help with dlls on windows

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Matt Fair

Jun 8, 2009, 12:46:03 AM6/8/09
to minerva-users
So I have been having a heck of a time getting my libs to link together at runtime.  I have been able to get the different parts compiled (with the exception of KML) on the system with a combination of using some libraries you have provided for download on your website.  When I load up I get a R6034 ms visual c++ error, which means there isn't a manifest file for something.  But it finally loads up with the following errors:
Welcome to Minerva 2009.05.07

Built on 7-Jun-2009 at 21:00:53

Loading plugin file: C:/Projects/cadkit/bin/Release/../configs/Minerva.plugins

Error 2012373085: Standard exception caught while trying to load library MinervaGeoRSS.dll: Error: 3942529130, failed to load library: MinervaGeoRSS.dll

System error number: 126

System error message: The specified module could not be found.

Error 2012373085: Standard exception caught while trying to load library MinervaKml.dll: Error: 3942529130, failed to load library: MinervaKml.dll

System error number: 126

System error message: The specified module could not be found.

Error 2012373085: Standard exception caught while trying to load library MinervaOSM.dll: Error: 3942529130, failed to load library: MinervaOSM.dll

System error number: 126

System error message: The specified module could not be found.

Error 2012373085: Standard exception caught while trying to load library MinervaOssim.dll: Error: 3942529130, failed to load library: MinervaOssim.dll

System error number: 1114

System error message: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.

15 plugins: ArcIMS Qt GUI; GDAL Read Image; Layer Manager; Matrix Animation; Minerva Document; Modflow Model; Ossim Layer Qt GUI; Password Prompt; Path Animation; PostGIS Layer Qt GUI; Qt Custom Geometry GUI; Scene Delegate; Snap Shot Qt; WMS Layer Qt GUI; WRF Model;

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassrose.png".



Where I am at is that the Minerva plugin does load, but when I apply a map layer to it, it doesn't load anything up.  Also the compass rose does not show up, as indicated by the error above.  I am guessing the map and the compass is the same error.  I have been using Dependency Walker and it all looks good with the exception of it wanting DWMAPI.DLL which is a vista library.  I read on some sites that it shouldn't matter that it is there, cause it won't get loaded.


This is my first time trying to get Minerva up and running on a Windows machine, so any guidance with what I am doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated.  I have seen similar problems on the Mac, and how I fixed them was to make sure GDAL and OSSIM were configured correctly to load up imagery or link to the correct libraries.  Would this be similar here?




Adam Kubach

Jun 8, 2009, 2:16:17 AM6/8/09
Hi Matt,

Where all the dependencies built with the same version of Visual Studio that you are compiling Minerva with?


Matt Fair

Jun 8, 2009, 3:00:09 AM6/8/09
No they weren't.  I am using some binaries downloaded from the internet and some from the collection of windows binaries you have on your website, probably compiled with VC++ 2005.  I am using VC++ 2008.  Do I need to go through and re-compile every dependency with my compiler? 

Adam Kubach

Jun 8, 2009, 12:48:16 PM6/8/09
Hi Matt,

Mixing versions of Visual Studio usually isn't a good idea.  A library built with VC++ 2005 will look for the runtime libraries for that version.  This is likely why the libraries you listed aren't loading (Even if you had both versions installed, incompatibilities between 2005 and 2008 runtimes can cause crashes).

The dependencies on the website were built with VC++ 2005.  I can put together a zip of the dependencies built with VC++ 2008, but it will take me a few days.


Matt Fair

Jun 8, 2009, 1:15:21 PM6/8/09
Ok, I'll try to compile the dependencies on my end.  If I am successful I'll let you know and I can give you my dependency zip, otherwise I will use your zip file.

Matt Fair

Jun 9, 2009, 12:41:30 PM6/9/09
When compiling tiff for ossim, what is the best way to compile the tags in the contrib section?  xtiffio.h is defined in it?  How did you compile this?  I created a CMakeLists.txt file that is configured correctly, but I am getting compile errors.  I am using tiff-3.8.2, I saw that you are using 4.0, does this work in there?

