Hi Filippo,
I've improved the mailgraph integration to support the new NethServer
maillog format (see
http://dev.nethserver.org/issues/2784 and
http://docs.nethserver.org/en/latest/mail.html#log), where Postfix
syslog_name is different from defaults. mailgraph supports only the
Postfix syslog default name ("postfix"). To work around this
limitation, I pre-process the maillog, by piping it to tail and sed,
before mailgraph reads it from the pipe.
After installing mailgraph from EPEL, I created an Upstart job (see
attachment) that substitutes the init script from the original package.
Copy it to /etc/init/mailgraph.conf
Stop any mailgraph instance and disable the service on startup:
service mailgraph stop
killall mailgraph
chkconfig mailgraph off
Run mailgraph from Upstart, now:
start mailgraph
It should also start on boot automatically.
Hope it helps,
Davide Principi
#davidep | @davideprincipi | GPG 0x5651EA71