new Martian Math video and blog post

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kirby urner

Nov 5, 2015, 1:43:37 PM11/5/15

I assembled some links, including to a new Youtube (23 mins!), regarding this Martian Math business:

It includes a link back to this group as well.  Given it's a blog post in an obscure blog, I'm not expecting to drive big numbers into Martian Math in this way.

Feedback welcome.  I just got a new headset with boom mike and Bluetooth, so I'm hoping audio quality improves over these recent very amateur efforts. :-D


Bradford Hansen-Smith

Nov 6, 2015, 10:12:34 AM11/6/15

Kirby, thanks for sharing your video. I now better understand how you fit with Fuller. You make good points about why he is not better known or I should say, not known at all, given my contact with many middle/high school math teachers and young university math educators.

My own experience on this is to understand what Fuller is talking about you need to have done some of your own  work; make models in a variety of materials, have done 2-D exploration, find understanding through your own observations about geometry in this world. Without that one has little context for understanding the words he uses. To read Fuller’s work is not enough. His language is not a problem if you have your own experience to bring, otherwise it gets passed over, reading as a passive state. If Fuller's writing does not stimulate the reader to put the book down, roll up their selves and do their own work, then their time is better spent reading something else.  Fuller gives context for his own exploration, demonstrates the necessity of doing ones own work and taking the responsibility for the contribution we can each make if we are stimulated enough to take on our own lives as a project that has value to humanity. It is not so much about what he left as how he lived his life that allowed him to leave what he did.

As for your visual style with the video, I am a little confused. I need to watch it again to get a better sense of what you are doing. I know it is not without thought; I’m just a little unclear on the first go around about how you have used the visual to inform my experience. Maybe on the next viewing it will make sense. In the mean time I am curious to see were you go with the next video.

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Bradford Hansen-Smith

kirby urner

Nov 6, 2015, 11:41:33 AM11/6/15

I appreciate your review Bradford!

Just yesterday I added another Youtube, hoping for better sound quality, which I got at first, but as the video progresses it degenerates somewhat, to where there's a noticeable background hiss towards the end. 

There's some stress in that I emphasize getting to the point quickly, not wasting viewers' time, but then I seem to ramble and fumble, not getting to said point right away. 

Only about seven minutes.

The core topic is "Quadrays" per the cute comic book cover that iMovie supplies right at the beginning.

As I wrote to my colleague David Koski: 

I don't mind the hokey amateur hour ham radio aspect of what I'm doing, because it proves to viewers there's zero barrier to entry, just some awareness of the content needed.  I set a low bar in dimensions that don't matter, but keep to the Synergetics pretty strictly, more than most have attempted (in terms of adhering to his vocabulary, down to the 4D part).  Quadrays:  a useful puzzle piece.

Fuller worked hard at chiseling out a new vocabulary, carving a namespace.  Given he's all about swapping in the tetrahedron in place of the cube as a "home base" unit of volume, he's also willing to tackle the prevailing orthodoxy that three mutually orthogonal perpendiculars define "three dimensions" of spatial experience. 

We typically use an corner of an average box (cardboard, maybe even metal) to make that point, showing edges of "height, width and depth" emanating therefrom, each at 90 degrees to the two others.

Fuller writes:

The educational authorities in the art and science of "plane" and "solid" geometry disregard the environmental otherness: They assume an infinitely extendible imaginary plane upon which they mark apart two infradimensional imaginary points A and B between which they can draw an imaginary shortest straight line whose "length" AB constitutes their academic mathematicians' first-dimensional state. They then mark apart on the same infinite imaginary plane third and fourth points C and D, which are then linearly interconnected by another "straight" line CD in the same imaginary plane with, parallel to, and at an AB distance from, line AB, with a third line CA drawn in the same plane perpendicular to line AB at A, and a fourth line DB in the same imaginary plane drawn perpendicular to line AB at B, whereby either of the lines CA or DB constitutes the "breadth," which is the educators' second-dimensional state. They then erect four AB __ long lines perpendicular to the first imaginary plane at points A', B', C' and D', respectively. They then draw the imaginary straight lines A'B', B'C', C'D', and D'A'. With all this so-called construction-which would collapse in the presence of gravitational reality __ they have now attained their third-dimensional state of "height" above their two- dimensional square plane base. This assumedly produces three-dimensional reality, which by virtue of their constructional strategy suggests to them that reality is only cubically measurable or comprehensible.

Yes, there's actually a figure to go with all that plodding construction (so over-built it would "collapse" in a heap of laughter if read with a straight face):

He wants to draw attention to the rational constructs we use to lead each generation of children into the wondrous "three dimensionality" of everyday experience, which he makes clear in this passage is for "the educational authorities" but not for him. 

This makes him a rebel, an outlaw.  That's his role, vis-a-vis the status quo -- in many dimensions.

Pretty soon (same section), he gets to what he considers "closer to the truth" and now he's no longer mocking, but trying to show off his fancy new-style prose (which others will mock, tsk tsking the alien language):

The minimum family of inherent systemic omnicosmic interrelationships is inherently primitive and eternal. Primitive dimensionality is expressible only in terms of the interproportionality of the components of whole minimum systems__ergo, in prefrequency primitive tetravolume proportionality and the latter's primitive topological characteristics. There can be no partial systems. Systems can be divided multiplyingly only into whole systems.

