Deploy R script as desktop app

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Zohar Pasternak

Nov 24, 2019, 7:04:24 AM11/24/19
to Israel R User Group
I am writing here for the first time, thanks to Amit Gal :)
I wrote a very simple R script (see below) for a colleague who has no knowledge of R and wants to deploy it on his Windows computer without the need for him to install R, open RStudio, etc.
I saw that the way people did such a thing is first to turn the script into a Shiny app, and then deploy it as a standalone application using RInno ( or a combination of portable R and portable Chrome (
I tried it both ways, but could not succeed. (and I can't just put a Shiny app online because the input data is confidential). 
If anyone has any experience or a better tutorial and can help me, I will be very grateful.
Thank you!

### My script 
text <- readLines(choose.files(default = "", caption = "Select .txt file")) #choose and read .txt file
index_of_pele_numbers <- grepl("פל\"א",text,fixed=TRUE) #find lines where pele numbers exist
text_pele <- text[index_of_pele_numbers==TRUE] #keep only lines where pele numbers exist
text_pele1 <- gsub("[^0-9]","",text_pele) #delete everything except numbers
text_pele1 <- as.numeric(text_pele1) #convert from char to numeric
year <- as.numeric(substr(text_pele1,nchar(text_pele1)-1,nchar(text_pele1))) #extract pele years
year <- year+2000
pele <- substr(text_pele1,nchar(text_pele1)-7,nchar(text_pele1)-2) #extract pele no.
table <- data.frame(x=pele, y=year) #combine to table
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