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Shirene Dovey

Jan 23, 2008, 4:52:55 PM1/23/08

We have several books which have been published/ made available on our website – we thought we would give you an abridged list before we send out the press releases for each book. Please note that we are going to send out a press release for each of these over the next few days so, be prepared!


1.       The Corrupt Affair J W Parker                                                      R160

This is a ‘factional fiction’ novel about modern South Africa’s potential and the opportunity for survival in a fast-changing political climate. It has both currency and insight, helped by the author’s experiences as a soldier-diplomat in the exciting years of 1993 to 1996 in Pretoria. The Corrupt Affair has close links with South Africa’s most infamous arms deal. The story traces human experiences in the years before democratization as the country steeled itself for the transition of power between white and black governments. As the New Order begins, the fight between primarily French, German and British arms companies and their diplomatic protagonists unfolds. The German bid for ships is successful but bribery introduces fresh crime. Henry Piggott, political editor of a daily paper wants to know why…….


2.      The Hollow Tree Kim Wilmsen                                                     R 140 ( Black and White)  R 250 ( Full colour)

The Hollow Tree explores the rich and powerful world of Nature and encourages all those who have the desire to learn, to find and awaken the truth within. It will provide guidance in unveiling the reality that lies beyond the mists of past conditioning. It will give clarifying information, messages, examples and experiences acquired from their world in order to enrich your perception and introduce you to a life of fairytale enchantment. Take a journey through their wild and secret lands and experience a deep transforming and permanent shift in awareness.” The author has also produced beautiful illustrations.


3.      Spirit Wisdom – Frank van Vloten                                                   R95

The wisdom contained in the pages of this book, has been gleaned very largely from the teachings of the Ramala Masters, Silver Birch and White Eagle, which have appeared in various publications over the years. The knowledge is universal and relates to the existence and conduct of mankind on planet Earth and should in no way be interpreted as being part of any sort of religion.                                           


4.      Holstein International – Theo Oosthuizen                                   R140

“The Holstein breed is classified as one of the top Dairy breeds in the world. I have tried to approach this project from a point that anyone with an interest in the breed, or looking at starting to work with this breed, will find understanding in the characteristics and traits that make this breed your choice…” Theo Oosthuizen

In this book you will discover: The Origin of the Breed, Traits and Breeding Standards, Cattle Diseases, Milk and Somatic Cell Counts, International Influence and a Cattle Dictionary. Theo has been researching International Breeds since 2002.


5.      Little Hare Lost – Robin Lamplough                                              R60  - Children

The book describes the adventures of uMvundla, the little scrub hare, whose youthful inexperience and taste for exploration lead him into a variety of exciting and sometimes dangerous, scrapes. In the course of his little odyssey, uMvundla encounters many other creatures who share his world, some friendly but others decidedly threatening. In the process of recounting uMvundla’s experiences, the story portrays an environment now beyond the reach of so many children who live in the confines of the city.


6.      Lêwetrie Stories - Andre Marx                                                         R65

'n Mens ontspan tog gewoonlik op die lêwetrie en dit is wat hierdie boek veronderstel is om te wees.  Lekker ontspanne leesstof.

Die skrywer kry dit reg om deur die gebruik van ou vergete Afrikaanse woorde, sowel as nuwe woorde, 'n komiese weergawe te gee aan insidente wat in sy lewe gebeur het, sowel as ou stories wat deur die volksmond versprei is. 


7.      The Da Vinci Code: the background explained – Shirley Bell R125

This book looks at the intriguing stories behind the plot of Dan Brown’s novel. People love a mystery, especially one that seems to have elements that might not only turn out to be true or partly true, but – even if only partly true - could have the potential to change history.  While we should not uncritically accept any of the interpretations available via studies and multiple interpretations of ancient scrolls and codices, any questing mind enjoys the process of ‘finding out’. This fascinating latest book by Shirley Bell entertainingly opens the door to ‘finding out’.


8.      Nickel Cross – “Prop” Preller Geldenhuys                                              R240

“My ‘factstory’ biography covers the past 100 years as a true Geldenhuys heritage - - from the Anglo-Boer war days of my grandfather Jannie (Oudad), my father Preller’s East African Campaign during World War II – in forgotten Abyssinia and Eritrea I hasten to add, my own family and friends’ Rhodesian War experiences, and my twilight years after a very rewarding second career with Masonite. Nickel Cross, together with my Operations book, is thus my biography – and fact story heritage” Prop Preller Geldenhuys.

This is a companion book to Rhodesian Air Force Operations published by Just Done in 2007.


9.      Die Doppelspel van ‘n diplomaat – Andre Bosman                    R160

Die verhaal van ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse diplomat, Danny Bruwer. As gevolg van ‘n reeks gebeure, sommige waarvan binne- en ander buite sy beheer plaasvind, eindig hy op met ‘n Ambassadeurskap in die Sentraal-Amerikaanse staat van El Salvador. Hier word hy deur ‘n groep bevrydingsvegters ontvoer wie sy vrylating aan ‘n enorme losprys koppel. Wel wetende dat sy regering ‘n onwrikbare beleid het teen enige onderhandelings met “terroriste”, beraam hy sy eie planne om sy  vryheid te bewerkstellig…….


10. Africa, Moçambique Sem Coerência não há Boa Governação - Noe Nhantumbo R140
(written in Portuguese)

Sobre o livro Este livro é uma análise crítica das políticas governamentais. Não se trata de um ataque amargo gratuito mas sim uma análise intelectual em que o escritor analisa com bastante rigor o status quo. Trata de assuntos actuais que acontecem um pouco por toda a África.