His assertion:  "There can be no partial systems. Systems can be divided multiplyingly only into whole systems" is somewhat axiomatically the Geometry of Lumps of Karl Menger.  There's no getting rid of "claymation" i.e. once you have substance you have a tetrahedron with its minimum four points and four facets, ergo the 4Dness of space.  QED.

Res Extensa is made of "dough" (big bang:  "doh!") and until we add time (the only "real" dimension, wherein energy occurs) none of this "reality" really "exists" (it's prefrequency) -- but nevertheless "right out of the gate" (ab initio) it's 4D already.  A tetrahedron is born.  It has shape and therefore angles.

There's still "growing bigger" and "growing smaller" of course (like Alice) -- which is where the other term "frequency" comes in, and limits to one's ability to further subdivide in a given context (getting us to "the points" of that system e.g. its "grains of sand").  We have "angle and frequency" with which to talk about shape, time and size.

Pre-Frequency | 4D | Timeless | Shape | Angles
====================================== <-- energetic existence below, imaginary above
Frequency | 4D+ | Time | Size | Angles too

In order to make room for a history of the Cold War Era, the dome in Afghanistan, then Moscow, the radomes and DEW, Woodstock, hippies, Whole Earth Catalog... we need to factor in Fuller (just to tell the story).

However if that's to be done at all deeply (at more than a superficial level), then we need to come to grips with this "questioning of the prevailing orthodoxies" vocabulary in the realm of elementary mathematics.  We need to break it to the children that an authorized establishment genius may have shared their intuitive doubts about the "my way or the highway" attitude assumed by some Euclidean Geometry teachers (not all -- many well understand we have room for many sandcastles on this axiomatic beach).

Recasting the historical narrative to include Fuller's voice the job of the philosophy department, I argue.  Sure, most faculty have chosen other projects for themselves, so the work has been slow, but I think we've just about finished laying the groundwork (just about nailed it) in the form of an accessible kid-friendly Martian Math (nice whole number volumes).  Stay tuned and watch your TV Guide [tm].


Bradford Hansen-Smith

Nov 8, 2015, 11:44:59 AM11/8/15

Kirby, you have pointed out point, line, plane, and cubic volume are only concepts. As with many things even this concept we have backwards. There is appeal for having constructed a logically simplistic system of linear progression, meaning simple for the inattentive mind to take in, simple for the teacher. Starting with spherical volume, a point without scale, it is either divided into or expanded outward to planer definition that is referenced by boundary edges that are defined by relationships between reference points in space; division creates multiples that can be added and subtracted. Four points to a tetrahedron does not deny 3-D space where the fourth dimension is movement giving relationships thus meaning to static generalizations. The center point of the tetrahedron is also  center point to the octahedron, neither centers exists in spherical packing except in the VE where it has to be removed to allow movement of contraction and expansion. The tetrahedron is never without its dual; in the 4-D quadray system is radial expansion from center to triangle face, a two size tetrahedra compound of 8 points.

Words have different meaning depending on how we order them to our experience. Using them to a preordered placement to standards of the time they were used makes it difficult to re-concept and carry forward. Words are like pieces of clay that we stick together to form images in the mind, adding and subtracting to better articulate what starts out as lumpy ideas. When we get what we like we bake it until it is hard and unforgiving. There is a tendency to confuse ourselves by separating and oversimplifying. Clay and words are both materials, used to explore meaning of patterns, forms and systems of arrangements in a very highly ordered projected reality.

Any study of structural pattern shows the tetrahedron as primary twin, first born, origin to and in that regard primitive to all polyhedral systems. The tetrahedron is never singular except as a formed concept in isolation, otherwise it is always two or more. I think Fuller made that clear. The cube is a two-tetrahedra compound symmetrically balanced that when revealed in the isotropic vector matrix is an unformed relationship. (Reference Sept 10th paper on stick weaving for dual tetra-cube transformation.) The real value of cubic measure is that it has brought us to realize this process of pattern formation is not about cubes nor is it about measurement, rather proportional movement that measuring keeps track of. The cube is only structural when understanding tetrahedral dual nature.

Where I disagree with Fuller, and this may be a generational word thing, is that there are no whole systems.  Systems are always plural, little systems within larger systems spread out in space through time. The only system singular whole is the inclusive nature of whole itself. Whole is unity, complete, healthy to perfection, in alignment to all we have ever known, can ever know, and all that is far beyond our capacity as creatures less than perfection, can ever know. Whole is unity absolute, source to all possible systems. I think Fuller understood this. The “Whole systems” concept must have been a stretch for his generation, and still is for we continue to isolate, fragment and cut things apart where we find coherent parts we call whole systems.

I agree with you, Fuller’s explanations are often a bit difficult to follow in the abstract since they express his experience that came from his own work using words of his own making and arranging. His philosophy came directly from the work he did which is why it did not aligne to any philosophical pedagogy where people think without the use of their hands. He had an interesting capacity to find great meaning from the work he chose to do through his own observation and imagination relating to hands-on touching humanity to universe. The word universe now has become plural in less than twenty-five years as our understanding increases about where we are and the proportional interrelationships between systems of one order. My sense is we are reading different pages in the same book; good story.

kirby urner

Nov 8, 2015, 12:18:22 PM11/8/15

Greetings Bradford --

I just last night made myself two seasonal pies, using supermarket ingredients (standard fare), thinking of our discussion of circles (as in "going in" :-D).

