Fwd: Karen Hudson, Jeffrey needs you to help stop "Agent Orange Ready" Crop Approval

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Label GMOs Karen H

Sep 27, 2014, 7:19:13 PM9/27/14

Hi All,

Please send this out to all you know.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Institute for Responsible Technology <in...@responsibletechnology.org>
Date: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 9:01 AM
Subject: Karen Hudson, Jeffrey needs you to help stop "Agent Orange Ready" Crop Approval
To: nosd...@gmail.com

 Action Alert 
Tell President Obama to stop the new 2,4-D and Roundup crops. Click here.

As you may know, the USDA made the crazy and  horrific decision to allow Agent Orange crops to be planted. These corn and soy plants produced by Dow Chemical Company are engineered to be sprayed with 2,4-D herbicide, a component of Agent Orange. Exposure to the chemical 2,4-D is linked to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, thyroid & reproductive problems, Parkinson’s disease and neurological damage.

The EPA has yet to approve crops that are tolerant to both Roundup and 2,4-D, known as “Enlist Duo,” and Dr. Oz had the brilliant idea of using Obama's petition site to get his attention in this last ditch attempt effort to protect the population. In an unprecedented move, he announced on TV that he is starting this petition and urged Americans to sign asking Obama to block this approval.

To-date, there are 48,487 signatures already and when it reaches 100,000, Obama is forced to replay. Let's make it a million!

We should be outraged at this decision made by the USDA and should block these crops. Furthermore, this petition appropriately puts the President in the center of the controversy, as it is his FDA, USDA and EPA agencies that are allowing this very dangerous precedent. Ultimately he is in charge. Let’s' demand that he do the right thing.

Irrespective of how you feel about Dr. Oz's positions in other areas, this is could prove to be the brilliant stroke needed to protect us all. I hope you will sign along with me.

Safe Eating Begins with Informed Eating,

Jeffrey Smith and the small but mighty IRT team!


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Karen Hudson - Coordinator

Help Us Protect Sonoma County From GMO Contamination

If you are a Sonoma County resident, 18 years or older, please sign our petition at the website above, and help us join Marin, Mendocino, Trinity, and Santa Cruz  in prohibiting  the cultivation, propagation, raising, and growing of genetically engineered organisms in our county. 

"Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter."
Martin Luther King Jr.

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