I actually use this feature all the time.
Use Case:
Production throws an error in the UI, but we don't know why. Ok, let's
1. Set eclipse to use the remote URL [url parameter in above reply]
(i.e. pull the RPC requests through that Prod site).
2. Checkout the exact version that is built for that Prod release (or
you'll get RPC deserialization errors) to your local Eclipse.
3. Launch in Eclipse as remote dev mode point at the URL in 1.
4. Step through whatever UI exceptions or breakpoints you want.
Of course you can also set server side (backend Java) breakpoints if
you have a port opened for debugging there. This is a killer feature
of GWT.
On Feb 24, 7:42 am, Thomas Broyer <
t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> DevMode takes the -startupUrl parameters (you can have more than one
> actually), adds the appropriate ?gwt.codesvr and shows you the URLs so you
> can easily open them in your browser. So if you need to open /ALS/ in your
> browser to run the app (in prod mode), then passhttp://.../ALS/to the