ACTION PLAN to Re-Elect President Barack Obama

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Oct 18, 2012, 12:45:28 AM10/18/12

Action Plan Politics You Can Do RIGHT NOW To Win Barack Obama The Presidency and Every Democrat Office Down Ticket


See the LIST of ACTION STEPS you can follow to re-elect Barack Obama at the end of this post.

Check out the video “Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video???” at

Barack Obama has tried his hardest to do the very best job he could in the last 3 ¾ years. I love this President. The Extreme Right Wing AYN RAND Tea Party REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has DONE NOTHING to help America, Barack Obama, or the Democrats in the House and Senate get our country back on the track to prosperity. REPUBLICANS have done quite the opposite by trying at every turn to CRASH the ECONOMY with the Phony Manufactured Debt Crisis (Summer 2011), FIRING hundreds of thousands of Public Employees in Red States, Red State Governors taking $$$ Hundreds of Millions $$$ in Federal Block Grant Money TARGETED TO SAVE Millions of HOMES from FORECLOSURE and instead PARKING the money in the bank doing nothing so they (Red State Republican Governors) can fool their citizens into thinking they did a great job of managing State Deficits, Red States not accepting Federal High Speed Rail Investment Money that would have created a MILLION JOBS and greatly enhanced COMMERCE by moving people and products quickly and efficiently based on Government Impact Studies done by Obama's appointee Illinois REPUBLICAN Ray LaHood SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION who has the highest respect from both REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS, for over a year REFUSING to pass Obama's JOB CREATION BILL even though projections show it would create nearly 2 million jobs without adding a penny to the deficit, not passing the FARM BILL for Farmers hard hit by this summer's drought, etc., etc., etc.

Our last illegitimate President for 8 years, George Bush, stole votes to install himself as our FAKE LEADER, lied us into two illegal wars, destroyed the American Economy, left the White House as 800,000 JOBS were BEING LOST EVERY MONTH, was consistently on EXTENDED VACATIONS, served as an EMPTY SUIT signing laws making CORPORATIONS and the WEALTHY richer while simultaneously DESTROYING the MIDDLE CLASS and WORKERS' RIGHTS, and WORST OF ALL George Bush tried very little to be even an average President. George Bush is such a DISPICABLE LOSER he wasn't even invited to the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION of BETTING AGAINST AMERICA, in addition to HATE and FEAR MONGERING against IMMIGRANTS and FOREIGNERS.

Mitt Romney has vowed to his PSYCHOPATHIC and AYN RAND SOCIOPATHIC BASE to continue where GEORGE BUSH LEFT OFF. Most importantly, RYAN/ROMNEY will make the WEALTHY and CORPORATIONS richer than ever despite the fact they have done phenomenally well over the last 2 years, Appoint RADICAL Right Wing SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, and STARVE the government of REVENUES so RYAN/ROMNEY'S CULT of Greed, Selfishness, and Religious Extremism can finally make the U.S. Government GO BROKE proclaiming it DOES NOT WORK. This REPUBLICAN FANTASY PLAN is morphed into REALITY by INSTALLING an EXTREME RIGHT WING ARISTOCRACY that leads with the Bull Whip of IGNORANCE, HATE, and FEAR.

The MOST DISTURBING part of Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's Third World Dictatorship GOOSE STEP with their legs swinging high and kept straight and stiff to the Presidency is the willingness of a LARGE POPULATION of AMERICANS to MARCH in NAZI LOCK STEP with their LUNATIC PLAN nearing the FINAL STAGES of COMPLETION.

Mitt Romney PROMISED a SUBSET of his MULTI-BILLIONAIRE BACKERS he will CONTINUE George Bush's CRUSADE AGAINST ISLAM. The BIBLE and CROSS in one hand - - and - - the AMERICAN FLAG in the other hand. This is the NEW FACISM rising out of America. Romney wants to LEAD a HOLY WAR Pitting the VERY SMALL but EXTREMELY DANGEROUS American Extreme Right Wing Evangelical [Christian (in name only)] Cults against Muslim Extremists (in Mitt's mind) in the form of a GROUND WAR IN IRAN.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of America's Greatest Most Beloved Presidents and a Great Man, famously said during his Presidential Election - - “The Republicans have imported the propaganda technique invented by the dictators abroad. Remember, a number of years ago, there was a book, MEIN KAMPF, written by ADOLPH HITLER himself. The technique was all set out in HITLER'S BOOK - and it was copied by the aggressors of Italy and Japan. According to that technique, you should never use a small LIE; always a BIG LIE, for its very FANTASTIC NATURE would make it more credible - if only you KEEP REPEATING it over and over and over again - - - - then, people will believe the LIES.”

