St. Albert the Great Church 6pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) Our Lady of the Rosary 6pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 Lenten Confessions St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

25. Wednesday, February 25: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

February 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

26. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent

We  will again be holding Taize prayer services  during Lent. 

Taize Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. 

Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

These are the dates: 

Thursday February 26 
Thursday, March 5 
Thursday, March 12, and 
Thursday, March 19. 

All of the Taize prayer services will be at OLR from 7:00 until 8:00 pm. 

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace. What is unique to the prayer of Taizé is the adaptation of the repetitive form to simple musical lines and core biblical texts that can be sung by a whole assembly. Silence is perhaps the second most important aspect of this particular prayer practice. In the middle of the prayer is a long period of silence. Maintaining silence is simply holding oneself in a presence and letting Christ, through the Holy Spirit, pray in us.

27. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear

Presented by Saint Martin of Tours Peace and Justice Commission

How can we become people of nonviolence?  How can we help the world become more nonviolent?  What does it mean to be nonviolent?

John Dear is a Peace Activist, 2015 Nobel Prize Nominee, and the  author of The Nonviolent Life and numerous other books and articles.

7:00-8:30 p.m.
Saint Martin of Tours Parish Church
200 O’Connor Drive,  San Jose, California 95128

A suggested donation of $10 will be accepted at the door.

No reservation required but let us know you're coming by dropping a message to

Co-Sponsored by: Diocese of San Jose - Nonviolence Coalition and Silicon Valley InterReligious Council (

28. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action

A message from our Pastor, Fr. Matt: Have you registered for our Day of Reflection on Social Justice?  I have.   Pope Francis emphasizes the call to all of us to be a people of justice.  Find out what that means by joining us on February 28 at St. Albert the Great Church.  I encourage everyone to make some time to reflect on this important aspect of our faith.  

Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel, Our Faith in Action 

Saturday, February 28, 2015 
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto

“An authentic faith . . . always involves a deep desire to change the world, to trans- mit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. . . . All Christians, their pastors included, are called to show concern for the building of a better world.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, p. 183

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, our parish will host a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings. Deacon Ruben Solorio, the Diocese of San Jose’s Director of Social Ministries, will offer our keynote address, helping us better understand Pope Francis’ call to us to share the joy of the Gospel with others and to be a people of justice. Participants will also be able to take two workshops during the day on a variety of topics. A total of 8 workshops in English and 2 workshops in Spanish will be offered.

This day of reflection is open to both adults and youth - those involved in social justice and those seeking to know more. Registration is $10 (if received by February 23 - $15 at the door). Details about the day and registration forms are available at For more information contact me at the Pastoral Center or at .

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

29. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Begin In March

Our Parish will be bringing food to the Hotel de Zink during the first two weeks of April.  The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd.  I will be signing folks up after the Masses during the month of March.  Any questions?  Call Ruth Chippendale at 650-856-6350.  Thanks for your help.

30. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro

Would you know what to say if a woman who was considering abortion walked up to you and asked for help? You might have only seconds to make a connection with her and tip the scales toward a decision for Life. Here's a chance to learn just how to do that from someone with years of successful experience. Lauren Muzyka, the founder of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, will be coming to Mountain View on Saturday, March 7th to give a free, full-day live training in Sidewalk Advocacy. And it’s nearby, at Mountain View's beautiful Old Adobe, at Central Expressway and Moffett Blvd.  For more info and to register, contact Karen McLaughlin (of Sacred Heart parish) at, or (703) 727-1861.

31. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry

You are invited to join us in Kerry's Corner on February 8, after the 10:30 am Mass at OLR to make greeting cards for use by the Pastoral Home Ministry Team.  Ages 16 and up only please.

32. Saturday, March 14: Circle Your Calendar… And Get Out Your Green!
The annual St. Patrick's Day celebration is near -- Saturday, March 14, at the Seton School Auditorium, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m..  

This is a legacy event for the parish -- over 50 years of tradition, planned as a safe, welcoming, and entertaining evening of Irish song, dance, food, and fun -- oriented especially to seniors and families with young children.  

Last year was a fantastic success, so tickets should go fast this year -- sales are slated to begin February 28 and March 1.  Parish life relies on volunteers; this event is no exception.  Please contact Joe Kinsella if you are able to help out with your ideas and your time (650-364-3705).  Slainte!
Contact Joe Kinsella: 650-364-3705.

33. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

34. Beginning January 31: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

35. Heads-up From U.S. Bishop: Fifty Shades of Grey Movie

As you may be aware, a film called Fifty Shades of Grey is being released in theaters on February 13th, 2015. The books and film, marketed as a romantic story, are a graphic portrayal of a young woman agreeing to be abused and degraded in a sexual relationship.

Leaders in the Religious Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP) have stated, “The contrast between the message of Fifty Shades of Grey and God’s design for self-giving and self-sacrificing love, marriage and sexual intimacy could not be greater.” As you know, we as bishops have spoken with a united voice against domestic violence, and in particular, violence against women (see When I Call for Help, 1992, rev. 2002). We have also emphasized the need to overcome the exploitation of sex and violence in communications (see Renewing the Mind of the Media, 1998).

As the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth continues its work with other committees on the development of a statement on pornography, I wanted to call your attention to the release of this film.  This is an opportunity for us to remind the faithful of the beauty of the Church’s teaching on the gift of sexual intimacy in marriage, the great dignity of women, and the moral reprehensibility of all domestic violence and sexual exploitation.

A list of resources to help men and women who are struggling with pornography is available at I also take this opportunity to alert you to an initiative by Morality in Media (soon to be called the National Center on Sexual Exploitation) in reference to the film:

With gratitude and prayers for your ministries, I am Fraternally yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Richard J. Malone
Bishop of Buffalo

36. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

37. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

38. Readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J.
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:  TBD  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

In Memoriam: Ned Gallagher

Pope's 2015 Lenten Message.pdf
Lenten Purple Sheet 2015 .pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 20, 2015, 8:08:53 AM2/20/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 8 - February 20, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice:  Faith, Justice, Action
Register Today! (Form attached)

Table of Contents

1. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge
2. Saturday, February 21: Memorial Mass for Helen Wall
3. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno
4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection For Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Ministry
5. Sunday, February 22: Rite of Sending to Election
6. One Never Knows….
7. Have A Heart Sunday Initial Results
8. NEED YOUR INPUT: Synod on Marriage and the Family Survey
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #4
11. Parish Lenten Opportunities
12. No Baptisms In Lent
13. The Light is On for You!
14. 40 Days for Life Continues
15. Tuesday, February 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Muslims and America: A Long History 
16. Beginning Wednesday, February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules
17. Wednesday, February 25: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
18. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent
19. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear
20. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action
21. Sunday, March 1: Rites In Preparation for Easter Sacraments
22. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Begin In March
23. Tuesday, March 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Saint Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”
24. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro
25. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry
26. Saturday, March 14: Everyone Is Irish On St. Patrick’s Day!
27. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?
28. Young Adult Circle
29. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
30. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
31. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
38. Readings for the First Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: our Parish Lenten Opportunities. Flyer/Registration form for Social Justice Day


1. Friday, February 20: 9th Annual Revs Vs. Sems Basketball Challenge

TONIGHT! Friday, February 20, 2015, 7pm, Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. See your pastor get a workout as a referee!  Diocesan priests versus seminarians from St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park.

For more information call (650) 325-5621 or email or visit seems 

2. Saturday, February 21: Memorial Mass for Helen Wall

Helen passed away February 6, 2015. A Requiem Mass will be offered at St. Albert the Great Catholic Church, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, on February 21, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.  

She was born in Queens, NY, April 27, 1916 and was raised in New York City and graduated from Cathedral High School in Manhattan in June 1934. She married William J. Wall on November 11, 1939 and they lived in Hempstead, L.I., N.Y., where their first three children were born. 

Helen and Bill and their three young sons moved to Los Angeles in 1943. The family settled in Van Nuys until 1956 when Helen moved to Santa Rosa with Bill and their seven children. By 1973, having raised her family in Santa Rosa, she and Bill moved to Palo Alto. She resided there until her death.
Helen and Bill were married for 72 years, and had a great life in Santa Rosa and Palo Alto. 

She is survived by her sons, Michael (Darlean), Santa Rosa; Peter (Jerilyn), Corona del Mar; William, Jr. (Jacquelin) San Jose; Patrick, Santa Rosa; and daughter Ellen, San Bruno. She was predeceased by her husband Bill, daughter Martha Vander Heide, son Terence, and grandson Peter. She is survived by 18 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Mom was a great and loving guide and inspiration to us all. She was always saying, "family is everything", and emphasizing to all of us how grateful she was for all of her blessings in life. She was a faithful member of St. Thomas Acquinas parish in Palo Alto for the last 42 years of her life. She had a great and long life of 98 years and she will be happily remembered by her loving family. 

Donations may be made to Hospice or the charity of your choice.

3. Saturday, February 21: Lecture and Discussion with Vatican astronomer Bro. Guy Consolmagno

A lecture by Bro. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., on his latest book, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm. at the Community School of Music and Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA.
The event is sponsored by the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto (TMC).  All are invited at no charge; donations gratefully received to support the educational programs of the Merton Center.
Winner of the 2014 Carl Sagan prize awarded by the American Astronomical Society, noted planetary scientist, lecturer, and writer Brother Guy Consolmagno returns to the Bay Area to talk about his new book (written with Paul Mueller, S.J.):  Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?... and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory.  
Brother Guy Consolmagno was born in Detroit, Michigan, earned undergraduate and masters' degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences from MIT (in 1974 and 1975), and a Ph. D. in Planetary Science from the University of Arizona in 1978. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University's Department of Astronomy, and MIT's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; served in the US Peace Corps, teaching physics at the University of Nairobi; and was a physics professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, before entering the Jesuits as a brother in 1989. At the Vatican Observatory since 1993, his research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids, and the evolution of small solar system bodies.  Currently, Brother Guy is also president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.
The book and Brother Guy’s lecture address some essential questions about science that Christians get asked (and ask themselves) on a regular basis.  How can one reconcile the Big Bang theory with the belief in God as the Creator of the universe?  Is the Catholic Church really against science?  Can a scientific person be a believer?  Can a believer look to science for answers that religion cannot provide?  And what really happened with Galileo?  Consolmagno [in the dialogue format of the book with co-author Paul Mueller] answers these and many more of the most persistent questions about science and religion in this fascinating, inviting, and knowledgeable exploration. 
Limited parking is available at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View; more parking can be found in the local neighborhood.  Visit CSMA’s website at for full parking information and directions to the school.  For information:  Kay Williams,

4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection For Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person to person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need.

5. Sunday, February 22: Rite of Sending to Election

In anticipation of our catechumen’s celebration of the Rite of Election with Bishop McGrath, on Sunday, February 22nd at St. Joseph Cathedral Basilica, we will celebrate the Rite of Sending to Election at the 10:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary that same day. 

6. One Never Knows….

There are some Gospel passages that I have preached about dozens of times. This Sunday’s text of Jesus’ temptation (Mk 1:12-13) is just one example.
It can be a challenge to say something new and different, although a good preacher will never run out of ideas.

Sometimes we read parts of the Bible without realizing what they actually say. Mark’s account of Jesus’ temptation is told with such brevity that we are likely to overlook what is missing. First, there is no indication of the issues involved in Our Lord’s confrontation with Satan; nor does Mark describe the outcome. What is Mark’s purpose for this seemingly grave omission?

Second, perhaps Mark’s rationale for telling the story in this way was to keep his audience in suspense? Isn’t this what the best story-tellers and screen writers do to keep us on the edge of our seats? There must be a resolution. This expectation keeps us intrigued, and so we continue to watch or read as the case may be.

Third, perhaps this incident in Jesus’ life was never meant to be a “stand alone” event. Perhaps it is a continuation of the story of Jesus’ baptism which so subtly concluded with a “tune in next week” kind of ending. Perhaps Mark is telling us that what matters most is not that we know how Jesus fared in his duel with the Evil One, but that we see how His baptism [and the Holy Spirit] led to this inevitable confrontation with the forces of darkness.

Fr. Matt, Pastor

7. Have A Heart Sunday Initial Results

Thank you for your generosity.  Initial cash contributions received were $1,281.  

Parishioners also donated 102 pairs of men's underwear and 57 pairs of ladies’ underwear, as well as 115 pairs of socks.

The Human Concerns Committee will quickly get those contributions to the Opportunity Center, and a Costco shopping trip is being planned to turn the monetary donations into needed socks and underwear.  Thank you again from the Human Concerns Committee!

8. NEED YOUR INPUT: Synod on Marriage and the Family Survey

The Second Vatican Council reiterated the collegial nature of the Church.  The ongoing Synod on the Family is a significant contemporary expression of collegiality.  Collegiality demands ongoing dialogue and consideration of important issues in the lives of the people whom we are called to serve.  Dioceses throughout the world have been asked to participate in the Synod by providing information and insights regarding issues facing contemporary families.

In an effort to understand more fully the issues and challenges that confront the people of our Diocese and to provide input for the synod we have developed a survey tool.  I ask you to participate in the survey and to invite your parishioners, school parents, and students in our universities.

The survey can be accessed through the diocesan website at:

until March 12, 2015.

The survey is also available in Spanish and Vietnamese. 

Information from the survey will be compiled and forwarded to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The survey is anonymous and no identifying information will be gathered.  The results of the survey will not be published; it will be used only to inform participants of the synod and to assist us as we continue to develop pastoral ministry and evangelical efforts here in Santa Clara County.

Thank you for your assistance and ongoing ministry to the people of the Diocese of San Jose.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath
February 18, 2015

(NOTE: It takes about 8-10 minutes to complete the survey. Please take the time!  Ed.)

9. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of January ($11,821 average weekly collection). Our average weekly collection for the first seven months of this fiscal year is $11,752. Our budget for Sunday collections for July-January is $330,000; our actual received was $352,000 (+$22,000). We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Our Weekly Offering:
February 15 Actual: $9,750 (Goal:$11,000)
Eastern/Central European Church: $ 2,193

10. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #4

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $96,000
Pledges: 181
Average Pledge: $530
% of Goal: 75%

My thanks to the 44 gifts received this past week.

There are 5 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. 

Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

11. Parish Lenten Opportunities

Attached again to today’s eBulletin, and available in our vestibules this weekend, is our parish “Lenten Purple Sheet”, listing all the various opportunities offered by the parish to enhance your Lenten activities.  Please place the Purple Sheet in a prominent place in your home, and plan to attend some or all of the prayer, sacramental and liturgical activities offered.  Happy Lent!

12. No Baptisms In Lent

In keeping with our parish tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism is not celebrated through the 40 days of Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday. Baptismal catechesis continues for parents and godparents of those children who will be baptized in the Spring and Summer.

13. The Light is On for You!

On Wednesdays from 6 - 8PM, the doors of St. Thomas Aquinas Church are open and the Light is on For You! Bring a family member or friend, come in, and rediscover God’s heart of mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

Jesus Christ desires to lift your burdens off your heart which you may have been carrying for a short time or years. To find guides to confession and testimonials of people from around our diocese visit

14. 40 Days for Life Continues

The next campaign of 40 Days for Life / Mountain View began on the morning of Ash Wednesday. Though many of us pray the campaign at home or at Mass, our sidewalk vigil near a local abortion clinic is where you can get the truly ideal Lenten experience: heat, cold, rain, wind, hard sidewalks to stand on, nowhere to sit down, and the occasional nasty comment or dirty look. Our local campaign's focus is the Planned Parenthood clinic just a few miles away in Mountain View, which performs its share of the 20,000-plus surgical and chemical abortions that occur in our country every week. If you join us on the sidewalk, know that there are no signs to carry, no slogans to chant -- just quiet prayer. If you're ready to do something very real this Lent, learn more and register at www.40daysforlife/mountain-view/, or call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

15. Tuesday, February 24: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Muslims and America: A Long History 

Presenter: Ismael Nass-Duce, volunteer speaker with the Islamic Networks Group (ING).

Muslims have been a part of U.S. history for centuries, but most Americans are unaware of this fact. Morocco, a Muslim country, was the first country to publicly recognize the new United States and it is with Morocco that the United States has the longest treaty of friendship. Some of the enslaved Africans were Muslims and, much later, successive waves of immigration brought many more Muslims to our country from the 19th century until the present day. There is a proud American-Muslim heritage. Come and learn about the contributions to our Country by Muslim Americans.

Ismael Nass received a B.S. in Computer Science from King Fahd University in Saudi Arabia, and an M.S. in Software Engineering from San Jose State University. He is currently the president of EngineersWhoWrite, a consulting firm specializing in the development of technical documentation and publishing tools. He has been with ING for over 10 years and is one of our most experienced speakers. Islamic Networks Group envisions a world in which people of diverse backgrounds are understood and respected, whose contributions valued, and in which American Muslim communities play a vital role in promoting values of inclusion and coexistence.

7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

16. Beginning Wednesday, February 25: Lenten Confession Schedules

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Wednesday, 2/25/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm

Wednesday, 2/25/15  Seton School First Confessions St. Albert the Great Church 7 pm
Saturday, 2/28/15 Confirmation Retreat Dermody Center (OLR site) 2 pm
Wednesday, 3/4/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm
Wednesday, 3/11/14 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm

Wednesday, 3/18/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm
Wednesday, 3/18/15 Faith Formation Penance Liturgy Our Lady of the Rosary 6 pm
Monday, 3/23/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) St. Albert the Great Church 6 pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) Our Lady of the Rosary 6 pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 Lenten Confessions St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm

Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7 pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7 pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

17. Wednesday, February 25: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

February 25 (no S.O.U.P. on Ash Wednesday, February 18)
March 6, 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)
April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

18. Beginning Thursday, February 26: Taize Prayer During Lent

We  will again be holding Taize prayer services  during Lent. 

Taize Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world. 

Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today!

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

These are the dates: 

Thursday February 26 
Thursday, March 5 
Thursday, March 12, and 
Thursday, March 19. 

All of the Taize prayer services will be at OLR from 7:00 until 8:00 pm. 

Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace. What is unique to the prayer of Taizé is the adaptation of the repetitive form to simple musical lines and core biblical texts that can be sung by a whole assembly. Silence is perhaps the second most important aspect of this particular prayer practice. In the middle of the prayer is a long period of silence. Maintaining silence is simply holding oneself in a presence and letting Christ, through the Holy Spirit, pray in us.

19. Thursday, February 26, 2015: An Evening with Fr. John Dear

Presented by Saint Martin of Tours Peace and Justice Commission

How can we become people of nonviolence?  How can we help the world become more nonviolent?  What does it mean to be nonviolent?

John Dear is a Peace Activist, 2015 Nobel Prize Nominee, and the  author of The Nonviolent Life and numerous other books and articles.

7:00-8:30 p.m.
Saint Martin of Tours Parish Church
200 O’Connor Drive,  San Jose, California 95128

A suggested donation of $10 will be accepted at the door.

No reservation required but let us know you're coming by dropping a message to

Co-Sponsored by: Diocese of San Jose - Nonviolence Coalition and Silicon Valley InterReligious Council (

20. Saturday, February 28: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action

A message from our Pastor, Fr. Matt: Have you registered for our Day of Reflection on Social Justice?  I have.   Pope Francis emphasizes the call to all of us to be a people of justice.  Find out what that means by joining us on February 28 at St. Albert the Great Church.  I encourage everyone to make some time to reflect on this important aspect of our faith.  

Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel, Our Faith in Action 

Saturday, February 28, 2015 
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto

“An authentic faith . . . always involves a deep desire to change the world, to trans- mit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. . . . All Christians, their pastors included, are called to show concern for the building of a better world.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, p. 183

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, our parish will host a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings. Deacon Ruben Solorio, the Diocese of San Jose’s Director of Social Ministries, will offer our keynote address, helping us better understand Pope Francis’ call to us to share the joy of the Gospel with others and to be a people of justice. Participants will also be able to take two workshops during the day on a variety of topics. A total of 8 workshops in English and 2 workshops in Spanish will be offered.

This day of reflection is open to both adults and youth - those involved in social justice and those seeking to know more. Registration is $10 (if received by February 23 - $15 at the door). Details about the day and registration forms are available at For more information contact me at the Pastoral Center or at .

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

21. Sunday, March 1: Rites In Preparation for Easter Sacraments

Next Sunday at the 9:00 am Mass at St. Albert the Great we will celebrate (with those who are preparing to complete the Christian Initiation or enter into Full Communion in the Catholic Church) a Penitential Rite to mark the Lenten purification for those candidates approaching the maturity of faith and understanding requisite for a fuller life in the Catholic Community.

22. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Begin In March

Our Parish will be bringing food to the Hotel de Zink during the first two weeks of April.  The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd.  I will be signing folks up after the Masses during the month of March.  Any questions?  Call Ruth Chippendale at 650-856-6350.  Thanks for your help.

23. Tuesday, March 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Saint Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”

a video series with Father Matt- Part two

Saint Thomas Aquinas was a prodigious writer, a precise thinker, and a man devoted to his Dominican way of life. In these lectures you will explore the key themes of his thought.  You will come to know him as a person, a thinker, as well as a spiritual teacher and philosophical theologian. Along with St. Augustine, he towers in the history of Christian thought. We should all learn more about this amazing man for whom our Parish is named.

The presenter of this video series is Fr. Donald Goergen O.P. Ph. D. He is a Dominican priest, teacher and author. He has published numerous articles and 10 books in the area of Christology and Christian spirituality. He currently teaches at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, Mo.

7:00-8:00 p.m. - St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

24. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro

Would you know what to say if a woman who was considering abortion walked up to you and asked for help? You might have only seconds to make a connection with her and tip the scales toward a decision for Life. Here's a chance to learn just how to do that from someone with years of successful experience. Lauren Muzyka, the founder of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, will be coming to Mountain View on Saturday, March 7th to give a free, full-day live training in Sidewalk Advocacy. And it’s nearby, at Mountain View's beautiful Old Adobe, at Central Expressway and Moffett Blvd.  For more info and to register, contact Karen McLaughlin (of Sacred Heart parish) at, or (703) 727-1861.

25. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry

You are invited to join us in Kerry's Corner on February 8, after the 10:30 am Mass at OLR to make greeting cards for use by the Pastoral Home Ministry Team.  Ages 16 and up only please.

26. Saturday, March 14: Everyone Is Irish On St. Patrick’s Day!
Be prepared for the annual Gathering of the Clan on Sat, March 14, at the Seton School Auditorium, 1093 Channing Ave, from 6:00 - 8:30.  This event enjoys a half-century of tradition, now promoted as a safe, fun, and early evening oriented to families with young children, seniors, and parents who may wish to help out.  

Priced to encourage participation: $15 adults, $5 kids 12 and under.  The program includes children's activities, a live ceili band, Celtic dancing, sing-along, and the best corned beef and cabbage on the Peninsula!  Ticket sales begin the weekend of February 28 - March 1.  Don't be left out!  

Volunteers encouraged - contact Joe Kinsella 650-364-3705.

27. RCIA – Why Is Confirmation Important In Our Lives?

Is it time for you, or another family member, or a friend to be confirmed? God is totally involved with every aspect of our lives. He is constantly revealing himself to us through every day events and people, and in the fabric of our insights, hopes, and dreams.

Confirmation is a deepening of our baptismal gifts; it roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children and unites us more firmly with Christ; it increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and binds us more closely to the Church; and it gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and shapes us as Catholic Christians.

If you, or someone you know desires to complete their sacraments please encourage them to join our ongoing “no obligation” inquiry group. For more information about the RCIA process please contact Susan Olsen, at or at 650-494-2496 ext 25.

Neale Wade, RCIA Coordinator

28. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues.  Feb. 24th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

29. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

30. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

31. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

38. Readings for the First Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) (Rite of Sending to Election)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Flyer and Registration form for February 28 Social Justice Day at St. Albert the Great

SJ_Day_Deanery 2 Reg_Form & Workshops_2015.pdf
Lenten Purple Sheet 2015 .pdf

Chris Lundin

Feb 27, 2015, 7:45:36 AM2/27/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 9 - February 27, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

TOMORROW: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice:  Faith, Justice, Action
Register Today! (Form attached) - Let Susan Olsen know today!

Table of Contents

1. TOMORROW: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action
2. Sunday, March 1: Rites In Preparation for Easter Sacraments
3. The Transfiguration of Jesus
4. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Begin In March
5. Two Stewardship Awards Presented at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
6. Tuesday, March 3: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: “Saint Thomas Aquinas: Master Theologian and Spiritual Guide”
7. Wednesday, March 4: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
8. NEED YOUR INPUT: Synod on Marriage and the Family Survey
9. Weekly Stewardship Report
10. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #5
11. The Light is On for You
12. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedules
13. 40 Days for Life Continues
14. Continuing Thursday, March 5: Taize Prayer During Lent
15. I Don’t Attend Mass Because I Work 24 Hours A Day
16. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro
17. Beginning Sunday, March  8: Scrutinies With the Elect
18. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry
19. Tuesday, March 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Catholic Interpretation of Scripture; How It Has Changed Over The Last 100 Years 
20. Friday, March 13: Goretti Group Gathering
21. Saturday, March 14: Live the Legacy: Share in the St. Patrick’s Day Party
22. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
23. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
24. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
25. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
26. Readings for the Second Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer/Registration form for Social Justice Day TOMORROW


1. TOMORROW: Deanery 2 Day of Reflection on Social Justice: Faith, Justice, Action

A message from our Pastor, Fr. Matt: Have you registered for our Day of Reflection on Social Justice?  I have.   Pope Francis emphasizes the call to all of us to be a people of justice.  Find out what that means by joining us on February 28 at St. Albert the Great Church.  I encourage everyone to make some time to reflect on this important aspect of our faith.  

Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel, Our Faith in Action 

Saturday, February 28, 2015 
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St. Albert the Great Church, Palo Alto

“An authentic faith . . . always involves a deep desire to change the world, to trans- mit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. . . . All Christians, their pastors included, are called to show concern for the building of a better world.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, p. 183

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, our parish will host a day of prayer, study and reflection on the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and the call to live our lives according to those teachings. Deacon Ruben Solorio, the Diocese of San Jose’s Director of Social Ministries, will offer our keynote address, helping us better understand Pope Francis’ call to us to share the joy of the Gospel with others and to be a people of justice. Participants will also be able to take two workshops during the day on a variety of topics. A total of 8 workshops in English and 2 workshops in Spanish will be offered.

This day of reflection is open to both adults and youth - those involved in social justice and those seeking to know more. Registration is $10 (if received by February 23 - $15 at the door). Details about the day and registration forms are available at For more information contact me at the Pastoral Center or at .

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

2. Sunday, March 1: Rites In Preparation for Easter Sacraments

This Sunday at the 9:00 am Mass at St. Albert the Great we will celebrate (with those who are preparing to complete the Christian Initiation or enter into Full Communion in the Catholic Church) a Penitential Rite to mark the Lenten purification for those candidates approaching the maturity of faith and understanding requisite for a fuller life in the Catholic Community.

3. The Transfiguration of Jesus

SJ_Day_Deanery 2 Reg_Form & Workshops_2015.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 6, 2015, 8:10:49 AM3/6/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 10 - March 6, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

Buy Your St. Patrick’s Day Party Tickets This Weekend!

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, March 7: Memorial Service for Christina Roche
2. Saturday, March 7: Celebration of Life for Jaimee Short
3. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro
4. Sunday, March 8: Daylight Saving Time Begins
5. Beginning Sunday, March  8: Scrutinies With the Elect
6. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Underway
7. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry
8. Monday, March 9: “Rediscover Catholicism” Discussion Groups
9. Monday, March 9: Rally to Save Buena Vista!
10. Tuesday, March 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Catholic Interpretation of Scripture
11. Wednesday, March 11: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
12. DUE By March 12: Your Input to Synod on Marriage and the Family Survey
13. Saturday, March 14: Funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel
14. Weekly Stewardship Report
15. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #6
16. Our Lenten Journey
17. The Light is On for You
18. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedules
19. 40 Days for Life Continues
20. Continuing Thursday, March 12: Taize Prayer During Lent
21. Friday, March 13: Goretti Group Gathering
22. Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event Tickets Going Fast!
23. Sunday, March 15: Spring "Meaningful Movies” Series Begins
24. Tuesday, March 17: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  "Pope Francis the Argentine” 
25. Why I Don’t Attend Mass: Small Children!
26. Parishioner Sharon Keplinger Honored
27. Sunday, March 29: Learning Session on Life Bloom
28. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
29. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
30. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
31. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
32. Readings for the Third Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer for Meaningful Movies, flyer for “Save Buena Vista!” Rally on Monday night


1. Saturday, March 7: Memorial Service for Christina Roche

Christina passed away peacefully with her children by her side on Friday, February 20, 2015 after a long illness.  There will be a Memorial service at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Saturday, March 7th at 10:00 am. 

Christina was born in Limerick, Ireland and later moved to England to become a mid-wife and eventually a registered nurse. 

In 1972 she moved to Palo Alto with her former husband, Aidan Roche, where they raised their three children. Christina also began working for Kaiser Permanente in Redwood City as an RN and worked there for over 20 years. Christina was a devoted mother, traveling all over the country to visit her children and support them in their accomplishments. Christina loved Palo Alto, whether it was attending her children’s sporting events at Palo Alto High School, walking in the Baylands, swimming at Eichler Swim and Tennis Club, or enjoying coffee at the café in Midtown near where she lived. 

Christina will be deeply missed by her family and friends, who will remember her warm greeting of “Oh dears” whenever she ran into you. She loved a good giggle and you knew it was coming when her shoulders started that slow shake and sooner or later the laughter burst out. Family and friends will celebrate Christina’s life with a memorial service on March 7th, at 10:00 AM at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Palo Alto. All are welcome to attend; smiles and laughter will be the orders of the day. Christina is survived by her 3 children, Kieran Roche (Elaine) Julie Roche Schram (Robert), and Colin Roche (Colleen) and her 6 grandchildren: Julia, Connor, Mandy, Declan, William and Nora, as well as her sisters and extended family in Ireland. 

2. Saturday, March 7: Celebration of Life for Jaimee Short

Jaimee Short, son of Helen Short, died recently.  There will be a private interment today at 1:30pm at Alta Mesa Cemetery.

A Celebration of Life will be held at Helen's home at 2:00 pm at 650 Tennyson Ave., Palo Alto on Saturday, March 7th.

3. Saturday, March 7: Learn Sidewalk Counseling From A Pro

Would you know what to say if a woman who was considering abortion walked up to you and asked for help? You might have only seconds to make a connection with her and tip the scales toward a decision for Life. Here's a chance to learn just how to do that from someone with years of successful experience. Lauren Muzyka, the founder of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, will be coming to Mountain View on Saturday, March 7th to give a free, full-day live training in Sidewalk Advocacy. And it’s nearby, at Mountain View's beautiful Old Adobe, at Central Expressway and Moffett Blvd.  For more info and to register, contact Karen McLaughlin (of Sacred Heart parish) at, or (703) 727-1861.

4. Sunday, March 8: Daylight Saving Time Begins

Daylight Saving Time (DST) kicks in this weekend, the annual bittersweet sign that spring is on its way, but it hurts your sleep schedule. At 2 a.m. local time on March 8, clocks will "spring forward" one hour.

5. Beginning Sunday, March  8: Scrutinies With the Elect

Over the next three weekends, the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will celebrate the rites of penance and purification with our elect who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. The purpose of these rites is to uncover all that would lead them away from Christ, so that they might be able to come to a full Christian life. The support of a parish community is vital to this process. At the same time, these brief rites call us, the baptized, to uproot the sin in our lives so as to be more faithful to our own baptism. We will be using Cycle A Readings for the Scrutinies.

6. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Underway

Our Parish will be bringing food to the Hotel de Zink during the first two weeks of April.  The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd.  I will be signing folks up after the Masses during the month of March. 

I will be at Our Lady of the Rosary Church this weekend.  Any questions?  

Call Ruth Chippendale at 650-856-6350.  Thanks for your help.

7. Sunday, March 8: Help Needed To Support The Card Ministry

You are invited to join us in Kerry's Corner on February 8, after the 10:30 am Mass at OLR to make greeting cards for use by the Pastoral Home Ministry Team.  Ages 16 and up only please.

8. Monday, March 9: “Rediscover Catholicism” Discussion Groups

Your are invited on the Mondays of Lent to discuss aspects of the book “Rediscover Catholicism” with discussion leader Susan Olsen.

Two opportunities each Monday:
9:00 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary Hall (following 8:30 a.m. Mass)
7:00 p.m. Dermody Center (Our Lady of the Rosary Site)

If you cannot attend the group discussions, there are also YouTube videos where the author Matthew Kelly discusses the book:

9. Monday, March 9: Rally to Save Buena Vista!

The County has already set aside $8 million to avoid the relocation of the 400 residents, including nearly 100 students, and to preserve the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park as affordable housing. Last month, the Palo Alto City Manager also set aside $8 million for the site, but the City Council still needs to ratify this decision.

It is crucial that we show the City Council that there is broad community support for Buena Vista.

Let's thank the City for their action, and encourage the City Council to ratify the funds at the earliest appropriate opportunity.

5:30 - Arrive at City Hall Plaza to enjoy pizza with  County Supervisor Joe Simitian and your neighbors.

6:00 - Show your support for preserving the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park by attending the beginning of the City Council Meeting.

Micaela Hellman-Tincher, Policy Aide
County Supervisor Joe Simitian, District Five

10. Tuesday, March 10: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Catholic Interpretation of Scripture

How It Has Changed Over The Last 100 Years, with special guest speaker Fr. Jose Rubio

Christians believe that the Bible is inspired; that the Scriptures are true. At the same time, we affirm that biblical truth is not necessarily the same as historical truth. There has been a resurgence of Catholic biblical scholarship since the first half of the 20th century.

What caused this biblical renewal in the Church?

Why was it necessary?

How has this “progressive revelation” impacted the World Church and our worship today?

