Hey guys,
Similar to my cache/manifest post, I'm trying to create the most lightweight JSON conversion algorithms I can. When I try to include a toJSON/fromJSON funciton in my beans, I'm getting nasty serialization errors. The problem lies in the com.google.gwt.json.client.* classes not being serializable. Is there any way I can get around the Serialization issue without having to remove the JSON imports in my class? I'd like to keep the code tidy by leaving the translation (to/from) methods in the beans, but not at the expense of RPC serialization.
The overall goal is to be able to serialize my beans on the client so that I can push them into a LocalStorage key. Is there a better way to do JSON serilzation on the client in GWT? I'd also be interested in any other serilazation stratgies that are lightweight, fast and useful on the client.
Has anyone else tackled this problem? Thanks!