Fuller is indeed giving students permission, in his classroom-namespace, to say "space is 4D" meaning imaginary "Kantian space" of ethereal experience.  You can still add motion (time) as you like, and Synergetics does that, but it's 4D right out of the box.  Free speech, first amendment and all that.

But you're right, that does not "deny" the prevalent 3D talk its current hegemony throughout STEM, that's a given and we're in no position to just throw it out.  All that FORTRAN!  On the contrary, I'm schooled in XYZ, ASCII and Unicode since birth into geekdom and don't just walk away from working tools, nor did Bucky.

What we're accomplishing, in the philosophy department (philosophy of math/language), is a somewhat quirky  "museum of namespaces" which are somewhat like fun house mirrors.  All that stuff that you learned, as basic basic (like the primacy of "three dimensions")?  Some of it might disappear here, at least while you're immersed in the exhibit.  Philosophy always has been something of a funhouse (camel-case that in German to add gravitas).  We philo heads and mathematics:  we go back.

Finally, absolutely about the Tetrahedron being a Twin phenomenon, Stella Octangula, the Cube's innards.  We've got the bridge concept of Duality to unify the Platonic five as three pairs, so why only five and not six then?  Because of course the tetrahedron is self-dual.  The other two pairs:  icosahedron - dodecahedron; cube - octahedron.  We could start their, a good Genesis point (from which to grow out the rest).

What's fun about Synergetics is yes, there's a gear shift in the language (American Transcendentalism makes its mark), but then so much of the territory is not only familiar, but at the core of Western culture, which is by now infused with Eastern to where we're talking North vs. South these days, as the only remaining polarity. 

Polyhedrons are everywhere!  "Aristotle was right (about tetrahedrons filling space), remember the MITE (AAB+ or AAB-)." That's a little campaign I like to run periodically (in a PR sense).  There's this ancient debate in the literature wherein Aristotle's detractors take him to task for his erroneous assertion that tetrahedrons fill space.  His apologist-defenders (me one of them in this episode) counter the translation leave it open he meant irregular and even in the 1900s we were still learning about what identical irregular tetrahedrons fill space.  Sommerville is a name to look up.  He and Fuller overlapped in their inventories (Fuller missed the 1/4 RITE as a nameable Sommerville) and Aristotle may be cited appreciatively for helping to get the ball rolling.

That you're so well versed as to bring up the volume 3 duo-tet cube right away only shows you've done your homework.  However we have to slow down for those just catching on about there being this shape called "a tetrahedron" -- such was the state of Common Core math in 2015 sigh -- sometimes called a "three-sided pyramid" (but the lid or base is just a fourth side and tetra means four in ancient Greek, just as quad does in Latin, so we might say "4D" in Amerish [1] alluding to the Synergetics namespace (part of our heritage)).

Even though we say in this namespace that space is 4D (and Universe is non-unitarily conceptual so not a system in the final analysis but we imagine it as one anyway, just to get through the day), we sooth the tempers of the XYZ-trained (hot-heads, a lot of 'em) in agreeing that a tetrahedron is made of two Zs (Z + N) and each corresponds to "height-width-depth" as a stroke or spiral.  3 + 3.  We're in agreement that three has not gone away as a half-tetrahedron, which, like the tetrahedron itself, is always self-dual to its complement.  XYZ always had left and right versions as it was.  We're free to use both tools.  Quadrays <-> XYZ interconvert.


[1]  "Amerish" pronounced a-MER-ish was coined by poet Gene Fowler as a possible expression of a North American dialect, a contraction of Amer-English in some respects).  Fowler corresponded with Fuller, whom he may have first encountered in prison.  'Waking the Poet' is probably his best-known title.

kirby urner

Nov 8, 2015, 2:13:55 PM11/8/15
Polyhedrons are everywhere!  "Aristotle was right (about tetrahedrons filling space), remember the MITE (AAB+ or AAB-)." That's a little campaign I like to run periodically (in a PR sense).  There's this ancient debate in the literature wherein Aristotle's detractors take him to task for his erroneous assertion that tetrahedrons fill space.  His apologist-defenders (me one of them in this episode) counter the translation leave it open he meant irregular and even in the 1900s we were still learning about what identical irregular tetrahedrons fill space.  Sommerville is a name to look up.  He and Fuller overlapped in their inventories (Fuller missed the 1/4 RITE as a nameable Sommerville) and Aristotle may be cited appreciatively for helping to get the ball rolling.

I should clarify for those not yet into Martian Math, that the MITE qualifies as a Sommerville space-filler in having no left or right handed version. 

At least superficially. 

The caveat has to do with the Synergetics dissection of the space-filling MITE into (A+ A- B-) and (B+ A+ A-) triplets of A & B modules, where one has two As of opposite handedness, plus a B on either side.  Either choice fits the same MITE mold i.e. from the outside it's not evident what Bias (B for Bias) applies. 

