The Byzness

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Oxford University Byzantine Society

Apr 14, 2017, 5:17:33 AM4/14/17

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The Byzness, 14th April 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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A petition to save the Central European University in Budapest

Legislation has been introduced in Hungary's National Assembly (Országgyűlés) that specifically targets Central European University, one of the most prestigious universities in Central and Eastern Europe.


International Conference on the Mendicant Orders in the Eastern Mediterranean (Nafplion, 19-23 April 2017)


For a full timetable click here.





Teaching the Codex 2: Further thoughts on the pedagogy of palaeography and codicology, May 6th, Merton College Oxford

Morning and afternoon sessions will each consist of two panels running concurrently on particular topics (1.5 hrs) followed by a plenary session (1 hr) in which members of the two panels will report and comment on the panel session to all of the delegates, and facilitate further discussion.  The hope is that by dividing the delegates into smaller groups than at the last meeting of Teaching the Codex more focused conversations will be generated.


The registration fee is £10:–, covering attendance, lunch, and refreshments.  To register please follow this link to the Oxford University Stores:


The topics under discussion and our speakers are as follows:


(a)    Continental and Anglophone approaches to teaching palaeography and codicology

Irene Ceccherini (Oxford) (chair)

Marigold Norbye (UCL)

Daniel Sawyer (Oxford)

Raphaële Mouren (Warburg)


(b)   Pedagogical approaches to musical manuscripts

Henry Hope (Bern) (chair)

Margaret Bent (Oxford)

Eleanor Giraud (Limerick)

Christian Leitmeir (Oxford)


(c)    Approaches to teaching art history and manuscript studies

Emily Guerry (Kent) (chair)

Kathryn Rudy (St Andrews)

Spike Bucklow (Cambridge)

Emily Savage (St Andrews)


(d)   Taking palaeography further: using manuscripts to engage in outreach with schools and the general public

Pauline Souleau (Oxford) (chair)

Gustav Zamore (Oxford)

Anna Boeles Rowland (Oxford)

Sarah Laseke (Leiden)


Closing remarks: Teresa Webber (Cambridge)



For more information on Teaching the Codex, please visit, or follow us on Twitter (@TeachingCodex).


Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:



Refractions of the Byzantine: Empire of Trebizond (1204-1461), 5-6th June, Senate House Room 349, King’s College, London

For a full programme click here.


Call for applicants: AKMED, Koc, Numismatics Summer School, July 3 – 14th

This summer we are organizing at AKMED of Koç University in Antalya  a "numismatics summer school" from July 3 to 14, 2017. It is open to the students from Turkey and abroad. Scholarships are available. Deadline is April 17.


Here is the link to the summer school:




Call for participants: The Bologna University Greek and Latin Summer School, 2017

For the tenth year in a row, the University of Bologna offers an intensive three-week Greek and Latin Summer School.


Two different levels (beginners and intermediate) are scheduled for both languages. It will also be possible to combine two classes (one in Latin and one in Greek) at a special rate.

The courses will take place in Bologna, in the Department of Classics and Italian studies (, from 19th June to 7th July 2017 and are open to students (undergraduate and post-graduate) and non-students alike. Participants must be aged 18 or over.


The teaching will be focused mainly on the linguistic aspects and the syntax of Greek and Latin; additional classes will touch on moments of classical literature, ancient history and history of art, supplemented by visits to museums and archaeological sites (in Bologna and Rome).


all teaching and social activities will be in English.

For further information and to download the application form please visit:





​​Call for papers: "Feeding on Dreams: Exiles and Exile in Late Antiquity.”, workshop at Yale University 23-25 April, 2018

Organized by Maria Doerfler (Yale University) and Geoffrey Nathan (University of New South Wales)


Being barred from one’s native lands, state and/or community was and continues to be a unique form of punishment.  Individuals or groups might not only suffer from physical, economic and legal privation, but also social and cultural exclusion to the point of a kind of social death.  In Late Antiquity, the degree of political and religious change made exile perhaps more likely for an increasingly diverse group, but may have also changed the nature of exile itself.  Recent work both on conceptual exile and the exile of clerics raises the possibility of expanding the scope of scholarly conversations surrounding the practice in this period.   This workshop’s purpose is to consider different experiences and conceptions of formal and informal banishment to arrive at a more holistic understanding of the social, cultural, and literary phenomenon of exile in late antiquity.


The organizers thus invite papers to explore the nature of exile and exiles in Late Antiquity (ca.300-650 CE).  We welcome contributors to interpret these concepts broadly, and seek a wide variety of papers and disciplinary approaches.


Topics might include, but are not limited to:


Political and religious exile

Relegatio, deportatio, postliminium: exile in law


Conceptual exile (spiritual and metaphorical exile)

Treatments of exile in the religions of Late Antiquity

Diasporas and refugees

The archaeology of exile


After the workshop, participants will be invited to submit their revised papers for publication. Please send abstracts of up to 500 words .  Alternatively, abstracts may be sent to either Maria Doerfler (  or Geoff Nathan ( ) by 14 May 2017. For queries, please email either organizer.




Between lust and chastity: the Byzantines on Love and Sex, Buenos Aires, 28-29 August 2017

Rivers of ink have flown since A. Kazhdan’s seminal contribution, “Byzantine Hagiography and Sex in the Fifth to Twelfth Century” (1990), including V. Burrus’ The Sex Lives of Saints (2004). Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge no study to date covers in a comprehensive way divine and human love, the codification of the relation between sexes, the interaction between an avowed morality and the real practice of sexuality. This colloquium aims to put together a number of works tackling these and similar issues


A historical, anthropological or sociological perspective still has a fair job to do in this area. The UBA research team, with its focus on narratology, will pay special attention to love as a dynamic principle in Byzantine storytelling, either hagiographical, historical, or of other kind. Indeed, the centrality of love, which can take myriad forms (as a topos, as a target towards which a given plot aims, as a powerful tool towards meaningful characterization, as a social expectation horizon, etc.) should be evaluated in the framework of the evolution of narrative forms. We believe that a dynamic analysis of erotic motifs can be so productive for diachronic narrativity as the spatiality, temporality, or the studies of narrators and narratees.


At the same time, any other point of view is welcome: from a presentation on the Song of Songs, to a study of Byzantine marriage; from the love poetry in the Anthology to the apparent desacralization of erotism studied by H.-G. Beck in his Byzantinisches Erotikon; from the ever-lasting reading of the Greek novels to the erotic connotations – or not – of virginity and mystical experience. More metaphorical subjects such as the “love of learning” are also welcome.


Please send your abstract, no later than May 31st, 2017, to , . Any query or comment will also be more than welcome.

Poster found here.




Summer School on Greek Palaeopgrahy and Byzantine Epigraphy, 3-8 July, Patmos


The one-week intensive Summer School is an introductory course to Greek Palaeography and Byzantine Epigraphy aiming to provide students with basic skills for approaching manuscripts and written inscriptions.


A unique feature of this Summer School is that students will be given the opportunity to learn and practice within the Monastery of Saint John, which is now home to more than 1200 manuscripts and a large number of icons and monumental paintings with inscriptions dating from 12th to 16th century.


The Summer School will be held from 3 to 8 July 2017. The instructors are researchers of the National Hellenic Research Foundation and in particular of the Institute of Historical Research as well as external collaborators of the Institute with extensive experience in the study of Greek Palaeography and Byzantine Epigraphy. The lectures will take place at the Nikolaides Mansion whereas the practical exercise sessions inside the monastery and in the Apocalypses Cave.


The school is intended for PhD candidates, postgraduate, graduate students and pre-graduate students in their final year of Classics, Philology, History, Theology, Byzantine and Medieval Studies.


The course of Palaeography will be taught in Italian and English, whereas the course of Byzantine Epigraphy in English. Adequate knowledge of Ancient Greek is a prerequisite for participation.


The number of students is limited to 20. They will be selected by a Scientific Committee following a thorough assessment of the application and the CV of the candidates.


All students will receive a Certificate of Participation.


For complete information, see




Byzantine Studies Research Center, Byzantine Greek Summer School, Bogazici University, Istanbul, June 28- July 21, 2017


The Byzantine Studies Research Center is pleased to announce the organization of its first Byzantine Greek Summer School program to be held at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, from June 28 to July 21, 2017. Students will have the chance to participate in an intensive program in Medieval Greek with Prof. Niels Gaul, while enjoying various attractions of the Bogazici University campus on the Bosphorus and the Byzantine sites of Istanbul.




The course is designed for students who have completed at least two semesters of college-level Classical Greek or its equivalent. Students are expected to have knowledge of basic Greek grammar and to be able to read simple texts from ancient Greek or Byzantine literature. The morning sessions, devoted to the reading of Byzantine texts from various genres, will be supplemented by private tutorials in the afternoon. Each student will have one hour of tutorial per week. The language of instruction is English. The program will offer tours in the weekends to the important Byzantine sites and museums in Istanbul. Students will receive a certificate of participation upon successful completion of the program.




Niels Gaul is the A. G. Leventis Professor of Byzantine Studies at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of Thomas Magistros und die spätbyzantinische Byzantinistik (2011) and the co-editor, with S. Steckel and M. Grünbart, of Networks of Learning: Perspectives on Scholars in Byzantine East and Latin West, c. 1000–1200 (2014) and, with Av. Cameron, of Dialogues and Debates from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium (2017). From August 2017 he will be the Principal Investigator of an ERC-funded project, “Classicising learning in medieval imperial systems: cross-cultural approaches to Byzantine paideia and Tang/Song Xue’.”




The classes will be held at the Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University.  Bogazici University, established as Robert College in 1863, is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Turkey. Its Byzantine Studies Research Center, founded in 2015, is the first Turkish institution attached to a state university that is dedicated to academic research on Byzantine civilization. The Center fosters the development of education in Byzantine studies by offering scholarships at the M.A., Ph.D., and post-doc levels, “tools of the trade” seminars, and language programs.


For more information, please see:




Graduate students and advanced undergraduates, as well as individuals with an academic interest in or a career relevant to Byzantine studies can apply granted that they meet the requirements mentioned above. Priority will be given to graduate students in the field of Byzantine studies. A diagnostic test may be administered to the candidates before the final decision.




