Pin Encrytpion: How to load Encrypted ZPK Key to JCESMAdaptor in jpos ?

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Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 7:34:49 AM9/5/13

Hi All ,

I am trying to use JCE Security module for the Pin Encryption?

Our system behaves as Acquirer. Need to Encrypt the Pin and Sent to Network?  this is my objective


Clear Component 1               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx C7CD                                      8232 27
Clear Component 2               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BCF8                                       40AD A6
Clear Component 3               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BA61                                        2B99 08

Encrypted ZMK                        :                N/A                                                                                                23EE 52
Encrypted ZPK under ZMK    :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 627B                                        E103 1C

How to load the Following keys to the JCE Security Module ?

Do we need the LMK Key file from the Customer  (I mean , whether LMK key  file should be same for both Acquirer & Network)            (or )           We can have our  own LMK Key  ?                      any idea on this ? 

I am following steps as follows in jpos.

Plain Text PIN       =  1234

PAN                           =  36070500001012

JCESecurityModule sec = new JCESecurityModule();

i am getting the exception as : Invalid key code: LMK0x0004
    at PinEncryptionTest.main(


Victor Salaman

Sep 5, 2013, 7:37:26 AM9/5/13

What you actually need is a real HSM. Now don't tell me you're still on the "testing" path!


September 5, 2013 7:34 AM
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Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 7:45:40 AM9/5/13
hi victor , PO is not signed from client , but they started sharing the documents with us  .. by soon we will buy the commercial license  if we are sure with our process ..

we are trying to simulate acquirer ...  Not  a live system.

Thanks for your reply .

How to use the JCESMAdaptor , in docs its mentioned it will simulate like HSM ?

Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 8:03:13 AM9/5/13
if anyone have experience on pin encryption , could you please share your thoughts . and ist possible to do with JCESM Adaptor  or Thales HSM Simulator ?  with the above data i shared ..

for me doubt is , LMK Key file - LMK keys need to be same in Acquirer and Network ?  so that i can load the LMK key to the thales HSM Simulator or JCE SM Adaptor?


Sep 5, 2013, 8:13:54 AM9/5/13
to jpos-users

You should be able to test with either the jpos security adaptor or the Thales sim.

Thales sim needs a TCP channel and its fsd packager to work. Then use Thales commands to import the zmk .

The jpos one you need to import the key using the conole app provided so that you get the key under lmk.

The key under lmk from either process needs to be stored securely somewhere.
Use the appropriate commands with either approach to save the pin working key (usually exchanged encrypted under the zmk).

Then use commands available to do pin translation / verification.

The above is very simplistically stated,  its a more  involved process and you really need to understand what you are doing in a secure manner.


On Sep 5, 2013 5:33 PM, "Pugazhendhi T" <> wrote:
if anyone have experience on pin encryption , could you please share your thoughts . and ist possible to do with JCESM Adaptor  or Thales HSM Simulator ?  with the above data i shared ..

for me doubt is , LMK Key file - LMK keys need to be same in Acquirer and Network ?  so that i can load the LMK key to the thales HSM Simulator or JCE SM Adaptor?


Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 8:35:08 AM9/5/13

Hi Chill ,

i have following keys  ,  Do i need the LMK Key File too ?   or i have to generate with the following data .

I understand that  using the three clear Components  we can derive the ZMK Key ,

Using ZMK Key i need to decrypt the Encrypted ZPK  Key  = to get clear key ( ZPK) for the Pin encryption.

Can you correct me if i am wrong .

How to use this console app in jpos to load my keys ?


Clear Component 1               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx C7CD                                      8232 27
Clear Component 2               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BCF8                                       40AD A6
Clear Component 3               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BA61                                        2B99 08

Encrypted ZMK                        :                N/A                           
                                                                     23EE 52
Encrypted ZPK under ZMK    :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 627B                                        E103 1C


Sep 5, 2013, 9:06:23 AM9/5/13
to jpos-users
Each HSM has its own LMK file. Both the Thales Sim and jpos adaptor come with a default (jpos generates a default file using a command line switch). You can change them and point to it to use your values.

Search for  Console class. Read the code, read the help you get when you run it from command line (without params).


Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 9:31:20 AM9/5/13
Hi chill

If i use my own values ( i mean LMK Keys) , will it make difference in computation .  Because, as you say  every HSM will have their own LMK key.  if they share the Encrypted ZPK  &  3  Clear components. generated with that LMK Key .  if i want to use for my pin encryption , i need to decrypt the Encrypted ZPK from ZMK formed from 3 clear components .

Is it correct to use our own LMK  key  ?  How do real system behaves? 

How we can cross check our computation is correct or not . ?


Pugazhendhi T

Sep 5, 2013, 9:46:06 AM9/5/13

To make very clear with my scenario:

                                                                                                Thales HSM
                                                                                                             |       (Network connected with Thales HSM )                 
                       ---------------                                                        ---------------                          
                       | Acquirer |                 ------------------------>    | Network |              
                       ---------------                                                         ---------------                         
                (jpos - i am  developing)                                       (Customer)  

Step1: For Pin Based Transaction , i need to encrypt the PIN using the ZPK Key

Step2 : i have the following keys shared from customer.
Keys                                                                                                                                                               Check Digit

Clear Component 1               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx C7CD                                      8232 27
Clear Component 2               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BCF8                                       40AD A6
Clear Component 3               :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx BA61                                        2B99 08

Encrypted ZMK                        :                N/A                                                                                                23EE 52
Encrypted ZPK under ZMK    :               xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 627B                                        E103 1C

Step3 : I need to generate the ZMK key from the Clear Component 1 , Clear Component 2, &  Clear Component 3

Step4 : Decrypt the Encrypted ZPK  from the generated ZMK key in Step 3.

