EARTH ACTION IN THE NEWS - August 21, 2020

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Aug 21, 2020, 9:36:01 AM8/21/20
to Earth Action Campaign
Occupy Sonoma County


Welcome to the people who have joined recently.  This is a simple weekly newsletter.  Your participation is encouraged.  Please share information and actions about climate change, climate justice, GMOs, toxic chemicals, and Earth-related topics.
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Australia aims to become renewable energy export superpower

This Cobalt-Free Battery Is Good for the Planet—and It Actually Works
"Cobalt is a scarce, toxic, and lustrous mineral that is found in the negatively charged electrode—or cathode—of almost all lithium-ion batteries used today. It’s expensive, heavy, and linked to unethical mining practices, wild price swings, and a tenuous global supply chain."

Waiting to be fired, CPUC director describes agency as a 'watchdog with no teeth'

No, California's shift to green power isn't to blame for rolling blackouts

Smoke From Flaring at Chevron's Richmond Refinery Seen From Across the Bay
"Regulators have allowed this refinery to foul our air again and again and again, and regulatory slaps on the wrist aren’t enough to protect the lungs of nearby residents. It’s time for the governor to end refinery pollution by shutting this dangerous place down and leading a just transition away from dirty fossil fuels."

Appeals court denies Monsanto bid for Roundup case rehearing

Monsanto's Assault on Motherhood Must Stop!
"A new campaign to Women of Authority, our elected female officials in Congress and the Senate, from Moms Across America."

Mexico to phase out use of herbicide glyphosate

The Insect Apocalypse Moves Up the Food Chain: American Bird Populations in Rapid Decline Due to Pesticide Use

Organic Farming Protects Communities from Toxic Chemicals

BP’s ‘green’ promises are anything but – their latest investments are a slap in the face for humanity and nature

Seven top oil firms downgrade assets by $87bn in nine months

How Montana Is Cleaning Up Abandoned Oil Wells 

The Bakken Boom Goes Bust With No Money to Clean up the Mess

Gov. Tim Walz's appeal of Enbridge pipeline decision doesn't sit well with construction unions

Air pollution is much worse than we thought

A Plastics Spill on the Mississippi River But No Accountability in Sight

The Recycling Dilemma: Good Plastic, Bad plastic?

Microplastics Found in Human Organs for First Time
"Previous research has shown that people could be eating a credit card's worth of plastic a day; a study published in 2019 suggests humans eat, drink and breathe almost 74,000 microplastic particles a year."

'Plastic Rain' Is Pouring Down in National Parks

Seafood Study Finds Plastic in 100% of Samples

The Green New Deal Just Won a Major Union Endorsement. What's Stopping the AFL-CIO?
"Union support for the Green New Deal is growing. It’s time for America’s largest labor federation to get on board."

Climate scientists feel your pain, Dr. Fauci

Seawalls being shored up to protect World's Fair houses in Beverly Shores

Tourism collapse puts wildlife conservation in peril

Death Valley just recorded the hottest temperature on Earth

Greta Thunberg: After two years of school strikes, the world is still in a state of climate crisis denial

Greenland’s Ice Sheet Has Reached ‘Point of No Return’

Animals and Plants Are Relocating Because of Climate Change. Should They Be Considered Invasive?
We are liv­ing through the great­est redis­tri­b­u­tion of life on Earth for … poten­tial­ly hun­dreds of thou­sands of years, so we def­i­nite­ly need to think about how we want to man­age that.”

ARIES and RAIL Promise To Advance Renewable Energy Innovation and Integration
"Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette introduced two new acronyms to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) lexicon on Aug. 12: RAIL and ARIES. RAIL stands for Research and Innovation Laboratory, while ARIES is short for Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems."

Restoring degraded tropical forests generates big carbon gains

The U.S. Could Get to 90 Percent Clean Power by 2035

Clean Energy Needs Women and People of Color to Drive Social Change

Cumbria: protests build before coal mine decision
"Campaigners opposing plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria held demonstrations across the county this week ahead of the County Council’s decision on whether to approve the opening of a new development set to extract coking coal near the town of Whitehaven."

The return of Extinction Rebellion – podcast

After a big win against coal, NY climate activists are closer than ever to ending all fossil fuel investments
"A recent surge in youth-led climate activism has revived a near decade-long effort to divest New York from the companies most responsible for causing the climate crisis."

How Carbon-Smart Farming Can Feed Us and Fight Climate Change at the Same Time
"Farmers are the stewards of our planet's precious soil, one of the least understood and untapped defenses against climate change. Because of its massive potential to store carbon and foundational role in growing our food supply, soil makes farming a solution for both climate change and food security."

Nearly half of Germany's electricity has come from wind and solar this year

Call To Action! 
We urge all groups including schools, neighborhood associations, organizations, clubs and groups of any kind to adopt a Climate Declaration.  Adopt ours or write your own.  Share your Climate Declaration with local governments, the media, write articles, and share information. 
Occupy Sonoma County Climate Declaration

Occupy Sonoma County, along with concerned, forward thinking people all over the world, declares that climate change has reached catastrophic proportions as evidenced by the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the melting of polar ice caps, and the continual rising of global temperatures.  This is a global emergency, and we must act immediately.  We invite all forces of life to join together for our survival.  We stand up for life.

We recognize that the root of climate change is a capitalist system run by money greedy corporations and the governments that they control.  We actively oppose greenhouse gas producers, nuclear power investors, and fossil fuel companies by boycotting their products, developing alternatives, divesting from corporations that endorse them and insisting that governments at all levels take action.  We call on all governments and corporations to adopt life-sustaining practices immediately.

The people must act now to stop this destruction from continuing and reverse the damage this has caused.  The future is in our hands.  We are the 99%!

What Earth Actions are you taking?

en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing countywide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.

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