Thanks to a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, all the successful candidates who are accepted to the program will attend the courses free of charge. Additionally, we offer:


3 scholarships to foreigners from outside Turkey that will cover accommodation in a shared apartment, airfare to/from Istanbul, and a meal plan for the duration of the program.

3 scholarships to Turkish citizens from outside Istanbul that will cover transportation expenses to/from Istanbul and a meal plan for the duration of the program.

5 scholarships to Turkish students resident in Istanbul that will cover a meal plan for the duration of the program.

Please indicate in your application which scholarship you would like to apply.


To Apply:


Candidates should submit their application to the Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University before May 31, 2017. The application file should be in English and include a statement of purpose and a detailed CV. The applicant should indicate in the statement of purpose his/her background in Classical Greek and the relevance of the summer program for his/her future studies or career development. Applicants currently enrolled as students in a higher education institution should also submit a transcript and one reference letter.


Applications should be sent to:





British School at Ankara, Research Funding Applications


The following calls for applications may be of interest to those working on the history and/or archaeology of Asia Minor and the Black Sea.


The British Institute at Ankara invites applications for its Study Grants and its Research Fund. Both of these are open to researchers at any stage of their careers. The deadline for both schemes is 28 April 2017.


Study Grants:

·Grants are worth up to £2,000.

·More information is available here:


Research Funding Proposal:

·Grants are worth up to £5,000.

·More information is available here:




Assistant or Associate Specialist at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae


The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae® (TLG®) at the University of California Irvine invites applications for a full-time research position. This appointment is for an initial one-year period with the possibility of renewal up to a maximum of three years. The individual to be appointed will oversee text digitization and correction and contribute to the expansion of the TLG collection.


Prerequisites: Ph.D. in Classics or Byzantine Literature; high level of proficiency in Greek and Latin; prior experience in technology is desired but not required. Familiarity with textual criticism and a capacity for detail-oriented work are essential requirements.


Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University of California offers an attractive benefits package. Applications should be submitted electronically at: Applications should include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and three letters of reference. Questions about the position may be sent to:


Application deadline: Applications received by April 15, 2017 will receive full consideration, but the search will remain open until the position is closed or filled.


The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.


More information here:




Call for candidates for a post-doctoral researcher for the project The Cult of Saints: a Christendom-wide study of its origins, spread and development  (Latin evidence), Warsaw


Application deadline: 31 May 2017


The Institute of History, University of Warsaw, is seeking to recruit a post-doctoral researcher  for a position in the ERC-funded project The Cult of Saints: a Christendom-wide study of its origins, spread and development. The successful candidate will work as part of a team of seven post-doctoral researchers reporting to the Principal Investigator, Bryan Ward-Perkins (University of Oxford), but under direct supervision of Robert Wiśniewski  (University of Warsaw). The postholder will have responsibility for collecting and researching Latin evidence consisting mostly of literary texts, inscriptions and calendars. The postholder is also expected to produce sole-authored articles on aspects of the cult of saints in the West.



Full information about the vacancy and how to apply can be found here:    






Byzantine Studies Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Notre Dame


Following substantial investment in the area of Byzantine Studies at the University of Notre Dame, including the acquisition of the Milton V. Anastos Library of Byzantine Civilization and generous support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the

National Endowment for the Humanities, the Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame is delighted to invite applicants for a nine-month Postdoctoral Fellowship in Byzantine Studies. This fellowship is designed for junior scholars with  a  completed doctorate  whose  research deals  with  some  aspect of the Byzantine world. The fellow is expected to pursue promising research towards  scholarly publication and/or the development of new subject areas.


This Fellowship is open to qualified applicants in all fields and sub-disciplines of Byzantine Studies, such as history (including its auxiliary disciplines), archaeology, art history, literature,  theology, and liturgical studies, as well as the study of Byzantium’s interactions with neighboring cultures. The fellowship holder will pursue research in residence at the University of Notre Dame’s famed Medieval Institute during the 2017-18 academic year.


The intent of this Fellowship is to enable its holder to do innovative research drawing on the rich resources held in the Milton V. Anastos Collection, the Medieval Institute, and the Hesburgh Library more broadly. This may include the completion of book manuscripts and

articles, work on text editions, or the development of new trajectories of research in one of the aforementioned fields. The Fellowship carries no teaching responsibilities, but the fellow will

have the opportunity to participate in the multidisciplinary activities of Notre Dame faculty related to Byzantium, Eastern Christianity, and the history of the Levant. The Fellow will be

provided with a private workspace in the Medieval Institute, enjoy full library and computer privileges, and have access to all the Institute’s research tools.


In addition, towards the conclusion of the fellowship period the fellow’s work will be at the center of a workshop organized within the framework of the Byzantine Studies Seminar. Senior scholars, chosen in cooperation with the Medieval Institute, will be invited for this

event treating the fellow’s subject matter. The senior scholars will discuss draft versions of the fellow’s book manuscript or articles or discuss the further development of ongoing research projects.


Eligibility: Byzantine Studies fellows must hold a Ph.D. from an internationally recognized institution. The Ph.D. must be in hand by the beginning of the fellowship term.


Salary: $36,000 plus benefits

Start date: August 16, 2017


Application procedure: Please see the fellowship listing on our web site at  for all details of the application procedure.






Mirela Ivanova

DPhil Candidate in History
President, Oxford University Byzantine Society

Oxford University Byzantine Society

Apr 23, 2017, 8:27:45 AM4/23/17

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The Byzness, 22th April 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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Patrick Geary (Andrew W. Mellon Professor, Princeton): Understanding Barbarian Migrations Through Genomic Research, Wednesday 26th April, 5pm, Stanford House, 65 High Street, Oxford

In this lecture, Patrick Geary will present the preliminary results of his collaborative, interdisciplinary genomic investigation into sixth-century population structures and movements between Pannonia and Italy. Nuclear DNA sequence data from cemeteries in modern Hungary and Italy reveal genetic groups that correlate with cultural data to suggest new ways of understanding the movement of barbarian warrior populations into Italy in the so-called migration age.


‘The Long History of Ethnicity & Nationhood Reconsidered’ Seminar aims at systematically rethinking the history and theory of ethnicity, nationhood and nationalism. The full programme of the seminar is available at

For a poster of the event click here.



Book Launch: Ecclesiology and Politics between East and West, 2pm-6pm Tuesday 25th April, Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi

Réduire le schisme ? Ecclésiologies et politiques de l’Union entre Orient et Occident (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles), éd. Marie-Hélène Blanchet et Frédéric Gabriel, Paris, Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2013 (Monographies, 39).


L’Union à l’épreuve du formulaire : Professions de foi entre églises d’Orient et d’Occident (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle), éd. Marie-Hélène Blanchet et Frédéric Gabriel, Paris, Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2016 (Monographies, 51).


For a full timetable and poster click here.


Professor Alexei Lidov: Byzantine Icons and Western Pictures: Two Matrices of Christian Imagery, 1pm, May 2nd, Arumugam Building, St Catherine’s College, Oxford

For a poster click here.

For more information contact:


Papers and Archives of Sir Dmitry Obolensky at Christ Church, Oxford


A message from  Judith Curthoys, Archivist, Christ Church, Oxford:


The papers and archive of Sir Dimitri Obolensky FBA (1918 -2001), Student of Christ Church 1950-85, Emeritus 1995-2001, Professor of Russian and Balkan History 1961-85 have been received by Christ Church on permanent loan through an agreement with the Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge. After they have been sorted and catalogued they will be available for study. There will be an exhibition in Christ Church Library in Spring 2018 as part of the celebrations for the centenary of his birth, and a conference exploring his intellectual legacy in Michaelmas 2018 , co-ordinated by Jonathan Shepard, James Pettifer and Peter Frankopan.





The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew and ‘Oriental’ Languages On Scholarship, Science, and Society in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Leuven, 13-15 December

Submission deadline 30 April, 2017


In 1517, Leuven witnessed the foundation of the Collegium Trilingue. This institute, funded through the legacy of Hieronymus Busleyden and enthusiastically promoted by Desiderius Erasmus, offered courses in the three ‘sacred’ languages Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. LECTIO (Leuven Centre for the Study of the Transmission of Texts and Ideas in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance) seizes the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Leuven Collegium Trilingue as an incentive both to examine the general context in which such polyglot institutes emerged and—more generally—to assess the  overall impact of Greek and Hebrew education, by organizing a three-day international conference. Our focus is not exclusively on the 16th century, as we also welcome papers dealing with the status and functions accorded to Greek, Hebrew, and other ‘Oriental’ languages in the (later) Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period up to 1750. Special attention will be directed to the learning and teaching practices and to the general impact the study of these languages exerted on scholarship, science and society.


Please find below the full call for papers or visit our website ( ).


Keynote speakers are Luigi-Alberto Sanchi (Institut d’Histoire du Droit Paris) and Saverio Campanini (Università di Bologna)


Participants are asked to give 20-minute papers in English, German or French. To submit a proposal, please send an abstract of approximately 300 words (along with your name, academic affiliation and contact information) to  by 30 April, 2017. Notification of acceptance will be given by 20 May, 2017.


The publication of selected papers is planned in a volume to be included in the peer-reviewed LECTIO Series (Brepols Publishers).


Venue of the Conference: The Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.


Thank you for forwarding this call to your academic network.


If you have any questions, please contact



​​Italian Art Society call for Session Proposals: International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo 10-13 May, 2018

The IAS seeks session proposals for the annual meeting of the International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS). The Congress is an annual gathering of more than 3,000 scholars interested in Medieval Studies, broadly defined. It features more than 550 sessions of

papers, panel discussions, roundtables, workshops, and performances.


The IAS is seeking session proposals that cover Italian art from the fourth through the fifteenth centuries. Members interested in putting together a panel or linked panels should send a brief abstract (250 words max), session title, a short list of potential or desired speakers (they need not be confirmed), the name of the chair(s) with email addresses and affiliation, and a one-page CV. Submit by 21 APRIL 2017 TO PROG...@ITALIANARTSOCIETY.ORG .






Call for abstracts: Archaeology and history of Lydia from the early Lydian period to late antiquity (8th century B.C.-6th century A.D.). An international symposium, May 17-18, Izmir, Turkey

The booklet of abstracts for speakers is now available here.


But it is still possible to send an abstract, the deadline is April 30th.

