Action<BatchResult> batchAction = new BatchAction(OnException.CONTINUE, new ActionA(), new ActionB()) {
public String getServiceName() {
public boolean isSecured() {
return false;
dispatchAsync.execute(batchAction, new AsyncCallback<BatchResult>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
Window.alert("Error: " + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(BatchResult result) {
Window.alert("Successfull !");
public class MyBatchAction extends BatchAction {
MyBatchAction() {
super(OnException.CONTINUE, new ActionA(), new ActionB());
public String getServiceName() {
public boolean isSecured() {
return false;
public class MyBatchActionHandler implements ActionHandler<MyBatchAction, BatchResult> {
BatchActionHandler handler = new BatchActionHandler();
public BatchResult execute(MyBatchAction action, ExecutionContext context) throws ActionException {
return handler.execute(action, context);
public Class<MyBatchAction> getActionType() {
return MyBatchAction.class;
public void undo(MyBatchAction action, BatchResult result, ExecutionContext context) throws ActionException {
handler.undo(action, result, context);
public class ServerModule extends HandlerModule {
protected void configureHandlers() {
bindHandler(ActionA.class, ActionAHandler.class);
bindHandler(ActionB.class, ActionBHandler.class);
bindHandler(MyBatchAction.class, MyBatchActionHandler.class);
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