Fr. Rubio is a very knowledgeable and able speaker. He has studied Scripture in depth, some of the Gospels in their original language. He has much to teach us.

Remember the words of St. Jerome: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”

Please join us as we learn about scripture and our Church: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

11. Wednesday, March 11: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

March 11, 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

12. DUE By March 12: Your Input to Synod on Marriage and the Family Survey

The Second Vatican Council reiterated the collegial nature of the Church.  The ongoing Synod on the Family is a significant contemporary expression of collegiality.  Collegiality demands ongoing dialogue and consideration of important issues in the lives of the people whom we are called to serve.  Dioceses throughout the world have been asked to participate in the Synod by providing information and insights regarding issues facing contemporary families.

In an effort to understand more fully the issues and challenges that confront the people of our Diocese and to provide input for the synod we have developed a survey tool.  I ask you to participate in the survey and to invite your parishioners, school parents, and students in our universities.

The survey can be accessed through the diocesan website at:

until March 12, 2015.

The survey is also available in Spanish and Vietnamese. 

Information from the survey will be compiled and forwarded to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  The survey is anonymous and no identifying information will be gathered.  The results of the survey will not be published; it will be used only to inform participants of the synod and to assist us as we continue to develop pastoral ministry and evangelical efforts here in Santa Clara County.

Thank you for your assistance and ongoing ministry to the people of the Diocese of San Jose.

Bishop Patrick J. McGrath
February 18, 2015

(NOTE: It takes about 8-10 minutes to complete the survey. Please take the time!  Ed.)

13. Saturday, March 14: Funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel

There will be a funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel, son of parishioner Kaleen Abel, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 2:00 pm on Saturday, March 14th.

14. Weekly Stewardship Report

We encourage every family and household to practice good stewardship. Remember sacrificial giving is planned, thoughtful, and proportional and it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and the Church. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving (see the parish web site) as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

Our Weekly Offering:
March 1: Actual: $13,584 (Goal: $11,000)

15. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #6

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $110,000
Pledges: 230
Average Pledge: $481
% of Goal: 85%

There are 3 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. 

Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

16. Our Lenten Journey

Movie 2015 Spring Series Poster.pdf
Buena Vista flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

Mar 13, 2015, 7:31:38 AM3/13/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 11 - March 13, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

St. Patrick’s Day Party Saturday Night!

Table of Contents

1. Friday, March 13: Goretti Group Gathering
2. Saturday, March 14: Funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel
3. Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event
4. Continuing Sunday, March 15: Scrutinies With the Elect
5. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Underway
6. Sunday, March 15: Spring "Meaningful Movies” Series Begins
7. Tuesday, March 17: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  "Pope Francis the Argentine” 
8. Rally to Save Buena Vista
9. Lenten Giving, and Operation Rice Bowl
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #7
12. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
13. Wednesday, March 18: Reconciliation Service for Faith Formation
14. Confession: The Light Is On For You!
15. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedules
16. 40 Days for Life Continues
17. Concluding Thursday, March 19: Taize Prayer During Lent
18. Why I Don’t Go To Mass: It Is S-o-o-o-o Boring!
19. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services
20. Wednesday, March 25: Spirituality Wednesday Assembly: The Way of the Cross 
21. Sunday, March 29: Learning Session on Life Bloom
22. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal
23. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
24. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
25. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
27. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule


1. Friday, March 13: Goretti Group Gathering

Please join the Goretti Group on Friday, March 13th to hear Father Thomas Steinke tell his inspiring story of living a worldly life as a successful computer programmer, realizing it was the wrong path for him, discovering the truth of the Church and the sacraments, and turning his life toward God.  

The Goretti Group meets every second Friday of the month at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 751 Waverley St, Palo Alto, CA.  This is a free event.

6:30pm Mass
7:30pm Dinner 
8:00pm Fr. Thomas' Story 
9:00pm Social time

Thank you and God bless!
Amanda George

2. Saturday, March 14: Funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel

There will be a funeral Mass for Jeffrey Abel, son of parishioner Kaleen Abel, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at 2:00 pm on Saturday, March 14th.

3. Saturday, March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Event
Not sure if tickets are still available: it’s always a sell-out! Call Joe Kinsella to check. If you have your tickets, see you there!

Priced to welcome multi-generational participation: $15 - adults, $5 - children 12 & under. Joe Kinsella 650-364-3705

4. Continuing Sunday, March 15: Scrutinies With the Elect

Over the next two weekends, the Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will continue to celebrate the rites of penance and purification with our elect who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. The first Scrutiny was celebrated last Sunday on the Third Sunday of Lent.  The purpose of these rites is to uncover all that would lead them away from Christ, so that they might be able to come to a full Christian life. The support of a parish community is vital to this process. At the same time, these brief rites call us, the baptized, to uproot the sin in our lives so as to be more faithful to our own baptism. We will be using Cycle A Readings for the Scrutinies.

5. Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups Underway

Our Parish will be bringing food to the Hotel de Zink during the first two weeks of April.  The shelter will be at the Church of Christ on Middlefield Rd.  I will be signing folks up after the Masses during the month of March. We believe Ruth will be at St. Albert the Great Church this weekend.  Any questions?  Call Ruth Chippendale at 650-856-6350.  Thanks for your help.

6. Sunday, March 15: Spring "Meaningful Movies” Series Begins

Save Sunday, March 15, for the showing of the first in the St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Spring Meaningful Movies series. 

“The Visitor” will be shown at 5:00 p.m. in the Thomas House Basement Hall, 745 Waverley St., Palo Alto,  followed by a brief discussion and sharing of snacks. “The Visitor” is a 2007 American drama film. The screenplay focuses on a lonely college professor in late middle age (Richard Jenkins) whose life changes when he finds a young couple living in his long-unused New York City apartment.  He is forced to face issues relating to identity, immigration, and cross-cultural communication in post-9/11 New York City.  The film is enlivened by music and humor and kindness. For “The Visitor”, director Thomas McCarthy won the 2008 Independent Spirit Award for Best Director, while Richard Jenkins was nominated for Best Actor in the 2008 Academy Awards.

Subsequent films in the series, also at 5 pm in the Thomas House Hall, are:
Sunday, April 19:  "Gran Torino"
Sunday, May 24:  "Sin Nombre”..

7. Tuesday, March 17: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly:  "Pope Francis the Argentine” 

with guest speaker Fr. Arthur Liebscher SJ

There is a great deal of conversation about how Pope Francis stands with liberation theology, Church reform, clericalism, and, of course, being a Jesuit. In fact, though, the key fact of his activities, attitude, and action lies in being a 20th-century Argentine. This talk situates Pope Francis within the social, political and theological context of his homeland. This evening will be an in depth probe of how our Pope’s past is reflected in his Papal mission. This is a great opportunity to discover more about our Pontiff!

Fr. Arthur Liebscher SJ is an associate professor and chair of the History Dept at the University of Santa Clara. He lived and worked as a lay person, religious, and as a priest in Argentina -- Santa Fe, Rosario, Cordoba, and Buenos Aires. There, he had occasion to spend some time with Jorge Bergoglio when he was "just" one of the senior Jesuits. Since his days as a PhD student at Indiana University Bloomington, Argentina has always been the focus of Fr. Liebscher’s academic research.

8. Rally to Save Buena Vista

Thanks to those parishioners (and hundreds of others) who attended last Monday night’s rally at City Hall.   The County has already set aside $8 million to avoid the relocation of the 400 residents, including nearly 100 students, and to preserve the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park as affordable housing. Last month, the Palo Alto City Manager also set aside $8 million for the site, but the City Council still needs to ratify this decision.  The rally was intended to thank the City Manager for his efforts, and to encourage the City Council to release the funds as soon as possible. 

Palo Alto Online coverage is at:

9. Lenten Giving, and Operation Rice Bowl

by Rev. Larry Rice, CSP 

During Lent, Catholics prepare for the celebration of Easter by observing a penitential season of repentance, renewal, and on-going conversion. Lent calls us back to the basics of our faith, acknowledging that we are all sinners, all in need of God’s grace. Traditionally, Lent has been a time of renewed prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Of these three disciplines, almsgiving is probably the least well understood. After all, works of charity and giving to the poor are supposed to be part of how we live in every season. 

But, just as Lent asks more of our prayer, it also asks more of our generosity. For many people, fasting and almsgiving are connected disciplines. The point of fasting, after all, isn’t merely that we eat less, it could also mean that others can eat more, especi ally those who live in poverty and hunger. One very popular Lenten almsgiving program is provided by Catholic Relief Services. It’s called Operation Rice Bowl. 

The core of the program is a cardboard bowl. During Lent, we’re encouraged to put our alms in the Rice Bowl. Seventy-five percent of the funds collected go to hunger relief programs around the world, and the remaining twenty- five percent stay in your local Catholic diocese to aid local hunger programs. 

You’ll find supplies of Rice Bowls in each of our church vestibules. Please take one!

However you choose to give to the poor this Lent, whether you’re giving of your time, talent, or treasure, this season can be an important time of spiritual renewal. Part of how we’re renewed is by acknowledging the many ways that God has blessed us and sharing those blessings with the poor and marginalized. 

Father Rice is Vocations Director for the Paulist Fathers.

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

We encourage every family and household to practice good stewardship. Remember sacrificial giving is planned, thoughtful, and proportional and it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and the Church. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving (see the parish web site) as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

Our Weekly Offering:
March 8: Actual: $11,253 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $4,209

11. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #7

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $113,355
Pledges: 240
Average Pledge: $472
% of Goal: 89%

There are 2 weeks remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. 

Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

12. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

Remaining sessions:
March 18 and 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

13. Wednesday, March 18: Reconciliation Service for Faith Formation

Children of our parish are invited to a Reconciliation Service on Wednesday, March 18 at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Please join us for this special opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during our Lenten season. 

This service will be geared towards children, but parents are welcome to attend and participate as well. Priests will be available to hear individual confessions. Contact Susan Olsen with questions, 650-494-2496

1st Reconciliation for 2nd Graders and RCIA children will be March 23 and 25. 

14. Confession: The Light Is On For You!

When was the last time you went to Confession (the Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation)? 

Generally, most parishes in the United States offer Confession on Saturday, between the hours of 3pm and 5pm. For some Catholics, including those with families, this is somewhat of an inopportune time. With grocery shopping, sports, homework, and other extracurricular activities, it is nearly impossible to make it to your local parish before the end of this Sacrament of Healing.

In an effort to meet families and parishioners at a more convenient time and day, the Diocese of San Jose (DSJ) is offering Confession at every parish within our County of Santa Clara, every Wednesday, from 6pm to 8pm, during the Season of Lent. The diocese is calling it: The Light Is On For YOU! Our parish is offering Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Wednesday evenings. Whether it’s been 10 weeks or 10 years since your last Confession—DO NOT BE AFRAID—we invite you to experience God’s Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, and Grace.

We, as Catholics, need to hear these words of absolution: after having con- fessed our sins and making a resolution to change our life, the priest says "By the Passion & Death of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I absolve you of all your sins, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen." As Pope Francis says: “Don’t be afraid of Confession. When someone is in line for Confession, he/she feels all these things, even shame, but then, when he/she finishes confessing, he/she leaves free, great, beautiful, forgiven, clean, happy.”.

Michael Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries 

15. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedules

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Wednesday, 3/18/15 Lenten Confessions  St. Thomas Aquinas Church 7pm

Wednesday, 3/18/15 Faith Formation Penance Liturgy Our Lady of the Rosary 6 pm
Monday, 3/23/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) St. Albert the Great Church 6 pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) Our Lady of the Rosary 6 pm

Wednesday, 3/25/15 Lenten Confessions St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm
Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7 pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7 pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

16. 40 Days for Life Continues

The next campaign of 40 Days for Life / Mountain View began on the morning of Ash Wednesday. Though many of us pray the campaign at home or at Mass, our sidewalk vigil near a local abortion clinic is where you can get the truly ideal Lenten experience: heat, cold, rain, wind, hard sidewalks to stand on, nowhere to sit down, and the occasional nasty comment or dirty look. Our local campaign's focus is the Planned Parenthood clinic just a few miles away in Mountain View, which performs its share of the 20,000-plus surgical and chemical abortions that occur in our country every week. If you join us on the sidewalk, know that there are no signs to carry, no slogans to chant -- just quiet prayer. If you're ready to do something very real this Lent, learn more and register at www.40daysforlife/mountain-view/, or call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

17. Concluding Thursday, March 19: Taize Prayer During Lent

Our final Taize prayer service during Lent will be held on Thursday, March 19.  If you have not had a change to attend (about 30-35 parishioners attend each night) please consider this final opportunity this Lent. 

Taize Prayer is a time for connecting in joy and gratitude, nurturing the PRESENCE within. Echoes of shared prayer…”your prayer is my prayer too” sustains and supports you. Candles shine in remembrance of Your LIGHT and the LIGHT in the world.  Melodic chants and inspirational readings call you deeper to the SPIRIT within and the beauty of GOD’S presence. It originated in Burgundy, France, instigated by Brother Roger, sixty years ago! It had such a powerful effect on the participants that word spread and people from all over the world started to visit Taize and pray there. They still come today! Come and be part of this universal uplifting of the heart to God and be filled with peace.

At Our Lady of the Rosary Church from 7:00 until 8:00 pm. 

18. Why I Don’t Go To Mass: It Is S-o-o-o-o Boring!

Sometimes it is. I know. I’ve been to Churches where the preaching was less than stellar (not my parish, of course), and the music was more like a dirge (not my parish; we have the best music ministry anywhere), and the community might have been comprised of the un-dead. 

I was told when I was a kid, that it’s not what Mass brings to you, but what you bring to Mass—your attitude, your attention to the readings and prayers, the quality time you are spending with God, etc. That’s certainly one way to look at it. 

But, what Mass brings to us is unbelievable, and transcends bad music and boring preaching—it’s the True Presence of God in the Eucharist and a loving community. 

19. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services

The Catholic Relief Services Collection, next weekend, gives us a Lenten opportunity for global solidarity. We show our love of God and each other through caring for the poor and marginalized. 

This collection provides much-needed humanitarian aid, supports development projects that improve living conditions, and provides resources for immigrants and immigrant communities and advocacy programs. CRS has also introduced peacebuilding programs in South Sudan, and continues assisting in rebuilding efforts in communities struck by natural disasters in Haiti and the Philippines. CRS is a leading provider of services and expertise in agriculture, global health and emergency response and recovery.

20. Wednesday, March 25: Spirituality Wednesday Assembly: The Way of the Cross 

Join us as we pray one of the most popular of Catholic Lenten devotions: The Stations of the Cross. We are pilgrims, in spirit, as we witness, and pray, at the scene of Christ’s Passion in Jerusalem. This is a prayer tradition which dates back to the time of Constantine. There were many variations but the familiar “14 stations” became set in 1729.  

Feel the intensity as we accompany Him on His journey.  The only evening Stations of the Cross in English during Lent! Bring the entire family! Do not miss this!

Saint Albert the Great Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

21. Sunday, March 29: Learning Session on Life Bloom

Catherine Wanjohi, Executive Director of Life Bloom Services in Naivasha, Kenya, will be visiting here in late March.  Save Sunday, March 29, from 4—6 pm for an opportunity to hear her speak on the progress of Life Bloom, the non-governmental organization founded by Catherine in 2004 to help commercial sex workers in eastern Kenya change their lives.  The meeting will be held at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, and the talk will be followed by a potluck supper.  Watch for more details in later bulletins.

22. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal

Our Annual Parish Seder Meal will be on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. Hospitality begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:30pm. 

Please reserve your spot by March 27 by emailing or calling 650-493-2998.

23. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

24. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

25. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

26. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

27. Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:
Sunday readings (Cycle A) for Scrutinies at OLR 10:30 a.m.:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - 2nd Scrutiny

10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:                 (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)

6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir) 


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Chris Lundin

Mar 20, 2015, 7:53:41 AM3/20/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 12 - March 20, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, March 21: Memorial Service for Harry Browne
2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services
3. Concluding Sunday, March 22: Scrutinies With the Elect
4. In Memoriam: Joyce Braun
5. A Lenten Reflection
6. Update: "Have A Heart" Donations
7. Heartfelt “Slainte” for St. Patrick’s Day Event Participation
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #8: Almost There!
10. Sign Up for Our Parish Online Giving Program
11. What’s Happening in Lent and Holy Week?
12. Wednesday, March 25: Spirituality Wednesday Assembly: The Way of the Cross 
14. Saturday, March 28: Funeral Mass for Deacon Carl Bunje
15. Next Weekend: Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)
16. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference
17. Next Weekend: Operation Rice Bowl Collected
18. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedule
19. 40 Days for Life Continues
20. Why I Don’t Go To Mass: Church is full of hypocrites!
21. Sunday, March 29: Learning Session on Life Bloom
22. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal
23. Easter Flowers
24. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet
25. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
26. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
27. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
29. Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule


1. Saturday, March 21: Memorial Service for Harry Browne

A memorial service will be held at St. Albert the Great in Palo Alto on March 21, 2015 at 10:00 am. A reception will follow.

Harry Langworthy Browne 
Born out of love: October 12, 1919 
Died into love: February 14, 2015

Harry was born on a symbolic day of adventure, Columbus Day, and he passed peacefully, with his son and his grand-daughter at his side, on a symbolic day of love, Valentine’s Day. Both days are fitting for this adventurous and loving man. 

Harry was born on Staten Island, New York in his family home as the only child to Harry and Lillian Browne. He graduated from Curtis High School early then studied Civil Engineering at Manhattan College and finishing at NYU in 1941. He then married his Curtis High School sweetheart, the 1937 Class President, and moved to upstate New York where he joined the Army Corps of Engineers and planned to build roads. 

On the day his beloved daughter was born, Harry received a phone call that not only changed his life but history as well. The call was from Colonel James C. Marshall asking if Harry would be the first technical engineer to work on a top secret project in Tennessee, the Manhattan Project. He accepted and moved his new family to Oak Ridge where in 1946 his son was born. After the war, Harry and family moved many times as he worked for the newly established Atomic Energy Commission.  

He left government work and accepted a position with Thompson Products (now TRW Inc.) in Cleveland, Ohio as well as taught at Case Western Reserve University. Due to his wife’s poor health, he moved his family to sunny La Jolla, California. A few years later, they moved to  Palo  Alto where he started a research company, later became a Vice President at Bechtel in San Francisco, took his family on long journeys crisscrossing the US while visiting all of our National Parks, and spent many joyous times traveling the world with his wife. 

Harry’s wife passed away in 1989. As luck would have it, he found love again and married in 2003, remaining happily married until his death. Harry was always active in his community. He was a delegate to the 1960 Democratic Convention nominating John Kennedy, elected President twice during his 50 years as a loyal member of Rotary, and, once retired, he was involved in many committees in his church and his senior communities (Touchstone Services, La Comida, The Fellowship Forum), and even played the drum in his wife’s Channing House harmonica band. 

He was born a dedicated Catholic and died the same, rarely missing Mass at his church St. Albert the Great. 

Harry was predeceased by his daughter and a grandson. He is survived by his loving wife, son, stepson, daughter-in-law, stepdaughter-in-law, stepson-in-law, three grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Peace to this outstanding son, husband, father, and friend.  

Memorial contributions may be made to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, P.O. Box 4072, Pittsfield, MA 01202.

2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services

The Catholic Relief Services Collection, next weekend, gives us a Lenten opportunity for global solidarity. We show our love of God and each other through caring for the poor and marginalized. 

This collection provides much-needed humanitarian aid, supports development projects that improve living conditions, and provides resources for immigrants and immigrant communities and advocacy programs. CRS has also introduced peacebuilding programs in South Sudan, and continues assisting in rebuilding efforts in communities struck by natural disasters in Haiti and the Philippines. CRS is a leading provider of services and expertise in agriculture, global health and emergency response and recovery.

3. Concluding Sunday, March 22: Scrutinies With the Elect

On the Fifth Sunday of Lent this weekend, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, we will celebrate the third of three Scrutinies, the rites of penance and purification with our elect who are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. The purpose of these rites is to uncover all that would lead them away from Christ, so that they might be able to come to a full Christian life. The support of a parish community is vital to this process. At the same time, these brief rites call us, the baptized, to uproot the sin in our lives so as to be more faithful to our own baptism. We will be using Cycle A Readings for the Scrutinies.

4. In Memoriam: Joyce Braun

Joyce E. Braun, 85, of Le Mars, Iowa, formerly of Palo Alto, California, passed away on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at Brentwood Good Samaritan Village in Le Mars, Iowa.   Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 20, 2015, at All Saints Parish-St. Joseph Catholic Church in Le Mars.  Father Kevin Richter will celebrate Mass.  Burial will follow at Calvary Cemetery in Le Mars.  Visitation will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Friday at St. Joseph Catholic Church with a rosary at 9:30 a.m.  Pallbearers will be Rod and Ann Walker, Dean and Leann Bohlken, Larry and Kerri Stinton.  The Mauer – Johnson Funeral Home in Le Mars is assisting Joyce’s family with funeral arrangements.  Expressions of sympathy may be directed through

 Joyce Elizabeth Braun was born December 1, 1929, at Chatsworth, Iowa, the eldest child of John F. and Helen F. (Groetken) Braun. The family moved to Le Mars, where she attended St. Joseph School. In 1946, she joined the Franciscan Sisters at Dubuque and taught for 22 years in schools in Iowa and in Portland, Oregon.

 In 1972, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area where her parents and brother, John lived. She worked in religious education programs and as a secretary in San Francisco. She was released from vows in 1976 and was the Principal of St. Leander School in San Leandro, California for 18 years and taught three years part-time for the school.

 In 2000, she moved to Mountain View, California in order to care for her mother, who died in 2001. Joyce then moved to Stevenson House in Palo Alto, California. When her brother John died in January 2013, she moved back to Le Mars.  Ms. Braun was a member of choirs and choruses most of her life.  She liked to paint and to travel.  Joyce volunteered at her parish in Palo Alto.

 She is survived by a sister, Lois Walker and her husband Matt of Le Mars; and many nieces and nephews.  She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, John P. and Robert and his wife, Shirley (Lowe) Braun; a sister, Helen Mae Clarey and her husband Ray; and a nephew, Randy Walker.

Memorials may be directed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society, 58 Progress Parkway, Maryland Heights, Missouri  63043-3706

5. A Lenten Reflection

Lent is the time of fasting, praying and doing good works. Which practice is the most important? The desert fathers have some wisdom to offer us.

There was a desert monk who was able to banish the demons, and he asked them, 
"What makes you go away? Is it fasting?” 
They replied, "We do not eat or drink.” 
"Is it vigils?” 
They replied, "We do not sleep.” 
"Is it separation from the world?” 
The devil answered "We live in the deserts.” 
The desert monk asked "Then what power sends you away?” 
They said, "Nothing can overcome us, but only humility."

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom." (Proverbs 11:2); 
“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6). 

Humility is a great and powerful virtue. Let us learn how to be humble. 
Fr. Dat, Parochial Vicar

6. Update: "Have A Heart" Donations

Donations of both new underwear and cash have continued to come in.

A new donation came via Online Giving. 10 new backpacks were purchased with a donation for other needed items for clients at the Opportunity Center.  More new underwear and socks has been purchased and provided to the Opportunity Center, leaving cash for more similar purchases in the very near future.  So many thanks to all who participated in any way.      

In Kind Donations:
Men's underwear    109 
Ladies Underwear     68
Pairs of socks         148

Cash Received:  $1,486

Cash spent:
$325 Costco and Target for socks and underwear
$435 10 quality backpacks from Amazon

Cash Remaining:

Thank you again from the Human Concerns Committee

7. Heartfelt “Slainte” for St. Patrick’s Day Event Participation
Many thanks to those who contributed to the rousing success of the St. Patrick's Day party last Saturday night -- particularly those who attended to enjoy the entertainment, food, and fellowship.  Special shout-outs to the volunteers who set the tables and decorations, staffed the bar, and prepared and served the meal -- supported by our youth group.  Chuck Guenzer is spotlighted for baking Carol Pulliam's soda bread -- a meal highlight sustained!   Many happy memories of this parish tradition continued.

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

We encourage every family and household to practice good stewardship. Remember sacrificial giving is planned, thoughtful, and proportional and it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and the Church. We encourage you to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving (see the parish web site) as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

Our Weekly Offering:
March 15: Actual: $11,253 (Goal: $11,000)

9. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #8: Almost There!

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $124,000
Pledges: 257
Average Pledge: $482
% of Goal: 97%

There is just one week remaining in this year’s campaign. With everyone’s participation, we can meet and surpass our ADA goal; however, this will only be possible if every parish household participates according to their means. Remember, payments can be made over the next 10 months. A pledge of $500 is just $50 a month. 

Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

10. Sign Up for Our Parish Online Giving Program

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting and clicking the Online Giving icon on the homepage. 

Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! 

Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24

11. What’s Happening in Lent and Holy Week?

• March 25 – S.O.U.P at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6pm
• March 25 – Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church from 6pm - 8pm
• March 29 – Palm Sunday
• March 30 – Lenten Penance Liturgy at Our Lady of the Rosary at 7pm
• March 31 – Seder Meal at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:30pm
• April 1 – Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church from 6pm - 8pm
• April 1 – Lenten Penance Liturgy (bilingual) at St. Albert the Great at 7pm 
• April 2 – Holy Thursday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary at 7:30pm
• April 3 – Good Friday - See Holy Week Schedule
• April 4 – Easter Vigil at St. Albert the Great at 8:30pm
• April 5 – Easter Sunday - See Easter Sunday Mass Schedule

12. Wednesday, March 25: Spirituality Wednesday Assembly: The Way of the Cross 

Join us as we pray one of the most popular of Catholic Lenten devotions: The Stations of the Cross. We are pilgrims, in spirit, as we witness, and pray, at the scene of Christ’s Passion in Jerusalem. This is a prayer tradition which dates back to the time of Constantine. There were many variations but the familiar “14 stations” became set in 1729.  

Feel the intensity as we accompany Him on His journey.  The only evening Stations of the Cross in English during Lent! Bring the entire family! Do not miss this!

Saint Albert the Great Church, 7:00-8:00 pm

13. Wednesday, March 25: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

Remaining sessions:
March 25 (every Wednesday during Lent)

April 15
May 6 and 20 (Last S.O.U.P. until September)

14. Saturday, March 28: Funeral Mass for Deacon Carl Bunje

There will be a funeral Mass celebrated for Deacon Carl Bunje on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church. There will be a reception following in the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.  Deacon Carl passed away peacefully on March 13.

15. Next Weekend: Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, March 29. Each Mass will begin with the blessing of palms outside the main entrances of our churches. 

You should plan on arriving early so as to help alleviate the parking and traffic problems. As always, please observe the “no parking” zones, as these are marked to allow for access by emergency vehicles.   

At St. Albert the Great, you are encouraged to park “on the property” (the school yard gates will be open and marked parking slots are available, which lessens the impact on our neighbors). Thank you.

16. Next Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors.

Last month “María” came to our door, despairing of paying rent for her family of five.  Her husband was out of work sick for several weeks. He is back at work but the family needed help to pay the rent.

Thanks to your very generous donations to your St. Vincent de Paul Conference, we were able to help “María,” her husband and their three little children at this crucial time. We hope you will contribute to the St. Vincent de Paul 2nd collection on March 28-29. Thank you.

17. Next Weekend: Operation Rice Bowl Collected

Next weekend we will collect your Lenten offerings which many of you having been saving toward Operation Rice Bowl. Your generosity toward the work of Catholic Relief Services and the knowledge that you are helping so many in need is its own reward. 

18. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedule

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Monday, 3/23/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) St. Albert the Great Church 6 pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 First Reconciliation (Catechetical) Our Lady of the Rosary 6 pm
Wednesday, 3/25/15 Lenten Confessions St. Thomas Aquinas Church 6-8 pm
Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7 pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7 pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

19. 40 Days for Life Continues

The next campaign of 40 Days for Life / Mountain View began on the morning of Ash Wednesday. Though many of us pray the campaign at home or at Mass, our sidewalk vigil near a local abortion clinic is where you can get the truly ideal Lenten experience: heat, cold, rain, wind, hard sidewalks to stand on, nowhere to sit down, and the occasional nasty comment or dirty look. Our local campaign's focus is the Planned Parenthood clinic just a few miles away in Mountain View, which performs its share of the 20,000-plus surgical and chemical abortions that occur in our country every week. If you join us on the sidewalk, know that there are no signs to carry, no slogans to chant -- just quiet prayer. If you're ready to do something very real this Lent, learn more and register at www.40daysforlife/mountain-view/, or call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

20. Why I Don’t Go To Mass: Church is full of hypocrites!

Yes, it is, and as our Protestant brothers and sisters say, “There’s always room for one more!” 

A family is only as good as its best member and is as bad as its worst member. A parish family is no different. Are we not up to snuff? Not quality people enough for you? 

Come! Make us better! That’s a huge part of belonging to the body of Christ—we are a group of broken, messed-up people who God makes better, and who make each other better. We could use your help. 

21. Sunday, March 29: Learning Session on Life Bloom

Catherine Wanjohi, Executive Director of Life Bloom Services in Naivasha, Kenya, will be visiting here in late March.  Save Sunday, March 29, from 4—6 pm for an opportunity to hear her speak on the progress of Life Bloom, the non-governmental organization founded by Catherine in 2004 to help commercial sex workers in eastern Kenya change their lives.  The meeting will be held at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, and the talk will be followed by a potluck supper.  Watch for more details in later bulletins.
22. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal

Our Annual Parish Seder Meal will be on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. Hospitality begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:30pm. 

Please reserve your spot by March 27 by emailing or calling 650-493-2998.

23. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter Season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the back of our churches.

24. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet

The South Palo Alto Food Closet is at the First Covenant Presbyterian Church at 670 East Meadow Drive in Room 9, where several of your fellow parishioners work.  It is in need of people to staff the days when food is distributed.

The Food Closet is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., divided into 2-hour shifts: 10 am to noon, and noon to 2 pm. 

If you have time to share in the distribution of food to those in need, please call Kate Church, the coordinator, at 650-494-6220.

25. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

26. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

27. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

29. Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:
Sunday readings (Cycle A) for Scrutinies at OLR 10:30 a.m.:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - 3rd Scrutiny and Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Thompson, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir) 


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 395 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 396? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Chris Lundin

Mar 27, 2015, 8:49:43 AM3/27/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 13 - March 27, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, March 28: Funeral Mass for Deacon Carl Bunje
2. This Weekend: Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)
3. Hosanna In The Highest!
4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference
5. This Weekend: Operation Rice Bowl Collected
6. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedule
7. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal
8. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #9: End of Public Phase
9. What’s Happening Holy Week and Triduum?
10.  Living Stations: A Good Friday Prayer Service
11. Pastoral Center Holiday Hours
12. Morning Prayer During Easter Triduum
13. Why I Don’t Go to Mass: Sunday Is The Only Day I Can Sleep In
14. Sunday, March 29: Life Bloom: Reaching Marginalized Women in Kenya
15. Sacred Chrism 
16. Easter Flowers
17. Green Corner: Encyclical Preview from Cardinal Turukson
18. Diocesan Clergy Assignments
19. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet
20. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
21. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
22. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
24. Readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Holy Week and Easter Triduum Schedules

1. Saturday, March 28: Funeral Mass for Deacon Carl Bunje

There will be a funeral Mass celebrated for Deacon Carl Bunje on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Albert the Great Church. There will be a reception following in the St. Elizabeth Seton School auditorium.  Deacon Carl passed away peacefully on March 13.

2. This Weekend: Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, March 29. Each Mass will begin with the blessing of palms outside the main entrances of our churches. 

You should plan on arriving early so as to help alleviate the parking and traffic problems. As always, please observe the “no parking” zones, as these are marked to allow for access by emergency vehicles.   

At St. Albert the Great, you are encouraged to park “on the property” (the school yard gates will be open and marked parking slots are available, which lessens the impact on our neighbors). Thank you.

3. Hosanna In The Highest!

Branches of palm, olive, or sometimes even budding willow, are ancient symbols of victory and hope, as well as new life. The procession celebratng Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem overflowed with praise and excitement, as onlookers waved these triumphant branches and proclaimed their blessings.

Yet, in a few days, they will cry “Crucify him!” The crowd’s change of heart illustrates the problem of holding God to our expectations. The crowd expected a liberating leader, the Messiah, to free them from Roman oppres- sion. Jesus instead takes up his Cross and invites us to do the same. Through his Death and Resurrection he is indeed a liberator, but from death and sin, not from Rome. But unable to see past their need, the crowd’s disappointment turns into anger and a death order.

As we enter Holy Week, Palm Sunday teaches us to let God be God, and to trust in God’s wisdom, not only to meet, but to shatter and exceed our expectations.

Fr. Matt

4. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is in the personalized delivery of help. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Your generosity in this Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors.

Last month “María” came to our door, despairing of paying rent for her family of five.  Her husband was out of work sick for several weeks. He is back at work but the family needed help to pay the rent.

Thanks to your very generous donations to your St. Vincent de Paul Conference, we were able to help “María,” her husband and their three little children at this crucial time. We hope you will contribute to the St. Vincent de Paul 2nd collection on March 28-29. Thank you.

5. This Weekend: Operation Rice Bowl Collected

This weekend we will collect your Lenten offerings which many of you having been saving toward Operation Rice Bowl. Your generosity toward the work of Catholic Relief Services and the knowledge that you are helping so many in need is its own reward. 

6. Continuing: Lenten Confession Schedule

Lots of opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession, in addition to our regular weekly times.

Monday, 3/30/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  St. Albert the Great Church 7 pm
Wednesday, 4/1/15 Lenten Penance Liturgy  Our Lady of the Rosary 7 pm

Regular Weekly Confessions:

Saturdays, 11:30-noon: St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Saturdays, 4:15-4:45 p.m.: St. Albert the Great Church

7. Tuesday, March 31: Annual Parish Seder Meal

Our Annual Parish Seder Meal will be on Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall. Hospitality begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:30pm. 