For more information please visit:





Call for Papers - Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies, London, 6 October 2017

The Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies Research workshop. co-hosted by the Aga Khan University, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations and SOAS, University of London, will be held on 6 October 2017 in London.


This year’s exploratory and informal workshop will reflect on methodologies, research agendas, and case studies for investigating history writing in Arabic in the Middle East and North Africa in any period from the seventh century to the present. As in previous years, the emphasis will be on informal discussion and exchange of ideas.


Through what practices of writing or otherwise encoding the past and of remembering and forgetting, have different groups in the Middle East and North Africa viewed their pasts? At different times and places, how have the significant contours, events and actors in their histories been seen? Was the significant past the same for court historians as for literary historians; for bureaucrats as for the military; for Sufis as for Muslim lawyers and Traditionists? How did non-Muslims and Muslims, men and women, adherents of different sectarian or juristic traditions, or speakers of different languages within societies that became “Islamic” imagine the shape and meaning of their specific societies’ own pasts, and their relation to the universal history of the Islamic community? More recently, how have urban and rural people, workers and peasants, the religiously educated and the technocratic elite, developed different ways of writing, remembering, or commemorating particular events in, or the broad sweep of, local, national, or “Islamic” history?


Contributions are invited that will consider the practical and conceptual challenges of working on history writing in the region, as well as offering examples of themes, methods, and case studies of recent research that might elucidate these questions. Contributions are invited from scholars at all career levels, addressing any period and any part of the Middle East and North Africa, broadly defined.


Arabic Pasts is co-organized by Hugh Kennedy (SOAS), James McDougall (Oxford), and Sarah Bowen Savant (AKU-ISMC).


Please send by 15 May an abstract of 300 words or less to . There is a small budget to provide some travel assistance for scholars outside of London.






Andrew Mellon Foundation Grants and Scholarships at Bogazici University











The Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University is pleased to announce three scholarships for the M.A. program in the field of Byzantine studies at the Department of History for the 2017-2018 academic year. The scholarships are open to future applicants as well as current students enrolled in the M.A. program of the department. Applicants from any country with an interest in Byzantine history, art history, and archaeology are encouraged to apply.

The scholarship is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation on the basis of an annual total of $5,000 net for the duration of two years, provided that the accepted candidates continue to meet necessary academic requirements. Successful foreign candidates living abroad will be eligible for a supplementary grant (max. $1,500) towards one-time airfare and health insurance. Please note that recipients of the scholarship cannot be employed in any other institution.

Applicants should follow the admission procedures for the M.A. program of the History Department at Bogazici University, specifically indicating their wish to be considered for the scholarship in their statement of purpose.

For application procedures:

Current students enrolled in the department should apply directly to the Byzantine Studies Research Center with a statement of purpose written in English and a current transcript by 5 May 2017.

Questions can be addressed to:

For more information on the Byzantine Studies Research Center:





The Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University is pleased to announce one scholarship for the Ph.D. program in the field of Byzantine studies at the Department of History for the 2017-2018 academic year. The scholarship is open to future applicants as well as current students enrolled in the Ph.D. program of the department. Applicants from any country with an interest in Byzantine history, art history, and archaeology are encouraged to apply.

The scholarship is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation on the basis of an annual total of $8,000 net for the duration of three years, provided that the accepted candidate continues to meet necessary academic requirements. A successful foreign candidate living abroad will be eligible for a supplementary grant (max. $1,500) towards one-time airfare and health insurance. Please note that the recipient of the scholarship cannot be employed in any other institution.

Applicants should follow the admission procedures for the Ph.D. program of the History Department at Bogazici University, specifically indicating their wish to be considered for the scholarship in their statement of purpose.

For application procedures:

Current students enrolled in the department should apply directly to the Byzantine Studies Research Center with a statement of purpose written in English and a current transcript by 5 May 2017.





The Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University invites applications for a post-doctoral research position in the field of Byzantine history, art history, and archaeology. Conceived in the framework of expanding the scholarly activities of the Byzantine Studies Research Center, the nine-month position is expected to start in September 2017. The successful candidate will be required to contribute to the development of the Byzantine Studies Research Center, as well as taking part in the activities of the Center.

The position is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation on the basis of a monthly total of $1,800 net for nine months.

Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in a relevant field and excellent command of English should submit their application to the Byzantine Studies Research Center before 31 May 2017. The application file should include a cover letter, a detailed research project proposal, a CV and list of publications, two letters of recommendation, and a sample of their written work.

Applications should be sent both in electronic format by e-mail and as a hardcopy to:


Byzantine Studies Fellowships Committee

Department of History

Bogazici University

Bebek 34342, Istanbul






The Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University is pleased to announce one short-term post-doctoral research grant in the field of Byzantine studies for Turkish citizens and foreign scholars holding academic positions in Turkey. The aim of the grant is to sponsor the expenses of the successful candidate for travel within or outside Turkey for research in 2017. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the grant offers up to $2,400 for the above-mentioned expenses to be spent in 2017.

Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in Byzantine studies should submit their application to the Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University before 31 May 2017. The application file should be in English and include a research project proposal with a time line, an expected budget for expenses, a detailed CV and list of publications, a sample of written work, and two letters of recommendation.

Applications should be sent both in electronic format by e-mail and as a hardcopy to:


Byzantine Studies Fellowships Committee

Department of History

Bogazici University

Bebek 34342, Istanbul






The Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University is pleased to announce one short-term research project grant in the field of Byzantine studies for M.A. or Ph.D. students enrolled at the Department of History, Bogazici University. The aim of the grant is to sponsor the expenses of the successful candidate for acquiring language skills and/or for conducting research in libraries and/or museums within or outside Turkey in 2017. The grant, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, offers up to $1,100 for the above-mentioned expenses to be spent in 2017.

Candidates should submit their application to the Byzantine Studies Research Center at Bogazici University before 31 May 2017. The application file should be in English and include a research project proposal, an expected budget for expenses, a detailed CV, and a transcript.

Applications should be sent both in electronic format by e-mail and as a hardcopy to:


Byzantine Studies Fellowships Committee

Department of History

Bogazici University

Bebek 34342, Istanbul





One-year Visiting Replacement position in Medieval Art History, College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA

Please help us distribute our call for applications for a VAP position in Medieval/Byzantine art history at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA:


The Department of Art and Art History at the College of William and Mary invites applications for a one-year visiting replacement position in Medieval Art History, with possibility of renewal for a second year, to begin in August 10, 2017. The successful candidate will teach three undergraduate courses per semester, including a global art history survey (prehistory to ca. 1400), and topics in the candidate’s areas of expertise, which may include late Antique, Medieval, Byzantine, and Islamic art and architecture.

Required qualifications:  Minimum ABD in a relevant discipline. The successful candidate will have teaching experience.

Preferred qualifications: PhD preferred.


Applicants must apply online at . Submit a curriculum vitae, a cover letter including statement of research and teaching interests, and syllabi of courses taught or proposed. You will be prompted to submit online the names and email addresses of three references who will be contacted by the system with instructions on how to submit a letter of reference.


For full consideration, submit application materials by the review date, May 10, 2017. Applications received after the review date will be considered if needed and the position will remain open until filled. Information on the degree programs in the Department of Art and Art History may be found at:


The College of William Mary values diversity and invites applications from underrepresented groups who will enrich the research, teaching and service missions of the university. The College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and encourages applications from women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. William Mary conducts background checks on applicants for employment.







Three-year PhD in the History of late medieval astronomy in Europe

ALFA is an ERC funded project (2017-2022, 60 month, Consolidator grant 2016 agreement 723085) dedicated to the study of Alfonsine astronomy which flourished in Europe from the second half of the 13th century to the middle of the 16th century.


Relying on approaches from the history of astronomy, history of mathematics, and history of manuscript cultures to study astronomical tables, instruments, theoretical and mathematical texts, ALFA’s main objectives are to:


• Retrace the development of the corpus of Alfonsine texts from its origin in the second half of the 13th century to the end of the 15th century by following, on the manuscript level, the milieus producing and using these codices;

• Analyse Alfonsine astronomers’ practices, their relations to mathematics, to the natural world, to proofs and justification, and their intellectual and social contexts and audiences;

• Build a meaningful narrative showing how astronomers in different milieus with diverse practices shaped, also from Arabic and Hebrew materials, an original scientific scene in Europe.


ALFA works in a deeply collective manner. Matthieu Husson (PI, CNRS- Observatoire de Paris), José Chabás (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and Richard Kremer (Dartmouth College, USA) constitute its advisory board. Around them a local team of 3 post-docs, 3 PhD students and a digital humanities IT expert, based at the Paris observatory, will work with a team of international collaborators comprised of 10 specialists of the history of late medieval astronomy in Europe. Finally a team of external experts from neighbouring fields will consult with ALFA in order to enrich its methodological and theoretical dimensions and to help design the digital tools.


ALFA invites application for a 3 year doctoral position expected to start on October 1, 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter (CNRS-contract, according to CNRS policy 1758 Euros gross per month). This position will be hosted at the Observatoire de Paris (ED 127) inside the history of science team (dir. Michela Malpangotto) of the SYRTE Laboratory (UMR 8630).


The successful candidate will work as part of the local team and will spend most of his/her working time on his/her research project in the context of this collective, international project. He is expected to participate in the publications of the project and will be encouraged to take part in the conception of scientific events relevant to his research (workshops and seminars). He will have also dedicated research funds especially for travel to relevant European libraries. In line with ALFA’s (first) objective this PhD research project should enhance our understanding of the formation of the corpus of Alfonsine texts. Different approaches are possible to achieve this aim. They include: the critical edition of key works of Alfonsine astronomy and or an in-depth study of a selected corpus of manuscripts (linked to a specific production milieu, to a pertinent collector, or to the diffusion or teaching of specific Alfonsine works). These studies should be connected to more general questions regarding the history of astronomy (technical contents of texts and the elements described in them, establishment and connection of different milieus fostering Alfonsine astronomy, specificity and overlap of these milieus in term of manuscript and astronomical practices). Complementary approaches may be considered in particular regarding the history of manuscript cultures (typology of astronomical multiple-text manuscripts, visual organisation of the codex, manuscripts as performative objects).


