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Mar 22, 2020, 8:34:06 AM3/22/20
to OSM Android bikerouting
Liebe BRouter-Entwickler, erstmal ein riesiges Dankeschön an Euch! Nach der GPSIes-Ära empfehle ich jetzt BRouter zunehmend in meinen Seminaren und Beiträgen! Nun eine Frage zu Corona: Wäre es nicht möglich,ein "Anti-Corona-Routing" bereitzustellen. Erstmal für Wanderer und Spaziergänger. Es sucht die erlaubten, aber am wenigsten begangenen Wege. Möglichst wenig asphaltierte Wege (darauf fahren Rennradler und Tourenradler), auch keine schmalen Waldwege (das lieben Mountainbiker, und darauf kann man schlecht ausweichen), am besten die "Forstautobahnen", also die befestigen Forstwege. Zugleich werden ausgeschilderte Wege möglichst gemieden. Ich bin kein Routing-Bastler, aber vieleicht kann jemand so etwas stricken. Zum Thema haben wir auch unsere aktuelle Podcast-Folge gemacht: Vollkomen klar: Aufrufe und Anregungen, sich draußen zu bewegen, müssen die aktuelle Lage, Einschränkungen und Entwicklungen bestmöglich berücksichtigen!. Freue mich auf Eure Kreativität! Thomas

Mar 22, 2020, 8:35:05 AM3/22/20
to OSM Android bikerouting


Mar 22, 2020, 9:35:40 AM3/22/20
to OSM Android bikerouting
My offroad profile

# Walking/Hiking - Default template - 2018-08-07 -- Tapio
# Derivate of
# See the profile bottom for changelogs and verbose *) comments
# See also
# and


# Options with strong impact!
assign shortest_way false # Duplicate shortest standard profile, SAC access limit ignored for now
assign iswet false # Tries to prevent muddy boots and wet buttocks

# Main settings
assign hiking_routes_preference -0.5 # [-1..n] 0.1 as default, Increases cost of non hiking routes by multiplier 1 + hiking_routes_preference
# Negative values avoid hiking routes
assign bike_routes_preference -0.5 # [-1..n] 0 as default. Same mechanism as in hiking_routes_preference
assign offroad_preference 1.5 # [-1..3] default 0.0, recommended [-0.5..1.0], reasonable [-1.0..3.0] see ****)
# see also
# Interesting mostly for cycling
assign path_preference 0.0 # [0..n] 0.0 as default, try 20.0 to penalize nonpath ways a/o paved ways
assign consider_elevation 0.0 # [0..1] 0.0 as default, otherwise less interesting flat roads are chosen.

assign turnInstructionMode = 2 # 0=none, 1=auto-choose, 2=locus-style, 3=osmand-style
assign turnInstructionCatchingRange 10 # V1.8.5 / default=40, but foot paths may be more distingushed, especially in cities.

# SAC - mountain hiking - see
assign disable_SAC true # Disable all following SAC calculations.
assign SAC_scale_limit 6 # 0..6, 0 to avoid any SAC paths, 1 for T1 as maximum, 6 for T6 as maximum
# all paths with sac_scale higher than SAC_scale_limit are forbidden.
assign SAC_scale_preferred 1 # The same, but the preferred SAC scale level. Level below are slightly, above strongly penalized
assign SAC_access_penalty 9000 # costfactor 9999 means the most horrible but allowed road.,
# 100000=forbidden. This makes difference if forbidden way is the only option.
assign SAC_K1 0.05 # Default 0.05 - Penalizing of SAC levels below preferred
assign SAC_K2 0.6 # Default 0.6 - Penalizing of SAC levels above preferred

#orientation/decision penalties, not used for preferred hiking routes
assign turncost_value 0 # not used now
assign initialcost_value 0 # not used now

