OCPAC – Will House Leadership Allow Babies to Die?

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John Michener

Apr 15, 2016, 7:16:33 PM4/15/16
to Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee

online version

1.  Will the House Allow Babies to Die?

2.  Program April 20:  Candidates for HD 85

3.  OCPAC Endorses Amanda Teegarden

4.  REAL ID Countermeasure

5.  ObamaCare Expanding in OK


1.  Will the House Allow Babies to Die?

They will if SB 1552 is not enacted.  The Speaker of the House, Jeff Hickman, needs to hear from you that doctors should not be licensed to kill babies in Oklahoma.  The one and only pro-life bill still alive in the legislative process is SB 1552, but it has not yet been scheduled for a floor vote.  If House leadership does not schedule it in the next few days, this legislation will die, along with all the innocent children that it could have saved.  Contact Speaker Hickman at jwhi...@okhouse.gov and (405) 557-7339.  If you have time, contact every representative about SB 1552.


2.  Program April 20:  HD 85 Candidates

This Wednesday at noon at Mama Roja we will continue interviewing candidates who have a primary election on June 28, 2016.  Next up are Nick Berry and Matt Jackson who are running for House District 85 (OKC-Lake Hefner area).  At the end of the meeting, our dues-paying members will vote whether or not to endorse a candidate for HD 85.


3.  OCPAC Endorses Amanda Teegarden

Last week our members voted to endorse Amanda Teegarden for SD 39 (Tulsa).  Please donate to Amanda’s campaign and help her to represent and defend the citizens of south Tulsa.  Her interview with OCPAC confirmed that she understands and would govern by the principles of limited government and free-markets that are found in God’s natural law.


4.  REAL ID Countermeasure

It is bad enough we have to work hard to defend ourselves against the federal government, but on top of that, our own state government has become complicit.  Too many state legislators fear the federal government, are ignorant of the dangers of government control, and naively trust the federal government to have our best interests at the center of their centralized plans.  Rep. Leslie Osborne (R-Mustang) is an example of such a legislator as she champions SB 1362, “Unreal ID,” and parrots the deceitful talking points of the federal establishment.  Here are the three BIG LIES going around:  1) you will not be able to fly without a federal REAL ID, 2) REAL ID helps law enforcement stop terrorism, and 3) REAL ID is lawful.


SB 1362, “Unreal ID,” is an imminent threat to our personal privacy and liberty and to our state sovereignty.  Every Oklahoma legislator swears an oath to uphold the OK and US Constitution.  There is no delegated authority in the U.S. Constitution for a national ID, and SB 1362 is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.  No legislator who votes for it should be reelected.  This news article goes into the FBI’s surveillance abilities and goals.


In a move to provide damage control, Sen. Nathan Dahm and Rep. Jon Echols are advancing SB 683 which provides a religious exemption to Oklahoma citizens who are opposed to being tagged and bagged by Big Brother.  It is a shame that we must launch this countermeasure instead of simply defeating the insidious SB 1362.


Ask your Oklahoma Representative to vote NO on SB 1362 and YES on SB 683.


5.  ObamaCare Expanding in OK

Every time Governor Fallin mentions the budget, she says we need to give more money to education and healthcare.  Last week Bob Donohoo commented on the Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s proposal to implement Obamacare even though the people have said no.  The OHCA is asking legislators to adopt a “Medicaid Rebalancing” plan, which is just another way for the agency to get at federal dollars for expanding Medicaid under ObamaCare.  The plan could see one-third of all Oklahomans become dependent upon the  other two-thirds for their health care.  Expanding Medicaid will certainly come with unforeseen costs and will strain our budget, not just this year, but for years to come.  Tell your Oklahoma legislators not to grow socialist healthcare in the Oklahoma budget.


Additional Notes

·         Join our Facebook group.

·         Become an OCPAC member with this form.

·         We currently meet on Wednesdays at noon at Mama Roja Mexican Kitchen.

·         The views expressed in this email are the personal opinion of John Michener and do not necessarily reflect the views of OCPAC, its leadership team, or its members.

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