To qualify for the position, candidates are required to have completed their Master’s degree in either sciences, history of sciences or medieval history. During the PhD it will be possible for the successful candidate to complete her/his training according to his/her needs in Latin philology, codicology, palaeography, history of astronomy and history of mathematics. Acquired competences in these domains will be appreciated. A good control of spoken and written English is also important in order to be able to interact fruitfully with the international team of the project.


Applications should be sent no later than May 14, 2017 to Matthieu Husson ( ). They shall include: a short CV (2 p. max), contact information for two possible externals referees (name, institution, email contact), a short research proposal (3-4 p. max), a written sample of academic work (e.g. Master thesis and/or a recent paper on it).


Review of applications will start on May 15, 2017 and the result will be published on June 15, 2017. For further information you are warmly encouraged to contact Matthieu Husson ( ).






FELLOWSHIPS: “Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures” (Hamburg)


The Graduate School of the “Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures” (CSMC, Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg im Sonderforschungsbereich 950 “Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa”) at the University of Hamburg invites applications for Ph.D. scholarships 2+1 year scholarships of € 1.200 per month (tax free) starting October 1st 2017.


The CSMC is a unique research centre for the historical and comparative study of manuscript cultures in Asia, Africa, and Europe building on decades of manuscript studies at the University of Hamburg. It was established with a generous grant from the German Research Association (DFG) in order to develop a comprehensive approach to manuscript cultures including disciplines such as philology, palaeography, codicology, art history, and material analysis.


Communication in the international research community of the Centre is conducted in English, Ph.D. (Dr. phil.) dissertations should be written in English or German.


First information can be found on the Centre’s webpage which will be continually updated:


We are looking for highly qualified and highly motivated Ph.D. students with an M.A. or equivalent degree in all disciplines studying manuscript cultures regardless of region.


Applications with a research proposal compatible with the programme of the Centre’s objectives, CV and copies of B.A., M.A. or other relevant certificates must be sent as ONE pdf document to the Director of the Graduate School before May 31st, 2017:


Prof. Dr. Oliver Huck

Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften


Oxford University Byzantine Society

Apr 30, 2017, 7:05:53 AM4/30/17

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The Byzness, 30th April 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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Conference: 'Sensing divinity: incense, religion and the ancient sensorium', Rome, 23-24 June 2017 - registration now open

An international, interdisciplinary conference

23-24 June 2017, British School at Rome and the École française de Rome


Organisers: Mark Bradley (University of Nottingham), Béatrice Caseau (Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV), Adeline Grand-Clément (Toulouse Jean-Jaurès/IUF), Anne-Caroline Rendu-Loisel (Toulouse Jean Jaurès), Alexandre Vincent (University of Poitiers)


23th June (BSR, Sainsbury Lecture Theatre)


9.00. Welcome and reception/ coffee.

9.30. Introduction: Mark Bradley (University of Nottingham) and Adeline Grand-Clément (Toulouse Jean-Jaurès/IUF)


Panel 1: Tracking incense in the ancient Mediterranean

Chair: Lorenzo Verderame (La Sapienza)


10.00. Jo Day (University College, Dublin), ‘Burning botanicals: incense in the Aegean Bronze Age’

10.30. Elisabeth Dodinet (CNRS Toulouse), ‘L’encens… un singulier pluriel: Les identifications produites par les analyses organiques en Méditerranée et au Levant de l’âge du Bronze’


11.00. Coffee break


11.30. Julie Masquelier (Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV), ‘L’encens en Égypte ancienne : identification, approvisionnement et place dans le culte’

12.00. Kiersten Neumann (University of Chicago), ‘From raw to ritualized: following the trail of incense of the Assyrian Temple’

12.30. Federico De Romanis (University of Rome, Tor Vergata), ‘Tus. L’incenso sudarabico nell’Occidente romano’


13.00-14.00. Lunch


Panel 2: Frankincense and the ancient imagination

Chair: Béatrice Caseau (Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV)


14.00. Giuseppe Squillace (University of Calabria), ‘Incense and myrrh trees in Theophrastus’ botanical works: research method and sources of information’

14.30. Véronique Mehl (University of Bretagne Sud), ‘L’encens et le divin : le matériel et l’immatériel en Grèce ancienne’

15.00 Thea Lawrence (University of Nottingham), ‘Incense, perfume, incest and (im)pietas: myrrh, religion and gender in the Roman world’


15.30. Tea


16.00-17.00. Incense demonstrations (BSR cortile)

17.00. Free time


18.15-19.15. Keynote lecture, Esther Eidinow (University of Nottingham) ‘Sensing divinity?’


19.15-20.00. Prosecco.

20.00-22.00. Conference dinner (BSR).



24th June (EFR)


Panel 3: Incense and ritual

Chair: Alexandre Vincent (University of Poitiers)


9.30. Aynur Michèle Sara Karatas (University of Bristol), ‘Incense offering to Greek deities: analysis of epigraphic material providing evidence for incense offering in cultic context’

10.00. Stefano Caneva (University of Padova), ‘Incense in the Hellenistic ruler cult’


10.30. Coffee Break


11.00. Valérie Huet (University of Bretagne Occidentale), ‘L’encens dans les rites romains: à propos de quelques images du monde romain’

11.30. Marie-Odile Charles-Laforge (University of Artois), ‘Rites et offrandes dans la religion domestique des Romains: quels témoignages sur l’utilisation de l’encens’

12.00. Béatrice Caseau (Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV), ‘Early Christian rejection of incense sacrifice’


13.00-14.00 Lunch.


Panel 4: Incense and multisensoriality

Chair: Anne-Caroline Rendu-Loisel (Toulouse Jean Jaurès)


14.00. Britta Ager (Vassar College), ‘Beyond burning: wearing, eating, compounding, and worshipping incense in the Magical Papyri’

14.30. Sarah Bond (University of Iowa), “Incense for nightfall”: incense, dreams and domestic religion in Imperial Rome’

15.00. Emma-Jayne Graham (The Open University), ‘The tactility of religious scent’


15.30. Tea Break


16.00. Francesco Buè (University of Urbino, ‘Carlo Bo’) ‘« Tura … sonant et odorant aëra fumis». Influenze dell’incenso sull’immaginario sonoro antico’

16.30. Élodie Dupey García (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), ‘Immaterial offerings in Pre-Columbian rituals: aroma and music for the Nahua divinities’


17.00. Concluding remarks


This conference has been funded with generous support from the University of Nottingham, the École française de Rome, the British School at Rome, the Institut Universitaire de France, Labex RESMED and the IDEX of the University of Toulouse.


To register click here:




Call for Participants for the Interdisciplinary Seminars of the Delphi Academy of European Studies


The Delphi Academy of European Studies focuses on the diachronic and synchronic study of European history and culture and the ways in which Europe today responds to the multifaceted challenges of political, economic, and cultural globalization.

The Academy offers two-week interdisciplinary Seminars at the Centre’s facilities in Delphi, supported by the Region of Central Greece. The Seminars, which are taught in English by world renowned academics, are open mainly to graduate students/PhD candidates but also to qualified senior undergraduates. The Instructors adopt interdisciplinary approaches to their subjects, with a view to addressing the research interests of students in the Humanities as well as the social sciences. The Seminars are accompanied by a workshop and/or invited lectures on current political and cultural developments in Europe.


The curriculum and academic function of the Delphi Academy of European Studies is overseen by an international Committee consisting of the following Professors:

Homi Bhabha (Harvard; Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Director of the Mahindra Humanities Center; )

Georges Dertilis, (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris; Directeur d'études; )

Peter Frankopan (Oxford; Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford; Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research; )

Michelle Lamont (Harvard; Robert I. Goldman Professor of European Studies; Professor of Sociology and African and African-American Studies at Harvard University; Director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; )

Spiros Pollalis (Harvard; Professor of Design, Technology, and Management at the Harvard Design School; )

Panagiotis Roilos (Harvard; George Seferis Professor of Modern Greek Studies and Professor of Comparative Literature; founder of the Academy and chair of the committee; ).


This year the Academy’s Seminars will focus on the multifaceted (political, economic, geopolitical, humanitarian) crisis in Europe. The Seminars will be offered in the second half of June (June 19-29).


The 2017 Seminar Instructors are:

Peter E. Gordon (Amabel B. James Professor of History, Faculty Affiliate Department of Philosophy, Harvard University; )

Stephanos Pesmazoglou (Professor of Political Ideology and Public Policies, Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens; )

Jacques Rupnik (Director of Research at CERI and Professor at Sciences Po in Paris and visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges; )


The seminar Post-secularism in an Era of Crisis with Professor Peter E. Gordon will investigate the troubled status of the "secular" in modern democratic states that now confront an unprecedented degree of cultural and religious heterogeneity. Such conditions call for new concepts and frameworks so as to permit a maximum of inclusion and help to sustain procedures of democratic deliberation. This interdisciplinary seminar will interrogate Jürgen Habermas's notion of the "post-secular," along with other contemporary contributions and challenges to the secular-democratic ideal.


The interdisciplinary seminar Europe in Crisis: Populism, Xenophobia, and the Future of Democracy with Professor Stephanos Pesmazoglou will focus on the following topics: terminological elucidations of easily used and abused ideas and ideologies; historical co-ordinates of recurrent crises in Europe; specificities of the latest nearly decade long European and global crisis; European North-South cleavages and their representations; Brexit, Trumpism and their impact on European integration; the refugee crisis; the resurgence of xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism. They will be approached in connection with various conceptions of  "democracy" and their responses to the current crisis.


The seminar European Responses to the Migrant Crisis: Political Divides and Contrasting Narratives with Professor Jacques Rupnik will focus on the dividing lines within the EU (East-West) with regard to the migration crisis, and on the ways in which these differences may be contained or overcome.

Upon completion of the Seminar Program, certificates indicating the titles of the Seminars and the names of the Instructors will be awarded to the students. 

Students at the Academy are expected to pay tuition fees of 350 euros. Tuition covers lodging, meals (lunch and dinner), and attendance of the Seminars.


Applicants to the Academy should submit the following documents:

1) CV (no more than 3 pages). 

2) Research statement no more than 200 words.

3) Two letters of recommendation (one from the applicant's PhD/academic advisor, in the case of graduate students). The letters should include information about the applicant's coursework and academic performance in areas related to the topics of the seminars.

4) Proof of English language competence.


