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Christy Tenney

Jul 15, 2019, 4:52:47 PM7/15/19
Looking to create an app that we can have our students use to sign in and out of their classes for the restroom. Ideally, students would scan their ID, the app would retrieve their name from their ID (via their ID Number), students would select the class they are in, and if they are leaving class or returning. The app would show who last signed in/out for the teacher to verify that the student signed in/out.

Last year I created one that used a Google Form for collecting the data. The sheet was programmed to pull the student name based on the ID number that was scanned. The problem was that if everything was not filled out properly, the app would look like it submitted, but it would not record into the Google Sheet. I was hoping to eliminate the Google Form aspect of the app but not sure how/what to use as a database.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to go about creating this app would be greatly appreciated.

Christy Tenney

Jul 16, 2019, 4:36:32 PM7/16/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
Based on what I have tried so far, it seems that using the FusionTableControl would give me the best way to view my data. Unfortunately, I see that Google is getting rid of Fusion Tables on December 3rd. 

What else could I use to easily see my data log for students who sign in/out?


Jul 16, 2019, 8:31:42 PM7/16/19
There are some database options mentioned in this Forum discussion!msg/mitappinventortest/E0ggiuQEUlE/03zQUp1mCQAJ   Christy.

Additionally, you could post/save  all your results to a GoogleSpreadsheet hosted in your GoogleDrive.    See Tims' possible solutions  

Here is how to save what is stored in a TinyDB to a CloudDB    that may give you some ideas.   
If you save your student data using a csv file, you could use Taifun's Dynamic Table to view the csv file  on your Android



Jul 17, 2019, 3:26:17 PM7/17/19
to MIT App Inventor Forum
(compendium added to new Google Sheets section of FAQ)

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