A and B stem from dissections of the home base Tetrahedron (volume 1) and the cube-dual Octahedron (volume 4) respectively. The dissections are pretty obvious and both A and B have the same volume of 1/24. 

Ergo the MITE weighs in at 1/8 in the pre-frequency (4D) account (i.e. we have yet to add enough energetic dimensions (frequency**3) to assign a "landscape position" for our construction, with regard to an actual planet or anything; it's not a sculpture made of any particular materials (yet)).

Pre-Frequency | 4D | Timeless | Shape | Angles <-- ethereal
====================================== <-- energetic existence below, imaginary above
Frequency | 4D+ | Time | Size | Angles too  <-- materials (energy)


kirby urner

Nov 8, 2015, 3:18:11 PM11/8/15

Finally, absolutely about the Tetrahedron being a Twin phenomenon, Stella Octangula, the Cube's innards.  We've got the bridge concept of Duality to unify the Platonic five as three pairs, so why only five and not six then?  Because of course the tetrahedron is self-dual.  The other two pairs:  icosahedron - dodecahedron; cube - octahedron.  We could start their, a good Genesis point (from which to grow out the rest).

Just to embellish a little more, another operation is to superimpose a poly and its dual such that edges cross:  the stella octangula the paradigm (where the two tetras intersect at the cube's face centers, each with unshared four of the cube's eight-total corners -- edges = six face diagonals X = Z + N = 6 + 6 = 12 for the hexahedron).
When we superimpose the octahedron + cube in this way, the result is the rhombic dodecahedron (RD), our sphere encasement in the CCP ("voronoi cell") of volume six.  Octahedron = 4, Tetrahedron = 1, Cube = 3.

Then how shall we do our Icosahedron - Dodecahedron pair?  Again, they should "superimpose" (edges cross) making the rhombic triancontahedron (RT).

So right away, our Genesis story of just five polys to start (tetrahedron self-dual), thanks to superimposing (or "dual-combining" some prefer, a synonym I've used as well), quickly becomes more populous.  RD and RT get added.

Then we start scaling them "up and down" meaning "out and in" i.e. as a polyhedron expands out, maintaining both center and shape, it gains volume at a 3rd power rate.  The RT which begins with a parent Icosahedron of edges D (same as Tetrahedron) might be scaled down to shrink-wrap a sphere (radius R) just as the RD does (volume 6).  What do we call that and what is its volume?  The story (plot) is getting thicker and thicker. :-D

Here's a slide in the Martian Math storyboard suggestive of the above:


Bradford Hansen-Smith

Nov 9, 2015, 9:36:58 AM11/9/15

Kirby, why 5 and not 6 is a question for anyone that thinks about the Platonic solids. They are both right, same as octahedron is both regular and truncated at the same time. We begin to see everything as multi functional parts interrelated through circle/point origin. Three sets of two is a 3-6-12 symmetry not 5-10. The 4 points plus 6 edge relationships is 10. I don’t count faces since they are a function of the form and not pattern. The faces are important when looking at properties which for the tetrahedron are 4+6+4=14 (1+4=5). Can’t get away from two 5’s moving to next frequency level 10; the first fold of circle in half. The properties of the tetrahedron compact down to 5. The properties for the other four regulars, a pair of duels, compact down to 5. All five regular polyhedra together are number 10. The three regular sets of duels can be formed by folding and joining multiple circles. The circle is where I start and end; always a circle regardless of how it is reconfigured or in what number of combinations.

Fold 5 tetrahedra.  Stellate each face of one with the other 4 showing the tetra dual with 5 circles. Next fold 10 circles into 10 tetrahedra. Open and join 2 forming the octahedron leaving 8, (2 sets of 4.) Next stellate alternate faces of the octahedron attaching 4 tetrahedra. Beautiful; a solid 2-frequency tetrahedron. Then join remaining tetrahedra on remaining 4 open faces of octahedron to get the Stella Octangula. One of many such circle folding exercises for primary grade students. For some it is difficult to see the cube, so they string tape between the 8 points making it easy to see the cubic relationship of tetrahedra. The problem with defining the cube as solid and reciting its properties is we miss it is a relationship of tetrahedra.

The same process goes for making the icosahedron. Using 4 open tetrahedra, 4 triangles each, make an icosahedron. There is both right hand and left hand arrangement in making an icosahedron from 16 triangles, not seen in traditional approach.There are 20 faces where 4 are open in a tetrahedron pattern.  20 more tetrahedra are used for three stages of stellateing the icosahedron; the tetrahedron with an icosahedron center, the cube with an icosahedron center, and the dodecahedron with an icosahedron center, using 24 tetrahedron formed circles. Again by stringing the 20 points we see the 12 open pentagon planes. This gives primacy to the three regular polyhedra formed from triangle faces. This does not stay within the boundaries of traditional classification nor does it utilize current technology, but students understand as they discuss what they have done, and they will never forget it.

Volume is a way to compare the structural pattern of regular polyhedra where the tetrahedron is not only obvious as a primary unit of measure but is consistent that all tetrahedra are congruent to the same measure of circle where everything is structurally formed. It could be imagined this might be how Martians introduce Math to their young.  