Applications should be submitted not later than May 10 and sent to the European Cultural Centre of Delphi (Mrs. Athena Gotsi, )

Decisions will be communicated to the applicants by May 20.



​​Call for Papers: Workshop on Syriac Texts

AHRC-funded project ‘The Syriac Galen Palimpsest: Galen's On Simple Drugs and the Recovery of Lost Texts through Sophisticated Imaging Techniques’ (University of Manchester) and ERC-funded project ‘Transmission of Classical Scientific and Philosophical Literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic’ (Austrian Academy of Sciences) co-organize a workshop on automated methods of lemmatization, morphological analysis and other types of annotations and mark-ups of Syriac texts.


Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in digital editions, creation of corpora of Syriac texts and, more broadly, computer-assisted analysis of Syriac. However, the basic tools indispensable for any such initiative are for the most part not available. In that respect the field of Syriac Studies is currently at a considerable disadvantage in comparison with the Greek, Arabic or Hebrew Studies, to name just a few related fields. This underdevelopment has severe repercussions not only for electronic editions but also for such areas as Syriac linguistics and lexicography.


Whereas a pioneering conference on Syriac and the Digital Humanities (Rutgers University, 2015) clearly demonstrated the general scholarly demand for provision of electronic infrastructure for Syriac, the workshop is going to bring together scholars either developing electronic tools and corpus software for Syriac or using already available tools for their projects.


We hope that the workshop will promote exchange of ideas and foster collaboration among scholars.



Invited Speakers:


George Kiraz (Beth Mardutho; Rutgers University)


Bastien Kindt (Université catholique de Louvain)


Wido van Peursen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


Organizing committee:


Peter E. Pormann


Grigory Kessel


Naïma Afif


Abstracts should be submitted by May 7 by e-mail to Grigory Kessel ( )





Two fully-funded PhD places at KCL: Latin verse in English manuscript verse miscellanies, c. 1550-1700

Two funded PhD studentships are available at King’s College London to work on the project ‘Latin verse in English manuscript verse miscellanies, c. 1550-1700’, funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant. Students from any relevant disciplinary background may apply (e.g. classics, English literature, comparative literature, early modern history) though excellent Latin is essential, and all candidates should have a record of academic excellence within their field. Relevant knowledge or experience in one or more of the following areas is an advantage, but not essential: neo-Latin literature (especially poetry); Latin epigram, lyric or elegy; early modern English history; early modern English literature (especially poetry); early modern manuscript transcription and editing; XML/TEI. Training in the use of relevant software and in early modern palaeography and transcription will be provided as part of the programme, and students will have the opportunity to join a taught MA course on neo-Latin poetry in their first term. The selected students will share office space at KCL with a larger research team, consisting of the director of the project (Dr Victoria Moul) and two post-doctoral researchers.


The project will involve an initial phase of technical training and orientation, followed by around twelve months focused on the transcription and translation of unstudied neo-Latin verse from manuscript sources. The latter 18-24 months will be devoted to the analysis of transcribed material and the writing of a thesis. Selected students will be free to develop their own doctoral project within the larger remit of the project: such projects could have, for instance, a generic, thematic or historical focus – e.g. focusing in particular on lyric or elegiac poems; on poems on a particular historical event (such as the Armada or execution of Charles I); on the manuscript transcription of poems by a particular author (such as Theodore de Bèze or John Owen) or on a specific literary relationship, such as the imitation of a particular classical poet. Dr Victoria Moul, is an experienced PhD supervisor and the students will join a thriving community of six PhD and post-doctoral researchers in the field at King’s, offering a unique research environment within the UK.


The anticipated start date is September 2017, though January 2018 is also possible. Funding includes UK/EU fees of £4,600 per annum plus a maintenance stipend of £15,863 per annum over three years.


 Applicants should send a CV and transcript with a cover letter explaining their interest in and suitability for the project by 5pm on Monday 15th May 2017 directly to Dr Moul ( ). They should arrange for two referees to send their references directly to Dr Moul by the same date. Interviews of shortlisted candidates will be held at KCL (Strand campus) on Thursday 1st June. Successful candidates should if at all possible be available to attend the London Palaeography Summer School, involving 2 or 3 days of classes between 12th and 16th June. Should you have any questions about these studentships, please feel free to write to Dr Moul ( ) directly.

Please feel free to forward this notice.





Dumbarton Oaks Coins and Seals Curatorial Position

For full details click here.

Oxford University Byzantine Society

May 7, 2017, 7:29:00 PM5/7/17

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The Byzness, 7th May 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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Greek manuscripts at the Wellcome Library: a symposium and concert


On Thursday 25 May 2017 the Wellcome Library will host a one-day symposium on its Greek manuscripts, aiming to explore hitherto unknown or very little studied medical texts. Topics will include the diagnosis and therapy of diseases, and the ownership of manuscripts by physicians. Other papers will reflect on the interrelationship between medicine and astronomy, poetry and divinatory texts. There will also be an opportunity to view a selection of the Library’s Greek manuscripts.


The symposium will be followed by a concert of Byzantine hymns on medicine. These are unique medical texts which are preserved in one of the manuscripts of the collection and will be performed for the first time in the United Kingdom. Participants will be able to explore the connections between music, memory and medicine in 13th-century Byzantium through a live performance.




Venue: Mendel 1, Wellcome Trust Gibbs building, 215 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE


10:20–10:40: Registration


10:40: Opening: Elma Brenner (Wellcome Library, London)


10:50: Introduction: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos (King’s College London)


11:00: History of the collection: Vivian Nutton (First Moscow State Medical University)


11:30–12:30: Session I: Greek Medical Texts

Chair: Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim (Goldsmiths, University of London)


Orly Lewis (Hebrew University of Jerusalem):

‘The medical theory of the Anonymous of Paris’


Caroline Petit (University of Warwick):

‘Galenic diagnostic and prognostic in the Wellcome Library’s Greek manuscripts’


12:30–13:30: Lunch break


13:30–14:30: Session II: Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Medical Texts

Chair: Dimitrios Skrekas (University of Oxford)


Barbara Zipser (Royal Holloway, University of London):

‘MS. MSL. 14 as a therapeutic handbook’


Marjolijne Janssen (Independent Researcher):

‘The language of MS. 4103’


14:30–15:00: Coffee/Tea


15:00–16:30: Session III: Byzantine Poetry, Astronomy and Divination

Chair: Peregrine Horden (Royal Holloway, University of London)


Marc Lauxtermann (University of Oxford):

‘The poetry in Wellcome Library, MS. 498’


Anne Tihon (Université Catholique de Louvain):

‘Jewish astronomy in Byzantium: texts and manuscripts’


Georgi Parpulov (British Museum, London):

‘An illustrated copy of the Oracles of Leo the Wise’


16:30–17:00: Showcase of selected Greek manuscripts, Library Viewing Room


17:00–18:00: Reception, Henry’s Space


Concert: Singing Byzantine Medicine


Venue: Reading Room, Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE


18:00: Petros Bouras-Vallianatos (King’s College London):

‘The medical context’


18:05: Dimitrios Skrekas (University of Oxford):

‘The musical context’


18:10: Concert: Byzantine hymns chanted by Dimitrios Skrekas, Athanasios Charalampopoulos and choir


Stichera and canon on the examination of blood and urines attributed to Nikephoros Vlemmydes


18:45: Interactive discussion with the audience, including brief provocations by Helen King (Open University/University of Warwick) and Dionysios Stathakopoulos (King’s College London)


The event is free to attend. To register, please contact Petros Bouras-Vallianatos ( ) by Monday 22 May.




"Ancient and modern Encyclopedism", 17-18 May 2017, Aula Magna, Palazzo Ateneo, Bari


For a full programme click here.



Call for Participants for Summer School in Oriental Languages, 6-15 July, Venice

For a list of all languages taught and how to apply click here.





“St. Ambrose of Milan: (Re-)Constructing Community”. An Interdisciplinary and International Conference. April 6-8, 2018, Saint Ambrose University, Davenport (IA)


Hosted by the Academy for the Study of Saint Ambrose of Milan (ASSAM), at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa In coordination with the Dies Academicus (Classe di Studi Ambrosiani), “Progetti e prospettive di ricerca su sant’Ambrogio a livello internazionale,” at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, March 20-21, 2018.


Ambrose of Milan built community, not only in the literal sense (e.g., through construction of churches) but also by crafting or re-crafting the sense of community in the Late Ancient Roman Empire, especially in the West.  This international conference on the campus of St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, will address the many ways and means by which Ambrose constructed community.  How did Ambrose form a community, mold a particular sense of community, or reshape the understanding of an established community?  How did he redefine what it meant to be Roman?  Christian?  Rich or Poor? How did he connect the Powerful and the People, the Sage and the Simple?  Humans and the rest of creation?  How did his sense of community engage the (so-called) pagan, the Jew, the heterodox, the barbarian?  To answer such questions, the broadest approaches are needed.  Disciplines may include, but are not limited to, Art and Archaeology, Communication, History, Law, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Poetry and Literature, Politics, Science, and Theology. Papers may also address the communities that Ambrose ‘inherited’ or how later generations used Ambrose for their own community building efforts.  Interdisciplinary topics are encouraged (though not required).


Papers are to be 20 minutes to allow time for questions.  Time will be allotted during and after the session for dialogue.  Graduate student papers welcome.


Abstracts, 200-300 words in length, should meet the deadline of October 1, 2017.  Please include your name, degree, affiliation, email, and mailing address.  To upload your abstract, visit the Conference Paper Abstract link via ASSAM’s website:


ASSAM is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of travel subsidies, especially for those with limited or no institutional support.  Our intention is to encourage participation by a new generation of scholars and by scholars from around the world.  An application for funds will be found with the Conference Registration link.




Robert Grant and Ethan Gannaway


Again, please visit our website


Neighbours or Strangers? Conflict, Negotiation, and Collaboration in Multicultural Communities Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages VII, University of Tampere, 23. – 25.8.2018


Questions of toleration, aggression and even hatred based on ethnic diversity have been accentuated in recent times, but multiculturalism in its various forms is far from being confined to the modern world only. The seventh international Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages conference will focus on forms of interaction and methods of negotiation in multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual contexts.