Matt Fair

Jun 9, 2009, 12:48:27 PM6/9/09
I think ossim only uses the structures in the header files, so I added it to the path. 

Adam Kubach

Jun 15, 2009, 12:41:56 PM6/15/09


Matt Fair

Jun 15, 2009, 7:33:33 PM6/15/09
Thanks for getting this together!  I was able to compile and it fixed the ossim plugin, howver, I still had some problems:
Welcome to Minerva 2009.05.15

Built on 15-Jun-2009 at 16:47:31

Loading plugin file: C:/Projects/cadkit/bin/Release/../configs/Minerva.plugins

15 plugins: ArcIMS Qt GUI; GDAL Read Image; Layer Manager; Matrix Animation; Minerva Document; Modflow Model; Ossim Layer Qt GUI; Password Prompt; Path Animation; PostGIS Layer Qt GUI; Qt Custom Geometry GUI; Scene Delegate; Snap Shot Qt; WMS Layer Qt GUI; WRF Model;

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassrose.png".



Any ides, is this freerun?


Matt Fair

Jun 15, 2009, 7:40:28 PM6/15/09
Does this require freetype to be installed?  What would cause the png file to not load?

Matt Fair

Jun 15, 2009, 7:57:02 PM6/15/09
to minerva-users
When I try to load a file up I get:
Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D180, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D240, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2A0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D2D0, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.

Error 3878127704: standard exception caught while running thread 0006D270, Error 1153181950: Structured exception c0000005 generated. Re-throwing as C++ exception.



Perry Miller

Jun 16, 2009, 12:33:46 AM6/16/09
Minerva throws C++ exceptions all the time, but a Windows Structured Exception means something is very wrong with the binaries.
Did you recompile everything that depends on the 3rd party libraries?

Adam Kubach

Jun 16, 2009, 5:55:09 PM6/16/09

Do you have service pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 installed?


Matt Fair

Jun 29, 2009, 5:06:34 PM6/29/09
I installing SP1 and it looks like it fixed the structured exceptions, however I am still having my orignal problem of not being able to load the images. 
When Minerva loads and I load up a minerva file I get:
Welcome to Minerva 2009.05.29

Built on 29-Jun-2009 at 14:26:05

Loading plugin file: C:/Projects/cadkit/bin/Release/../configs/Minerva.plugins

Error 2012373085: Standard exception caught while trying to load library MinervaOSM.dll: Error: 3942529130, failed to load library: MinervaOSM.dll

System error number: 126

System error message: The specified module could not be found.

15 plugins: ArcIMS Qt GUI; GDAL Read Image; Layer Manager; Matrix Animation; Minerva Document; Modflow Model; Ossim Layer Qt GUI; Password Prompt; Path Animation; PostGIS Layer Qt GUI; Qt Custom Geometry GUI; Scene Delegate; Snap Shot Qt; WMS Layer Qt GUI; WRF Model;

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassrose.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassrose.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassrose.png".

Opening file: C:/Documents and Settings/mbfair/Desktop/arizona.minerva

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29156, system thread: 1448, event: Message 3507413903: Download started:,-90.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29859, system thread: 1448, event: Message 1315552899: Download finished:,-90.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29874, system thread: 1448, event: Error 2720181403: Failed to load file: C:/DOCUME~1/mbfair/LOCALS~1/Temp/Minerva/hypercube_telascience_org_cgi-bin_landsat7/1938280472/W256_H256/L000/N180_000000000000000_N090_000000000000000_P000_000000000000000_P090_000000000000000.jpg, downloaded from URL:,-90.000000000000000,0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256. Removing file.

