Summary: The idea is to prevent calls to
window.alert/confirm/prompt/print from sandboxed iframes, and prevent
them putting up beforeunload dialogs, unless explicitly allowed to.
Note that this is a NEW sandbox restriction, so might break some
existing sandboxed content. A new token in the iframe sandbox attribute
allows loosening the restriction.
and the definitions of alert/confirm/etc. There is one open spec issue
I raised while implementing:
<>. It would only affect very
contrived edge cases, and whatever is decided on in that issue we can
update to reasonably easily.
Target release: 49
Platforms: all
Preference behind which this is implemented: none
DevTools bug: Not sure this needs devtools support.
Support in other browsers: I believe Chrome supports this. Not sure
about others.
Tests: Automatic testing for this is rather hard. I did test manually.
Security/Privacy concerns: none.
The main worry here is the backwards-compat issue, but given that Chrome
is shipping it and sandboxed iframes are pretty rare so far, this seems
like it should be safe.