Step5: Encrypt the PIN with ZPK.

To do the following steps ?  Whether LMK Keys is needed from customer or we can have our own lmk key generated.

What is the use of check digit  ?




Mark Salter

Sep 5, 2013, 1:50:40 PM9/5/13
You really must seek to educate yourself on the process elsewhere, this
is off topic really here.

On 05/09/2013 14:31, Pugazhendhi T wrote:

> If i use my own values ( i mean LMK Keys) , will it make difference in
> computation .
No of course not - as a Local Master Key is unique to each system and
possible each HSM on the planet.

Your LMK is used to encrypt any keys you want to hold on your system.

The keys for the various purposes can be kept on file because they are
encrypted under your LMK.

The clear key is made clear and used in the relevant algorithm inside an
HSM - never anywhere else.

> Because, as you say every HSM will have their own LMK
> key. if they share the Encrypted ZPK & 3 Clear components. generated
> with that LMK Key . if i want to use for my pin encryption , i need to
> decrypt the Encrypted ZPK from ZMK formed from 3 clear components .
The ZPK you have been given needs to be decrypted under the ZMK and
re-encrypted under your LMK all inside the HSM. they Encrypted result
is what is kept on your file for later return to the HSM so it can use it.

> Is it correct to use our own LMK key ?
Yes, multiple LMKs normally.

> How do real system behaves?
Please see above and...

.. google; these processes mechanisms, behaviour and approaches are
documented in full in many places.

> How we can cross check our computation is correct or not . ?

You probably all ready have a Key Check Value, this is the result of
encrypting hex zeros with the key that is secret.



Sep 6, 2013, 1:08:10 AM9/6/13
to jpos-users
Great job explaining it.

Pughazhendhi, [a thales adaptor that works with jpos to talk to a thales hsm or even a thalessim, I havent used it but you can always look at te code to move forward]
I have also attached a pdf that I had written up and you may find useful. It references a thales spec sections 3.1 and 3.2 for tables. These can be found in the copyright thales spec shared on the hairi page referenced above.


HSM and Thales Basics using the Thales Simulator.pdf

Pugazhendhi T

Sep 6, 2013, 5:12:09 AM9/6/13

Hi Chill & Mark , thanks for your help , i have done successfully my Pin encryption . ... Thanks a lot for u guys ...


Sep 6, 2013, 11:31:55 PM9/6/13
to jpos-users

You are welcome.
I hesitantly ask the approach you have taken and precautions taken to secure the keys.


On Sep 6, 2013 2:42 PM, "Pugazhendhi T" <> wrote:

Hi Chill & Mark , thanks for your help , i have done successfully my Pin encryption . ... Thanks a lot for u guys ...



Aug 31, 2018, 8:38:21 AM8/31/18
to jPOS Users
Hi Pugazhendhi and chhil,

Great  Explanation..

Can you please guide me on this. I have created lmk file from the following command.

 java -jar jpos-1.9.6.jar -c "smconsole -lmk /tmp/test.lmk -rebuildlmk; shutdown --force"

Then I replaced LMK file of all the values from  LMK0x00 to LMk0x0e with single value 9B204323F7460EF7EAxxx4C1209DE01A9B204323F7460EFE

LMK file seems like


Then I executed the following command for importing ZPK

 import ZPK
java -jar jpos-1.9.6.jar -c "smconsole -lmk test.lmk FK 128 ZPK ZPK_KEY_FROM_PROVIDER_GOES_HERE 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000; shutdown --force"

My doubt is should I use ZPK key from provider given ZPK under ZMK value  or ZPK translated with ZMK(got from clear components) and LMK Key. Here ZPK is in crypted form. 

Then I used the  following code to generate encrypted Pin block to pass to ATM switch along with ISO message. Here I have not used HSM hard ware module.

generate pinblock using JPOS
    JCESecurityModule jcesecmod = new JCESecurityModule("/tmp/test.lmk", "com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE");
    String pin = "1234";
    System.out.println("PIN ==>> " + pin);
    String pan = "511985236238";(Original Pan number 4593511985236238, I have used right most 12 digit)
    System.out.println("PAN ==>> " + pan);
    String zpkKey = "NEW_ZPK_GENERATED"; //here goes the secure-des-key gerated in the previous step
    System.out.println("ZPK KEY ==>> " + zpkKey);
    SecureDESKey sdk = new SecureDESKey(SMAdapter.LENGTH_DES3_2KEY, SMAdapter.TYPE_ZPK, zpkKey, "026268");
    EncryptedPIN pinUnderLMK = jcesecmod.encryptPINImpl(pin, pan);
    System.out.println("pinUnderLMK ==>>" + ISOUtil.hexString(pinUnderLMK.getPINBlock()));
    EncryptedPIN pinUnderZPK = jcesecmod.exportPINImpl(pinUnderLMK, sdk, SMAdapter.FORMAT00);
    System.out.println("pinUnderZPK ==>>" + ISOUtil.hexString(pinUnderZPK.getPINBlock()));

Please correct me if I did wrong.

Thanks for Support..

Ahmed Mohamedin

Aug 8, 2019, 7:43:31 PM8/8/19
to jPOS Users
you should use the most right 13 digits and exclude the last digit so you will have 12 digits and that's the account number, 
like this:
4593511985236238 The PAN
351198523623 The account number
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