External node classification in CFEngine

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Marco Marongiu

May 31, 2013, 9:18:29 AM5/31/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com
Hi all

Has anyone here tried to use External Node Classification? Something
similar to puppet's[1], but implemented the CFEngine way.

In my head, the front-end to CFEngine should be a module that reads from
some source and sets classes, based on the node's hostname, for example.

What that source should be in order to be scalable and decentralized
(the agent must be able to run even if the node is isolated), is the
thing I am most interested about.

-- bronto

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/external_nodes.html

Khushil Dep

May 31, 2013, 9:33:39 AM5/31/13
to Marco Marongiu, help-c...@googlegroups.com
Take a look at Rudder Project (google for it)

We wrote our own in NodeJS though.

W. A. Khushil Dep - khush...@gmail.com -  07905 374 843
High Performance Web Platforms Architect & Engineer

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Marco Marongiu

May 31, 2013, 10:28:36 AM5/31/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com

On 31/05/2013 15:33, Khushil Dep wrote:
> Take a look at Rudder Project (google for it)
> We wrote our own in NodeJS though.

Just to clarify, are you suggesting me to take a look at the source, or
to use it?

I know about Rudder, and although is a very nice project I am not
planning to use it in the foreseeable future.

Thanks, ciao!
-- bronto

Khushil Dep

May 31, 2013, 1:48:15 PM5/31/13
to Marco Marongiu, help-c...@googlegroups.com
Ah ok - so I was saying to take a look at Rudder for you needs.

We wrote a node tool set that stores all a logical view of the platform, applications and configurations in elasticsearch and builds promises based on that.

W. A. Khushil Dep - khush...@gmail.com -  07905 374 843
High Performance Web Platforms Architect & Engineer

Mike Svoboda

May 31, 2013, 1:51:25 PM5/31/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com
This was a major leap for us at LinkedIn -- how to pull classes into Cfengine's execution in a safe and reliable way.

Ultimately, we ended up using a technology Yahoo! Opensourced called range:

During failsafe.cf, our clients execute a python script which scrapes range for everything it knows about the node.  We dump this in JSON format into /etc/range_classes.conf. 

Another very basic bash script executes via usemodule which raises these classes. 

Here's a sample of the Python code we execute:

# cat /var/cfengine/modules/module_probe_range_classes

import sys
# Do not generate the .pyc files, otherwise, failsafe.cf purges them on each run.
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

# Use range.py under /var/cfengine/modules.  Linux has seco.range installed in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/seco.
# By making /var/cfengine/modules the first object in sys.path, we force use of our Cfengine maintained range.py.  This way, if a RPM update screws
# seco.range under /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages, Cfengine still functions.
sys.path.insert(0, '/var/cfengine/modules/python2.6/site-packages')

import os
import signal
import json
import time
import platform
import subprocess
import re
from optparse import OptionParser
import platform
import seco.range

class timeout_exception(Exception):

def execute_range_query(current_querying_mps):
  if not current_querying_mps:

  range_clusters = []
  range_data = {}

  def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
    raise timeout_exception()

  old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
  # set a 5 second alarm
  if options.verbose:
    print "(+) Starting 5 second signal alarm"
  # Begin timeout exception
      # First, grab all clusters.  Then on each cluster, grab all keys.  Loop through each cluster+key and define a class.
      range_object = seco.range.Range(current_querying_mps)
      update_time = range_object.expand("%version")[0]
      if options.verbose:
        print "update_time from " + current_querying_mps + " is " + update_time
    except seco.range.RangeException, e:
      if options.verbose:
        print "mps is not responding to range requests"
      print "+mps_offline"
      print "=mps=" + current_querying_mps

    current_time = time.time()
    freshness = current_time - int(update_time)
    if options.verbose:
      print "current_time is " + str(current_time)
      print "freshess is " + str(freshness)

    # 60 seconds * 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
    if freshness > 3600:
      print "+range_data_invalid"
      print "=mps=" + current_querying_mps
      # print freshness out in minutes instead of seconds
      print "=freshness=" + str(freshness / 60)

      range_clusters = range_object.expand('%index:' + fqdn)
    except seco.range.RangeException, e:
      if "NO_CLUSTER" in str(e)\
        or "NOCLUSTER" in str(e):
          print "+no_range_clusters"

    if range_clusters:
        for cluster in range_clusters:
          if options.verbose:
            print "(+) range cluster is " + cluster

          for KEYS in range_object.expand('%{'+ cluster +'}:KEYS'):
            for KEY in KEYS.splitlines():
              if "CLUSTER" == KEY:
                range_data[cluster] = cluster
            if options.verbose:
              print "(+) key is " + KEY
                single_expansion = '%{'+ cluster +'}:' + KEY
                for object in range_object.expand(single_expansion):
          # single range metadata is the object that becomes the cfengine class.
               single_range_metadata = cluster + ":" + KEY + "_" + object
          single_range_query = cluster + ":" + KEY

