Rounding to zero from positive or negative numbers results in positive or negative zero.

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Ilya Orson

Apr 20, 2016, 12:18:22 AM4/20/16
to julia-users
Hello everyone!
I was wondering if the following behavior of round() has an special purpouse:

a = round(0.1)

b = round(-0.1)

a == b

a === b



So the sign stays around...

I am using this rounded numbers as keys in a dictionary and julia can tell the difference.

For example, I expected something like this:
dict = [i => exp(i) for i in [a,b]]
Dict{Any,Any} with 1 entry:
0.0 => 1.0

but got this:
dict = [i => exp(i) for i in [a,b]]
Dict{Any,Any} with 2 entries:
0.0  => 1.0
-0.0 => 1.0

It is not a big problem really but I would like to know where can this behaviour come handy.


Jeffrey Sarnoff

Apr 20, 2016, 1:10:31 AM4/20/16
to julia-users

You have discovered that IEEE standard floating point numbers have two distinct zeros: 0.0 and -0.0.  They compare `==` even though they are not `===`.  If you want to consider +0.0 and -0.0 to be the same, use `==` or `!=` not `===`  or `!==` when testing floating point values (the other comparisons <=, <, >=, > treat the two zeros as a single value).

Tamas Papp

Apr 20, 2016, 1:36:35 AM4/20/16
This is not Julia-specific, but what the IEEE floating point standard
requires. One rationale, I guess, could be a form of sign preservation
(signbit(x)==signbit(round(x))), although of course abs(sign(-0.0))==0.

Negative zeros make some computations more convenient, but can also be
the source of subtle bugs (like the issue you ran into). It's one of
those things that is good to know about, but perhaps more of a nuisance
than a feature unless you are working with algorithms that exploit the
properties of the extended real line and you have really thought it
through. For an example of code that uses the extended real line
elegantly, look at DSYEVR in LAPACK.



David P. Sanders

Apr 20, 2016, 3:48:56 AM4/20/16
to julia-users
You can avoid the problem using

round(Int, x)

Which returns the result as an integer. Integers do not have this situation (difference between +0.0 and -0.0)

Milan Bouchet-Valat

Apr 20, 2016, 5:52:34 AM4/20/16
Le mardi 19 avril 2016 à 22:10 -0700, Jeffrey Sarnoff a écrit :
> Hi,
> You have discovered that IEEE standard floating point numbers have
> two distinct zeros: 0.0 and -0.0.  They compare `==` even though they
> are not `===`.  If you want to consider +0.0 and -0.0 to be the same,
> use `==` or `!=` not `===`  or `!==` when testing floating point
> values (the other comparisons <=, <, >=, > treat the two zeros as a
> single value).
There's actually an open issue about what to do with -0.0 and NaN in

It turns out it's very hard to find a good solution.


Stefan Karpinski

Apr 20, 2016, 10:18:06 AM4/20/16
to Julia Users
IEEE has not made the programming language designer's life easy here.

Andrew Gibb

Apr 20, 2016, 11:46:16 AM4/20/16
to julia-users
On Wednesday, 20 April 2016 15:18:06 UTC+1, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
IEEE has not made the programming language designer's life easy here.

Perhaps it's a subtle attempt to incentivise more designers of mathematical programming languages into IEEE standards committees?!

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