Huh. I just did a nopkg type the other day to add users to _lpadmin, except I'd followed an example of a previous post on here re: Dropbox, and did the "install" part in the preinstall_script.. except in my case, I want to also be able to remove it.
I can't think of an elegant way to contain the install logic within installcheck_script as you've done and still be able to support removal.. but this seems to work well enough.
<string>System Settings: Add 'everyone' to '_lpadmin'</string>
# Get UUID of everyone group
EVERYONE=`dsmemberutil getuuid -G everyone`
# Check if everyone's UUID is in _lpadmin's NestedGroups
! dscl /Local/Default -read Groups/_lpadmin NestedGroups | grep "$EVERYONE"
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a everyone -t group _lpadmin
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d everyone -t group _lpadmin