Mites are interesting little tetrahedra, but I do not see them as important "building blocks," only as divisional sub-units of the tetrahedra. Years ago I divided the tetrahedron into 24 of them and then divided them into 48 units hinging them together in a torus ring necklace that reformed to the tetrahedron; didn’t want to lose any of them. Can’t give you any pictures, I have subsequently misplaced them in storage unit, which is like losing them.

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Bradford Hansen-Smith

kirby urner

Nov 9, 2015, 1:10:18 PM11/9/15
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Bradford Hansen-Smith <> wrote:

Kirby, why 5 and not 6 is a question for anyone that thinks about the Platonic solids. They are both right, same as octahedron is both regular and truncated at the same time.

It would be easy to present the Platonic Five (as the set is usually called) with Duals aligned across from each other (for example):

Tet  <--> Dual Tet
Octahedron  <--> Dual Octa (i.e. Cube)
Icosahedron <--> Dual Icosa (i.e. Pentagonal Dodecahedron or PD)

keeping those with an all-triangle structure down the left, with the remainder derived by "dualizing" or whatever we call that operation. 

Two columns of three makes it look more like six total, but the Tet and Dual Tet are both Tets.

In the concentric hierearchy of Synergetics, we start to sprinkle in the relative volume numbers as well as combining duals (+):

Icosahedron (edges D) + Dual Icosa = RT (vol:  120 * E)
Icosa (vol:  420 * E + 100 * e3 where e3 is E with all edges reduced by 1/phi)
Cube (vol: 3) + Dual Cube (vol: 4) = RD (vol: 6)

... and so on, what any Martian kid would know pretty early.  This is a departure from what the Earthians do as there's little attempt to nest the polyhedrons (in what's sometimes called a "maze") and more of an emphasis on making some edge = 1 in every case.  And of course the Cube is King (has to be Unit).  Not as economical.


We begin to see everything as multi functional parts interrelated through circle/point origin. Three sets of two is a 3-6-12 symmetry not 5-10.

3-6-12 looks like spinning a cube around:

(A) opposite corners
(B) mid-faces
(C) mid-edges

to get some great circles.  These circle patterns are also important to Martians.  Spinning the Icosa gives 31 and spinning the Cubocta (RD's dual) gives 25.  A secondary set of circles is disclosed.  Example:

That's a next step, adding polar spin by picking two opposites.  Like if you have 10 * F * F + 2 balls in an icosahedral shell (like a virus) pick any + 2 pair that are opposites and spin, the remaining 10 * F * F balls we might call N (for non-polar).


The 4 points plus 6 edge relationships is 10. I don’t count faces since they are a function of the form and not pattern.

But the dual tetrahedron's points are in the direction of those four faces.  The face centers expand following vectors defined by the inverted tet.

The fourness of the tetra is broadcasting loud and clear and we tune it in as 4D in Martian Math [tm].  There's no "height" that lives on with its own atomic integrity minus "width" and/or "depth" i.e. these aspects of a spiral or Z are all consequent to having volume in the first place. 

We may imagine we can imagine "no volume" i.e. "the universe before the big bang" but as soon as there's a flicker of light (i.e. fire) there's your tetrahedron in view.

XYZ uses six rays, six vectors from the center.  Only three of them are helpless to reach 7/8ths of space without negation i.e. "pointing the other way" so whereas we may say the "negative rays" are "derived" they still have to be there.  We say "3D" but we needed 6V.

Quadrays uses four rays, four vectors from the center.  Only three of them are needed to reach any 1/4th of space but then four are all we need total.  We say "4D" and need only 4V.  We do not need negative numbers.


The faces are important when looking at properties which for the tetrahedron are 4+6+4=14 (1+4=5). Can’t get away from two 5’s moving to next frequency level 10; the first fold of circle in half. The properties of the tetrahedron compact down to 5. The properties for the other four regulars, a pair of duels, compact down to 5. All five regular polyhedra together are number 10. The three regular sets of duels can be formed by folding and joining multiple circles. The circle is where I start and end; always a circle regardless of how it is reconfigured or in what number of combinations.

Yes, you might make a good ambassador to Mars at the Chasm, where the hydropower dam is being built. 

Here at the construction site, we pour bucket loads of concrete from either side (Martian or Earthling) to build the dam itself. 

The Martians have this tetrahedron of edges D they consider unit, whereas we-the-Earthlings have our "3D" cube of edges R, that's our "home base" unit -- for some reason most Martian's can't fathom, which is where the ambassadors come in, to 'splain it to 'em.  For one thing, cubes don't tip over as easily, if used as mugs (laughter -- an ice breaker).


Fold 5 tetrahedra.  Stellate each face of one with the other 4 showing the tetra dual with 5 circles. Next fold 10 circles into 10 tetrahedra. Open and join 2 forming the octahedron leaving 8, (2 sets of 4.) Next stellate alternate faces of the octahedron attaching 4 tetrahedra. Beautiful; a solid 2-frequency tetrahedron. Then join remaining tetrahedra on remaining 4 open faces of octahedron to get the Stella Octangula. One of many such circle folding exercises for primary grade students.

I'm teaching adult philosophy students mostly.  We study Hegel, Heidegger, Fuller and Wittgenstein with a little Kierkegaard and Kaufmann around the edges.  From these greats, one may branch to others.