Please reserve your spot by March 27 by emailing or calling 650-493-2998.

8. Annual Diocesan Appeal Report #9: End of Public Phase

ADA Goal: $128,000 
Pledged: $124,000
Pledges: 262

Average Pledge: $482
% of Goal: 97%

This Sunday, marks the end of the “public phase” of our 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal Campaign. We wish to thank the over 260 families who have helped us reach 97% of our $128,000 goal. We are still $4,000 short. If you have been waiting for someone else to help put us over the top, you have waited long enough. Please consider making a one-time gift or a 9-month pledge in any amount today or bring your envelope with you to Mass next Sunday. Thank you. 

Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit St. Thomas Aquinas!

9. What’s Happening Holy Week and Triduum?

• March 29 – Palm Sunday
• March 30 – Lenten Penance Liturgy  (bilingual) at Our Lady of the Rosary at 7pm
• March 31 – Seder Meal at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:30pm
• April 1 – Confessions at St. Thomas Aquinas Church from 6pm - 8pm
• April 1 – Lenten Penance Liturgy at St. Albert the Great at 7pm 
• April 2 – Holy Thursday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary at 7:30pm
• April 3 – Good Friday - See Holy Week Schedule (attached)

• April 4 – Easter Vigil at St. Albert the Great at 8:30pm
• April 5 – Easter Sunday - See Easter Sunday Mass Schedule (attached)

10.  Living Stations: A Good Friday Prayer Service

All are invited to pray the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3, at 4:00 p.m. at St. Albert the Great Church.

This year’s stations will be presented with movement, music, scripture and reflection. Susan Olsen, our Director of Catechetical Ministry, has developed a “Living Stations of the Cross” in which the image of each station is depicted by people forming a “picture” of the station in life-size, three dimensional form. Scripture is shared with a brief reflection, and the community is invited to respond in song. 

To set the scene and draw the community into the experience, the service begins with a movement prayer in which the entirety of the Stations is presented to the music of Samuel Barber’s “Adagio”. The movement prayer is then followed by the stations themselves. As always, the serve will conclude with an opportunity for veneration of the cross. On this most holy day on which we remember the passion and death of our Lord, please join us as we take you to Jerusalem to make this walk with Jesus.

(please see the attached Holy Week Schedule for other Good Friday liturgies)

11. Pastoral Center Holiday Hours

The Pastoral Center will be closed on Tuesday, March 31 in honor of Cesar Chavez - State Holiday. The daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

Holy Thursday, April 2, the Pastoral Center will be open until 5 pm. We will re-open on Easter Tuesday, April 7.

12. Morning Prayer During Easter Triduum

Because there are no morning Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday, we will celebrate Morning Prayer, the official prayer of the Church as found in the Divine Office at 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on each of these three days. 

13. Why I Don’t Go to Mass: Sunday Is The Only Day I Can Sleep In

Most parishes have Mass times conducive to sleeping in. At our parish we have three: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m., and if you really want
to sleep, 6:00 p.m. You know as well as I do that if there’s something you really want to do—like go fishing, golfing, spend a day in the City, whatever—you’re going to drag your sorry, tired bottom out of bed on a Sunday to do it. (Here comes the Catholic, Italian, Mother guilt!) You can’t spare a little time for God who gives you everything, but you can get up for your soccer league? You can’t give God 45 minutes of the time that God gave you in the first place to say “Thanks”? Sure you can. And parishes make it easy with our copious Mass times. 

14. Sunday, March 29: Life Bloom: Reaching Marginalized Women in Kenya

A presentation by Catherine Wanjohi, M.A.

    Sunday, March 29, 2015
     4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
  St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto

Potluck supper following presentation.
(Open to the public at no charge.)

Catherine Wanjohi, Executive Director of Life Bloom Services International in Naivasha, Kenya, is speaking on Sunday, March 29, from 4—6 pm at St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto. 

A potluck supper follows the discussion with Catherine. The main dish and beverages will be provided.  If you wish to participate in the potluck, please RSVP to Kay Williams at, and tell her what salad or dessert you will bring.  Or just bring a salad (last name A-M) or dessert (last name N-Z).

Catherine will bring us up to date on the progress of Life Bloom, the  non-governmental organization she founded in 2004 to help commercial sex workers in eastern Kenya change their lives.  

After ten years of operation as a large peer mentoring network, Life Bloom last fall celebrated the official opening of the Life Bloom One Stop Center, the first center for commercial sex workers in Africa.  Working on such a taboo subject, Catherine seeks to help Life Bloom clients prevent HIV or STDs and to reclaim their worth and dignity.  She is now having conversations with women whose husbands are going to commercial sex workers, seeing what can be done to challenge the culture that accepts that behavior.

Catherine has a B.A. in education from Kenyatta University, is a member of the Kenya Counseling Association and holds a Masters of Counseling Psychology from the University of Durham-U.K.  She is currently pursuing a PhD at Kenyatta University in the Dept. of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies.  In addition she has published three books.
On-site parking is adequate. Street parking is available as well. 

For information:  Kay Williams,

15. Sacred Chrism 

by Rev. Larry Rice, CSP 

The Catholic Church uses lots of physical materials in the administration of its sacraments: water, wine, bread, and oils are typical examples. We have three kinds of sacramental oils: the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and sacred Chrism. This last is a kind of multi-purpose oil used for many kinds of sacraments and blessings. 

Like all our sacred oils, Chrism is made from olive oil, although other vegetable oils can be used if olive oil is unavailable. And like the other two, Chrism is blessed at the end of Lent by the diocesan bishop, at a special liturgy called the Chrism Mass (which was held at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in San Jose on Tuesday, March  24.

Unlike other sacramental oils, Chrism is scented, usually with essential oil of balsam, giving it a woody, pine-like fragrance. Sacred Chrism is used primarily for baptisms and ordinations. At Baptism, after the Baptism in water, the one being initiated into the Church is anointed with Chrism, along with a prayer that recollects Christ being anointed priest, prophet, and king. 

During a priesthood ordination, the hands of the ordinand (the candidate for ordination) are anointed with Chrism, while the bishop prays, “The Father anointed our Lord Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. May Jesus preserve you to sanctify the Christian people and to offer sacrifice to God.” While this is happening, the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus is usually sung. 

In addition to these sacramental uses, sacred Chrism is also used to consecrate a new altar and to bless church bells at their installation. For centuries, this fragrant blessed oil has been a symbol of God’s overflowing grace and generosity. It’s a multi-sensory reminder of the goodness of creation and of people and objects that are set apart from that creation to serve a sacred purpose. 

Father Rice is Vocations Director for the Paulist Fathers.

16. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter Season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the back of our churches.

17. Green Corner: Encyclical Preview from Cardinal Turukson

On March 5, Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and head of the committee helping draft Pope Francis’s encyclical on ecology, gave a lecture that many see as a possible preview of the encyclical.

 Cardinal Turkson noted that the encyclical release date (June or July) is in part an attempt by Pope Francis to shape the deliberations leading up to the UN’s global climate treaty negotiations in December.  Brian Roewe of the National Catholic Reporter explains that Cardinal Turkson outlined four themes of the pope’s teachings on integral ecology:

• The call to be protectors is integral and all-embracing
• Care for creation and humanity are virtues in their own right
• We will--we must--care for what we cherish and revere
• A need for dialogue and “a new global solidarity,” where all have a part to play

Source: Catholic Climate Covenant

18. Diocesan Clergy Assignments

For those who like to keep track, following are clergy assignments posted by the Diocese of San Jose March 24, 2015.

A few names from our past are highlighted:
Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, in consultation with the Clergy Personnel Board, has made the following pastoral assignments, effective July 1, 2015 (unless otherwise noted):

Father Mark Arnzen Saint Lucy Parish, Campbell (heck of a basketball player)
Father Engelberto Gammad Saint Joseph Parish, Mountain View
Father Roberto Gómez Saint Martin Parish, Sunnyvale
Monsignor Jerónimo Gutiérrez Saint Catherine Parish, Morgan Hill
Father Andrew V. Nguyen Holy Family Parish, San Jose
Father John Poncini Saint William and Saint Nicholas Parishes, Los Altos (May 20, 2015)
Father Luis Vargas Christ the King Parish, San Jose

Father Eduardo Obero Saint John the Baptist Parish, Milpitas (April 9-October 25, 2015)

Father Hao Dinh Saint Martin Parish, Sunnyvale
Father Andrey Garcia Saint John Vianney Parish, San Jose
Father Rufino Jose Gepiga Saint Maria Goretti Parish, San Jose (June 1, 2015)
Father Enzie Lagattuta Saint William and Saint Nicholas Parishes, Los Altos (June 1, 2015)
Father Gerardo Menchaca Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, San Jose
Father Allen Navarro Saint Catherine Parish, Morgan Hill
Father John Doanh Phong Nguyen, S.J. Resurrection Parish, Sunnyvale
Father Andres Parra Saint Julie Billiart Parish, San Jose
Father Biju Varghese Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Los Gatos (June 1, 2015)

Father Randy Valenton O’Connor Hospital, San Jose (March 1, 2015)

Father Ritche Bueza April 9 – October 25, 2015

19. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet

The South Palo Alto Food Closet is at the First Covenant Presbyterian Church at 670 East Meadow Drive in Room 9, where several of your fellow parishioners work.  It is in need of people to staff the days when food is distributed.

The Food Closet is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., divided into 2-hour shifts: 10 am to noon, and noon to 2 pm. 

If you have time to share in the distribution of food to those in need, please call Kate Church, the coordinator, at 650-494-6220.

20. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

21. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

22. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

23. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

24. Readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - 3rd Scrutiny and Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Kromholtz, O.P.  (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Group Choir) 


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Holy Week and Easter Triduum Schedule

Holy Week and Easter 2015 p.1 v3.pdf
Holy Week and Easter 2015 p.2 v2.pdf

Chris Lundin

Apr 3, 2015, 9:26:46 AM4/3/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 14 - April 3, 2015

All the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from eating meat. 
All who 14 years of age and above are bound by this law, 
and there is no upper age limit.

Table of Contents

1. What’s Happening During Triduum?
2.  Living Stations: A Good Friday Prayer Service
3. Resurrection: The Longing of Every Heart
4. What Is Easter? 
5. Pastoral Center Holiday Hours
6. Morning Prayer During Easter Triduum
7. Easter Flowers
8. Sunday, April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday
9. Sunday, April 12: Free Vocal Concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
10. Tuesday, April 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Avila; Woman Doctor of the Church 
11. Saturday, April 18: A very special opportunity!
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. Annual Diocesan Appeal: Almost Final Accounting
14. Fortune Magazine Names Pope Francis 4th "Greatest World Leader"
15. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet
16. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
17. April 10-12: Vocations To Religious Life Discernment Retreat
18. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
19. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
21. Readings for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Easter Triduum Liturgies

1. What’s Happening During Triduum?

• April 3 – Good Friday - See Triduum Schedule (attached)

• April 4 – Easter Vigil at St. Albert the Great at 8:30pm
• April 5 – Easter Sunday - See Easter Sunday Mass Schedule (attached)

2.  Living Stations: A Good Friday Prayer Service

All are invited to pray the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3, at 4:00 p.m. at St. Albert the Great Church.

This year’s stations will be presented with movement, music, scripture and reflection. Susan Olsen, our Director of Catechetical Ministry, has developed a “Living Stations of the Cross” in which the image of each station is depicted by people forming a “picture” of the station in life-size, three dimensional form. Scripture is shared with a brief reflection, and the community is invited to respond in song. 

To set the scene and draw the community into the experience, the service begins with a movement prayer in which the entirety of the Stations is presented to the music of Samuel Barber’s “Adagio”. The movement prayer is then followed by the stations themselves. As always, the serve will conclude with an opportunity for veneration of the cross. On this most holy day on which we remember the passion and death of our Lord, please join us as we take you to Jerusalem to make this walk with Jesus.

(please see the attached Holy Week Schedule for other Good Friday liturgies)

3. Resurrection: The Longing of Every Heart

Easter is the greatest feast of the Church. Easter is the definition of our faith. Easter is resurrection. We are Christians not because we believe in sin, but because we believe in forgiveness. We are Christians not because we believe in the law, but because we believe in freedom. We are Christians not because we believe in suffering and death, but because we believe in life, love, and joy.

At least this is what we say; but sometimes we act as if we do not believe it at all. The difference between Jesus and us is this: when the rock was rolled away from the tomb, Jesus jumped for joy, leaped to a new life. But when the rock is rolled away from our tomb, we are inclined to blink once or twice at the bright light because we are a little afraid of all that brightness and the light of freedom. We do not really want a new life; we have not even figured out how to live the old one. And this is because we have not yet understood Easter.

The new life of Jesus’ resurrection is completely unlike anything we could ever imagine. “Faith in the Resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being; they cry for unending life which dwells deep within every human heart is answered.” Pope Benedict XVI Let us acclaim Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, that we might rise with him. Alleluia!

Fr. Matt

4. What Is Easter? 

The Easter Vigil is the “Mother of All Vigils.”  Easter Sunday, then, is the greatest of all Sundays, and Easter Time is the most important of all liturgical times. 

Easter is the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection from the dead, culminating in his Ascension to the Father and sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. There are 50 days of Easter from the first Sunday of Easter to Pentecost. It is characterized, above all, by the joy of glorified life and the victory over death, expressed most fully in the great resounding cry of the Christian, Alleluia! 

All faith flows from faith in the Resurrection: “If Christ has not been raised, then empty [too] is our preaching; empty, too, is your faith” (1 Cor 15:14). “What you sow is not brought to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body that is to be but a bare kernel of wheat, perhaps, or of some other kind; . . . So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown corruptible; it is raised incorruptible. It is sown dishonorable; it is raised glorious. It is sown weak; it is raised powerful. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual one. 

So, too, it is written, ‘The first man, Adam, became a living being,’ the last Adam a life-giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first; rather the natural and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, earthly; the second man, from heaven. As was the earthly one, so also are the earthly, and as is the heavenly one, so also are the heavenly. Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one” (1 Cor 15:36-37, 42-49). 

The Octave of Easter comprises the eight days, which stretch from the first Sunday of Easter to the Second Sunday of Easter. It is a way of prolonging the joy of the initial day. In a sense, every day of the Octave is like a little Sunday. 

The word “Easter” comes from Old English, meaning simply the “east.” The sun that rises in the east, bringing light, warmth, and hope, is a symbol for the Christian of the rising Christ, who is the true Light of the world. The Paschal Candle is a central symbol of this divine light, which is Christ. It is kept near the ambo throughout Easter Time and is lit for all liturgical celebrations. 

5. Pastoral Center Holiday Hours

The Pastoral Center will be closed on today, Good Friday, and Easter Monday, April 6.  We will re-open on Easter Tuesday, April 7.

6. Morning Prayer During Easter Triduum

Because there are no morning Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday, we will celebrate Morning Prayer, the official prayer of the Church as found in the Divine Office at 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on each of these three days. 

7. Easter Flowers

Remembering a loved one during the Easter Season is always foremost in our minds. So why not express that love by making a donation toward the Easter flowers as special intention or in memory of a deceased family member or friend? Special Easter Flower envelopes can be found in the back of our churches.

8. Sunday, April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday

On the day of the second anniversary of his pontificate, Pope Francis made the major announcement of a jubilee year dedicated to the theme of mercy, beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. and conclude on the feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 2016.

”I am convinced that the whole Church will find in this jubilee the joy needed to rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God, with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time,” Pope Francis said. “From this moment, we entrust this holy year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.”

We will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the conclusion of the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary on April 12.

9. Sunday, April 12: Free Vocal Concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto, you are invited to a free concert of Sacred Music at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverley St., Palo Alto, on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. given by Pasquale Esposito, a well known Italian tenor.  

Pasquale has performed at Carmel Mission, St. Joseph's Cathedral San Jose, and many other venues throughout the Bay Area and the United States.  Local critics have compared his voice to that of Andrea Bocelli.  His first PBS Special: "Pasquale Esposito Celebrates Enrico Caruso" is set to premiere this Spring on PBS stations around the country.  

If you wish to attend this free concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on April 12, please respond to with: your email, first and last name and number of tickets requested (individuals allowed 2 tickets).  If tickets are still available, he will confirm in a returned email. 
Seating is limited at St. Thomas Aquinas Church and we anticipate a large audience, so apply early.  

10. Tuesday, April 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Avila; Woman Doctor of the Church 

with speaker Fr. Gladstone Stevens

In 1970, the Church gave Saint Teresa of Avila the title she had long held in the popular mind of the people: Doctor of the Church. She and St. Catherine of Siena were the first women so honored. There are only four women with that title. What does it mean to be a “Doctor of the Church”?

Ours is a time of turmoil, a time of reform and a time of liberation. Modern women have in Teresa a challenging example. Promoters of renewal, promoters of prayer, all have in Teresa a woman to reckon with, one whom they can admire and imitate. Please join us and learn more about this remarkable woman.

Father Gladstone Stevens is a warm and engaging speaker. Last year he was appointed to the position of permanent President-Rector of Saint Patrick’s Seminary. He is taking an evening out of his busy schedule to share is insights about Saint Teresa with us. Father Stevens received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University.  He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2000 and has been with the Society of St. Sulpice since 2002.  For six years he taught Systematic Theology and Philosophy and served as Vice Rector and France Merrick University Chair at Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland.  He was Fr. Dat’s favorite professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary!

11. Saturday, April 18: A very special opportunity!

On Saturday, April 18th, at the 5 pm Mass at Saint Albert the Great Church, David Weill will be joyously welcomed into the Catholic Church. He will be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and nourished for the first time at the Table of the Lord. If you have not experienced an adult baptism in the beautiful font at SAG, don’t miss this chance. It will be a very spiritual experience for all of us. 

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of February (Average weekly collection: $11,645). Our average weekly collection for the first 8 months of this fiscal year was $11,739. Our budget for Sunday offerings for July-February was $374,000; our actual is $398,000 (+$24,000).

We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received. 

Our Weekly Offering
March 22 Actual: $11,400 (Goal:$11,000)
Catholic Relief Services: $6,000

13. Annual Diocesan Appeal: Almost Final Accounting

ADA Goal: $ 128,000 
Pledged: $ 144,630 
Pledges: 269 
Average Pledge: $538 
% of Goal: 112% 

Thank you to those parishioners who were able to contribute to this year’s Annual Diocesan Appeal.

14. Fortune Magazine Names Pope Francis 4th "Greatest World Leader"

Despite Giving Top Spot to Francis in Last Year's List of 50, Fortune Felt Compelled to Include Him Again

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

NEW YORK, March 31, 2015 ( - Fortune magazine has named Pope Francis the fourth greatest leader in the world.

Last year, in the first annual release of the global business magazine's rankings of the 50 World's Greatest Leaders, the Pope was given the number one spot.

In its second just released list, Francis is given fourth place in the ranking of the "extraordinary men and women who are transforming business, government, philanthropy, and so much more,"according to the magazine.

Since becoming Pope in 2013, the magazine said that the Holy Father, "has been shaking up the management of one of the world’s largest bureaucracies: the Roman Catholic Church."

While noting this earned him the "top spot" on Fortune's list of World's Greatest Leaders last year, the magazine says "his vision, fortitude, and commitment to reform were so extraordinary in 2014 that we’re including him again this year.” "It is not just that he has led by example—by now it’s well known that the pope, who has long championed the virtues of charity and modesty, has forgone the traditional suite in the Apostolic Palace, opting instead to reside in a one-bedroom apartment in the Vatican guesthouse."

"Less known is how decisive he is in personnel choices," the magazine continued, "replacing the boards of the Vatican Bank and its main regulatory body with highly respected business-people from around the globe.” Despite perhaps some pushback, "this pontiff is not easily conned," it says.

"He gets information on all important church personnel and organizations from a variety of sources" and has even ensured "operating budgets are now pruned to ensure that as much money as possible can go to charity.”  "This, after all, is a pope who lives his own lessons," it says.

In the year since his election, the Pope has been named Person of the Year by Time, and made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, among others. 

Fortune is a global business magazine published by Time Inc. and founded in 1930.

Number one on this year's list is Apple CEO Tim Cook chosen for his strong leadership after the death of Steve Jobs. Number two is European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and third is Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

Others to make the list are the Prime Minister of India, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, pop singer Taylor Swift, and Mark Zuckerberg.

15. Volunteer Opportunity: South Palo Alto Food Closet

The South Palo Alto Food Closet is at the First Covenant Presbyterian Church at 670 East Meadow Drive in Room 9, where several of your fellow parishioners work.  It is in need of people to staff the days when food is distributed.

The Food Closet is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., divided into 2-hour shifts: 10 am to noon, and noon to 2 pm. 

If you have time to share in the distribution of food to those in need, please call Kate Church, the coordinator, at 650-494-6220.

16. Continuing Until April 11: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

Two Locations:

1) St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

2) San Antonio Place: 210 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040 (across the street from Bruce Bauer Lumber and Franciscan Glass)
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: February 28, March 21, and April 4, 2015.

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

17. April 10-12: Vocations To Religious Life Discernment Retreat

Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40 are invited to a Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat with the Daughters of Charity, April 10-12, Los Altos Hills. For more info, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. at 650/949- 8890, 213-210-9903, or email us at SrLisaDC Find us on Facebook at Daughters of Charity Vocations U.S., follow us at or read about us on 

18. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

19. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

20. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

21. Readings for Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Easter Vigil readings:

8:30 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt, Fr. Stasys, Fr. Dat, Deacons Daniel and Jaime (Music: Combined parish choirs)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
No 6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Easter Triduum Schedule
Holy Week and Easter 2015 p.2 v2.pdf

Chris Lundin

Apr 10, 2015, 8:26:41 AM4/10/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 15 - April 10, 2015

Alleluia! He Is Risen!

Table of Contents

1. Quote of the Month from Pope Francis
2. Sunday, April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy
3. Origin of Divine Mercy Sunday, the Divine Mercy Image, the Chaplet, and the Novena 
4. Sunday, April 12: Free Vocal Concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church
5. New Pastoral Stewardship Council Representatives
6. Tuesday, April 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Avila; Woman Doctor of the Church 
7. Friday, April 17: Fr. Thierry at Our Lady of the Rosary
8. Congratulations to the Newest Members of Our Church!
9. Saturday, April 18: A very special opportunity!
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Final Report: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal
12. Next Weekend: Second Collection for the Catholic Home Missions
13. Next Weekend: A Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
14. Tuesday, April 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Call to Ecological Conversion
15. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community
16. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly
17. LAST DAY TOMORROW: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000
18. Saturday, April 18: Backpacks for Gaza Dinner
19. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
20. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Readings for Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Easter Vigil pictures

1. Quote of the Month from Pope Francis
"Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness! . . . May the marginalized, the imprisoned, the poor and the migrants who are so often rejected, maltreated and discarded, the sick and the suffering, children, especially those who are victims of violence; all who today are in mourning, and all men and women of goodwill, hear the consoling and healing voice of the Lord Jesus: 'Peace to you!' (Lk. 24:36). 'Fear not, for I am risen and I shall always be with you'."

-- Urbi et Orbi Message, April 5, 2015

2. Sunday, April 12: Divine Mercy Sunday: Chaplet of Divine Mercy

On the day of the second anniversary of his pontificate, Pope Francis made the major announcement of a jubilee year dedicated to the theme of mercy, beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. and conclude on the feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 2016.

”I am convinced that the whole Church will find in this jubilee the joy needed to rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God, with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time,” Pope Francis said. “From this moment, we entrust this holy year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.”

We want to encourage everyone to take advantage of this incredible promise and the additional Plenary Indulgence on this great Feast of Mercy “Divine Mercy Sunday.”

We will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the conclusion of the 10:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary on April 12.

3. Origin of Divine Mercy Sunday, the Divine Mercy Image, the Chaplet, and the Novena 

Saint Faustina: Mankind’s need for the message of Divine Mercy took on dire urgency in the 20th century, when civilization began to experience an “eclipse of the sense of God” and, therefore to lose the understanding of the sanctity and inherent dignity of human life. In the 1930s, Jesus chose a humble Polish nun, St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, to receive private revelations concerning Divine Mercy that were recorded in her Diary. 

Pope John Paul explains: 

This was precisely the time when those ideologies of evil, nazism and communism, were taking shape. Sister Faustina became the herald of the one message capable of off-setting the evil of those ideologies, that fact that God is mercy—the truth of the merciful Christ. And for this reason, when I was called to the See of Peter, I felt impelled to pass on those experiences of a fellow Pole that deserve a place in the treasury of the universal Church. 

~ Pope Pope John Paul II Memory and Identity (2005) 

Divine Mercy Sunday: St. Faustina’s Diary records 14 occasions when Jesus requested that a Feast of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday) be observed, for example: My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. … Let no soul fear to draw near to Me. … It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy. (Diary, no. 699) 

On May 5, 2000, five days after the canonization of St. Faustina, the Vatican decreed that the Second Sunday of Easter would henceforth be known as Divine Mercy Sunday. 

The Image:  Jesus appeared to St. Faustina in a vision, with his right hand raised in a blessing and his left touching his garment above his heart. Red and white rays emanate from his heart, symbolizing the blood and water that was poured out for our salvation and our sanctification. The Lord requested that “Jesus, I trust in You” be inscribed under his image. Jesus asked that his image be painted and venerated throughout the world: “I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish” (Diary, no. 48) and “By means of this image I will grant many graces to souls” (Diary, no. 742). 

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy: The Chaplet was also given to St. Faustina with this promise: “Encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given you” (Diary, no. 1541). “Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. … Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy. I desire that the whole world know My infinite mercy” (Diary, no. 687).

 The Divine Mercy Novena: Jesus gave St. Faustina nine intentions for which to pray the Chaplet beginning on Good Friday and ending on Holy Saturday. (www.ewtn. com/devotionals/mercy/novena.htm) 

4. Sunday, April 12: Free Vocal Concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church

In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Thomas Merton Center of Palo Alto, you are invited to a free concert of Sacred Music at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverley St., Palo Alto, on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. given by Pasquale Esposito, a well known Italian tenor.  

Pasquale has performed at Carmel Mission, St. Joseph's Cathedral San Jose, and many other venues throughout the Bay Area and the United States.  Local critics have compared his voice to that of Andrea Bocelli.  His first PBS Special: "Pasquale Esposito Celebrates Enrico Caruso" is set to premiere this Spring on PBS stations around the country.  

If you wish to attend this free concert at St. Thomas Aquinas Church on April 12, please respond to with: your email, first and last name and number of tickets requested (individuals allowed 2 tickets).  If tickets are still available, he will confirm in a returned email. 
Seating is limited at St. Thomas Aquinas Church and we anticipate a large audience, so apply early.  

5. New Pastoral Stewardship Council Representatives

At this week’s meeting of the Pastoral Stewardship Council (PSC), four new parish members were installed. This is part of our parish’s regular rotation of parish leadership through our ministry boards onto the PSC, the advisory council to Fr. Matt.

Outgoing Chair Florence de Bretagne was  pleased to welcome the new PSC members:

Anne Fillin is replacing Mary Fong as representative from the Human Concerns ministry
Roland Quintero is replacing Chris Lundin from the Communication Board,
Steve Carter is replacing Carole Brown from the Finance Committee, and 
Gabe Kralik is replacing Florence de Bretagne from the Catechetical Ministry.

Continuing Vice Chair Jerry Lucha chaired the rest of the meeting, and a new Executive Board (Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary) will be decided at the PSC’s May 13 meeting.  Sincere thanks to Mary, Chris, Carole and Florence for their service to the parish by serving on the PSC.

6. Tuesday, April 14: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Saint Teresa of Avila; Woman Doctor of the Church 

with speaker Fr. Gladstone Stevens

In 1970, the Church gave Saint Teresa of Avila the title she had long held in the popular mind of the people: Doctor of the Church. She and St. Catherine of Siena were the first women so honored. There are only four women with that title. What does it mean to be a “Doctor of the Church”?

Ours is a time of turmoil, a time of reform and a time of liberation. Modern women have in Teresa a challenging example. Promoters of renewal, promoters of prayer, all have in Teresa a woman to reckon with, one whom they can admire and imitate. Please join us and learn more about this remarkable woman.

Father Gladstone Stevens is a warm and engaging speaker. Last year he was appointed to the position of permanent President-Rector of Saint Patrick’s Seminary. He is taking an evening out of his busy schedule to share is insights about Saint Teresa with us. Father Stevens received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Marquette University.  He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2000 and has been with the Society of St. Sulpice since 2002.  For six years he taught Systematic Theology and Philosophy and served as Vice Rector and France Merrick University Chair at Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland.  He was Fr. Dat’s favorite professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary!

7. Friday, April 17: Fr. Thierry at Our Lady of the Rosary

Please join us! Our former parochial vicar Father Thierry will be the Presider at morning Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Friday, April 17th @ 8:30 am.

And we recently received this note from Fr. Thierry: "I'd like to wish you a Happy Easter and take this opportunity to give an update on my health since I haven't haven't sent one for a while. I haven't had much to report.  I am still taking the same cancer drug under clinical trial.  It continues to do its job and prevent the cancer from growing, which is good. I haven't had heart palpitations since my cardiac procedure ten months ago, but I occasionally notice an irregular heartbeat, especially when I am tired.  As long as I lead a balanced life and get enough rest, I am fine.
I am generally feeling well and enjoy my work at St. Cyprian Parish. Let us celebrate today God's gift of new life and hope!

Many Easter blessings -
Fr. Thierry Geris

8. Congratulations to the Newest Members of Our Church!

Congratulations, again, to all those receiving the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. We wish to acknowledge and thank their sponsors, catechists, parents, and indeed, the entire parish community who have supported these, our brothers and sisters, through prayer and witness. May we truly welcome them to our Church and our parish. 

(see pictures at the end of the eBulletin)

9. Saturday, April 18: A very special opportunity!

On Saturday, April 18th, at the 5 pm Mass at Saint Albert the Great Church, David Weill will be joyously welcomed into the Catholic Church. He will be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and nourished for the first time at the Table of the Lord. If you have not experienced an adult baptism in the beautiful font at SAG, don’t miss this chance. It will be a very spiritual experience for all of us. 

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you for your generosity in this year's Easter’s collection. We assure you that the love which these gifts represent will enable us to continue the work which we must undertake here at St. Thomas Aquinas. 

If you were not prepared for our Easter collection, we encourage you still to make your gift. Your generosity will help us more than you can imagine. Thank you for your generosity toward the work and mission of the parish. We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of our parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. THANK YOU FOR SHARING GOD’S GIFTS!

Our Weekly Offering
March 29 Actual: $12,000 (Goal:$11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $6,000
The Easter Sunday and Holy Lands Collections are still being calculated.

11. Final Report: 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal

ADA Goal: $ 128,000 
Pledged: $ 160,000 
Pledges: 298 
Average Pledge: $537 
% of Goal: 125%

This Sunday marks the end of our 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal Campaign. We wish to thank the 298 families who have helped us reach 125% of our $120,000 goal. It is still not too late to make a pledge or gift to this year’s ADA. Use your Visa or MasterCard, make an Electronic Funds Transfer from your checking account, or donate online at Anything raised above our ADA goal will directly benefit our St. Thomas Aquinas and our always plentiful un-budgeted repairs to our buildings and grounds!

12. Next Weekend: Second Collection for the Catholic Home Missions

The Catholic Home Missions Collection will take place next weekend. One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by funding seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, where educating each seminarian costs $35,000 - $40,000 per year. Your support is needed for these young men so that they might go back and serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making generous gift to next week's appeal.

13. Next Weekend: A Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

We invite everyone to participate in Mass and pray for all the sick as well as bring friends and family members who can receive the Anointing. 

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not only reserved for those who are at the point of death, but also for those who are gravely ill due to serious illness, frailty due to age, or for those prior to surgery. 

There will be no anointing at 5:00pm Mass on Saturday or 6:00pm Mass on Sunday.

14. Tuesday, April 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Call to Ecological Conversion

with guest speaker Lauren Matusich; a special evening presentation from the Green Committee

In his book, Befriending the Earth (1991), Thomas Berry wrote, “The human community and the natural world will go into the future as a single sacred community, or we will both perish in the desert.” 

This session will focus on the call for both personal conversion and social transformation as simultaneous needs in order to achieve sustainability that integrates social equity, environmental protection, and economic development. By examining insights from Church leaders past and present, then delving into a Franciscan spirituality of the Earth, the session aims to help us bridge the chasm that so often exists between our understanding of the human person / community and the created world, and invites us into deeper reflection on our role to protect the planet – God’s house and our home. Please put this event on your calendars. 

Lauren Matusich is a member of the Religious Studies faculty at Archbishop Mitty High School and has taught a broad range of courses including Environmental Ethics, Personal and Social Ethics, Christian Spirituality, and Gospels and Morality.  She currently teaches a course on Ethics, Justice and the Environment.  Lauren is a member of the Catholic Green Initiative Executive Committee and Co-Chair of its Education Committee. Her education includes a B.A. in Music from Stanford University, a teaching credential from San Jose State University, and an M.A. in Catechetics from Santa Clara University. 

15. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community

From 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 2nd, the annual Palo Alto May Day Parade is routed down Waverley Street, finishing off at Heritage Park across the street at the corner of Waverley and Homer.  

For the past two years, the St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee has offered free lemonade to parade-watchers and has kept the church open for visitors (and users of the bathroom!).  

This year we are planning to have copies of the 100th Anniversary STA booklet available and, hopefully, "docents" to take people through the church, pointing out the historical/liturgical features.  We also hope to have some period costumes for the docents to wear!  (Part of the parade is vintage cars driven by people in period costumes.)

We would love to have participation from parishioners throughout the parish.  If you would like to help us serve lemonade or serve as a docent, please let me know.  It's a very jolly event, takes barely two hours, and is a wonderful opportunity to engage with Palo Altans and tell them about our church and Catholic life.  Evangelization at its most basic…

Contact Kay C. Williams, cell: (650) 270-4188  or

16. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly

The farewell Mass for Diocese of San Jose Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Daly will be held Sunday, May 3, 11:30am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall.

