Users can develop using a Chromebook. Here is what the Forum knows about Chromebooks!searchin/mitappinventortest/chromebook%7Csort:date
Unfortunately, using the emulator with a Chromebook is problematic for AI development.
Here is an alternative solution to develop on the Chromebook (but not test live development), not perfect but it works:
* Develop using the Designer small parts of a Project
* Create an aia file
* Build the Project Build app (save apk to my computer)
* Send the apk to a device by eMail attachment of the apk file
* Click on the attachment when received on the device to install the app.
This is called 'programming in the blind' and it has its pitfalls but does work. Saving an aia frequently (between builds) is highly recommended.
The method is awkward and is not very suitable for a class.
Another alternative is to get a few PC laptops and use the group development method using the emulator by sharing a computer until MIT comes up with a possible solution
for Chromebook users. At the moment, Chromebook is not a good platform for App Inventor.