HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

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Pravin G

Oct 25, 2018, 5:55:43 AM10/25/18
to ORCID API Users

I am facing issue while updating record using put-code method  the xml code as i provided below.


Simpson, Will

Oct 25, 2018, 9:48:03 AM10/25/18
Hi Pravin,

Have you tried doing the PUT using curl?

I get a different error when I do that.

wsimpson:Downloads willsimpson$ curl -X PUT -d'@Put-code_xml_file.xml' -i -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.orcid+xml' -H 'Authorization: Bearer a6be69ea-d446-4e0c-b308-166b0199b738'

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Server: nginx/1.10.0

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 13:42:23 GMT

Content-Type: application/vnd.orcid+xml; qs=5;charset=UTF-8

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Connection: keep-alive

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate

Pragma: no-cache

Expires: 0

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

X-Frame-Options: DENY

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<error xmlns="">


    <developer-message>400 Bad Request: There is an issue with your data or the API endpoint. 405 Method Not Allowed: Endpoint and method mismatch. 415 Unsupported Media Type: data must be in XML or JSON format. Full validation error: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException

 - with linked exception:

[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 919; cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'India' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS, AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG, AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BD, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BT, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BN, BG, BF, BI, KH, CM, CA, CV, KY, CF, TD, CL, CN, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FJ, FI, FR, GF, PF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GU, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HK, HU, IS, IN, ID, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JP, JE, JO, KZ, KE, KI, KP, KR, KW, KG, LA, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MO, MK, MG, MW, MY, MV, ML, MT, MH, MQ, MR, MU, YT, MX, FM, MD, MC, MN, ME, MS, MA, MZ, MM, NA, NR, NP, NL, NC, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, MP, NO, OM, PK, PW, PS, PA, PG, PY, PE, PH, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, WS, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SC, SL, SG, SX, SK, SI, SB, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, LK, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TH, TL, TG, TK, TO, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, TV, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VU, VE, VN, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW, TW, XK]'. It must be a value from the enumeration.] (cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'India' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[AF, AX, AL, DZ, AS, AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG, AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BD, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BT, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BN, BG, BF, BI, KH, CM, CA, CV, KY, CF, TD, CL, CN, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FJ, FI, FR, GF, PF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GU, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HK, HU, IS, IN, ID, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JP, JE, JO, KZ, KE, KI, KP, KR, KW, KG, LA, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MO, MK, MG, MW, MY, MV, ML, MT, MH, MQ, MR, MU, YT, MX, FM, MD, MC, MN, ME, MS, MA, MZ, MM, NA, NR, NP, NL, NC, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, MP, NO, OM, PK, PW, PS, PA, PG, PY, PE, PH, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, WS, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SC, SL, SG, SX, SK, SI, SB, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, LK, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TJ, TZ, TH, TL, TG, TK, TO, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, TV, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VU, VE, VN, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW, TW, XK]'. It must be a value from the enumeration.)</developer-message>

    <user-message>ORCID could not process the data, because they were invalid.</user-message>




Changing 'India' to 'IN' should fix that.

The error you were getting was very strange.

[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 20; XML version "2.0" is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.] (XML version "2.0" is not supported, only XML 1.0 is supported.)

I am not able to reproduce that error with your XML.

Can you experiment with curl, and see if you can get your code to do the same?

Best regards,


On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 10:55 AM Pravin G <> wrote:

I am facing issue while updating record using put-code method  the xml code as i provided below.

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Montenegro, Angel

Oct 25, 2018, 9:48:26 AM10/25/18
Hi Pravin,

The organization country code is wrong, we use the ISO 3166 two characters country code, so, instead of India, you should use IN: 



On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 3:55 AM Pravin G <> wrote:

I am facing issue while updating record using put-code method  the xml code as i provided below.

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