Bishop Daly was named the Bishop of Spokane on March 12 and will be installed as Bishop on May 20. In addition to serving as Auxiliary Bishop, Daly has been pastor of the parishes of St. Nicholas and St. William in Los Altos since July. A native of San Francisco, Daly has served as Auxiliary Bishop for four years.

All are welcome to attend the farewell Mass and reception.

17. LAST DAY TOMORROW: Free Tax Preparation for Taxpayers With Income Less Than $53,000

St. Athanasius Parish Hall, 160 N. Rengstorff, Mountain View,  CA 94043
Saturdays 9 am – 11:30 am: January 31, February 7, 14, 21, March 7, 14, 28, and April 11, 2015.  

Taxpayers need to bring:
1. Photo ID
2. All W2s and 1099s (if any)
3. Bank account number and routing number (a voided check)
4. Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)
5. Copy of 2013 tax return (if available)
6. Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement mailed to you by your provider)

18. Saturday, April 18: Backpacks for Gaza Dinner

Rebuilding Alliance, the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto Peace and Justice Task Force, and Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice invite you to “Don’t Say We Did Not Know”, a benefit dinner to send 500 backpacks with new school supplies to children in Gaza. 

Special guest speaker Amos Gvirtz, an Israeli author, will shed light on unpublicized incidents in Israel and Palestine. There is no cost for the dinner, but donations for backpacks will be requested and 

19. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

20. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Divine Mercy Chaplet
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Stasys (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group) 


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Easter Vigil Pictures

Chris Lundin

Apr 17, 2015, 8:20:47 AM4/17/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 16 - April 17, 2015

Alleluia! He Is Risen!

Table of Contents

1. Friday, April 17: Fr. Thierry at Our Lady of the Rosary
2. Saturday, April 18: A Celebration of Full Christian Initiation
3. This Weekend: Second Collection for the Catholic Home Missions
4. This Weekend: A Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
5. Sunday, April 19: Meaningful Movies Series: “Gran Torino"
6. Stay With Us
7. Weekly Stewardship Report
8. Human Concerns: Hotel de Zink
9. Human Concerns: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Concludes
10. Human Concerns: Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Update
11. Pictures of Recent Parish Events Available
12. Tuesday, April 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Call to Ecological Conversion
13. Sunday, April 26: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
14. Tuesday, April 28: Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz
15. Tuesday, April 28: Spirituality Tuesday  Assembly: Archeology and the Bible 
16. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
17. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform
18. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community
19. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly
20. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December
21. Saturday, April 18: Backpacks for Gaza Dinner
22. Young Adult Circle
23. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together
24. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?
25. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum
26. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
27. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
29. Readings for Third Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Holy Thursday pictures, event flyer, photo reminder

1. Friday, April 17: Fr. Thierry at Our Lady of the Rosary

Please join us! Our former parochial vicar Father Thierry will be the Presider at morning Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Friday, April 17th @ 8:30 am.

2. Saturday, April 18: A Celebration of Full Christian Initiation

On Saturday, April 18th, at the 5 pm Mass at Saint Albert the Great Church, David Weill will be joyously welcomed into the Catholic Church. He will be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and nourished for the first time at the Table of the Lord. If you have not experienced an adult baptism in the beautiful font at SAG, don’t miss this chance. It will be a very spiritual experience for all of us. 

3. This Weekend: Second Collection for the Catholic Home Missions

The Catholic Home Missions Collection will take place this weekend. One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by funding seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, where educating each seminarian costs $35,000 - $40,000 per year. Your support is needed for these young men so that they might go back and serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making generous gift to next week's appeal.

4. This Weekend: A Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

We invite everyone to participate in Mass and pray for all the sick as well as bring friends and family members who can receive the Anointing. 

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not only reserved for those who are at the point of death, but also for those who are gravely ill due to serious illness, frailty due to age, or for those prior to surgery. 

There will be no anointing at 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday (because of the Baptism) or 6:00 pm Mass on Sunday.

5. Sunday, April 19: Meaningful Movies Series: “Gran Torino"

On Sunday, April 19, the film “Gran Torino” will be shown at 5 pm in the Thomas House basement “theatre”.  

The second in the spring Meaningful Movies Series of the St. Thomas Aquinas Site Committee, this 2008 American drama was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, who also starred in the film.  Set in Detroit, the story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family and angry at the world.  Walt’s young Hmong neighbor is pressured by his cousin into stealing Walt’s prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino for his initiation into a gang.  Walt thwarts the theft with his M1 Garand rifle and subsequently develops a relationship with the boy and his family. 

An informal discussion will follow, focusing on the relationships explored in the film.  We share our snacks before, during and after the film.

6. Stay With Us

One of the readings that the Liturgy offers us during this time of Easter is the passage of the disciples of Emmaus. Saint Maria Escriva de Balaguer in his homily "Amigos de Dios" brings a beautiful reflection which I would like to share with you.

"The two disciples were making their way to Emmaus. Their appearance was perfectly ordinary, like that of many another person passing through the vicinity. And it is there, very simply, that Jesus appears to them and walks with them, engaging them in a conversation that makes them forget their tiredness... Jesus on the way. Lord, you are always great! But your condescending to follow us, to seek us out in our daily comings and goings, always moves me. Lord, grant us simplicity of spirit; give us a single eye, an unclouded mind, that we may understand you when you come to us bearing no external signs of your glory.

"When they reached the inn, the journey ended and the two disciples who, without realizing it, had been struck to the depths of their hearts by the word and love of God made man, are sorry about his departing. For Jesus takes his leave of them, 'giving the impression that he was going on farther'. Our Lord never forces himself on us. Once we have perceived the purity of the love he has placed in our souls, he wants us to call on him freely. We have to hold him back by force and beg him: 'Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is nearly over, night is falling’.

"We are like this too: always lacking in boldness, through lack of sincerity, perhaps, or from shyness. What we are really thinking is: Stay with us, because darkness sur- rounds our soul and you alone are the light, you alone can satisfy the thirst consuming us... And Jesus stays with us. Our eyes are opened like those of Cleophas and his companion when Christ breaks the bread; and even though he disappears once more from sight, we too will be able to set out again on our journey - night begins to fall - to speak of him to others since so great a joy cannot be kept within a single heart.

The way to Emmaus. Our God has filled this name filled with sweetness. And the whole world is Emmaus because the Lord has opened up the divine ways of the earth".

Fr. Estanislao Mikalonis, Parochial Vicar

7. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you for your generosity toward the work and mission of the parish. We are so grateful for the sacrifices you make so that the work of our parish may continue to impact the lives of so many. We encourage you to use the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the “treasure” you have received.

Our Weekly Offering
Easter Sunday, April 5: Actual $37,734 (Goal:$37,000)
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12: Actual $10,703 (Goal:$11,000) 
HolyThursday (St. Vincent de Paul): $1,835 
Good Friday(for the Holy Land): $1,246

8. Human Concerns: Hotel de Zink

Thanks so much to all the generous, caring folks who brought food to the homeless at the Church of Christ during the first two weeks of April.  It is much appreciated.

--Ruth Chippendale

9. Human Concerns: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Concludes

The tax season is now over.  Our group of VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) volunteers prepared 140 free tax returns for low income taxpayers.  

Four St. Thomas parishioners became certified tax preparers and contributed to this effort, which is funded by the IRS.  We expect to start up again in November and will be looking for more volunteers at that time.  Our thanks to the parish of St. Athanasius in Mountain View, which provided facilities for this operation.

Paul Chestnut

10. Human Concerns: Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Update

Many parishioners have been keeping track of the issue of the proposed sale and closing of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Update on El Camino Real in Palo Alto. You may not know that 50 members of our parish live in that mobile home park, and are threatened with displacement. 

Our Human Concerns Committee (HCC) has taken an active interest in the local efforts to maintain the park as a valuable source of affordable housing. Members of the HCC attended the Palo Alto City Council meeting Monday night this week, and added our voice to those of the residents.

On Tuesday night, the City Council agreed to the adequacy of the application to close the park.

The Human Concerns Committee is now reaching out to the organizers of the “Save Buena Vista” campaign to discuss next steps, including a possible fund-raising drive.  If you are interested in supporting the HCC’s efforts in this regard, please contact Chris Lundin, HCC member (

11. Pictures of Recent Parish Events Available

The Photos area of our parish website has been updated with pictures from recent parish events:

There are over 250 images, from the Holy Week Seder dinner, to Holy Thursday through Easter Vigil, the Knights of Columbus Crab Dinner Dance, the Widows and Widowers monthly meetings and the February 2015 Signing of the Book of the Elect.

Thanks to our volunteer parish photographer Roland Quintero for his faithful, skilled work!

12. Tuesday, April 21: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: The Call to Ecological Conversion

with guest speaker Lauren Matusich; a special evening presentation from the Green Committee

In his book, Befriending the Earth (1991), Thomas Berry wrote, “The human community and the natural world will go into the future as a single sacred community, or we will both perish in the desert.” 

This session will focus on the call for both personal conversion and social transformation as simultaneous needs in order to achieve sustainability that integrates social equity, environmental protection, and economic development. By examining insights from Church leaders past and present, then delving into a Franciscan spirituality of the Earth, the session aims to help us bridge the chasm that so often exists between our understanding of the human person / community and the created world, and invites us into deeper reflection on our role to protect the planet – God’s house and our home. Please put this event on your calendars. 

Lauren Matusich is a member of the Religious Studies faculty at Archbishop Mitty High School and has taught a broad range of courses including Environmental Ethics, Personal and Social Ethics, Christian Spirituality, and Gospels and Morality.  She currently teaches a course on Ethics, Justice and the Environment.  Lauren is a member of the Catholic Green Initiative Executive Committee and Co-Chair of its Education Committee. Her education includes a B.A. in Music from Stanford University, a teaching credential from San Jose State University, and an M.A. in Catechetics from Santa Clara University. 

13. Sunday, April 26: World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Next Sunday, April 26th is World Day of Prayer for Vocations, when we celebrate and pray for the men and women who have already, or who will in the future, choose to share God’s love through their lives as sisters, brothers, deacons, and priests. Did you know that the number one reason young people say they have not considered a vocation to priesthood or religious life is that no one has ever invited them to consider it? Do you know of someone who might be a good priest or religious sister? Why don’t you say something to him or her today?

14. Tuesday, April 28: Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz

There will be a Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz on April 28th at 1:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. All are invited.

Irmy,  wife of the late Henry 'Hank' A. Buchholz, passed away peacefully in Fremont on March 24.  Born in Osnabrüc, Germany on June 30, 1923, she immigrated to the US with her family when she was very young and was raised in San Francisco. After meeting Hank on a blind date they eventually eloped and shortly thereafter moved to Palo Alto to raise a family. Irmy is survived by her 6 children, Linda, Sue, Cindy, Steve, Dan and Traci plus 10 grand children and 5 great grand children. 

Irmy loved dancing, playing cards, sharing recently heard jokes and always enjoyed a good party particularly if it was a family event. In lieu of flower please donate to VITAS Community Connection <

15. Tuesday, April 28: Spirituality Tuesday  Assembly: Archeology and the Bible 

with Professor Patrick Hunt

Archeological discoveries continue in the Holy Land. Spend an evening hearing about some of these amazing finds with our special guest speaker, Prof. Patrick Hunt. New evidence for Israel's United Monarchy (Davidic-Solomonic Period) has emerged in the last few years in Judea. Additionally, New Testament contexts in Jerusalem, like the Siloam Pool, are relevant archaeological background to 1st century writings. Professor Hunt will explore connections in Galilee and Judea, as in the greater Roman Empire and Classical World. He will also include contexts from the time of Paul's journeys in Asia Minor. All of these archaeological contexts shed light on biblical texts. Do not miss this opportunity for a glimpse into the ancient Biblical world.

Dr. Patrick Hunt has been teaching at Stanford for over 20 years. His Ph.D. is from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, and University of London in 1991. His research has been sponsored by the National Geographic Society (2007-2008). He is a National Lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) since 2009 and President of the Stanford AIA chapter as well as a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (elected in 1989). He is the author of over 100 articles and12 published books, including the best-seller: TEN DISCOVERIES THAT REWROTE HISTORY (Penguin / Plume 2007).

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

16. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 2 through Saturday, May 9
Saturday, May 9 through Saturday, May 16
Saturday, May 16 through Saturday, May 23
Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

17. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform

5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Rengstorff Park & St Joseph Church Parking Lot

Gather at the Mountain View Community Center, Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View

5:00 PM - MARCH from Rengstorff Park
7:00 PM - RALLY at St. Joseph Church Parking Lot, 582 Hope St (at Castro Street), Mountain View

March and rally for comprehensive and humane immigration reform, including family reunification. Speakers, fabulous music, wonderful energy, enthusiasm and determination.

Sponsored by May Day Committee. Supporters: Richard Gordon, State Assemblyman, 24th District / Sally Lieber, former State Assemblywoman and former Mayor of Mountain View / Laura Macias, former Mayor of Mountain View / Tony Spitaleri, former Mayor of Sunnyvale / Peninsula Peace and Justice Center / Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice (of which our parish is a member)

18. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community

From 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 2nd, the annual Palo Alto May Day Parade is routed down Waverley Street, finishing off at Heritage Park across the street at the corner of Waverley and Homer.  

For the past two years, the St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee has offered free lemonade to parade-watchers and has kept the church open for visitors (and users of the bathroom!).  

This year we are planning to have copies of the 100th Anniversary STA booklet available and, hopefully, "docents" to take people through the church, pointing out the historical/liturgical features.  We also hope to have some period costumes for the docents to wear!  (Part of the parade is vintage cars driven by people in period costumes.)

We would love to have participation from parishioners throughout the parish.  If you would like to help us serve lemonade or serve as a docent, please let me know.  It's a very jolly event, takes barely two hours, and is a wonderful opportunity to engage with Palo Altans and tell them about our church and Catholic life.  Evangelization at its most basic…

Contact Kay C. Williams, cell: (650) 270-4188  or

19. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly

The farewell Mass for Diocese of San Jose Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Daly will be held Sunday, May 3, 11:30am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall.

Bishop Daly was named the Bishop of Spokane on March 12 and will be installed as Bishop on May 20. In addition to serving as Auxiliary Bishop, Daly has been pastor of the parishes of St. Nicholas and St. William in Los Altos since July. A native of San Francisco, Daly has served as Auxiliary Bishop for four years.

All are welcome to attend the farewell Mass and reception.

20. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December

Hello, I recently accepted an internship with the Stanford Sports Performance staff from June-December, and I am now trying to find a place to live. I have been given a few websites to look for housing, and have also been given the names of towns to look in and stay away from. I was encouraged by different friends and family members to contact some of the local parishes to see if you could assist me in any way. 

I am preferably looking for a shared room in a house or a studio apartment, but I am open to anything. I will be putting in long hours every day of the week so I really just need a place where I can sleep and keep my stuff. My parents and I are just trying to think of options where I would feel more comfortable with the people that I will be staying with or spending time around. I would much rather have dealings with someone that is a member of a parish and the community than a random person on Craigslist. 

A couple of important things I am looking for is the price of the place and location. I am trying to keep things under $1200 a month which as you know is difficult in this area, and I am also looking for places that are within a half hour biking distance of the University as I won't have a vehicle. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing back from you.

I am Catholic, we belong to St. Patrick's Parish in Rochelle, Illinois. Thanks again for all of your help, finding a place to stay is the most difficult part of this process so I really appreciate it.

Jacob Ricketts
Health Wellness Exercise Science Undergrad
University of Dubuque

21. Saturday, April 18: Backpacks for Gaza Dinner

Rebuilding Alliance, the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto Peace and Justice Task Force, and Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice invite you to “Don’t Say We Did Not Know”, a benefit dinner to send 500 backpacks with new school supplies to children in Gaza. 

Special guest speaker Amos Gvirtz, an Israeli author, will shed light on unpublicized incidents in Israel and Palestine. There is no cost for the dinner, but donations for backpacks will be requested and 

22. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

Upcoming Events:

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. April 21st at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. April 28th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

23. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together

South Bay Nonviolence Coalition is co-sponsoring

Kathy Kelly, 3 time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, peace activist, author
“How We Move Forward Together”

Panel Discussion to follow Kathy’s presentation:

Kathy Kelly
Peace Activist, Speaker, Author
Nominated 3 times for Nobel Peace Prize
 One of the founding members of Voices in the Wilderness
Co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Recent travels to Afghanistan and Gaza
Traveled to Iraq twenty-six times

Wednesday, May 6th,  6:30pm
St Lawrence Parish Hall
1971 Saint Lawrence Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95051

24. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) is hosting an upcoming conference at Sacred Heart,  Saratoga.  

May 9 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Registration at 8:30am)

Sacred Heart Parish -- 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA  95070

Father Michael Barry, SS. CC. will be guest speaker. Irish born Fr. Mike now resides in Southern California. He is active in retreat work, teaching on healing, and charismatic spirituality and has a special gift for inner healing the person.  

Early registration cost $20/adult and $10/youth.  No mail registration accepted after May 2.  Walk-in registration will be at $25/adult and $15/youth.  To register:  email to or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>. (see the attached flyer)

25. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Saint Elizabeth Seton School - Auditorium
(Adjacent to St. Albert the Great Church)
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto [map]
Free and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.

Presented by Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay

Confirmed Speakers (More TBA)

Scott Myers-Lipton, Professor of Sociology, San Jose State University
Co-Founder of San Jose’s Minimum Wage Campaign

Margaret Abe-Koga. Former Mountain City Council Member

Maria Marroquin, Executive Director, Mountain View Day Worker Center

A record number of municipalities around the country are taking action to raise their local minimum wage. Just six months ago, the city councils in Mountain View and Sunnyvale voted to lift their minimums. In last November’s elections, voters in San Francisco and Oakland overwhelmingly voted in favor of raising the minimum wage in those cities. San Jose voters raised their minimum wage in 2012. In February, Palo Alto’s City Council voted unanimously to pursue an increase there. And as recently as March 31, the Mountain View City Council directed their staff to work with neighboring cities to develop a more regional approach to raising the minimum wage, with a goal of a $15 minimum wage in 2018.

Should Palo Alto raise the local minimum wage? “Yes!” say the local organizations, churches and economic equality activists who make up the Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay. The Coalition’s grassroots efforts led directly to the Mountain View raise and Palo Alto’s current process to do the same.

In each of the towns mentioned above, proponents of raising the minimum wage were understandably faced with a lot of questions about the effects of raising the local minimum wage. They also found that a lot of people — residents and business owners alike — have mistaken assumptions about raising the wage.

Doesn’t raising the minimum wage hurt employment? Won’t an increase drive prices sky-high? And aren’t most minimum wage workers just part-time teenagers anyway? This community forum is designed to explore and answer those questions and more. The answers might surprise you. What are your questions?

This forum will feature an extensive Q&A and discussion session. We welcome people with all points of view — in favor, opposed, unsure — to ask questions and make their voices heard during this time.

If you already support the idea of increasing the minimum wage in Los Altos, please take a moment to sign the petition to Los Altos City Council.

Raise the Wage Coalition Member Organizations: Action Council, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto / Campus Alliance for Economic Justice / Fool’s Mission / Hope’s Corner Steering Committee / Mountain View Day Workers Center / Mountain View Dreamers / Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice / OUR Walmart / Outreach Board, First Congregational Church of Palo Alto / Peninsula Peace and Justice Center / Peninsula Young Democrats / Politically Inspired Action / Santa Clara County Green Party / Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Peninsula Branch / Working Partnerships USA

Co-sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

26. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

27. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

28. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

29. Readings for Third Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin) - Adult baptism

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Izzo, S.J. 
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro) - Confirmation
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt (assisted by Fr. Dat)  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Anointing of the Sick
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (assisted by Fr. Stasys) (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Anointing of the Sick
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat  (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska) - Anointing of the Sick

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group) - Child baptism


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Holy Thursday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary

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May 9th 2015 Conference.pdf

Chris Lundin

Apr 24, 2015, 8:30:57 AM4/24/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 17 - April 24, 2015

Alleluia! He Is Risen!

Table of Contents

1. A Good Shepherd
2. Sunday, April 26: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
3. Tuesday, April 28: Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz
4. Tuesday, April 28: Spirituality Tuesday  Assembly: Archeology and the Bible 
5. Human Concerns: Palo Alto City Council Begins Work on Ordinance to Raise the Local Minimum Wage 
6. Weekly Stewardship Report
7. Thank You!
8. Congratulations, Godofredo!
9. Human Concerns: Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Update
10. Elder Support: Parish Support Towards Locating Resources
11. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team
12. Next Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist
13. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
14. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform
15. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community
16. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly
17. Tuesday, May 5: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session! 
18. Thursday, May 7: Widow and Widowers Gathering
19. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!
20. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 
21. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
22. Green Corner: Time to replace your old energy inefficient water heater? 
23. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December
24. Young Adult Circle
25. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together
26. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?
27. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum
28. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
29. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage
30. Nominations Solicited For Prestigious 2015 St. Thomas More Award
31. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
32. On A Lighter Note: 10 Things You Shouldn't Say To A Pastor Right After The Homily
33. Readings for Fourth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Elder Support Referral flyer, Parish Volunteer Ice-Cream Social flyer

1. A Good Shepherd

This Sunday, Our Lord Jesus gives us a beautiful analogy to show us the true care that God has for every single one of us.

Shepherding is a very close and familiar image to the people of Jesus' time. How do we distinguish between a good shepherd and a bad one? A bad shepherd is probably the one who often neglects the sheep, does not really care whether the sheep are hungry or not, and does not worry if the sheep are being attacked by the wolves. The good shepherd is the one who continuously watches over the sheep and makes sure the sheep are being fed.

For Jesus, the above definition for a good shepherd is still inadequate. Caring for and feeding the sheep are not enough to make one a good shepherd. A good shepherd is the one who stays and fights with the wolves to protect the sheep, and if necessary, lays down his life for his sheep.

Of course, in reality, no shepherds would risk their own lives to save a few sheep. However, Jesus uses this image and pushes it to a level beyond normality to show the extent that God is willing to go to love and care for us. We are the sheep and God is the shepherd. God does not only care for and nourish us. He even died for our sake. This is the kind of protection, love and care that we will receive from God if we stay in His fold.

No one in the world will love and care for us better than God. Let us choose our shepherd in this life wisely. 

Fr. Dat Luong, Parochial Vicar

2. Sunday, April 26: World Day of Prayer for Vocations

This Sunday, April 26th is World Day of Prayer for Vocations, when we celebrate and pray for the men and women who have already, or who will in the future, choose to share God’s love through their lives as sisters, brothers, deacons, and priests. Did you know that the number one reason young people say they have not considered a vocation to priesthood or religious life is that no one has ever invited them to consider it? Do you know of someone who might be a good priest or religious sister? Why don’t you say something to him or her today?

3. Tuesday, April 28: Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz

There will be a Memorial Mass for Irmy Buchholz on April 28th at 1:00 pm at Our Lady of the Rosary Church. All are invited.

Irmy,  wife of the late Henry 'Hank' A. Buchholz, passed away peacefully in Fremont on March 24.  Born in Osnabrüc, Germany on June 30, 1923, she immigrated to the US with her family when she was very young and was raised in San Francisco. After meeting Hank on a blind date they eventually eloped and shortly thereafter moved to Palo Alto to raise a family. Irmy is survived by her 6 children, Linda, Sue, Cindy, Steve, Dan and Traci plus 10 grand children and 5 great grand children. 

Irmy loved dancing, playing cards, sharing recently heard jokes and always enjoyed a good party particularly if it was a family event. In lieu of flower please donate to VITAS Community Connection <

4. Tuesday, April 28: Spirituality Tuesday  Assembly: Archeology and the Bible 

with Professor Patrick Hunt

Archeological discoveries continue in the Holy Land. Spend an evening hearing about some of these amazing finds with our special guest speaker, Prof. Patrick Hunt. New evidence for Israel's United Monarchy (Davidic-Solomonic Period) has emerged in the last few years in Judea. Additionally, New Testament contexts in Jerusalem, like the Siloam Pool, are relevant archaeological background to 1st century writings. Professor Hunt will explore connections in Galilee and Judea, as in the greater Roman Empire and Classical World. He will also include contexts from the time of Paul's journeys in Asia Minor. All of these archaeological contexts shed light on biblical texts. Do not miss this opportunity for a glimpse into the ancient Biblical world.

Dr. Patrick Hunt has been teaching at Stanford for over 20 years. His Ph.D. is from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, and University of London in 1991. His research has been sponsored by the National Geographic Society (2007-2008). He is a National Lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) since 2009 and President of the Stanford AIA chapter as well as a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (elected in 1989). He is the author of over 100 articles and12 published books, including the best-seller: TEN DISCOVERIES THAT REWROTE HISTORY (Penguin / Plume 2007).

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center

5. Human Concerns: Palo Alto City Council Begins Work on Ordinance to Raise the Local Minimum Wage 
Responding to a grassroots campaign, Palo Alto City Council will begin writing a new ordinance to raise the city's local minimum wage. The Council does seem committed to raising the local wage. The questions are how much and how fast? Let's insure that Palo Alto passes a minimum wage ordinance that will set a new standard for the entire region!! 

Palo Alto City Council
Policy and Services Committee Meeting
Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 pm
City Council Chambers, Palo Alto City Hall
250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto

Members of the parish Human Concerns Committee will be attending this meeting. Please join us!

6. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of March. 

Our average weekly collection for the 9th month of this new fiscal year was $12,343 ($11,694 in 2014). This marks the 7th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Our budget for Sunday collections for July through March was $429,000; our actual was $460,000.

We truly thank you for your generosity.  When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. 

What you commit to God’s work here at St. Thomas Aquinas significantly impacts our programs, ministries, services, staffing, buildings and grounds. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Our Weekly Offering
April 19: Actual: $11,563 (Goal: $11,000)
Catholic Home Missions: $3,381

7. Thank You!

Bob and our family would like to say thank you for all the prayers and support for him during these eight months of 'medical trauma'. We truly appreciate the care and concern shown to us.

-- Mary Carlstead

8. Congratulations, Godofredo!

On April 20, Godofredo Alfaro, our parish maintenance lead, celebrated his 23rd anniversary as a member of our staff.  We thank him (and his co-worker Santiago Aguilar) for all they do to keep our many buildings and open spaces fit and functional.

9. Human Concerns: Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Update

The Human Concerns Committee has  written to an aide to Supervisor Simitian about possible fund-raising efforts (a parishioner had come to the Pastoral Center one evening to ask about that), but have not heard back from her yet.

If you are interested in supporting the HCC’s efforts in this regard, please contact Chris Lundin, HCC member (

10. Elder Support: Parish Support Towards Locating Resources

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Ted Baer and a small team have formed an elder support initiative.

Attached to today’s eBulletin is the flyer originally distributed in our Sunday Bulletins just before Easter, and included in our Easter mailing, describing this new parish initiative.  Please keep this program in mind and make use of it.  We welcome your contact! Already, some contacts have been made and successful outcomes have been achieved!

11. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Chris Lundin, a member of our parish elder support initiative, met with Mersina Simanski, a Stanford student.  Mersina’s team is interested in talking to parishioners dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.  Here’s Mersina’s note.  Please reach out to her! If you’d feel more comfortable meeting Mersina *with* Chris, please contact Chris at

Hi there! We are a team of Stanford engineering students and we are developing a mobile tool for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. If you or someone you know is caring for a loved one with dementia, please reach out to us! Our research and product development could greatly benefit from talking with you! 

Contact Mersina directly at to share about your caregiving experience over the phone or after Sunday Mass. 

12. Next Weekend: The Sacrament of First Eucharist

Next weekend at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass at St. Albert the Great Church and the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, we will celebrate the sacraments of First Eucharist with those children who have been preparing for many months for this joyful day. 

Please keep these children, their families and catechists in your prayers during this week. We offer them our congratulations as they are nourished at the Table of the Lord’s Body and Blood. There will be a brief reception after each Mass.

The Sacrament of First Eucharist for our children who worship at the 9:00 a.m. Spanish Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary will be celebrated on Sunday, May 31, the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

13. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 2 through Saturday, May 9
Saturday, May 9 through Saturday, May 16
Saturday, May 16 through Saturday, May 23
Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

14. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform

5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Rengstorff Park & St Joseph Church Parking Lot

Gather at the Mountain View Community Center, Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View

5:00 PM - MARCH from Rengstorff Park
7:00 PM - RALLY at St. Joseph Church Parking Lot, 582 Hope St (at Castro Street), Mountain View

March and rally for comprehensive and humane immigration reform, including family reunification. Speakers, fabulous music, wonderful energy, enthusiasm and determination.

Sponsored by May Day Committee. Supporters: Richard Gordon, State Assemblyman, 24th District / Sally Lieber, former State Assemblywoman and former Mayor of Mountain View / Laura Macias, former Mayor of Mountain View / Tony Spitaleri, former Mayor of Sunnyvale / Peninsula Peace and Justice Center / Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice (of which our parish is a member)

15. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community!

From 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 2nd, the annual Palo Alto May Day Parade is routed down Waverley Street, finishing off at Heritage Park across the street at the corner of Waverley and Homer.  

For the past two years, the St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee has offered free lemonade to parade-watchers and has kept the church open for visitors (and users of the bathroom!).  

This year we are planning to have copies of the 100th Anniversary STA booklet available and, hopefully, "docents" to take people through the church, pointing out the historical/liturgical features.  We also hope to have some period costumes for the docents to wear!  (Part of the parade is vintage cars driven by people in period costumes.)

We would love to have participation from parishioners throughout the parish.  If you would like to help us serve lemonade or serve as a docent, please let me know.  It's a very jolly event, takes barely two hours, and is a wonderful opportunity to engage with Palo Altans and tell them about our church and Catholic life.  Evangelization at its most basic…

Contact Kay C. Williams, cell: (650) 270-4188  or

16. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly

The farewell Mass for Diocese of San Jose Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Daly will be held Sunday, May 3, 11:30am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall.

Bishop Daly was named the Bishop of Spokane on March 12 and will be installed as Bishop on May 20. In addition to serving as Auxiliary Bishop, Daly has been pastor of the parishes of St. Nicholas and St. William in Los Altos since July. A native of San Francisco, Daly has served as Auxiliary Bishop for four years.

All are welcome to attend the farewell Mass and reception.

17. Tuesday, May 5: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session! 

Everyone is welcome; earlier gathering time: @ 6:30 pm

 Where do all of those interesting speakers and topics for Spirituality Tuesday come from?  Most of them are suggestions from people like you! Is there a topic related to the Church which you would like to learn more about? Do you know an interesting speaker who might come and share an evening with us?

Let’s get together for a fun party, plus help us to uncover interesting topics for next year’s program! We will provide chips, salsa and the traditional beverages.

When: 6:30 pm

Where: Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room

Call: 650-856-9339 or email Beverly at for added info

18. Thursday, May 7: Widow and Widowers Gathering

The parish Widow and Widowers group will dine at the Cafe Del Sol Restaurant in Menlo Park on Thursday, May 7, at 5 p.m.
Please reserve with Judy by calling 508-930-6263  or email her at

19. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!

All parish volunteers, please join us on Saturday, May 16, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great.

The parish clergy and staff want to thank you for your dedicated volunteer work during the year, and treat you with an ice-cream social and some light entertainment!
Please plan to attend!

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin.

20. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 

Charity Golf Event & Auction Benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School Students

at Stanford University Golf Course
198 Junipero Serra Blvd., Stanford, CA 94305

To celebrate our 20th year, our auction and after-party will be hosted in a beautiful tent on the 18th hole. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event!


For more information contact: Danielle Ambler, Advancement Director,

21. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

22. Green Corner: Time to replace your old energy inefficient water heater? 

Replace it with a tankless, on-demand gas or propane model, or an electric heat-pump type.  For the most efficient models, see the EPA's Energy Start list ( of tankless and heat-pump units that use one-third as much electricity as conventional electric water heaters.  

Sierra Magazine, November/December 2014

23. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December

Hello, I recently accepted an internship with the Stanford Sports Performance staff from June-December, and I am now trying to find a place to live. I have been given a few websites to look for housing, and have also been given the names of towns to look in and stay away from. I was encouraged by different friends and family members to contact some of the local parishes to see if you could assist me in any way. 

I am preferably looking for a shared room in a house or a studio apartment, but I am open to anything. I will be putting in long hours every day of the week so I really just need a place where I can sleep and keep my stuff. My parents and I are just trying to think of options where I would feel more comfortable with the people that I will be staying with or spending time around. I would much rather have dealings with someone that is a member of a parish and the community than a random person on Craigslist. 

A couple of important things I am looking for is the price of the place and location. I am trying to keep things under $1200 a month which as you know is difficult in this area, and I am also looking for places that are within a half hour biking distance of the University as I won't have a vehicle. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing back from you.

I am Catholic, we belong to St. Patrick's Parish in Rochelle, Illinois. Thanks again for all of your help, finding a place to stay is the most difficult part of this process so I really appreciate it.

Jacob Ricketts
Health Wellness Exercise Science Undergrad
University of Dubuque

24. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

Upcoming Events:

Young Adult Mass, Tues. April 28th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

These and other upcoming events can be viewed at

25. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together

South Bay Nonviolence Coalition is co-sponsoring

Kathy Kelly, 3 time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, peace activist, author
“How We Move Forward Together”

Panel Discussion to follow Kathy’s presentation:

Kathy Kelly
Peace Activist, Speaker, Author
Nominated 3 times for Nobel Peace Prize
 One of the founding members of Voices in the Wilderness
Co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Recent travels to Afghanistan and Gaza
Traveled to Iraq twenty-six times

Wednesday, May 6th,  6:30pm
St Lawrence Parish Hall
1971 Saint Lawrence Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95051

26. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) is hosting an upcoming conference at Sacred Heart,  Saratoga.  