My friend Applewhite (collaborator on Synergetics) liked the Fuller + Wittgenstein combo quite a bit.  That's something I've developed.  Quadrays are a "language game" we use to investigate the foundations of mathematics. 

Is Kantian space 3D or 4D?  Verdict:  it's cultural. 

We also do some mathematics of course (philosophers always have), writing in Python perhaps (very pithy).  We might watch some of your Youtubes and have some paper plate sculptures in the Gallery.


For some it is difficult to see the cube, so they string tape between the 8 points making it easy to see the cubic relationship of tetrahedra. The problem with defining the cube as solid and reciting its properties is we miss it is a relationship of tetrahedra.

The same process goes for making the icosahedron. Using 4 open tetrahedra, 4 triangles each, make an icosahedron. There is both right hand and left hand arrangement in making an icosahedron from 16 triangles, not seen in traditional approach.There are 20 faces where 4 are open in a tetrahedron pattern.  20 more tetrahedra are used for three stages of stellateing the icosahedron; the tetrahedron with an icosahedron center, the cube with an icosahedron center, and the dodecahedron with an icosahedron center, using 24 tetrahedron formed circles. Again by stringing the 20 points we see the 12 open pentagon planes. This gives primacy to the three regular polyhedra formed from triangle faces. This does not stay within the boundaries of traditional classification nor does it utilize current technology, but students understand as they discuss what they have done, and they will never forget it.

Volume is a way to compare the structural pattern of regular polyhedra where the tetrahedron is not only obvious as a primary unit of measure but is consistent that all tetrahedra are congruent to the same measure of circle where everything is structurally formed. It could be imagined this might be how Martians introduce Math to their young.  

Once we have a D-edge tetrahedron and R-edge cube (D = 2R) side by side, each called Unit Volume in its respective system, then we have a currency exchange constant, called S3 in Synergetics (because used with volume which relates to 3rd powering (but not to right angles so much as to Euclideans)).

But the goal is not to disabuse Earthlings of their Cube fixation by coercive means.

We'll infuse some Martian thinking, that's unavoidable, but there's no "takeover" planned.  Humans are known to be violent and paranoid.  Partly why the Martians left their kids home (see "ratings" discussion) and surrounded their apartment with a LuxBlox fence [tm] is they know humans dislike anyone defying their Orthodoxies.  "When in Rome..."

However, philosophers especially, given their reputation as once at the top of the academic pyramid, have a need to be deeply informed about matters literary as well as political, and it's come to the point where not understanding Synergetics at all is like having egg on your tie.  They might eventually laugh you out of the department. 

So we needed a quick intro that's over quick, and Martian Math is it.  Takes maybe 10-15 minutes to get it in brief, with more background optional, and you're good to go.  Next time someone ways something knowing about Fuller's Synergetics, you'll know to nod knowingly as you'll be in on it too.  Did you know there's a Synergetics Dictionary in four volumes (Garland Press) now on-line?

Start with the Platonic Five, dual combine, rescale, spin, subdivide, and you're done (all in 4D tetravolumes).  Remember about special cases (versus generalized principles) but that's in other authors already i.e. most of Synergetics is not all that new, just freshly recast in the new-style prose of American Transcendentalism.  Angle vs Frequency.

Pre-Frequency | 4D | Timeless | Shape | Angles
====================================== <-- energetic existence below, imaginary above
Frequency | 4D+ | Time | Size | Angles too

Now that Philosophy is getting this injection of new stuff, it's easier to feel superior to lowly mathematicians again, as most of them haven't a clue about Martian Math, joke's on them then.  These developments are good for the collective academic philosophy department ego, as for awhile there these philosophers were feeling Left Behind.  Now they can feel more "in the know".

Mites are interesting little tetrahedra, but I do not see them as important "building blocks," only as divisional sub-units of the tetrahedra. Years ago I divided the tetrahedron into 24 of them and then divided them into 48 units hinging them together in a torus ring necklace that reformed to the tetrahedron; didn’t want to lose any of them. Can’t give you any pictures, I have subsequently misplaced them in storage unit, which is like losing them.

The MITE or MInimum TEtrahedron is a Sommerville space-filler (no handedness).  The A-module or B-module alone do not fill space but since AAB = Mite, they do in tandem. 

Cubes and Rhombic Dodecahedrons analyze nicely into MITEs and from these dissections we develop the Coupler, the 8-MITE oblate Octahedron that's also a space-filler.

Those into Archimedian geometry (dual space-fillers) are very familiar with this shape, shown on this diagram (chart) by Guy Inchbald for example:

A lot of the shapes in Synergetics are familiar to mathematicians, they just don't know the philosophical literature well enough to use our names for them.  It's really a lot about nomenclature.  We can trace it to mark the spread-by-osmosis of Martian Math (i.e. Synergetics) in elite circles (e.g. on Oprah etc.).  Stay tuned.


kirby urner

Nov 9, 2015, 2:17:41 PM11/9/15
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 10:10 AM, kirby urner <> wrote:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Bradford Hansen-Smith <> wrote:

Kirby, why 5 and not 6 is a question for anyone that thinks about the Platonic solids. They are both right, same as octahedron is both regular and truncated at the same time.

