TimeField, along with all other ComboBox subclasses, by default filters results in the drop down based on what text is present in the text field - thus, if only one value matches, that is all that will be displayed. To turn this behavior off, invoke the setTriggerAction(TriggerAction) method with the TriggerAction.ALL enum value, instead of the default, TriggerAction.QUERY. Otherwise, you will find you can delete a character or two, and more entries will be displayed.
On Friday, November 16, 2012 7:18:01 PM UTC-6, anishreddy wrote:
I am using GWT com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.TimeField for
display of time in a day.I have to select a time of a day to get record
based on it.
For the first time the display is correct.But once after selecting
time from next time onwards it is displaying scrollable time with only
one item.
Which to seems to be a problem.
Could any one give any ideas to resolve it.
I am sending screen shot as an attachment doc.