May 9 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Registration at 8:30am)

Sacred Heart Parish -- 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA  95070

Father Michael Barry, SS. CC. will be guest speaker. Irish born Fr. Mike now resides in Southern California. He is active in retreat work, teaching on healing, and charismatic spirituality and has a special gift for inner healing the person.  

Early registration cost $20/adult and $10/youth.  No mail registration accepted after May 2.  Walk-in registration will be at $25/adult and $15/youth.  To register:  email to or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>. (see the attached flyer)

27. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Saint Elizabeth Seton School - Auditorium
(Adjacent to St. Albert the Great Church)
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto [map]
Free and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.

Presented by Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay

Confirmed Speakers (More TBA)

Scott Myers-Lipton, Professor of Sociology, San Jose State University
Co-Founder of San Jose’s Minimum Wage Campaign

Margaret Abe-Koga. Former Mountain City Council Member

Maria Marroquin, Executive Director, Mountain View Day Worker Center

A record number of municipalities around the country are taking action to raise their local minimum wage. Just six months ago, the city councils in Mountain View and Sunnyvale voted to lift their minimums. In last November’s elections, voters in San Francisco and Oakland overwhelmingly voted in favor of raising the minimum wage in those cities. San Jose voters raised their minimum wage in 2012. In February, Palo Alto’s City Council voted unanimously to pursue an increase there. And as recently as March 31, the Mountain View City Council directed their staff to work with neighboring cities to develop a more regional approach to raising the minimum wage, with a goal of a $15 minimum wage in 2018.

Should Palo Alto raise the local minimum wage? “Yes!” say the local organizations, churches and economic equality activists who make up the Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay. The Coalition’s grassroots efforts led directly to the Mountain View raise and Palo Alto’s current process to do the same.

In each of the towns mentioned above, proponents of raising the minimum wage were understandably faced with a lot of questions about the effects of raising the local minimum wage. They also found that a lot of people — residents and business owners alike — have mistaken assumptions about raising the wage.

Doesn’t raising the minimum wage hurt employment? Won’t an increase drive prices sky-high? And aren’t most minimum wage workers just part-time teenagers anyway? This community forum is designed to explore and answer those questions and more. The answers might surprise you. What are your questions?

This forum will feature an extensive Q&A and discussion session. We welcome people with all points of view — in favor, opposed, unsure — to ask questions and make their voices heard during this time.

If you already support the idea of increasing the minimum wage in Los Altos, please take a moment to sign the petition to Los Altos City Council.

Raise the Wage Coalition Member Organizations: Action Council, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto / Campus Alliance for Economic Justice / Fool’s Mission / Hope’s Corner Steering Committee / Mountain View Day Workers Center / Mountain View Dreamers / Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice / OUR Walmart / Outreach Board, First Congregational Church of Palo Alto / Peninsula Peace and Justice Center / Peninsula Young Democrats / Politically Inspired Action / Santa Clara County Green Party / Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom-Peninsula Branch / Working Partnerships USA

Co-sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

28. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

29. September 15-25: Spain and Portugal Pilgrimage

Fr. George Aranha will be the spiritual guide on a 11 days pilgrimage tour of Fatima, Lisbon, Braga, Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Segovia, Avila, Madrid and Lourdes. The trip will be from September 15th to the 25th, 2015.

The total cost of the tour from San Francisco is: $3,499 (includes Air/Land: $2,799 and $700 Govt. taxes).

If you are interested, please call Fr. George at 408-629-3145 for a brochure of the trip.

30. Nominations Solicited For Prestigious 2015 St. Thomas More Award
The St. Thomas More Society of Santa Clara County, an organization of Catholic lawyers and judges, seeks nominations for this year’s recipient of its annual St. Thomas More Award. 

Nominees should be members of the legal profession who have demonstrated a commitment to Catholic ideals and service to the community, parish, or profession.  The nominee’s name, contact information and a brief description of the basis for the nomination should be submitted in writing as soon as possible but by no later than June 1, 2015, to the attention of Mary Ann Herlihy, PO Box 949, Cupertino, CA 95015.

The St. Thomas More Award will be presented to the person selected as this year’s award recipient at the annual Red Mass, to be celebrated Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Santa Clara University Mission Church.  Dinner will immediately follow in Benson Center with a to-be-announced guest speaker.  For questions and details, please contact

31. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

32. On A Lighter Note: 10 Things You Shouldn't Say To A Pastor Right After The Homily

1. “I am going to be late for lunch because you preached so long.”
2. “You must not have had much time to prepare that homily.”
3. “Our former pastor preached a much better homily from that text.”
4.  “I wish {fill in the blank} would have heard that homily.”
5.  “You act like you weren’t feeling well while you preached.”
6.  “I’m sorry I fell asleep while you were preaching. Your voice just puts me to sleep.”
7.  “Your subject/verb agreement was incorrect three times in your homily.”
8.  “I wish you wouldn’t preach from the Old Testament.”
9.  “Let me tell you what you missed in your homily.”
10. “Are we ever going to be done with this homily series?”

33. Readings for Fourth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska) 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)  - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Family Mass
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group) - Child baptism
Elder Care Flyer.pdf

Chris Lundin

May 1, 2015, 7:27:39 AM5/1/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 18 - May 1, 2015

Alleluia! He Is Risen!

Table of Contents

1. This Morning: Funeral Mass for Tom Foy
2. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community!
3. Special 2nd Collection This Weekend: Massive Earthquake In Nepal and India
4. This Weekend: First Eucharist: A Sacrament Anew For All The Faithful
5. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
6. Tuesday, May 5: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session! 
7. Wednesday, May 6: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
8. Thursday, May 7: Widow and Widowers Gathering
9. Saturday, May 9: Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting
10. Saturday, May 9: The Sacrament of Confirmation
11. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder
12. Human Concerns: Palo Alto Looks To Raise Minimum Wage To $15 By 2018
13. Weekly Stewardship Report
14. 2015 Annual Diocesan Appear Update
15. Thank You For The Annual Retirement Collection for Religious
16. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team
17. Elder Support: Copilots In Care - Helping People Live Happier, Longer Lives By Facilitating Conversations
18. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform
19. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!
20. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 
21. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
22. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
23. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly
24. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December
25. Tuesday, May 5: Day Worker Center of Mountain View Seeking Financial Support
26. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together
27. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?
28. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum
29. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 
30. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
31. Nominations Solicited For Prestigious 2015 St. Thomas More Award
32. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
33. Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Parish Volunteer Ice-Cream Social flyer, Catholic Relief Services information about Nepal earthquake need

1. This Morning: Funeral Mass for Tom Foy

A funeral mass will be held today, Friday, May 1, at 10:30 AM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 751 Waverley St., Palo Alto.

Thomas Joseph Foy entered heaven on April 26, 2015. He was born on Dec 17, 1929, in Naugatuck, CT, to James Francis Foy and Catherine “Kitty” Foy (née Scanlon). He graduated from St. Bonaventure University and then entered the US Army where he reached the rank of Lieutenant. After proudly serving the country, he was honorably discharged and returned home. One day on his way to work, he could not back out of his driveway due to flooding so decided he had to get out of Naugatuck. He told his father that he wanted to move to California, but “the girls” (his mother and sisters) did not want him to go. His dad responded by saying, “Just go, and I wish I could come with you!” This was all the encouragement he needed. In 1955, Tom moved all the way out to San Francisco and entered the University of San Francisco Law School. He sat in the back of the classrooms where he met Eddie Maguire, a fellow Irishman who became a lifelong friend.

Tom married the love of his life, Patricia Gatto, on November 21, 1959. They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary this past November. Together they had seven children.

Tom was the broker and owner of Midtown Realty in Palo Alto and remained very active in the local community throughout his lifetime. He served on the Board of Realtors for many years including as President. He volunteered his time with the Palo Alto Unified School District Parent Teacher Association and was very involved in youth sports, even cofounding Palo Alto’s first CYSA club soccer team. He coached numerous AYSO and CYSA soccer teams over the years and remained an active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Parish, serving on numerous church boards.

Tom is survived by his wife Patricia and six of his children, Katie, Tim (Mary), Michael (Debbie), James, Molly (Jeff) and Patrick as well as by his grandchildren Kevin, James, Megan, Patty, Santos, Ryan, J.T., Caeleigh, and Finn. He is proceeded in death by his parents, his sisters Jane and Mary, brother Kenneth and his son, Tommy.

Tom’s spirit, love and laughter will be missed. If you are reading this obituary, Tom would say that you are reading the “Irish Sports Page.”

 In memory of Tom, donations may be made to the St. Elizabeth Seton School, Palo Alto or to Mission Hospice, San Mateo. 

2. Saturday, May 2: Help Us Share St. Thomas Aquinas Church With The Community!

From 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 2nd, the annual Palo Alto May Day Parade is routed down Waverley Street, finishing off at Heritage Park across the street at the corner of Waverley and Homer.  

For the past two years, the St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee has offered free lemonade to parade-watchers and has kept the church open for visitors (and users of the bathroom!).  

This year we are planning to have copies of the 100th Anniversary STA booklet available and, hopefully, "docents" to take people through the church, pointing out the historical/liturgical features.  We also hope to have some period costumes for the docents to wear!  (Part of the parade is vintage cars driven by people in period costumes.)

We would love to have participation from parishioners throughout the parish.  If you would like to help us serve lemonade or serve as a docent, please let me know.  It's a very jolly event, takes barely two hours, and is a wonderful opportunity to engage with Palo Altans and tell them about our church and Catholic life.  Evangelization at its most basic…

Contact Kay C. Williams, cell: (650) 270-4188  or

3. Special 2nd Collection This Weekend: Massive Earthquake In Nepal and India

The morning of April 25, a devastating magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal near Kathmandu and also affected nearby parts of India. Avalanches were reported in the Himalayas, including on Mount Everest.

We will have a special 2nd Collection this weekend for this emergency need.

Catholic Relief Services is responding and has committed resources to relief efforts. CRS and our Caritas partners have begun procuring emergency relief materials such as tarpaulins/shelter kits and water, sanitation and hygiene materials. But we urgently need your help. Your donations will help our immediate emergency response and al- low us to reach even more affected families.

More information is included in the attachment to today’s eBulletin.

4. This Weekend: First Eucharist: A Sacrament Anew For All The Faithful

Think back to that day when you received Communion for the very first time. It was no doubt a very special day in your life. If you were a child raised in the Catholic tradition, it was likely a time of celebration with family and friends: a time for brand new clothing, a big party, maybe even with gifts, and lots of attention paid to you because for the very first time, you were joining the fam- ily and community at the Table of the Eucharist.

At our Easter Vigil on April 4, the Church joyfully received eleven young people (ages 4 to 13) in the waters of Baptism. Nine of them, along with two others, received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, and they were joined by two others to receive Eucharist for the first time. 

This weekend 37 more young people will join us at the Table of the Eucharist for the first time at the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Albert the Great and at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary. They have worked diligently over the past year to prepare themselves for this special day, and I know they eagerly look forward to that moment when they will be able to join the rest of the community in the Eucharistic Banquet. They will stand before the community and joyfully proclaim their faith and then take their rightful place with us at the table.

As we witness these beautiful Children of God receiving the sacrament for the first time, let us join with them and re-embrace Eucharist as the amazing and miraculous gift that it is for each of us. At each and every Mass, a miracle happens, and Jesus becomes fully present to us in the gathered assembly, in the Word that is proclaimed, in the person of the priest who presides, and, most importantly, in the bread and wine that become His Precious Body and Precious Blood. This is what Jesus asked us to do, and in so doing we are transformed. Let us embrace this beautiful sacrament with a newness of heart and re-commitment to our faith.

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry

The Sacrament of First Eucharist for our children who worship at the 9:00 a.m. Spanish Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary will be celebrated on Sunday, May 31, the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

5. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 2 through Saturday, May 9
Saturday, May 9 through Saturday, May 16
Saturday, May 16 through Saturday, May 23
Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

6. Tuesday, May 5: Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Annual Mexican Fiesta Potluck Wrap-up Session! 

Everyone is welcome; earlier gathering time: @ 6:30 pm

 Where do all of those interesting speakers and topics for Spirituality Tuesday come from?  Most of them are suggestions from people like you! Is there a topic related to the Church which you would like to learn more about? Do you know an interesting speaker who might come and share an evening with us?

Let’s get together for a fun party, plus help us to uncover interesting topics for next year’s program! We will provide chips, salsa and the traditional beverages.

When: 6:30 pm

Where: Saint Albert the Great Hospitality Room

Call: 650-856-9339 or email Beverly at for added info

7. Wednesday, May 6: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

After May 6, there is only May 20, which is the last S.O.U.P. until September.

8. Thursday, May 7: Widow and Widowers Gathering

The parish Widow and Widowers group will dine at the Cafe Del Sol Restaurant in Menlo Park on Thursday, May 7, at 5 p.m.
Please reserve with Judy by calling 508-930-6263  or email her at

9. Saturday, May 9: Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting

There will be a Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting on Saturday, May 9 at 2:00-3:30 pm at the Pastoral Center, at 3290 Middlefield Road. 

This is the time for ministers to touch base with each other, meet new members and share their experiences. The coordinators will update everyone on recent issues.  All ministers are asked to attend.  Other interested parishioners are welcome.  

For more information contact Pat/Mary at 494-2496 X22 or e-mail Mary at

10. Saturday, May 9: The Sacrament of Confirmation

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Middle and High School students is next Saturday at the 5 pm Mass at St. Albert the Great Church.

Our Vicar General, Msgr. Francis Cilia will confer upon 58 of our Middle and High School Youth the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We congratulate them, their parents, sponsors, and catechists. 

11. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder

If you haven’t turned in your calendar/facility request forms for 2015/2016, please get them into the Pastoral Center this week.

12. Human Concerns: Palo Alto Looks To Raise Minimum Wage To $15 By 2018

Members of our parish Human Concerns Committee were in attendance when Palo Alto joined a regional trend this last Tuesday night when a City Council committee endorsed a minimum wage of $15 per hour starting in 2018.

The proposal, which the Policy and Services Committee unanimously approved, would transform Palo Alto from a city that has no minimum-wage law to one that would have one of the highest minimum-wage requirements in the nation.

If the full City Council goes along with the recommendation, minimum wage in Palo Alto would rise to $11 per hour on Jan. 1, 2016. It would then gradually climb to $15 by 2018 through increments that would be approved annually by the council.

By endorsing the "15 by '18" plateau, Palo Alto is following in the footsteps of its neighbor Mountain View and early adopter Seattle. In Mountain View, the minimum wage was set last year at $10.30 per hour, though more recently that city's council has been talking about adjusting it to $15 over the next three years.

Thanks to Gennady Sheyner and the Palo Alto Weekly for the media coverage:

13. Weekly Stewardship Report

Easter is a season of joyful giving. We deeply appreciate the joyful giving of so many of our parishioners who share with us in abundance their time, talent, and treasure. Help us keep this Easter joy alive at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish all year long by practicing good stewardship. Stewards know themselves to be both recipients and caretakers of God's many gifts.

Our Weekly Offering
April 26: Actual: $11,317 (Goal: $11,000)

14. 2015 Annual Diocesan Appear Update

Our ADA totals as of May 1, 2015 are:
Total pledged: $161,000 
Total paid: $118,000
Total Refund: $31,000
Number of Donors: 304

Please keep making your regular payments. When all our pledges have been paid, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish will receive a much needed rebate to help us pay for improvements to our parish facilities. Thank you for your support of Bishop McGrath and our local Church. 

15. Thank You For The Annual Retirement Collection for Religious

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:39 AM
Subject: Thank you for your support to the annual Retirement Collection from Sister Rosalie Pizzo

Dear Father Matt:

On behalf of the Religious of the Diocese of San Jose, thank you for supporting the annual Retirement Collection.  Through the generosity of the  parishioners in the Diocese of San Jose, we received $233,352.65. Once again, this collection exceeded that of last year by $28,000. Many of you were educated by Religious and besides the obligatory "second collection", I am sure that your recollection of religious as teachers evokes in you both gratitude and support. Thank you for remembering!

May God continue to bless your ministry of administration as you respond generously to the many demands of the faithful you serve.

Sister Rosalie Pizzo, SND
Bishop's Delegate to Religious

16. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Chris Lundin, a member of our parish elder support initiative, met with Mersina Simanski, a Stanford student.  Mersina’s team is interested in talking to parishioners dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.  Here’s Mersina’s note.  Please reach out to her! If you’d feel more comfortable meeting Mersina *with* Chris, please contact Chris at

Hi there! We are a team of Stanford engineering students and we are developing a mobile tool for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. If you or someone you know is caring for a loved one with dementia, please reach out to us! Our research and product development could greatly benefit from talking with you! 

Contact Mersina directly at to share about your caregiving experience over the phone or after Sunday Mass. 

17. Elder Support: Copilots In Care - Helping People Live Happier, Longer Lives By Facilitating Conversations

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Ted Baer and Chris Lundin, members of our parish elder support initiative, met with Eric Reuland, a Stanford student.  Eric and a team from Stanford are working on a concept of facilitating sometimes difficult family conversations around medical and other end-of-life issues.  Are you prepared?

Does you family understand the subtleties of your medical wishes? 
Will they be confident in their decisions if something unexpected happens? 
We facilitate conversations so you receive goal aligned care and have the support to accomplish the items on your bucket list.  
Our expert counselors help in three ways:

(1) They provide short journaling prompts so you can reflect on what matters most to you
(2) They facilitate a conversation with your loved ones so the right questions are asked and answered.  And 
(3) they store your medical wishes on a secure web page so you can access and update this information from anywhere.  

If you are interested in talking with Eric and his team, please contact him directly. 
They are providing their new service for free to the first 25 customers.  
Sign up on their website for more information or call Eric at (949) 292-9438

18. Human Concerns: Friday, May 1: May Day Peace March & Rally for Humane Immigration Reform

5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Rengstorff Park & St Joseph Church Parking Lot

Gather at the Mountain View Community Center, Rengstorff Park, 201 S. Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View

5:00 PM - MARCH from Rengstorff Park
7:00 PM - RALLY at St. Joseph Church Parking Lot, 582 Hope St (at Castro Street), Mountain View

March and rally for comprehensive and humane immigration reform, including family reunification. Speakers, fabulous music, wonderful energy, enthusiasm and determination.

Sponsored by May Day Committee. Supporters: Richard Gordon, State Assemblyman, 24th District / Sally Lieber, former State Assemblywoman and former Mayor of Mountain View / Laura Macias, former Mayor of Mountain View / Tony Spitaleri, former Mayor of Sunnyvale / Peninsula Peace and Justice Center / Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice (of which our parish is a member)
19. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!

All parish volunteers, please join us on Saturday, May 16, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great.

The parish clergy and staff want to thank you for your dedicated volunteer work during the year, and treat you with an ice-cream social and some light entertainment!
Please plan to attend!

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin.

20. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 

Charity Golf Event & Auction Benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School Students

at Stanford University Golf Course
198 Junipero Serra Blvd., Stanford, CA 94305

To celebrate our 20th year, our auction and after-party will be hosted in a beautiful tent on the 18th hole. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event!


For more information contact: Danielle Ambler, Advancement Director,

21. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on May 30 and May 31, from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

22. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

23. Sunday, May 3: Farewell Mass for Bishop Thomas Daly

The farewell Mass for Diocese of San Jose Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Daly will be held Sunday, May 3, 11:30am, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall.

Bishop Daly was named the Bishop of Spokane on March 12 and will be installed as Bishop on May 20. In addition to serving as Auxiliary Bishop, Daly has been pastor of the parishes of St. Nicholas and St. William in Los Altos since July. A native of San Francisco, Daly has served as Auxiliary Bishop for four years.

All are welcome to attend the farewell Mass and reception.

24. Can You Help? Shared Housing from June - December

Hello, I recently accepted an internship with the Stanford Sports Performance staff from June-December, and I am now trying to find a place to live. I have been given a few websites to look for housing, and have also been given the names of towns to look in and stay away from. I was encouraged by different friends and family members to contact some of the local parishes to see if you could assist me in any way. 

I am preferably looking for a shared room in a house or a studio apartment, but I am open to anything. I will be putting in long hours every day of the week so I really just need a place where I can sleep and keep my stuff. My parents and I are just trying to think of options where I would feel more comfortable with the people that I will be staying with or spending time around. I would much rather have dealings with someone that is a member of a parish and the community than a random person on Craigslist. 

A couple of important things I am looking for is the price of the place and location. I am trying to keep things under $1200 a month which as you know is difficult in this area, and I am also looking for places that are within a half hour biking distance of the University as I won't have a vehicle. Thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing back from you.

I am Catholic, we belong to St. Patrick's Parish in Rochelle, Illinois. Thanks again for all of your help, finding a place to stay is the most difficult part of this process so I really appreciate it.

Jacob Ricketts
Health Wellness Exercise Science Undergrad
University of Dubuque

25. Tuesday, May 5: Day Worker Center of Mountain View Seeking Financial Support

The Day Worker Center of Mountain View, with your support, plans to help the workers and their families, who are among those ethnic groups that have some of the highest rates of overweight/obesity, pre-diabetes, and unhealthy food consumption in the U.S.  The rates are highest among those who are poor and less educated. This is the profile of our day workers who are also often food insufficient.   The Day Worker Center provides food for the workers whenever possible but unfortunately, because of financial constraints, the food available is often donated from food pantries, and/or local businesses, and as a result, our meals are often comprised of processed, high-caloric foods that are high in carbohydrates, fats and sugars and low in vital nutrients.

We plan to use our new commercial kitchen to prepare healthy foods on site, and we hope to purchase low-cost fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. We also want to work with a part-time nutritionist who will plan healthy menus, oversee preparation of breakfasts and lunches, and train several day workers with backgrounds in food preparation.  In addition, the nutritionist will adapt a Stanford School of Medicine evaluated nutrition curriculum and workshop materials that were developed to enhance healthy eating and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Volunteers will be trained to offer these workshops to day workers and their spouses. This funding will allow us to augment our existing food with healthy low-cost food from food banks and local vegetable markets.

On Tuesday, May 5th, the Day Worker Center and Silicon Valley Community Foundation are hosting a one-day online fundraiser through Silicon Valley Gives. 

You can donate online on their website.  If you have any problems with their website, miss the date, or just prefer to donate using the Day Worker Center website, you can make your donation on our Donations page (credit cards accepted).  Of course, you can also send us a check if that’s easier to the Center at 113 Escuela Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040. 

Your generous donation will speed us on our way to providing healthier food and installing better eating habits for the day workers.
We would love to hear from you!  Please call 650-903-4102 or email us any time.   

Abrazos with Deep Gratitude,
Maria Marroquin, Executive Director, Day Worker Center of Mountain View

26. Wednesday, May 6: How We Move Forward Together

South Bay Nonviolence Coalition is co-sponsoring

Kathy Kelly, 3 time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, peace activist, author
“How We Move Forward Together”

Panel Discussion to follow Kathy’s presentation:

Kathy Kelly
Peace Activist, Speaker, Author
Nominated 3 times for Nobel Peace Prize
 One of the founding members of Voices in the Wilderness
Co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Recent travels to Afghanistan and Gaza
Traveled to Iraq twenty-six times

Wednesday, May 6th,  6:30pm
St Lawrence Parish Hall
1971 Saint Lawrence Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95051

27. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) is hosting an upcoming conference at Sacred Heart,  Saratoga.  

May 9 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Registration at 8:30am)

Sacred Heart Parish -- 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA  95070

Father Michael Barry, SS. CC. will be guest speaker. Irish born Fr. Mike now resides in Southern California. He is active in retreat work, teaching on healing, and charismatic spirituality and has a special gift for inner healing the person.  

Early registration cost $20/adult and $10/youth.  No mail registration accepted after May 2.  Walk-in registration will be at $25/adult and $15/youth.  To register:  email to or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>. (see the attached flyer)

28. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Saint Elizabeth Seton School - Auditorium
(Adjacent to St. Albert the Great Church)
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto [map]
Free and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.

Presented by Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay

Confirmed Speakers (More TBA)

Scott Myers-Lipton, Professor of Sociology, San Jose State University
Co-Founder of San Jose’s Minimum Wage Campaign

Margaret Abe-Koga. Former Mountain City Council Member

Maria Marroquin, Executive Director, Mountain View Day Worker Center

A record number of municipalities around the country are taking action to raise their local minimum wage. Just six months ago, the city councils in Mountain View and Sunnyvale voted to lift their minimums. In last November’s elections, voters in San Francisco and Oakland overwhelmingly voted in favor of raising the minimum wage in those cities. San Jose voters raised their minimum wage in 2012. In February, Palo Alto’s City Council voted unanimously to pursue an increase there. And as recently as March 31, the Mountain View City Council directed their staff to work with neighboring cities to develop a more regional approach to raising the minimum wage, with a goal of a $15 minimum wage in 2018.

Co-sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

29. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 

Amélie’s Angels proudly presents their 2nd annual concert to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.

Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8pm
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA.
General admission – $20 Seniors (over 62) – $15 and Juniors (under 18) – $12

Amelie's Angels, an association created to benefit children of Haiti, in memory of Amelie Le Moullac, presents Schubert’s Mass in G major and works by Bach, Beethoven, and Chopin on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8 PM in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto.  Larry Laskowski will play Beethoven's Sonata in A Flat major, Op. 110 and Chopin's Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23, and Jessie Jewitt will perform on the 4,568-pipe Casavant organ.  The mass will be conducted by Michel Singher, with Rebecca Maggi, soprano, Jonathan Nadel, tenor, and Lee Strawn, baritone, with string section directed by Candace Guirao.  All proceeds benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.  

Human interest note: Jessie Jewitt, who is an accomplished organist despite having Asperger's syndrome, is the founder of Amélie’s Angels an association created to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti, in the memory of her daughter, Amélie Le Moullac, who was killed riding her bicycle to work at the age of 24.
Mary Beth Train - Home office phone 650-494-3269 - 

30. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

31. Nominations Solicited For Prestigious 2015 St. Thomas More Award

The St. Thomas More Society of Santa Clara County, an organization of Catholic lawyers and judges, seeks nominations for this year’s recipient of its annual St. Thomas More Award. 

Nominees should be members of the legal profession who have demonstrated a commitment to Catholic ideals and service to the community, parish, or profession.  The nominee’s name, contact information and a brief description of the basis for the nomination should be submitted in writing as soon as possible but by no later than June 1, 2015, to the attention of Mary Ann Herlihy, PO Box 949, Cupertino, CA 95015.

The St. Thomas More Award will be presented to the person selected as this year’s award recipient at the annual Red Mass, to be celebrated Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 at Santa Clara University Mission Church.  Dinner will immediately follow in Benson Center with a to-be-announced guest speaker.  For questions and details, please contact

32. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

33. Readings for Fifth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin) - First Communion 

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. Sandersfeld

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - First Communion
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

Earthquake in Nepal: Emergency Relief


Chris Lundin

May 8, 2015, 7:43:47 AM5/8/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 19 - May 8, 2015

Alleluia! He Is Risen!

Table of Contents

1. Friday, May 8: Funeral Mass for Philip Cullen
2. Saturday, May 9: Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting
3. Saturday, May 9: The Sacrament of Confirmation
4. Confirmation: It’s Not Over
5. Speak Out Now on Senate Bill 128 (Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide)
6. May 11-15: Priests’ Study Week
7. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
10. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?
11. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team
12. Elder Support: Copilots In Care - Helping People Live Happier, Longer Lives By Facilitating Conversations
13. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!
14. Next Weekend: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 
15. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 
16. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum
17. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
18. Green Corner: Watering Reduction Suggestions
19. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
20. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?
21. Saturday, May 16: Support Day Family Picnic for Archbishop Cordileone
22. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 
23. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
25. Readings for Sixth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Parish Volunteer Ice-Cream Social flyer, First Communion picture, Archbishop Cordileone picnic information

1. Friday, May 8: Funeral Mass for Philip Cullen

There will be a funeral Mass for Philip Cullen at 2:00 pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Church this afternoon. 

Philip, age 53, passed away May 2nd after a long and courageous battle against cancer.  He maintained his gregarious nature, keen intellect and sense of humor until the very end of life.  

Phil was born and raised in Palo Alto. He graduated from Sonoma State University with a degree in physics and worked as an engineer at a number of Silicon Valley companies.  Phil returned to school at Santa Clara University for his post graduate degree and received his MBA in 2008. Over the past five years he worked as a business consultant, improving business processes and productivity. 

Phil’s many interests included woodworking, science and the culinary arts.  He was instrumental in creating the design of the flag boxes for the families of 9/11 victims and was honored as an originator of the Woodworkers United for America Flag Case Project.  He will be remembered for his sense of humor, friendship and compassion. 

Phil is survived by his wife of 25 years, Jennifer, and his children Christopher and Jacqueline as well as his mother, Patricia, his sister Anne Marie and brothers Paul and Charles. He will be greatly missed by his friends and family. 

2. Saturday, May 9: Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting

There will be a Pastoral Home Ministry Meeting on Saturday, May 9 at 2:00-3:30 pm at the Pastoral Center, at 3290 Middlefield Road. 

This is the time for ministers to touch base with each other, meet new members and share their experiences. The coordinators will update everyone on recent issues.  All ministers are asked to attend.  Other interested parishioners are welcome.  

For more information contact Pat/Mary at 494-2496 X22 or e-mail Mary at

3. Saturday, May 9: The Sacrament of Confirmation

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Middle and High School students is next Saturday at the 5 pm Mass at St. Albert the Great Church.

Our Vicar General, Msgr. Francis Cilia will confer upon 58 of our Middle and High School Youth the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We congratulate them, their parents, sponsors, and catechists. 

4. Confirmation: It’s Not Over

Dear Confirmandi -

Confirmation is not a graduation; it's not a certificate that says: "I am finished with my Faith and, now, I can move on." It's the opposite—it is a
new chapter in your Catholic Faith journey—a time when you are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit and given a mission by Jesus Christ and His Church to share your Faith by your words and actions. 

The Church is here for you and always will be here for you. Keep searching for the Truth! Don't make up your mind before you critically think and decipher what is being said and where the Truth lies. Mass, Confession, Service, and High School Youth Group—make them a priority in your life. 

All of you are created uniquely with amazing gifts and talents. Celebrate and share your God- given gifts with your family, friends, those in need, and the entire world.

"Do good always, do all the good you can," - St. John Bosco.

Michael Sullivan, Director of Youth & Young Adults

5. Speak Out Now on Senate Bill 128 (Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide)

On Monday, May 11, SB 128 will be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.  State Senator Jim Beall serves on that committee and needs to hear from you, a constituent, that you do not support physician-assisted suicide and to vote NO on SB 128.  Please contact Senator Jim Beall today and ask him to vote "NO" on SB 128.

Contact Information for Senator Beall:
Capitol Office

District Office
Additional, information from the California Catholic Conference on Senate Bill 128 (SB 128):

Once again, a bill to legalize the practice of assisted suicide has been introduced in the California State Legislature, in the form of Senate Bill 128 (SB 128). 
This time, the bill has been announced in the Senate and is being authored by two democratic legislators:  Senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) and Senator Bill Monning (D-Carmel)*. 
Once more, this legislation will be vigorously opposed by a diverse group of organizations representing doctors, people with disabilities, faith-based organizations, hospitals, hospice, minorities, the poor and the uninsured. 

Catholic social teaching tells us that we are created in the image of God; therefore, we hold life to be sacred from conception to natural death.  We believe that we are stewards - not owners - of our lives.  
As such, the California Catholic Conference remains steadfast in our opposition to assisted suicide and any attempts to legalize it, and therefore, strongly opposes SB 128.  Assisted suicide represents misguided public policy, which would have numerous detrimental implications for vulnerable people and impact our society negatively. 
Please ask your Senator to vote "NO" on SB 128.  You may do so by following this link:

Thank you for helping to inspire life by promoting the dignity of each and every human life!  Please contact me if I can be of assistance. For more information, please contact Christine Vincent, Coordinator of Human Dignity and Life Ministries at  (408) 983-0135 or email
Rev. Msgr. Francis V. Cilia                                Christine Vincent
Vicar General                                                   Coordinator of Human Dignity and Life Ministries

6. May 11-15: Priests’ Study Week

Beginning this Monday, May 11th and continuing through Friday, May 15th, many of the priests of the Diocese of San Jose including Fr. Matt and Fr. Dat (Fr. Stasys will be on Retreat) will spend some time at San Juan Bautista for their annual week of study, prayer, and reflection. Deacon Daniel and others will lead a Communion Service in place of our daily Masses. Please keep all of our clergy in your prayers.

7. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder

If you haven’t turned in your calendar/facility request forms for 2015/2016, please get them into the Pastoral Center this week.

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

Easter is a season of joyful giving. We deeply appreciate the joyful giving of so many of our parishioners who share with us in abundance their time, talent, and treasure. Help us keep this Easter joy alive at St. Thomas Aquinas all year long by practicing good stewardship. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. Stewards know themselves to be both recipients and caretaker of God’s many gifts.

Our Weekly Offering
May 3: Actual: $11,700(Goal: $11,000)
Nepal Earthquake Relief: $8,700

9. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 9 through Saturday, May 16
Saturday, May 16 through Saturday, May 23
Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

10. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?

Do you have an interest in becoming Catholic? Were you baptized as a child but have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? Our adult inquiry sessions continue all year long. For more information about the process, please call Susan Olsen (650) 494-2496 ext. 25 or email Deacon Daniel Hernandez

11. Elder Support: Family Caregivers Solicited by Stanford team

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Chris Lundin, a member of our parish elder support initiative, met with Mersina Simanski, a Stanford student.  Mersina’s team is interested in talking to parishioners dealing with a family member with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.  Here’s Mersina’s note.  Please reach out to her! If you’d feel more comfortable meeting Mersina *with* Chris, please contact Chris at

Hi there! We are a team of Stanford engineering students and we are developing a mobile tool for family caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. If you or someone you know is caring for a loved one with dementia, please reach out to us! Our research and product development could greatly benefit from talking with you! 

Contact Mersina directly at to share about your caregiving experience over the phone or after Sunday Mass. 

