Problem reading file in assets/media using "File.Readfrom" block
The "File.Readfrom" documentation is saying:
"… To read assets packaged with an application (also works for the Companion) start the filename with // (two slashes). If a filename does not start with a slash, it will be read from the application's private storage (for packaged apps) and from /sdcard/AppInventor/data for the Companion"
It is working indeed when I "build" and install and application.
But not working when I "connect" using the companion!
1) Why?
2) Is there a way to read a file in assets when using the companion?
I attach an example AIA (click the "get file" button
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Thanks for all your help up till now.
This situation is bad for one of my students who needs to access a file in assets using the companion. As I wrote, it is working using "build", but development is harder and takes much more time. Thanks for a fast solution. (It seems this will be problematic for many people)
ReadFrom(text fileName)
I really thank you for your help. (and sorry to bother you again) but it looks like:
is working for me
My problem was for html files being sent to a webview by activity starter
Still not sure how to access the private storage area...