#less frequently changed flags
assign allow_steps true # 1 as default
assign allow_ferries true # 1 as default
assign cost_of_unknown 2 # 2 as default
assign elevationpenaltybuffer 5 # 5 as default
assign elevationmaxbuffer 10 # 10 as default
assign elevationbufferreduce 1.0 # 0.0 as default

# as initial point, considered flat speed 4 km/h, climbing speed 600 m /h
assign uphillcostvalue 7
assign uphillcutoffvalue 3
assign downhillcutoffvalue 3
assign downhillcostvalue 7

#internal parameters
assign SAC_K1 if disable_SAC then 0 else SAC_K1
assign SAC_K2 if disable_SAC then 0 else SAC_K2

assign Offroad_hillcostfactor multiply -0.3333 ( max -3.0 ( multiply -1.0 ( max 0.0 offroad_preference ) ) )
# for Offroadfactor <=0 is 0, for Offroadfactor >=3 is 1, otherwise 0.3333 * Offroadfactor
# progressively decreases hillcosts to be 0.0 at offroad_preference = 3.0
# if offroad_preference = 1 , then downhillcost decreases e.g. from 60 to 40

assign downhillcost if consider_elevation then
multiply consider_elevation ( multiply ( add 1.0 ( multiply Offroad_hillcostfactor -1.0 ) ) downhillcostvalue ) else 0
assign uphillcost if consider_elevation then
multiply consider_elevation ( multiply ( add 1.0 ( multiply Offroad_hillcostfactor -1.0 ) ) uphillcostvalue ) else 0

assign uphillcutoff if consider_elevation then uphillcutoffvalue else 1.5
assign downhillcutoff if consider_elevation then downhillcutoffvalue else 1.5

assign nonhiking_route_penalty add 1.0 hiking_routes_preference
assign bike_routes_preference add 1.0 bike_routes_preference

assign validForFoot 1

#Penalizing SAC routes below (K1) and above(K2) preferred SAC scale

#Penalty is SAC_access_penalty for SAC > SAC_scale_limit
#Penalty is 0.0 for SAC_scale_preferred = SAC, SAC <= SAC_scale_limit
#Penalty is ( 1 + SAC_K1)^(SAC_scale_preferred - SAC) -1 for SAC_scale_preferred > SAC, SAC <= SAC_scale_limit
#Penalty is ( 1 + SAC_K2)^(SAC - SAC_scale_preferred) -1 for SAC_scale_preferred < SAC, SAC <= SAC_scale_limit

#extra complexity of code below, with adding +/- 1.0
#is to keep final penalties additive, even with multiplicative incremental penalty approach
#code is run only once, being in global context

assign SAC_K10 add SAC_K1 1.0
assign SAC_K20 add SAC_K2 1.0

assign SAC_K1_2 add multiply SAC_K10 SAC_K10 -1.0
assign SAC_K2_2 add multiply SAC_K20 SAC_K20 -1.0

assign SAC_K1_3 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K1_2 1.0 ) SAC_K10 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K2_3 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K2_2 1.0 ) SAC_K20 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K1_4 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K1_3 1.0 ) SAC_K10 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K2_4 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K2_3 1.0 ) SAC_K20 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K1_5 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K1_4 1.0 ) SAC_K10 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K2_5 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K2_4 1.0 ) SAC_K20 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K1_6 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K1_5 1.0 ) SAC_K10 ) -1.0
assign SAC_K2_6 add ( multiply ( add SAC_K2_5 1.0 ) SAC_K20 ) -1.0

---context:way # following code refers to way-tags

assign ispaved or surface=paved or surface=asphalt or surface=concrete surface=paving_stones
assign isunpaved not or surface= or ispaved or surface=fine_gravel surface=cobblestone

assign any_hiking_route or route=hiking or route_hiking_iwn=yes
or route_hiking_nwn=yes or route_hiking_rwn=yes
or route_hiking_lwn=yes or route_hiking_=yes
or route_foot_=yes or route_foot_nwn=yes
or route_foot_rwn=yes route_foot_lwn=yes

assign any_cycleroute =
if route_bicycle_icn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_ncn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_rcn=yes then true
else if route_bicycle_lcn=yes then true
else false

