How to write chunks of data to a H5py dataset?

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Luiz Vitor Martinez Cardoso

Oct 17, 2013, 7:19:21 PM10/17/13

I'm struggling to find a solution where I could write an np.array object into a dataset inside a loop.

What I need to do exactly is to save N tuples inside a dataset interactively

f = h5py.File('PriceCheckWrite.h5', 'w')

dgroup = f.create_group('PCAnalytics')

dset = dgroup.create_dataset('PCWrangler',
                             shape=(100, ),

raw_data = ('', '#live', 18874368, '', 1377186528)

for i in range(0, 1000):
  dset[...] = np.array(raw_data,

How can I create an infinite dataset? How can I write to a dataset like I write to a simple Python file? Do I need to flush() on every write?

Best regards,
Luiz Vitor.

Andrew Collette

Oct 18, 2013, 12:38:42 PM10/18/13

> I'm struggling to find a solution where I could write an np.array object
> into a dataset inside a loop.

The simplest solution for your example is to use indexing on the dataset:

for i in xrange(0,1000):
dset[i] = <data>

Dataset objects support the same kinds of indexing & slicing as real
NumPy arrays.

> How can I create an infinite dataset?

Dataset axes need to be of a finite size. But you can declare certain
axes expandable by using the "maxshape" keyword:

create_dataset("name", (1000,), dtype, maxshape=(None,))

Then you can use the "resize" method to change the shape:

> Do I need to flush() on every write?

No; if Python exits cleanly (even in response to an exception), the
file will be properly closed.


Luiz Vitor Martinez Cardoso

Oct 21, 2013, 3:29:58 PM10/21/13

Thank you, H5py is awesome!

I tried what your said but now I find two new problems.

Do you know how costly is a resize operation?

Do you think that applying a resize() operation on each loop iteration is a bad idea?

for i in xrange(0,1000):
    dset[i] = <data>

The reason for doing that is that in my scenario I can't predict how many rows I'm going to use until I process all data be stored using H5py.

If I simply define a big dataset size and the data processing results in a smaller dataset then that, I'll get several "blank" rows.

Best regards,

Luiz Vitor.

Luiz Vitor Martinez Cardoso

Oct 21, 2013, 7:02:35 PM10/21/13

I was searching more about it and found a post from yours giving some suggestions for the same problem... finally I came up with the following code:
import h5py
import numpy as np

wrangler_type = { 
    'names': ['dst_ip', 'src_ip', 'payload_type', 'payload', 'timestamp'],
            'formats': ['|S15', '|S15', 'i4', '|S100', 'i4']
  f = h5py.File('/tmp/PriceCheckWrite.h5', 'w')
  dgroup = f.create_group('PCAnalytics')
  CHUNCK = 100
  dset = dgroup.create_dataset('PCWrangler',

write_count = 1
for i in [(...), (...), ...]:
                   if not (write_count % CHUNCK):
                   dset[write_count] = np.array(i, dtype=price_check_wrangler_type)
   write_count += 1
dset.resize(write_count, 0)

But for my surprise it is ~20x slower than a similar implementation that writes direct to a CSV file.

Most of time is spend on writting "dset[write_count] = ..." and I already tried to disable compression.

Do you have any insight on it?

Best regards,
Luiz Vitor.

Em segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013 17h29min58s UTC-2, Luiz Vitor Martinez Cardoso escreveu:Andrews,

Matthew Zwier

Oct 21, 2013, 10:33:16 PM10/21/13
Hi Luiz,

Your chunk size is only about 14k. That will trigger a ton of writes to disk regardless of compression. Try defining CHUNCK=2000 (or even 2500) and see if that improves the situation.

Matt Z.

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Andrew Collette

Oct 22, 2013, 12:33:52 PM10/22/13

>> dset[write_count] = np.array(i, dtype=price_check_wrangler_type)

> But for my surprise it is ~20x slower than a similar implementation that writes direct to a CSV file.
> Most of time is spend on writting "dset[write_count] = ..." and I already tried to disable compression.

The biggest issue is that you are writing to the dataset one element
at a time. There's a certain amount of overhead involved in making a
write, so you will get much better performance if you write multiple
entries at once, for example:

dset[0:100] = np.ones((100,), dtype=mydtype)

Chunk size is also important, as Matt pointed out, although 14k is
technically OK (we recommend an absolute minimum of 10k).


Luiz Vitor Martinez Cardoso

Oct 24, 2013, 10:21:08 PM10/24/13
Now I'm able to store my data as fast as when I was writing a simple CSV file and with the benefit of having a 100x smaller file size.

Thank you guys!

Jun 19, 2015, 1:58:59 AM6/19/15
Hi Andrew,

I have recently started using h5py and is confused about the overhead for saving data to disk. This thread is relevant, so I hope you could clarify for me the following points.

1. Originally I thought that every time data is assign to elements of a data set e.g.:

dset[0:100] = np.ones((100,), dtype=mydtype)
it gets stored to disk. But then the PYTHON and HDF5 book also mentions flushing the buffers. It is unclear to me under which circumstances I would need to use flush() since currently I do not use this command but data gets saved.

2. Also when using chunked storage as follows:
dset = f.create_dataset("big dataset", (1024**2, ), dtype=np.int32, chunks=True)
the data should be stored in chunks. Then why is there still an overhead for writing individual elements to a data set?

Jérôme Kieffer

Jun 19, 2015, 2:33:53 AM6/19/15
On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:58:58 -0700 (PDT) wrote:

> 2. Also when using chunked storage as follows:
> dset = f.create_dataset("big dataset", (1024**2, ), dtype=np.int32,
> chunks=True)
> the data should be stored in chunks. Then why is there still an
> overhead for writing individual elements to a data set?

Chunks should be the chunk size. it should be around 1MB, here you set it to 4bytes (True*sizeof(np.int32)) which is relevant.

Andrew Collette

Jun 19, 2015, 12:13:32 PM6/19/15

> 1. Originally I thought that every time data is assign to elements of a data set e.g.:
> dset[0:100] = np.ones((100,), dtype=mydtype)
> it gets stored to disk. But then the PYTHON and HDF5 book also mentions flushing the buffers. It is unclear to me under which circumstances I would need to use flush() since currently I do not use this command but data gets saved.

You don't need to manually flush to disk. The example you have here is fine.

> 2. Also when using chunked storage as follows:
> dset = f.create_dataset("big dataset", (1024**2, ), dtype=np.int32, chunks=True)
> the data should be stored in chunks. Then why is there still an overhead for writing individual elements to a data set?

There is still slicing, type conversion, etc. In general, writing or reading large blocks of data (within reason) will minimize the overhead.


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