Hi there,
I followed
this wonderful tutorial and successfully programmed my NodeMCU (ESP8266 WiFi board) to post data onto DeviceHub.net, but I am having trouble scraping the data from DeviceHub.net onto my Android phone via MIT App Inventor 2.
Basically when you set up an account on DeviceHub.net you add a project, device, and sensor and they give you an API key as well as device UUID. I used this info to successfully post data onto the database, but I can't retrieve it with my phone, because I am not sure how to implement the API key. I want to be able to open the app and grab the last data point that was entered on the phone. The link I used in the Arduino IDE code to post data to was like this:
but it had an API key header.
Here is what I have so far for MIT App Inventor 2 (obviously with the info filled in):
Basically, whenever someone hits the "Refresh" button I want to grab the very last data point that was stored onto the database by the NodeMCU module. Again, I really don't know what to do with the API key. When I paste the URL into my browser I get {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}
Any help would be much appreciated.