Do we enherit our behavior from our parents

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May 21, 2012, 9:11:11 PM5/21/12
Do you think that we do?

Jackie Lopez

May 22, 2012, 1:25:29 PM5/22/12
I think that we inherit some things, but because we grow and start to form our own personalities, some of those behaviors change. I think sometimes we're influenced by our parents behavior when we're around them, too.

Jeremiah Soliman

May 29, 2012, 7:38:57 PM5/29/12
Tatiana WE actually do inherit looks and if we have lived with our parents long enough we can also inherit personalities, because we are with them so much that we get used to what they do and do it. Tatiana you also spelled by accident inherit wrong in your title and instead put enherit.


May 30, 2012, 5:09:33 PM5/30/12
I do believe we do if we are around them or with them long enough.I believe that we get our personalities from our parents during our childhood.It starts out with little things such as copying their words or emotions.I remember when I was little I would get mad because my mother was mad,even though I had no reason to be mad at all.Then as we get older it begins to show more through our personalities such as how nice or mean we are,how emotional we are and things as such.However,we can also be influenced by other things such as the media and the people around us.For example,if someone told you you were to mean or studied to much you might stop being as nice,which changes your behavior,or might stop studying and be more relaxed and outgoing.I agree with Jackie and think you are absoultely right when you said we begin to form our own personalities as we age.

Kristina Suarez ♫

May 31, 2012, 6:21:53 PM5/31/12
I think so!
I volunteer at a daycare so I'm around little kids a lot. Sometimes a
kid will come in and say a bad word and when asked they say they
learned it from their parents. A little boy at the day care is always
trying to kiss the little girls because he saw his parents do it. It
is part of human nature to learn by influence or by seeing. As Melany
said, when we get older we begin to discover our personalities and try
doing things our own way and learning by the example of people other
than our parents or family.

kevin fuerte

May 31, 2012, 6:36:19 PM5/31/12
Not really what we really do is that we copy the behavior. That is
because in our early years we spend most time with our parents and
watching what they do. Then we copy and past that behavior to ours. So
in a way we do.
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