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Death by RefreshGadgets

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Jun 19, 1986, 2:54:33 PM6/19/86

Dear folks, I'm new to this net (posting, I mean - I've read everything
I could lay my eyes on in the net). I've been working/hacking/playing on an
Amiga for 5 weeks now, developing software for a course this fall. One of the
more basic things I'm doing is a simple proportional gadget, emulating a
slider with a little IntuiString gadget below that prints out the current
slider value. I have FOLLOWMOUSE set in the proportional gadget, and each
time I get a MOUSEMOVE event, I update the IntuiString buffer and Refresh the
gadget (of course, only if the value has changed).

Unfortunately, after a few clicks and moves on the proportional gadget knob,
or even fewer on the sizing gadget, the system hangs and I get me a GURU
message. I've managed to isolate the problem - it hangs during a RefreshGadget
call. Replacing the call by printf statements, or (as I'm doing now) a sequence
of graphic Move and Text commands, works fine.

I was just wondering if anybody else has had similar problems. I've compiled
the source under both Manx and Lattice, and both die though it takes longer on
the latter. I would really appreciate any feedback from the net. Thanks.

--- Mun-Kew ---
Mun-Kew Leong University of Toronto
UUCP {ihnp4 utzoo decwrl uw-beaver}!utcsri!munkew
CSNet munkew@toronto
An Idiot Proof System is no match for a System Proof Idiot ... me!

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