The conference aims at concentrating on social and cultural interaction within and between multi-ethnic and multilingual communities, groups and individuals, minority (minorities) and majority. Cooperation, toleration, and coexistence was an everyday necessity in Ancient and medieval societies. On occasion, however, these would turn into the opposite: suspicion, conflict, and violence, enhanced by power struggles and prejudices. All these had a central influence on social dynamics, negotiations of collective or individual identity, definitions of ethnicity, and shaping of legal rules. What was the function of multicultural and multilingual interaction in various contexts: did it create and increase conflicts, or was it rather a prerequisite for survival and prosperity?


Our focus lies on society and the history of everyday life. We welcome papers, which have a sensitive approach to social differences: gender, status, and ethnicity. Actors, experiences, and various levels of negotiations are of main interest. We aim at a broad coverage not only chronologically but also geographically and disciplinarily (all branches of Classical, Byzantine and Medieval Studies). Most preferable are contributions that have themselves a comparative and/or interdisciplinary viewpoint or focusing on a longue durée perspective.




If interested, please submit an abstract of 300 words (setting out thesis and conclusions) for a twenty-minute paper together with your contact details (with academic affiliation, address and e-mail) by e-mail attachment to the conference secretary, The deadline for abstracts is October 31st 2017, and the notification of paper acceptance will be made in January 2018.


Conference papers may be presented in English, or in French, German or Italian, if supplied with an English translation or summary. The sessions will be formed on the basis of thematic coherence, combining papers on Antiquity and the Middle Ages in each session. The registration fee is 120 € (doctoral students: 50 €). For further information, please visit  or contact the organizers by sending an e-mail to . The registration opens in March 2018.





Auslobung des Juliana-Anicia-Prize 2017

Dear colleagues,


celebrating its 25th anniversary the academic society Spätantike und Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte (SABK e. V.) is pleased to award this years Juliana-Anicia-Prize, endowed with 1500,- Euro. Since 2002 this award has been granted to outstanding dissertations from the field of Late Antique Archaeology and Byzantine Art. For any further details please see the attachment.


Best regards Markus Löx and Alexis Oepen


For more information click here.





Call for Candidates for the Oxford-Warsaw ‘Cult of Saints’ Project

A full description is found here.




Up to 5 post-doctoral fellowships in Berlin 2017/8 – Research Programme: Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe


For a full call for applications click here.

Oxford University Byzantine Society

May 14, 2017, 12:13:46 PM5/14/17

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The Byzness, 14th May 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS


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"From the Human Body to the Universe... Spatialities of Byzantine Culture" Conference, the Museum Gustavianum in Uppsala on May 18-21, 2017.  


Information on the program and abstracts can be found on the webpage




‘The Ottoman Conquest and Knowledge: A Transcultural History’ , Newnham College, University of Cambridge, July 6-7, 2017


'The Ottoman Conquest and Knowledge: A Transcultural History' will take place at Newnham College, University of Cambridge, July 6-7, 2017 (see attached poster here). The aim of this conference is to further our understanding of the ways in which knowledge was transformed, exchanged, diversified, expanded, and suppressed during the period beginning with the Ottoman conquest of the Eastern Mediterranean. The broad (transcultural) scope of this conference is represented by scholars from diverse fields who have been brought together to discuss the far-reaching and varied impact of the Ottoman conquest.


For further information about the conference and attendance, please contact the conference organiser, Dr Alexandra Vukovich, at


Best wishes,




Dr Alexandra Vukovich

Joyce Lambert Research Fellow - Faculty of History University of Cambridge Newnham College Cambridge, CB3 9DF





Lectureship in Byzantine History, University of Edinburgh

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, is seeking to appoint an outstanding scholar to a Lectureship in Byzantine Studies, with a  focus on Byzantine History. The successful candidate will have a strong track record of internationally excellent publications and clear evidence of the potential for future development at the highest level. S/he will also be expected to make a significant contribution to the teaching of Byzantine Studies at undergraduate level, in both Classics and History, as well as at postgraduate level, especially in the framework of the cross-disciplinary Master’s programme in Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies. The search will be open in terms of period and thematic interest, but with a preference for candidates who complement existing strengths in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.


This post is full time, 35 hours per week, open ended and available from 1 September 2017.


Salary: £39,324–£46,924 per annum.


Closing date: 5pm (GMT) 8th June 2017.


Questions regarding this post can be directed to Prof. Gavin Kelly ( ), Head of Classics, or Prof. Niels Gaul ( ).


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.




Fellowships Tübingen, Germany: "Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”

The Centre for Advanced Studies “Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages” at the University of Tübingen, Germany, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), invites applications for resident fellowships starting in the year 2018. The fellowships are available for a duration between one and twelve months.


The Centre for Advanced Studies brings together scholars from a wide range of disciplines working on migration and mobility in Europe and the Mediterranean between 250 and 900 CE. The overall aim of the Centre is to explore new approaches to migration and mobility in this period and to set the scholarly debate in the field on a new footing. For more details on the program, see


Fellowships are available for scholars at all stages of their academic career who have completed their doctoral degree and established an independent research profile. Applicants should be engaged in a research project in any relevant discipline that is related to the Centre’s interests in migration and mobility in the period and area in question. The Centre also welcomes applications from scholars working on migration and mobility in the contemporary world whose research has a strong focus on theoretical and methodological issues.


Fellows are required to reside in Tübingen, where they pursue their own research project while also participating in the colloquia held at the Centre and in its annual conference in July 2018. For the duration of their stay fellows receive a salary or a stipend covering  accommodation, travel, and/or living expenses in accordance with their needs and the pertinent regulations of Tübingen University and the DFG.


Applications should include a CV, a research proposal for the project pursued at Tübingen (2000 words), and an indication of the months the applicant wants to spend at the Centre and the kind of financial support they require. All materials should be sent in a single pdf document to  by June 15, 2017.


Should you have any questions pertaining to the details of the fellowship program or the application, please contact the organizers: Mischa Meier ( ), Steffen Patzold ( ), and Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner ( ).




Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Ancient Greek, Ghent University

Position: assistant professor of Ancient Greek at Ghent University, in the tenure track system (permanent appointment is possible after five years).

Applications are expected by May 26. The starting date will be most probably February 1, 2018. You find the links to the job openings below, with all specifics about the position and application instructions.




4 postdocs and 1 post for Project Manager in the ERC project, "Mapping Ancient Polytheisms", University of Toulouse




Dans le cadre du Projet ERC Advanced Grant 741182 MAP (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Inteface between Religious Systems and Human Agency), coordonné par Corinne Bonnet, 4 postes contractuels de Post-Doctorant à temps plein (100%) sont à pourvoir, à dater du 01/10/2017.


Lieu d’exercice : Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Maison de la Recherche (présence sur place indispensable). La réalisation du projet peut impliquer des missions scientifiques en France et/ou à l'étranger. Catégorie de contrat : A


Durée du contrat: 3 ans, avec un renouvellement possible de 2 ans.


Missions principales


Les 4 post-doctorants travailleront sur les épithètes divines au départ des deux terrains d’enquête retenus pour le projet : le monde grec (2 post- doc) et le monde sémitique de l’ouest (2 post-doc), dans la longue durée qui va de l’émergence des cités grecques à la fin de l’Empire romain.


Il s'agira de répertorier, dans les sources épigraphiques, papyrologiques et littéraires, d'enregistrer dans une base de données, de traiter au moyen d'outils issus de l'analyse de réseaux et de la cartographie, et d'analyser en fonction des contextes les épithètes divines en tant qu’élements donnant accès aux modes de représentation, de structuration et de déclinaison du divin, ainsi qu'aux stratégies de communication entre hommes et dieux. L’approche comparative permettra aussi d'affronter les questions de transferts, traductions, adaptation des épithètes, ainsi que leur mise en images et en récits.




Les activités principales seront les suivantes :

- dépouiller des corpus épigraphiques et littéraires ;

- participer à la conception et à l’enrichissement d'une base de données ; - analyser les données recueillies avec les outils traditionnels des Sciences de l'Antiquité et des méthodes innovantes, comme l'analyse des réseaux sociaux et leur visualisation ;

- produire des publications originales (articles et/ou monographies), en langue française et anglaise essentiellement ;

- disséminer les résultats des recherches en dehors de Toulouse ;

- participer aux activités scientifiques de l'équipe : séminaires, journées d'étude, colloques, écoles d'été..., et à leur organisation ;

- assurer le suivi du site web et d'un blog scientifique ;

- s'ils le souhaitent, les post-doctorants pourront enseigner à l'UT2J en qualité de Chargé de cours rémunéré ;

- à tour de rôle, les post-doctorants assumeront la co-direction du projet durant un an ;

- les axes du projet seront placés sous la responsabilité de deux post- doctorants afin de favoriser le comparatisme.


Compétences requises


- Formation approfondie et expérience de recherche (thèse, post-doc) dans l'Histoire des religions de l'Antiquité ; la soutenance de thèse devra idéalement se situer dans les 5 années précédant le début du contrat ;

- excellente connaissance des langues classiques (grec et latin) et/ou sémitiques de l’ouest (hébreu, araméen, phénico-punique) ;

- familiarité avec les corpus épigraphiques et papyrologiques ;

- expérience dans le domaine de bases de données ;

- maîtrise du français, de l'anglais et de l'allemand (au moins écrit) ; - capacité à travailler en équipe.


La connaissance des outils de l'analyse des réseaux sociaux et de la cartographie serait un atout supplémentaire.


Pour diversifier les compétences au sein de l’équipe, les profils souhaités seraient les suivants:

 - compétences dans le domaine des rituels civiques et de l'articulation entre religion et politique ;

 -  compétences dans le domaine de la construction et de la représentation du pouvoir des dieux dans les rituels ;

 -  compétences dans le domaine du multiculturalisme ou du comparatisme entre monde sémitique et monde grec ;

 -  compétences dans le domaine de l'ancrage des dieux dans l'espace et dans leur mise en images.


Environnement professionnel


Les post-doctorants recrutés seront placés sous la responsabilité du Principal Investigator du projet MAP, à savoir Corinne Bonnet. Ils travailleront en collaboration au sein de l’équpe, qui comprendra aussi un(e) animateur/trice de projet, un(e) informaticien(ne). Deux doctorant(e)s et des chercheurs/euses visiteurs se joindront à l'équipe à partir de l'année 2 du projet.


