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Charting the murkey depths of Bill Clinton

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Paul Landsberg

Apr 9, 1992, 11:16:27 AM4/9/92

The case against Bill Clinton:
Slick Willy takes the marriage vows to Hillary. Marriage is considered
by many Americans as an important vow. Libido Clinton admits to a little
outside activity. If a candidate cannot keep a personal vow to a wife,
is he able to keep a vow of public trust? You decide.

Moneybags Bill CLinton has a 2 million dollar line of credit from Jackson
Stephens. Bank-meister Stephens is currently under investigation by the
law for BCCI involvement. Obviously a man of the people, we all know
BCCI crooks.

Sensitive Bill golfs on an exclusive all-white golf course. Put it in
a different light, if he had gone to a Klan meeting, what are your thoughts.
If he had gone to a 'woman are toys' meeting, how would you feel....

More Caring Clinton is campaigning in Louisiana with three baptist
reverends. (front page photo, NY Time ?? 4 weeks ago) Duly NOT noted
in the Ochsburg rag is that the man on the left is the head of the
committee named "Comittee for Mercy for Mike Tyson."

Wily Willy frees a convicted cocaine dealer back in 1986, roughly
18 months after he was convicted. The dealer was apparently friendly
with the social scene in Arkansas. Nice to have friends in gov't eh?

Libido Bill in his Gennifer escapade, gets the "non-mistress" Flowers
hired on to a 17K state job. Serious questoins have been raised as to
whether the job requirements were changed STRICTLY to hire Flowers.
Wild Bill's influence? You decide. Oh yeah, bedroom Genny goes public
and doesn't return to work on Monday. By Wednesday, she is fired.
Bill Clinton's political machine giveth and the machine taketh away.
Should she have been fired for not showing up? Yes, IF and ONLY IF
all state employees are treated equally. I doubt it.

Influential Bill ends up seeing his lawyerly wife Hillary's company
doing business for the state. Illegal? Immoral? Tough questions.
Just ask yourself, do you believe influence was peddled?

Environmental Bill ends up extremely low on the pollution/waste
charts. Ah, but he talks pretty. Actions speak louder than words.

Working-man Willy is what, 49th on the OSHA hit list? OSHA is a toothless
federal agency that has BARE minimum standars. 49th? Draw your own

Taxman Clinton thinks the poor probably don't pay enough in taxes so he
agrees to a sales tax on food. Even in NY State, the home of Mario
"I'd tax pray" Cuomo, we don't have a sales tax on food.
Don't forget Big Bill's stance on Jerry Brown's flat tax. God forbid
we ever simplify the 4000 pages of tax code. Big Bill intends to
defend the 4000 pages of code to the very end. Hell, where would
all the lawyers and accountants work at? BUT Bill does remember
his friends!!!

Truthsayer Clinton admits to lighting up a joint after avoiding question
with "I have broken no state or federal law." Gee, maybe we should
start with the alphabet. Hey Guv, have you broken any Albanian laws?
How about Belgium............

Civil Rights Champion Clinton, still no Civil Rights act in Arkansas
and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............but they do have one of the most
restrictive parental notice statutes on the books.

Urban Bill on student absenteeism in NY. "I'd take away the driver's license
of students who didn't attend school." The kids in the Queens school laughed
his sorry butt out of the room.

There is a real estate dealing scandal that I can't quite dredge up.
Give me a week and I'm sure Slippery Bill will offer up more for your

Paul Landsberg

John Morgan Morris

Apr 9, 1992, 5:17:51 PM4/9/92
pa...@VLSI1.VLSI.COLUMBIA.EDU (Paul Landsberg) writes:

>The case against Bill Clinton:

>(Much discussion about Clinton's scandals)

How about the scandals that George Bush has been
associated with? I know many of them are rumors,
but then so are some of Clinton's.

There was a rumor of extramarital activity. Of
course, there's Iran-Contra and October Surprise.

He has many family members in potential conflict-of-
interest situations.