          # here, we just set the actual range query next to the cfengine class in a dict so its easy to see from the
          # /etc/range_classes.conf file what range query was executed to grab this class value
                  range_data[single_range_metadata] = single_range_query
              if options.verbose:
            print "(+) single expansion is " + single_range_metadata
            print "(+) range query is " + single_range_query

        # The only way we can determine a machine's fabric reliably is by looking at whatever glu-agent is configured with.
    # This is probably a hack, but, we can only discover range tags on glu deployed services.  The below regular expression
    # match is literally looking at the range cluster returned by the glu agent.  At some point in time, this will probably have to
     # be replaced with something more reliable -- but for the time being, this should give us range tags on 99% of our infrastrcuture.
        fabric = ""
        for key,value in range_data.iteritems():
          if re.match('\w+.agent.1$', key):
            fabric = key.split('.')[0]
        if fabric:
          host_tag_query = fabric +'.host_tags:' + fqdn
          for HOST_TAGS in range_object.expand('%' + host_tag_query):
            if options.verbose:
              print "(+) Host tags is " + HOST_TAGS
            range_data["host_tags_" + fabric + "_" + HOST_TAGS] = host_tag_query

      except seco.range.RangeException, e:
        print "+invalid_range_data"
        if options.verbose:
          print "range exception was " + str(e)

  except timeout_exception:
    print "+range_server_timeout_exception"
    print "=mps=" + current_querying_mps
    if options.verbose:
      print "range timeout"
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)

  p = re.compile(r'[-+%.()=*,:\/"]')
  holder = ""

  for key,value in range_data.iteritems():
    # Make sure our item is now alphanumeric after we substituted unscores for the periods, dashes and colons
    holder = "range_class_" + p.sub('_',key)
    if options.verbose:
      print "(+) holder is " + holder

    if re.match('[a-zA-z0-9_]',holder):
      range_classes[holder] = value
      print "+invalid_range_data"
      if options.verbose:
        print "invalid character string found.  holder was " + holder

if __name__ == '__main__':
  Query the range servers and set global classes within Cfengine based upon their output.  When complete, dump data into a JSON file.
  If for whatever reason we can't query the range servers, then read the range class data from this file instead of querying the range
  servers directly.  This allows for "persistant classes".

  parser = OptionParser(usage ="usage: %prog [options]",
    version ="%prog 1.0")
  parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
    action = "store_true",
    dest = "verbose",
    default = False,
    help = "Enable verbose execution")
  parser.add_option("-p", "--primiary",
    action = "store",
    dest = "mps1",
    help = "Which primary URL to query against? This is the primary MPS.  REQUIRED")
  parser.add_option("-s", "--secondary",
    action = "store",
    dest = "mps2",
    help = "Which secondary URL to query against?  This is the secondary MPS.  REQUIRED")
  parser.add_option("-t", "--third",
    action = "store",
    dest = "mps3",
    help = "Which third URL to query against?  This is the third MPS.")
  parser.add_option("-f", "--forth",
    action = "store",
    dest = "mps4",
    help = "Which forth URL to query against?  This is the forth MPS.")
  parser.add_option("-n", "--fqdn",
    action = "store",
    dest = "fqdn",
    help = "What FQDN do you want to query for?  This will not write to /etc/range_classes.conf, it will only print to STDOUT.  The jumpstart servers use this option to determine if a client has range classes in use before reimaging the box")

  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

  if options.mps1 is None and options.mps2 is None:
    print "Primary and secondary MPS or URLs are required for this script to operate.  Exiting now."

  range_classes = {}
  fqdn = ""

  if not options.fqdn:
    # this is normal client execution.
    if "linkedin.com" not in platform.node():
      fqdn = platform.node() + ".linkedin.com"
      fqdn = platform.node()
    # we've passed fqdn on the CLI, so, make sure linkedin.com is in it.
    if "linkedin.com" not in options.fqdn:
      fqdn = options.fqdn + ".linkedin.com"
      fqdn = options.fqdn

  if options.verbose:
    print "(+) fqdn is " + fqdn

  # Attempt to query both MPS for range data.  If we don't get a valid response from either one, then bail.
  if not execute_range_query(options.mps1):
    if not execute_range_query(options.mps2):
      if not execute_range_query(options.mps3):
        if not execute_range_query(options.mps4):
          print "+invalid_range_data"
          if options.verbose:
            print "invalid range data from all master policy servers"
  if not options.fqdn:
    # This is normal client execution.  We should be querying range and dumping the output to /etc/range_classes.conf to set Cfengine classes on.
    if options.verbose:
      print "(+) fqdn was not passed to the CLI.  Dumping data to /etc/range_classes.conf"

      with open("/etc/range_classes.conf", mode="w") as fh:
        json.dump(range_classes, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=3)
      print "+successful_range_query_completed"
      print "+invalid_range_data"