12. Elder Support: Copilots In Care - Helping People Live Happier, Longer Lives By Facilitating Conversations

As part of our parish’s desire to provide more support to our senior members, Ted Baer and Chris Lundin, members of our parish elder support initiative, met with Eric Reuland, a Stanford student.  Eric and a team from Stanford are working on a concept of facilitating sometimes difficult family conversations around medical and other end-of-life issues.  Are you prepared?

Does you family understand the subtleties of your medical wishes? 
Will they be confident in their decisions if something unexpected happens? 
We facilitate conversations so you receive goal aligned care and have the support to accomplish the items on your bucket list.  
Our expert counselors help in three ways:

(1) They provide short journaling prompts so you can reflect on what matters most to you
(2) They facilitate a conversation with your loved ones so the right questions are asked and answered.  And 
(3) they store your medical wishes on a secure web page so you can access and update this information from anywhere.  

If you are interested in talking with Eric and his team, please contact him directly. 
They are providing their new service for free to the first 25 customers.  
Sign up on their website for more information or call Eric at (949) 292-9438

13. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!

All parish volunteers, please join us on Saturday, May 16, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great.

The parish clergy and staff want to thank you for your dedicated volunteer work during the year, and treat you with an ice-cream social and some light entertainment!
Please plan to attend!

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin.

14. Next Weekend: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County changes lives for good. We help people of all cultures and beliefs rise up out of poverty and overcome the barriers to self-sufficiency. Because most lives are a complex pattern of choices and circumstances, we take a holistic approach to helping people change their lives, taking into account the whole person as well as their family and life situations.

Catholic Charites provides a broad range of services, including job skills training and placement, older adult services, mental health and substance abuse counseling, housing assistance, financial education, immigration support, and refugee resettlement. Each year, Catholic Charities serves more than 37,000 people in need. Please be generous. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

15. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 

Charity Golf Event & Auction Benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School Students

at Stanford University Golf Course
198 Junipero Serra Blvd., Stanford, CA 94305

To celebrate our 20th year, our auction and after-party will be hosted in a beautiful tent on the 18th hole. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event!


For more information contact: Danielle Ambler, Advancement Director,

16. Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum

Tuesday, May 19, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
Saint Elizabeth Seton School - Auditorium
(Adjacent to St. Albert the Great Church)
1095 Channing Avenue, Palo Alto [map]
Free and open to all. Wheelchair accessible.

Presented by Raise the Wage Coalition of the Peninsula and South Bay

Confirmed Speakers (More TBA)

Scott Myers-Lipton, Professor of Sociology, San Jose State University
Co-Founder of San Jose’s Minimum Wage Campaign

Margaret Abe-Koga. Former Mountain City Council Member

Maria Marroquin, Executive Director, Mountain View Day Worker Center

A record number of municipalities around the country are taking action to raise their local minimum wage. Just six months ago, the city councils in Mountain View and Sunnyvale voted to lift their minimums. In last November’s elections, voters in San Francisco and Oakland overwhelmingly voted in favor of raising the minimum wage in those cities. San Jose voters raised their minimum wage in 2012. In February, Palo Alto’s City Council voted unanimously to pursue an increase there. And as recently as March 31, the Mountain View City Council directed their staff to work with neighboring cities to develop a more regional approach to raising the minimum wage, with a goal of a $15 minimum wage in 2018.

Co-sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

17. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on May 30 and May 31, from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

18. Green Corner: Watering Reduction Suggestions

As we try to reduce our water usage during the drought, here are some watering practices from the University of Arizona:

These quotes are from 

Be sure to water the root zone to the indicated root depth every time you water (see table below). How will you know this? Push a “soil probe,” a smooth rod (1\4 to 3\8 “ diameter), into the ground soon after you irrigate. The soil probe should easily slide through the wet soil and become difficult to push when reaching dry soil. Watering deeper than the root zone only means you are wasting water. 

Typical Root Zone Depth for Mature Plants:
Lawn & Garden 6 to 12 inches
Shrubs 12 to 24 inches
Trees  18 to 36 inches

How often should I water? Summer: Generally you should water mature trees and shrubs no more than once a week. Water arid adapted plants less often, if at all.

How long should I water?The amount of time needed to sufficiently water your plants depends on how much water your irrigation system delivers, root zone depth, weather, and type of soil. Monitor how quickly the water soaks into the soil using a soil probe. Remember, you want water to reach the full depth of your plant’s root zone, but no deeper. Once you have determined how long it takes to fill the root zone, try to irrigate the same amount of time when watering.

More details are available at the website shown above.

The STA Green Committee

19. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

20. Saturday, May 9: OLG4Life Conference:  Do You Want to be Healed?

Our Lady of Guadalupe for Life (OLG4Life) is hosting an upcoming conference at Sacred Heart,  Saratoga.  

May 9 @ 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Registration at 8:30am)

Sacred Heart Parish -- 13716 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga, CA  95070

Father Michael Barry, SS. CC. will be guest speaker. Irish born Fr. Mike now resides in Southern California. He is active in retreat work, teaching on healing, and charismatic spirituality and has a special gift for inner healing the person.  

Early registration cost $20/adult and $10/youth.  No mail registration accepted after May 2.  Walk-in registration will be at $25/adult and $15/youth.  To register:  email to or call Monica at 408-710-5825<tel:408-710-5825>. (see the attached flyer)

21. Saturday, May 16: Support Day Family Picnic for Archbishop Cordileone

Families, singles, kids -- YOU! -- are invited to join Catholics from around the Bay Area on Saturday, May 16 at San Francisco’s beautiful Sue Bierman Park as we celebrate family and show our support for our Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone at the Archbishop Family Support Picnic!
Our courageous Archbishop has made news nationwide for his effort to keep San Francisco’s Catholic schools Catholic. For properly fulfilling his responsibilities he has come under targeted, coordinated attacks from activists, politicians and the media.  
Here’s your chance to show His Excellency we stand with him and with our Church! Wear blue to show your support.

The picnic is 11am-2pm, and activities include:
• Kids activities!​  • Large playground for kids! • Live entertainment will be provided by a Mariachi band
• Balloon art      • Lots of fun games (with prizes!)

Mass will be held before the picnic at 9:30 am.

Weather and food: Please bring your own picnic food. Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided at no charge as long as supplies last. Because Sue Bierman Park is near the water, the weather can be cool. We recommend dressing in warm layers and also bringing blankets and chairs to sit on. 

Supporting Archbishop Cordileone: There will be opportunities for you to send messages of support and appreciation to the Archbishop. Guest books will be provided for written messages, and videographers will be on hand so you can send His Excellency a live, personalized message of support. All attendees are encouraged to wear blue as a sign of solidarity.

Location: Sue Bierman Park at the intersection of Washington Street and Embarcadero in San Francisco:

Donations/How to Help:
Donations would be appreciated to cover the costs of the event. You can help by visiting

Contact Us:

22. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 

Amélie’s Angels proudly presents their 2nd annual concert to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.

Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8pm
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA.
General admission – $20 Seniors (over 62) – $15 and Juniors (under 18) – $12

Amelie's Angels, an association created to benefit children of Haiti, in memory of Amelie Le Moullac, presents Schubert’s Mass in G major and works by Bach, Beethoven, and Chopin on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8 PM in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto.  Larry Laskowski will play Beethoven's Sonata in A Flat major, Op. 110 and Chopin's Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23, and Jessie Jewitt will perform on the 4,568-pipe Casavant organ.  The mass will be conducted by Michel Singher, with Rebecca Maggi, soprano, Jonathan Nadel, tenor, and Lee Strawn, baritone, with string section directed by Candace Guirao.  All proceeds benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.  

Human interest note: Jessie Jewitt, who is an accomplished organist despite having Asperger's syndrome, is the founder of Amélie’s Angels an association created to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti, in the memory of her daughter, Amélie Le Moullac, who was killed riding her bicycle to work at the age of 24.
Mary Beth Train - Home office phone 650-494-3269 - 

23. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
San Jose Diocese

24. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

25. Readings for Sixth Sunday of Easter, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Msgr. Fran Cilia, Fr. Matt and Deacons Daniel and Jaime (Music: Chris Lundin) - Confirmation

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Matt and Deacon Jaime (preaching)  (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)

9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group)

NOTE: Fr. Stasys is away May 8 - 22.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

First Holy Communion at St. Albert the Great Church, Saturday, May 2, 2015

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Support Day Family Picnic.pdf
Archbishop Cordileone Support Day.pdf

Chris Lundin

May 15, 2015, 8:08:11 AM5/15/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 20 - May 15, 2015

The Ascension of the Lord

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!
2. This Weekend: The Ascension
3. This Weekend: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 
4. This Weekend: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration Begins
5. Monday, May 18: Ordination Anniversary for Fr. Matt
6. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 
7. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series
8. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6
9. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Sunday, May 24: Meaningful Movie Series: “Sin Nombre”
12. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Holiday
13. Extra Rosaries?
14. Catholic Relief Services in Nepal
15. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
16. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?
17. CANCELED: Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum
18. Wednesday, May 20: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 
19. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year
20. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
21. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 
22. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
23. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
24. Pray The Rosary for Protection of Born and Unborn Babies
25. Saturday, May 16: Support Day Family Picnic for Archbishop Cordileone
26. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 
27. Soon: Blessed Oscar Romero
28. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery
29. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
30. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
31. Food for Thought from Catholic News Service
32. Readings for the Ascension of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Parish Volunteer Ice-Cream Social flyer, Archbishop Cordileone picnic information

1. Saturday, May 16: Annual Parish Volunteer Thank You!

All parish volunteers, please join us on Saturday, May 16, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Seton School Auditorium at St. Albert the Great.

The parish clergy and staff want to thank you for your dedicated volunteer work during the year, and treat you with an ice-cream social and some light entertainment!
Please plan to attend!

Please see the flyer at the end of today’s eBulletin.

2. This Weekend: The Ascension

This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord when Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after His Resurrection and promised his apostles that he would send the Holy Spirit to them.

Jesus’ ascension into heaven signified many things – the end of his earthly ministry; his return to his Father in heaven, taking his own place at God’s right hand; his going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2); his work (at God’s side) as High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) and mediator, constantly interceding for us (Hebrews 9:15). Sounds like he’s full up on new tasks. But I expect he’s up to the challenge. And he left us with a challenge, too: to go and make disciples. He needs us to continue his work here on Earth until he comes again.

In Acts 1:9-11 after Jesus was raised up, his apostles, “gazing into heaven as he went” were met by two men in white robes asking them why they were look- ing at the sky. I suppose that’s where we get the idea when we look up that Heaven is above us. Where is Heaven? Some say it's within us. Others believe it's somewhere in the Universe or beyond.

When I start to ponder this mystery, I look at the photos from the Hubble telescope at and gaze at the fabulous cosmos. Every day there is a new photo of some extraordinary image, star, nebula, galaxy etc., and it’s not very hard for me to realize that a pretty awesome God created the universe. And that just reinforces my faith and makes it that much stronger.

Nora Lundin, Director of Liturgy & Music

3. This Weekend: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County changes lives for good. We help people of all cultures and beliefs rise up out of poverty and overcome the barriers to self-sufficiency. Because most lives are a complex pattern of choices and circumstances, we take a holistic approach to helping people change their lives, taking into account the whole person as well as their family and life situations.

Catholic Charites provides a broad range of services, including job skills training and placement, older adult services, mental health and substance abuse counseling, housing assistance, financial education, immigration support, and refugee resettlement. Each year, Catholic Charities serves more than 37,000 people in need. Please be generous. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

4. This Weekend: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration Begins

Registration for next year’s classes, Grades Pre-K through 5th, (including preparation for reception of the sacraments) begins this weekend. 

Our official “kick-off” pancake breakfast won’t happen until August, but why wait? Register your children now for next year’s classes. Registration forms are available in the vestibule at all churches and on-line. And please consider helping us out as a catechist for these classes. There is always a need for people willing to share their faith with our children. Contact Susan in the Pastoral Center 650-494-2496, ext. 25

5. Monday, May 18: Ordination Anniversary for Fr. Matt

This Monday, May 18th, Fr. Matt celebrates the 24th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. “Ad multo anos!”

6. Monday, May 18: 20th Annual Seton Scramble for Students 

Charity Golf Event & Auction Benefiting St. Elizabeth Seton School Students

at Stanford University Golf Course
198 Junipero Serra Blvd., Stanford, CA 94305

To celebrate our 20th year, our auction and after-party will be hosted in a beautiful tent on the 18th hole. Don’t miss out on this spectacular event!


For more information contact: Danielle Ambler, Advancement Director,

7. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2015 - April 2016). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

8. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6

Altar servers are greatly needed for both the 5:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at St. Albert the Great. 

Please call Nora Lundin at ext. 14 or hlundin@dsj. org to find out how you can be a part of this enjoyable ministry. There will be a training session on Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 am at St. Albert the Great Church.

9. Parish Group Leaders: Calendar Reminder

If you haven’t turned in your calendar/facility request forms for 2015/2016, please get them into the Pastoral Center this week.

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Easter is a season of joyful giving. We deeply appreciate the joyful giving of so many of our parishioners who share with us in abundance their time, talent, and treasure. Help us keep this Easter joy alive at St. Thomas Aquinas all year long by practicing good stewardship. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received. Stewards know themselves to be both recipients and caretaker of God’s many gifts.

Our Weekly Offering
May 10: Actual: $11,360 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton School: $3,293
Operations Rice Bowl: $745

11. Sunday, May 24: Meaningful Movie Series: “Sin Nombre"

On Sunday, May 24, “Sin Nombre” will conclude the Meaningful Movie series held at 5:00 p.m. in the Thomas House basement "theatre", next door to St. Thomas Aquinas Church.  

“Sin Nombre” is a 2009 Mexican-American adventure thriller film about a Honduran girl trying to immigrate to the U.S.A., and a boy caught up in the violence of gang life who also needs to escape. Filmed in Spanish, the film's title means "Nameless". It won several awards, including the prizes for directing and cinematography at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. A brief discussion on the themes of the movie will follow the film. Pot luck snacks will be available throughout the evening.  

The general theme of this spring’s movie series has been Relationships.  In “The Visitor” in March, and “Gran Torino” in April, the tension between an American protagonist and immigrant neighbors highlighted aspects of the power of personal relationships.  “Sin Nombre” engages a different set of relationships in the story of the two young immigrants striving to reach America.                      

--St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee

12. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Holiday

Memorial Day Holiday - Monday, May 25th - Pastoral Center will be closed. The daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

13. Extra Rosaries?

Do you have any extra rosaries you could donate to our Pastoral Home Ministry?  A lot of our older clients like to say the rosary and they do have the tendency to misplace them.  Please place any rosaries you would like to donate for this purpose in the small boxes in each of our vestibules. Thank you very much.

14. Catholic Relief Services in Nepal

Thank you again for the generous contribution of $8,700 in the Second Collection for relief for the Nepalese people hit by a major earthquake on April 25.

A terrifying second earthquake struck Nepal on Tuesday, May 12 wreaking new terror and destruction just as the afflicted Himalayan nation had begun to recover from the first. Now emergency relief workers from Catholic Relief Services share another bond of solidarity with Nepal’s Catholic Church: they too are survivors.

Read more at:

15. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 16 through Saturday, May 23
Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

16. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?

Do you have an interest in becoming Catholic? Were you baptized as a child but have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? Our adult inquiry sessions continue all year long. For more information about the process, please call Susan Olsen (650) 494-2496 ext. 25 or email Deacon Daniel Hernandez

17. CANCELED: Human Concerns: Tuesday, May 19: Raise the Wage - Palo Alto: A Community Forum

This forum has been canceled as the Palo Alto City Council is making good progress towards resolving this issue. It has been discussed twice by the Policies and Services Subcommittee, a draft ordinance has been prepared, and it should return to the full City Council soon.

Gratefully, Human Concerns Committee, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

18. Wednesday, May 20: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People) 

Enjoy good conversations with fellow parishioners and the wonder of soups prepared by other. We looking forward to having you join with us and jointly providing funds for those who have little. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month in Our Lady of the Rosary Hall at 6:00 p.m. 

Last S.O.U.P. until September!

19. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year

The 6:00 p.m. Mass on Sundays at Our Lady of the Rosary Church will stop for the summer after the Mass on Sunday, May 31.

20. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on May 30 and May 31, from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

21. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for these children. 

A new year of preparation will begin in June. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:15 pm in the Dermody Center. Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions.

22. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

23. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

24. Pray The Rosary for Protection of Born and Unborn Babies

Join a group of dedicated souls and pray the Rosary for the protection of the unborn and born babies at 10:45 am on Thursdays at the Mountain View Planned Parenthood (intersection of California Ave. and San Antonio Rd.

Mrs. Rita Donnelly, parishioner from one of our Los Altos parishes

Human Concerns: Stop Human Trafficking

Let us stop Human Trafficking. If you think or suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking contact the National Hotline: 888-3737-888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733). 

25. Saturday, May 16: Support Day Family Picnic for Archbishop Cordileone

Families, singles, kids -- YOU! -- are invited to join Catholics from around the Bay Area on Saturday, May 16 at San Francisco’s beautiful Sue Bierman Park as we celebrate family and show our support for our Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone at the Archbishop Family Support Picnic!
Our courageous Archbishop has made news nationwide for his effort to keep San Francisco’s Catholic schools Catholic. For properly fulfilling his responsibilities he has come under targeted, coordinated attacks from activists, politicians and the media.  
Here’s your chance to show His Excellency we stand with him and with our Church! Wear blue to show your support.

The picnic is 11am-2pm, and activities include:
• Kids activities!​  • Large playground for kids! • Live entertainment will be provided by a Mariachi band
• Balloon art      • Lots of fun games (with prizes!)

Mass will be held before the picnic at 9:30 am.

Weather and food: Please bring your own picnic food. Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided at no charge as long as supplies last. Because Sue Bierman Park is near the water, the weather can be cool. We recommend dressing in warm layers and also bringing blankets and chairs to sit on. 

Supporting Archbishop Cordileone: There will be opportunities for you to send messages of support and appreciation to the Archbishop. Guest books will be provided for written messages, and videographers will be on hand so you can send His Excellency a live, personalized message of support. All attendees are encouraged to wear blue as a sign of solidarity.

Location: Sue Bierman Park at the intersection of Washington Street and Embarcadero in San Francisco:

Donations/How to Help:
Donations would be appreciated to cover the costs of the event. You can help by visiting

Contact Us:

26. Saturday, May 16: 2nd Annual Benefit Concert for Haiti 

Amélie’s Angels proudly presents their 2nd annual concert to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.

Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8pm
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA.
General admission – $20 Seniors (over 62) – $15 and Juniors (under 18) – $12

Amelie's Angels, an association created to benefit children of Haiti, in memory of Amelie Le Moullac, presents Schubert’s Mass in G major and works by Bach, Beethoven, and Chopin on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 8 PM in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto.  Larry Laskowski will play Beethoven's Sonata in A Flat major, Op. 110 and Chopin's Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23, and Jessie Jewitt will perform on the 4,568-pipe Casavant organ.  The mass will be conducted by Michel Singher, with Rebecca Maggi, soprano, Jonathan Nadel, tenor, and Lee Strawn, baritone, with string section directed by Candace Guirao.  All proceeds benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti.  

Human interest note: Jessie Jewitt, who is an accomplished organist despite having Asperger's syndrome, is the founder of Amélie’s Angels an association created to benefit the children of Pacasse, Haiti, in the memory of her daughter, Amélie Le Moullac, who was killed riding her bicycle to work at the age of 24.
Mary Beth Train - Home office phone 650-494-3269 - 

27. Soon: Blessed Oscar Romero

Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who was declared a martyr by Pope Francis on February 4, 2015, opening the way for his beatification, which will take place on May 23, 2015, in his native El Salvador, at which he will be recognized as a "blessed.” 

Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez was born on August 15, 1917, in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1942 and appointed archbishop of El Salvador’s capital, San Salvador, in February 1977, at a time when reports of human rights violations by government troops and death squads were on the rise.

A little more than a month after his appointment to San Salvador, Archbishop Romero’s close friend and minister to El Salvador’s campesinos, Jesuit Fr. Rutilio Grande, was assassinated. Later that same year, El Salvador’s right-wing government was overthrown, and civil war erupted.

Following Fr. Grande’s death, and amid increasing violence against Salvadoran citizens, Archbishop Romero began to preach against the war and for the restoration of human rights. In February 1980, he sent an open letter to U.S. President Jimmy Carter, asking him to suspend U.S. military aid to the Salvadoran regime. On March 23, 1980, Archbishop Romero delivered a homily in which he asked Salvadoran soldiers to disobey orders to kill their countrymen. 

The very next day, he was gunned down by an assassin while celebrating Mass in a hospital chapel in San Salvador.

28. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery
Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose cordially invites you to concelebrate at our annual Memorial Day Veterans’ Tribute and Mass.
Mass will be celebrated Monday, May 25th at 11am (the Veterans’ Tribute begins at 10:30) at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Monsignor Francis Cilia will be the main celebrant.

22555 Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024

29. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie,
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, San Jose Diocese

30. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

31. Food for Thought from Catholic News Service

Never in history has there been so much opportunity to get a message across. And no one knows that better than Pope Francis.

As a newly minted pontiff, he gathered journalists who had covered the conclave and his subsequent rise to the highest rung of the Catholic Church, addressing them as “dear friends.” Since then, he’s used letters to the editor, Twitter, a highly publicized and impromptu press conference aboard a plane on the way back from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, and now, the pages of the Jesuit-run America magazine (and other Jesuit publications) to get out a message he wants heard, and that message is the Gospel.

With the exception of Christmas and Easter messages, popes mostly have been heard and read by the faithful, their encyclicals parsed by theologians or canon law experts.

But this pope’s facility of language, transparency, and knowl- edge of the reach of mass media has led him to be read by non-Catholics and nonbelievers.

32. Readings for the Ascension of the Lord, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Dat (Music: Paul Prochaska)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Matt and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel  (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)

10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)
11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group)


Fr. Stasys is away May 8 - 22.

Fr. Matt will be away the weekend of May 23 and 24. He will be the spiritual director for an Engaged Encounter Retreat. Please keep the team and all of the couples in your prayers.
Support Day Family Picnic.pdf
Archbishop Cordileone Support Day.pdf

Chris Lundin

May 22, 2015, 7:37:40 AM5/22/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 21 - May 22, 2015

Pentecost Sunday - Come Holy Spirit, Come!

Table of Contents

1. 10 Things You Should Know About Pentecost Sunday
2. Sunday, May 24: Meaningful Movie Series: “Sin Nombre"
3. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Holiday
4. Continuing: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 
5. Continuing: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration
6. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series
7. Looking for Temporary Housing During Hospital Stay
8. Next Sunday: 2nd Collection for the Work of St. Vincent de Paul
9. Human Concerns: Take Action To Stop AB775
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Extra Rosaries?
12. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
13. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year
14. Thursday, June 4: Widows and Widowers Dinner
15. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
16. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6
17. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
18. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?
19. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 
20. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
21. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
22. Human Concerns: Pray The Rosary for Protection of Born and Unborn Babies
23. Human Concerns: For Your Consideration: Demand Nuclear Disarmament, Not Deterrence
24. Human Concerns: Stop Human Trafficking
25. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery
26. Young Adult Circle
27. Green Corner: Sunday, May 31: Next Repair Cafe Event
28. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
29. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program
30. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
31. Readings for Pentecost Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: A few pictures from the Parish Volunteer Ice-Cream Social flyer, the Glory of God’s Creation

1. 10 Things You Should Know About Pentecost Sunday

This weekend we celebrate Pentecost Sunday which brings the season of Easter to its conclusion; however, many people, including Christians, may not know why the day is special or what is celebrated. Unlike Easter and Christmas, when colorful eggs, Easter bunnies, Christmas trees and Santa Claus are harbingers of the upcoming Christian holidays, there are no such social markers by secular society ahead of Pentecost. 

For those who need a quick and basic understanding of what Pentecost Sunday is, here are listed 10 things you should know about the holiday.

1. Pentecost Sunday marks the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles.
2. Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter.
3. The Bible records the Pentecost in Acts 2:1-13.
4. Pentecost comes 10 days after the Ascension of Jesus Christ.
5. Pentecost is also known as "the birthday of the Church".
6. Pentecost fulfills Jesus' promise to send the "Counselor" and "Spirit of Truth" in John 16-5-15.
7. Pentecost launches the large-scale spreading of the Gospel after Jesus' ascension. Acts 2:41 records that after Peter spoke to the crowd after receiv- ing the Holy Spirit, some 3,000 people were baptized.
8. The Pentecostal movement derives its name from the New Testament event in Acts 2.
9. Jews also celebrate Pentecost, but not for the same reason as Christians. The celebration by Jews of Pentecost is to observe God giving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai 50 days after the Exodus. The Pentecost in Jewish tradition takes place 50 days after Passover.
10. In Western Churches, Pentecost is usually represented with the color red, which symbolizes the fire of the Holy Spirit.

By Jennifer Riley, Christian Post Reporter

2. Sunday, May 24: Meaningful Movie Series: “Sin Nombre"

On Sunday, May 24, “Sin Nombre” will conclude the Meaningful Movie series held at 5:00 p.m. in the Thomas House basement "theatre", next door to St. Thomas Aquinas Church.  

“Sin Nombre” is a 2009 Mexican-American adventure thriller film about a Honduran girl trying to immigrate to the U.S.A., and a boy caught up in the violence of gang life who also needs to escape. Filmed in Spanish, the film's title means "Nameless". It won several awards, including the prizes for directing and cinematography at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. A brief discussion on the themes of the movie will follow the film. Pot luck snacks will be available throughout the evening.  

The general theme of this spring’s movie series has been Relationships.  In “The Visitor” in March, and “Gran Torino” in April, the tension between an American protagonist and immigrant neighbors highlighted aspects of the power of personal relationships.  “Sin Nombre” engages a different set of relationships in the story of the two young immigrants striving to reach America.                      

--St. Thomas Aquinas Church Site Committee

3. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Holiday

Memorial Day Holiday - Monday, May 25th - Pastoral Center will be closed. The daily Mass schedule remains unchanged.

4. Continuing: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 

If you did not get a chance to contribute to the Catholic Charities 2nd collection last weekend, we will continue to have envelopes in the pews and vestibules. Please drop your donation in the first collection in that special envelope. Thank you.

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County changes lives for good. We help people of all cultures and beliefs rise up out of poverty and overcome the barriers to self-sufficiency. Because most lives are a complex pattern of choices and circumstances, we take a holistic approach to helping people change their lives, taking into account the whole person as well as their family and life situations.

Catholic Charites provides a broad range of services, including job skills training and placement, older adult services, mental health and substance abuse counseling, housing assistance, financial education, immigration support, and refugee resettlement. Each year, Catholic Charities serves more than 37,000 people in need. Please be generous. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

5. Continuing: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration

Registration for next year’s classes, Grades Pre-K through 5th, (including preparation for reception of the sacraments) began last weekend. 

Our official “kick-off” pancake breakfast won’t happen until August, but why wait? Register your children now for next year’s classes. Registration forms are available in the vestibule at all churches and on-line. And please consider helping us out as a catechist for these classes. There is always a need for people willing to share their faith with our children. Contact Susan in the Pastoral Center 650-494-2496, ext. 25

6. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2015 - April 2016). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

7. Looking for Temporary Housing During Hospital Stay

Date: May 16, 2015 at 6:16:40 PM PDT

Subject: A huge request
Good morning Administration Staff of St Thomas Catholic Church,
My husband and I are parishioners in Visalia, CA at St Mary’s Catholic Church.  My husband Stan is an employee of the Diocese of Fresno.
He is the facilities Manager of The Catholic Church of Visalia.
My husband Stan is scheduled to have a Stem Cell Transplant at Stanford about the middle of June.
He has 4th stage Mantle Cell Lymphoma.  It will require a 2 month stay for us.    The cost for staying in your area is very expensive and I was in hopes
that maybe you would be willing to run an ad in your bulletin asking if anyone would be willing to rent us a room for the 2 months.
One month my husband Stan would be in the hospital, so one month for both of us and 1 month for just me.
Thank you so much for reading my request.  Please let me know if this is something the church would consider.
God Blessings to you
Stan & Rebecca Hillan

8. Next Sunday: 2nd Collection for the Work of St. Vincent de Paul

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. 

Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

9. Human Concerns: Take Action To Stop AB775

Assembly Bill 775, currently getting fast-track consideration in the state legislature, would force pro-life Pregnancy Medical Clinics and Pregnancy Resource Centers to refer clients for abortions, contrary to their principles and the firm teaching of our Catholic church. You can easily take action to help block this political favor to the abortion industry by going to and signing the online petition. Don't put it off! A vote could occur any day now. Questions? Call Bob March at 415-412-2132.

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Beginning on Memorial Day weekend and continuing for the next three months, the time of vacations and weekends away, will be quite challenging for our parish financially. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using ONLINE GIVING. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish.

To those of you who faithfully and consistently share your gifts with all of us in the Sunday collection, our heartfelt gratitude. To those who have yet to make a commitment to financially supporting our parish, we ask for your prayerful consideration. We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" you have received.

Thank you for sharing God’s gifts!

Our Weekly Offering:
May 17 Actual: $10,700 (Goal: $11,000) 
Catholic Charities: $TBA

11. Extra Rosaries?

Do you have any extra rosaries you could donate to our Pastoral Home Ministry?  A lot of our older clients like to say the rosary and they do have the tendency to misplace them.  Please place any rosaries you would like to donate for this purpose in the small boxes in each of our vestibules. Thank you very much.

12. Month of Mary in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

You are cordially invited to come and participate in three activities at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish during the month of May in honor of Mary, Mother of god and Mother of the Church:

Daily Recitation of the Rosary after our daily Masses:
- After 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary (Monday-Friday)
- After 12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Monday-Saturday)

Flower Offerings:
Bring flowers to be placed before the statue of Mary at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our Lady of Fatima Home Visitation
If you want to welcome Mother Mary into your home for one week, please contact Rosa Lawley at (650) 521-6350 or via email at  Available dates are:

Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30

13. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year

The 6:00 p.m. Mass on Sundays at Our Lady of the Rosary Church will stop for the summer after the Mass on Sunday, May 31.

14. Thursday, June 4: Widows and Widowers Dinner

The Widows and Widowers group will meet for dinner at OLR Hall at 5pm on June 4. 

There will be a great Italian dinner of four different lasagnas etc. Price will only be $15. Members may bring possibly a salad or wine, etc. 

Please check with and RSVP to Laurie Vavuris at 494-3572.

15. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 through 8:30 am on Sunday, June 7, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please sign up in each of our vestibules.

16. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6

Altar servers are greatly needed for both the 5:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at St. Albert the Great. 

Please call Nora Lundin at ext. 14 or hlundin@dsj. org to find out how you can be a part of this enjoyable ministry. There will be a training session on Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 am at St. Albert the Great Church.

17. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on May 30 and May 31, from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

18. Thinking About Becoming a Catholic? Have A Friend Who Is?

Do you have an interest in becoming Catholic? Were you baptized as a child but have not received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation? Our adult inquiry sessions continue all year long. For more information about the process, please call Susan Olsen (650) 494-2496 ext. 25 or email Deacon Daniel Hernandez

19. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for these children. 

A new year of preparation will begin in June. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:15 pm in the Dermody Center. Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions.

20. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

21. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

22. Human Concerns: Pray The Rosary for Protection of Born and Unborn Babies

Join a group of dedicated souls and pray the Rosary for the protection of the unborn and born babies at 10:45 am on Thursdays at the Mountain View Planned Parenthood (intersection of California Ave. and San Antonio Rd.

Mrs. Rita Donnelly, parishioner from one of our Los Altos parishes

23. Human Concerns: For Your Consideration: Demand Nuclear Disarmament, Not Deterrence

Following an extensive study of nuclear weapons, the U.S. bishops in a May 1983 pastoral letter reluctantly offered their "strictly conditional" moral acceptance of U.S. nuclear deterrence. Those conditions have long since stopped being applicable. It's time to declare deterrence a failed strategy, and the possession of nuclear weapons immoral.

As the Non-Proliferation Conference opened last month, Archbishop Bernardito Auza questioned the morality of efforts to modernize nuclear deterrence systems. Quoting Pope Francis, he said: "Spending on nuclear weapons squanders the wealth of nations. To prioritize such spending is a mistake and a misallocation of resources, which would be far better invested in the areas of integral human development, education, health and the fight against extreme poverty."

Sadly and dangerously, U.S. nuclear weapons have become a fixture in our military system. We are not moving with full determination to nuclear disarmament. The contrary is true. Thus, the thin "moral acceptance" our bishops once gave to U.S. deterrence has outlived itself.

It is unlikely, in today's highly polarized environment, that the U.S. bishops would reach consensus and move the 1983 position, tentatively held, to a demand for full nuclear disarmament.

In the absence of hierarchical consensus, it is imperative that we and other Catholics amplify the case the Vatican is clearly articulating and condemn U.S. nuclear policy. In expressing this condemnation from the heartland of the United States, we are buoyed by the hopes of countless millions around the world who are also demanding that nations possessing nuclear weapons give them up before they destroy us all.

No more nuclear weapons! No to nuclear weapons modernization!

Read the full National Catholic Reporter Editorial at 

24. Human Concerns: Stop Human Trafficking

Let us stop Human Trafficking. If you think or suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking contact the National Hotline: 888-3737-888 or text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733). 

25. Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Mass at Gate of Heaven Cemetery

Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose cordially invites you to concelebrate at our annual Memorial Day Veterans’ Tribute and Mass.
Mass will be celebrated Monday, May 25th at 11am (the Veterans’ Tribute begins at 10:30) at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Monsignor Francis Cilia will be the main celebrant.

22555 Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024

26. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tuesday, May 26th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos

The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. 

