[haxe] Are there any 3d engines working on NME?

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Aug 7, 2012, 12:16:46 PM8/7/12
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
I looked at Sandy and awaylite briefly last night. Sandy seems fairly
broken for NME output at the moment, lots and lots of errors, but I
was only trying haxelib version maybe I tried the wrong imports, maybe
there is a more working one around for NME?
Away3dlite seems to rely on flash xml approach, I could avoid any
collada etc.. I guess there is no cross platform implementation of
e4x? But more importantly it also relys on GraphicsBitmapFill which
does not seem to exist in NME. I have not yet tried the papervision3d
haxe port as I know it's very old, but maybe that would be worth a try.

How do we do GraphicsBitmapFill in NME I did see a reference to it in
the NME source but I did not follow how it would be used, I guess it
would be too tricky to retro fit the awaylite code with older away
code as the structures are likely to be too different.

Anyway just thought I would ask what's out there 3D wise for NME,
would ideally love some BSP 3D but I think that's rather high
expectations. Really just trying to work out all the stuff I have at
my disposal in flash and how to do them in NME, and 3D seems very
problematic at the moment.

I also looked round to see what c engines are around, but there is not
enough info out there to try using CFFI around one, I mean I can do
the basic CFFI on a good day after much thought and revision, but too
steep a curve without more examples out there. Anyway I am not keen
on developing something big, so was wondering if anybody else had, and
what thoughts developers had on 3d for NME I know it's been discussed
but not sure if it's progressed.




Aug 7, 2012, 1:08:19 PM8/7/12
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Hi Justin :)

NME frontend renderer on desktop and mobile uses OpenGL(ES) 1.x at the moment (I think Hugh is doing work on an upcoming OpenGL(ES) 2.x renderer as well). Which means that as far as NME is concerned, the whole display list is nothing more than a 3D scene.

Extrapolating from that, and assuming that you'd be targetting only mobile and desktop platforms, it pretty much means that you could use any OpenGL function quite easily on NME.

Now, here's the issue: there's no opengl binding for Haxe that you could use on NME as of now. It shouldn't be hard to implement (maybe as an NME extension), because you could basically write a one-to-one mapping, but it hasn't been done AFAIK (there's an opengl lib on haxelib, but it seems dated and I haven't tested it). If you need only a subset of OpenGL, you might be done with it quite fast.

Maybe Joshua or Hugh will have more pertinent advices on that, I'm just starting with this whole stuff some, so I might be wrong!

I hope that helped.


Aug 8, 2012, 12:25:12 PM8/8/12
to haxe...@googlegroups.com
Not sure what targets you're looking at, but Three.js with HaxeJS might be an option. http://www.joshuagranick.com/blog/?s=three.js
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