# Change by Tapio
# assign is_ldhr and any_hiking_route greater 0.0 hiking_routes_preference
assign is_ldhr and any_hiking_route hiking_routes_preference

assign nodeaccessgranted any_hiking_route

# ismuddy addresses potentially bad surface conditions during wet weather ( mud, slickiness of grass)
assign ismuddy and or isunpaved surface=
and iswet
not or surface=gravel surface=pebblestone

assign issidewalk sidewalk=left|right|both|yes

assign istrack highway=track|road|path|footway
assign ismainroad highway=motorway|motorway_link|trunk|trunk_link|primary|primary_link|secondary|secondary_link|tertiary|tertiary_link|unclassified

#assign turncost switch or shortest_way is_ldhr 0 turncost_value #v1.5
assign turncost 0 #v1.8.3

assign initialcost
switch route=ferry 10000

switch or shortest_way is_ldhr 0 initialcost_value

assign defaultaccess switch access= not motorroad=yes switch or access=private access=no 0 1

assign bikeaccess
or any_cycleroute
switch bicycle=
switch vehicle=
switch or vehicle=private vehicle=no
not or bicycle=private or bicycle=no bicycle=dismount

assign footaccess or any_hiking_route
or issidewalk
or and bikeaccess not foot=no
or bicycle=dismount
switch foot= defaultaccess not foot=private|no

assign accesspenalty switch footaccess 0 switch bikeaccess 4 100000

assign badoneway = 0
assign onewaypenalty = 0

#SAC is estimated path difficulty,
#integrating both MTB and SAC scales with estimated MTB/SAC difficulty matching

assign SAC
if sac_scale= then (

if mtb:scale= then 0

else if mtb:scale=6|5 then 5
else if mtb:scale=4 then 4
else if mtb:scale=3 then 3
else if mtb:scale=2-|2|2+ then 2
else if mtb:scale=1+|1 then 1
else 0

if sac_scale=difficult_alpine_hiking then 6
else if sac_scale=demanding_alpine_hiking then 5
else if sac_scale=alpine_hiking then 4
else if sac_scale=demanding_mountain_hiking then 3
else if sac_scale=mountain_hiking then 2
else if sac_scale=hiking|T1-hiking|yes then 1
else 0

assign SAC_scale_access # if SAC_scale_limit < SAC then true else false
if sac_scale= then true else equal ( max SAC_scale_limit SAC ) SAC_scale_limit

assign SAC_scale_penalty

if not SAC_scale_access then SAC_access_penalty # not allowed SAC scale

else if equal SAC SAC_scale_preferred then 0.0
else if equal ( add SAC 1 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1
else if equal ( add SAC 2 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1_2
else if equal ( add SAC 3 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1_3
else if equal ( add SAC 4 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1_4
else if equal ( add SAC 5 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1_5
else if equal ( add SAC 6 ) SAC_scale_preferred then SAC_K1_6
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 1 ) SAC then SAC_K2
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 2 ) SAC then SAC_K2_2
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 3 ) SAC then SAC_K2_3
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 4 ) SAC then SAC_K2_4
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 5 ) SAC then SAC_K2_5
else if equal ( add SAC_scale_preferred 6 ) SAC then SAC_K2_6
else 1.0

assign tracktype_penalty (
if not istrack then 0.0 else if tracktype= then 0.0
else if tracktype=grade1 then 0.1 else if tracktype=grade2 then 0.05
else if tracktype=grade3 then 0.0 else if tracktype=grade4 then 0.0
else if tracktype=grade5 then 0.0 else 0.0 )

assign surface_penalty (
if not istrack then 0.0
else if ispaved then 0.0
else if surface=cobblestone then 0.0
else if surface=fine_gravel|ground|earth|unpaved|grass|compacted then 0.0
else if surface=dirt|sand then 0.1
else if surface= then 0.0
else if surface=gravel|pebblestone then 0.2
else 0.0 )