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

27. Green Corner: Sunday, May 31: Next Repair Cafe Event

Do you have items in need of repair? Don't toss them out. Instead, take them to Repair Cafe to get fixed. You will be happy with the results. The events are hosted by the Museum of American Heritage located at 351 Homer Avenue.

The next event is on May 31 from 11am to 3pm. Other events are Aug 30 and Oct 25.
For more information on this wonderful service visit their website at:

The Green Committee

28. May 29-31: Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

An amazing weekend away with your spouse.  Do you tune up your vehicle?  You can't expect your marriage to run year after year, mile after mile without a tune up.  A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is the best proactive "pit stop" you can give to your marriage.  The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 29-31 in Mountain View. Early registration is highly recommended.  For more information visit our website at or contact Ken and Claranne at or 408-782-1413.

Paul and Stephanie,
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, San Jose Diocese

29. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program

Engage Your Heart Through Service To Others

Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve those most marginalized in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to act for justice within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity.

If you have an interest, we invite you to attend our upcoming Come and See Session: Friday, June 19 at 10:30 am at Most Holy Trinity Parish in San Jose. For more information please contact us at or 415-375-0622.

30. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

31. Readings for Pentecost Sunday, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group) 


Fr. Stasys returns today.

A few pictures from the entertainment at the Volunteer Appreciation Ice-Cream Social last Saturday

The Glory of God’s Creation: One-Armed Spiral Galaxy NGC 4725 
Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh

Explanation: While most spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have two or more spiral arms, NGC 4725 has only one. In this sharp color composite image, the solo spira mirabilis seems to wind from a prominent ring of bluish, newborn star clusters and red tinted star forming regions. The odd galaxy also sports obscuring dust lanes a yellowish central bar structure composed of an older population of stars. NGC 4725 is over 100 thousand light-years across and lies 41 million light-years away in the well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. Computer simulations of the formation of single spiral arms suggest that they can be either leading or trailing arms with respect to a galaxy's overall rotation. Also included in the frame, sporting a noticably more traditional spiral galaxy look, is a more distant background galaxy.

Chris Lundin

May 29, 2015, 7:42:13 AM5/29/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 22 - May 29, 2015

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Sign-Up for Corpus Christi Eucharistic Adoration

Table of Contents

1. The Most Holy Trinity
2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of St. Vincent de Paul
3. Continuing: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal
4. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year 
5. Continuing: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration
6. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series
7. Green Corner: Catholics Organize to Promote Pope's Climate Change Message
8. Pope Francis, in interview, talks about his daily habits, hopes, concerns
9. Looking for Temporary Housing During Hospital Stay
10. Weekly Stewardship Report
11. Thursday, June 4: Widows and Widowers Dinner
12. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
13. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6
14. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
15. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 
16. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
17. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?
18. Green Corner:  Clothes Washers Have Improved
19. Green Corner: Sunday, May 31: Next Repair Cafe Event
20. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program
21. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment
22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
23. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Music concert at Our Lady of Peace Friday, June 12

1. The Most Holy Trinity

Try to imagine the most beautiful relation- ship that you can. That love and beautiful relationship exists and is a reality. It is the love and relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit — the Most Holy Trinity. Since God is perfect love, we too were loved by God as his sons and daughters on the day we were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

The Three Divine Persons of the Trinity live in each other. We all belong to the family of God who is full of love. In spite of our sins and weakness, yet the Father still loves us and sent His Son to save us. How privileged we are to grow up in such a beautiful family. Let us thank God for the human and divine love that gives us life. May every prayer, work and joy of ours be offered to the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit with all the angels and saints. Amen!

Deacon Daniel Hernandez

2. This Weekend: 2nd Collection for the Work of St. Vincent de Paul

The goal of the Society of St. Vincent de paul is to offer tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis and to offer spiritual services. A key strength of the Society is the personalized delivery of help. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. St. Vincent de Paul has thousands of volunteers all over the world, including St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. 

Your generosity in next Sunday’s 2nd collection will assist our own local conference of St. Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need. Envelopes are provided in the pews.

3. Continuing: Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 

If you did not get a chance to contribute to the Catholic Charities 2nd collection last weekend, we will continue to have envelopes in the pews and vestibules. Please drop your donation in the first collection in that special envelope. Thank you.

4. Sunday, May 31: Last 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass for the School Year

The 6:00 p.m. Mass on Sundays at Our Lady of the Rosary Church will stop for the summer after the Mass on Sunday, May 31.
5. Continuing: STA Kids’ Faith Formation 2015-2016 Registration

Registration for next year’s classes, Grades Pre-K through 5th, (including preparation for reception of the sacraments) is open. Our official “kick-off” pancake breakfast won’t happen until August, but why wait? Register your children now for next year’s classes. Registration forms are available in the vestibule at all churches and on-line. And please consider helping us out as a catechist for these classes. There is always a need for people willing to share their faith with our children. Contact Susan in the Pastoral Center 650-494-2496, ext. 25

6. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2015 - April 2016). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

7. Green Corner: Catholics Organize to Promote Pope's Climate Change Message

There is much anticipation about Pope Francis' upcoming encyclical on the protection of the environment as shown in this recent article in the NY times:

The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Green Committee

8. Pope Francis, in interview, talks about his daily habits, hopes, concerns

Interesting insights!

9. Looking for Temporary Housing During Hospital Stay

Date: May 16, 2015 at 6:16:40 PM PDT

Subject: A huge request
Good morning Administration Staff of St Thomas Catholic Church,
My husband and I are parishioners in Visalia, CA at St Mary’s Catholic Church.  My husband Stan is an employee of the Diocese of Fresno.
He is the facilities Manager of The Catholic Church of Visalia.
My husband Stan is scheduled to have a Stem Cell Transplant at Stanford about the middle of June.
He has 4th stage Mantle Cell Lymphoma.  It will require a 2 month stay for us.    The cost for staying in your area is very expensive and I was in hopes
that maybe you would be willing to run an ad in your bulletin asking if anyone would be willing to rent us a room for the 2 months.
One month my husband Stan would be in the hospital, so one month for both of us and 1 month for just me.
Thank you so much for reading my request.  Please let me know if this is something the church would consider.
God Blessings to you
Stan & Rebecca Hillan

10. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of April. Our average weekly collection for the 10th month of this fiscal year was $12,358 ($12,715 in 2014). We are about 2% above our prior fiscal year weekly offering. Our budget for collections for July through April was $462,000; our actual is $497,000 ($35,000 over). 

Beginning on Memorial Day weekend and continuing for the next three months, the time of vacations and weekends away, will be quite challenging for our parish financially. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using ONLINE GIVING. The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do some extra maintenance work around the parish.

11. Thursday, June 4: Widows and Widowers Dinner

The Widows and Widowers group will meet for dinner at OLR Hall at 5pm on June 4. 

There will be a great Italian dinner of four different lasagnas etc. Price will only be $15. Members may bring possibly a salad or wine, etc. 

Please check with and RSVP to Laurie Vavuris at 494-3572.

12. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 through 8:30 am on Sunday, June 7, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please sign up in each of our vestibules.

13. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6

Altar servers are greatly needed for both the 5:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at St. Albert the Great. 

Please call Nora Lundin at ext. 14 or hlundin@dsj. org to find out how you can be a part of this enjoyable ministry. There will be a training session on Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 am at St. Albert the Great Church.

14. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on May 30 and May 31, from 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

15. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for these children. 

A new year of preparation will begin in June. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:15 pm in the Dermody Center. Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions.

16. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

17. Institute for Leadership In Ministry: Is It For You?

The Institute for Leadership in Ministry is a 3 year course of study for lay persons. The ILM provides training and faith formation for lay leaders in the Church. The theological base for this program is found in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Responding to their baptismal call, graduates return to their parish to serve in various leadership roles in Liturgy, Catechetics, Social Justice, Pastoral Care, as well as many others. 

We plan to continue sending lay persons to the Institute for Leadership in Ministry. If you feel called to explore this possibility, we are looking for a few qualified candidates for the new ILM academic year which begins in the fall.  Please contact Fr. Matt ( for more information.

18. Green Corner:  Clothes Washers Have Improved

Pre-1998 washers use 2 times the water as newer brands (23 gal. per cycle) and 3 times as much as today’s Energy Star models (15 gal. or less per cycle). Over its lifetime, an Energy Star model will use 27,000 fewer gallons and far less gas and electricity.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Green Committee

19. Green Corner: Sunday, May 31: Next Repair Cafe Event

Do you have items in need of repair? Don't toss them out. Instead, take them to Repair Cafe to get fixed. You will be happy with the results. The events are hosted by the Museum of American Heritage located at 351 Homer Avenue.

The next event is on May 31 from 11am to 3pm. Other events are Aug 30 and Oct 25.
For more information on this wonderful service visit their website at:

The Green Committee

20. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program

Engage Your Heart Through Service To Others

Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve those most marginalized in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to act for justice within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity.

If you have an interest, we invite you to attend our upcoming Come and See Session: Friday, June 19 at 10:30 am at Most Holy Trinity Parish in San Jose. For more information please contact us at or 415-375-0622.

21. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment

What am I doing with my life?  Am I living to my fullest potential?  Am I becoming the saint that I am called to be?

Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday July 11, 2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi Monastery, located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, California.  RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at or visit our website at  The day begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. and will include Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life, how to discern God's call and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There is no cost and lunch will be provided.

22. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

23. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys  (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Russ Roide, S.J.
8:30 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro) - First Communion
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
6:00 p.m. OLR (Youth Mass): Fr. Matt (Music: Chris Lundin and Youth Music Group)  - Final Mass for the summer
NOTE: Fr. Dat is away May 30-31.


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 399 parish families! Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 400? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Archive of Past eBulletins:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Parish Photo Albums:
Diocese of San Jose:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or protection@
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 


Chris Lundin

Jun 5, 2015, 7:43:14 AM6/5/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 23 - June 5, 2015

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)
Overnight Corpus Christi Eucharistic Adoration

Table of Contents

1. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6
2. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale
3. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
4. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi
5. Green Committee: Looking for New Members
6. Green Corner: Upcoming Encyclical on the Environment
7. Human Concerns: "Torture Is Wrong”
8. Interesting Interview with Bishop P. J. McGrath
9. Fr. George Aranha’s Mother
10. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series
11. Extra Rosaries?
12. Weekly Stewardship Report
13. St. Albert the Great Bake Sale Benefited Catholic Charities
14. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 
15. Wednesday, June 10: Funeral Mass for Flo Beaudoin
16. Green Corner: Sunday, June 14: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group-Buy Discount
17. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
18. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program
19. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred
20. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer for June 14 Solar Workshop, Chronology of Catholic Teachings on the Environment Prior to Pope Francis, “Torture is Wrong”


1. Interested in Serving At the Altar? Training on Saturday, June 6

Altar servers are greatly needed for both the 5:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass at St. Albert the Great. 

Please call Nora Lundin at ext. 14 or hlundin@dsj. org to find out how you can be a part of this enjoyable ministry. There will be a training session on Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 am at St. Albert the Great Church.

2. Saturday, June 6: St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Participates in City-Wide Yard Sale

Come one, come all!!  Community Life Ministry Team, the Parish Green Committee and the Site Committees for each of our sites, are co-sponsoring the parish wide engagement in Palo Alto’s Citywide Yard Sale, which will be held on June 6, 2015 from 8 am to 2 pm.  This is an every other year event, sponsored by the City of Palo Alto, and it is an opportunity for all of us to contribute meaningfully to working with others in our community and to help save the environment by reusing and recycling items that we no longer need or use.

So, now is your opportunity to do some really serious spring cleaning. Find those treasures that you are no longer using and contribute them to our sale.  Reusing, whether you donate, buy or sell, is one of the best ways to reduce waste and keep usable stuff out of the landfill. We will provide donation receipts for all donations just like St. Vincent de Paul.

Our sale will be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The coordinators hope to have helpers on site on Friday, June 5, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm to collect any donations that any one wants to deliver to the St. Thomas Aquinas Church site.  The project needs volunteers to help collect and sort donations between now and then, and to staff the sales tables the day of the sale.

The organizers of the event have decided that they want to contribute the proceeds of the sale to the fund to pay for the upgrades to the interior of St. Albert the Great, which is a needed project for which the parish lacks the necessary funding.  Let’s come together as a community to help make this worthy project a reality. 

For any questions, and to volunteer your time, please contact Chris Canelo at

3. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Many an article and survey have I read over the past years that have highlighted the significant loss of faith in a majority of Catholics in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 

Here’s the question: “Do you believe “In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist ‘the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained’”?” Council of Trent (1551) DS 1651

Members of the Pre-Vatican II Generation are more likely than respondents of other generations to believe that Christ is really present in the Eucharist (70 compared to 57 percent of the Millennial Generation, 55 percent of the Vatican II Generation, and 53 percent of Post- Vatican II Generation Catholics).

So my question is: Why do just over half of Catholics of the Vatican II Generation and Post-Vatican II Generation believe this most central belief of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist?

When Pope Paul VI published his now historic Encyclical Mysterium Fidei on the Real Presence, (1965) he reminded especially us priests, that there is a crisis of faith regarding the Eucharist and that Catholics had better awaken to the fact. Otherwise they are liable to be swept off their feet by subtle theology and their faith in the Eucharist will be weakened - if not destroyed - by current assaults on this cardinal mystery of Catholic Christianity.

How prophetic these words of Pope Paul VI as we stand now 45 years later. He goes on to remind us that: “if the sacred liturgy holds the first place in the life of the Church, the Eucharistic Mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy, since it is the font of life by which we are cleansed and strength- ened to live not for ourselves but for God, and to be united in love among ourselves. As Christ's Real Presence, Paul VI places the Eucharist (and rightly so!) at the center of our spiritual lives as Catholics, through which God the Son is offered to God the Father in atonement for our human sins.

Fr. Matt

(and little known fact: The texts and hymns for Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ were composed by St. Thomas Aquinas in 1264 at the request of the pope. The pope was in residence in Orvietto, Italy at the time and St. Thomas was teaching there.  Ed.)

4. Beginning Saturday, June 6: All Night Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi

Beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 6 through 8:30 am on Sunday, June 7, there will be an all-night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Albert the Great Church. It would be a wonderful time of grace if you could spend at least one hour with our Lord on this great feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Please come. 

5. Green Committee: Looking for New Members

Would you like to make a difference for a more sustainable environment for our kids and grandkids? One way is to join the Green Committee to help plan and implement environmental projects for our parish  --  projects like the solar system installed at the at OLR site and the audit of energy usage at our three sites.  We are currently preparing to support the imminent Church encyclical on the environment.  If interested, please contact Katia at or 650.494.1871.

6. Green Corner: Upcoming Encyclical on the Environment

Attached to today’s eBulletin is a "Chronology of Catholic Teachings on the Environment Prior to Pope Francis”

In a matter of weeks, Pope Francis will release his encyclical on the environment.  It should not be surprising that he would lend the authority of his office to the great environmental challenge of our age, because several Popes have written about environmental issues, and quite a large body of teachings has preceded him.  Also, the Pope has expressed himself frequently on this subject.  Yet efforts are already underway to discredit the document before it is released, claiming that it is too radical and/or political.   

This recap and chronology, compiled by our parish Green Committee, gives more complete context to our Catholic Social Teaching in this area.  

7. Human Concerns: "Torture Is Wrong"

Throughout June our churches will display a banner  with the above wording.  Our parish is participating in the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, sponsored by Pax Christi U.S.A.  June is "Torture Awareness Month".   Such a public display is rare for our parish.  It is not to say that torture is the major issue of Catholic moral teaching - you can think of many others (the environment — see above)  - but it is one of them.  

During this month we ask ourselves what message faith communities might send to world leaders about employing torture  as a principle of government policy.  And, very importantly, to pray.  In the words of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" (#2298) "It is necessary to work for  their [use of cruel practices]  abolition,  We must pray for the victims and their tormentors."  Let us pray.  

Human Concerns Committee

8. Interesting Interview with Bishop P. J. McGrath

(and, for those who don’t know, Bishop McGrath is the nephew of Fr. John B. Dermody, deceased pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary)

9. Fr. George Aranha’s Mother

The mother of Father George Aranha (our former pastor), Sandra Pedersen (our former parish secretary), and Ron Aranha (our current Accounts Payable and Records Manager), Mrs. Cecilia Aranha, has died. She was 95. Please keep Cecilia, Father George and their entire family in your prayers. 

The Funeral Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. this Friday, June 5, at Santa Teresa Parish Church 794 Calero Ave, San Jose, CA 95123, preceded by the recitation of the Rosary at 10:00.  If you would like to send Fr. George a card, please mail to Santa Teresa Parish.

10. Your Input Requested: Topics for Next Year’s Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Series

The Spirituality Tuesday Assembly Committee is currently preparing our calendar of sessions for the upcoming season (September 2015 - April 2016). We need to know what topics you would be interested in attending. Please copy and paste this link into your browser and take our survey. We really appreciate your input.

11. Extra Rosaries?

Do you have any extra rosaries you could donate to our Pastoral Home Ministry? A lot of our older clients like to say the rosary and they do have the tendency to misplace them. Please place any rosaries you would like to donate for this purpose in the small boxes in each of our vestibules. Thank you very much.

12. Weekly Stewardship Report

Now that summer has “officially” started we begin a period of time that can be quite challenging for our parish’s financial health. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using electronic Online Giving! The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do extra maintenance work around the parish. At the same time, our utility bills (water and electricity) are the largest of any season in the year.

Our Weekly Offering
May 31: $10,400 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $5,750

13. St. Albert the Great Bake Sale Benefited Catholic Charities

Thanks to the support from our Pastor Father Matt, and Nora Lundin, thanks to all your kids baking skills, and thanks to Teresa Sun's help to set up everything on  early Sunday morning at St. Albert the Great, we raised $351 last Sunday morning for Catholic Charities. Thibaut's company (  will match our gift, so that's $702 that will go to Catholic Charities.

Thanks also to Florence de Bretagne for having this wonderful idea.

14. Beginning in June: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children 

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized? Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for these children. 

A new year of preparation will begin in June. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6 - 7:15 pm in the Dermody Center. Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions.

15. Wednesday, June 10: Funeral Mass for Flo Beaudoin

Flora (Flo) E. Beaudoin passed away June 1, 2015, at age 102.

Visitation will be June 9, 6-8 pm, at Spangler Mortuary, 799 Castro St., Mountain View.  A Funeral Mass will be celebrated June 10 at 10 am, at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, 3233 Cowper St., Palo Alto.  Burial will be at Alta Mesa Cemetery in Palo Alto.

Flora was born March 10, 1913, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, the daughter of Joseph and Amelia Basso.  The family immigrated to the U.S. in 1915.

“Flo” married Heston Beaudoin in 1941.  Flo and Heston taught dancing all their lives.  For them dance was not only a skill of performance and coordination but it taught teamwork, appreciation of personal gifts of both body and soul and, especially for the young, appreciation and practice of social skills.

Flo was a lifetime member of the Dance Masters of California and the Dance Masters of America.  Over the years she held a variety of leadership roles in both organizations.  Flo also studied the Cecchetti Method of ballet and used that method in her teaching.

Flo was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and her son Billie.  She is survived by son Ross (Renata), grandchildren Charles Beaudoin (Kimberly), Denise Daugherty (Dennis), Tom Beaudoin (Martina Verba), Annette Delce, John Beaudoin and Stephen Beaudoin, great-grandchildren Crystal Tucker, Amelia Verba-Beaudoin and Adaline Beaudoin, and also by her sister, Valeria Pakaski and her niece Sandra Pakaski (Edward Trischmann).

In lieu of flowers donations are suggested to scholarships for dance students through Dance Masters of California, 11200 Valley Oak Drive, Oakdale, CA 95361, or donations to Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306, or to a charity of your choice.

16. Green Corner: Sunday, June 14: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group-Buy Discount

Thinking about installing solar on your home but don’t know where to start or think it’s just too expensive? Peninsula SunShares is here to help! 

Palo Alto has partnered with neighboring cities to launch a limited time solar group purchase (bulk-buy) program for homeowners. Peninsula SunShares pools the power of individual participants to get more competitive pricing from solar companies and make the process of going solar simple for homeowners. 

Research shows that people who know somebody with solar, make the choice to go solar themselves three times quicker. So, by bringing homeowners together through Peninsula SunShares, you can help Palo Alto and neighboring cities build a huge solar community - faster. 

Please join the STA Green Committee and the Peninsula Interfaith Climate Action working group for a free workshop to learn more about how we can go solar together this summer and help spread the word (see attached flyer)

Sunday, June 14th 
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA

17. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

18. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program

Engage Your Heart Through Service To Others

Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve those most marginalized in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to act for justice within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity.

If you have an interest, we invite you to attend our upcoming Come and See Session: Friday, June 19 at 10:30 am at Most Holy Trinity Parish in San Jose. For more information please contact us at or 415-375-0622.

19. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred

Have you been yearning for a way of deepening your Spirituality by connecting creatively to your inner life? Vallombrosa Retreat Center in collaboration with the Institute of Poetic Medicine (IPM) invites you to a unique one-day experience dedicated to poetry-making, encouraging you to discover your capacity for creative expression and to include poetry in your life as a Spiritual Practice. IPM believes that writing poetry can be a healing experience, as can be the reading of poetry. Choose among several workshops, given by knowledgeable poets, and then take time to reflect on our grounds—possibly writing your own poems (no experience required). Monday, June 29. A Retreat Fee of $70 includes a delicious lunch. Detailed information is available at or call us at 650-325-5614.

20. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment

What am I doing with my life?  Am I living to my fullest potential?  Am I becoming the saint that I am called to be?

Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday July 11, 2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi Monastery, located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, California.  RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at or visit our website at  The day begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. and will include Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life, how to discern God's call and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There is no cost and lunch will be provided.

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Stasys  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sandersfeld
9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)

10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (preaching) (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

11:00 a.m. St.  Albert: (St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Community): Fr. Anthony Hernandez
12:00 p.m., St. Thomas Aquinas:              (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)
No 6:00 p.m. OLR Mass during summer
Chronology of Catholic Teachings on the Environment_FINAL_3.pdf

Chris Lundin

Jun 12, 2015, 7:30:45 AM6/12/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 24 - June 12, 2015

Table of Contents

1. Green Corner: Sunday, June 14: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group-Buy Discount
2. You Just Never Know
3. Consider Contributing to CYO Camp Scholarships for Seton School Students
4. Pastoral Stewardship Council Executive Committee
5. Corpus Christi Eucharistic Adoration
6. Continuing Wednesday, June 17: RCIA Adapted for Children
7. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Tom Mulcahy
8. Next Weekend: Catholic Communications Campaign Collection
9. Green Committee: Looking for New Members
10. Green Corner: Bishops Briefed on Upcoming Encyclical on the Environment
11. Human Concerns: "Torture Is Wrong” and Solitary Confinement is Torture
12. Green Corner: Starting July 1: Food Scrap Composting
13. Extra Rosaries?
14. Weekly Stewardship Report
15. Sign-Up for Online Giving
16. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
17. Young Adult Circle
18. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program
19. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred
20. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment
21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
22. Readings for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Flyer for June 14 Solar Workshop,  “Torture is Wrong” awareness activities, Benefit Concert for Cathedral window restoration


1. Green Corner: Sunday, June 14: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group-Buy Discount

Thinking about installing solar on your home but don’t know where to start or think it’s just too expensive? Peninsula SunShares is here to help! 

Palo Alto has partnered with neighboring cities to launch a limited time solar group purchase (bulk-buy) program for homeowners. Peninsula SunShares pools the power of individual participants to get more competitive pricing from solar companies and make the process of going solar simple for homeowners. 

Research shows that people who know somebody with solar, make the choice to go solar themselves three times quicker. So, by bringing homeowners together through Peninsula SunShares, you can help Palo Alto and neighboring cities build a huge solar community - faster. 

Please join the STA Green Committee and the Peninsula Interfaith Climate Action working group for a free workshop to learn more about how we can go solar together this summer and help spread the word (see attached flyer)

Sunday, June 14th 
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Our Lady of the Rosary Hall, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA

2. You Just Never Know

Pope Francis always catches people off guard. The moment people think they can figure out who he is, he immediately proves them wrong. When he was elected Pope, he chose the name “Francis” to show that he wanted to focus on the poor. I thought that most of his talks would be about the poor; however, his 1st encyclical (which will be released soon) is about the environment.

When he said: “Who am I to judge?” people started saying that the Pope was OK with homosexual relationships. However, the next day, he talked about the importance and beauty of the traditional family of one father and mother. On another occasion, he said that gangsters and their activities were un-Christian, and they were subject to excommunication. And yet again, he talked about the unjust gap between the super-rich and the very poor of the world.

Pope Francis talks about everything. No one can know what he is about to say next. He is unpredictable. This unpredictability is what makes him interest- ing, and it also reveals that he cares for the Church as a whole, not just one particular group. He reaches out to the entire human family.

In the Gospel this Sunday, Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven with a big tree that spreads far and wide. All kinds of animals can find shelter in it. Pope Francis in his papal ministry also tries to bring comfort and shade to all. He reminds us that we are called to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven. We are challenged to bring our care and love to a wider group. We should continue to stretch out our caring arms far and wide. Let us not be content with the good works that we have done. Look at Pope Francis. He is 78 years old, and it does not look like he is slowing down one bit. May his life inspire us as we continue to follow Christ in our care for others. 

Fr. Dat, Parochial Vicar

3. Consider Contributing to CYO Camp Scholarships for Seton School Students

​In a gesture of giving-back my sister and I are raising funds to help send 25 kids from St. Elizabeth Seton School to CYO camp this summer. St. Elizabeth Seton School is a Catholic elementary school dedicated to educating the children of East Palo Alto and the surrounding underserved neighborhoods.
These kids have big dreams and talents – but few resources.

As the kids discovered last summer, Camp can be a life-changing adventure. Not only do the campers experience the outdoors and make friends, they gain self-confidence, learn how to be resilient, build social skills, connect with nature, and unplug from an all too demanding world.

It was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. The kids we sent last year have not stopped talking about their time at camp. Upon returning from camp Jairo said it best, “Camp was great until today when we had to leave.”

Your tax-deductible contribution will help a child with big dreams but few resources.

Camp costs $695 for seven days, with the help of campership funds and a portion paid by each child’s family, we are looking to raise an additional $300 per camper to cover the balance of expenses for CYO Camp (a program of Catholic Charities, SF). 100% of funds you contribute will be used toward camp expenses for a St. Elizabeth Seton School student.

Whatever you can contribute will be deeply appreciated.

If you would like to help...
Check: Make check payable to: CYO Camp Scholarships.
Please write St. Elizabeth Seton School students on the memo line
Mail to: Gwenn Connolly
3182 Campus Dr. #124
25 Laurel Hill Ct.
San Mateo, Ca 94403

Online: Go to
Step 1: Indicate the Amount you want to contribute.
Step 2: In the Designation Section select CYO CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS.
Step 3: In the Comment Section indicate St. Elizabeth Seton School students

Please Note: It is important to indicate this information correctly to assure your donation is applied to this project.
Phone number for Catholic Charities:  415-972-1276; ask for Michele Rimando to make sure your donation is designated for St. Elizabeth Seton School children.

To learn more about CYO Camp visit

Please know that your generosity, at every level is deeply appreciated and impactful on these your students. Thank you for the consideration.

Karen Vetter
CYO Camp Camper Alumni, 1966
310 429 5366

Gwenn Connolly
CYO Camp Staff Alumni, 1972-1978
650 867 2843

4. Pastoral Stewardship Council Executive Committee

Following its May meeting, the following Pastoral Stewardship Council members were elected to lead this important parish leadership group for the next year: 

Chair: Steve Carter, replacing Florence de Bretagne
Vice-Chair: Anne Morrison, replacing Mary Fong
Secretary: Gabe Kralik, replacing Jerry Lucha

Steve is the PSC representative from the Finance Board, Anne is the representative from Community Life, and Gabe is the representative from the Catechetical ministry.  We thank Florence, Mary and Jerry for their service to the PSC.

5. Corpus Christi Eucharistic Adoration

We had a couple of dozen parishioners participate in our overnight Eucharistic Adoration in honor of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ last weekend. Our special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for providing Knights for almost every hour. The Adoration concludedwith Benediction at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning. We are pleased to continue this wonderful new tradition next year. 

6. Continuing Wednesday, June 17: RCIA Adapted for Children

Do you have a child who is aged 7 or older who has not been baptized?
Do you have a child over the age of 7 who has not yet received First Eucharist? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for children is the proper venue for sacramental preparation for these children. Our next session will be held on June 17 from 6 until 7:15 p.m. in the Dermody Center. Please contact Susan at the Pastoral Center (650-494-2694, ext. 25) if you have questions.

7. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Tom Mulcahy

Thomas Francis Mulcahy
May 21, 1921 - May 29, 2015
Resident of Palo Alto

Our beloved father and grandfather passed into eternal life on Friday, May 29th. 

Tom is survived by his children Lynn Paulsen, Peggy O'Brian (Richard), Tim Mulcahy (Tami) and Mike Mulcahy (Erin). He is also survived by his grandchildren Kate Hawkins (John), Libby Paulsen, Kevin O'Brian (Kelly), Kelley Syverson (Chet), Kelsey and Colin Mulcahy, and Sean, Connor and Riley Mulcahy. Great grandfather to Carter, Cohen and Casen Hawkins. Tom was born in San Francisco to Thomas Francis Mulcahy Sr. and Addie Sanguinetti and grew up in the Sunset District attending St.Anne's Elementary and Saint Ignatius College Prep.

Tom was a proud "Old Blue" having graduated from Cal in 1943 (Varsity Crew) and was a founding member of the Bear Backers, a group dedicated to raising funds for Cal athletics. While attending Cal, Tom met the love of his life, Isabel Schemel, a beautiful co-ed from nearby Mills College. Tom and Isabel would continue their love story, writing as often as they could, through WWII as Tom served honorably as a Naval Officer for four years.

Tom and Isabel would marry in 1948 and settle in Palo Alto. They loved Greenmeadow, Maui vacations with family and Cal lead trips to Europe.
Tom will be missed by all who knew him but take comfort he has been reunited with Isabel.

The family would like to extend their deepest gratitude to Arnold Sabado, a treasured caregiver to Tom in his final years.

A Funeral Mass and Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, June 19th at 10:30am, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 745 Waverley St., Palo Alto, CA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Tom Mulcahy to St. Elizabeth Seton School, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301.

Published in San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County Times on June 5, 2015 - See more at:

8. Next Weekend: Catholic Communications Campaign Collection

Help Us Connect the World with God’s Word!

Through your generous donations, Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC) is able to spread the gospel message in our community and all over the world. CCC funds the development of traditional and new media programs that inspire and minister to their audiences. Half of the Collection stays right here in San Jose to support the work of our Valley Catholic newspaper, while the other half supports national Catholic media initiatives. 

Please give generously in next week’s collection to help us spread the Good News. Please visit for more information.

9. Green Committee: Looking for New Members

Would you like to make a difference for a more sustainable environment for our kids and grandkids? One way is to join the Green Committee to help plan and implement environmental projects for our parish  --  projects like the solar system installed at the at OLR site and the audit of energy usage at our three sites.  We are currently preparing to support the imminent Church encyclical on the environment.  If interested, please contact Katia at or 650.494.1871.

10. Green Corner: Bishops Briefed on Upcoming Encyclical on the Environment

Pope Francis' awaited encyclical on the stewardship and care of Creation is getting more attention around the world as its release draws near on June 18.  It has been reported the title will be Laudato Sii and have subtitle Sulla cura della casa comune.  Translated Praised Be, On the care of the common home. (This title has not been confirmed by the Vatican.)

Read more in the attached article: 

11. Human Concerns: "Torture Is Wrong” and Solitary Confinement is Torture

Attached to this morning’s eBulletin (and included as an insert to this weekend’s paper Bulletin), is a listing of several activities to make us more aware this June of the effects of torture on our society.  Please prayerfully consider the suggestions: attend a film, view a film, sign a petition and participate in a Novena.

Human Concerns Committee

12. Green Corner: Starting July 1: Food Scrap Composting

Food Scraps Composting Starts July 1! Where you put your food scraps makes a world of difference. Beginning July 1, Palo Alto residents can put all of their food scraps and food soiled paper directly into their green cart along with your yard trimmings. By doing this, you help Palo Alto turn your food scraps into rich soil and renewable energy, and help protect the climate. Small container for scraps will be delivered mid-June.

13. Extra Rosaries?

Do you have any extra rosaries you could donate to our Pastoral Home Ministry? A lot of our older clients like to say the rosary and they do have the tendency to misplace them. Please place any rosaries you would like to donate for this purpose in the small boxes in each of our vestibules. Thank you very much.

14. Weekly Stewardship Report

Now that summer has “officially” started we begin a period of time that can be quite challenging for our parish’s financial health. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using electronic Online Giving! The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do extra maintenance work around the parish. At the same time, our utility bills (water and electricity) are the largest of any season in the year.

Our Weekly Offering
May 24: $10,700 (Goal: $11,000)
June 7: $12,412 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Vincent de Paul: $5,750

15. Sign-Up for Online Giving

Now at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish you can automate your weekly donation. You can sign-up online by visiting
and click the Online Giving icon on the homepage. Your Sunday Offertory donations, as well as gifts to our Second Collections, will be automatically transferred from either your checking or savings account. Or use your credit card! A one-time enrollment will allow you to regularly contribute to St. Thomas Aquinas without remembering the extra step of writing a check and finding your envelopes. 

Online Giving is safe, easy and convenient for you and it helps us! Questions, call Cathy Miller (650) 494-2496 ext. 24.

16. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

17. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

For more info, see our website,, check the Facebook Fan Page "Young Adult Circle", or contact us at

Our annual Summer of Fun Kick-Off BBQ is next Saturday (6/13) from 11-3 n Mitchell Park (600 E Meadow Dr, Palo Alto).   Please come out and say hello to new and old friends and find out about the events we have planned for this summer.  For the BBQ, please bring a dessert, drink, or side dish and a small donation to cover the costs of the meat entree.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page or contact us at   We will have signs up near our tables next to the softball field, but you can call me at 512-294-3522 if you can't find us.

