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Jun 18, 2020, 8:22:16 AM6/18/20
to OSC - Earth Action Campaign
Occupy Sonoma County


Welcome to the people who have joined recently.  This is a simple weekly newsletter.  Your participation is encouraged.  Please share information and actions about climate change, climate justice, GMOs, toxic chemicals, and Earth-related topics.
If you wish to reduce email volume switch your membership to the digest or abridged version.
Please refrain from posting petitions or donation requests without OSC approval.  Thank you for joining us.

Go to our Facebook and Twitter pages to share these articles already posted there. 
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This newsletter is focused on Earth-related topics within the context of intersectionality recognizing that the same capitalist system responsible for environmental harm is the white supremacist system perpetrating oppression and brutality.  Each of us is doing our part to uphold or dismantle this system in our daily choices.  We also create a collective reality by envisioning a world that we choose and live within that: a world of equality, love, and reverence for the sanctity of all life.

Fast-growing mini-forests spring up in Europe to aid climate
"Often sited in schoolyards or alongside roads, the forests can be as small as a tennis court. They are based on the work of the Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, who has planted more than 1,000 such forests in Japan, Malaysia and elsewhere."

Danny Schechter Award for Journalism and Activism Goes to Winona LaDuke

Nant Helen opencast mine to close after licence rejected over climate
"A licence for the extraction of fossil fuels in Wales has been refused by the Welsh Government for the first time."

Dogs (Canis familiaris) – Research Tracks Dogs’ Exposure to Contaminants in the Home, Serves as Sentinel Species for Chemical-Induced Human Diseases

Federal Court Halts Use of Drift-Prone Dicamba on Millions of Acres of GE Soy and Cotton

Milkweed in Western Monarch Habitat Found to be Completely Contaminated with Pesticides

Too Sacred To Drill
"The Blackfeet believe that their people were created among the mountains and springs that rise from where Badger Creek and the Two Medicine River trace their headwaters. But the Blackfeet aren’t the only ones who value the region. The oil and gas industry also have their eyes on the area — and for more than 30 years, they’ve been fighting to drill the hell out of it."

Chevron’s #BlackLivesMatter Hypocrisy
"The oil giant funds both civil rights groups and police, saying “Black Lives Matter” while committing acts of environmental racism all over the world."
Warning: some adult language

Oregon fights Jordan Cove approval in federal court

We analyzed Big Oil's tweets over six months. Turns out, they're full of it.

Why crude oil trains keep derailing and exploding in Canada — even after the Lac-Mégantic disaster

Expand the DAPL? Only Illinois Stands in the Way

Iron Range board tables Fond du Lac water treatment funding over band’s 'anti-mining' stances, band responds
"The Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation's advisory board tabled a grant Wednesday for a new water source, tower and treatment plant on the Fond du Lac Reservation after board members said the band is “anti-mining.”

Formosa Plastics Opponents Ask Louisiana Governor to Veto Bill Over Harsh Sentencing Concerns
"Formosa’s future plastics plant is slated on top of slave cemeteries and near Louisiana’s Black communities long burdened with pollution. Activists worry the state’s pending mandatory minimum sentencing bill could criminalize efforts to visit those sites."

How hard-to-recycle plastic is being made as good as new

Plastic Rain Is the New Acid Rain
"Researchers find that over 1,000 metric tons of microplastic fall on 11 protected areas in the US annually, equivalent to over 120 million plastic water bottles."

Researchers in the Arctic Ocean map undersea methane pockets distributed across a 250-million-year-old 'fault zone' that could accelerate ice sheet withdrawal with future ruptures

No Oversight of $1.5 Billion Electric Project Raises Alarm over Privatization of Puerto Rico’s Power (video)

Renewables Booming But Not Enough To Meet Climate Targets: UN
"The world added 12 percent more clean power capacity in 2019 than the year before, but new renewable energy planned over the next decade falls far short of what is needed to forestall dangerous global warming, the UN warned on Wednesday."

Antarctica has just had its first recorded heatwave

A War Against Climate Science, Waged by Washington’s Rank and File
"Efforts to block research on climate change don’t just come from the Trump political appointees on top. Lower managers in government are taking their cues, and running with them."

There Is No Climate Justice Without Racial Justice

Economic Recovery And Climate Change

Gender, Climate and Security: Sustaining inclusive peace on the frontlines of climate change
"Grounded in a series of case studies from research and programming experience, this report offers a comprehensive framework for understanding how gender, climate and security are inextricably linked. The report assesses entry points for integrated action across existing global agendas and suggests concrete recommendations for how policymakers, development practitioners and donors can advance three inter-related goals: peace and security, climate action and gender equality."

We Don't Have To Halt Climate Action To Fight Racism

As Virginia Beach prepares for sea level rise, officials avoid climate change and punt on carbon emissions

Carbon Pricing And The Energy Transition

By paying attention, tribes in the Northwoods are leading the way on climate change
"Anishinaabe tribes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are adapting to climate change by prioritizing relationship-building and observation of the land."

Inside Clean Energy: The Racial Inequity in Clean Energy and How to Fight It
"The industry is growing, but jobs and financial benefits are not distributed equally."

Black environmentalists are organizing to save the planet from injustice

How the US power grid could go on a 90% carbon-free diet

Making a Planet Worth Saving

BHP to destroy at least 40 Aboriginal sites, up to 15,000 years old, to expand Pilbara mine


64K endangered turtles spotted on the edge of Great Barrier Reef (Video)

Call To Action! 
We urge all groups including schools, neighborhood associations, organizations, clubs and groups of any kind to adopt a Climate Declaration.  Adopt ours or write your own.  Share your Climate Declaration with local governments, the media, write articles, and share information. 
Occupy Sonoma County Climate Declaration

Occupy Sonoma County, along with concerned, forward thinking people all over the world, declares that climate change has reached catastrophic proportions as evidenced by the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the melting of polar ice caps, and the continual rising of global temperatures.  This is a global emergency, and we must act immediately.​  We invite all forces of life to join together for our survival.  We stand up for life.

We recognize that the root of climate change is a capitalist system run by money greedy corporations and the governments that they control.  We actively oppose greenhouse gas producers, nuclear power investors, and fossil fuel companies by boycotting their products, developing alternatives, divesting from corporations that endorse them and insisting that governments at all levels take action.  We call on all governments and corporations to adopt life-sustaining practices immediately.

The people must act now to stop this destruction from continuing and reverse the damage this has caused​.  The future is in our hands.  We are the 99%!

What Earth Actions are you taking?

 ​ (
en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing countywide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.

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