It would be easy to present the Platonic Five (as the set is usually called) with Duals aligned across from each other (for example):

Tet  <--> Dual Tet
Octahedron  <--> Dual Octa (i.e. Cube)
Icosahedron <--> Dual Icosa (i.e. Pentagonal Dodecahedron or PD)

keeping those with an all-triangle structure down the left, with the remainder derived by "dualizing" or whatever we call that operation. 

Two columns of three makes it look more like six total, but the Tet and Dual Tet are both Tets.

In the concentric hierearchy of Synergetics, we start to sprinkle in the relative volume numbers as well as combining duals (+):

Icosahedron (edges D) + Dual Icosa = RT (vol:  120 * E)


Actually I made a notational error here. 

I was looking it up in Python source code and inadvertently turned E3 to E:

The original reads:

print("SuperRT:                {:10.7f}".format(120 * E3))  # ромбические триаконтаэдра

SuperRT is what Koski and I call the RT made from Icosa edges D + its dual.  It's bigger than the RT used to derive Fuller's E-modules, by phi to the 3rd power (volume-wise).  So I should have said E3, not E, following David's notation. 

Capital E means "scaling up" (getting bigger) whereas lowercase e means "scaling down" by φ

When I shrink all of E's edges by Phi, it becomes e3.  When I expand all its edges by φ, it becomes E3.

E3 is E with its six edges scaled up by phi (a shape-preserving scaling), whereas the E-module itself derives from the RT used to shrink-wrap a sphere, i.e. with center-to-diamond-face center R = sphere R.  The rhombic triacontahedron explodes (dissects) into 120 E modules, four per triangular facet.

E3 = E * φ ** 3 (** means "raised to the power of" i.e. is exponentiation operator)
e3 = E * (1/φ) ** 3  (these are volume measures, all tetrahedron-shaped)

Back to Python:

s3 = Svol * pow(φ, -3)
s6 = Svol * pow(φ, -6)
e3 = Evol * pow(φ, -3)
E3 = Evol * pow(φ, 3)


φ = sqrt(5)/2 + 0.5
D = 1.0
R = D/2

More from the source code (describing E and T relationship):

# Fig. 986.411A T & E Module

h = R
OC = h
OA = h * sqrt((5 - sqrt(5))/2)
OB = h * sqrt((9 - 3 * sqrt(5))/2 )
CA = (h/2) * (sqrt(5) - 1)
AB = h * sqrt(5 - 2 * sqrt(5))
BC = (h/2) * (3 - sqrt(5))

Emod = ПлейнНэт(OC, OA, OB, CA, AB, BC)
Evol = объем(Emod)
print("Emod volume = :", Evol)

# Fig. 986.411A T & E Module

h = R * pow(2/3,1/3) * (φ / sqrt(2))
OC = h
OA = h * sqrt((5 - sqrt(5))/2)
OB = h * sqrt((9 - 3 * sqrt(5))/2 )
CA = (h/2) * (sqrt(5) - 1)
AB = h * sqrt(5 - 2 * sqrt(5))
BC = (h/2) * (3 - sqrt(5))

Tmod = ПлейнНэт(OC, OA, OB, CA, AB, BC)
Tvol = объем(Tmod)
print("Tmod volume = :", Tvol)



Bradford Hansen-Smith

Nov 13, 2015, 12:26:14 PM11/13/15

Kirby, as you have indicate we work on different levels with the same geometry, which I have for my own clarification comprehensively renamed Wholemovement, I have done this not from disrespect or discard, but to better understand the breadth and depth of the discipline as we move forward pushing limitations from the past. I think you might have come up with Martin Math for similar reasons.

I apologize for not being clear. When I refer to the circle, it is not to the “great circle” abstraction of traditional geometry, I understand that.  Compressing a sphere does not give a great circle; it shows five congruent circles. Traditionally defined as a disk, very thin cylinder, not tracing around the sphere or cutting in half. When folded the circle forms two opposing sets of two tetrahedra, not obvious without observing two imaginary points that generate two more points at creased ends (4 points, 4 tetrahedra.) The difference between drawing a line between two points and touching points to get a line half way between at right angle to the distance between points is the difference between 2-D and 3-D as lined out at 90 degrees. There must be some theorem that addresses this as  bases for the hypercube and extrapolating higher dimensions.

I was not clear in stating 3-6-12: referring to the sequential development of folds from the circle in half.  As you point out this sequence is also observed in the properties of the cube, but that was not my context. That 3 diameters shows 6 areas and 6 diameters shows 12 areas as a function of 6 folds in a ratio of 1:2,. Where 4 diameters show 8 areas, and 5 diameters show 10 areas are the only other two symmetries that can be folded from that first fold in half. All folds are right angle folds, which gives 90 degrees precedence, but not in cubic form;  echoed in Martian Math. Since number sequences are generalizations I often forget to give a context, thinking the is commonly understood.

Initially to understand geometry and math I have had to approach it from a child’s perspective, questioning where things come from, tracing back to origin, otherwise I did not and still lack understanding about the plucked abstractions of math or the patterns that order the forms of geometry. This is still an open question. Possibly this is why I incorporated young children in my exploration early on and still consider them as primary focus for what I do. When you refer to the abstract math formulation and computer programs, such as Python and other semiotic systems, I am lost, not being familiarity with or conversant in those languages. Maybe some day that will change, but for now I get more from the hands-on experience, even with all the possibilities in a virtually abstracted world. I think you have limited experience with folding circles, but do assume you have at least folded Fuller’s spherical VE using four circles. We share words and symbols but in different experiential context. for me that makes our discussion challenging and interesting.