We hope to see you there!

Other Events this month

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. June 23rd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. June 30th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

18. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program

Engage Your Heart Through Service To Others

Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve those most marginalized in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to act for justice within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity.

If you have an interest, we invite you to attend our upcoming Come and See Session: Friday, June 19 at 10:30 am at Most Holy Trinity Parish in San Jose. For more information please contact us at or 415-375-0622.

19. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred

Have you been yearning for a way of deepening your Spirituality by connecting creatively to your inner life? Vallombrosa Retreat Center in collaboration with the Institute of Poetic Medicine (IPM) invites you to a unique one-day experience dedicated to poetry-making, encouraging you to discover your capacity for creative expression and to include poetry in your life as a Spiritual Practice. IPM believes that writing poetry can be a healing experience, as can be the reading of poetry. Choose among several workshops, given by knowledgeable poets, and then take time to reflect on our grounds—possibly writing your own poems (no experience required). Monday, June 29. A Retreat Fee of $70 includes a delicious lunch. Detailed information is available at or call us at 650-325-5614.

20. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment

What am I doing with my life?  Am I living to my fullest potential?  Am I becoming the saint that I am called to be?

Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday July 11, 2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi Monastery, located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, California.  RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at or visit our website at  The day begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. and will include Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life, how to discern God's call and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There is no cost and lunch will be provided.

21. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

22. Readings for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Sunday readings:

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt  (Music: Paul Prochaska)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Michael Marini

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - Rite of Welcoming
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Dat (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

Tom Mulcahy

Torture Awareness Month Insert.pdf

Chris Lundin

Jun 19, 2015, 7:26:28 AM6/19/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 25 - June 19, 2015

Table of Contents

1. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Tom Mulcahy
2. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Cathy Marr
3. This Weekend: Catholic Communications Campaign Collection
4. He Always Listens
5. Green Corner: Workshop Follow-Up: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group Buy Discount 
6. Green Corner: Laudato Si - Care for Our Common Home
7. Human Concerns:  Progress Is Being Made: "Torture Is Wrong” and Solitary Confinement is Torture
8. Weekly Stewardship Report
9. Confirmation Photos Available
10. Consider Contributing to CYO Camp Scholarships for Seton School Students
11. Green Corner: Starting July 1: Food Scrap Composting
12. Hotel de ZinK: Sign-ups In July
13. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
14. Young Adult Circle
15. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program
16. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred
17. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment
18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
19. Readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: In Memoriam pictures of Tom Mulcahy and Cathy Marr, flyer for Diocesan fund-raising concert July 12


1. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Tom Mulcahy

Thomas Francis Mulcahy
May 21, 1921 - May 29, 2015
Resident of Palo Alto

Our beloved father and grandfather passed into eternal life on Friday, May 29th. 

Tom is survived by his children Lynn Paulsen, Peggy O'Brian (Richard), Tim Mulcahy (Tami) and Mike Mulcahy (Erin). He is also survived by his grandchildren Kate Hawkins (John), Libby Paulsen, Kevin O'Brian (Kelly), Kelley Syverson (Chet), Kelsey and Colin Mulcahy, and Sean, Connor and Riley Mulcahy. Great grandfather to Carter, Cohen and Casen Hawkins. Tom was born in San Francisco to Thomas Francis Mulcahy Sr. and Addie Sanguinetti and grew up in the Sunset District attending St.Anne's Elementary and Saint Ignatius College Prep.

Tom was a proud "Old Blue" having graduated from Cal in 1943 (Varsity Crew) and was a founding member of the Bear Backers, a group dedicated to raising funds for Cal athletics. While attending Cal, Tom met the love of his life, Isabel Schemel, a beautiful co-ed from nearby Mills College. Tom and Isabel would continue their love story, writing as often as they could, through WWII as Tom served honorably as a Naval Officer for four years.

Tom and Isabel would marry in 1948 and settle in Palo Alto. They loved Greenmeadow, Maui vacations with family and Cal lead trips to Europe.
Tom will be missed by all who knew him but take comfort he has been reunited with Isabel.

The family would like to extend their deepest gratitude to Arnold Sabado, a treasured caregiver to Tom in his final years.

A Funeral Mass and Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, June 19th at 10:30am, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 745 Waverley St., Palo Alto, CA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Tom Mulcahy to St. Elizabeth Seton School, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301.

Published in San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County Times on June 5, 2015 - See more at:

2. Friday, June 19: Funeral Mass for Cathy Marr

Cathy Marr died peacefully in Paradise, California on June 11, 2015.

A funeral Mass will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, June 19 at Our Lady Of The Rosary Church, 3233 Cowper St, Palo Alto. A private interment will be held at Alta Mesa Memorial Park. 

She was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho on March 8, 1922 to Joseph and Frances Phillipp. She was the second oldest of 10 children. After graduating from high school, she moved to San Francisco and worked for Western Union. It was in California where she met her husband Thomas Marr, and married July 21, 1949. 

She is survived by her children, Phillipp Marr of Paradise, Maureen Coates (Michael) of Paradise, James Marr of Oroville, and John Marr (Leslie) of Clayton; daughter-in-law, Sally Marr of Scottsdale, AZ; grandchildren, Vanessa Coates, Jennifer Rogers (Travis), Alexis Contreras (Danny), Marisa Marr, Michael Marr (Angela), Nicholas Marr, and Patrick Marr; great-grandchildren, James and Ella Rogers, and Isiah Contreras; sisters, Angela Frost and Blanche Newman of Idaho Falls, ID, Pauline Fischer (Roddy) of Twin Falls, ID; brothers, Herman Phillipp of Idaho Falls, ID, Paul Phillipp (Joni) of Park City, UT; several nieces and nephews; and many other relatives.

Cathy was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Marr; daughter Carol Gange; and son, Thomas Marr. 

3. This Weekend: Catholic Communications Campaign Collection

Help Us Connect the World with God’s Word!

Through your generous donations, Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC) is able to spread the gospel message in our community and all over the world. CCC funds the development of traditional and new media programs that inspire and minister to their audiences. Half of the Collection stays right here in San Jose to support the work of our Valley Catholic newspaper, while the other half supports national Catholic media initiatives. 

Please give generously in this week’s collection to help us spread the Good News. Please visit for more information.

4. He Always Listens

It is likely that at least once in our lives we needed to be listened to but unfortunately we were immediately dismissed. "Not now", "go somewhere else", "again?...". We all know how sad it is not to find a holding place to share. At times we are not great at offering a loving ear to our neighbor.

As we read in this Sunday's Gospel, the Apostles were greatly troubled because Jesus didn't seem to listen. "Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion". He didn't seem to care: "'Master, do you not care? We are lost!" (Mk 4, 39). They were used to the seas; they knew how bad things were; they were not just making a vain complaint; but the Lord was listening. He got up and He calmed the storms. He didn't dismiss them but took care of their needs because He truly cares.

The Apostles were wrong; He always listens to our cry. Different from humans who prefer to turn our backs to our neighbor's needs for whatever reason, He always listens. The Lord is always a safe, loving, holding place where we can go in our time of need. We may not get what we ask in the way we ask it but we will always get what we need. We will never be disap- pointed. How beautiful it would be if we could offer a little bit of the same to all our brothers and sisters. Just listen with a loving ear and God will take care of calming down the storms.

God bless you. 

Fr. Estanislao, Parochial Vicar

5. Green Corner: Workshop Follow-Up: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group Buy Discount 

At the Peninsula SunShares workshop last Sunday, we learned the program is available to anyone who lives in the greater nine Bay Area counties!  We also heard that the two solar contractors for this program passed a selection process by 13 cities (including Palo Alto) and the County of San Mateo.

What is Peninsula SunShares? More than a dozen cities across San Mateo and Santa Clara counties have teamed up to offer Peninsula SunShares, a solar group discount (bulk-buy) program that pools the purchasing power of Bay Area residents to lower the cost of installing solar. Since its launch in April, more than 540 residents have signed up to participate in Peninsula SunShares. 

Please visit the program website <> by July 31st to learn more about how Peninsula SunShares can help make it easier and more affordable to go solar. 

6. Green Corner: Laudato Si - Care for Our Common Home

The Vatican released Pope Francis' encyclical on ecology.  Pope Francis calls us to understand our role among the connected creatures of God's creation. He calls us to lead simpler lives that are more authentic and less driven by consumption to be in harmony with creation. He calls us to care for the Earth and its people.

For links to the complete encyclical and for quotations from the encyclical arranged by topic, please visit this website:

7. Human Concerns:  Progress Is Being Made: "Torture Is Wrong” and Solitary Confinement is Torture

The Human Concerns Committee continues to follow closely issues surrounding the use of torture, including solitary confinement, in our state and country.

You might have read that the U.S. Senate attached Amendment 1889  to the House bill HR 1735 "National Defense Authorization Act”.   The Senate resumed
consideration of H.R. 1735, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military
construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, taking
action on the following amendments proposed thereto:

 By 78 yeas to 21 nays (Vote No. 209), Feinstein (for McCain)
Amendment No. 1889 (to Amendment No. 1463), to reaffirm the prohibition on torture.

This victory is only the first step. We still have to get the legislation through a conference committee with the House and then get the legislation signed into law. 

On June 2 the California Senate passed SB 124 which put extreme limitations on the use of solitary confinement in Juvenile Justice facilities. The Assembly will vote on the bill some time this summer. 

8. Weekly Stewardship Report

Now that summer has “officially” started we begin a period of time that can be quite challenging for our parish’s financial health. As the attendance at our weekend liturgies dwindles, so can the weekly support of our parishioners: a very good reason to consider using electronic Online Giving! The challenge lies in the fact that our financial responsibilities do not go away during the months of June, July, and August. Summer is a time for us to do extra maintenance work around the parish. At the same time, our utility bills (water and electricity) are the largest of any season in the year.

Our Weekly Offering
June 14: $11,128 (Goal: $11,000)
St. Elizabeth Seton: $3,000

9. Confirmation Photos Available

Confirmation photos are available for viewing and ordering at 

or find the link on our main parish web site. 

10. Consider Contributing to CYO Camp Scholarships for Seton School Students

11. Green Corner: Starting July 1: Food Scrap Composting

Food Scraps Composting Starts July 1! Where you put your food scraps makes a world of difference. Beginning July 1, Palo Alto residents can put all of their food scraps and food soiled paper directly into their green cart along with your yard trimmings. By doing this, you help Palo Alto turn your food scraps into rich soil and renewable energy, and help protect the climate. Small container for scraps will be delivered mid-June.

12. Hotel de ZinK: Sign-ups In July

St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners will be taking food to the homeless guests at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st - August 16th. I will be signing people up after the Masses during July.  If I miss you, please call at 650-856-6350 if you can help.

Ruth Chippendale

13. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

14. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Dinner at Pluto's, Tues. June 23rd at 7:30PM, 482 University Ave., Palo Alto
The Young Adult group meets for its monthly social gathering.  Please confirm your attendance on our Facebook Page "Young Adult Circle" or contact us at

Young Adult Mass, Tues. June 30th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

15. Friday, June 19: Come & See: Ignatian Companions Program

Engage Your Heart Through Service To Others

Companions in Ignatian Service and Spirituality ( is a unique program that engages women and men, retired and semi-retired, who have a desire to serve those most marginalized in our communities while deepening their spiritual foundations. Ignatian Companions integrate their personal journey of faith with their own conviction to act for justice within local nonprofits. We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 program year and will be welcoming new participants until our program is filled to its capacity.

If you have an interest, we invite you to attend our upcoming Come and See Session: Friday, June 19 at 10:30 am at Most Holy Trinity Parish in San Jose. For more information please contact us at or 415-375-0622.

16. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred

Have you been yearning for a way of deepening your Spirituality by connecting creatively to your inner life? Vallombrosa Retreat Center in collaboration with the Institute of Poetic Medicine (IPM) invites you to a unique one-day experience dedicated to poetry-making, encouraging you to discover your capacity for creative expression and to include poetry in your life as a Spiritual Practice. IPM believes that writing poetry can be a healing experience, as can be the reading of poetry. Choose among several workshops, given by knowledgeable poets, and then take time to reflect on our grounds—possibly writing your own poems (no experience required). Monday, June 29. A Retreat Fee of $70 includes a delicious lunch. Detailed information is available at or call us at 650-325-5614.

17. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment

What am I doing with my life?  Am I living to my fullest potential?  Am I becoming the saint that I am called to be?

Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday July 11, 2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi Monastery, located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, California.  RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at or visit our website at  The day begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. and will include Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life, how to discern God's call and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There is no cost and lunch will be provided.

18. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

19. Readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Ordinary Time refers to a season of the Christian liturgical calendar, particularly the calendar of the ordinary form of the Roman rite of the Catholic Church, although some other churches in Western Christianity also use the term. In Latin, the name of this season is Tempus per annum (literally time during the year). 

5:00 p.m. Saturday, St. Albert:  Fr. Matt  (Music: Chris Lundin)

7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. John Hester 
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Lavagetto, O.P.

9:00 a.m. OLR (Spanish): Fr. Stasys and Deacon Jaime (Music: Ramon Perez and Coro)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert: Fr. Dat and Deacon Daniel (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir)
10:30 a.m. OLR: Fr. Dat (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) 
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)

In Memoriam: Tom Mulcahy

In Memoriam: Cathy Marr

Lundin, Chris

Jun 26, 2015, 8:14:02 AM6/26/15
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 9, No. 26 - June 26, 2015

Table of Contents

1. Saturday, June 27: Memorial Mass for Philip Williams
2. Saturday, June 27: Funeral Mass for Paul Reynoso
3. Monday, June 29: Funeral Mass for Craig Johnson
4. Monday, June 29: Funeral Mass for Mary Lee Hagen
5. Weekly Stewardship Report
6. A Father’s Mission
7. Welcome Back Fr. Epie and Fr. Randy
8. Catechists Needed for 2015-2016 STA Kids Faith Formation
9. Green Corner: Bishop McGrath’s Comments on Papal Encyclical Laudato Si - Care for Our Common Home
10. Green Corner: Update on our Solar Panels
11. Green Corner: Workshop Follow-Up: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group Buy Discount 
12. First Communion Photos Available
13. Human Concerns: Volunteer Need at Downtown Food Closet
14. Human Concerns: Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups In July
15. July 4th Holiday Schedule
16. Parish Staff Anniversaries
17. Sunday, July 12: Greeting Card Ministry
18. Dates Set for Meaningful Movie Nights at St. Thomas Aquinas Basement
19. Saturday, August 1: St. Thomas Aquinas Garage Sale Continues
20. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp
21. Young Adult Circle
22. Human Concerns: Monday, June 29, A Next Step in the Buena Vista Journey
23. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred
24. Monday, July 6: Charleston Town Hall Meeting
25. Friday, July 10:  Goretti Group July Evening - Catholic Couple Testimony
26. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment
27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations
28. In Memoriam: Father Tennant C. (Tenny) Wright
29. Readings for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and Presider Schedule

Bonus Content: Picture of Buena Vista supporters at City Hall, Community Town Hall meeting flyer, Diocesan fund-raiser flyer


1. Saturday, June 27: Memorial Mass for Philip Williams

Philip Laurence Williams passed away in his home at the age of 88 early Monday morning, May 11th, after a brief illness.

A Celebration of Life Mass will be held Saturday, June 27th, at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, 3233 Cowper Street, Palo Alto. 

 He was born in Palo Alto on April 19, 1927 and spent most of his youth in Oakland and Berkeley. After finishing up his high school at Menlo College, he attended Stanford University and graduated in 1949 with a BS in Industrial Engineering. While at Stanford he became a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. He received his MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1951. In the summer of 1950 he met the love of his life, Anna Jean Ellsworth of Deer Lodge, MT, while they were both working at a soda fountain in Yellowstone Park. After knowing each other only 12 days, they became engaged and were married three months later on Sept. 2nd. 

Phil began his career as General Manager at a company formed by his father, Philip Samuel Williams, and Dr. Oliver Johnson in 1928. The company, Johnson-Williams Instruments, was based in Palo Alto, manufactured gas detectors (the "J-W Sniffer" was trademarked) and has since been recognized as the first electronics company in Silicon Valley. Following his time at Johnson-Williams, Phil decided to pursue teaching and received his credential from San Jose State in 1967. He taught accounting for 26 years at City College of San Francisco before retiring in 1994. Phil had a love of jazz that started in his youth, enjoyed playing the piano, and was an avid Stanford football fan. He loved to travel up to Yosemite with his wife, as well as to Disneyland with his grandchildren. 

He is survived by his wife of almost 65 years, Jean, his brother Robert W. Williams (Erika) of Seattle, his children, Don Williams (Suzanne) of Milpitas, Anne Santiago of Alameda, Gregg Williams (Barbara) of Sunnyvale and grandchildren, Kristina Reynolds (Soren) of Alameda, Katherine and Danielle Williams of Milpitas, Robert Kim (Melanie) of San Jose and great grandchildren, Liliana Gonzalez and Jackson Reynolds, of Alameda.
Private interment took place on Friday, June 12th, at Alta Mesa Cemetery in Palo Alto with family present.

2. Saturday, June 27: Funeral Mass for Paul Reynoso

There will be a funeral Mass for Paul Reynoso at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at Saturday, June 27, at 3:00 p.m.

Paul, father of June Harmon of our parish, died on June 15 at the age of 89.

3. Monday, June 29: Funeral Mass for Craig Johnson

There will be a funeral Mass for Craig Johnson at St. Thomas Aquinas Church at Monday, June 29, at 10:00 a.m. who died May 6, 2015 at the age of 72 in San Luis Obispo, CA.

Craig was born in Alturas, California, in April 1943 to Evelyn and Leon Johnson. They moved to Visalia, California, when his father became Superintendent of the Visalia School District. Craig graduated from Redwood High School where he shined as a swimmer in breast stroke and butterfly. He attended The College of the Sequoias and the University of San Francisco. He became a Marine, and was a forward observer, and served his country with distinction in Vietnam. 

Upon returning home from overseas, he took a job with Scientific Products in Menlo Park, California, starting in the warehouse. He opened the Salt Lake City facility warehouse thinking it was a good opportunity and also, he loved to ski. He met Julie Meagher and they were married July 1976. After Craig and Julie returned to Palo Alto, he started his own business in electronic distribution, with two other partners. Craig went through many hard times and changes, but he always remained positive. He found solace in the Twelve-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon, and remained a steadfast and generous member of 28 years, participating in service-oriented activities within the recovery community on the Central Coast of California. His wisdom and deep compassion and understanding for the human condition were his gifts. He was quick to share his heart and wisdom with anyone in need. He filled any room with his boisterous laugh. Craig was a formidable Poker player, and an avid 49'ers and Giants fan (win or lose)!! He volunteered for the Cambria Senior Center driving the community bus, which he loved dearly. His half-brother Billy and sister Fay preceded him in their journey home. 

4. Monday, June 29: Funeral Mass for Mary Lee Hagen

There will be a funeral Mass for Mary Lee Hagen at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at Monday, June 29, at 2:00 p.m. who died June 16, 2015 at the age of 83 in Los Altos, CA.

Mary Lee was a long-time parishioner, wife of Arlen Hagen. She was one of the leaders of the Parish Home Ministry for many years.

5. Weekly Stewardship Report

Thank you to everyone who supported the mission and ministries of our parish during the month of May. Our average weekly collection for the 11th month of this new fiscal year was $11,268 ($11,785 in 2014). This marks the 9th straight month we have reached our monthly goal. Your generous stewardship has led to a 1.5% increase in our weekly Sunday Offertory. Our challenge is to keep our expenses at an equal rate of growth. When we meet our weekly goal, we can responsibly meet all our financial obligations. Our budget for collections for July 2014-May 2-15 was $517,000; our actual receipts were $553,000.

We encourage everyone to consider using the Sunday Offertory Envelopes or Online Giving as a way of giving to the Lord the “first fruits” of the "treasure" we have received.

Our Weekly Offering
June 21: $10,217 (Goal: $11,000)
Catholic Communications Campaign: $2,285

6. A Father’s Mission

Perhaps many of us celebrated Father's Day last Sunday in one way or another? It is good to have a special day in which we, sons and daughters, can stop and take a moment from our "busy" lives to thank our fathers and wish them the best, as well as to pray for them, though we should do it all the time.

However, it is also appropriate to remind fathers of their God given responsibilities and the incredible privilege given to them by God of imitating Him as Father. This is an incredible responsibility. We could say that under Christ, the father is the spiritual head of the home, and His presence should be felt in the home through the father's gentle love, leadership, rules in the home, worship and his example. The problem is that many fathers are not spiritual men, and often times of little faith. Perhaps it is due to how they were brought up as children? Too busy climbing up the ladder? Working more than one job? Pursuing personal hobbies? Who knows? The important thing is that every day is a new opportunity to grow closer to God and to those we love. In every new day a father can see the possibility of; bringing up godly children despite the immorality and wickedness of society, creating a strong bond between him and his children all the days of their lives and having well-adjusted children who love God and their families.

Children are a blessing from the Lord, and as with all blessings, there is accountability, but our merciful Lord tells us; " Do not be afraid; just have faith" (Mk 5, 36). May the Lord strengthen all fathers in the countless ways that they might need and may he also bless our priests, (Fathers / Padres) ,with the love and fortitude needed to guide their "children".

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez, Director, Hispanic Ministry

7. Welcome Back Fr. Epie and Fr. Randy

Temporarily in residence at the St. Albert the Great Rectory from July 8 to mid-August, Fr. Franklin Epie (eppie-ay) returns to our parish from Cameroon, in Africa. While he is on vacation this summer, he will celebrate both daily & Sunday Masses. He has been able to visit the last four summers. Many friends he has made over the years are so glad to see him back.

Fr. Randy Valenton, our former parochial vicar, will be living at the rectory while he ministers at O'Connor Hospital in San Jose.

8. Catechists Needed for 2015-2016 STA Kids Faith Formation

Catechists and aides are needed for our Pre-K through 5th Grade classes which begin at the end of August. Please seriously consider whether you are being called to this ministry to help our children grow in their faith. It is an opportunity to share your experience Jesus with our young people as you grow in your own faith with them. Training and support will be provided. Contact Susan in the Pastoral Center 650-494-2496, ext. 25

And it's not too soon to register your children for next year's classes. Registration forms are available in the vestibule at all churches and on-line at 

9. Green Corner: Bishop McGrath’s Comments on Papal Encyclical Laudato Si - Care for Our Common Home

"I am grateful to the Holy Father for the courage to address what he calls “the care for our common home,” the Earth. Because the welfare and very existence of humanity is dependent upon the Earth and the environment, this letter becomes part of the social justice teaching of the Catholic Church. The state of the planet and its future have grave moral implications…” 

These are the beginning words in Bishop McGrath's statement on the Papal Encyclical. For the full text, please visit:

10. Green Corner: Update on our Solar Panels

Our parish's solar panels (installed on top of the Internation School of the Peninsula at the Our Lady of the Rosary site)  have been up and running producing energy every day since December 31, 2014. 

So far, our parish has saved over $3,000 on our electric bill and we are also helping protect the planet. Many thanks again to all those who donated and helped with the Solar Initiative!

The Green Committee

11. Green Corner: Workshop Follow-Up: City-Sponsored Home Solar Program Offers Group Buy Discount 

At the Peninsula SunShares workshop last Sunday, we learned the program is available to anyone who lives in the greater nine Bay Area counties!  We also heard that the two solar contractors for this program passed a selection process by 13 cities (including Palo Alto) and the County of San Mateo.

What is Peninsula SunShares? More than a dozen cities across San Mateo and Santa Clara counties have teamed up to offer Peninsula SunShares, a solar group discount (bulk-buy) program that pools the purchasing power of Bay Area residents to lower the cost of installing solar. Since its launch in April, more than 540 residents have signed up to participate in Peninsula SunShares. 

Please visit the program website <> by July 31st to learn more about how Peninsula SunShares can help make it easier and more affordable to go solar. 

12. First Communion Photos Available

First Communion photos are available for viewing and ordering at 

or find the link on our main parish web site:

13. Human Concerns: Volunteer Need at Downtown Food Closet

The Downtown Food Closet has an opening from 11 AM until 1 PM on Fridays.  Managers Sandra Dhuey and Pat Keicher are hoping to fill this spot with a member of our community.  If you are interested and able to do so, or would like more information, please contact either of them.
Sandra: or (650) 326-6915  Pat: or (650) 323-1691

14. Human Concerns: Hotel de Zink: Sign-ups In July

St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners will be taking food to the homeless guests at the Christian Reformed Church on Arastradero Rd. from August 1st - August 16th. I will be signing people up after the Masses during July.  If I miss you, please call at 650-856-6350 if you can help.

Ruth Chippendale

15. July 4th Holiday Schedule

The Pastoral Center will be closed Friday, July 3rd for the holiday. Mass Schedule unchanged: 7:15am and 12:15pm at St. Thomas Aquinas and 8:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary. The Pastoral Center will re-open on Monday, July 6th.

16. Parish Staff Anniversaries

This year four of our parish staff celebrate special anniversaries of serving the parish community of St. Thomas Aquinas: Chris Lundin (Music Minister) 40 years; Maria Gutiérrez (Hispanic Ministry) 10 years; Fr. Matt and Deacon Daniel, 5 years. Many more happy years!

17. Sunday, July 12: Greeting Card Ministry

You are invited to join us in Kerry's Corner at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Sunday, July 12th, after the 10:30 am Mass to make greeting cards for use by the Pastoral Home Ministry Team. Ages 16 and up only please.

18. Dates Set for Meaningful Movie Nights at St. Thomas Aquinas Basement

Following are the planned dates for “Meaningful Movie Nights” in the St. Thomas Aquinas basement:

Sunday, July 12:  "Godspell"
Sunday, August 2:  "Jesus Christ Superstar"
Sunday, August 23:  "Jesus B.C.”

More details will be forthcoming.

19. Saturday, August 1: St. Thomas Aquinas Garage Sale Continues

The parish garage sale held on June 6 at St. Thomas Aquinas church site raised $3,000 for the new carpet fund at St. Albert the Great Church.  Thanks to all the many helpers, working under the leadership of Christine Canelo, for the yeoman duty they performed to make the sale a big success!  

However, so many items were donated that another follow-up sale is being held on Saturday, August 1, again at St. Thomas Aquinas, 8 am until 3 pm.  No new donations will be solicited. During the June 6 sale, we just didn't have the people power to bring out all the stuff, and the garage has to be emptied.  

If you would be available to help on August 1, please contact Helen Baumann at (650)

20. August 3-7, 10-14: Sing God’s Praises! Dance for Joy! 2015 Summer Camp

Mark your calendars and sign up now:

A special summer camp for children ages 6 through 12 will be offered August 3rd through 7th and August 10th through 14th from 9 a.m. to Noon in the Hall at Our Lady of the Rosary. 

Susan Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministries, will direct this camp which will give children a chance to sing, play recorder, dance their prayer, and explore Bible stories in dramatic form. Participants will get to know Jesus better while they explore the arts. 

Children may attend one or both weeks. The cost for this camp is $50 per child per week. Registration forms are available on the Faith Formation Bulletin Board in the vestibule and on-line. If you would like to help (teens and adults welcome) or have questions about this camp, contact Susan at or in the Pastoral Center at 650-494-2496, ext. 25.

21. Young Adult Circle

We are the Catholic Young Adult Community (20's, 30's, single or married) of Deanery 2 of the Diocese of San Jose, California

Palo Alto: St. Thomas Aquinas
Stanford: Stanford University
Mountain View: St. Athanasius, St. Joseph
Los Altos: St. Nicholas, St. William, St. Simon.

Young Adult Mass, Tues. June 30th at 7:30PM, St. Simon Church, 1860 Grant Rd, Los Altos
The Young Adult Circle will be gathering for Mass in the Small Chapel at St. Simon Church in Los Altos. Celebrate the Eucharist  with young adults (20’s and 30’s, single or married) from this and neighboring parishes with fellowship to follow. If you have questions or would like more information on the Mass, please contact us at

22. Human Concerns: Monday, June 29, A Next Step in the Buena Vista Journey

6:40PM sharp, City Hall Council Chambers, expected to be a short item.

The County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed $6.5 million in additional funding for purchase of Buena Vista today, for a total of $14.5 million from the County. 

Thank you Supervisor Joe Simitian and co-Sponsor & Chairman of the Board Cortese. And thanks to all Friends of Buena Vista that traveled to San Jose early June 23, and for your letters and comments to our Council. 

But the $6.5 million is contingent on an equal match from the City of $6.5 million. So the County money is not a done deal. Our City Council must first approve its own funding this Monday night, June 29th at the last meeting before its summer break. Also up for approval will be the $8 million set aside a couple months ago by City Manager Keene - a total of $14.5 million. 

That is a total of $29 million from County and City if next Monday's vote goes well. Add at least $10 million more from Caritas, and there is $39 million toward saving Buena Vista.

Therefore, this Monday's meeting is incredibly important for saving Buena Vista.  Things are looking up for Buena Vista. Help keep them that way. See you Monday.

Winter Dellenbach, Friends of Buena Vista,

23. Monday, June 29: Poetic Medicine & Personhood: A Way to Explore the Sacred

Have you been yearning for a way of deepening your Spirituality by connecting creatively to your inner life? Vallombrosa Retreat Center in collaboration with the Institute of Poetic Medicine (IPM) invites you to a unique one-day experience dedicated to poetry-making, encouraging you to discover your capacity for creative expression and to include poetry in your life as a Spiritual Practice. IPM believes that writing poetry can be a healing experience, as can be the reading of poetry. Choose among several workshops, given by knowledgeable poets, and then take time to reflect on our grounds—possibly writing your own poems (no experience required). Monday, June 29. A Retreat Fee of $70 includes a delicious lunch. Detailed information is available at or call us at 650-325-5614.

24. Monday, July 6: Charleston Town Hall Meeting

 Our sisters and brothers at University AME Zion Church (3549 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto) and their pastor, the Rev. Kaloma A. Smith, invite us to a community town hall meeting at their church on Monday, July 6 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss “What’s Next? How Can We Make a Difference After the Tragedy in Charleston?”

All are welcome. You can read more about University AME Zion Church at

25. Friday, July 10:  Goretti Group July Evening - Catholic Couple Testimony

For our July Goretti Night, a Catholic couple Pat & Sarah Ku will share their story about living out Church teaching on sexuality in dating and marriage. 

Pat is a cradle Catholic born to a Protestant mother and a Catholic father, a software engineer by profession who was the youth director at the San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission for 7 years.  Sarah is an Evangelical convert to the Church and the former staff team leader for the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship ministry at Stanford. She is currently a full-time mother to their two children (with one on the way).

St Thomas Aquinas Church - 751 Waverley St, Palo Alto, CA

6:30 pm Mass
7:15 pm Dinner
8:00 pm Talk
9:00 pm Social time

Please RSVP for catering purposes via e-mail <> or on the Facebook event page.

St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
In Christ,
Marciano Palha De Sousa,
Bay Area Chapter Coordinator, The Goretti Group

26. Saturday, July 11: Day of Discernment

What am I doing with my life?  Am I living to my fullest potential?  Am I becoming the saint that I am called to be?

Come to this Day of Discernment on Saturday July 11, 2015, hosted by the Dominican Nuns at Corpus Christi Monastery, located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, California.  RSVP by July 3rd or for more information contact Sr. Joseph Marie, O.P. at or visit our website at  The day begins with Mass at 8:00 A.M. and will include Divine Office, Rosary, Benediction and Conferences on how to unravel what the Lord has in store for your life, how to discern God's call and much more given by our Dominican nuns and friars of the Order of Preachers. There is no cost and lunch will be provided.

27. St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donations

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very interested in receiving a donation of your auto if you're purchasing a new one.  Our parish St. Vincent de Paul group receives a portion of the proceeds when you donate in our parish name. Last year, our parish was the top contributor of donated cars (and recipient of funds) in the diocese.  Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284

28. In Memoriam: Father Tennant C. (Tenny) Wright

Father Tennant C. (Tenny) Wright, S.J., longtime professor of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University, died June 17, 2015 at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center, Los Gatos. He was 87 years old. 

He was born in Los Angeles on September 16, 1927, the son of Tennant C. Wright, Sr., a film director and Warner Brothers executive, and Marion McMahon Wright. 
Tenny graduated from Loyola High School, Los Angeles, and after earning his BA in English at Loyola [Marymount] University, Los Angeles, he entered the Jesuit novitiate at Los Gatos in 1950. He earned further degrees in English at Gonzaga University, Theology at Santa Clara, and pursued graduate studies in Religious Studies at the University of Chicago. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1962.

His 58 year association with Santa Clara University began as an Instructor in English, 1956-1959. After ordination, he returned to Santa Clara as teacher of Theology, 1964-1967, and Senior Lecturer of Religious Studies, 1969-2008. Following his formal retirement he continued to teach and keep active in ministry until failing health brought him to Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in 2014. For many years he spent one semester a year teaching Religious Studies at St. John's College, Belize, and doing pastoral ministry there.  He presided at Thomas Merton Center Masses for many years.

Tenny was a man of many interests. His concern with social justice issues resulted in correspondence with presidents, prime ministers, members of Congress, and activists. His interest in literature resulted in a long time correspondence with Graham Greene. He also taught for a brief time in Xiamen, China, studied Zen Buddhism in Japan, and he served the Diocese of San Jose in his ministry to incarcerated youth and their families as well as to the Emmaus Community of LGBT Catholics. He also published articles and op-ed pieces in a number of newspapers and periodicals on a variety of religious and social subjects.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made in memory of Fr. Wright to the Needy Student Fund (c/o Santa Clara Jesuit Community, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053) or to the Restorative Justice Ministry of the Diocese of San Jose (c/o Chancery Office, Diocese of San Jose,1150 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112) or to the charity of your choice
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