Fwd: October 16th SF Bay Rebellion Reminders

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2019年10月14日 02:43:232019/10/14
收件人 Earth Action Campaign

Join the International Rebellion this Wednesday, October 16th!

XRSFBay LogoThe time to act is now.


The International Rebellion has arrived! Join us in preparation this weekend and in the streets next Tuesday & Wednesday.

With the 5th largest economy in the world, California has the power to change the future! Instead, it remains one of the largest sources of dirty carbon from fossil fuels in the US. For the sake of our future and our children's futures, we demand Zero Carbon Emissions in CA by 2025. This is the message we're bringing out into the streets as part of the International Rebellion: Rebels Without Borders!

Read below for all the events we have coming up:

October Rebellion Training (and picnic!)
Saturday, October 12th | 11:00am - 3:00pm

This Saturday, we'll be training rebels at Ohlone Park in Berkeley in preparation for next Wednesday's swarming and the die-in for life. If you'd like to meet other rebels and get looped into next week's actions, please join us!

11:00am - 12:00pm: Potluck picnic

12:00 - 1:30pm: Learn to swarm!

1:30pm - 2:30pm: Die-in rehearsal

*Note that you do not need to attend a training in order to participate in next Wednesday's action. Just show up at Civic Center Plaza and we'll loop you in!

October Art Build
Sunday, October 13th | 2:00 - 6:00pm

Let's co-create the banners, signs, and structures that get our message across! This art build is a great opportunity to meet other rebels and get plugged into next week's action - while ensuring that it will pack a visual punch. Come make your die-in sign for next Wednesday's action ("I died by [ insert climate catastrophe here]")! Everyone is welcome and we need all hands on deck, so please join us if you can! Meet at the Bridge Storage and ArtSpace, 23 Maine Avenue, Richmond, CA.

Guerrilla Projections and Songs of Rebellion
Tuesday, October 15th | 8:00 - 9:00pm

Join us to kick off the actions on the 16th with guerrilla projections from the San Francisco Projection Project. We'll be singing songs of rebellion, projecting our message onto the SF State Building, and taking a group photo send to Extinction Rebellion International. Meet by the State Building - McAllister & Van Ness in San Francisco. We hope to see you there!


Wednesday, October 16th | 7:00am - 2:00pm

This is the big day, rebels. Join us in the streets with swarming starting at 7am! We'll be training on-site and sending out swarms on the hour — please sign up for swarming here so we know you'll be joining! At 11:30am, we will gather at UN Plaza for a grand die-in; we will then process to the State Building and die-in once more to make our message crystal clear: action on climate change means life or death. Note that this action will be powerful and disruptive, but not arrestable; we welcome anyone to join in.

We'll be meeting at Larkin between Grove and Fulton by the entrance to the SF Public Library. Look for our tent!

For die-in inspiration, see XR NYC's powerful die-in on Wall Street from earlier this week.

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay October General Meeting
Sunday, October 20th | 2:00 - 4:00pm

Join us in Berkeley at the South Berkeley Senior Center to celebrate the October Rebellion, get to know XR, and see where you fit in to the movement! Everyone is welcome.

We hope you'll join us in the streets this coming week as we come together to make our demands clear. We'll make it fun, too!

Yours in Rebellion,
The XRSFBay Team

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