When I refer to the tetrahedron vertex points you give context with the face center points of radial locations from axial center with “atomic integrity.”  Both simultaneously are different levels of true. Together they are the dual tetrahedra, each a different scale, as are the two sets of two tetrahedra from the first fold in half that are different sizes. I try to keep it simple and observable for my childlike need-to-see-it-touch-it understanding. I enjoy your experience and indulgence in imagination and tangential fantasies. How far is science of the imagination from science of the observable skin of life? It seems geometry is a generalization of what we can see and imagine it to be, but is not that at all. Maybe your right, the bedevilment is in the details that keeps us from the greater truth, but engages us in the experience and seeking beauty in how it all fits together getting us closer to a truer realization about the whys, whats, wheres, and how comes.  

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Bradford Hansen-Smith

kirby urner

Nov 13, 2015, 3:01:40 PM11/13/15

Thanks for continuing the conversation Bradford.

Yes, I think we're ships passing in the night to some level (passing submarines?).  

Your work with paper plates leads to visualizations, a lot of which you've added to your Wholemovement website, both as stills and as Youtubes.  However when you post to mathfuture, I don't see a hyperlink to the "squished sphere = five congruent circles" demonstration so I find myself just guessing as to what you might mean.  I need a visual.  I also find myself thinking "why squish a sphere if I can use one whole and un-squished -- was it that real spheres were too expensive?"

Likewise, I've learned that when I write a barrage of Synergetics, wherein ordinary volume is 4D and the cube is no longer King, that it helps if I sprinkle my passages liberally with hyperlinks to the requisite graphics and demos, as I know the "glaze over" quotient for reading geometry, amongst the general population but even amongst the math-enamored, sometimes gets in the way.

If I had the millions, I'd have had those IMAX movies out by now.  I was excited by IMAX in the 1980s and contacted the company, had a phone call or two.  They liked my idea to convert the Stanley, a huge theater, into an IMAX that'd show "syllabus films" i.e. "required viewing" to NYU students and others, coming over by PATH from Manhattan.  If you want a philosophy degree, you must, repeat must, understand some synergetics (required viewing).  The value of the PhD degree was at stake as never before.  This was like 1981.

But I had no millions then, or now, and my "big ideas" (bulb-lit Dymaxion Projection on the back of Loew's, showing global data as paid for by sponsors) went approximately nowhere.  Anyone can write letters to Mayor Koch about getting one of those Critical Path submarines parked at the Navy Museum for display purposes.  Pen and paper are affordable, stamps as well.  The Jehovah's Witnesses grabbed the Stanley for purposes of their own (more power to 'em, it was suffering from neglect, boarded up, yet 2nd largest east of Mississippi).

Having Synergetics and Synergetics Dictionary on the web has really helped a lot.  When I started using the Web, there were almost no polyhedrons whatsoever on the Internet and I was one of the first to start adding them.   I used computer language to generate scene description language, which I then fed to a ray tracer (POVray).  That's how I get to claim these images are my own intellectual property and I can use them on Wikipedia and Wikieducator unchallenged by others -- so you see there were practical benefits to rolling my own.

Eventually, my sustained push to make Synergetics and by extension the Fuller Syllabus better understood, and therefore more accepted within philosophy departments, started to attract more attention.  My work was noticed and I was adopted by physicists in the form of one Dr. Bob Fuller (no relation).  He invited me only a physics listserv that I'm on to this day.  Fuller himself said my paper on General Systems Theory (written in Cairo) was "excellent" and Applewhite (co-conspirator with Fuller) flew all the way out here from Washington, with his wife June, to strategize.  Then came that paid trip to Lithuania, and the one the London courtesy of Shuttleworth Foundation, to help develop a framework for education in the RSA (South Africa).

For one guy, I've made a lot of headway.  However I remain just one dude and between raising a family, my wife eventually dying of breast cancer and so on, and needing to earn a living, my accomplishments have been finite to say the least, and most kids today still go through high school not learning anything of Fuller and his alternative geometry.  From his point of view, that's partly because the USA went extinct in the 1980s (Grunch of Giants) and we're now in a post-national world run by supranational corporations, with nations as window-dressing to keep the populations amused.  It's working well.  People are staying oblivious as planned. :-D

The exhibits of Fuller's work at the Whitney in NYC and Chicago Museum of Modern Art (which I visited) have all been helpful. Popko's new book gives a big boost, now that the radome work is declassified.  GENI, World Game... a lot of people besides me have tried to improve the quality of philosophy shared in our culture.  

I can't say our progress has been nil.  I've got Quakers looking at Quadrays.  I've also benefitted financially from the wholesale devaluation of the PhD degree.  I get to teach adults from all walks of life while continuing my spiel that philosophy departments have dropped the ball for the most part and will eventually need to answer for their rampant idiocy.  But not today maybe.  More likely tomorrow.  :-D


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