This book is analytical and critical of the policies of the government, much in the line of Sunday papers in South Africa. It is a critical and intellectual analysis of the status quo, the policies and the economics of Mozambique.

11. Security in your business  Vol 1– J Bothma                                R129

In South Africa today security plays a vital part in any business or private home. This book and the volumes to follow, will guide you step by step through the essential precautionary measures to be taken in protecting your family and valuables…. from employing security guards, evacuation of your site and security measures to burglar bars and alarms in your private home. 


12. Chopper Pilot: The Adventures and experiences of Monster Wilkins – Winston Brent   R160

“Monster Wilkins joined the SA Air Force after leaving school and qualified for his Wings before he had a driving licence. He had his first flight in a helicopter (an Alouette II) in April 1965 and that was the start of a love affair which has grown stronger over the passing years. In CHOPPER PILOT he tells us of some of his experiences, the places he has visited and the fun he has had while serving in the SA Air Force.  He writes easily and with feeling and has the gift of describing events in graphic form...Monster is the most experienced helicopter pilot in the Air Force and is well qualified to introduce us to the great variety of roles of which this versatile aircraft is capable - and what a kaleidoscope of experiences this encompasses: Operations on our northern borders during the Border War, in an environment which was often decidedly unfriendly and where navigation at low level in difficult terrain with virtually no navigation aids was the norm; working with the SA Navy on the oceans round our coastline, where he chalked up nearly 900 deck landings; co-operating with the police during dagga (marijuana) raids; fighting runaway fires and rescuing people from the sea, from floods, from snow and from fires; and evacuating casualties from accidents, often in mountainous terrain, to safety”. Lt General R.H.D. (Bob) Rogers SSA, SM, MMM, DSO, DFC (Ex-Chief of the Air Force.

Includes: 181 Black and White photographs + 37 colour photographs


13. Starting OverBrian Locker                                                            R150             

1977 – Johannesburg South Africa

Mark Calder is 33 years old, stressed out, unfit, and overweight. Having heard of a Special Forces Unit called Spikes (acronym for Special Bike Squad), especially formed to operate along and beyond South Africa’s borders, Mark decides that it might just be the answer to what he is seeking.

The story follows Mark through the rigorous Selection Course and training to become an operator.


This story is more about the rigorous selection phase and the training it takes to turn a person into a well-oiled fighting machine. It is a story of torturous physical and mental conditioning; the pain of blood, sweat and tears, and finally, the feeling of well-being and quiet confidence that comes when a candidate becomes accepted as an operator.


14. A Civilisation from the Planet Neputar - Barrie Taylor – Children/Teen        R140

This book is set in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, South Africa where three teenagers team up and become good buddies. One day, just after dark, they see a huge metallic object, (space ship), parked on an isolated part of the beach. When they investigate closer they get abducted by hideous looking alien creatures that take them on board and ride off with them into the galaxy at many times the speed of light. It turns out the aliens are in fact friendly and wish only to educate humans about the imminent destruction of our planet being caused by global warming, pollution, CFC gases and depletion of our ozone layer. The children experience many adventures in space as they visit other planets that are either being destroyed in the same way or have already been destroyed. The book is packed full of scientific facts and will educate the reader/child in an entertaining way..


PRE PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prices not available as yet

15. A Chopstix Guide to Taiwan Katy Roberts                                                      

What started out as a simple journal entry is now displays a 45 000 – 50 000 word journey about a young South African girl entering a country so vastly different from anything she previously called “normal.” A ChopstiX guide to Taiwan is aimed at a market of people experiencing any new country or culture for the first time. It is not only restricted to the Far East, but aims to equip any traveler, venturing into the unknown, with a few little hints and giggles at what they could expect from a different culture.


"I consider my book to be more of a personal-diary-meet-cultural-companion-but-not-quite-a-travel-guide kind of piece. It’s an introduction to the Taiwanese culture but with a personal flare. Katy Roberts


16. The Life and Times of Wodgit Village – Michael Cox                                         

The Wildest Politically Incorrect Adult/Children’s Book ever written –Unsuitable for Adults younger than Eighteen or Oddities

A Non-Subtle tongue-in-cheek Philosophical Look at our complex social structural changes.Inspired by the writings of:

Terry Pratchett (Disc World), John Cleese (Monty Python), Desmond Morris (The Human Ape) and Stanley Unwin whose writings bred this absurd read. Thank Dog for Abnormality! Everything the average abnormal person thinks about, but does not talk about in our “Politically Correct World”


17. We Fear Naught but God  - The Story of the South African Special Forces “The Recces” -  Paul J. Els

This new edition has been completely reworked. It has more information and photographs than the first edition and a lot of updates and corrections to the text.

We Fear Naught but God:

“… is the history of the [South African] SPECIAL FORCES from the beginning to August 1993, when the old Special Forces had a name change.

…  portrays events of what happened to members of the Special Force regardless of their nationality or colour.

… does not purport to glamourise heroes, but to record the factual history and some deeds of valour.

… has been written to bring the Recces to those who have wondered about what kind of men they were, their families, their heartaches, sufferings and humorous moments.




If you want it published, it's Just Done !


Shirene Dovey

Just Done Productions cc
P.O. Box 23

Skype ID:



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