The S&L scandal was covered up prior to the 1988 election,
so that his son's involvement wouldn't damage his election chances.

How about the way we were misled about the Gulf War? I was for it,
but I'm not sure now whether my opinion was based on media
manipulation. Recently someone was fired for giving an estimate
of the number of Iraqis killed. And now we know that the Patriots
aren't so hot after all....

Can anyone else compile a better list? I'm just sick of seeing one
candidate getting bashed because he's new to the scene, and another
getting away with everything just because he's been around a while...

John Morgan Morris
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA. 30303-3083
(404) 651-2253

Elizabeth G. Levy

Apr 10, 1992, 12:02:28 AM4/10/92
In article <> pa...@VLSI1.VLSI.COLUMBIA.EDU (Paul Landsberg) writes:
>The case against Bill Clinton:
>Slick Willy takes the marriage vows to Hillary. Marriage is considered
>by many Americans as an important vow. Libido Clinton admits to a little
>outside activity. If a candidate cannot keep a personal vow to a wife,
>is he able to keep a vow of public trust? You decide.

J.F.K.? F.D.R.?

[more fun Clinton facts deleted. Can't comment on them, since I'm
not an avid Clinton defender, or I don't know enough about the
allegation. All I hope is that he gets better at fibbing than
"I didn't inhale" by November. I ask, do you want Bush around
another 4 years?]

>Environmental Bill ends up extremely low on the pollution/waste
>charts. Ah, but he talks pretty. Actions speak louder than words.

His state isn't the richest. I'm not sure what he could've done,
but it is a point of concern.

>Urban Bill on student absenteeism in NY. "I'd take away the driver's license
>of students who didn't attend school." The kids in the Queens school laughed
>his sorry butt out of the room.

This was foolishness and ignorance of now folks in NY function.
We here don't really need cars. Our mass transit system allows
us to get by without knowing how to drive (I didn't learn until
I was almost 22). His threat is empty here.

But I did relish him getting grilled by those Cardoza brats!
And Tsongas is out of it. Sigh.

Gary Hypes

Apr 10, 1992, 5:22:21 PM4/10/92
***************************** (John Morgan Morris) writes:

Can anyone else compile a better list? I'm just sick of seeing one
candidate getting bashed because he's new to the scene, and another
getting away with everything just because he's been around a while...


John, Willie-bashing is so much fun because it's so EASY! Honest, I like
Bill Clinton; I think that he's a nice guy, bright, and overall a good
and progressive governor for the state of Alabama. But this parade of
scandals is HILARIOUS! Any day now, I expect to see an illegitimate son
pop out of the woodwork, or maybe revelations that his mother heads up a
coven of witches somewhere in the back woods. Or maybe that the joint he
didn't inhale was smoked in the house Jerry Brown didn't own while he
wasn't there.

It's like probing your best friend about the blind date he's hooked you
up with. First you find out that she really is blind in one eye, the
result of a violent dorm fight in the state women's prison. Where she
was incarcerated for murdering her fourth husband. For giving her
incurable herpes. I mean, after a while the news gets so bad that
it's funny.

(And all the while, your friend is pleading, "Ignore all that stuff!
She's really a neat lady!...")

What small fairness I think should be extended to Willie is that the
media scrutiny is unnecessarily harsh and demeaning. No newspaper
reporter (Doonesbury notwithstanding) is going to get a raise and a
promotion for writing a story that begins with "FLASH! Bill Clinton is
an honest, decent man who has demonstrated sound political
administration skills." The press has lost all moral integrity in this
respect, and I think it's sad.

A better case can be made for what's happened to Jerry Brown with the
latest marijuana charges (not that I care for Jerry, either). This
appears - right now, anyway - to be a story with little or no merit
whatsoever, and I think it's patently unfair for the press to have
pushed this "news" with as little substantiation as it has.

The net result is that these guys wind up spending the bulk of their
time and energy putting down scandal rumors. No wonder we know as little
as we do about the candidates stands on significant political issues.

- Gary Hypes -

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