ManuActually our Union Government is taking some steps. In Wind energy we are already fourth largest producer in the world. And the Government has already instituted policy which targets renewable energy to constitute 10 % of our energy basket. We are already close to 8 %.The JNNSM has already provided a very good policy support for Solar energy. The last Union Budget has imposed a cess of Rs 50 per Tonne of Coal produced in India to fund the renewable initiatives.Unlike China which is directly investing in large Solar plants, our Government has a more appropriate policy of Feed in Tariffs and it does not try to select technology winners.More needs to be done, but its not all bleak. Also we point out that our per Capita emissions are low compared to the developed countries. But our population size effectively negates that. For the land area we have we actually are a much higher contributor to Climate change than Europe or US. We can talk about historical responsibility and how movement of manufacturing to the developing world has skewed matters, but the fact is there is some work to be done on our side.Finally can you or some one from your initiative put in lay mans terms what exactly you want the Government in terms of policy support. Please note that I appreciate the efforts you are taking and I am simply trying to understand your position better.MoreshOn Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:50 AM, Manu Sharma <> wrote:
The second disclosure under a comprehensive RTI campaign undertaken by Climate Revolution Initiative is now online. It shows that the govt. is withholding key climate policy information. Full press release included below.Content on the previous disclosure on climate science has also been updated on RTI Initiative section of Climate Revolution website. It now features the actual RTI applications and their replies in an easily accessible manner.Thanks,ManuYou received this message because you are subscribed to Green-India
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The coal cess should go some way in building the National Clean energy fund corpus.
cost per unit of energy generated is not a static figure. Innovation happens. Whats costly today becomes cheaper tomorrow.
Fledgling technologies require some amount of state support with an eye on the future.
if we apply the yard stick of current cost for generation and energy sequestered then you are removing any incentive for innovation. We will be left behind and forced to import all the technologies from other countries.
Secondly the criteria of job creation is a big no no.
If we use that logic we would have still been using handlooms and would have never moved to power looms.
Introducing artificial barriers in the growth of our economy is a sure fire way of hampering job growth.
Also when we say a nudge is important it just has to be limited to a nudge and we must not try to hold hands and direct the growth of the industry.
Finally since the core issue is tackling climate change then why not strike at the root. Instead of providing feed in tariffs for solar or going by the above mentioned criteria why not put a cost on carbon ?
A cost on Carbon will directly hamper the use of coal and fossil fuels and promote movement towards cleaner energy. Also it does not try to select technology winners or tries to solve ethical and moral dilemmas of whether that action generates jobs. Why not leave it to market forces which are a more efficient and reliable means of addressing this issue ?
We need an Intra-National Carbon Trading mechanism that should prep us for our future accession as an equal responsibility member to Kyoto.
BTW, I agree with you on the need for raising awareness of the issue and having a rational debate on the issues at hand. Your group is doing a good job in utilizing the RTI. Citizens need to hold their Governments accountable.
HI all,
The Budget has imposed a cess of Rs. 50/ PMT on coal to be used to fund the MNRE.
The Solar Mission in Phase ONE does not require any budgetary support since it is being supported by the unallocated power of NTPC. So what will this cess be used by the MNRE for?
Any information?
Sandeep Shriya
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Hi Manu,On account of fraud i think both the carbon tax and a cap and trade are similar as in the role of regulators, monitoring agencies and governments. So if there is a taxation policy, but the target audience can escape taxes by way of fraudulent reporting, there would still be no guarantee of emission reduction.
On a side note, I hear this line tossed about often that "the PLF for Solar power plants is low." Can someone elaborate why exactly is this ? Simply trying to understand.
At a good site in India, a panel may produce say, only 1700 kWh annually.
But the insolation in India is around 5 kWh per sq mtr per day. So if
we have a 33% efficient system like suncube, then it should deliver
1.65 kWh per day i.e 1.65 units of electricity per day.
Multiply that by 300 sunny days and the figure is more close to 500
units per year. For a 1 KW system you would potentially need 3
Suncubes rated at 330 Watt each. That will give you 1500 units of
electricity ever year.
Am I completely of in my calculations or close ?
In the case of windfarms 14% PLF is very much on the lower side today. No windfarm set up in the recent past in Tamilnadu works at a PLF below 25%. Many are above 30%. The maximum PLF reported in 2009 in South India was 40% from Karnataka. These data can be verified from C-WET.
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I am hardly an expert on this but from what I gather PLF has nothing to do with efficiency of your module. Simply put its what your system actually produces divided by what it can produce if the sun shines 24 X 7 and everything else worked optimally.