assign wet_penalty (
if not iswet then 0.0
else if ismainroad then -0.1
else if tracktype=grade1 then ( if ispaved then -0.2 else if ismuddy then 0.2 else 0.1 )
else if tracktype=grade2 then ( if ispaved then -0.1 else if ismuddy then 0.4 else 0.2 )
else if tracktype=grade3 then ( if ispaved then -0.0 else if ismuddy then 0.8 else 0.3 )
else if tracktype=grade4 then ( if ispaved then 0.1 else if ismuddy then 1.5 else 0.5 )
else if tracktype=grade5 then ( if ispaved then 0.2 else if ismuddy then 2.5 else 1.0 )
else ( if ispaved then -0.2 else if ismuddy then 2.5 else 1.0 )

assign offroad_preference_for_road
if ( equal offroad_preference 0.0 ) then 0.0 else
if ismainroad then offroad_preference
else if ( or ispaved highway=residential|living_street|service|pedestrian ) then ( multiply 0.33 offroad_preference )
else if ( not isunpaved ) then ( multiply -0.33 offroad_preference )
else ( multiply -1 multiply offroad_preference ( add 1.0 ( multiply 0.33 SAC_scale_penalty ) ) )

assign nonpath_penalty =
if ( equal path_preference 0.0 ) then 0.0 # nonpath_penalty inactive
else if not istrack then path_preference #istrack = highway=track/path/road/footway
else if ispaved then ( multiply path_preference 0.5 )
else if or ( and not isunpaved not highway=path )
( tracktype=grade1|grade2 ) then ( multiply path_preference 0.25 )
else if not ( and isunpaved
and highway=path
and tracktype=grade1|grade2
not surface=gravel|cobblestone|pebblestone )
then ( multiply path_preference 0.125 )
else 0.0

assign rawcostfactor # can be <1.0, is treated later

if shortest_way then ( add 1 accesspenalty ) else

add nonpath_penalty
add accesspenalty
if ( and highway= not route=ferry ) then 100000
else if highway=steps then ( switch allow_steps ( switch consider_elevation 1.0 3.0 ) 100000 )
else if route=ferry then ( if allow_ferries then 2.34 else 100000 )

# iswet=1 in global context section means wet weather, increases penalty for eventually inconvenient ways
# ismuddy boolean relates in wet weather to unpaved or unclassified surface, that can have mud or get slicky in wet weather.

else if highway=pedestrian then ( switch ismuddy 1.3 1.0 )
else if highway=bridleway then ( switch ismuddy 2.5 switch iswet 1.4 1.2 )
else if highway=cycleway then ( switch ismuddy 1.4 switch iswet 1.0 1.1 )
else if highway=residential|living_street
then ( switch ismuddy 1.5 switch iswet 1.0 1.1 )
else if highway=service then ( switch ismuddy 1.5 switch iswet 1.1 1.2 )

else if istrack then
( add 1.0 add tracktype_penalty add surface_penalty add wet_penalty SAC_scale_penalty )

else if highway=motorway|motorway_link then 100000
else if highway=proposed|abandoned|construction then ( switch ismuddy 10 switch iswet 6 4 )

else if highway=trunk|trunk_link then
( switch iswet ( switch issidewalk 1.5 10 ) ( switch issidewalk 2.0 20 ) )
else if highway=primary|primary_link then
( switch iswet ( switch issidewalk 1.5 5 ) ( switch issidewalk 2.0 10 ) )
else if highway=secondary|secondary_link then
( switch iswet ( switch issidewalk 1.2 2.5 ) ( switch issidewalk 1.5 4.0 ) )
else if highway=tertiary|tertiary_link then
( if iswet then ( switch issidewalk 1.1 1.5 ) else ( switch issidewalk 1.2 2.5 ) )
else if highway=unclassified then
( if ismuddy then 3.0 else if iswet then ( switch issidewalk 1.0 1.3 ) else ( switch issidewalk 1.1 1.5 ) )

