EARTH ACTION IN THE NEWS - November 2, 2018

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Nov 2, 2018, 3:10:43 AM11/2/18
to OSC - Earth Action Campaign
Occupy Sonoma County


Welcome to the people who have joined recently.  This is a simple weekly newsletter.  Your participation is encouraged.  Please share information and actions about climate change, climate justice, GMOs, toxic chemicals, and Earth-related topics.
If you wish to reduce email volume switch your membership to the digest or abridged version.
Please refrain from posting petitions or donation requests without OSC approval.  Thank you for joining us.

Go to our Facebook and Twitter pages to share these articles already posted there.

If you are uncomfortable clicking on links in an email you can cut and paste the link into your browser.

4) Roundup for Breakfast, Part 2: In New Tests, Weed Killer Found in All Kids’ Cereals Sampled
This is the first generation that is not expected to have a lifespan as long as their parents.

19) How Capitalism Stokes the Far Right and Climate Catastrophe

22) Teen Climate Activist to Crowd of Thousands: 'We Can't Save the World by Playing by the Rules Because the Rules Have to Change'
24) 'We have a duty to act': hundreds ready to go to jail over climate crisis

Take Action - Get Involved!

Thursday, November 8, 7-9 PM
The Reluctant Radical - Occupy Sonoma County film showing
Arlene Francis Center, 99 6th St., Santa Rosa
film about activist Ken Ward who turned off the valves to the US oil pipelines
Free with donations welcome
For more info:

Saturday, November 10, 1:30 - 4:30 PM
Sonoma Solidarity With Standing Rock meeting

Peace and Justice Center - 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa
1:30 to 3:00 PM - Public Banking meeting
3:00 to 4:30 PM - Sonoma Solidarity with Standing Rock admin/divestment meeting
For more info, visit:

Monday, November 19, 7-9 PM

Occupy Sonoma County Earth Action Campaign Meeting
Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa
For more information go to or call 707-877-6650
(No meeting in December)

Wednesday, November 21, 7pm
350 Sonoma
For more info go to Facebook350 Sonoma or webpage Email

Monday, December 3
Occupy Sonoma County Six Year Birthday!
And kick off to our month-long Winter Break (no meetings or newsletter in December)

December 6
, 5-8 PM

Holiday Networking Party & Awards for Leadership in Post-fire Ecosystem Regeneration

Sebastopol Grange

Sonoma County Conservation Council:

Thurs. Dec. 6, 7:00-8:30 PM

Traditional Environmental Knowledge and Climate Change Presentation with Pomo Tribal Elder

Laguna Environmental Center, 900 Sanford Road, Santa Rosa 

For more info: (707) 527-9277 or

Volunteer Opportunities

• We need a list of all Sonoma County bars, clubs, restaurants, food trucks, food vendors, caterers - any company that serves food and drinks.  First we are doing a mailing to Mexican restaurants and taquerias about GMOs in corn and then in a few months we are doing a large mailing requesting that food vendors use paper straws and not the new so-called compostable plastic which is only slightly better than regular plastic.  We need help compiling these mailing lists.

Call To Action!
We urge all groups including schools, neighborhood associations, organizations, clubs and groups of any kind to adopt a Climate Declaration.  Adopt ours or write your own.  Share your Climate Declaration with local governments, the media, write articles, and share information.
Occupy Sonoma County Climate Declaration

Occupy Sonoma County, along with concerned, forward thinking people all over the world, declares that climate change has reached catastrophic proportions as evidenced by the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the melting of polar ice caps, and the continual rising of global temperatures.  This is a global emergency, and we must act immediately.​  We invite all forces of life to join together for our survival.  We stand up for life.

We recognize that the root of climate change is a capitalist system run by money greedy corporations and the governments that they control.  We actively oppose greenhouse gas producers, nuclear power investors, and fossil fuel companies by boycotting their products, developing alternatives, divesting from corporations that endorse them and insisting that governments at all levels take action.  We call on all governments and corporations to adopt life-sustaining practices immediately.

The people must act now to stop this destruction from continuing and reverse the damage this has caused​.  The future is in our hands.  We are the 99%!

What Earth Actions are you taking?

en español)

Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing countywide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.
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