New address screen suggestion

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Nathan Mixter

Dec 6, 2012, 3:49:19 AM12/6/12

Is there any way to add the ability to add an address tab to the main create poi screen? Currently it is a little chunky to add the addr:housenumber or addr:street tags to an item. To add addresses, you have to scroll down to advanced mode > add tag > then type in the addr field in a window that is only a couple centimeters wide. The good thing is if you type "A" it goes right to the addresses and you can type in the value. If you remember the position, you can select it each time from memory. Wouldn't it better to split that screen so the tag and value each take up about half the window? The value field usually wouldn't need to be that long, but the tag field might need to be a little longer.

Why don't the address tags show up by default in the user defined field?

Even better, what about including the address information on the home screen like the new web and phone number fields are. What about including three new fields there too: addr:housenumber, addr:street and addr:city. I know you are probably trying to prevent the screen from scrolling, which is a good idea. But it already scrolls when I view it horizontally, which I need to do to use my keyboard on Motorola Droid for typing in information.

There could be an option to expand or collapse the screen based on people's phone size or for people who don't care about address information. Or there the submit and cancel buttons could be repeated on top of the screen so people wouldn't need to scroll down. I'd almost consider the address information to be more important than phone numbers and urls.

Check out this sample screen I created as a test of what the window could look like.

Keep up the good work.


Dec 6, 2012, 6:01:58 AM12/6/12
I also think adding street and house number NEED to be more user friendly. Some countries have address model in PD but for us who have to cellect it by hand current user interface is no good, it's easier to add osm bug than to add poi with address tag.
Please make some options to make it easy to enter address data.


PS. Keep up the good work :D
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