ANN: Limited bandwidth in the Jenkins community (Oleg Nenashev)

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Oleg Nenashev

Dec 22, 2018, 7:25:29 PM12/22/18
to Jenkins Developers

Dear all,

As some of you already know, I will have a very limited bandwidth in next few months due to some personal events (good ones!). My work/life/community balance was not exactly perfect, and this is a good opportunity to get some break and reconsider the priorities. I would like to ensure that I do not become a bottleneck for some formal and informal community roles I have accumulated over the 6 years in the project. In this email I would like to summarize my current community activities and the plan for them.

TL;DR: I will continue working on Jenkins Google Summer of Code as much as my time allows, but for other activities I might not provide timely responses/reviews. Actions are taken to transfer/share ownership and permissions where possible.

  • Jenkins Core. Over last 2 years Jenkins core has been largely maintained by Daniel Beck and me (PR reviews, changelogs, regression triage), and everybody is welcome to come forward and help Daniel with reviewing and delivering changes

    • There are 25 contributors with merge permissions (jenkinsci/Core team, private nowadays), and there are also many other active Jenkins core contributors who could get such permissions. Special thanks to Baptiste who has been helping to cleanup the review queue over last few weeks

  • JIRA Triage. Over last years I have been triaging incoming JIRA issues in the JENKINS project together with several other contributors. I was also a default assignee in the “_unsorted” JIRA component. See this thread for the actions I have taken

  • Jenkins Core components. Apparently I am a sole maintainer of some libraries and modules which are a part of the Jenkins core (e.g. sshd-module, windows-agent-installer)

    • I give a blanket authorization to any of jenkinsci/Core members to get merge/push and release permissions to ANY component of the Jenkins core within the jenkinsci organization on GitHub if I am the sole maintainer. It applies to modules, libraries, parent POMs, etc.

    • There are 2 major core components I maintain outside the Jenkinsci org: kohsuke/winsw and kohsuke/winp. I leave the permission management there to Kohsuke who is an original creator of the projects. I want to retain ownership of these components for now

  • Jenkins Remoting subproject (link).

    • Remoting library ownership has been transferred to Jeff Thompson last spring. Jeff has already done several releases and delivered many important fixes, so I believe this component is handled well. Thanks a lot to Jeff for taking this effort

    • Jenkins Remoting packaging for Docker (base image, JNLP agents, SSH agents). During the Java 11 support work I have granted Baptiste Mathus permissions to the repositories and to DockerHub organization. Carlos Sanchez and Nicolas de Loof also have permissions, so I believe the area is handled well

  • Jenkins plugins and plugin libraries. Starting from Nov 2017 I went down from ~30 maintained plugins to less than 10.

    • Most of the plugins got maintainers, but some widely used ones are still waiting for maintainers (EnvInject, Swarm, Mask Passwords, Release, Periodic Backup)

    • I will be working with Runze Xia to help with becoming a maintainer of the Role Strategy plugin as a part of the GSoC 2019. We have 2 project ideas for it: UX and performance improvements

    • I will retain ownership of the WMI Windows Agents plugin (FKA Windows Slaves) for now. Jesse Glick is the plugin’s former maintainer who is active in the community, so I grant him permission to transfer ownership if there are such requests

    • Today I have marked the following plugins for adoption: Locale, Filesystem SCM, Ownership, Job Restrictions, Custom Tools, PrioritySorter, Extra Tool Installers, Run Condition Extras, Sidebar Link. Most of these plugins are in the more or less up-to-date state, but they will definitely benefit from an active maintainer. I will be happy to help with code reviews and KTs if somebody is interested

    • For plugins and libraries I did not transfer (or forgot about), I grant Daniel Beck (core maintainer and security officer) a blanket authorization to make decisions on granting temporary write/merge and release permissions for components I own within the jenkinsci organization, if there is an urgency requiring immediate actions. Such permission grants should be tracked in this email thread so that I can trace it back

  • Component ownership/adoption management. I have been handling a number of incoming ownership transfer and adoption requests in the developer mailing list and repository-permission-updater

    • Repository-permission-updater is mostly maintained by Daniel Beck and Baptiste Mathus, no special transition is needed

    • Plugin hosting process has been maintained by Alex Earl since it was moved to HOSTING

    • Ownership transfer and adoption requests are still managed via developer mailing list requests, I’ve been handling some of them. Anybody with #jenkins voice permissions can handle such requests (20+ contributors), so I am not a bottleneck here

  • Jenkins GSoC Subproject and SIG. Google Summer of code and community outreach will stay one of my main priorities when I return back. In GSoC 2019 project we have 4 org admins now (Martin d’Anjou, Jeff Pearce, Lloyd Chang, and me). We are in progress on knowledge transfers, and my temporary absence should not impact the GSoC application phase which will be happening from January to April

  • Jenkins security. I will continue being a member of the Jenkins Security team, but I will likely miss several security releases while being off

  • Platform SIG and Java 11 (link). We have 3 ongoing project there (Java 11, Multi-architecture Docker images, Windows Installers), and we are interested to continue them and to keep regular SIG meetings

    • I had a discussion with Mark Waite, and he agreed to become a second Platform SIG leader. Mark already contributed a lot to the Platform SIG stories, and I believe it is well deserved. Thanks Mark!

