NW.js v0.43.1 Released

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Roger Wang

Dec 15, 2019, 10:04:51 PM12/15/19
to nw.js

Here is 0.43.1 with bug fixes mostly for the new NW2 mode.

Since 0.42.4 NW2 mode became the default. NW2 is another key step of the project with major refactoring completed for more features and better quality. Please do read more on this when you upgrade: NW2 announcement.

Chromium 79 contains usual under-the-hood performance and stability tweaks, but there are also some cool new features to explore. It supports WebXR Device API for Web Virtual Reality, support for rendersubtree Attribute, Autofocus Support for any Focusable HTML/SVG Element, Compute img/video Aspect Ratio from Width Or Height HTML Attributes and more. Please check Chromium blog for details. For a complete list of all features (including experimental features) in this release, see the Chrome 79 milestone hotlist.

I've made the 0.43 branch ready soon after Chromium beta bumps to 79. Thanks to the testers for their valuable feedback and bug reports. I've been working on 2 branches simultaneously: a released branch on current Chromium stable and a beta branch on Chromium beta.

Best regards, 

Roger Wang


  • Fix: import broken with Node.js v13.3.0 (#7267)
  • Fix: nw2: failed to close after "reload app"
  • Fix: nw2: don't register F12 hotkey in normal build (#7269)
  • Fix: nw2: close event missing callback string during cmd + Q (OSX) (#7263)
  • Fix: nw2: kiosk in manifest (#7268)
  • Fix: nw2: the timing of callback of creating window (#7247)

Full ChangeLog: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/blob/nw43/CHANGELOG.md


SDK build:

Binary for other platforms: https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.43.1/

There are 2 builds for each platform - normal build, and SDK build. Normal build doesn't have devtools, only SDK build does. lt can be opened by pressing F12 (Cmd-Alt-I on OSX). SDK packages also have more development tools to be exposed in the following releases, as well as the NaCl support.

Our build infrastructure enables live binary build from git tip so you can access to the latest binary from https://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/

Known issues


Jon Lepage

Dec 17, 2019, 5:59:52 PM12/17/19
to nw.js
i just try this last release for webXR and not work, same behavior, get infinite loading screen if we use nwjs. :(
We really need a working example.
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