iscsistart Ubuntu server 14.01.1 LTS / HP proliant DL380p GEN 8

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Rob Roschewsk

Sep 15, 2014, 11:06:40 AM9/15/14
OK ... so I've made a lot of progress since my last post about VLAN id .... discovered I should be using ISCSI_AUTO and ibft .... However ... I'm still getting grief ....

from the init script local-top/iscsi, "iscsistart -b" is failing with the message:
Could not get boot entry.

I have hacked at the iscsi script and pared it down to the bare essentials:
echo "loading ibft module"
modprobe iscsi_ibft
echo "load ibft module"
echo "sleep 5"
sleep 5
echo "wake up"
echo "running iscsistart"
/sbin/iscsistart -b
echo "ended iscsistart"
echo "running udevadm settle"
udevadm settle
echo "ended udevadm settle"
echo "ended iscsi script"

.... no joy ....

but here is the kicker .... 

when the initscript fails to find root and drops me to the initramfs shell .... I run "iscsistart -b" at the command line it all works fine! .... configures the hba and connects to the lun .... on both interfaces .. exit out of the shell ... root gets mounted and all is well.

The box is using emulex lan/iscsi adapters:
03:00.2 Mass storage controller: Emulex Corporation OneConnect 10Gb iSCSI Initiator (be3) (rev 01)
03:00.3 Mass storage controller: Emulex Corporation OneConnect 10Gb iSCSI Initiator (be3) (rev 01)

I'm stumped ... is it a timing thing??? Any and all help appreciated !!!


--> Rob

Rob Roschewsk

Sep 15, 2014, 12:41:40 PM9/15/14
OK .... I might be onto something .... even though ibft_iscsi loads ... it seems the /sys/ entries the iscsistart needs aren't ready after modprobe returns ..... adding a sleep 60 allowed iscsistart to connect to the luns without dropping to a shell
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