Actually I followed your way, here are the release notes: :)
Concerning announcement, do you think it is polite to announce it in Jersey and Resteasy mailing lists?
you own a twitter pac4j? I don't use twitter, but If you want to
announce it there, you can :) not sure what are the correct hashtags to
use… I can look them up!
Concerning dropwizard, I was thinking
that it would be great to release something soon so that people can
start using it and bring feedbacks. I will first commit the breaking
changes before we do the release, but without the servlet support, so that we can release even a
1.0.0, and the servlet changes should bump it to a 1.1.0 I guess.
In terms of stability, it is as stable as jax-rs-pac4j is, so there is no real need to wait to release a v1.