OCPAC e-mail - My conversation with a liberal from San Francisco

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Charlie Meadows

Dec 16, 2014, 10:45:35 AM12/16/14
to ocpac...@googlegroups.com
Members and friends of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC)



Our 12 noon luncheon for Wednesday, December 17th 2014, will be held at Olivet Baptist Church, 1201 Northwest 10th street in OKC. I had hoped to have a panel discussion this Wednesday on racial issues and law enforcement relationships with minorities, especially since revolutionary organizations are doing all they can to foment anarchy. However, one of the key speakers for such a forum could only make the last 15 minutes of our meeting so we will reschedule the meeting for another date. 

Therefore, this Wednesday we will view a newly produced DVD by the John Birch Society, called TRADING AWAY YOUR FREEDOM BY FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS. I received an early copy of this DVD as it will probably not be available to the general public until next month. It is about an hour long, so we will start right around 12 sharp. One more thing, we will be meeting Christmas eve, but not at Olivet as we want to give our volunteer kitchen crew the afternoon off. Therefore, we will be meeting at Chen’s Buffet in the Windsor Hills Shopping Center at northwest 23rd and Meridian, more on that in next week‘s e-mail. 


Linda and I have now done an Alaskan cruise and then week before last a western Caribbean cruise. I do enjoy the ports of call and taking side excursions, but I also enjoy meeting and visiting with passengers from other places which is why we almost always join others during the meals as well as during other opportunities.

During this recent cruise we were seated with a couple from San Francisco. He had 35 years in with the postal service, I never did find out if she worked outside of the home. They were telling us they were about to retire and simply could not stay in the San Francisco area or California as the cost of living there was just too high. Therefore, they were searching for another state to move to and had narrowed their search to 5 states, all of them states without an income tax.

I remembered the recent OCPA lecture I had attended with Travis Brown, author of the book, HOW MONEY WALKS. The gist of his premise is the many convincing proofs about how people are moving out of high tax states and moving to low tax states. During the Q&A session of his talk a person asked if the liberals relocating to conservative states abandon liberalism and become conservatives? His answer was an empathic NO. Therefore, being a little ornery from time to time, even though I always do so with a smile on my face, I thought I would probe a little deeper with this couple to find out if they were conservatives or liberals.

I spoke up and said, if your are not a couple of liberals, I will extol the virtues of moving to Oklahoma, but if you are liberal, don’t even think about moving to Oklahoma. Wife proudly announced she was liberal and why was Oklahoma so conservative? I gave the cute 3Gs answer of our support for God, Guns and opposition to Gay marriage. I then suggested our Christian faith community was much of the source for our conservatism. 

Wife’s eyes got big and I pressed the issue. Husband had already said their property was at an all time high in value and she was really wanting to cash in and move soon. I said, since you are a liberal, I won’t tell you that you can sell your current home, move to Oklahoma buy twice the home you currently have and have half of your money left over, because if you haven’t figured out it is the liberalism that has ruined your state then don’t move to Oklahoma and ruin our state.

I suggested they were looking at the wrong states to consider moving to. In your working years, states are no income taxes are vital, but in retirement years Texas would be a horrible choice as their property taxes are exorbitant compared to those in Oklahoma. I explained how low property taxes are vital to retired people, but then suggested if they moved to Oklahoma they would probably groan at all the conservatism that rules this state. 

Husband asked great questions, wife just couldn’t handle the thought of conservatism, especially the Christianity part of our culture. We eventually found out she was Jewish. The game I was playing in our 45 minute conversation was to tell them one positive after another about Oklahoma and then to take it away by explaining the conservative principle behind the positives. We finally parted ways on a friendly basis and as happens so often on a cruise ship, we never saw them again. My comments about evaluating places on property taxes rather than income taxes was actually helpful to them as they are approaching retirement and leaving the more productive time of their lives.      


I am of the opinion the tempest in a teapot over my commentary about Ferguson a couple of weeks ago was caused by Al Gerhart trying to tarnish my name and destroy OCPAC. Our organization is the largest and most active conservative club in the state, an organization I believe he is most jealous of since the Sooner Tea Party is not much more than Al himself.

Al’s recent felony conviction for trying to strong arm a state Senator into obeying him has now cost him a hefty fine and 5 years probation in which he has lost his voting rights and he can no longer legally own or carry a firearm. Be that as it may, Al is continuing with his foolish efforts to destroy me and the good people that make up the members and friends of OCPAC. 