    # We've specified a fqdn on the cli, so, print to stdout instead of dumping to /etc/range_classes.conf.  The jumpstart servers execute this to determine if a machine has range classes against it or not.
    if options.verbose:
      print "(+) fqdn was passed to the CLI.  Printing to stdout instead of dumping to /etc/range_classes.conf"
    for key in sorted(range_classes.iterkeys()):
      print key + " : " + range_classes[key]


This produces something similar to the following:

# cat /etc/range_classes.conf
   "range_class_ech3_cdo_1": "ech3.cdo.1",
   "range_class_ech3_cdo_1_URL__http___cdops_prod_linkedin_com_": "ech3.cdo.1:URL",
   "range_class_inops_mfg_sun": "inops.mfg.sun",
   "range_class_inops_model_sun_fire_x4170": "inops.model.sun_fire_x4170",
   "range_class_inops_state_production": "inops.state.production",
   "range_class_inops_type_device_server": "inops.type.device.server"

The LHS is used as Cfengine classes.   The RHS is what we used to query range.

In failsafe.cf, we execute this module by executing this:

        "range_classes_defined"    expression    =>    usemodule("module_probe_range_classes -p $(shared_global_environment.mps1)
                                                    -s $(shared_global_environment.mps2)
                                                    -t $(shared_global_environment.mps3)
                                                    -f $(shared_global_environment.mps4)","");

At this point, /etc/range_classes.conf is on disk.   To make the classes active, we execute this simple bash script.

    # Again, never ever disable this module.  Cfengine will fall apart if you do.
        "define_range_classes"    expression    =>    usemodule("module_define_range_classes.sh","");

 # cat /var/cfengine/modules/module_define_range_classes.sh


# All of Cfengine depends on this module returning the results from /etc/range_classes.conf.  We query against range in failsafe.cf
# in module_probe_range_classes, which does nothing but put /etc/range_classes.conf down on disk.  This module actually makes the
# classes active.

# If you disable this module, Linkedin goes offline.  Dont fuck with it.

if [ -f /etc/range_classes.conf ]
  for CFENGINE_CLASS in `grep range_class /etc/range_classes.conf | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\"//g' | sed 's/://'`
    echo "+${CFENGINE_CLASS}"

Khushil Dep

May 31, 2013, 1:55:21 PM5/31/13
to Mike Svoboda, help-c...@googlegroups.com
"# If you disable this module, Linkedin goes offline.  Dont fuck with it."

Best Comment Ever! :-)

W. A. Khushil Dep - khush...@gmail.com -  07905 374 843
High Performance Web Platforms Architect & Engineer

Mike Svoboda

May 31, 2013, 1:56:51 PM5/31/13
to Khushil Dep, help-c...@googlegroups.com

Marco Marongiu

Jun 1, 2013, 6:20:38 AM6/1/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Mike, we'll have a look!

Il 31/05/2013 19:55, Khushil Dep ha scritto:
> "/# If you disable this module, Linkedin goes offline. Dont fuck with it."/
> /
> /
> /Best Comment Ever! :-)/

I remember at $PREVIOUS_JOB there was a script that ended with a print
instruction; if everything worked correctly, that should have never be
reached. Imagine the surprise by a colleague who saw in his report: "the
database said one-sidedly, and very democratically, 'f*** you!'"

I've laughed at that for weeks :)

-- M

Marco Marongiu

Nov 18, 2013, 11:08:14 AM11/18/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com
Hi all

I am commenting to this just to let you know that I ended up with my own
implementation of ENC. Those interested may want to read my post
"External node classification, the CFEngine way" at http://wp.me/p3wWVC-gu

-- bronto

Mike Svoboda

Nov 18, 2013, 11:41:59 AM11/18/13
to help-c...@googlegroups.com
Great blog post, and thanks for the shout out! 

Hopefully, this becomes incorporated into the product one day.   I always feel kind of sketched out about our implementation.  I fear that one day Range will get screwed up and Cfengine will then have garbage data to work with.    If there was some "official" solution from the Cfengine product itself, maybe there could be some additional safeguards put into external classification systems such as these.  (i.e. only allow the external classification system to update with a variance of some threshold.  If the variance is large, assume that the dynamic data import source is screwed.)


Brian Bennett

Nov 18, 2013, 12:51:16 PM11/18/13
to Marco Marongiu, help-c...@googlegroups.com
Great article. This is a very nice step by step, thorough explanation of using modules to define Cfengine data.

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Bas van der Vlies

Nov 19, 2013, 5:43:32 AM11/19/13
to Marco Marongiu, help-c...@googlegroups.com

On 18 nov. 2013, at 17:08, Marco Marongiu <bront...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> I am commenting to this just to let you know that I ended up with my own
> implementation of ENC. Those interested may want to read my post
> "External node classification, the CFEngine way" at http://wp.me/p3wWVC-gu
Good to read and helpful.

SURFsara has a new telephone number: +31 20 800 1300.

Bas van der Vlies
| Operations, Support & Development | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam
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