Ten years later after FDR's speech the Republicans lost control of both houses of Congress for 40 years.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are REPEATING a VERY DARK UGLY HISTORY.

TOGETHER, We Can Stop the RYAN ROMNEY TRAIN WRECK playing out before our very eyes.


The following is a LIST of ACTION STEPS you can follow before the NATIONAL ELECTIONS on Tuesday November 6th.

  1. Watch the Comedy Club Video “Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video???” to make sure it is laugh-your-butt-off-funny at

  2. Influence the election by making the video GO VIRAL across America and the World (Like my Donald Trump Jokes, if you want to).

    A) Join YouTube (if you are not a member already), ENTER “TheDeanfalcon” into the SEARCH BOX, WATCH “Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video???” (watch first one of two versions), LIKE IT, and PASS IT AROUND.

    B) Join Will Ferrell's website , ENTER Dean_Falcon (exactly as written with the underscore line between first and last name) into the SEARCH BOX, WATCH “Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video” and VOTE - - FUNNY.

    C) IMPORTANT NOTE: Joining the websites to WATCH, COMMENT, and VOTE - - FUNNY is Quick, Easy, and Highly effective for VIRAL TRANSFER. For some reason videos that land on third party websites and viewed repeatedly - - or - - are passed along a chain of people do not list up on the YouTube HIT COUNTER.

    D) Put a copy of this “ACTION PLAN POST” on Blogs, Vlogs, Forums, Google Groups, etc. referencing my previous JOKE POST “Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video???” The video makes Republicans boiling mad like screaming little punk sissies - - the video makes Low Information Voters, Undecided's, Independents, Swing Voters, and Soft Romney Voters think critically moving them to Barack Obama and Democrats down ticket - - and, the video energizes the Progressive Base.

    E) Hash Tag a few TWEETS I have listed and/or your own with a link to the video to your MOST FAVORITE - - and - - MOST DESPISED Famous People and Topics with lots of followers on TWITTER. The JOKE works great in both directions.

    Mitt Romney for President - - Best Official Video

    (85 chars. Of 140 character limit - - 55 chars. available for hash tags and extra text)

    The last stroke of Genius that WINS Mitt Romney the oval office... ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, - VIDEO

(130 chars.)

This Super Romney VIDEO has Barack Obama quivering in his Heavy Duty Work Boots at this very moment

(134 chars.)

The Dems are smoked - - gotta throw in the towel - - cannot compete with the Mitt-ster - - VIDEO

(131 chars.)

F) Post the Video, Joke Title, and Joke Lines on Facebook. Also, feel free to post to as many Facebook Groups as humanly possible.

G) Join ALL the other SOCIAL MEDIA and COMMENT on the VIDEO at Google+, Stumble Upon, Tumbler, Twittley, Digg This!, Reddit, Buzz Feed, Pinterest, Flickr, MySpace, Bebo, Tagged, Badoo, Netlog, Friendster, etc.

H) Call into RADIO TALK SHOWS of All Stripes and Spread the JOKE.


J) Contact all your DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS down to the LOCAL LEVEL and ask them to SPREAD the YouTube Video JOKE to ALL their CONSTITUENTS in their DISTRICTS. MOTIVATED CONSTITUENTS can Repeat ALL the ACTION STEPS in this POST.


We're going to need it against Mitt ROBney's Billion Dollar Propaganda Advertising Slush Fund, Vote Thievery, Voter Suppression, Mountain of LIES, and the CORPORATE MEDIA standing SILENTLY on the SIDELINES raking in ALL that DIRTY REPUBLICAN CASH!!!

P.S. We saw what SOCIAL MEDIA did for the people in the ARAB SPRING. Let's ride that pony.

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