I want to have a block of text where users can select a word in a paragraph. I think I've run out of work arounds to get this done but please let me know if you can see something I've overlooked.
1 Webviewer - I can get the text in the webviewer but the text select is really glitchy, if you try and select multiple words the first point you selected drops down to the line below and I've never been able to select what I actually want. There is also no way to parse the words back to the app without copy and paste (Made easier with Taufun's extention).
2 Canvas - I can print the paragraph on a canvas and correctly select words that way, but the canvas text is too pixelated to be readable for any period of time. There's no way around this unless a label can be placed over the canvas or the text modified on the backend.
3 Buttons - I can print each word to a button but that is hard to format correctly and a user can't select multiple words with a click and drag.