    • Regarding the Java 11 specific effort (JEP-211), Baptiste Mathus was also interested to drive this particular effort in the community. I also added him to the SIG leaders list, and they will be able to coordinate the effort with Mark and the Java 11 support team

  • Cloud Native SIG (link). Before October I was organizing SIG meetings and driving some External Build Logging stories

    • Carlos Sanchez (the SIG leader) will be organizing the meetings going forward

    • There is some unfinished External Build Logging work: JEPs, core patches, External Logging API plugin, and External Logging for Elasticsearch plugin. I grant Jesse Glick and Carlos Sanchez a blanket authorization to become JEP co-sponsors, get write/release permissions to the plugins, and transfer these permissions to others if needed

  • Jenkinsfile Runner (link). I have taken ownership of this component in Autumn, and I have plans to continue working on JFR. Original creators (Nicolas and Kohsuke) have merge permissions in the repository, and they should be able to approve ownership requests if needed. This month Evaristo Gutiérrez and Francisco Fernández also became co-maintainers of this project, and they have already contributed a lot of changes there

  • Development tools. I maintain some development tools, most notably Plugin Compatibility Tester and Custom WAR Packager. Raul Arabaolaza has write permissions in this repository and does a lot of the maintenance work there, so I believe these components are covered well

  • Configuration as Code meeting broadcasts - Ewelina will take over video recordings of CasC meetings

  • Jenkins RU Community. All 4 meetups have co-organizers who can drive events if needed. Same for the community chats. I will be working to grant Twitter access to somebody

  • Swiss JAM. I will keep driving it, but I have added Wadeck Follonier (Jenkins Security team) and Cosmin Cojocar (Jenkins X contributor) to event co-organizers. So they can organize community events if there is an interest

If you have reached the end of this list, thanks a lot for your time! Please be sure it is NOT a farewell letter. I am very excited about Jenkins and about recent changes in the project (SIGs, shift towards Cloud Native Jenkins and Jenkins as an engine), and I am looking forward to continue contributing to the project A LOT next year. The areas of contribution are TBD for now.

If you have any questions/feedback or see any gaps in the list above, please do not hesitate to ask in this thread or in a private message. If somebody wants to take particular areas (e.g. adopt a plugin), please let me know as well. I will do my best to help with knowledge transfers and initial onboarding.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you,


Dec 23, 2018, 8:06:17 AM12/23/18
to Jenkins Developers
If I can help in any way (adopt another plugin or help chop wood and carry water) please do not hesitate to call on me.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Dec 24, 2018, 12:07:27 PM12/24/18
Thank you for being so thoughtful in this transition of your involvement. It really shows how much you care about this community. Truly, hats off to you.

As you note, you are not going away, so I'm looking forward to seeing new you soon! I know it's going to be fun.

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Oleg Nenashev

Dec 26, 2018, 7:56:54 PM12/26/18
to JenkinsCI Developers
Thanks a lot for the kind words, Kohsuke and Marky!

Yes, I'll be back!

If I can help in any way (adopt another plugin or help chop wood and carry water) please do not hesitate to call on me.
Just take an area of the Jenkins project you like/use (especially when it is use && !like ;-) ), and try contributing there. It is probably the best advice I can give. Jenkins community we can benefit from any skills and interests: code, documentation, advocacy, etc., etc. Same with plugins, the best way is to contribute to what you use. We will also appreciate any kind of the project organization work ("chop wood and carry water", eh?), and the best way to enter would be to join one of the SIGs/subprojects and help to improve them and to keep the things running.

Best regards,


Jesse Glick

Dec 28, 2018, 1:01:34 PM12/28/18
to Jenkins Dev
On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 7:25 PM Oleg Nenashev <> wrote:
> I will retain ownership of the WMI Windows Agents plugin (FKA Windows Slaves) for now. Jesse Glick is the plugin’s former maintainer

According to Git history, all I ever did here was split it out of
core. I did not work on the actual code, and doubt I would even know
how to run the plugin as a user, much less fix bugs in it.

Oleg Nenashev

Dec 28, 2018, 6:44:37 PM12/28/18
to Jenkins Developers
According to Git history, all I ever did here was split it out of core. I did not work on the actual code, and doubt I would even know how to run the plugin as a user, much less fix bugs in it.
Whatever works. Technically I just needed to reference a person who might be available approve permission requests or to cut a release if needed while I am off. Running this plugin as a user is extremely painful on modern Windows versions. And it is likely prohibited by common corporate domain policies, so I am always surprised that this plugin is actually being used by somebody.
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