His latest effort is to send an e-mail to most if not all of the candidates we supported during the past election cycle. He is basically trying to pressure the candidates to make a statement of condemnation toward me and threatening them if they do not. Over the past few years, I have on occasion stated my belief that Al is delusional and much of his information he puts out is not reliable. I am going to re-publish the e-mail he has sent to the candidates and I will add the corrective commentary in brackets. Al has zero credibility with sitting lawmakers, my only concern is the newly elected lawmakers who might not know of Al’s tarnished reputation.   

Following is his e-mail to candidates with my comments in brackets:

“From: Sooner Tea Party
Sent: December 5, 2014 1:24 AM
Subject: Racist comments and your endorsement


We see that your were endorsed as a candidate by Charlie Meadows or OCPAC in the primary or general election. The list of endorsed candidates are called ‘Charlie’s Picks’ and can be found easily using a Google search.

With the recent controversy swirling around Charlie for what many” ( I have actually had numerous people say they agree with all or most of what I said and as intellectually honest people they clearly understood the helpful intentions of my commentary and recognized it as NOT to be racist) “are calling racist comments, we would like to give each candidate a chance to distance themselves from Charlie’s views. Our fear is that the endorsement by Charlie Meadows will bleed over into the candidates which would be a disaster for conservatives in Oklahoma (Al‘s delusions). Steve Russell has already addressed the issue with a press release and called on Charlie and the black community to resolve their differences.”

(Remember, my contention that Al’s information is not reliable, the following is an e-mail Steve sent to me on December the 6th:  “Steve Russell To: Charlie Meadows:  I wanted to let you know that I think Al Gerhart’s self-important outrage in targeting you is pretty pathetic. I stated so publicly today. Not only has the press seen fit to rope me into his ‘outrage’ but now he is using the statement I made to somehow suggest I am distancing myself from you. Nonsense. As I told Red Dirt, I thought it a good opportunity for dialog. My statement about outreach instead of outrage was directed at both Gerhart and the media. Neither of them seem to understand that they are fomenting an issue here. I continue to value our friendship. Steve”  By the way folks, this was unsolicited by me as I was still at sea on the 6th with no knowledge of any of this swirl going on. I did call Steve last night to obtain permission to re-print his e-mail to me.)

I will now continue with Al’s email:  “Attached is a copy of Charlie’s remarks but there are three statements that he made that we would like to get your statement on as to if you agree with Charlie or if you reject his views.” (To his credit Al did attach my entire e-mail and if any intellectually honest person will take the time to read it they will understand it is not a racist statement.) “We ask this because one candidate, who happens to be Charlie’s pastor, already said publicly that he agreed with Charlie’s views.” (Al’s reference here, is toward Dr. Steven Kern. Steve is not and has never been my pastor. However, I have heard a couple of Steve’s sermons and we have had him do a few presentations through the years at an OCPAC meeting. I can say without hesitation, anyone would be well served by having Steve as their pastor) “Many of you are well known to the Sooner Tea Party and really there is no need to ask but replying will make certain that you are insulated from any blowback in the next election if an opponent tries to tie you to the OCPAC/Charlie Meadows endorsement.” (Al has spent untold man hours and money in trying to destroy certain Republican lawmakers, such as Don Arms and Jason Nelson, in their re-election efforts. All in all, he has had less effect than the ugliness of another pimple on a frogs butt which is why I suggest him to be delusional) 

“The three statements are underlined in the attached copy of Charlie’s article.

First statement comes from paragraph one:

‘This commentary is about that large number of black folks that do hate cops and are losers.” (That is exactly right as the commentary was not directed toward the large number of blacks that do not hate cops or have ordered their lives in such a way as to become winners in life and not losers)

“Second statement comes from paragraph 16 where he was talking about the black protesters:

‘I would suggest the mob mentality operates on great ignorance as they have little intellectual capability of understanding what justice is and probably wouldn’t recognize it if it hit them in the face.’ (Absolutely correct, the mob didn’t want justice nor do they understand it, they weren’t interested in the facts, they simply wanted to crucify the cop that shot the Brown kid, the facts, process or even the possibility of the cop being innocent weren’t even important to many of them)

“The third statement is the entire third from last paragraph:

‘If I were a black person and wanted a change of attitude, I would flee most black churches, at least if a black church continues to make its congregants out to be victims. Black folks are welcome in most white churches, but there will be some cultural differences. It might be good for success to emulate good cultural traits of white folks.’ (white folks have plenty of bad cultural traits also, my suggestion it to emulate the good traits. Charles Barkley’s article which I republished suggested black culture is a loser because they value street violence and criminal records as proof of being black and if a black person is too much like white people they are criticized by some in the black community as not being black enough) ‘Be careful of the music and entertainment in which black people spend their time. That which is good and glorifies God is good and that which promotes violence, disrespect, drugs, immoral sex and the things of a rebel are harmful. What you take in through the senses of your eyes and ears is what you become, just like the things we eat are what we become.’ (Sorry Al, but that is good advice for anyone and the way for a loser to make some of the necessary changes to become a winner)

“Calling large numbers of blacks losers and cop haters, saying that the blacks in the protests at Ferguson had little intellectual capability for understanding what justice is, and the entire paragraph where Charlie attacks “most” black churches, asks blacks to ’emulate’ whites, (emulate their GOOD cultural traits) and states that black people spend their time celebrating violence, disrespect, ,drugs, immoral sex, and being rebellious are the worst statements in a very bad article.” (Sorry Al, but the Bible teaches that TRUTH is what sets people free and Rush Limbaugh has frequently and accurately said:  it takes a lot of courage to speak and believe the truth. Again, I stand by the picture I have painted of the reality in Ferguson and the kind of advice needed for black people to get set free from their bad attitudes, victim mentality and poverty. I am trying to be helpful, Al is trying to destroy!).

“We would like to report that every candidate emailed back with a short statement condemning these racist statements or at least saying that they disagree with them. 

A list of candidates along with any statement they wish to have published will be printed in the next newsletter along with the list of those such as candidate Steve Kern who already publicly said they stand by Charlie’s words.

A third list of those that didn’t respond will also be listed.

OCPAC did a lot of good things in the past ten years but this scandal (there is no scandal here other than in Al’s eyes) has the potential to ruin many, many conservative careers if the candidates don’t come out strongly against racist views by those who publicly endorse them. This will also send OCPAC members a warning that some controls need to be put in place if Charlie is allowed remain in association with OCPAC to prevent future harm from occurring. 

Please be proactive on this issue and don’t allow a primary candidate to surface in the next election with a mail piece stating that you were silent about an accused racist endorsing your campaign. We all know that impressions usually trump reality in politics and this is one impression that you should be very, very concerned about.

Sooner Tea Party”  

(Well after being convicted for threatening to destroy a state Senator and his family, at least Al has learned to tone his threats down to a poorly veiled threat, suggesting if they don’t toe the line of his agenda, it will earn them a primary opponent. In all reality, Al would be happy to see OCPAC destroyed, unless he could figure out a way to become its leader and then it would fade away for sure. If I were one of the 15 or 20 people that might still be associated with the Sooner Tea Party, I would be wanting to find a way to disassociate Al from the organization. If that were to occur the organization might find a way to revive itself.)   


One of the saddest things witnessed this past week is the near total destruction of Tyreek Hill, the OSU hero of the recent bedlam game. Hill is charged with allegedly beating up his girlfriend. Should the baby die in the womb, his charges will be raised to either manslaughter or perhaps murder. He has gone from a hero to a destroyed life and sports career in just a matter of minutes. When he was arrested, the Stillwater police reported he said the reason he was being arrested was because he was black and his girlfriend was white. 

Folks, I don’t know if he really believes that or if he has simply been scripted by the narrative and automatic response that far too many in the black community hold anytime a problem exists in their lives for which they do not want to take responsibility. 

Sorry Tyreek, the color of your skin or her skin has nothing to do with your destruction. You are a fabulous athlete that simply doesn’t have the moral character or discipline to control your temper and keep you from such bad behavior. Best advice I can give you is to man up to your bad decision, find God, repent and get on with your life, submitting it to the leadership of the Lord Jesus. If you will do so you will find the peace, fulfillment and success in life He has for you. Blaming others and not taking personal responsibility will cause you to be a loser in life.

I look forward to seeing everyone this Wednesday

Charlie Meadows

To join OCPAC, fill out the following and send your check to:

P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083

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