Diplômes souhaités


Les post-doctorants recutés seront docteur en Sciences de l'Antiquité, ou intitulé équivalent.


Personne à contacter pour toute information sur le poste:


Corinne BONNET :


Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 31/05/2017


Constitution et envoi des dossiers:

-  Curriculum Vitae (Formation, Expérience de recherche, Publications, Projets ; 5-6 pages max.)

-  Lettre de motivation (1 p.)

-  PDF de la thèse de doctorat et du rapport de thèse


à adresser à par courrier :


Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès

Direction d'Appui à la Recherche

Pôle Suivi des Embauches

5, allées Antonio Machado 31058 TOULOUSE cedex 9 ou par mail :

Oxford University Byzantine Society

May 22, 2017, 4:56:51 AM5/22/17

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The Byzness, 22th May 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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Monkeys, Mules and Mockery: a workshop on animals and the pejorative in pre-modern texts, 5pm June 2nd, Mure Room, Merton College Oxford

For a poster with more information and the programme click here.




"The battle of Yarmūk. Rethinking 'conquest' in the Late Antique Near East" Tübingen, June 16-17, 2017

For a full programme and more information click here.




CfP: 5th International Symposium "Days of Justinian I", Byzantium and the Slavs: Medieval and Modern Perceptions and Receptions, Skopje, 17-18 November


Special Thematic Strand for 2017

“Byzantium and the Slavs: Medieval and Modern Perceptions and Receptions”

Skopje, 17-18 November, 2017


Organised by “EURO-BALKAN UNIVERSITY, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

and UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA, Italy, in partnership with the Institute of National History - Skopje


With the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and the City of Skopje



The International scientific symposium “Days of Justinian I” is an annual interdisciplinary scholarly forum aimed at the presentation of the latest research followed by discussions on various aspects of Byzantine and Medieval Studies, that include the treatment and interpretation of cultural, historical and spiritual heritage in contemporary Europe. The Symposium is dedicated to Emperor Justinian I with the aim to address a broad range of issues related to Byzantium and the European Middle Ages, comprising the exploration of the cultural and historical legacy as an integrative component of the diversities and commonalities of Unified Europe.


This year the International Symposium “Days of Justinian I” chose a special thematic strand “Byzantium and the Slavs: Medieval and Modern Perceptions and Receptions”, with the aim of discussing various aspects of the Slavic world and its legacy, from the Medieval and Modern perspective. The Symposium will address many issues concerning the Origins, Ethnicity, Identity, the State Formation of the Slavs and the relationships with Byzantium and Western Europe. The reception of the Slavic legacy in post-medieval Europe will also be explored and compared with the divergent visions of the Byzantine heritage, with the aim of defining their place within the frame of the European civilizational concept.


Тhe Symposium will embrace broader issues, geographical areas and chronological scope addressing the diverse aspects of religion, politics, ideology, identity, ethnicity, literary and artistic expression, political and cultural memory reflected in the historical and cultural legacy of the Slavia Orthodoxa, Slavia Romana and Byzantium.


Papers are welcomed on various topics that may include, but are not limited to the following areas of discussion:


- The origin of the Slavs reconsidered


- The emergence of the Slavs in Europe: Between migration and construction


- Slavic Ethnicity and identity: A reinterpretation


- Antiquity and the Slavs: Medieval and Modern receptions


- Byzantine and Western perceptions of the Slavic World


- Christianization of the Slavs and the concept of barbarism


- Slavia Orthodoxa and Slavia Romana: Political and ideological contexts


- State formation in the Middle Ages: Slavs, Byzantium and Western Europe


- Sharing the traditions in Europe: The reception of the mission of Sts. Cyril and Methodius


- Projecting the Middle Ages in the ideologies of Pan-Slavism and Yugoslavism


- Appropriation of the medieval past in 19th century Europe


- Imagining the Byzantine-Slavs rivalry in the 19th and 20th century Balkans


- The Slavic identity and the nationalism in Europe


- Literary Receptions of the Middle Ages


- Reinterpreting the archaeological evidence


- Reconstructing the messages of medieval visual narratives


- Language and folklore


- Music and liturgical practices


- Heritage politics and the perception of the Past

- Preserving the cultural heritage: Restoration and protection



First Deadline for submitting the abstract of the papers: 10 August, 2017


Second Deadline for submitting the abstract of the papers: 20 October, 2016


Notification of acceptance for early applicants: 15 August, 2017


Notification of acceptance for other applicants: 25 October, 2017


Deadline for submitting the full papers for publication: 1 March, 2018


Please send the application form to the address: ;


EURO-BALKAN UNIVERSITY, Blvd. Aleksandar Makedonski 24, 1000, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia / Tel: 00389 2 3075570


Presentation of the papers will be limited to 10 minutes.


Working languages: Macedonian, Italian and English.


No participation fee is required.


Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the participants themselves.


The full papers will be peer-reviewed.


Papers delivered at the Symposium will be published in the Proceedings of the Symposium.


For further inquires please contact the Secretary of the Symposium: Dr. Dragan Gjalevski:


Please check the Euro-Balkan website: for news on the Symposium, the agenda, special events and the online application form.



Symposiarch: Professor Mitko B. Panov





Hieronymus Scholarship at Polis Institute for 2017/2018


The Hieronymus scholarship is named after Saint Jerome, an outstanding Christian scholar from the second half of the 4th Century AD. Jerome is the second most prolific writer (after Augustine of Hippo) in ancient Latin Christianity. He was one of the very few scholars of Antiquity who mastered at the three Classical languages (Latin, Greek and Hebrew), which is why he was called vir trilinguis, "the trilingual man". He lived in Bethlehem for more than 30 years. Saint Jerome had contact with many prominent Jewish scholars who helped him in his translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin. This translation is called the Vulgate and has been praised for its literary quality.


The recipient of this scholarship will volunteer as a secretary and editorial assistant in different projects (Latin method, Conference Proceedings, Educational books).


 The recipient of the Scholarship will receive:

-       11,600 EUR/11 months to cover lodging and flight expenses

-       Health Insurance coverage in country during volunteer period


Specific requisites: Candidates should have a BA in one of the fields of Humanities. They should have a basic knowledge of Latin and mastery of the French language (oral and written) and have fluency in English. They should be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop.


All Applicants will hold a personal interview with the Administrative Director in English. Accepted candidates will have to accept and sign the terms and conditions regarding the volunteer work at the Institute.

Volunteering work: 40 Hours/week for 11 months.


These policies are in effect for the 2017-2018 academic year.

For more information on this scholarship, please visit our site:

Oxford University Byzantine Society

May 28, 2017, 4:26:41 PM5/28/17

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The Byzness, 28th May 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS



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Mobility and Space in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 23-24th June, 2017, University of Oxford, Radcliffe Humanities Building

The application of spatial paradigms to the study of late medieval and early modern societies is now well underway. In contrast, the so-called ‘mobility turn’ has struggled to find its way from the social sciences to the humanities and particularly to disciplines concerned with the study of the past. This conference proposes to bring the two together by focusing on how everyday mobility contributed to the shaping of late medieval and early modern spaces, and how spatial frameworks affected the movement of people in pre-modern Europe.


In focusing on these issues, the conference also intends to relate to current social challenges. The world is now more mobile than ever, yet it is often argued that more spatial boundaries exist today than ever before. The conference hopes to reflect on this contemporary paradox

by exploring the long-term history of the tension between the dynamism of communities, groups and individuals, and the human construction of spaces and borders.


For further information, please email the organisers  &


To register, please visit


For a full programme click here.




Documentary Screening and Lecture: 1000 years on Athos, Oxford, June 8th

For more information click here.



19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018, Call for papers


Starting on 15 May 2017 you can apply to present a paper. The call closes on the 31 August 2017. You can apply to participate in one of the proposed panels or in one of the 12 sessions. For either, an abstract must be submitted for review (max. 1500 characters, including spaces). Each paper will be alloted 20 minutes.


Application for a panel:


During the call for panels more than 100 panels were proposed. Some of those accepted have been designated as closed panels. In these cases, the papers of the session have been pre-approved by the panel organizers. If you are a speaker in a closed panel, you can upload your abstract via the conference management system Converia.


If you are not already scheduled as a speaker, you can apply for one of the panels, labeled open panel. Please have a look at the list of panels first and note down the abbreviation of the selected panel. You can only apply for one of the panels. If necessary the organisation team of the congress will make a different assignment.   


Application for a session:


If your proposed paper does not match one of the panels, you can apply to participate in one of the twelve open sessions. In these cases, the organization team will assign new panels and will accept paper proposals into them that are thematically related to at least three other proposed papers.


Rejected papers will be automatically considered for the poster session. Participation in the poster session is not obligatory.


The conference management system Converia will guide you through the submission process.


For further information:




Georgia – Byzantium - Christian East (Actual Issues of Cultural Relations), International Conference, call for papers, 25 -27  September, 2017


Georgian identity among modern European world is defined by the proper definition of its cultural and historic experience in the history of world civilization. The aim of the conference is to prove that the Georgian culture is an essential part of world heritage. Georgian culture of the Middle Ages is an effective participator of the modern World cultural dialogue, as it is the part of common Christian world.


In the context of globalization sharing international scholarly-research experience in the frames of international forum is greatly important. The study of interrelation and influence of Georgian-Byzantine and Christian East cultures in humanitarian studies is prioritized.

Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts (1/3 M. Aleksidze. Tbilisi, Georgia) is organizing the International Conference “Georgia-Byzantium-Christian East” on 25-27 September, 2017.


Conference Languages: Georgian and English.


CVs and abstracts (not more than 500 words max; Georgian texts in AcadNusx, English texts in Times New Roman); English translation should be attached to Georgian texts) should be submitted by e-mail:


Deadline: June 30, 2017

Successful participants will be informed in the first decade of July.

No registration fee required.

The conference address the themes: philology, history, theology and art history.


For more information on the sessions please click here.




Call for Papers for the Second Annual Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies (CBMS), Nicosia, Cyprus, between the 12th and 14th of January 2018.


                For more information please click here.




PhD Scholarships at the IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca (Italy)


Applications are now being accepted for the 2017/18 PhD program at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (, one of the six Schools of Excellence in Italy and one of the highest rated graduate schools in Europe according to the most recent E-Multirank survey.  Highly motivated candidates from all disciplines are invited to apply for one of the 36 fully-funded scholarships.