Warning 3604300631: layer 'AZ State Cartographer Zone 12 (ArcIMS)' has a null log file

clock: 29890, system thread: 1448, event: Message 3507413903: Download started:

Warning 3604300631: layer 'AZ State Cartographer Zone 12 (ArcIMS)' has a null log file

clock: 29921, system thread: 1448, event: Message 1315552899: Download finished:

Warning 3604300631: layer 'AZ State Cartographer Zone 12 (ArcIMS)' has a null log file

clock: 29921, system thread: 1448, event: Error 1276423772: Failed to download. File: C:/DOCUME~1/mbfair/LOCALS~1/Temp/Minerva/imagery_azmap_org_servlet_com_esri_esrimap_Esrimap/3885492987/W256_H256/L000/N180_000000000000000_N090_000000000000000_P000_000000000000000_P090_000000000000000.png, URL:

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29921, system thread: 1448, event: Message 3507413903: Download started:,-90.000000000000000,180.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29999, system thread: 1448, event: Message 1315552899: Download finished:,-90.000000000000000,180.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256

Warning 3604300631: layer 'Telascience I-Cubed' has a null log file

clock: 29999, system thread: 1448, event: Error 2720181403: Failed to load file: C:/DOCUME~1/mbfair/LOCALS~1/Temp/Minerva/hypercube_telascience_org_cgi-bin_landsat7/1938280472/W256_H256/L000/P000_000000000000000_N090_000000000000000_P180_000000000000000_P090_000000000000000.jpg, downloaded from URL:,-90.000000000000000,180.000000000000000,90.000000000000000&format=image/jpeg&height=256&layers=landsat7&request=GetMap&srs=EPSG:4326&styles=&version=1.1.1&width=256. Removing file.

Minerva 0158AE88 thread pool size = 5

0.843 seconds ... Time to open C:/Documents and Settings/mbfair/Desktop/arizona.minerva

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf".

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:/DOCUME~1/mbfair/LOCALS~1/Temp/Minerva/hypercube_telascience_org_cgi-bin_landsat7/1938280472/W256_H256/L001/N180_000000000000000_N090_000000000000000_N090_000000000000000_P000_000000000000000.jpg".



Which library is being used to load the images up?  Also, for some reason Open Street Maps MinervaOSM.dll was not compiled.  Could this cause this problem? 




Perry Miller

Jun 29, 2009, 6:11:03 PM6/29/09
Hmm... multiple problems here... let me take a stab:

Error: 3942529130 -- As you pointed out, this DLL is missing. Might be a problem with the CMake files.
Warning 3604300631 -- This is a bug in the sharing of log files. The result is no log entry, but otherwise benign (and, I think, the log entry goes to stdout instead, which goes to the Text Window). I wrote that code; it's a bug that I never tracked down.

Message 3507413903 -- Ignore .We're seeing this because of the null log file.

Message 1315552899 -- Ignore .We're seeing this because of the null log file.

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf" -- This is coming directly from OSG; it cannot find its TTF plugin.

Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "C:\Projects\cadkit\bin\Release/icons//compassring.png" -- This is coming directly from OSG; it cannot find its PNG plugin.

Can you try to open, in osgviewer, an OSG file that references a PNG texture and/or a TTF font? 

Matt Fair

Jun 29, 2009, 7:26:32 PM6/29/09
I tried osgviewer and it seemed to work, this was from a version of OSG that I had compiled from source.  I was using the pre-compiled binary lib of OSG that Adam had put together.  I switched to the version I had compiled from source, this had the same errors.  Then I noticed a plugins directory called osgPlugins-2.8.1, so I copied this to my bin directory and loaded minerva up and the .ttf and .png errors went away.  So it looks like it may be working, the compass ring and fonts loaded up correctly.  I am behind a firewall, my maps are not showing up so I'm going to test it some other place to make sure that is working.  When I loaded a file I did not get any of the error messages, but I also got no map images either.

Matt Fair

Jun 29, 2009, 7:49:58 PM6/29/09
I tested my build outside of my firewall and it works.  Copying the OSG plugins dir to my build directory was the fix.
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