else add cost_of_unknown switch ismuddy 0.5 0.0

# Tapio
assign offroad_multiplier 1.5
assign offroad_multiplier if highway=residential then add offroad_multiplier 0.5 else offroad_multiplier
assign offroad_multiplier if highway=living_street then add offroad_multiplier 0.25 else offroad_multiplier
assign offroad_multiplier if highway=service then add offroad_multiplier 0.25 else offroad_multiplier
assign offroad_multiplier if highway=pedestrian then add offroad_multiplier 0.5 else offroad_multiplier
assign offroad_multiplier if ismainroad then add 0.2 offroad_multiplier else offroad_multiplier
assign offroad_multiplier if ispaved then add 0.1 offroad_multiplier else offroad_multiplier

assign rawcostfactor
if any_cycleroute then rawcostfactor
else multiply rawcostfactor bike_routes_preference

assign rawcostfactor
if or ismainroad highway=residential|living_street|service|pedestrian then
multiply multiply offroad_multiplier add 1 offroad_preference rawcostfactor
else rawcostfactor

assign rawcostfactor2
if equal hiking_routes_preference 0.0 then rawcostfactor # Not preferring hiking routes
else if is_ldhr then rawcostfactor # is hiking route
else multiply rawcostfactor nonhiking_route_penalty

assign costfactor if shortest_way then ( add 1 accesspenalty )
else max 1.0 add rawcostfactor2 offroad_preference_for_road

assign downhillcostfactor
if shortest_way then ( add 1 accesspenalty ) else
max 1.0
add rawcostfactor2
add offroad_preference_for_road
if ismuddy then 0.5 # slicky
else if surface=grass then -0.2 # soft impact
else if ispaved then 0.2 # hard impact
else if surface=gravel|pebblestone|fine_gravel then 0.3 # slides
else 0.0

assign uphillcostfactor
if shortest_way then ( add 1 accesspenalty ) else
max 1.0
add rawcostfactor2
add offroad_preference_for_road
if ismuddy then 0.3 # slicky
else if surface=grass then 0.1 # unsure foot
else if ispaved then -0.1 # sure foot
else if surface=gravel|pebblestone|fine_gravel then 0.2 # slides
else 0.0

# way priorities used for voice hint generation

assign priorityclassifier =

if ( highway=motorway ) then 30
else if ( highway=motorway_link ) then 29
else if ( highway=trunk ) then 28
else if ( highway=trunk_link ) then 27
else if ( highway=primary ) then 26
else if ( highway=primary_link ) then 25
else if ( highway=secondary ) then 24
else if ( highway=secondary_link ) then 23
else if ( highway=tertiary ) then 22
else if ( highway=tertiary_link ) then 21
else if ( highway=unclassified ) then 20
else if ( highway=residential|living_street ) then 18
else if ( highway=steps|pedestrian ) then 16
else if ( highway=service|cycleway ) then if ( or tracktype=grade1 ispaved ) then 14 else 12
else if ( highway=track|road|bridleway ) then if ( or tracktype=grade1 ispaved ) then 10 else 8
else if ( highway=path|footway ) then ( if ( or tracktype=grade1 ispaved ) then 6
else if tracktype=grade2 then 4
else if not surface=grass|gravel then 3
else 2 )
else 0

# some more classifying bits used for voice hint generation...

assign isbadoneway = 0
assign isgoodoneway = 0
assign isroundabout = junction=roundabout
assign islinktype = highway=motorway_link|trunk_link|primary_link|secondary_link|tertiary_link
assign isgoodforcars = if greater priorityclassifier 19 then true
else if highway=residential|living_street|service then true
else if ( and highway=track tracktype=grade1 ) then true
else false

# ... encoded into a bitmask

assign classifiermask add isbadoneway
add multiply isgoodoneway 2
add multiply isroundabout 4
add multiply islinktype 8
multiply isgoodforcars 16