One of the four field-specific curricula is the Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage curriculum. The curriculum proposes courses in Management of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Institutions, European and International Legislation on Cultural Heritage and Landscape, Art History, Museology, Technologies applied to the valorization of Cultural Heritage. Both research oriented and practice oriented courses constitute the program, which aims at educating qualified professionals operating in the concrete field of cultural management and academics. It promotes research offering the students a lively contact with different research approaches and methodologies, through case studies belonging to research fields such as Art History, Classical Archaeology and Museology. During their doctoral studies, students are encouraged to carry out their research with the School’s Research Units.


All students are based in the recently restored San Francesco complex, a fully integrated Campus in the historical center of the beautiful Tuscan city of Lucca. The Campus includes renewed residential facilities, an on-site canteen, study and living rooms, a state-of-the-art library and outdoor recreational spaces, which foster a unique cultural, professional and social environment for our doctoral program. Eligible students, in addition to free room and board, will also receive a research scholarship which amounts to approximately €13,630/year. Additional funding for further research stages, including scholarships to cover an eventual forth year to complete the PhD thesis, can be assigned on a competitive basis.


The PhD program at the IMT School attracts students from around the world, providing a truly international environment. English is the official language of the School. Moreover, all students will have the opportunity to spend periods abroad at research institutes, laboratories or universities, both within the Erasmus+ framework and through ad hoc mobility agreements.


To find out more about the School, the admission requirements and how to apply, please see


The deadline for applications is July 18th 2017, 12:00 pm (midday) Italian time.



Sara Lindsey Olson


Ufficio Offerta didattica, dottorato e servizi agli studenti

Graduate Education and Student Services Office




Call for Applicants (PhD): Graduate Fellowship at the DFG Research Training Group 1878 (RTG) of the University of Cologne and Bonn: ‘Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies’

The DFG Research Training Group 1878 (RTG) of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn on the topic of “Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies” invites applications for one position of Graduate Fellowship leading to a Ph.D. at the University of Cologne to begin on October 1st, 2017. Applications are welcome in all subjects of the Research Training Group in Cologne. Applications for the field of Byzantine Studies are particularly desirable.


The position is for two years with the option to continue for a third year following a positive interim project evaluation. The well-supported salary will be according to the official German classification group TV-L 13 (for detailed information please see: salary calculator).


Objectives, issues


The aim of the RTG is to record economic systems and economic areas of premodern societies in terms of their structure, efficiency and dynamics (genesis, transformation processes through to a potential dissolution) as well as to analyse them in interaction with their respective physical geographical, political, societal, religious and cultural conditions. The investigations will be focussed along three lines of research, ‘Economic Networks’, ‘Settlement Centres and Their Environs’ and ‘Religious Institutions and Households as Economic Units’.



Applications are welcome in all subjects of the Research Training Group in Cologne: Pre- and Early History, Classical Archaeology, Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, Byzantine Studies, Ancient History, Ethnology. Applications for the field of Byzantine Studies are particularly desirable.


Dissertation topics

Enquirers can develop their own project proposals within the framework of the outlined research programme.



The RTG languages are German and English. German language lessons can be taken free of charge if required. The dissertation may also be written in another language.


Location and supervison

The doctoral candidate (m/f) will be registered as a doctoral student at the University of Cologne. Generally he/she will be looked after by two fellow applicants. Willingness to move to the Cologne/Bonn region is expected.


Study programme

The doctoral programme will be conducted within a structured study programme comprising weekly seminars, workshops or international meetings; participation is mandatory.


Support measures

In addition to the posts, resources for material and travel costs as well as for holding conferences are available. The University of Cologne offers comprehensive further training measures. Doctoral candidates with children can obtain additional support.


Application requirements

Completed relevant university studies in line with the requirements for admission to doctoral studies at the participating universities.


Application documents

– Completed application form (s. below)

– CV (résumé)

– Copies of university diplomas and job references (if applicable)

– Digital version (PDF) plus summary (2 pages) of the Magister/Master thesis

– Outline of ideas (max. 5 pages) on the planned dissertation project

– Names and addresses of two university teachers who will be able, if necessary, to provide further information about the applicant


Application procedure

Applications in German or English should be sent in electronic form by 30.06.2017 to the RTG spokespeople, Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz and Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann at the following e-mail address: (subject: Bewerbung GRK 1878).


– Closing date for applications: June 30th, 2017

– Applicant interviews: anticipated CW 28

– Commencement of employment/stipend: October 1st, 2017


The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer.



If you have any further questions please contact the two RTG spokespeople by email:


For a job announcement click here.

For an applicant form click here.

Oxford University Byzantine Society

Jun 4, 2017, 4:56:19 PM6/4/17

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The Byzness, 6th June 2017


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1.       NEWS & EVENTS


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HERITAGE: Rebuilding the Future from the Past, Thursday, 8th June, 2017, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles’, Oxford, OX1 3LU


When: Thursday, 8th June 2017

Where: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles’, Oxford OX1 3LU

Cost: Free, but booking essential (see below).




11.00 Registration, morning tea/coffee


11.20 Bill Finlayson (CBRL) Opening Remarks

11.30 Judith McKenzie (Manar al-Athar, Oxford) “The Built Environment and Identity”

12.00 Robert Bewley (EAMENA, Oxford) “Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East

and North Africa: Approach and Recent Results”

12.30 Edmund Herzig (Oriental Studies, Oxford) “Bactria/Balkh – Cultural Heritage

Research and Management in Afghanistan”


1.00-2.00 Lunch


2.00 Ross Burns (Monuments of Syria, Sydney) “Aleppo – a Reckoning”

2.30 Round table discussion


3.00-4.00 Afternoon tea/coffee, with book launch for Ross Burns' Aleppo: A History

and Origins of the Colonnaded Streets in the Cities of the Roman East


The event is free (with lunch), but please book:

or email:  (ph. 01865-610 236)


Organised by Judith McKenzie and Miranda Williams for the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL); and Oxford University’s Humanities Division, Manar al-Athar, Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA), and ERC project The Monumental Art of the Late Antique Christian and Early Islamic East.



"In the Garden of the Most Holy Mother of God. Rus' and Athos: 1000 years of spiritual unity", Sergei Shumilo, director of the International Institute of the Athonite Heritage, Thursday 8th June, 5PM, 1 Canterbury Road, OX2 6LU

Oxford University Orthodox Christian Student Society and

The International Institute of the Athonite Legacy in Ukraine are delighted to invite you to their event:


"In the Garden of the Most Holy Mother of God. Rus' and Athos: 1000 years of spiritual unity"

Speaker: Sergei Victorovich Shumilo, director of the International Institute of the Athonite Heritage and editor in chief of “The Athonite Heritage” (Kiev, Ukraine)


on Thursday, 8 June, at 5PM.

Venue: 1 Canterbury Road, OX2 6LU




- Documentary “One thousand years on Athos” (in Russian with English subtitles)


- An interactive lecture on the 1000 year old heritage of Russian monasticism on Mt Athos.


- Photo exhibition


- Presentation of publishing projects of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) and the Institute of the Athonite Heritage dedicated to 1000 years of Russian monasticism on Mt Athos and heritage of St Paisius Velichkovsky and other native Saints.




HALF-DAY WORKSHOP: Monumentality across Media in the Late Antique East, Thursday 15 June 2017, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles’, Oxford OX1 3LU


New Evidence for Late Antique Paintings in Lebanon and Syria

9.30 Julia Burdajewicz (Warsaw):

Late Antique wall-paintings from the basilica and residential district at Porphyreon (Jiyeh, Lebanon)

10.15 Ségolène de Pontbriand (Paris):

Murals from Europos-Dura (Syria): recent discoveries


11.00–11.30 Morning tea


Transmission of Imagery between Media in Monumental Art

11.30 Sean Leatherbury (Oxford/Ohio):

Multimediality in Late Antique Syria: Monumental Art Between Sculpture and Mosaics

12.15 Foteini Spingou and Judith McKenzie (Oxford),:

Weaving for Architecture: Late Antique Egyptian Hangings


This half-a-day workshop presents new evidence for late antique wall-painting from Lebanon and Syria, and explores the transmission of monumental art between different media.


Organised by Foteini Spingou and Judith McKenzie, in collaboration with the Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Archaeology Seminar, and sponsored by the ERC Advanced Project Monumental Art of the Christian and Early Islamic East , directed by Judith McKenzie.


Attendance and refreshments, including lunch, are free, but please book a place . Please note: places are limited.




Documentary Screening and Lecture: 1000 years on Athos, Oxford, June 8th

For more information click here.


CFP: Understanding Hagiography and its Textual Tradition (Univ. of Lisbon, October 24-26, 2018)

Between the sixth and the eleventh century, passions, lives of saints, translations of relics, miracles and other hagiographical genres underwent a remarkable process of transmission and rewriting. This conference aims at producing a fresh look at the transmission and the evolution of these crucial pieces of the spiritual and cultural life in the early Middle Ages. It will explore manuscript and textual traditions and literary reshaping, both in the history of the hagiographic genre and in the evolutionary process of the specific texts, without overlooking their function as pieces of a cult or simply of edification.


Call for papers

The papers should focus on hagiographic texts (passions, lives of saints, translations of relics, miracles and other hagiographic pieces) produced between the sixth and the eleventh centuries, as well as on hagiographic books (passionaries, legendaries and other sorts of compilation) composed before the late eleventh century.


Main thematic lines

· Transformation of the hagiographic text, both at the linguistic and at the literary level, generating new versions (by abbreviation, amplification or otherwise) · Textual history and manuscript tradition · Creation, evolution and transmission of passionaries, legendaries and other sorts of compilation.


Keynote speakers:

François Dolbeau, Guy Philippart, Carmen Codoñer, Monique Goullet, Paolo Chiesa, Rosalind Love, Mark Humphries, Patrick Henriet, Paulo Farmhouse Alberto



Paulo Farmhouse Alberto, Paolo Chiesa, Monique Goullet


Submitting papers

The papers should be 20 minutes in length and can be presented in English, French, Italian or Spanish. An abstract of ca. 200 words, including the name, institution and email, should be sent before May 30 2018 to: . Acceptance of the papers will be communicated until June 30, 2018. Website: .

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