XML to http-response

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Alexander Muller

Mar 14, 2016, 9:13:19 AM3/14/16
to Node-RED

I simply need to visualize XML data on the node-red webserver (for example on: <ip.addr>:1880/xml), 
but if I send the XML information to the http response node, the webpage doesnt show the whole XML structure and just every value in one row. I tried it with a JSON object and it worked just fine, but not
with XML. What step do I need to add?

Thanks a lot!

Nicholas O'Leary

Mar 14, 2016, 9:16:24 AM3/14/16
to Node-RED Mailing List
If you want the browser to know it is xml data and then display with formatting, you need to set the appropriate content-type header in the response, most likely to 'application/xml';

In a Function node:
    msg.headers = {
        "content-type": "application/xml"
    return msg;


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Alexander Muller

Mar 14, 2016, 11:22:09 AM3/14/16
to Node-RED
Thank you very much!
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