---context:node # following code refers to node tags

assign defaultaccess
switch access=
1 # add default barrier restrictions here!
switch or access=private access=no

assign bikeaccess
or nodeaccessgranted=yes
switch bicycle=
switch vehicle=
switch or vehicle=private vehicle=no
switch or bicycle=private or bicycle=no bicycle=dismount

assign footaccess
or bicycle=dismount
switch foot=
switch or foot=private foot=no

assign initialcost switch or bikeaccess footaccess 0 1000000

# ****) offroad_preference ( ported MTB_factor from bicycle Trekking profile
# MTB_factor tweaks/trims MTB approach of the profile by preferring/penalizing in progressive order
# nonpaved - preferred
# not paved - little preferred
# paved - little penalized
# mainroads - penalized
# MTB_factor can be used for one-time tweaking of routing profile for particular trip,
# or trimming of the profile according to biker preferencing without need of profile deep insight
# Positive values progessively promote/penalize roads in favour of MTB riding.

# Negative value has the opposite effect, preferring mainroads and penalizing unpaved roads.
# This effect is somewhat similar to iswet=1 ( *) wet weather mode ),
# but does not distinguish particular road classes / surfaces / smoothness,
# aside of mentioned schema below.

# The calculated values below is added to the costfactor.

# + MTB_factor for main roads (tertiaries and better),
# + 0.33 * MTB_factor for paved roads,
# - 0.33 * MTB_factor for not paved/not unpaved roads,
# - MTB_factor * ( 1 + 0.33 * smoothnesspenalty ) for unpaved roads. - at MTB_factor 3.0 smootheness is ignored
# Default is 0.0 = no effect.
# Recommended -0.5 - +1.0
# Reasonable -2.0 .. +3.0,
# Final costfactor is kept >= 1 for final costfacto values.


Mar 23, 2020, 4:09:02 PM3/23/20
to OSM Android bikerouting
Hallo Thomas,

glaub' ich kenn' Dich aus der Fachpresse und freu mich über Deine Nachricht..

Erster Gedanke sind natürlich die "alternativen" in BRouter. Weil die funktionieren ja genau so, dass der naheliegende Weg halt gerade vermieden wird. Aber das ist nicht ganz das, was man haben will, weil  da wird dann eher ein Umweg über "gute Wege" geplant, statt eine kurze Alternative über schlechte Wege.

Eine andere Idee wäre, die Präfernz der Radrouten auszuschalten (=Profil "Trekking (ignoriere Radrouten)")

Bei letzterem steigt dann aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich nasse Füsse zu holen.

Glaube, das muss man beantworten: will man dabei eher Umwege machen oder eher nasse Füsse kriegen? Weil eins von beiden muss man dann hinnehmen.

Gruss, Arndt

Mar 23, 2020, 5:27:06 PM3/23/20
to OSM Android bikerouting
Hallo Arndt,

ich habe ja auch keine Patentlösung, würde mich aber freuen, wenn wir das mal direkt diskutieren und uns austauschen könnten. Schick mir doch mal eine PM unter Ich bin leider nicht fähig, mich im Entwickler-Jargon zu unterhalten. Ich fände es aber wirklich toll, wenn auf Brouter ein Anti-Corona-Routing (vielleicht auch verschiedene Profile) zur Verfügung gestellt werden könnten. Ich würde das auch gerne publik machen. Denn Brouter ist leider immer noch nicht so bekannt wie komoot, outdooractive & Co.

Schöne Grüße, Thomas

Mar 30, 2020, 2:13:34 AM3/30/20
to OSM Android bikerouting
 Hallo Arndt, liebe Kollegen.

ich habe jetzt meinen Artikel online gestellt, mit Bezug auf BRouter:
Freue mich über Kommentare und Anregungen.
Schöne Grüße und bleibt gesund, Thomas

Am Sonntag, 22. März 2020 13:34:06 UTC+1 schrieb
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